HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-11-12, Page 8LAID IN ASHES. 1 Ths tollehieg is the elethilltelel the by nye, pupils in the bet diviners ot R. Loft, Okilburne fee &k 0( ly the first fifth Class4-1 'Mem r Young 3 R. Yee An Young. st Colin Young. Sew Thint -1 stone, 2E Currey, 3 A. Linklateir. Jr. Third -1 IL Watiott. 2 L ilutletheis 3 L. Vatastette. tp.‘r, .1 Ti), r it! Itill TAN) HURON SIGNAL 111101Y-Wallitla 12. 1880. • .1 About o 4 Beediievioning the elann fire hurried the church coo- gregations in their dismissals. It quickly psasea from mouth to month that the Park House was burning, and upou an: val at the wens of the fire, it was plainly seen that the luumisome structure WM doomed. The fire began in the north - end, and the Ifosees-wese jest utheseed leaning from the eerth-wist tower. They ran rapidly al/il:st which hie- ing built et-tafwood, was readily licked up. The b u rning hotel reseatimil a fine sight. The lambent lamesleesst- airy foe Lai* ins hunt the many windows of structure lit up the itlrerst and was • none of awful grandeur. 'So rapidly did the tire attend, that much of the furniture in the hotel could nut be "yea. Bydint heard work and the exercise of good judgment the fire bri- gade prevented the fire extending to the old hotel, which Capt. Marlton was using as his winter quarters. A large amount of furniture was taken from this building but much of the stuff was badly dainag by members of the improvised salvage corp, whom seal outran their judgment. One num, for instance,endeavered to wrest a handsome marble numtlepiece and arch valued at 680 from its plain is the old house, and finding it contented, let drive wildly at it with an axe, smashing it in pieces. The Park House is completely destroyed. Nota stick is standing, only a heap of ashes marks the vot where the beautiful building once stood. The place was built by the Goderich Summer Hotel Co. about six years ago, st a cost of $6,000 but Was not completed. About two ys rs ago Capt. Marlton purchased it, and spent seine $4,000 more in fulishing the work A further outlay of $2,000 was made in various improvements about the place, principally in outhouse. The loss on the building Capt. Marlton esti- mates at $12,000 ; it is insured in the London, Liverpool & Mile Co., for .0. The whims furniture is valued at $6,000, and he places his loss at fully one half that; insured for $3,800 in the Western. The origin of the fire is unknown. No tire had been in the large hotel since the previous Friday, and then it was in the laundry room. In is a perfect myttery to the proprietor how the Owe caught. Messrs. A. Dickson and Miller did good service on the roof of the old build- ing, and it was in g great measure owing to their services that the tire did not ex- tend further. . Capt. Marlton feels his lees keenly. When *Iced if he would rebuild, he re- , marked that he would have to hear from some of the companies concerned to see how he is to go on. He would like to rebuild if able. The destruction of the building will be aloes o o the town, as many Americans found it a favorite summer resort. Dur- ing the warm menthe this year the place was crowded by wealthy families from the United States, and Capt. Marlton was Counting on a large business next year. The late fire proved the necessity of a hook and bidder company, and a well re- gulated salvage corps being organized in Goderich. 011MOSE. FAZE BOLD. Alb% Y. Sharers, of the let we\ , iuI7euid-has farm Maoris for ovoo, being an avenge of 157 per este, whishslums that a* this ‘s - tion brings s goad prise. Tweirwtiabenitues. The awl mese- iv* at the tblestiewle will he hid In . se Sionif Nov. LI* et 1.30 p. at. An exiemethe • hes bean prepared, and all in eliestiumal wafters to Weed. &throws's.- -Halloween) Wen le high style by the tulke of thinploon e gathenrg task plops sr We. Anew Mc eh, on Mantley whets the ria assembled to " teip the light toe," to memo hires i by three pipers and as many tiddler& Serest. -An °yeti* supper was given at the reeideses el Mr. H. BM, an Mr. G. W. Zeldin has been re-engag- Thursday *Teeing, 4th i, prevents to Why the trusteesolS.S.No. 5,at the rate his departure to Meeittrbs. An gamm- a $415 per annum being ale ba aramio un We tune was spent ty.theem'preeseilk his present gaiety. . Mr. Kehliith tate.) All join in withhigldwillkillAse. abilities are well deserving of increased sunset in the far Wei.. remunerative encouragement. &LOCUM. -- A large number et 'gem men are leaving this plea ter 2 Ethan's" dontinion& Thr prolate)" N, P. was to have pet a stop to this expatria- tion, but it seems to be ea ineffectual An this matter its it is effectual in making monopolists rich at the poor man's ex- pense. Txuesktees. - At the last regehir meeting of Heather Bell Lodge, No. 71, I. 0. G. T., the lathering ers were elected for the present quarter :-W. C. T,,' Bro. R. Bueglaes; W. V. T., Sig. J. A. McKenzie; W. S.. Bro. J. G. -Murdoch; W.T., Bro. J. McIntyre; W. F. S. Bro. M. E. McKay; W. M., Bro. D. M. Stew- art; W. L G., Bro. M. J. McKay; W. 0. Gene Bewate.