HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-11-26, Page 1f W HOL 5BER 1701 GOD*RIOH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1880.' ( McEILLICIYDDY BROS.. Pt;stuttsa. .1.56 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. TUE HURON SIGNAL 1s published every Friday Morning,by Mo- GIU.I UDUY linos.. et their Otgce, North St., toff the Squarel GODERICH, ONTARIO. And L deapet.ibed to all parte of the surround - leg oountr) by the earliest trails and trains. By general admission it has a larger clrouia- tote than any other newepeper In this part of the country, and le one cr the raciest. nnwsies: and newt reliable Journals In Oatarlo, Possessing. as It does, the lore-guingessentials. and being in addition to the above, a frit -class family and nreslde ptper -It is therefore a most desirable advertising median. Tgalts.- 41.50 to advance, pustalie pre -paid h ubltahcri. 11.75, it paid before six months; pion It not ee paid. This rule will be strictly eforced . It kTer or .tDvawrialNO. Stent creta per line for first Insertion ; throe ce is per nue for each subsequent lnenetlua. Yearly, half -yearly and quarterly contracts at reduced rates. Jan rtteTsasi.-Ne have also alino:clam iobbtua department lu conneoUon, and poesee e ser the moat complete out -fit end best facilities ter turning out work in Goderlch, are prepared to de business in that line et priors; that cannot be boatel,. an 1 of a quality that cannot be .urp twee.'. Terse Ca.A. Mikliaucropy Bees., Proprietors. Dentistry. NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - /NA. TM. Omoe and residence. West Street, three doors below Bank of Montreal. Gode- rto h 175! Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR= RCI. Attorne7s, Solleitors, etc.. Godsrtei J. T. Ostrow. W. Proudfout 1751. B. L DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D Oodaeic4 , Solicitor In Cbaneer717SL SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S - h , ( TERS, kc., kc., Godertch and Wfngham. C. Seeger. Jr.. Ood.rtch. J. A. Morton, Wing - bass. 1761. Q MALUOMSON, BARRISTER ANI' Solioker. ecce --Dormer of West Street adMa `et Solara over George Adman's, LI CAMPION, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, /elicitor (a Convey- ancer Ike. Mee over Dittoes store, Godo - rick. b Out Any amount of money to loan et Lowest rates ef Interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, d Solicitors la Chancery. ko., sierteh end Ingham. M. C. Cameron. ( : P. Hold 55, O. asneroa, Ooder ch. W. Z. I mm 1761. .. iiiscellaneo s tarda. r t8MAILL, ei,pARCHITECT, T ,rata ode - 17. Pleas a•dv ow drawn oowork 0.ed eteeetsuid s' t • and mason i work WEA V ING DONS NEAR THE OLD Horse Honk Ehogesea Street. ooderlch. Re(Yeeace-MRS. M11 .R. Ranee. . 176L STRATF')RD BINDERY-SBTAB- LIBHED I .Thtsess•Mfshassatlsohtdly devoted to yob and 1bnry work, li to them nnl+Y sad seneemleal half OYr and mor - mem styles. In all sats the bora of stock and worksamIed ever J ilSMoa dreg store. 'G OROS STONIL y CIOMMSROIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- .i NON.-T►Y lns.dss hotel. has recently be,. rdfsd and improved so as to runtish the best postlas Meemmed•tins to the travelling psb . Geed liquors sad choke viands a s/aslaliy. As attentive seller always on sad sseoYsmt seabiMg and sheds, on the Then Ywgrlater. 1761. Loans anb insurance. 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON, HOLT k CAMERON Glide - nob. tris. *75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ZS DOYLEIMOsdsrt favavmbtash. Apply to 11161 *.0,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND cam good Iters sr Sant -dam Tewe property per Deet App&J to R. RADCLIFFE.- 1761 I71 PER C!NT.