HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-11-05, Page 1a u' • ,d am tkr. Straubi. . 1. lit ra*g. in kl'euinagnian 'tau A. Nairn 'lb last.. the w ihtrr e 18th test tM I sen -tit mo*t., the wt J ason. b , (I .0 f uof ` :ua nth mut.. the Wt8 to 17th anal., the West Woo mush. J1 01& son . by the iter. i4 .f l..drrtel. Tuwp- q,ubar. of HvIl L e. on taw Mk d D., Mr. C. Law- ,ald, both of CM - residence of We nat.. by Rev R. A. Miss Mary Joe ;tep1Ka. Chunk, tet. by the Itrv. u of collates, Ditt- o Rev. R. Hick, th, Esq.. Manager s. to Mary, mooed {Ileo.!. Doctor of 718t1i ,rat. et colt- , of A11n h 117 Ce- tera as d r; months. 11tc', ..w '1 tutrelay. ,ed wife e or Mr. aw, only daughter eh. aired :n scan• the lstL «,..t., the ttllall, i ed 13 days. the 11111 Oust.. the 10th i :a^.. Ar.., loe. 1•vel.ofthe "1 'beer - 5th Inst..OilbcrLona uu,thter of Gilbert nit, (.0 Sunda) , the son of William and t 21 years• whet*. men, Oct. 111. ISL!►. t report is taken Last wok, hi -M- aio. Fall wheat then but 98e. w Y a the exact 1t !tor unloads. a .deuces it iiat1 oetter give lora can rely upon N'.sect• 1096 to all 98 090 .e 103 30 tr >< 75 ••:.. et 030 0 Msr 060 9 to 030 0 13 w o 30 015 w 0116 7 00 et 800 0 m s. 0 le 018 to Ola .... 0 17 . 0 17 0ODI11 Ole ......250 w 300 010 et 000 seen. OK. 21. U80. .10 .050 . ...300 e re .. 010 0 03 * 00 . 050 5 30 .300 . 3 10 1 00 l OB 1 10 0 26 0 63 0 m 3 50 030 0 21 0 16 800 900 1 00 600 3 10 3 R. SCHOOL Tee or admission wW be A on the TIM a raid ase. da lost notify the Head >'octor, not later than o regarding the exasr- ly to, li. I. S7 R7 NO. 1880.--MUNICI- lwnship of Ashfield, n that 1 have tfang- to persons toes Mime of 'The V re' mired by "old sect delivered of the list„, AM, of all persons ap- leM Aatesiunent Ron to be entitled to vote at elections Inc mem- seem and at Munf- et mid 11d muerte t the Village of Ilan - of October, MD. and Uma. e to examine the mud r or ony other errors e Immediate proceed - ors corrected acoord- this 23f.h ley of Oct„ IN COOKEi a said Man cipality Dungannon P. b. ing. REAL z Branch. Manager. potato. Drafts, lettere n otes isle&. psyabl. K OF COVMRRCH •6,000,0)6. 91 ,400,O0) t' WM McM4RTRR tv SI 4 IRMO* Branch. Wp Aceta depast00. Dulls ne 55 t adCitl feed ils ly(Is= 1 .r Nowa won onwa S .r.wrtage t1 THIRTY-THUM' YEAR WHOLE 111UMHER 175:1 reir- NE GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, POO. MCOILLII'UDDY HRppgg.., pv 1_B t •1..o A Y EAR 1'N ADW Bentistru. MNICHOLSON, BURGEON DEN- , TIOT. Odin and te Most e, Wurt Street,. three''•duures bttoo lank of. Mootr -.d, OQia• nob.1711 Tonsorial. W• KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR - UkIt a•d Halr-drueak r. beimto recurs thinks to the pot*, fur twat .&t sonata • osatlewance et custom. He' Wows be (marl at has Shaving Parlor, sear tM Past 000s. t:od.rloh. till laical. lieLBAN, PHYSICIAN, tI1t:0Y. comer, te. Mos and residence HUH- em.st 'greet. sesosd door west of Victoria 1751. DRS SHANNON & HAMILTON, &thce:1aM0na3$anourwnacsbAeeowdek4 er7deaerich. . . ewe G. t#Iri:sow, J, (' 1I reL- • 1731. B. LUNDY, 31 D.; PHYSICIAN, Su.goon sad Aocousiter. graduate of To- rstito Trinity Unlversitles. 000ce at Mar- tta'r Hotel, Dungannon. 1751. 1AIKENHEAD V.S., (SUCCESSOR to Dr. Durscaa) Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary Colleen.. Odle,. stables and resident e, lit. Andrew'. street. back of D. Ferguson's store ; formerly cwtroWed by Dr. Duncan. N. B. -horses examined se to soundness. 1733 Legal, ARWJW & PROUDFOOT BAit.. RISTF^;, Attorneys. Sullators, eta. fieri':.. J. T. (Jarrow, W. Proudtoot. 100' • 1) L DOYLE, BARRLtw J, A N D l. Attorney, Solicitor In Chancery, &c.. Ooderlcit. tint 1751. . EAGER & MORTON, BARRI as. T11R. &-., &e., Ooderlch and Wingham. C. &tower, Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. Wing- rw. 1731. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND ► 7. elolioltor. Mike -Corner of West Street and BLOWS Square, over George Acheson's. Uoderich. 