HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-11-26, Page 6• Tarn SAW.n. mum es • a adireoft' anal �wass; l •t aetir(aaess which theneseives ocat� mad furnish the plants with tss- wtial elements ut their growth, mind Oben. 1b t .only feeetoonipdd�thhee plants b as b7of nourishment. Qf i dwhich this latter lite as it is (ped. A of my double the meld 4 w3tsat oa • Rodd. lfow, w is it, that it will produce this themes on some bride, and *lot too when there is already snarled Inas in the soil to furnish all of that /aimed needed kr the growing crops far a more or hundred years to Dome t The Osill on which the lime has such a powr- ial inflow/0, 0,bogads is nndeeeapos.d ,wrpanic matter; thus lime deoompos es this Rasher and those ,compounds that are agafed by the growing plants. it is p'ioapally to the nitrogen compounds at bee tet the dummied prodelation is •mss The lime was rhe indirsot cause of thew* r .row,tb. 00,10 nplwtlas QF nae! ra{DDIO. I wisp do Mato that :ray experience m differs sonic►hat from that y Protegees Sanborn and well 1lo this part .d the tloantay cornstalks eta straw are mostly ted to ours duriag ihe winter seesaw ad- ditostotba. rW m LI aillieces In a guartts of meal each uiolit, and one cow, which I considered my hast, two quota each morning. To the others in tlbe morn- ing I gave one peck of mangolds est up. Thom. that bad the mangolds were mn a better condition thou the one that had corn meal only, is March the men - golds gave oat and I gave to each cow fear quarts of ooen meal daily fell off and became g(fite thin, and was obliged to give them hay in addition. I have tried feeding calves on mangolds and Sad them invaluable. Last fall I had a male Jersey calf that was very thin, but soon improved on one peck of rin marigolds each day and in the spg was much larger than many calves 6 months older. I think cattle are much healthier for being fed on roots, and are in better condition for grass, and consider too low an estimate has been given them in the articles named. I have tried both manplds and sugar beeta and consider the ets the best, and worth for the THE 0.111DEREIONK PURCHASE. A seek* of the resident' of Ottawa eateetwin the liveliest regard for Me, Onderdonk, the Yankee matador who purchwtl the four eontraote of the Pae $o hit red in British Ooluasby. It is not every day• aootraoaor coir to the Capital and vishl mime, ea ��y .tyle Sevupends we�iks before the tenders were received by the Govetaa..nt a Jetriab-lookieg pontos maimed Omen- ,iatimetely Mack- homer arrived oa the aid beams Intosk, of the ahem Thee person smb- s ogttest events showed to he sorely the ttsout of the prince who was to follow. Oppenheimer, howevr, knhis nein, and before Long hew ere appear i. (Mise a long letter examemating the IiSculties to be overcome by soy "ewe tauter who eadertook the oetsitetetion of this,work and tie immense capital it required. Th. avowed object of this letter by the person who wrote it Ems to deter cesltractors from tendering for the work, sad so cramposmpetitioa PPetri- otio work Mals, surely, was fora Tory edi- tor to be engaged in. By -and -bye Its. Onderdonk appeared upon the some, a young man Alf intelligent appearance, bright eyes, sod proposing manner. A suite of apartments m a local hotel was specially set apart for his um, and en- tertaining was eossmenoed oa a grand scale. Compete* Sowed like water. Private and Jovial dinner parties were the order of the day, Mr. Onderdonk was introduced by Mayor Mackintosh into the domestic circle of lending Con- servative politicians. A (Lbinet ter s home was frequently visited ; and Mr. Onderdonk taught to dans with his charming daughter. The bells rang merrily; but the day of tendering earnest Let. The impression by some strange means had been spread abroad that On- derdonk was merely the representative of Hon. Mr. Mills, a California banker, much as Oppenheimer had been his representative ; and it was further whis- pered that Onderdonk's instructions were to obtain the contracts at any