-PRIVATE TUNDS lend et th1161 e above carats en frstchiss se - k AOBTOlf. Oeisti le at ease IMAGER MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST 1lesMas et sressenW rats of Ingest .iia erwasr sats en !r.0. A 1 M MOM TO LBMD. -A L A R G E sta.u.t orf Pii;M. r far .rte MODEST TOSLOAN. t.aTHE CANA- rofe Lins E 3 ent Eau, proisiit>b Menai is leas 4 Gua Osla/ r tadluldnals- apt Ap 2 HA 'nil 90,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND IP cam M and Yaws Prepay et MINK lla- N~ reaasaeNw. 1.a1t."`" 6•"•suiL° i.. tallyIV R. L >ltieraea ' 4% MIIIIIIMga Mebor is lbws er ~tiedt . theasiV ika i NAMTRANCE OARD.. Bk 1HH Asst 00'T. Toteswry ge s' t' SPHMX: R. OffT et Le see iaepBsailnet tlorrif ltD CIVy, of ftAarsmcs. Casa, lbisableshee rh. Mw. rens'• " BORA (rBOR9't1N d et A rtrtilarriareirrilmitleiln to lose as Oteltellees sseer+a. a.. t. per non A 17! ROST OW Aoien se► kept ra las flit Sonsorial U• TKNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- . and Hair -dresser, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage, and solicits a continuaanoe of custom. He oaa alwa s bo found et his Shaving Parlor, war the Post Deice. Goderieh. 1755 JRebtcal. LT G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- `A. clan, Surgeon and Accoecher, Graduate of Toronto University. Office Camer- ron & Cameron's Bank, Luuknow. If not In oldce, enquire at the Bank. 1783-y. F. B. LUNDY, M. D., PHYSICIAN, Burgeon and A000ueher, graduate of To- ronto and 'frail Universities. Office first door South of Wbyard's Liu shop. Dungannon. 1751. DR. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OEON, Coroner. 6to. Omoe and residence en Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1751. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians, Surgeons, A000acben, kc. OSloe aDr. Shannon's residence, near the JaU, Goderich. G. C. Su segos% J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1751. rAIKRNNHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR . to 1)r. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary COUego. (Oce, stables and residence, on Newgate Street, four doors east ofColborne Hotel, N. B. -Horses examined as to sound - nein. 1751. lantea. SEWING GIRL WANTED POR A few days. Mast be able to oat and fit. Appbily) during the next three days from 10 to is o'clock. tes MCGILLICUDDY, South Street. ANTED. -ASSISTANT TEACH- ER for 3. S. No. 1 Township of Col- borne for 1881. Applications sating certifi- cate en 1 salary will be received until Dec. 3rd, 1890. W. 1. YSnovaoN, Sec., Carlow P. 0. 1763-11. FOUR TEACHERS WANTED -FOR Public School, GodeNch. Salaries, 0, 4635, 5300 and =300. Applicants to state grade of Certificate, The undersigned will reodve applications untilNov.66, 1bR)f). W. MITCHELL, Secretary, B. 8. (`CORDWOOD WANTED. -THE UN - J DERNIGNED, having purchased the Do- minion Salt Brook, is now prepared to buy all kinds of cordwood, for which Dash will be paid. For farther particulars, apply to Chas. A. Nairn, the Square ; or at the Star Belt Works. JOHN Square SCOBIE. 1753 AGENTS Wanted -Big Pay. Light Work. Constant employment. No Capital required. JLe saLss k Co.. Moo - treat. Quebec. 1715. So Let. rPO LIT -A BLAOKSMITH SHOP A Conveniently situated. being in the im- mediat vie of MU1. Hotel and PostOmoe. jobbing. Is • SLOood stand or horseshoeing and house, and shoe ppe story is reared chane for • good Blacksmith and Shoemaker. Apply at onoe to R. J. H. Dutton°, Port Albert{u HOUSE TO LET - A GOOD imitable hoose on Wen Streett,, Goderich itable for. boarding house or DNvate )tesl- denoe. Possession 15th Nov. '"1rr'erne eery. Apply to Jas. BoonASAir, Planing MMU. 17git•. STORE TO LET, ON V I O T O R I A Street. recently occupied by Mrs. Adam. The store is oommodloas sad well furnished with shelves and drawers. A verycomplete dwsoft water overhead.is also i nth- the building. The stand is • good Doti. and is In close prox- imity to the Show Ground. Terms are reasonable, and will be made known en ap cation to D. K. STRACHAN. Blacksmith- 1 She People's Column. BOAR FOR SERVICE -A PEDI- GREE Berkshire boar (from Bow Park) for servloe. Terms i1 to be paid at time of service. e. SYEGMILLER. Boron Road. LI R. WATSON HOUSE, SIGN sad Ornamental Painter,. Parlor decor- ating mad. • apeotalty. Mumma, Guerre, GLAwee. Shop on Norah Street. opposite the Registry Omoe. Goderloh. 