HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-11-12, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1880.
Tana anti aroan. mime Matta.
Ala.0. & liarneoe, Yk, Sehraska,
gives The Ilseseer oi that State this item
seggeshee curs corneae theme. ' 'Tweak
die ohild to plent trees Ise can call his
ownosemellithig he will intuit over, in
either he wiU take thedeepest interest.
Stimulate hula by opeoisig to hie view
end thought the mysteries ,d plants —
hoIr they grow, how they ars p
ed4i how they should be oared for
To have good eider, rt should bivade
from good soma mellow apples about
right to eat, ground and pressed through
stout burlap Mimed uf straw; by this
process there will be little or no sedi-
ment. Store in a owl dark cellar; take
tee bungs uat, fill ap so it will w urk
icor, whim the cider begins to settle
bung up tight. If you went your eider
mos put in five to ten pounds of granu -
leted sugar to a forty -gallon mak; sugar
is the only thing I ever put intu cider
that 1 was satisfied with. Dmw off in
about three or four weeks and bung up
again_ —game' Butnam, Middlesex Co.,
Ix -Governor Robert W. Furnas, of
Browneville,Hurticultural Editor of The
Nebrodia Plierner, says his twenty-tive
yearsexperience and observation in that
State is strongly against fall planting of
trees-- has witnessed twenty failures th
one succem Lf attempted, however, it
will be worth while to obeerve the fol-
lowing precautions; "Plant early, and
oover the routs deeper with soil or mulch
than intended to remain during growing
seM°0 . In putting on this additional
covering, be careful not to heap up
against the body of the tree. If soil is
placed against the body of the tree,
freezing, to any extent, injures the bark.
If mulch, it affords a hiding -place for
mice His future planting --and he ex-
pecte to keep it so long aa life loots—will
all be done in the spring.
MT Eiraawsnaniza. —To say that the
Sharpie's has enormously large foilege,
is an unusually strong grower, and the
fruit all that a reasonable person ought
to ask, is positively true. If it will con-
tinue as during the past two seasons,
then I say for it, "go up head." I feel
quite Cartaia it will not answer for mar-
ket, but whet of that 1 It is • berry that
any one with the slightest care can easi-
ly produces, and one that looks and tastes
splendidly. I have not been led to
them remarks by any "show" berries,
where a single fruit has been grown on
a highly measured plant; but from ber-
ries grown in the ordinary way, with
careful, getnereus cultivation, such as
every gardener should bestow upon his
plants. or else go without good fruit.
For market, conunend me to Crescent
hieedling, the most enormous bearer I
ever saw, and • variety that produces
more rapidly than nurserymen ever
dreamed of. Sonle people suppose it to
be very large. Not so; as the finest ber-
ries are but medium in size—as size is
understood in these days of mammoth
fruits. In short, it pays; and that in-
variahly covers a multitude of shortcom-
They have • law in Illinois intended
to mop the spreading of Canada thistles;
or if possible. to eradicate them. It dig-
nifies the persistent weed by authorizing
the appointment of a soetyled "Com-
missioner of Canada Thistles," who takes
oath like other township offtcers, and
receives a compensation of $2 • day for
each full day necessarily spent in the
performance of his duty of inquiring and
inspecting as to the existence of the pest
in question within his precinct, and in
procuring or affecting ita destruction.
The rights of the owner of infected land
are duly regarded by the law, but in
cases of neglect the Commissioner takes
control of the marked out area to be ex-
purgated. He reports annually to the
Supervisor, who reada the report at the
town meeting, and sends a copy th the
Secretary of the State Board of Agricul-
ture. The thistles are said th be in -
creaming, although the law has existed
for eight years. Probably towns which
should hare these looked after, fail to
appoint the west.