rational cost. Little wonder then that when the tenders wore opened On- derdonk's tenders were away up in the list far frim the bottom, while a half dozen Canadian tenderers, too sharp for the young American, were nearer the Nothing daunted, Mr. Onderdonk to spend money more lavishly, purpose at least 16 cuts a bushel or EV an the rivulets of champage began to a ton. -{N. Y. Tribune. inc tease to a rushing torrent. to Mackintosh, aa might be expected, was 81111P IN WINTER _eating around the Beene, extracting Two extremes should be avoided in hone] from ever' flower. The lowest the matter of shelter One may be in- tender for sections o add were those by Messrs. A. P. McDonai4 :4T Co. An twelve gentlemen comprised this !tram, they soon became known as the "twelve apostles." The effects of the champagne and Mr. Onderdonk's peru•aively gol- den eloquence was to persuade these gentlemen to sell their contracts. Section B was awarded to a firm con- ned of Mewls, Jones, Goodwin, Hugh kyan, and Col. Smith. The latter de- clares in evidence that $100,000 was paid by Onderdonk for this contract; and that the money was equally divided be- tween the three, less $3,000 given as • bones by the other two contractor to Mr. Goodwin. Section D was awarded to Messrs. Kavanagh & Co., and they sold their contract to Onderdonk for a sum approximated at $16,000, as it was least valuable of the four. Five the thousand dollar n 'aid to have been further paid on account of eoatlsot, and that that amount was divided be- tween a Tory journalist, a Civil Service employee, and a third person. These persons, however, are generally credited with having received money for their services generally, apart from this con- tract. Altogether, it is estimated that Onderdonk for hotel bills, contract pur- chases, &c., left nearly $400,000 benind in Ottawa, apart from $300,000 in securi- ties deposited with the Government. When Mr. Goodwin comes before the Commission for examination he should be closely pressed to state whether a Civil Service employee supplies him with his figures; as rumour generally credits him with having an obscured source of information. Mr. Hugh Ryan should also be pressed in a similar manner; and further, to explain the wonderful inter- est Mr. Haggart, M. P., takes in his affairs. -{Globe. OW. e1• THS HURON .SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1880. ' 1 g cent, while the other may be so close as to be unhealthy. The majority of mistakes are with those who shelter in- sufficiently, In such instances more food is consumed then would otherwise be re- quired, and no eorresponding benefits accure-though the effects upon the sheep are not so unfavorable as those following confinement to improperly ventilated rooms. Another error isfogpd in too close crowding while under Moil - ter. This is partimrt 74 objectionable when any considerable number of ani- mals are confined together. While a portion of them may lie down, others are compelled to stand, and through reetleesarless of fright often trample upon and injure their fellows. The shelters _. ,L_ .L-_ •._ L.�t.t r,� made to on .oe steep ,arm •,,Dunn. _ increase in size as rapidly as the flocs multiplies its number". The water .supply should be carefully looked to. A flock of agiven number will drink more water in winter than will be needed when on pasture. If such an arrangement can be economically secur- ed, access to water twice a day is better than but once. This for two reasons. 