1751 SHAWL FOUND. -A SHAWL, NOT woolem was touted by the .ubsoriber, rolled op nab plate between Anthony Allan's and Dunlop'sUh 1, on the is of ()let The own- er can have the same by proving property and p ying Ohargee. Kes. BROWN SRarrAiD, iso 1, eon 10, Iblborn*. Nile P. 0. 1761, NOoT IrCE.-oT'HE COUNtCIL OF THE of the meet to the lbws Hall 1. the Toy ws of Whigwill Whig - bun ea Tusdav the Na December seat. All seeeents meat be ted betbre the first seslf3esapet esss.4 of seating. Perms NN6e►A . fiid Q 17pdt For Sale. 'VARA. TOR SALE. -W RT HALF Let Nall Ose. Towswhipkk M ameso.55 clewed, s bush;• ndeewvveh-utsees !nouse and g epr5* at Crdoer. - rind.* hs -sold on reams - terms. OW to Ere. ansae Pam on the pe ince Hill0., Goderlah_'Fp.: or teoaoaw Altarrtuo. Bsek Store, G000NN rich 'hat nest ss. H , OT AND LOTS NOB. 33 AND K Tided. and East etre*, ht las tow■ 0.4 1e8tor tam el hpr We ehsap, or win leers Phrpartielda 6edl M J Sstartr, Areldtsot, ease Crabb Meek er J.O. Oman aesYreser, I HEPPABD*Olt.-OMR,5 Meek en sedl Will wed on= .7 Peet MK slug benisons le vermis ajertionlme niaerrISI. ato et 1t•lf of w Gael Ori. WIT ems W , t VALUABLE FARM POR SALE. yLrt 11, dna K VA* On. poi iis i h i ww.rMisMa a erwvrrse. Estray Animals. FSTRAY HEIFER --CAME ON THE I precultio of the eabecriber. lot 6, con. i. Ashfield al l the 1st September, a itt:D AND Wixom Mg's*, rising three years old. The owner is rvqueated to prove property, pay chargee and take It away. Jinni CARET. ESTRAY STEER, -CAME ON THE premises of the subscriber, lot 10, con 1. Ashfield., white steer with red spots on 11; Also a nark on one ear. The owner 1s re- quested to prove property,pay chargee. and take41 away. Don ALD MM UtunY. 178.2. STRAY. -CAME ON THE PRE - T mixes of the anderelgned. Lot 13. 13 th con., Hallett on or about the Isi Sept., one two year old Heifer, and one one year old steer, both red and white. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expen- ses. Roemer I. Settaw. 1702-41.• E STRAY STEER -CAME ON THE promises of the subscriber, lot 10, eon. 4, township of Colborne. about the end of Sep- tember. a White Steer. coming two yearsold. The owner ie requeated..to prove property. pa1 argts and take It awsy•1'AT CK MILNE. S6TRAY EWE. -CAME ON T H E Rood. we st Colfborne undersigned bout t h lot Oct• stray ewe. Owaeris requested to prove pro- per`y,pp y expenses and take her awa IL alt STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the subscriber. Block D. Colborne, about July, four yearling steers. one grey. one red, and two red and white. Any person gleine such information as will lead to their recovery will be sultabliT rewarded. Ax.N- DER K CIL. SelltordAMISH- DER. 0. 1751.44 STRAYED. A HEIFER ABOUT one and a halfears old. red and white, pretty much roan, short and stout made. Any one giving me Inforsation of it will be suit- ably rewarded. WALTEII HiCK, Huron Road, Goderich P. 0. 1738-14 CAME ON THE PREMISES OF the subscriber, about the 100 of Novem- ber. two yearling steers, one red, and the other red and white. The owner 5+ requested to prove property. pay chargee and take them away. Wm. RosasrreoN. Benmiller P. (.. 