--Crelaiderable grain G., Bro. D. R. McKenzie. Theremain- ising officers will be appointed on the coining into emit, Mr. J. Morgan pay- ing a high prioce for wheat for the Clod- night of installation, Wednesday, lOtli erich Harbor Mills. Mr. T. J. Marks instant. This lodge is not strung nutite is also Lipkin purchases of barley at rically, but is nevertheless working good figure& earnestly, and continues to exist in spite N zwarAere. -Mx. Aldrich is still in of strong opposition. There is sufficient town, but the new , r seems as material in this vicinity to make a strong far in the future as even ntil Bayfield lodge, but some will but join because rejoices in a local neweapaper, Tea SIG- they think it manly to he able to say NAL will be found to give more news re- that they can take e. glass and leave it garding Hayfield and surrounding coun- alone. It is not considered by them that true manliness lies in always being try than any other publication. when asked to drink. REY EltNED. MP. G. Pratt, who hes boon prospecting in the North-West since last spring, returned home on day night. He has taken up land in Dakota and will leave for that part of the sphere as soon he disposes of his farm in Colborne. 31.10•11. Tits itzzvEsnie.-Mr. R. Morrison is spoken of as an opponent to Mr. J. Eason for the Reeveship. The intending oounoilkirs, with their usual modesty, have not yet come forward. 011.1161111. Rentweioa er Ctersiothums On the wessiber at lame Ougeseillorsimh= 1fiesiday • levlseprieriiiitig1. twelve to WA*, was earned by • 41= imjeriky. The move is owe ose be toped with Wrote's* by other tetras. Andialey. M. iketeld McDermott*, who for about has emu engaged hi the in this village, has *e- nv. the vicinity of Kinceriime. Pretraeleil garriessi meat present le- emetkeseed merseslion with the Glued el Canada in this phew A to big ender the amperes of the Primilthe Methodist Church wee in the Tempesenes Hail as. Wed- nesday, 27th ith, but owing to it post- penesemit en the previous Woodsy torah - tog on mooted rd the iunientsecy of the weather only • oomperativeiy few put in au appearance. However, those who did attend were amply repaid, the entertainment proving a decided sec - RAILWAY FEVER.. -Bayfield has the railway fever bad. It is spoken of on the streets, in the shops, in the hotels and. at the home fireside. The entire village seem determined to have. a rail- way at any cost, and as the days draw nigh for the pulling in Stanley and Code- iich Township, the excitement increases. TnaVrroe.v.-The gale on Saturtlay night blew at a terrible rate, anti shook the houses in thie vicinity in a cmy tliat frightened many of the intuatu. Some of the windows of the Morgue House were shattered by the blast. A vessel Put into harbor just intim. to *scope the fury of the gale. P112611/01131te A shooting match took place, a few days ago, on the farm 14 Mr. Bell, at which several of our local sports amused themselves by shteeing for turkeys and geese. The first of the season fell on Sunday last. It lapwing away (iuickly, much to the joy of those fanners who lutve not yet finished taking up their turnips and carrot*. • Thanksgiving Daywes spent by the people in this neighborhood in a great variety of ways. Seine went to church, others went visiting, while Kerne of the more worldly -minded spent the day in threshing oor pulling turnips Many 1.f the people here think it is bony for the Tory Govenunent to advise the Gover- nor General to appoint a (lay (4 thanks- giving, as it completely belies their as- sertions, "that we are indebted for our prosperity and blessings to the N. P. The teachers in the vicinity of this place; have taken a new and profitable way of spending a part of their tittle on Satur- days. They have formed an association for the purpose of discussing methods of teaching var. subjects, as well as de- vieing ways and mi atm (4 