1st, the more timid animals which are likely to be held back in the morning by their stronger fellows, have a chance when the latter are not so eager; and, 2dly, all danger from over drinking of cold water is obviated. Use of snow in lieu of water should be forced upon the flock only under the extremest necessity. Stock will live under suchcircumstances, but eatisfactory thrift will not be secured Ewes in lamb should, as far as practi- cable, be fed and sheltered separate from the non -breeding animals, as the crowd- ing and more rapid movements of the latter are apt to result injuriously, while such sepired en makes convenient certain little attentions to which breeding ewes are entitled as the yeaning season ap- proaches, and which may be profitably accorded to them. Advantage will be found in subdivision of the several ages and sexes into as many smaller lots as circumstances will admit of, as such course lessens the liability to crowding and over -feeding of the expense of the weaker ones. It also bring. each animal more directly under the eye of the at- tendant, who will the more readily de- tect the first symptoms of deviatioi from the desired thrift. -[Nat. Live Stock Journal. COLot'RINO KID GLovss.- White kid may easily be colored black purple or lilac, with a solution of one part extract of logwood and three parts brandy. Apply with a sponge and rub thoroughly dry, and keep rubbing the hands togeth- er so as to soften the gloves. WHITI FRUIT CARL. -One cup of but- ter; two of sugar; three and a half of flour; whites of three eggs, the whole of one; one cup of milk, one teaspoonful of soda; two of cream of tarter; over one cup of raisins. Other fruit may be add- ed if desired. POTATO Cannon --Take pas otaGl- mash- ed ones are best, but bo ed ones can be mashed -immediately after dinner, be- fore getting too cold ; add about an equal amount of tour and a small piece of butter or lard, rub thoroughly together, roll out and cut as for hiecuit-not too thick -and bake in a rather quick oven. When done to a light brown, cut open, butter, and eat warm. They are deli - Mow FRUIT JsLLT FOR TTA. -Break up an canoe of the bed Russian igum isinglass; Boil it until dissolved in a pint of water; aid a quart of boiling water and white w ear (to sweeten it to taste); add lemon; utain one-third of it into a deep bowl ; Ret it on ice or in water to harden; when um sprinkle • layer of berries or fruit already sweetened half a the re- maining jelly, then another layer of fruit and the res/ of the jelly Whin oohed bony out oa a dish and if urease telly le ekes yews sae raw the Mort 1880 NEW FRUITS.1880 NEW VALENCIAS, NEW LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, . S. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, CHESSNUTS. NI LAKE SUPEIfIOR tO TROUT, WHITE FISH & HERRING. pa- SALT WATER 1q HERRING AND CODFISH. ALSO, • LAROS AaeORTIIRNT OF Teas, Sugars, And General Groceries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D CHINA. Dr. Patella Cream Baking Powder. Dr. Paten's Lupelin Yid Gems. Chas. A. Nairn, THE SQUARE. 1731 NOTICE- SEALED TENDERS win be received bra the until Wednesday, the W Deatmber e• behalf self • the county for the following meal supplies. to be delivered at the Gael hem tine to rttwie as ordered. vire Cordwood. brea& beef. natsseal, barley. petatoea oniata. mar Isar. roadies soap, cosi dl minora res vista, palls. Iwnosna ser.bMag truism. 00.1. Marr rw. and brushes. Emir tet hMthtw partlr.lirw al the Clerk's aNns. he lowest se�rr uy reader .et neess.rtly .eeepW. Pavmt Ao*mem , UheanhMtr (1wh en ler(eh lea. • tia JOHN RALPH HAMILTON STREET, ..> GODERIQH,, --buena ix- S'IIOVES The subscriber has a complete assort- ment of &roves, TurweRm and Seems Puma, at Prices as Cleo at tie Cleapat Examine the stock and you will be sura to be suited Sheepskins, hoepa Wool Cotton RapCopper, Beset and old Metal taken in exchange fur Goods. 1760-3m. JOHN RALPH. Stoves 1 Stoves EAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, &. PLAIN AND FANCY TINWARE. COAL OIL, wHOLLSALI tiND Reran I Coal Oil Brass WoolmPickings and Sheep pSkins, taken in exchange. J. STORY. Sign of the Coal Oil Barrel " THE CHEAPEST HOUSE UNDER THE SUN!" Variely Store AT SAUNDERS' TOU WILL FIND The Bed Heating Stoves, The Bet Cooking Stows, The Beet Base Burners, CHEAPER than any other dealer in town. 200 STOVES 1'O CHOOea FROM. Stoves fitted up miaow! sweet any Fur- niture urniture and Ire DIST made. • T>i ad Gatraid Iron Wort attended to promptly by experienced Ysaa.t::' l!" RATInPACYTON GUARANTEED. Th. usual stock of rawer Goods, Novel- ties. J Pe ray, lated Ware and I>rwli'a lIs* . a hart Yarn rly.ar. James Wilson, 11880. L k T s R Chemist and Druggist, 1 'GENERAL DRY GOODS. Worth Ku Market dMaem rT,3' PURE DRUGS ;Alwaysees ensold.uhed- An the etaadatd Passat tem.. fir ear'edelb�7�spteFerel. 