1754-tt. GAME E.ITRAY. - TWO WHITE Heifers and one red and white heifer; came on the premises of subscriber about the and of Oct. The owner is requested to prove y. pay chargee and take them away. Das BrUEDY, lot, t, con 7. Goderich town- d lp. 1761 -AL Election Carus. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH. OCNTLEIrnr,-I bag to solicit your vote and influence at the ensuing election for the omce of REEVE, (Mr. Gerrow retiring) and 1n so doing would rely upon my past services on your behalf at e Town and County Council Boardth . In the event of opposition, I will state my views tally on our municipal affairs at the n omination, and If possible, make a personal canvass before election da Your obedient servant, FRED. W. JOHNSON. Goderich, Nov. 11th, lues. 1761-4t. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF OODERICH. GEIR'LZHErr, - The present Lt Deputy - Reeve, Mr. Johnson, having signified his in- tention of viewing as Reeve for the ensuing year. At the request of • large number of ratepayers I have consented to allow myself to be put In nomination as 1st DEPUTY REEVE, and If elected to this responsible position. I shall endeavor to look closely atter the interests of the ratepayers both at the Town Council and County Council Hoard. Your obedient servant WM. CAMPBELL, 1762. Eyed -At Sarnia, on Friday. Itkh last. the was of Mr. Geo. gyve!. of TI)e Observer, of a son. Mbar -In Colborne on Wednesday. 10th Inst, the wife of Mr. P. Falter of a daughter. Bry At Dnngannoe. on lithe inst.. the ' wile of Hrydges d a daughter. Stewart --1. Brussels. on Nov. 14th, the wife of Mr. John Stewart of • son. Hartwlok-in Braman, on Sunday, the 14th tett., the wife of We Geo. Hartwtck, of a daughter. Couch -7s Clinton, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. Arthur Couch. of a son. Oraoey-In Hallett em the 15th Inst. the wid- ow of Dr. W. J. Graoey. of • son. Smith -in Clinton, on the 15th Inst.. the wife of Mr. Walter Smith, of a daughter. Datong -In Port Albert, on the 31st Ind, e wile of Mr, R. .1. H. Dulong, of a daughter. ■ARatlty. Needham-Warriner--By Rev, A. McDonald, at the Manse. SWlbrth. on the 11th that Mr. Win. Needham. in Mary Ann Warriner, both of Seaforth. MoKay-Irvine.•--At Se•fortit, Nov. 11, by the Rev. C. W. Vollok, Wm. McKay, of Tucker - smith. to Mss iliaheth Irvine, of Marna Comities--Wade-At the residence of the bride's father, cam the 17th Inst. by the Rev. Themes. emes. B. C.. Kr. E. 0. Courtin*, of the Township of Dederick. to Mim Minnie Wade eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Wade. of the Township of Ooderioh. Tennaat- Resters At tie resideuee of Mr. John Ceaeshn.e W the Rev. Wm. Brywu on »th I.at, Mr. Jobs A. Tenant, to film Rogers. ail of ?tinkerer. Taylor -Lesch -la Londeaboro, on the 17th Wet, o. by t t Rey. r. eldest detester d. HenryHseTay- Leech.hterall et . R.15.tt Nr Wm. Sturdy -Ferris --At the residence nt the bride's father, by the Rev, N. Patterson Mr. Samuel Ettord to Janet. leis gdemeanor Mr. M OrtehtolA. Nethery Hendserson-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 17th inst, by Rev W. Birks Mr. John Nethery of Morris, to Mary EIlen second daughter e Mr. A. Henderson of East Wawanosh. Dunstow--Taylor At the Nile, os Wednesday, 57th MM.. at the r Misuse of (Sieben!). by 18. Rev. R Davey. Methodist Meister. Kr. J. DMerw. Csiberae, b Ulm .1 feeler Nile. Thesneem-litienrde in the Mans, Den - omens by Melte. R. W L.itnh on 13th Inst 66r. Tloesas nommen ol AshaeM. to Mee Twiny dwwa of Wawanesb. MM. Are.n, 4 p .d.rtr,h an the tech la.t Asdeews. seed .years sad ta i amen teat 13th test infant sem Teams_- fa . 