t -
The annoal pluvriug match, lux* the
auspices of the Huron Union •Plowing
Association, took place on the fartu of
Jame* Fair, £s&, ou Tuesday last The
day being fine and the location route-
uieut to this town, which is so easily
theesside from ell quarters, the gather -
was lame and respeetab'e, eumprisirig
almost all the enterprising tensors with-
in a wide anew The field, nethough
and in other respite* well adapted
for • match of this kind, vraa of rather a
friable nature, the work nut showing
as good an advantage as it utherw.i
would havene, but, nevertheless, th,
was eome vary good plowing done, and
drew forth 'expressions of admiration
frum the spectettua. The praise thet
visa given to the plowmen for the perfect
timining in which they liad their horses
wee well deserved, as geese oldie teethe
aPPeesed to be aware of the contest in
which tithe took part, as they could twe
have acted better. One horse wan in the
furrow that had aided in winetingekvert
Prizes in &Greet years, and is new eigh-
teen years old. The following is the
prize hat:—
FIRST CLAN/ Mad. —10 entries lit
prize, Johu. Marquis, Goderich 1"p,
Miller plow; 2ud, olcDougthl, Goderich
T'p, Miler; 3rd, Alex. Thompson,
Stanley, Miller; 41h, Wm. Phipps,
Goderich rp, Miller,
JUDORK. —Matthew Hutchison, (hide -
rich, David Reed and Wm, Moffatt,
Klemm CLAW/ Mix. —7 entries, lat
prise, Wm. Weir, Guderich T'p, Grey
plow: 2nd, James Garner, Uaborne,
Yeandle; Srd, T. Andrews, Usbome,
Monroe & Hogan; 4th Paul Bus, Hil-
bert, Munroe & Hogan.
Bove Ceuta. —7 entries, 1st prize,
Charles Upshall, Hibbert, Monroe &
Hogan plow; 2nd, Peter McLachlin,
Hibbert, Mos roe& Hogan; 3rd, Percival
Stewart, Colborne, Kirkbride; 4th, Thos.
Pikard, Guderich T'p, Kirkbride.
Jueose —David Tiplady and John
Hardy, Goderich T'p, Jae. Young, Clin-
Vire beet Saltve mdna --werldierenlig
Bruises, Sures, Tether, Honda*
Corns, and all Mods tit Ski I,
eruptiuna This Halve us gtheasiteed
give Perfect estief echoes in *very cam or
money refunded. Price 25 theta pee
box. For tale by F. Jordan, Geederich-
Oswalt et Mulablea.
" A young friend of mine was cured of
an ineatiable thirst for liquor, that had
so prostrated his system thee he was un-
able to do any businesekile was eutine
ly cured by the use of Hop Hitters. It
allayed all that burningthine • took
away the appetite for liquor ; ni;itle his
nei tea steady, and ho has resnaimel •
suber and steady shah for inure than two
years, and hoe no desire to return to his
cups, and I know of a number of others
that horn been cured of drinking, _by it."
--Froth & leading R. Official, Chicago.
Sew Serb Matter Marne*.
in reporsiseg_ the market prices fur but-
ter, tlie New York Trikenie, of May 20th,
said, "Choice peokaged to the retail trade
reach 19 to 20 cents, bet light colored
goods are hard to dispose of, and sevetal
lots were thought well sold at 8 to 10
cents. This stern logic of Ilollars and
cents is rapidly convincing dairymen
that they should me the Perfected But-
ter Color mode by Wells, Richardson
& Co., Burlington, Vt. It elves the
perfect June oolor the yew road and
dai7goudi to
men that usekitetnever send light col-
West street. near ON IPA .1.!ffIfte. *
VIEWS& 13salaW,
V IRS NA Blattle,
Views* Balien.
Try it oans, sad you will not weal say other
IV Weddlag Cakes a astaalfdlIF•
Bread delivered .vary afternoon to an parts
of the towa.
Twa Days OP Massif A.PD NIGHTS OF
UNSSIIT endured by the sufferer front •
persistent cough soon sap the vitality of
the system and wreck the constitution.
Such a catastrophe can only be avoided
by precautionary measures. Prevent the
climax of • cough with Northrop & Ly -
ma's Emulaion of Cod Liver Oil and
Hypophosphites of Lime and S0(.$—ftp
proved of in professional quarters, and
which is • oombination of the purest
and most salutary ingredients in perfect
chemical hermony. Coughs, colds,
aryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and other
affections of the respiratory organs, are
speedily relieved by it, and it has like-
wise proved to be a useful specific in
scieifulo us maladies. The loss of strength
consequent upon being diseased is check-
ed, and the flagging physical energies
restored by its invigorating action.
Phosphorus, the active principle of the
hypophosphites, not only sup the
system with an important element of
strength, but gives a healthful impet
to the circulation. The lime and
also add to vigor of the frame. In was
ing diseases of all kinds, this p
tion can be depended upon to prod a
beneficial effect. A fair, persistent trial,
is all that is necessary to prove its poten-
cy, either as a pulmonic or general in-
vigomet. For poverty of the blood, with
which do many invalids are troubled, it is
a sovereign remedy, promodng the acqui-
sition of both strength and flesh.