7 Yds 1161 . JAMES wniat. Fall Goods 41, L4,10,$)*'. -c•e.-.. •"•tilt Colborne Brothers Have opened eat ler We cur. Tuns • Complete Stook of • rt•LL ertt'R w The Superior Sarin( aid Loai Milt! CAPITAL, - $366,Oe10. O1fRY LOANS . D.. Real Estate the ei pe tt.r t Loan Social,. l.nms ora to borrowesa IOnnce-m pandas Street. LONDON, Oat. Interest paid to enema Duks Defealtets. H. E. NELLES. 1751 The crowning glory of men or women Is • beautiful asap or Hams This era oaks be ob. tamed by eislag cene•ansp. widish be. motes • healthy gro of the batr rendes t soft and silky, strengthens rte rests and lire vents its falling out, and acts with rapidity 1a RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOL Try 1t before using any other. Sold by an druggists. Price, 50 eta. a bottle. 1733.17. HOPE TOR CONSUMPTIVES. See what. PkFsteteae avid W People say about SCOTT./ KIRULUOC OP 000 LIVE tt OIL AXD HYPOPOOe- PITHs. as a remedy tar Ceasasapsaea, 3srefala, and Mailing Asetfeas Messrs. Scorr & Bowes: 01INTLxmro(-1 lave ribed Scott's SmuWen of Cod Liver W,-; In my practiceand used it In my tahr- tth It because of its Ips I am sues tka with d e ul tblat fe11o� iia use. I have founa a r 4 scrofulous ddiieseaasseess and pulmonary aaeeuoes. IRA M. LANG, M.D., Eully � Broad way. N.Y. Louisville, Ky., January 3. 1071 GINTLzwr.N-For the last fifteen moaths I have have been used yourpCod Laver Oil lUnulato.. both in hospital borne Ynpand lin eased withan be nits rivate efecttoegnrl is r time better an any other preparation of Cod Liver Oil. In Consumption and children's diseases I have found It especially valuable. JOHN A. OCTERLONY, M. D.. Via Physician, Louisville City Hospital Mensa Scar & Bowes : I have need Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 In various instances and I have found it to be easily taken, readily assimilated. and rapidly improves the nutrition and flesh. I consider it the beet Emulsion I have ever used. 11. E. HAL'OHTON, N.fD.. Indianapolis, Ind. Messrs. Scorn h. Boone : I have given your remedy of Cod Liver Oil &c., • fair trial, and -m vied that I can say I think it levet remedy ,n r for ;reek 1 am..-._ �, an mtlb recommend it. When the doetonhad green me up, 1 commenced using your medicine, and 1 amigaining health and strength very fast and i think I shall soon be well. Yours truly, G. A. BiEDERHTADT. Oatveatae, Ind. 8covr A BowNk : 1 felt it my duty to let lou know the benefit I have derived trona the use of your Emulriun, 1 bbl a very bad cough for Teat*, and tin eensulting Dr. J. E. Gorsuch of his chit, he informed me that myleft lung was diseased, and prescribed Scott's elslon with Hypopnosphites. After taking two bottles, 1 ranusing to improv veryrapidly.teneand confined wing it wail I taken�tJea and now am as healthy_ a man as there L la the cit of Baltimore. Wen I bean wig, It i welt 146 pounds, I now weigh IS/pounds YoursD. P. FARQUHAR, cot 3 1Sie. Baltimore. Md. CA N A ND A IG U A, Sept. 15, 1877. Scorra.Howse : Genre -i thought I would write to you, se I caw • notice upon your bottles of late upon its long continued use. This las proved true In my case. i was given up to die last March' with consumption. the best medical aid made noose of any treatment. My husband applied for your Emulsion of Cod Liver 011; he has bought twenty-six bottles and it larestoring me to health beyond the expectations of hun- dreds expecting to hear of my death every days i should like to take it fora year, when, 1 think, I will be perfectly cured. Sows with �p MRS. 1LLDRID0L For sale by druggists at $1 per bottle. 1761 ,Ctt.a.