0. ft the 11th tort marsh. ss .f r. s. Young, aged hist., prom. 1s en the tea r d 1 RIe empp, jew .sol f man lllek Dred 1 ow Wa• ,dn ' W A1 t,217. r' Awtr5Nall.g• ..1y71dv• 1 yswex NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A enders among ye, takln' notes, Aa' faith he'll prent It.' TOWN TOPIOB. Splendid sleighing. Now sharpen your skates. Dont forget to put bells on your horses. Millburn, the blind orator, lectures on Tuesday next. The "hum" of the buck -saw is heard in the land. Candidates should hand in their cards to THIS Sweat early. COMING. -A supply of beautiful type for cards, circulars and billheads. The Albion Hotel chimney was on fire on Tuesday evening. No damage done. Late mails have been the cause of much grumbling. The afternoon wail train arrives with regular irregularity. Those woolen hoods worn by the girls look cosy and antique, and give the dear young creatures quite a grandmotherish air. THE PULPIT. -Rev. A. M. McLean, of Blyth, occupied the pulpit of Knox Church last Sunday morning and even- ing. THE PaEss. -We understand that the Blyth Record has been purchased by Mr. C. Floody, who has been teaching in Goderich Township during the past year. SLstoHINs.-On Tuesday morning last a beautiful fall of snow came down, and the sleighing on the Lake Shore road was as good as the best for yeari past. Bacx NuMEEEa-Persons subscribing now, can get the back numbers contain- ing the story. We will give the paper untilJanuary,1882, for #1,00 -one year a. eu`,1con. GHANriptiD MILITARY CONCERT. -Do not forget that the Grand Military Entertain- ment takes places this (Friday' evening. A very good programme has been pre- pared for the occasion. The entertain- ment will be held in Victoria Hall. Horses SHIPPED. -Mr. A. M. Palley this week shipped to the Michigan mar- ket seventeen fine horses, principally from Bruce. This makes about one hundred horses exported by the above- named gentleman during the last twe months. Cu.LIANA.-Curling coninenced on the Goderich Rink on Wednesday last. A goodly number of the "chiela' were present, the ice was of the best, and the roars were loud and long. The season promises to be one of the best for many years. SALT Woaxs.-Mr.John Scobie, of Goderich, has leased the salt block on the south side of the railroad track, in Seaforth, from Messrs. Grey, Young & Sperling, and will run it in connection with his Goderich works. Mr. Joseph Kidd, of Dublin, has purchased the saw mill of Messrs. Louns- bury & Company, Seaforth, and has taken it down and removed the building and machinery to Goderich, where he is having it re -erected in Oonnection with his salt works. DROWNED. -Charles Walm 'ley, for many years a resident of Bluevale, and latterly a fireman on one of the steamers on the lakes, was drowned at Port Huron last week. He was well known to fre- quenters of the pier at this place. A loud wrangle over a game of chess in the Mechanics Institute on Tuesday evening, although it afforded consider- able amusement to many present, was hardly the thing for such a place. A quiet tongue and a clear head is what is needed at chess. As OLD Sirrn.se Goya - About 11 o'clock on Wednesday night, Michael Andrews, aged 8O yeas and 9 months, departed this life. He was • native of Linoolnahire, England, and came to this section nears fifty yeas gl ago. Thus one by one the oldilandmarks pas away. Capt.. Anderson of the steamer Que- bec, was presented on the down trip by the people of Primo. Arthur. Landing with a complimentary address and a purse containing $100, as a mirk of appreciation of his worth as a sailor, aad his bravery during therm* gale of het month. The Manitoba Raw Preis ewe:- " Mr. Eugene D. Carey, a law- yer from Ontario, has most suessaafd- ty his barrister examination here, an has been called to the Bar d Mani - tuba. W. oongratulate has Spee his suooes.' Let us also add our eseemenle- tto n. to a Goderich boy, sad ea cid friend. G000 Merles. -To those is seam& of bargains in holiday goads at say imwip- tion, or of the best goods b be obtained for the least money, we would 'patronise those who advertise to Two Srsl,AL The merchants who have bargains are gonevally found adveetie- itte them MunwANicx INSTIT VT* Ltaaain.