1731. CAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT- . LAW, solicitor In Chancery. Convey- ancer. &e.' Otlioe over Donors store, Gode- rich. Ont. Any *mous• of money to loan at lowest rates of interest 17311, 11AMER011, HOLT & CAMERON, •-/ Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Cloderiehard WlaRkaat. M. C. tasmeron, Q. C.; P. HoltM. G. Cameron, Oodertch. W. F, Maears. Winghant. 1751. iAMES SMAn-I, ARCHITECT, &(•. • Mee, (Ira►lute Stet. Kingston at., Gate- rica. Plans gbd el/Iatoadrawn correct- ly. Crdrers and MOOD work measured z- -- WEAVING DONE NEAR THE OLD Y r Huron Hotel,H Street, Ooderlch. N. Reference-2RILLER, East- t. 1731. E. R. WATSON, HOUSE. SIGN and Ornamental Painter,. Partordecor- ating made a specialty. O*AININo. OILDLSO, GWtturo. Shop on North Street. opposite the Registry Og104 tch G d.r. 1751 Miscellaneous Tarts. ckTRATFORD BINDERY-ESTAB- LISHE D 1869. This establishment is chiefly devoted to Job and library work. especially to these unique and economicalhalfwtf and mor- rocoo idyle& in sal cases the bed of stock end workmanship, with strength and beauty com- bined. Bind nverJda Duttoit'sdrug store. GEORGE STOWE. Loraine an insurance. 600,000 TO ► LOAN. APPLY TO • CAMERON, HOLT&CAMERON. Gode- rich. 1760. 75,000 TOLEND ON REAL E S - W TAIL= da va►b. Apply to H. L. Q50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND IttP on good Farm or first -clans Town Property aM net Mat. Apply to R. RADCLiFFE. 1761 ' } PER CENT. -PRIVATE FUNDS 1 to lend at the above rale on first-class se- curity tie. delay. Apply at onoe to IMAGER & MORTON, Ooderfch. 1731 MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgagee& reasonable rates of Interest and on terms to suit borrowers. Address JAMS t tiTele Rr, Sanford P. 0. 1700. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment et berme rates on ling-cl"ss)Kortgages. Apply to°ARROW&PROUD MONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA- DA Landed Credit Company. Toronto - .101114 LAIR* BLAST* *EQ., PttsMdent Money is lent by this Colima, to individuals np n the C ee stem (1 to 0 saV/EI lTfttes tar lrcnlsrtt. HUGH O C.. L. Agent, Goderlob. 1711 20,Of10 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND elV on Far' sad Tows Property et lowest In- terest. Mortgages purchased. so Oommleslon charged, conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers nen obtain mosey In one d• if title is sattObeasry.--D_ AOIQON & JOHN ' STON. Barrb M55, le.. t).derler 1751 R. R A DOLIFP$, FIRE, MARINE, Life and AoSIMot Insurance Agent. pantos Alwsgent Arorit itest-RAN(-w fkn. , tether In Tewa•r 7to salt tae fh bier*. R. -prawn Cog for the CANADA ►tone, to lend IS Farm ift NSTrablitOAR1i1. " rl SRMSH slag (t(YT farmwives Established UHL PH(0NIX 7Nis. c0'Y of leans (RogWid. RrhbllMed 1711.. HARTFORD N RAwrSORO cane IlistaLIM taken IM the Mtge* gstON M/l.is ow by O R AEHORT( at Thr t pA Y she Appraiser for the CANADA rue LOAN awn RAoflO11 CO'T Tom erro Means to 10a41 aw eratef•ps ""nobs/ teem • b i ler vest charges er.,asrw. HinttAC/ PORT°* owlet el gape te ISM Nit Auctioneering. RPO. CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S ACC - • 'maim& °camera, at. HSI. pRANCI$ GRAHAM, LICENSED Auctioneer for the Corals of H tram. Terns reasonable. Of1.x- HaattI'on *rest, Goderich, opposite t'olbsrsr Hot -I. 0rdsss left at Sweat ogler will be extorted ro. 17111 Site People .s Column. Eni1T NON TO ',PkR DAY AT HOre a GV ttrruples north p 5 frr e t Cu., P t10ad, slabs. vOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN that I nut est be responsible for any deltas ooatsactbd 1n say tome without inc written order Ittneraicic Mt 810421e. Kletall. ;Il.i 1 R )h R SERVICE -A PEDI- (.ItY.16 Berkshire Isar prom Bow Parkl (Or #;:.- Terms $1 30 be paid at time of eervi.