securing good. order, regular attendance, and diligence among the pupils. The first meeting of the association was held on Saturday, 6th inst., but the day being wet, the at- tendance was not sobage as was expect- ed: J. G. Murdoch, of Lochalsh, being called to the chair, after a few introduc- tory remarks, golfed int It D. Cameron (of No. 7. Ashfield, who took up the sub- ject of "Monthly Reporte." J. McDonald, of Paramount, explained his method c4 teaching "Reduction te Beginnum" After considerable discussion on these subjects by the teachers priesent, 3. Murchison of N. 11, Huron, gave a re- citation entitled "The Village School- master,- which closed the programme of the first meeting. The teachers propose holding their next meeting (on Saturday, 20th inst., when the following subjects will be discussed. "Grimmer to Begin- ners" and "Methods of keeping a clAill Register." We think that the time nine spent by the teachers at these meetings, besides being pleasantly em- ployed, will be very profitable to them - Delves and the children under their charge. Don't be taken in )ust now by (sheep cut-eisle !amine which, having no merits ef their (own. can only be floated IT means of a lad chrome. or a cheap and inaccunith dertionary. Stibacribe for t ho hest local 1.VeR your district ---and pay fog 4 !---11C2 It hat. beau estimated that of the hot. P01 an the world elistrue haat 1,367,000; ungiu7, 2,179.000: France about 3,000, - • Russia& 21,470.000 Germany. Rituolots.---The gum terly meeting of the Maitland Circuit of the M. E. church will be held here on Stmday, loth nine, at 10 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Horne, of Stanley, is expected to conduct services. Pgasozesth-Meesrs. J. Scott, who for genie time has been seriously ill we are pleased to learn, is again oonvideseent. Mr. Thos. Ashtou and family left re- cently and have gone to reside un their Colborne estate. Thew many friends ; section of land -320 acres -and r. J. wish them every swoons. Armetrong, eeres, of prairie land. Amongst the signs of progress notices- ; We understand all intend going out again in the spring.- -[Sentinel. • 0. more is • iewrapelohle hems in the wasters port et the town, owe the fakt gruunds, where, we tut*ood orgies are thieve:et, end which 1st the eatermi 011 seurelity ...humid be suppireesed. *i:. W. Hilt left less wash ois a Wait to England fro the pow", Of *pending • short tune in hie visiting the friends and seems of hiayouth. Me es - paella to be &Meant libeled Mio months. Steak of all kthei being unusually high pekes at swathe sales this fall. At John Bootee age, head last week on 104 soncemoun Tuakersauth, au/oh sows sold M from LBO to 11150, and Wier wise we hairs beard id have been equally moomsful We understood that the Messrs. teethe - Wok have purehesed timber lea& ia MiehilPe, that their eakeet erwaRall a large ethereal the' mil are igg ex- tensively into the lumbering as. We regret that this will neossaitete their reguA7valeeniffrurad8wjaamedurth.Weed. 'Don of Mr. Wood who works at the 0'.rd mu, fell off a bed of straw m,, &tura% and A Bas. --A number of persona turned out on Thanksgiving Day and levelled the yard of the leeburn Presbyterian Church and banked up the building. Accretive. --While the team of Mr. D. Shea were feeding in the stable a few days ago, a lithe son of his went ir,. to the stable and brushed against one of the horses. The auimal kicked. out, striking the poor little fellow in the huge, arid cutting him badly about the ir.ortl. The father .picked the child up, restoring him to conaciousuess brought an", after hint into Gosierich where his wounds were dressed Dr. The child burenterbillatheriraulrensaga.-(1:):r°thimile evYn. g Nov. 3ritlo 1880, the regular meeting of the LetiMEED 1. 0. G. T. 213, the fol- lowing"; officers were installed for the en- eukag quarter; Bro. A. 11. Clutton, W. C. T. ; Sister Martha MseManus W. V. uleiblintut; tivt Mk {he wife et Yr. "1"1"Mr. Jetts- laGUmi"""Pottr!'or a sua.tha. 'he wth vv. tkioakhanaum.urtii..tograugLioch Li,. wow Arciuunds Ibe'erlittttl"salg." J°4r."4.1111'. itea.U' In moires Oot. Mr& tis wits tot ttra*,..1..ast:rliLteultut "41"14tie.71.. etisaibUtem.°8611111"..tit eta. the lilts °I lu _Myth, so tee lob alto tie wife of artubt. rd • Rua TkaineVahwel- ireap ti:Ooderion. , as Ser. Pak ___.____*1"10°60J90•••11061/101,0449 Mt. Wm. 01 urw. to Worn M t H sma LIZItir.ae11 At tbe E. C. parstunago. by pro,• ot• oiolrwantsa_h our:s fed bug- 111r.