-The Meehaais' Institute are mskisg a liege and valuable addition to their ilia bks being exceedingly well ▪ from weeks ism history, biography and Uwe/ The direelnrs are deserving of the e 1,•rty thanks of theth pubhie few e b.r manner in whish they are ppshrag the affairs of the institute. The library will anw he a viwy valuable on., and we would like to see it well patronised Tow mesons have road so widely that thwy eannM learn a geed deal yet town the melte net the s v.. orf th. Qod.rieh 113 ehsaia.' Library. Mr. Cox, P. 0. Inspector, of London, was in town during the week. Moorhouse's large advertisement was too late for insertion this week. STE.AYID ANusais.-Advertise strayed animals in THg SIGNAL See this week's list of estray cattle. Don't fail to hear " the Blind Matt eloquent " on Tuesday evening. His oratory is said to be something wonder- ful, and an intellectual treat may be ex- pected. The Stars and Stripes floated peace- fully from the Albion Bag staffyesterdsy, on the occasion of the U. S. Thanksgiv- ing All the public offices are closed on that day. Reruut o. -We are sorry to announce that Mr. John Acheson luta decided not to stand for municipal honors et the forthcoming election. Mr. Acheson has proven himself to be one of the best men now sitting at the Board, and it will not be easy to supply his place. Mr. Gor- don has also announced his determina- tion to retire. Senoouu Suwi. --The small schooner, William Wallace, of Wallaceburg, was sunk at the Grand Trunk dock early on Thursday morning. She had on board 334 barrels of salt, nearly all of which will be destroyed. The cargo belonged to Mr. Peter McKean, who was shipping it to Sarnia. The pressure of the ice is supposed to have caused the disaster. SAY A Goon WORD FOR IT. ---Our friends tan help to increase our circula- tion by saying a good word to their neighbors about Tun SioNAL-that is, if they think it deserves it. We would al. so like to receive items of news either written ..r verbal from any reliable; source. Send as the facts, and we will put them irt.• shape. Fob Tar Carra_ sra:i+:t++.-O• va • et - day morning last Wm. Johnston for, forgery, Arthur Sharkey, for cattle stealing, and Wm. Beaver, larceny, took passage for the Central Prison, in charge of Central Prison Bailiff John English, to undergo terms of one year, one year and three months, and nix months respec- tively. Mr. English will also recruit his force at Berlin and Guelph. Mr. James Oke, of the Central Hotel, Exeter, the heaviest loser by the Blake frauds, was in town yesterday. He says he followed the absconder to De- troit, but did not find him. When asked if he expected to be recouped at any time, Mr. Oke said that he hardly did, unless Blake got that $200,000 from his "fancy woman.Ms. Blake and two children are at present stopping in Goderich. An exchange says that one of the best and simplest remedies for the epizootic, now generally prevailing throughout the country, is a mixture of oil of tar and aesafoetide-one ounce of oil of tar and one drachm of asafoetida -ten drops of of which are given twice a day in the feed. Besides this a warm bran mash once a day is recommended. BINDING Reamers sr Man. -Judging by the fact that it is a common practice to send receipts for money by mail in an unsealed envelope, prepaid by a one cent stamp, it is not generally known that the postal regulations forbid the practice. Receipts for money should be sealed and prepaid by a three oent stamp or a one cent stamp accordingly as they are in- tended for delivery in the office