•o. 1.'3ESOM LEER, Huron Road. iQTORE TO LET ON VICT/►RIA street. recently o7:••upied by Dirt. Adam. The store is cuuunolious and well furnished with shelve; ar.d drawers. t very complete dwelling is also overhead. and a good cellerand soft water is In oonnectlon with the building. The stand Lr a good one. and Is in close prox- imity to the Show Ground. Terms are re reasonable. and wW be 50049 known on app cation to D. K. STRACHAN, Illackernith. 17 anteti. WANTED. TEACHER, FEMALE, for N. I. No. 6 colhurac ter 1111. aur" cottons (Kiting certificate gad sal.-- untlllNov.1tti 1199. A ,,reeelved sea N.ltrord. 1750.11. SOUR TEACHERS WANTED -FOR Public :School, Ooderlch. Salaries, IMO, SYt15, sou and 8130. Appplicantsjto state grade of Certificate, The tihderstgned will receive applications until Nov.g3.12Ji>a W. MITCHELL. Secretary. B. S. T. TEACHER WANTED, FOR S. S. NO. 7. Township of Colborn°, for the year 1881. Female preferred. Apply personally to the Trustees or to the Secretary. DAVIT) BAER, lenmUler P: 0. 1731-1t. CORDWOOD WANTED. -THE LIN- DERSIONED, having purchased the Do- minion Salt Block. is now prepared to buy all kinds of cordwood. for which cash will be paid. For further particulars, apply to Chas. A. Nairn the &mare ; or at the Star salt Works. 301171 $COSIE. 1753 Lost or Found. I OST. -TW DODERIC$ ON MON- .4 day afternoon. a lady's Minh Cellar. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leav- lag it at the residuum of De. WILIa*rat. 1710.1t. iLO REWARD. Toe ab r: ^ reward will be givrn by' the un- dersigned for inlormatioe that will lead to ►be apprehension of the ppaarty who took a Steer from Lot Y3, Con. t Usdorlch T. tween the lith and lab October. The animal was a rid and white steer. 3 years old. with litr red spots on both shoulders• and inclined to be thick on horns with white flank and belly on both sides. white on lower end or tall and a brand on his left hip the shape of an o. The, animal can be Identified by at least two credible witnesses. W. McLEAN. Goderieb. Oct. 26. 1880. 1736.2t. - Fstrav Animals. TRAY EWE. -CAME ON THE 1J premise of the usderetgaed 1d 6. Lake Road. west ('nlborne, about t he 21th Oct • .we. Owner is cegrested to pave pre. peter. Mf expenses and take her away. JOHN LtgsuTwR. 1710.41. STRAYED FIWM THE PREMISES of sae *abseil her. Block D, Colborne, about July, four yearling steers, one grey. one and two red and white. Anyperson givfng such lntsrmation as will lead their recovery will be suitably rewarded. ALEXAN- DER MC 'SIG 4altford P 0. 17394t. STRAYED. A HEIFER ABOUT one and a half years old, red and white. pretty much roan. short and stout made. Any one giving me information of It will be suit- ably rewarded. WALTER HiC'K. Haran Road, Goderbh P. 0. 1751331. SQ REWARD -STRAYED FROM the premises of the undersigned. lot 22, con 5West Wawanosh, about tkeklth of May trio eight head of young eatie, seven of which were yearlings, described as follows : - 1 white bull with grey neck, 2 grey deers. 1 red and white deer, 1 dark end sneer with white spots. (the smallest of the Iota, 1 grey and white spotted heifer, 1 white heifer grayon the peck; the othe. was • two year old wite hM(er. Any person giving such information •s will lead to their teoovety will receive the above reward. Address the owner. WK. LEDDY. Dungannon P.O. For Bale. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. '33 AND iR earner of Victoria and East *trete, in the town ef Ooderlok. for sale cheap. or will be .xobsaged for term property. Fnr particulars yply to JAs, Sr AIM. Architect. ogloe Crbb'* Stook. or J. C. Cs'RRrs, auctioneer. THOROUGHBRED SHEEP AND plgtt ter sale The subscriber often for sale three Cotswold and two Leicester rams. three abeam purchased at Bow Park. and a aembsr et ram Iambs erre horn them. Alen • larm itemiser ofnun ppl1o ww. heand MOWS, from Sow Park Awkshews hlrts. The parents of these swine took IK prise at the Wirt Riding of inane Falr, bold 9ttb fV+frtember. IW. le'. NSROMtf.t-tR introsIio•d VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE _6 . Onn. 8, 1bwnahlp of Colborne,s. 0 Torr* H 1$t 011 po=ns 75 of which eta! l0 1! good d =Trim • me Anter with e*t]arr der tIhm . "'belie. klt.