-Johe Asa, to Mho Margaret Aan conatin. Hpr,wougartdge.-- At the restwees id the elides f•thane, on Thursday, Oot. Mb. by the Bev. Thos. Jeckson, of Anthersthurs. Raw. J. ughte1C. kruall'of alMr.BraaaWin.'lkWoodia bridgeDaila. , saasadot Ook cheerer South. Fulton - Use 1st last., at the bothldnosof, fo3eatmorth, by Itev. A. D. McDonald. Kr. ruiton, allss Janet McIntosh, Hutchinson-- Golding- In Montreal. on the 56tb alt by Ray. Mr. Crulkshoaks, John A. Hutcson, M.U., L.R.C.P., of W Witham. M litaz.0 roan/oat Liverpoudouthictnegruiontdtao late loth Rath well- kf urray At Terns, on the Doi inst., by Rev. M. teeny, Mr. Vi Rathwell, to Mrs, Fiancis Murray. all of Stanley. In Goderich, on the .420teh.Nov., by the Ven. archde9on Ellwood. Mr. Hugh Bell, of Hal- lett, to Mini Fel-VINOD, Of Tuckerstutth. Hutson- In Morris. on the 23.1 wt.. Agnes, be - lo • ed wife of Mr. J. Hutson. Ro.tilitensona-mlnr.% JVolienhattotobonimon.the tethimgedu1561L asiearl. and 7 mouths. Sodden tu Tuckersmith, on the 30th ult., Mr. John Sodden, aged 81 years. Buyers -1u erinsols, ou the iflth ult.. Samuel lad' win, infant son of James and ?eery Buyers beloved wife of Mr. °eons Rends. ot theeti aeldoon., 1 InrYellirtiiri: :slew u:nothan 'sine 31st ult., Jeanette. o &Sod year. sod • Owmillw frseturi'd hi° kilt wa e'oove the w t. A few weeks elle be .iad the same arm broken s 441° low er down, and was just w. ,n"uerkeinli t.';' ' use it when this new. an'rto,_ our") p• *fel him. -[Expositor. ” A.-.1 "aLL, 'P HISAD. -There arrived in 5eaT"rtn on Monday last something ex- tra'''. rak.iary in the way of an elk's head, with the gigantic horns attached. It was a_F meant from Mr. Alex. McDonald, of 'oettleford, North-West territory te Mro W. S. Roteartsos, of this town. It cost *60.1 Buttleftnl, and Mr. Robertson would not take $10(.1 for it here; so no Per -Ain need offer him that sum. The animal was shot at the foot of the Rocky Mountains; so it seems that deer as well ea mountains are built upon a gigantic scale in those far off regions, as the following figures will show:- Length of horns, over 11 feet; lenirth of one horn, 61; length of the bro ' .. on both horns, above combined "tor tel feet; circtmuer- A The South hall of lot 1274 and the whole , MOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. 16 feet; full growth 14 - - rn, both of the ence of horn at largest place, 144 inches; circumference at butt 12 inches; spread T. • Bro. J.Linklater, W.T• Bro.between tips of horns, 3 feet. Old hun- ters say that they never saw a more per- . If it IR a sin te be a drunkard, then a I Hark,' n , . F. 8; Bre. . H. i Clutton,fiohfectornhcoeseilmt. itTutheewshaevetnthbemnches on each the property offered tor saleamounUng to $2011 2 ergwant haq. There are two in I We ki:, ?aro. J. MarManith W. M; gis- crown head, a thing that in very rare; but awir41, be beldir irtteuhrdare13 Nene itit/L0‘ "log hunters call a and wilt be sold subjett to th,cas, . clatins.,,,Sale is a sin to tamper with that which pro- ' motes or encourages drunkenness. ' ter J. long, I. (-1; Bro. 0. H. Clutten, 0. G; B. Laivrason, P. W. C. this is one (of the rare specimens. The ; lately we'd by Mr. Ft rguson. A quantity ot Hudson Bay officials at Winnipeg say ihrezre fe ici.ture wittlub.ei: HoirruN. Asteerier• sotd alter the sake of they never saw better come out of the in North-West This hoary animal has . r4ReNcit ?ttisov.sr. Auctioneer. mom. travelled a qtxxl deal in its day no doubt, Bea- i AvrioN SALE11.1L VAta. [TAIL! and its lest journey was 1,200 miles by cart to Winnipeg and from there to oes- Currie hai received InsFrutaroans to sell.* forth by express'. We do not know ex- i Public Anetion es licitly what Mr. Robertson intends to do WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER let, 1880. with it; but if he does not place it over logrut=tveatiriblt,lerrir "naiating.1 his apple factory or sell it to Barnum, 111.. Township of Colborne, fount Huron. me - the imobabilit7 is that he viill have it atsslif= 57 were.ed 4601 vwiliconb.ageelesrtd and ill belanes w.74 timbered with hard wood. This place is de- lightfully situated, near gravid road, 8 miles trent Ooderich and about i mile tram school i home. The soil is • clay loam ; about 7 acres are vowed with tall whattb meeded with clover UAW. and 5 lying in posture. There is on the lot a fik$110w &CAPS. -On WedllelidAY I tog Blaring mad s good young orchard of ChQicc - I large trit= boast with geed pillar, e fmall frame barn