where posted or are to be sent to a distenoe. A Femmes ORATOR. -Rev. Dr. Mill- burn, said to be one of the finest of living orators, has been engaged to de- liver a lecture in Viotoru Hall on Tues- day next, entitled "What a blind man saw in England." The press of Toronto and other 0.staiian cities give Dr. Mill- burn a very high place us a lecturer, and he draws large houses everywhere. Dr. Millburn's home is in Cincinnati, but his many friends in Canada like to hear hire often. His first appearance in Goderich will, we trust, be greeted by a largo audience. FDtaa*ltliN Rkrvageo. --Tho fisher- men of this town, who have been up on the North Shore of Lake Superior, re- turned home on Friday lad. The fish- ing was fair. They complain that the captain of the Mesmer Quebec agreed to bring them home but did not do .o, and they were thus left 100 miles from the Oanal, with scant provisions, and sur- rounded by an uninhabited wilderness. The steamer Ontario, at the risk of not Call through the ()anal, went out of ermine to see if they had been re- lieved from their situation and found them in a had state. The gratitude of lis 6Aessasa to Captain Robert.on for his Basely .a11 will be of a lasting nature. Is Tows. --Mr. Jobe %obi*, now of O.deeleh, was in town on Wednesday. We see sem to laws fres Mr. Soobis that he has bad C1eoehle with his Balt well end has not hese able to work it ret. Whoa be wee! te inset the tubing into his well he toned that while it was lying idle, sose p.t Des 8.d Placed pieces of boa in a, Ando sed swrotua ly choked ep the hole near the bottom. Hs set to work to drill Det these oh structioas, 5114 'ttst as he had got a hole through the d tools got fask and the steady labors a month have not yet removed them. He hops, however, i. get the bels clear inn taw dais new, when hs will be able to set his blocks in fell opeea!ior1 This misfortune has ere ehim oonniderabin loss both of time and money, whirs we hope he will be alis to make op when he gets going. --{Ilsatort8 Kaposter. Rau. OL*Aasn - Ww era plead 10 lyra that Mr Acobie sunoseded cu gatwrJ.y test in ntlearing the obstrrsc- elses hes hr salt well, and will aeon gel Wiese Meta, good working shape Speeding horses around the Square is all the go. Mr. A. H. Drumm, a Huron printer, has entered Knox College with the in- tention of studying for the Presbyterian Ministry. Horses from this county command good prices from American buyers. Last w.lek Mr. John Mason, Deputy -Reeve of Hullett, sold a apart of heavy draught horses for $310. The Lucknow village constable must be a person of some note in that clachan. At the last meeting of the Village Coun- cil he put in an appearance moat uproar- iously drunk, and despite the efforts of the Reeve to have hint dismissed, he was tendered "a fool's pitrdon." A nice guardian of the peace, truly. . THE New HYMNAL-Effortsare now being made to introduce the new author- ized hymn book into Knox Church, in this town. The matter is now in the hands of the Session, and in all probab- ility the use of the new hymnal will soon be a feature of the services in the (lode - rich Presbyterian Church. THa COMING Mt;Nt1 rtL ELECTION$. - Since the electors in this part of the. country have exercised their ranchise at an election an important chane has been made in regard te the uttede of marking the ballont. Sec. 4 chap. 24 of the Municipal Act of IWO says; "A voter may mark his ballot paper by placing a cross either (ss hereto fore) on the right hand side opposite the name of the candideto for whom he desires to vote, or M any other place within the division which contains the name of the candi- " date ; and section one hundred and forty- one of the Municipal Act is hereby amended in accordance with this section. Of which all those