•rF� 1�L. THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIM t- The Pill Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels and are invaluable In all complaints In- cidental o-cidental to Females TheOtntment is the only retable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Dorm aad Ulcers rRoarir.chltls,Dtbria,O Oig em and all Skin Dlemes ao eta cal. riiB ARR OF AMERICAN COU'NTBR- -I most reaped fake leave to call the attention of the Public rally to the fart that ne in Honore In New nit are mid Ise le many pane of the lot• neviti,.t•e ,wrc•i,owe of my Pills and tln7nt. Thew Ousts herr on their labels some address Ie New York. 1 40 rent allow iny Medicine tobeslid Iso au part Of the United States. 1 have so Aseetsthwe. My Medicines are only mad•!ry ma at aH ow. ford Street, London. 1n the SWIMef etlean affixed to the spurious make Pia ,ae auras tag the Pabtk- a(uMet heingirceisea « , terlbits. L' not t alo r +htr • Melt, as they are f cowed eredkrtt• they prow/ to deaewwce. Thee envoi? • are pricks s d by unprincipled treaders at on►wt the price of my P111. and tent men t and &MSM en vin as my pampa. Medleinee. 1 moat r'•iw'ly appeal to that Penne ofJ telco which e. i fM1Mtn I may ve tete upon salting from all honors p.m's." to tectal me. and the I'nblle. a di n. ma 61k{T� �` these gwer.ln deno att tthinetam Paul tar+h°Pot and Ra of the (1e,.ine MiriMOe bear the RrItU.h Aneesenteet mum with the words " Hou.ow•v'. PILL* ,urn Oveeniney, Loon.." en red thereon on the label 1s the addr . 614 Oxtrwrt Senn, London. where e4feethey areltarnfartwred. Nntlewp• • PM*aad (Nue ere tf hearing dap MAr n,t,h- p. nee aware. -reit The Trade Marks of these Medi - rime are c ' 1.tered in a wttA w.. Hewer any nee thr,.n bout the Rriti,h l'oesaeaska t• who logy�ew p.1e Aweleast ('o' at'deka fee rte wig tis iremone i 4Al/wedw Teem Aet N(lLv •' r t y e let •••••• .w.,-, 1 n.. nn vs, .4.4. dpeial wake t• Mr. comm. PRINTS. y ♦ Job IJne of DRLIIp 000118 A ![ILL MER GROCERIES! ALWAYS ON HAND Highrsl Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. egaembse rK 1011 COLBORNE BA0TH1R t s, 1501 NOTICE_ CLEARING SALE Having purchased the stock of the GODnnwCn ?OC1tD&Y & MAxvFACTvalxo COM- PANY, consisting of one 40 -horse Engine, one 10 -hose do., two fi-horse do., new and second-hand Boilers, s lot of Flour Mill Machinery, Saw Mill Machinery, Plows, Gang Plows, Lad Rollers, Straw Cutters, Horse -Powers, Breusfor es, Gas Pipe and Gas Pipe Fittings, Cooking Stoves, and a large assortment of�n in general use. The above stock will be sold caner, to make roan for the manufac- ture annu� ture of other articles. Orders taken for Engines, Boilers, aad all kinds of Mill Work. Repair attended to on the shortest notice. Address D87=1 RQNCIMAN 84 Co., Goderich Daniel Gordon, Plillel—Ner and Merger. (Iekse House is rte. toterify, and Laryut Stock this aide of London ! PAml,oa Srrna t, Ben -Room Surma, SIDS-BOAtne,r.�,. EA„T CiNAILI, Lotvwoss, Err., art:. (Sall Bayer; will find it to their advantage to see my stock U they need a good article at close price. D. GORDON, Weat .`Street, near Post Office, Gatwick, MEDICAL HALL,' GODERICH. F. JORDAN; Chemist and Druggist, MA RK ET .1Q UA.:E, GOLERICH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer Lpro's. Chemic ls: Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Artist Colon. Horse Patent Medicines Hae aad little Medicines. Perfemery, Toilet Articles, &c. Physiciw' Prescriptions carefully diepeneed.7H 1731 GEORGE CATTLE, Oern E Chemist & Druggist dealer in Pure ugs and Chemicals. Fancy and Toilet Articles, &r. Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. Pbysiehss' Prescript lone and Family Receipts carefully prepared at all bone.. 1751 COU.a ,T E OTJSf7 SQtJ.& _ If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or r$ „� GLASSWARE, D.FERGUSON'S — Hamilton Street, Oppoette Baileys Hotel. 