and horse este!. ages • good cow Dr. Moore, of Exeter, feeling unwell, stable and shed. There is &well with never RS - morning, 3rd inst., Mrs. Moore, wife of took what she supposed to be salta, but the sensation she experienced at once For Sale, of lot 1Y75, running numbers, n e libotierich. There is on the lois lifetime cottage, frame stable and large hennery adl in good condition. This preperty adjoins the large brick house recently occupied Daniel Lacknows ---- 13.kelt Tann Darlene- -Messrs. D. Pat- terson, W. Ao.nstrong, sr., J. Arrustrong and J. Mareough, returned from Dakota Battroday night last, in which country they have been prospecting for some months. They heel • stormy passage home, but arrived safe and sound, and now have to entertain all their friends with accounts 14 the new country. Of this they are unbounded in their praise, slid think it the "best land the sun shines on." They give excellent reports ithheerie.ucken-o°70i.telistawnhe: rapidly approaching completion, and win of the settlednutot.jult they mentioned the case of Mr. flanylie, add mien to the appearance of the street who left here some two years since, brok- when finished. Mr. Watoon's building en down in health, and with just enough will be occupied by biumen, and it is said te carry him out. This year he has also by Messm Lucas, Tanner & Co., and threshed 1800 bushels (4 as fine wheat as report gates thst Mr. Pollock will occupy is grovrn in America, and is on the rood 1- new 1,„tet. to quick prosperity. All the othens are Dire/we-The d , for told her that she had made a met_take. ; wheat andabout a) acres in ciayetand pagtgre. the late publisher, being the main causeproper remedies were employed, and in time and place win also be so . 2Aspantthew.orksaa- fyin . Mr. Mallongh has taken u a half n and inismanagemeinPtein the part that she had taken sulphate of zinc.; TheirmweilebThw "nedvershtt of its antimage. The people of this vil- lage feel somewhat discouraged over their "newspaper experienoe," this being the second that has fallen through. Hopes are entertained of its being resuscitated, /Mao, says: --Blake was very stylish. He at a future day. droie • handsome buggy and a spanking A Diviimee.-The Directors of the team, he dined sumptuously, and was Blyth Joint Stock Agricultural Associa- clothed in purple and fine linen. His tion have declared and are now paying fingers flashed with rings, and a magnifi- for the current year a dividend of twenty-, cent heavv gold chain swung at his fob. two per cent. ()tithe stock of that instito- ; His money flowed like water through his tion, which is nearly double that paid. m fingers and his popularity grew apace. It any previous•year. This is a gratifying ; is said that it was no uncommon thing statement, and reflects the highest credit for hint on meeting friends in London or on themanagement of the Direct°. m 1 elsewhere, to do as every man of inde- The Stockholders are, it is said, consider- pendent means and conducting such gi- ing the advisability of giving a comPII-ogantic enterprise would surely do, treat mentary supper to the Directors. ; them occasionally too a champagne and Summit DIATH.-On Saturday last, 'oyster supper, amounting sometimes to Oct 30th the wife of Mr. Geo. Rends, (of the to him insignificant sum of $75. the 6th con. of Morris, (formerly Mine People who knew him when he came to Jesaie Anderson, of Blyth,) while in Exeter were surprised. They could not Bruesels, 'shopping, was overtaken with understand all this. It was a matter of premature labor. Medical assistance the greatest wonder to them how soon was at once procured, and she appeared and how wally he had climb - to be reoovering from the serious effeeta, od the ladder of success; to affluence when she unfortunately burst a blood -from nothing to he the owner of vessel and died therefrom on Sunday ansamIxate and en extensive merehant. morning. She wait buried in the Blyih But the thoughtful knew that the end Cemetery, on Monday after -noon, the was inevitable. They felt that such un - very large number who followed her bounded prodigality must cease. They remains there being an evidence of the could see that he was only saved from a high esteem in which the deceased was crash by robbing Peter th pay Paul, and held. She leaves • husband and three thst must soon or late terminate. He kept upas long as he could, and succum- children. Teiromornmo Diemen - At the bed only when his friends would' carry thanksgiving dinner