•hen WI& wood shed 1055*. slpble IRs* ter brows neet taw staple i4111. There As • well with a Clever falling and 1 good roue; ornbard with &boat t6 Wel Terms easy For ulvw apply W COS AS W Avant, w M Oaasow & U..151ts► 1791. • v ODERI('H HiGH SCHOOL THE )f slut ewamlnatlon tar •dmtselee. will be held Is the Cement 0 -boot. .m T.Mdal1 Wea'r,wdlal aM 9I0 dl tend 00.. 114rMlnwatoeat • d&,y theR Road ix ...w 1 Tows t twansOsi' iertst "S haw flubs •se et NO NEWS ABOUT HOME • - PEw•o.tAl.-Rev. 0. G. Cullamore, formerly Pastor of the M. E. Church of this town is uu a visit to the place. He seems hearty and hale. ".t ttbtel's among ye. takin' note*, As' fatal he'Y pest it." TOWNi TOPICS. Rss i our new story, War: 'thanksgiving Day well spout. NAameninx. -Very few vosaele have been moving luting the week, Rev lY, J. Shea of the R O church was 'up to see his former parishioners and eorsoual friends this week, Th,t pauper question was pretty fully disepa.te4 at the Conned meeting on Fri- day. Dosi'Mt.,, IT. - t ►ur new story is one of dump interest, and those who neglect to re.1Fi A will miss a treat. Ase Sarong, who has been teaching in Exeter, has been engaged to take charge of a school near Goderich. Frstrreaw.-Mr. Cornell's change of advertisement arrived too late for this week's issue. It will appear next week. DON'T waste another week -if yon: do not n..w take THE S7owAL-but 'send i your subscription right off 'ate give live, readable and reliable weekly. TEACHER*.-Eve_y teacher in the 11 a County of Hurn should take THE 810- *A'l; 1"Educational" department wilt be •- i Inc greatest interest to .. *cher,.. - REMOVAL -Mr. George Old is tho- roughly refitting the vacant store form- erly occupied by Mr. P. O'Dea, and will remove into it early next week. His old quarters were too shall for him. F.aex SoLD.-At Currie's auction mart '.n Saturday, the faria in Goderich Township, .d 94 acres, owned hy Messrs. Wilson, was purchased by Mr. Wm, Walters, Colborne, for the sum of 83,350. Coaltzcrfote-In the list of Model School candidates who were successful in the professional examination, pub- lished last week, the name of Mary A. Inne" appeared. It should have read Mary A. Junes, Nor CLONED. -•• Superintendent Elba states, in contradiction to the rumour in circulation that the Welland Canal will chute on fifteenth Notember, that the canal will be kept open as long as usual, and MI long as weather will permit. RETURNED. F. Jordan wheal•" been in Illinois and Michigan during the past week, returned on Wednesday even - mg. He enjoyed his trip well, and is of opinion that our friends acmes the way work pretty harmoniously at elections times after all. At the great political demonstration in Buffalo, on Thursday, in honor of Gene- ral Grant and Senator Conkling, Ilia Honor Judge Sinclair, of Hamilton, who was present upon invitation, took a seat on the platform near the distinguished American statesmen. PRINTING Orrice BOLD. -There ens a motley gathering at the sale of the job printing plant owned by Cathcart & Aldridge. The only actual bidder was Mr. George Cathcart, one (,f the former proprietors, and it meat into his hands again for the sum of $390. WON THE Cull. -Mr. Wm. Pr..udfoot, of the firm "f Gamow & Prnndfoot, re- turned on Saturday from a trip east nn professional business. He was successful in getting a verdict for his client of $150 damages for false arrest, in the case of McConnell re Reid, tried at the Went- worth assizes. DIDN'T Weirr Atty.-A grain merchant in town, in buying in a load of wheat the other day, found himself short of small change, and heeded the seIier a postage stamp t, make up the full amount of the purchase. "No you don't,- said the far- mer; "I got one of thea last year, and it's in the house yet." A review .1 the ravages of the great storm of October 16th, on the lakes, shows that upwards of five hundred thousand dollars damage was done to vessels and cargo, and that ninety-three persons perished. There were seventeen total wreaks, involving a loss of $163,- 900, and in all sixty-six vessels damaged to a greater or less extent. DoosLs Senotaasetr.