1s salaam 019themdlinierY Wes ed the Ors ... end Croakery Theta i ssrry a tall steak end Floe, Ieals, Pork aad Goueral rosioii& Wa �' MY MOTTO fit. d "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." t w1 OV aloe oak/ Vas say Meek W est System • needy movertns Map pert of the Tree 4 . Worn. at Wtsbom Reify to ssi has jest as mesh ve he walls tudeeateadi.g. An ape is ridiculous by nate Asea bemire so by art aad study. Humidity is the low but bre deep foundation of every virtue. The ''est that gives pais is no j is that lawful pastime which int i*jary. If you want Manias otian; if you want friends, le sw.sl you. True quietness of heart is gut Mating our passions, net by them. The block of granite, which obstacle in the pathway of to becomes a stepping -stone in the the strong. -{Carlyle. Exuma -One watch set ri do W set many by, but, on tl hand, one that goee wrong nue mins of misleading a whole ne hood; and the as.. maybe laic example we individually sat ' 1 around us. Whin a man is prosperous it for him to stop the mouth of cu to bribe or abuse it, to fill it w nese, to treat it with temporal or to be flattered into weak open stentanoes. It is not what people eat, ' they digest that makes them st is not what they gain, but w save that make. theist rich. what they read, but what the) bei that makes then learned. what they profess, but what tl tioe that makes them righteous How ro Rom A Sox. -1. have his own way. 2. Allow use of nonny. 3 Suffer him where he pleases on the Sab Give him full access to wicked ions. L. Call him to no scam evenings. 6. Furnish him stated employment. Puna these ways, and you will eel most marvellous deliverance, of to mourn over a debased at child. Leases in Ireland atnong tl tenants having no knowledpe t more often forced terms on landlords than bona fide oontr Irish tenant, being poor and has to acoept what he can ge the Scottish or English tens on a small scale, he cannot ml gain with his landlord. He a or go. Now these are facts cannot ignore. They which show the stern nece better system.-[Soottish Ami SaNDINo Carrara To ENOL G. F. Frankland, 4d Toronto, largely in sending cattle to Er vises Canadian farmer to ft own stock, and argues that cattle will sell every month it He says: "Canada is still a hundred of rattle to England Montreal, and the prion the 1 gutting is from three Dents to a -half cents per pound, li 'whereas, if our people would 1 V these cattle and . good. they would have no tro • .lice from five to five and '• bents per pound, live weight • Kay and June. And when the abundance of food we hal oda this year, and the gree farmers experience in the manure, it is a matter of should sell their cattle at sue and lose all the adv.ntages derive from home feedin , sending them to great Bri finished. 5. The ouurts have decide ing to take a newspaper sal ,from the post -office, or re • le. them uncalled form evidence S , dosage Abend. All the world now looks as the great western n America, being far .head of ting cities; but none the lel line is Electric Bitters. Fr intrinsic value they have ad front, and are now far ahem remedies, positiv( curing thing sfiaattFr I b Io.by fifty cenbottle.per bottle. .MtWadse sats There is always an sob', butter that is up to the gid dard in quality and Dolor. that is otbrwtse good sells Sve di from three to cent became deficient in oolo should then use Wells, Co'. Perfected Butter c t bright June color. This c the brightest, purest an Sold by druggists. pals your throat son, noyed by a constant ooug promptly "Bryan's Pula 'They will five you They relieve the air passel mt.omous, and allay intlam safer remedy can be had fc or any complaint of the tl and if takes in time th( soon be proved. Sold 1 and country denierslst 46 Never Sethi It is said that one out real invalids who go to ' reeve be.Mh never ret. or Mouth except as a Doi dertakers, next to the have the most profitable exoessive mortality nu and patients served and care of friends and love( if they will but use Hop This we know. See oth �l:• D Ferguson. newel ars What is more 'maiden bright, clear oomplazio beauties of perfect heat these advantages by um tors. impure blood, al the Stomach. Liver. lei ary are nervousness and al ►1 they are a www flash positively Mire when al the Electric Bitters an their wonderful manta ford•n. •t fifty °onto t