pared by Northrop &. Lyman, Toronto,
and sold by all druggists. •
AS SURELY 1.14 Erreco rossows Corse
so surely will disease eventually fasten
itself- upon a system deficient in vital en-
ergy, if tonic medication is not resorted
to in time. The necessary tendency of a
weak diacharge of the functions of the
body is to disorder its organs. —Invigor-
stion, prompt and through, is the only
safeguard. Norenovant of depleted physical
energy, no restorative of lost flesh, nerve
power and cheerfulness, has more clearly
demonstrated its efficacy than Northrop
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. In this pre-
paration, associated with the salutary
medicines which forms its basis, is pure
sherry wine and certain aromatic constitu-
ents which imparts an agreeable taste th
the article, and gives additional emphasis
to its effects. In cases of general de-
bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable and
the desirod effect is, in the vast majority
of cases, remarkably prompt as well as
decisive. That good natural appetite,
which gives a relish for the coarsest
fare, is insured by the use of the Quin-
ine Wine, which ahio confers brain Booth-
ir g and body refreahng sleep. Fever and
ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis-
eases to the eradication of which it is
specially adapted; but it should be used
only in the intervals between the seizures.
The far-reaching effects of e good tonic,
in all complaints involving loss of physi-
cal energy, the well understood by physi-
cians, and the comprehensive influence
for good of this preparation upon the
system oes far to beer out the profeao-
mu' wmugodit
Begs to Worm te*he ladlot Gal
OWN* and
vicinity teat the las Ala Mamm
freat egisallag bar
False Reaesaltsg.
Suppose a machine should fail to per-
form its work, and the owner, instead
of tryidg 10 ascertain the cause of failure
and remedy it, should conclude to run
right along, and argue that as the ma-
chine had heretofore come around all
right it would soon be so again. If a
general and permanent break down en-
sued could any body be blamed but him-
self 1 Now, precisely this way do people
act and argue when the "human ma-
chine" is out of order. When the liver
is "torpid" and bowels constinated every
one knows that Dr. Pierce a Pleasant
Purgative Pellets afford prompt and per-
manent relief. Yet some guess the
"machine" will come around all right,
and do nothing. Could any system of
false reasoning be more pernicious ?
Suppose the blood be out of order and
there be pimples, ulcers, or running
sores with scrofulous tumors, swellings,
and general debility, and those thus
affected should refuse to use Dr, Pierces
Golden Medicai Discovery, guessing that
the blood would purify itself, could any
body be blamed but themselves, if a gen-
eral and permanent broak-down of health
ensued 'I No remedy yet known equals
the Discovery in curing all scrofulous,
throat, bronchial and lung diseases.
Sold by druggists.
Iran Stook Of \
Woula AND 71.01CY OWLS,
sad is ptepared to state Oat Ms has never be-
fore -had sash a Sae assertessat ef goods.
per noirmeriori merrily.
has opened out during uk. past few weeks* eseriT
$6,000 lid el Nil
hopection of my Miammeth Mock is respeotfullly izavt4. Every Use gegiplate.
1752 JOHN ACHESON, Square' , Doderieh.
" Dominion Osloz•iageWor4s," Gods:dolt.
Practical BOILER -HUBS.
The Subscribers. have bought the Tools end
Boiler Duane* of D. Rusiclitiax *Co.. lately
carried on by the Gederteh Foeadriyanti Mane -
factoring company. aed having bad an ex-
perience of over eight years in that shop, are
now prepared to carry cvo the trade in all its
/IF Any work entrusted to us wUl receive.
prompt attenuon. First-class work guarent
All kinds 01Boilers made and repaired, else
Smoke Stacks and Sheet iron Work, *a., &-
reasonable rates.
:New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired
ow the shortest notice, and at PAWS/ THAT Di -
Chrystal & Black
Step That Feugli.
If you are suffering with a Cough, Cold,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Con-
sumption, loss of voice, tickling in the
throat, or any affection of the Throat or
Lungs, use Ds. Klero's New DISCOvEST
for Consumption. This is the great re-
medy that is causing so much excitement
by its wonderful cures, curing thonsands
of hopelese cases. Over a million bottles
of Da. Kmo's Nsw DISCOVERY have
been used within the last year, and have
given perfect satisfactimi in every instance.
We can unhesitatingly say that this is
really the only sure mare for throat and
lung affections, and um cheerfully re-
commend it to all. Call and get a trial
bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for
$1.00. F. Jordan, Goderich.
COLLINOWOOD ONT., March 10, 1880.
We have much pleasure in adding our
quota to your already large accumulation
of testimony in favor of your justly cele-
brated Pain -Killer. As general dealers
in all the standard patent medicines of
the day, we are happy to state that Perry
Davis' Pain -Killer still maintains ita
wonted popularity. Would our leisure
permit, we feel &allured we could obtain
a large number of very flattering testi-
monials from many of our best customers
and townsmen. Wishing you as much
success with your Pain -Killer in the fu-
ture as you have deservedly enjoyed in
the past,
We are, dear Sirs,
Very sincerely yours,
fAemista and Druggists.