held at Hoover's him no further. school, 125 sat down to a .sumptuous re- 'Tex e.L'renta TEACHRRS' INSTITUTE. - past of cold and hot fowl in abundance, The Institute met at 1:30 p.m. on Satur- and a sociable hour was spent over it, day last, Vice -President in the chair. after which, repairing to the church, an The minutes of theprevious meeting were read and adopted. In the absence of the President, the Vice,President made a few remarks touching on the im rtance (4 such gatherings, and close myth - TB/ Rzevasute. -It is generally un- derstood that Mr. Clegg will accept the position of Reeve again, and he will likely be returned next year without opposition. SPECIAL Suit -tem. -Rev. W. Birks, of this village, is conducting special services st Sunshme, which are meeting with con- sidersble succesa. He is aided in the Placed over hul grave when he dies, to work by Mr. Harrison, his colleague. tndicate that he has been a mighty hen - of Mr. T. Watson and R. J. Pollock are ter in his day. --[Sun. Nsw BVILDINGS. -The brick buildings West part ot lot 28, M. C. Tp of Colborne. containing 88 scrims of superior farming land, acres Of Which cleared and in an excel- lent state of cultivation, thereat imbered with beaoh and maple • 22 sons are sowed with fall doing just as well. This is indeed grati- time being, has been Blythee nded, e The 15r. was It Wu* telled, and found There is a new franan immeese c house with cellar. a large ble this village, your correspondent has gleaned the following which will suffice to show that it is keep- ing pace with it neighboring villages and towns. Mr. J. Gledhill's new wool- en factory hag all ita ivachinerit in supply the the demand. for manufactur- ed cloth, custom carding and weav- ing. This is a very commodious build - building 70 ft. x 40 ft., and 21 stories high, to which an addition is being placed 4-4 ft. x 24 ft., of which Mr. J. Fisher has the contract. Our esteemed merchant, Mr. Wm. Robertson is nut content with retailing groceries only and has consequently loaded his shelves with dry goods, ready-made clothing, hard- ware and. stationery. Mr. Win. Luker, miller, now guarantees still better satin faction to his patrons as he has almost entirely renovated his mill with new sills, floor, bolting cloths, etc. Messrs. Forbes & G000, lime burners, have so extended their reputation for supplying the genuine article that their present kiln s inadequate to keep orders sup- plied, and they intend building a kiln which will have a capacity of at least 750 bushels. Steiger. Halves, AcciDIK7.-A• tie 1111141 train on the L 4 B. Railwiy, &p - tion by night as well as day, in order tu preached the sideroad, 24 miles south of Brucefield one dsg last week, a number of cattle belonging to Mr. Johr. Rues, of the 1st cos. of Stanley, were on the track; two of them were struck by the engine and killed. Meteerellogical Report. State of the weather for the week end- ing November 5th, 1880. Get. 31st ---Wind at 10 p.m. South- west, moderate gale, hazy. Number of miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 776 miles. Shower during the day. Rainfall 0.6 c. i. Nov. lat- Wind at 10 p.m. North- west, fresh breoze, partly cloudy. Num- ber nf miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 919 miles. Beautiful rainbow spanning the heavens from east to west. Nov. '2nd - Wind at 10 p.m. Haat, fresh breeze. clear. Number of nodes the wind travelled during 24 hours 262 miles. Nov. 3rd --Wind at 10 p.m. South- east, frcash breeze, cloudy and showery. Number of miles the wind travelled (lur- ing 24 hours 430.5!miles. Began to rain at 3 p.m. Nov. rith- Wind at 10 p,m. West, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number o of miles the wind travelled in 24 hour* 505 miles. Cowed raining at 8 am. Amount (of rainfall 3 cubic inclhes. Nov. 7th ---Wind ra 10 p.m. North, fresh hreene. Raining since 1 a.m., ceased reining at 7 a.m. of 7th, ounount of rainfall 18.5 cubic inches. Number 14 miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 816 miles. G. 11. 111.11rnee A up, Observer. Reneurati.