--We are pleas- ed to learn that Mr. C. L Clasnweller, who is attending Toronto University, got a double scholarship, instead of a single one, as at first reported. In ad- dition to the general proficiency scholar- ship, he won the mathematical scholar, ship. The person to whom this latter honor was at first awarded wan not fully entitled to it, as he had previously taken a junior matriculation, and Mr. Crime - welter being next on the list carried off the much coveted prise. We wish our young friend may take many more ' twin honors" in his university career ANtrrHsa laws Arnett Soto. -lit his way Mom, f e,tn the Goderich sale last week, Mr H. Snell, of Hullett, sold hitt fine Durham one "Princess Thyra,.' to Mr. Middleton, of Bayfield, for $900 cash. This two is wean years old, and is without queainn one of the heat in the oocnt , and has id/ some apiendid stoat. Mr. Mill was nAirsd 82001 on year's credit for her at Geoiarich, hat refused it.. This 50e111a a big figure for a mw, but ter arl *neral sash Y this it s very Cheap if Mr. MMdletom has good luck with her he will very likely make her prise the hat year. As an instance of the profits to be rsalfand from a gond animal we may state that a few years ago Mr Rig - pee, of litanley, near Clinton, pnrehsasd a eow from Mr Thnespsnn ori East. Ni.etprjri, and sine. then he has sold of her stele 11.000 worths4 and still Inas the enw and a heifer rill -{ 1le7tpnsitnr Judge Sinclair, has been appointed by the Government of Ontario member of the Board of County Judges, in the place of Judge Macdonald, ..f Guelph, super- annuated. A cock fight 'en Elgin street, near South, was uue of the uceureneee on Thanksgiving Day. It gave evident sat- isfaction to the throe or four men who looked on. FIRE. -A fire occurred at Saltfurd on Tuesday morning about 2 o'clock, iirthe house of Mr. W. Mitchell, the building wan destroyed. Insured in the Queen's, of Liverpool, for $200. POLITICAL -Mr. Will. Car.opbell, Presi- dent (Atha Liberal -C .iseeeetive Asso- ciation, attended '„ne meeting held at Stratford ye$t;.•day by Sir Samuel L Tilley. A;r. Campbell, we understand, wa" R',tng to use every effort. 'IA get the F':.tance Minister to come to Goderich, and we hopo that he was successful. Sir Lennard would draw a large crowd. Arx7DE1re---A man named Adam Mc- Vicar, working on. a new house un the Bayfield Road, met with a painful acci- dent on Monday. He was working on the lower Hat of the building, and a plank slipped from above and fell on him, hitting him on ale uec , ^.Aictitlg a bad cut and stunning hint Had he not been stooping at the time, the stroke might have proved fatal. THE LECTURE COURSE. -A large and appreciative audience assembled in the Methodist Church, North street, on Thursday evening of last week to inau- gurate the course of lectures projected by the Ladies' Aid. After some very excellent music by the choir, and prayer by the pastor, Mr. It. W. McKenzie was called to the chair, who with a few remarks introduced the Rev, D. 0. Sutherland, B. D., of Clinton, as the lec- turer of the evening. Mr. Sutherland at once commenced his subject, "A Visit to Jerusalem," and for one hour and forty minutes held the attention of the audietfo a by the interest he threw into his narrative, and his graphic descrip- tive of places and scenes. After a brief notice of the various stages ofthe route, he pncceet#ed to describe the general as- pects of theeountry-the modesof travel and mutters 4 general interest till Jeru- salem was reached. From a well execut- ed plan of the city. -suspended in front of the audience -flu pointed out the rela- tion position of places around winch so much interest has gathered, and of which en