Jar See advertisement in auother
The truthful James of the English
Agrierritheral Goentto's live -stock column
has this pkin language about Shorthorn
folly :—"It will be a great gain if the
indiscriminate greediness for any Short-
horns of some few tribes, and the indif-
ference to all Shorthorns (however good
in themselves, and of however ancient
descent, which are not of the favored
tribes) should be checked. This narrow -
nem was all evil a symptom as is that in
a dog when he shows • morbid appetite
for kis own filth. No person can esteem
old tribes more than we do, yet to see
the readiness with which 'weeds with a
pedigree' have of late yews beem absorb-
ed was pitiable. Bad formation and im-
paired ocathitations have been not mere-
ly winked at, but justified. And the
troth thet the limed owes its position to
114 serriosablenees, and that in °easing
to be serviosable it forfeits its claim to
its penitent e. 11.. selling pries—has
been far too ninth overlooked. The
little glimpse of preference shown of late
to the Herefords by American buyers
seems the very mein* of misfortune.
Shorthorn Woodsy% Uwe gone on too
much oa the esinntiption that the Short-
horn hied so rivals. That the unques-
tiosably meritorious Aberdeen Poll and
the Hereford bare von favor is a feet
with pygmies la it. The same eyes which
the merit in good Abasiost ead Here-
ford cattle VW not be slow to recognise
worth in worthy “3/0141infint it is the
rnbhish, puffed for instable rearons,
which has esesed eimareatly stemprirary
distaste for Shorthorn cottle Tot we
doubt were much if there be any real
distaste for good Shorthorn)."
SOX 1103, 160110111RICII. (1747)
Marble Works.'
We will sell cheap fue the balance of the-laa-
son, to melte room for winter work.. A terve
second-hand Rigs for sale Cheap. A few good
Horses will be taken in exchange for Rigs.
AA- Oppoeite eulborn Hotel, Goderich.
Headstones, House Trimmings, Monuments,
and work of all kinds in Marbles, designed
and executed in the best style and /demist
reasonable prices. Marble Mantles kept in
stock. Granite Monuments and Headstones
imported to order.
Great Mirage SisterprIse.
The Laboratory for the manufacture
of Electric Bitters is one of Chicago's
greatest enterpriees, giving employment
th a large number of hands. The exten-
sive sale already attained for this won-
derful remedy is astonishing. Where -
ever °nee introduced and becomeeknown,
it is almost impoesible to supply the de-
mand, because of their true merit—cur-
ing where all others fail. --and at a rea-
sonable prioe (fifty centse. --Rode Sold
by F. Jordon
per-ls your throet sore, or are you an-
noyed by a construe cough? If so, use
promptly "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers."
They will give you instant relief
They relieve the sir peerages of phlegm or
no:coons, and allay inflammation, and no
sefer remedy oan be had for ooughs, colds,
or any complaint of the throat or lungs,
and if taken in time their efficacy will
soon be proved. Sold by all druggists
and country dottier' at 25 cents a box.
John Knox,
Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, 80., &c.
REPAIRING and JOBBING done with neatness and despatch. and at reansonable tenni.
Can and examine before purchasing.
JOHN KN.OX. Hamilton Street. Goeeriolu
From the present date until January 1st, 18821.
0 ..Y $1.50.
Hamilton Street,
- Goderich.
We are now prepared to fill and ship orders
for Trees. Re- for Pall Planting. Deseripttre
Price Catalogues rasa to applicants.
Geo. Lasers & Sox.
ional be .ef in the value of invigorsnts ANOHOR1LINE
as opponents of diseaae. Be sure to ask as
or the"Quinine Wine" prepared byNorth-
rop & Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all
%fl5T THIRY RAY OF IT. — A Yew Feces
FOR TIE PSOPLZ. —There are but few pre-
parations of medicines which have with-
stood the impertial judgment of the
people for any great lerigth of time. One
of these is Dr. Thomas Eelectric Oil.
Read the following and be convinced:
— Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre
P. 0., writes," I have been afflicted with
rheumatism for the last ten years, and
have tried many remedies without any
relief, until I tried Dr. Thomate Eclectric
Oil and sinee then have had no attack of
it. I would recommend it to all." J.
H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shefford,
P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with
liver complaint for several years, and have
tried different ruedicines with little or no
benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief,
d I Id that I have teed it
61110a by seetere.