-Mr. George Auderson,_. of Stanley, was in town on Monday. Mr. Anderson had jar returned from Da- kota on Saturday night, where he had been on a visit to .his son& He has two soneneated in Southern Dakota, near a place called Elm River, or Quincey, which is about 150 miles Routh of Emerson. He was very flinch pleased with the appear- ance of the country them. His sous have each a large farm and are doing well. The crops this year were very good. He brought with him samples of wheat and barley, both of which are fully as meld as any that can 1* grown here. The wheat was of the Lost Nation variety and yielded an average of 86 bushels per acre. It sells in ()tummy this season at 75 cents per bushel. The principal draw- backs of the country are, he says, bad roads in the spring, scarcity 44 good water and wood. The very best water can be procured, however, by boring to the depth of about 120 feet, and tubing the hole, and this can be done at a cost of about $1 per foot. There is usually scarcely any min in the fall, and during his visit the weather was delightful. The winters are cold, but not clisagreeably so. They had none 14 the recent heavy snow storms in that section, and never do have a very heavy snow fall. The country is being intersected in all direction, by rail -roads. Thews roads are built by private enter - Klee. The country ham settlAd tip very rapidly. Three years ago, there were few, if any, settler, in the Elm River district, and now the lend is all taken up and mostly settled upon for 60 miles west, and there is a railway being con- mtructed through the centre of the settle- ment. Mr. Anderson Nays that whore - ever ho went thasre were large settlements of Canadians, and very many cif them from the Notinties of Hunan and Bruce. Hoene" leaving he purehased • lot cif 100 acres along the front of which a new "mile ay is being construeted For this he tail $800 Mr. Anderson is very much taken lop with the appearance c4 the emintry where he was, and says if he WYTO • young W01611 IV there bimetal. All the "ethers whom he met, shots, are well satisfied with their choice, and seem rerfectly contented. Mr Weir, of Berns, purchased a half seethes Illestases lihrese. - on the Mummies wide of the Red River, SRARONLAT.• ATIVIM-14",1 the AA. only a short datum* from where Mr only to Emerson or limper/ woe d fractions; (1. Holman. Regains. ongiucH HIGH gc Foot. THR, vertisement of ..R. Smith this week, Andersen's vine are heated. f 044 to form had (opinion of the ommtry,, Miss Buteher, reading, Mies Kirk. nein essiatawasimi roe athaimies tee be and don't forgot the advice gives fit it, which he paot eft,Jon lt mi Weal int• bemuse the hind immediately surround nonpositton A theidetues was then , held so the Central ocknot. rai hpemipp if y•A) want ring! warm jeakibl,ipr”R pa. however. end has considerable Ingwthate pieces se low and wet; but west pared that teachers should 0iwegoewpw, ?swum, eregi...gay Tim 4 Toad a... ow; Great Brines. mot Ireland. 2,- Shaw, , dress, at truck inteuda reen4.ving thither in state, that then art more settlers anyone oh,. tabs.«, •oi octant', master (alto era teemeter. luster than 000; Turkey &bon i tifettillft the thing else to keep you warm t`1 orrl Mr Mated instioe, 0,4104,000, tlo Argentine fortelthr, R. B. Smith's 1 the• right sdams th. spring W., ar« .nty *ores thai flees . then. from Huron snit Brum than from present 'mete he -tilled onset The • 7; e..1024 min woisliveraboe. norebbe. 4.000,000 feu get tt. promo maw, ..7 ••,:•• thttlem not se* 14 b 1.•*t. .1"` any Attar tart 'he ‘einee rists Qrnmeet,,,,ittilithmer kadnapa,niteribdi ant; maw the Ina ossirralnor^hgehitnriltkm "ffiditld the eTani wrelY to, 14. I IllTitmsaAND I 'nem, . 4.000.000 4 aninloit. ...enter) a repos/tee e. eve ..« •hoi. s short time she had vomited must of the kW horses, 1 brood mare in tosa.1 spring dangerous dose, and is. at present coma- Ace" itaiwit 2 years old, 2 netters rising 3 yearn incalf 3 steers rising 3 years oicrti sidentble pain in her stomach. old. 3 heifers rising 2 years old. 4 spring evolves, dered out of danger, though she has con - The Time*, in alluding to the Blake thoroughbred Suffolk pigs. 1 pair bob sietarlia 201k.gon:diteewes, 1 thoroogbbred Suffolk *ow, 5 igh. 1 horse -power cutting box, a wine mill stwi prow. 2 iron beam plows, I net of iron harrows and other implements, • quanting of roots. 1 set double haulms, 1 set plow harness. Teams for Stock and hnpacments-an sums of 45 and under, cash; over tharamount 13 mos credit on approved joint notes, 8 percent discount allowed for cash on reedit amounts. On real estate dot 27.110 per cent of purchase money cash on day of side. and sufficient to make up USX) by Jan. 1st 1881; the balanoe to be covered by mortgrage at 7 per cent; or a mortgage or $13000 will be taken on the place, at 8 per cent, On lot IS, leper cent on day of sale, and sufficient to make up $3.000 on las 'March. Unt; the remainder on time at 7 per cent. Further particulates tan be obtained from Mr. J. ourrie. Ooderieli, or from the under- anierdPi.0S. Dreier. eroenctors. 