interested should talcct notice awl accordingly, AN AcTioN FOR DAMAGES. -We un- derstand that Mr. Joseph Williamson, better known as "Old Joe, the Huron Bard,' has entered an action against tno townships of Tuckersmith and Hullett for damages. It seems that a sidewalk has been erected from the bounds of the Clinton corporation to Stapleton, along the Huron Road. On this walk there is a flight of stairs on the Stapleton hill. Joe claims that he wail going along this walk one very dark night this fall and that he fell down these steps and broke some of his ribs, hence the action. The amount claimed, we believe, 1. $100. Whether or not Joe's ribs are worth the money is a question which, we presume, will have to be settled hereafter. -[Ex - positer. [Ex- positor. How To WRITE FOR THE PAPERS.-. Tine Boston Post hits the nail on the head when it says: Communications should be brief, and there are several reasons for this. In the first place wewapaper space is • valuable. The modern newspaper is never troubled with the old complaint of needing "something to fill up." The editor's scalpel is con- stantly reeking from the slaughter of live news matter and interesting mis- cellany. Short communications are much more likely to find readers than long ones are, and unless they are to be read it is much better not to publish them. More oontributors can be rere rented where the articles are short than when they are long, and one man hal§ as strong a claim upon rhe columns as another, provided he furnishes as inter- esting matter. A short article is usually more pithy and pointed than a long one. A subject should have many ramifications to demand more than half a column in a newspaper, while all that can be sieved even from that limit up to a certain point is apt to be an improvement. that prinoe of journalists, the late Samuel Bowles, ance apologized for a long edi- torial, and gave as his evcuse lack of time to wrile a short one. He express- ed xpresed an important truth in his usual epi- grammatic way. --[Ex. "THE R*AeoN of FAITH." -Dr. Ur. ave a very interesting lecture on the "Reason of Faith" to a fair audience in North St. Methodist Church on Thurs- day of last week. He testified to the supreme importanoe of the agency that removed moral blindness and opened the Theye to a knowledge of spiritual things. e great question of the hour was. "How are we to know that God speaks to us through the Scripture.?" Roman Oatholieum gave one cause for belief, and the Evngeliaal Church gaveanother. The Church of Rome contended that it was invested not only with the power of interpeting what the Scriptnrs said, but also of affirming what were end were not the autheytic portions of the snored Word. Wy gave them this authority? We are referred to the Bible itself for proof, although they toll us that to be an authority it must have the sanction of the Ohutah They first prove the au thentioity of the Divine Word by the au- thority of the Church, and then seek M prove the authority of the Divine Woe& Ththe authority of the Church, e universal consent of the Church et Ued (God's faithful people) to the truth of Scripture has its use, hurt this consent. does not form the real reason of faith What dos Evangelical Protestantism say oe the ambient? "Whereas nwos 1 wee Mind now 1 see, and now I know in my heart than things are true " This wee the prinoiipal reason of faith, hot God had also given evide o.. to his people in minimise of and miracles of Intel at liges. After dealing with the ar u stents widened by Francis Newman, Rea .eau, and ether learned sow ice, on the snhjoet of the "Reason of with,.' the rev speaker eland d his discourse vote of thanks to the lecturer was thea meviri by Ven. Arohdewton Elwood, sat. NNW by Mr Of* AAAmen. and own* samineuilly •