HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-11-12, Page 51 •'theins weylung 117 Lapinski g I11J THE caught in a net agar ilillpoint on Psi 11 day. , Barrow lhjpl +a,i1y oil the 10th ult. launched to net'. atouuahtp Funteasia. titin &s the la: teat veered Mh M latein d England, except the %met 10aalsrq, ani) a intended for the Anchor Liue Service, between tliseguw and New York. Thu steamier hex ac- commodations fur 000 oabiu arta 1,900 steerage passenger*. The Yuruessie will be ready ftir sea int two months. There are now bitilding wx luitiitloiu 1 steamers of large tonnage, fur the Atlantis Ser- vice of the Anchor line, which will bring the fleet of this ewitpany up to forty steamers of the lariuw and linnet t the world. These addition* to the fleet bate deer reudered nuoereary by the Large incresae of passenger traffic, this hue being a favorite one with all class - ...WI ul peasenKess- arosersOvInv ' axle tetsbter. K Parties getting their Lillie printed at this ages t�' get • Rodeo is use, department Mats ot SATURDAY, 13th Nov.—Sale of town pro- perty, and shop funiture, in the town of Goderich. F. (Indium, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, 13 Nov. --Sale of Goderich Market Fees; to take place at Currie's auction room. MONDAY, Nov 16th.—Sale of goods and ohattles, to take place in the village of Kintail. J. C. Currie, Bailiff. Zainav, Nov. 19th. —Sale of Fane Stock tgttj implements, to take place on lot 1, con. 8, E. D. Ashfield Roger Milroy and John Shea, proprietors.— J. C. Currie, auctioneer. TuletDAY, 23rd Nov. —Sale of Farm Stock and implements, to take place at Martin's ; hotel, Dungannon. B. Pointer. =j, C. Currie, auctioneer. WaDNLsDAV, Dsc. tst—SRle of Farm, Farm stuck, &c., on north half lot No.. 27, Maitland con., E. D. 'rip Colborne. Adam Durst A. J. B. Dunt, proprie- tors. --J. C. Currie. huctio neer. MONDAY, DW'. 6th. Mortgage sale of valuable Freehold Property, to take place at Henry's Hotel, in the village of Fordwlch. Cameron, Holt & Cam- eron, Vendor's Solicitor[,,, Goderteh Beritets. LADLES. The sad THE HE RON SIGIA.4 FRtillAY, JOV BIRt it 18 80. 1.A-11P— Ft f3 Et Dal A ielC i N tf 2,000 jI,!io]a Of lean' glbltia undersigned bet leave w milli? that he are w de dressmaking. h sU its branches at the they prepared ng RBISIDFnNCBI of Misr HUNTER, Nam a. (1(>11)1•...1111(.'11 Miss ALuwuaTM. ideas Huirrax. T. 17110-44... ANDREWS BUTCHER, THE SQUARE, - GODBIRICH. continually on hand a good supply of all klslbl of FRESII SEATS AND CORN BEEF, Sausages, &c., &c. re. Meat promptly delivered to all pants of the Town. 1. int bound to pee ata(i,factiop. 1760 T. ANDREWS. JOHN RALPH Women. Nov. 11.Uss0. Prices of wheat continue high, and it is readily purchased at quotations. As high as $1.03 was paid for fall wheat on Wed- nesday. Considering the bad mads and inclement weather, a good supply of grain has conte into town during the week. We quote:— Wheat, 17141111e brash .... ..... gt 00 to jt 02 Wheat. (Spring) 1 bush........ 096 b 1 10 - Flour, • cwt.... ........ ........ 2 50 h,4 2 75 Ost4 • bash .................... 0 YS k 030 !'ens V bush.................... 050 a 0 10 Barisy. i bust... • • • .. a 045 A 056 Potatoes. Ma* 0 bad........ 016 W a 10 Hay tP ton. 7 Sa w 800 s 0 214 w 030 Ch►stets.....................:.- 0 l8 • 020 i 58 • 015 Batter. i t►........ Hide dna (ttipsckedl.. .171 a► 0 064 Pork 11 50 " t 00 ft 3 00 j tuate Igartet. Nov. 10 11180. A large quantity of grain hasbeen com- login during the week, notwithstanding bad weather. The fallowing are the quotations up to date. wheat. tall,Doe1 Fps ng. red cow r .11 00 1 05 1 05 0211 r11170 40 p.t .....f. ..... 055 !lour..... %r.e••• 0 V4 Potatoes • 0 20 niter 0 m Hay) 4' .. 750 Hideo...