litany desired to hear.. The city with its wall, the Temple, house of Annss, Calvary, Garden of Gethsemane,. the Church of the Holy Sepulchre; (with the legend" and traditions, which in the - oou ae of years have become associated with it and many other places in this land); the wall, the weeping place of the Jews; the prohibitions imposed up- on -on that people by the Moslems, the Tyr opoeon valley, the valley of Jehoso- phat, the Kedron, Bethany and the Mount of Olives, street life in the city, and the general condition of the peo- ple, were described by the lecturer with panoramic effect, in choice lan- guage, and with the feeling which only comes from having personalty walked over "those sacred acres," and inspected the remain"'bf a former greatness. To say the lecture gave general satisfaction is to say but little. It was full of infor- mation and instruction, well calculated to give additional interest to the study of places and events in the bibfieal story of Jerusalem -its grandeur end its past prominence and present condition, Itis a lecture to be heard, not described. A cordial' vote of thanks to the lecturer and a selection of music by the choir, closed this moat interesting service. The Rev. Dr. Burns, of Hamilton, gives the second lecture this (Friday) evening. Subjec*-The age of )n." We ex- pect a great treat. Rrslme*s pea's. BIR7WDAV AND XMAS PEtsaLNTtt. - Robevtson's Variety Store erontains a splendid stock of velvet and cabinet pic- ture frames, knick-knacks, and Christ- mas and birthday cards. Everything you can think of can be had at Robert- son's. NOR IRELAND. - Tho inhabitants of the Green Island are everlastingly agitat- ing for someting or other. How thank- ful we should be that we have no such trouble in Goderich or aeighbnrhood. Neither are we likely to haves() long a. R. B. Smith sell* so many dry goods, groceries, boot* and shoes, and sells theta as cheep as they have been doing for the past month; for it is really aston- ishing the piles of goods theyare daily sending nut and how well ty please every customer. Messrs E. F. Armstrong & Bros. ars manufacturing so iron submerple(1 faros pump which i" said t, he one of the hest pumps manufactured in Canada for depth of well. The cylinder sucker anti piping ars iron •pd the hu Ler has choice of iron nr wooden head. The cylinder is placed at the bottom of the wetland the rad onnnecting the sucker with the handle works outside of the piping and is so arranged Y to be going down while the water is arming up, thus making it may for the operator. its points of superiority axe, .s.ilr worked is any depth of well. durabiity, not liahle to get out of order, doss not taste the water, is handy in Daws of Are, washing Maggie.. watering garden* Aon If yon want a pump do not fail to see that rifts. Y it is not moon dearer Ikea the 0011ine wt wooded hump and •s mtw•h hotter AT THE BUTTS. our Red teats de a Litth+igre sheetlag. O ei Saturday Oct. 30th, No. ( Com- pany 33rd Brtt. putiupart oftheir annual rifle practice. Mr. Attrill kindly gave the 'ase of his flats for the purpose. In addition to Capt. Miller and Lieut. Beck, Col. Russ and Adjt. Cook were on the ground and assisted. The tiring at the 500 and 600 ranges will not take place until next spring. The following is the *cure :- ,.,n tOgjrL 1 Private Pennington. 1l3 ds- coal27. Corp. Wells - lE i9 24 32a Private Proudfoot 14 7 21 4 Serg. Smaill 11 9 20 6 Private Cordon 13 6 19 6 Parker 14 4 1S 7 Potts 8 8 16 8 Serg. Jarvis 13 4 ' 16 810 Private Honda 12 a 14 lOPrivate tSwatheld ¢ 1t 13 it Berg. McCaig 8 2 10 12 Private Jones 7 2 9 13 Bell 4 4 8 14 Corp. Ross 5 27 15 Private Wella 5 2 7 16 " Stcry 4 2 6 17 „ Hilhar 4 2 6 The prizes will be distributed at the concert to ire given in Crabb's hell en 26th inst. aaeh.e5 Board Meeting. Nov. 1st. The Board met this evening. Mem- bers present, C. Crabb, chairman, and J, Buchman, D. Ferguson," A. S. McGaw, H. Cooke, 0. `Swanson, M. Nicholson, J. Pasamnrts. Minutes