17611,3L "linedCollsorn. 11*Ae.,D7Nlioilv. 5th ism address was heard from Rev. Mr. Suth- erland on the advantages we enjoy in regard to our educational mystem, free press etc. and thought that the result was not what it would he if the young ed y urging upon the teachers present would select a right course of reading. to do their best to advance the cause of and closed with a description of his tra- vels in Egypt, ascending, the pyramids, rldhig donkeps. etc., which interested the audience very much. Rev Mr. Birks and Mr. Harrison gave short thanksgiving speeches*. The meeting was interepersecl with singing from the choir. Proceeds towards paying off the debt of the arsonsea education in their respective sections, and also to de their duty in making these gathering. a success. Mr. Wm. Leigh gave his wolution of difficult problems In arithmetic, and showed clearly the bent,, fits arising from the use of the unitary method. Mr. O. W. Holman gave some rude sketches in (Inswing ahoowing hy graded types how the lin might be im- proved by proper inetruction and en ex- SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Como, of Huron, By virtue of Two Writs et To Wit : ?Vert Piscine, each Mooed out of Her Majesty's County Court of tha the Lands and Tements of Mary Piereagfria County of Huron, and to me directed. EAward Pierce, at the mils of Christopher Crabb, I have seised and taken In Execution all the Righk Title and Interest and Equity of Redemption of the above-named Defend- ants, in and by Lot Number 3, in the third con- cession of the Western Division of the Town- ship of Ashgeld, in the County of Huron. con- taining thirty-nine acres of and. more or leas. which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for tattle at my office, in the Court House, in the Town of Dederick OS SATURDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JANUARY. A. 14. 1181. at the hour of 12 of the clock noon. ROBERT GIBBONS. Shcrifrs office nodes -soh, Sheriff, Huron. Oct. Md. 1g90 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. 4'4'4" County of fluron.o of three Writs 0( To Wit ' Plerf Facia* Issued out of Her kiikiestre ('onnty Court 01 471. County oir if &TA to me directed against the lands anti Tenements of James Mullin, at the suits of Malcolm Collin Comernn. PhIlip Holt and of an order from law F. Toms. titre, kfalrolm Orwme tkoweron, and aim Isirtue Junior Judge of the said Court, e in this muse. beseng date the sets day of Januar,. A. D. 18110. I bare it tzed and taken In lesearntion all the R*Iit.lintle and In- tern* and Equity of Ttettemirtion of the IthOTe MANITORA.-MT. Kelly wishes to cor- named Defendant. Is and to the smith half of Tort • slight error which (secured last tenaive use of blackboard exercise*. A t arimher Twelve in the eleventh oon week, as rowan his opinion of Amite- lively dismission then took place on the ;astern Division of the Township of ;OA ba. Ho thinks as mach id, the country eommon difficulties in ammer, in which ;Let"' s'11141;:?"- °‘ of lot inambis)arrTh and In'heth7eleeenth unfavorable one, which accounts for the officer* were elected ter the OfUnliftif error (Air correspondent fell into. Mr. year: --President,. Joseph WW1; Vies- m the To p 01 W.56 Neiman_ Reny intends Nitre ing up a taw mill about President, (1. . Holman ; Secretary, oak in said County. eastatnia4 fifty seem two hundred miles west of Winnipeg, is Wm. Leigh; Committee, Mr. Anderson, , '1'11 rulrocwstrLwIlkul"'"wo, "L"':5.171. there; he believes that as soon as there gratnme was then teed* out for nest ittil"raa fit; t' t twd., th• st.nng, but will not move hie family and Mise Taylor. The following pro. vine, gouge _in ate -fo,-era 1 geed railway communication to the meeting - A Claverhill, roar: Wm. Ito MT 01114ml. interior (4 the country, it will he one of Leigh, hew too teach tourtiagication ta- tnieriffit e.0111cee.4 1,16 the hest in the world. Any (me 'ng blies; Thos. 0 ory. history, F Melva. gg ever, but the past Reason his beers an all naok part; after which the fedlowing lot. enland. niol, ntainisigt ninetrine and onerartor • it is in fact a choice loa. of innipeg, it all that sero be desired aid with siihisirts so that in the ace hlfromind at o• to cot* ohil tutu mama .01117 the Hood - 1 -- comailaame.ra...ampoom