[ 1 + •• p 00 50 550 300 3 10 i • -1 r mew," Oa li tae 6 t a * r Banking. .. si 0 00 1 w 1 10 to 0 eS ole Heavy Canadian Woollens, os 550 HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH, —DEALER 161— STOVES —AND --- TINWARE. The subscriber has a complete assort- ment of Srovss, TINWARE and Srov PsPC , at PricesCh`h Cheapest Wanted at Once mgr. Private Families supplied with, ohoioe hand-picked apples for wester AV LOW RATMs. J a ire s McNair, 11 Goderich. Oa, LI ARNENS Tilton Street. K 1lltp Ogg HOP REMOVED. C. F. STRAUBEL, In thanking the Inhabitants of Goderlch and . urruun tag evuairy for the very liberal patronage which has been shown him fur the peat a ~ears,vr��them that bhasRKMODtobepremises, Nearly Opposite the Colborne Hotel Stables, Where he Is showin & very Aar ss.arassent of light and heavy Harness, Middles, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Horse (.asahfag, Combo. Britain*, Hells and every other article as found in a first-class Harness Shop. All wort warranted, its 1 use only the very boat material and employ none but Float -Curs workmen. Repairing done on short notice and at sander - ate rates. Remember the place Hamilton Street, aoderioh. NEW V ALiNCU6, •W LAYERS, NEW CURRANTS, . 11. ALMONDS, WALNUTS, " FILBERTS, .41{.1,:.1 CHEWS UTS. IV LAKE SUPERIOR V TROUT, WHITE FISH dt HERRING. AV- MALT WATKR -tlas HERRING AND CODFISH. AIJMO, A Lagoa AIMO&T1l1NT tel 'Teat, Sugars, And Otandl (frooeries ; CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A N D CHINA. Dr. Pug's Cream Baking Powder. Dr. Paiuz'e Lupulin Yeast Gems. Chas. A. Nairn, THE SQUARE. 1751 "Manchester House." JAMIES A /133/321 tis' just received a choles lot of NES G00DS, New Dress Goods, Winoeys, Flannels, Blankets, Shirting', Cottons, Prints, &c., which for value is unsurpassed., New Shawls and Mantles, special value. T AILORINCi DF1PgRTMENT_—A splendid selection of Tweeds and coatings. Call and leave your measure for a suit ur overcoat- -stylish made. well trinuued. and tit guaranteed. Cloth bought cut frrw of charge. r Hata. Cap.- and Drawers at close perm.Jana, t. Rant,. The htFht'bt price paid for Butter and Eggs. Jo,vtan s 1tI.v k (ederioh. A. B. CORNELL 1S STILL agLLlNu as cap ase capes Examine the stock and you will be 1 F lipAtitiRE sure to be suited. Sheepskins, Wool Pickings, Cotton Rag', Copper, Brass and old Metal taken in exchange for Goods. 1760-3u,. JOHN RALPH. cw Teth, NEW OVKRCOATINGS, NEW SCOTCH GOODS. A FINE SUPPLY 07 0 30 I 50 Just the thing for winter clothing. " 0 21 020 '• .. i omo Some Good Lines of Gents' Furnish " 600 " 310 325 -_- )- READY- MADE -SS` BANK OF »LONTRrAL. CAPITAL. • . •Is,00e,000. SURPLUS. - - • 06•000•000• Goderich Branch. a 8 DUNSFORD, - - - Manager. Allows interest on deposits. I)rafta. letters of credit and circular note. Issued. payable In all parts of the world. 11 0AIiADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE OVERCOATS, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TOWN. arrlagell-Wri*kt3Cl ciao alio. B. POINTER, MANUWATtxg4R Or sir Ja u G• CI I SI 8 , *2 CUTTERS, SLIMS, i at— tr.ve on hand a new [� nter work.'v � eau Cuaar. W woke nonan [[[uuuYYY i As ,t is cmniug on atlntrr season, 1 Intend making Cutiere and libelant' a speulalty. — - .. Give the a call and 1 will give you pre a that cannot be WO. IR OR and Jobbing dune. IF YOU WISH Rat Br, TO SECURE ' all well made and reliable. CLOTHING MADE to ORDER under my own supervision. OgMPSELL'8 Boot : Shoe Emporium ESTABLISHED 1874, Grand Fall Show THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN AR- ALL WORK WARRANTED. -W Paid tip (k, 06,4)00,000. Rent, ' - - 01,400,000. prMy„t, - HON. WM. 1feMASTAiR Omerol Mae..per, - W. N. ANDERSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAOBR interest allowed nn deposits. Drafts on on 415 the principal Towns and Mies Orme Britain and *he United States. bought sad soldAdvances to Farmers . on mare eadorseit withoutt,with one e. 1763 gugh Dunlop, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Next Door to Bank of Montreal. The Superior 40[1/and Loan Society rr - CAPITAL, - +.4rt,,00Bn GSi 1" ONSY LOANSDen new Tera. tlejni P' t vt sad Lse Society. bearable to borrowt'ea- LONDON. Ont. Inter 11 Handal Bettye k. DeposIb.s• N. It NELLICS. w nst CINGALESE 4rIAIR RENEWER !ba Ing gtn.1 8* [Mit or worries ie a re or RAt1L T'ta flan ns17 be es try .pm trsgiAttea. which eg sl to be the B leer S .ori .fWR� `d market- rket-ll w ..stn Its einem met, sad seas Nitre 1� tedidll b AND iSa7OCT TI111 azami1l7LLY /lniBED --01— Boots and Shoes. Every Line is Full and Complete! The Largest and Best Select- ed Stock in the County to Choose From I Parties wanting to buy Roots and Shoes would do well t.. CAI..L AND INSPECT THE STOCK before purchasing elsewhere, a_. they ail, tind _ PRICES LOWER THAN EVER ! fie- Cosron Wong attenied t.