ef aljotrsseJ meeting ware read and apprevci. Account was presented. from L, Elliott, for 50c and ordered to be paid. Twenty-four applications fur vacancies in the teachers' positions were received. Moved by Mr. Nicholson. seconded by A. McGaw, that Miss Drummond be en- gaged to fill vacancy in Senior division of St. Patrick's Ward School, at n salary of $250 per annual. Carried. Moved by G. Swanson, seconded by M. Nicholson, that Ida Sleigh be appointed to fill the vacancy in Division No. 7, Cen- tral School, at a salary of $235. Carried. Moved by 0. Swanson, seconded by J. Passmore, that Mies Sharman be en- gaged to teach in junior division St. Patrick's Warta School ; salary 1200. Moved in amendment by A. McGaw, seconded by M. Nicholson, that the vacancies in the junior department of the ward schools be not filled until the first meeting in December. Carried. Moved by M. Nicholson, seconded by Mr. McGaw. that the Secretary request the Librarian to lay before the Board at its next meeting a full report of the number of books out at present and also the number which has been taken out during the year. Carried. Acommunication was received from the Minister of Education referring to changes in the School Act, which was filed. The Board then adjourned. 111,ehaaIea Iaattient,. The: board of Directors met in the Board 'Room on Monday, Nov. 1st Members present, the President, Hr. C. Humber and Messrs, Sloane, Clues, B. S. Williams, Colborne, Morton, Me - Brine area' Sheppard. Minutes of precious meeting read and confirmed. On motto's of Mr. Sloane, seconded by Mr. Morton, the Treasurer wae instruct- ed to pay Mr. Butler 1100 on account of rent trout salary. The book committee was instructed to make a report at next meeting, of books suitable for the Institute. It wan also suggested and agreed to that any person or persons desirous of having special works placed in the library could send in the names of such to the Selecting Committee• and the propriety of getting them would be considered. On motion, a unanimous vote of thanks was passes-' to the Town Council for the grant of $100 made by them to the In- stitute. A cotulnittee composed of Messrs Mor- ton, Mailer and McBrine was appointed to makesernngements toward% organising evening classes in connection with the Institute. . The Board then adjourned for two weeks. feral, Jadge•'Criminal Costa. Before Ha. Honor Judge Square. Oct 30th. Arthur Sharkey and Wm. Gibson were up for election on Iiatutday last, the for- mer charged with sterling cattle and a watch, and the latter with cattle stealing. They pleaded not guilty. and elected to le tried by the Judge on Thursday, Nev. 4th. Nov 2n.4. Geo Trott. who pleaded guilty t. the Larceny of a gold piece was sentenced to one month in jail Nov. L fiharkey and tlibson 5 .•sae Ina ad- journed until Monday nett I f ► (t F Ball. - - The annual hall un- der the auspices of the Ooderich enoafnp- mestt No 98. me held in the Park Rouse nn the evewmff of Tuesday last, and was a decided weans Mr .1 R Durst, of Colborne, imposes leaving shortly for the West W. wish him every mosses, and are firmly am- vis.ed that he will lustre a good elitism. Out of 467,267 immigrants to the Stas Ism year, nearly 100,000 were from British North km.rice A TO1 LSOMt TRAMP. The Result of the Conteet on Wednesday. Yeas,erthe goy .lhlalt theekatlrg Rink b, "a Yard Road to Trottel." The event of Wednesday with taeyoung nem of the town, was the sour-attd-a- half's "go -Y -you -please" Lace, which be- gan prtaetaoly at 8.25 p.m, in the Skating Rink. At that time the judges, Mesar,. C. R. Dunafo -d, Charlie Nairn and D. C. Strachan were et their appointed place, and the ct'ntear ata, eager for the race, toed the "-scratch." The limited width of the track did net. admit of the nine Qir!icipauts standing side by aide, but this fact was not deetued of any conse- quence by the `rpeds." "Are you all ready,"said Strachan, and on an affirmative being