Veher• ecotone have failed to cure, and
have krivsn their patients ep to in,
Inc Hitters have often hem need, mod
one* effeeied,
frisotty to the astou
meni of all. ieeritie of the fitonmeh,
Liver. Kidneys, end Urinary Orem me
positively tiered by Slectrie Fetters.
They Feverishly ewe Constipation,
Headache mei all auroras Ateacke
them, anti lie eremitism', that they ar•
the best medicine ever seed. Field try
F. Jordan at fifty tenth • hothla
cellars. Me
Theis sesemes Se
NNW_ jr
caargS,111511 Rates.
pmFre as
at enamel
11/111.11.1_. esmemmy lemma Gam N.1
Albion Block,
1761 gent at oderich
Ooughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza,
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, and every
affection of the
Throat, Lungs, and Chest,
"It does not dry vp a cough, and !sate the mot
behind, NJ* with most preparations,
bid loo•rns it, cleaners the lungs and allays irri-
tation, tees removing the casts. of coreplaiet."
bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DR.
with tb• signature 01 "1. BUTTS " on thewrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre-
pared by Seen W. Fowes & Sows, Boston,
ass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally.
an WOG my
since with the beeteffeet. No one should
be without it. I have tried it on my
homes in oath of cute, wounds, etc., and
think it is equally as good for horse as
man." A. Maybes, Merchent, Wark-
worth, writes, "1 have sold some hun-
dreds of bottles of Foileotric Oil,and it is
pronounced by the public, 'one of the hest
medicines they have ever used;' it has
done woaders in healing arid relieving
pain, sore throats, etc., and is worthy
of the greatest tionfidence." Joenak
Roman, Township of PerekwLina.01
was persuaded to try Dr.on
trio Oil for lame knee whthh troubled
me for three or four yeasa, arid I never
&mad anything bk. it for cur*/ leas
sew Pt ia avast ps Assails."
Dome01 LL&Ifou.--Aalt for Dr.
Iffisesastellkieseeki OIL See tliat the sir
satire of IL N. Thiains the wrapper,
sod e nessee ef & Lynam' are
balms is the beittlek law en other
Said toy all _iesitaiie dedees Prise SIS
1fORWROP & LTKA/4, Toreson,
Ort., Pmprietors for Uri Dominion.
Worm —lraisetrie--Seleased sad Law
Great North-West.
The Worth -Weft Tronsportation 0o.
LAKE s. PICHIOR merle rompneeNI of Five
MagniSceet Steamers, t borough', ve-Stiod with
new ert/ttell hmanMethn
elieWirannoR e ot
rnti)a Y .1 55. m., Ramie ever? '17' DMA T
and FRIDAY at 9p *weather PertrtitMS;
oarrying the Canadian Mall. in coanection
the Grand Trunk, Great Women end Canlata
Ronthorn minim ('.11115 the tablets/gays
isventior I Klaoard
Inc. Roe Pion For Drone lane - St
Joiseph's Wend. Reek Milk Herm liteldpi-
ecese.6royeron sever nee. 'Mender key
hob making_elose connection wu,h Use
Vet/tnern Nano. FIL.Pael and Pettit,' Hallways
far Menetetw. Bakeeasuel al goads Wet&
For farther asitaasere netelProlgeht and Pas-
o rats& amity te say agent of 'betels's.
WIWI, or tri
or te Wleseempr.
MZISRY ReATTY Gessral1751
1.3 prow sem a I. OM, ewes ter
to Jae. lert. anSeedless
Orsoty seta wted In amerr
Pretaeted Solution of the hottidie Nee
Is as easily digested and asrimilated with Oa
blood as the simpiest Mod. When the blest
does not contain the nimal quantity of bee, the
deficiency esti he supplied by the of the
PERUVIAN SYRUP. It curse • " thinned
ills " simply by Tow ora Ur, Dertooseento, tad
VIT•LIZING the system. Tim enriched awl
'Hafted blood permeates every part of the
body. repairing damages and waste, se
out morbid secretions, and leaving not:alit
disease to feed upon. This Is the there% of the
wonderful success of this remedy In curing
Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Boils.
Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea.
Nervous Affections, Female
and all disease* origiesting Iiia lege mese ee
the bloodor athonipsnied by debilillf, fat is les
ataoi of the system.
0 1117TION.— Be sure rag get the ••Pl
RU VIA?' 8 TR VP." Se14home** Pow
they. learaphiets met free to, sise IMMO* by
Simi W. Foyers & feagraMon 0 Wor.
risen Avenue. Demo% Waft