• with purctuaht) N. B. -Any quantity .1 Cordwood taken in eichange. Goderich, Oct. 15th, 1880. WV. t'.f YPBELL, rourt Mow Square. 17b6 If You Want Good GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, PARLOR SETS, BED ROOM SETS, ,ANDS, single and double ; DRESSIIliG BUREAUS, FANCY CANE SEAT, CHAIRS, and ail kinds of Good Furniture WASRANTED. . . JOBBING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. GIVE ME A CALL. Saws well tharpened for 8 Dents. Remember the Boos: Hammilton Street, - Near Colborne Hotel, - Goderich. James Wilson, Chemzstand Druggist, North able Market Seem. rt -Lt. aro(X or PURE DRUGS SE ASON ABLE allvIeE. --0O TO— D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. la a6titekss to the ordinary lines of the Grocery and Crockery- Trade. I carry a full stock of Flour, eals, or anollera1 Provisions. "I say t. Aunt Julia, the weather is ming cold, and you ought to buy a good warm Jacket to keep you comfortable during the winter months.' "Well, my dear girl, that is just what I was thinking of, but will you tell me which is the Always on hand. AU the standard l'atent . Medicines sold. r Physicians and Family Prescriptions carefully prepared. 1751 JAMES WILSON. RESTORING GREY RAIN TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try It baler+ analog an7 otter `4":;',:11`" J, -Mt ,,'toe. e1 ds. s bottle. W. S. Hart & Co., BEST ANI) CHEAPEST store in Goderich." "Why, yes, auntie, but I thought that every person knew that the best in town is PROPRILTORS Mill, (Late Piper's.) R. B. Smith's. MY MOTTO IS, Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." call Oil also sold. See my Stock and get my prices. r Goods delivered to any part of the Town. D. Ferguson. They have always a large stock and their goods last oto long besides they are the NEWEST, MOST FASHIONABLE AND CHEAPEST that can be got. But Auntie, be sure to go early in the day, for about eleven o'clock, they $et so busy, Slat many customers have to wait a long time before getting served. • Thank you, Jennie, for your advice, I will do all ay trading at G.iatla* dee. •Iran, ;O.hssid, at their Teem td _ere tax Inds Is w ta... may sot w - P H & air eadest go to be mi .ad t+.u�otscrtt�nesa oterf W ll � 11 I ae R1.L1IA D. as/k ( ARl RS wr.mriR)I MILDtn t7i)Rv, tm�r��s.155. HOZ Chia Ptev+�eMar lieseate Apaid for lia. Lt M t71t1. R. B. SMITH'S for I have heard every person speak so highly of that store." GREAT BARGAINS IN FIRST -CLAhe FURNITURE for the neat three months, can be obtained ,it The C -oderioh Furniture Emporium. Cupboards, Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges. LIsalrs and Tables, of the best stakes, at the lowest living prices. PICTURE FRAMING AND Rima. oxo done on short notice and se cheap as the cheapest. r Wood and Lumber taken 1n exchange. NM All Indebted to J ort+ A. BALL will save expenses by calling and settling by 0x84 or note. 11751) JAMES G -D A ISL BOOTS AND SHOES. E. 8L J. D0WNINC3- Market Street, (opposite Watson's Bakery) G.elericli. I HAVE BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK —0? --- R. .D. FERC:i-USON —AT VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! MVO teat resolved tow 11,711111111 woos ersoaa sod gimps guiltysadveryIetr eAoos 71411 and Winter wear, et very Missies We ere dss.rtWed too give ear Customers the geraigt. at awartatersad eapltai In placing be Oars the everyssail sod Osede h. g ods mad ped at iori ~big �r as w date the ks.aaR comps tlI 01106005 Wert tewla ole WNW at aa w every avert ii1164e to snit sed plea tact tea' IL At J. DOWIfiNO. CratrV. Beek TO TRU TRAM Leeman NM TbISII 10 estF gusstm3'. sad at iowM petro•-. (1751) The Square, Dearly .n of said Stock, as well aa my own original Stock. was b..ght before the advance or Hardware. I ma therefore in a a position o iit rosary.camperan r Slum say ether - G -oderioh. MY STOCK OF Builders' & C �eiIal liariluTi� cmilltile, Farmers , wltkk I wsat to ova oR atiekly. OOMIi ArML !ITT AT $403 !'Boss As WILL PLEAS" "104. Fresh Ground ,Water Lime in Stook. AGENT POR REST STEM. R 1 RR PENCE WIRD R_ W_ M c 8 NZIE 17111-4g) 1 li