returned by the fleet -footed ones, the word "Go," was given.' Off they started. bunching to the front, and each striving for a good place. Round the track and round went the contestants, and for five minutes or so the relative positions obtained at the start seemed to be but little interfered with. Then they commenced to string out, with Wat- son, Gooding, Williams, Rutson and Matheson favorites, and the others bring- ing up the rear. But the knowing ones knew the pace could not lad, and time and again the remark was made, "They'll entre down a ppelf before the end of the hour-atsd-a-1L•alf. Half an hour ptaeeei; three -quarters -- and then the stock of the younger lads, McCallum and McKay, began tolookup. At the end of an hour Wataon left the track, Owing to tub. es" C:►Ust rl i,11e constant circling on the ilnort t:,ursd, Then Gooding struck a walk, and he was followed by Bete., Williams and Rutson but the little fellows still kept on a steady jog, and at the end of an hour and a quarter had obtained a good lead. -By this time Williams had been forced out by the hard work, and the heavy plod of most of those remaining indicated dis- tress. McCallum and Matheson. etillled, although the latter was laboring hard. McKay was also, making geed time and apparently fresh. "Ten minuteamora," was the encouragement given to the travellers, and McKay began to spurt. His speed was something wonderful, and as he passed one after another, and made lap after lap on his morejaded coin - panions, hearty cheers were given by the spectators. But he had allowed himself to fall too far behind at the start to re- gain first place from Mdlalluns who still kept up the steady jog with which he had started out. At 9.55 "Time" was called, andtlletrial of speed was brought to a chose. The following is the more bytaper.- McCalluaa 266 McKay.. Matheson - 21611 Ralson.. 2411 Wyatt • 11)4 flolag Wild lett the track. Watson. The track was 80 yards long, and itre- quired 22 laps to make a mile. It will• thus be seen that McCallum made 11 miles and 160 yards during his hour and a half. There was a good turn out of specta- tors and the utmost interest was evinced throughout the race. The prizes were awarded as follows: McCallum, 1st; McKay and Matheson,. 2nd; Rutson, 3rd. - It is understand that a uumber of ath- letic competitions are in contemplation during 'the coating season, and the "sports" are making their arrangements accord ingly. Mets.releglral Revert. State of the weather for the week end- ing Saturday. October 30th, 1880. 24th Wind at 10 p.m. North -went, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number of miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 860• miles. Snow flurries at 4 p. 25th -Wind at 10 pan South-east, fresh breeze, raining. Began to rain at 3 p.m. Number of miles the wind tra- velled in 24 hours541 miles. I6th--Wind at10 p.m. North. partly cloudy, fresh breeze. Number of miles the wind travelled in 24 hours 639 miles. Keen frost. Cased raining et 2 p. m. Amount of rainfall 13.5 cubic inches. 27th -Wind at 10 p.m, North -,sat clear, light. Brilliant Aurora borealis. Number of utiles the wind travelled dur ing 24 hours 333 miles. Frost. 24th -Wind at 10 [[,.m. Etat, partly clear, light breate. Frost. Number of miles the wind travelled in 24 haws 231 miles. 29th -Wind at l0 p.m. South emit, clear ltght breeze. Number of utiles the wind travelled during 24 hours 233 mile* 36th Wind at 10 p.m. North, cloudy, fresh I'reeze. Number of miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 330 miles. Slight ah ,wer during the day, 0.4 euhic inches' fell. Cl. N M AC/DONALD Ohaer.er Tata $pt - W'.tthe natal plea tieiaang put forward noin behesalf of the sparrows, to provide them with shed ter it is • gustation whether the aper mw r worth protecting He is a Amery little fellow no doubt, Met the general iaapression s that his talents for thee' ing arts mit of all proportion to kis sit, and that. if he were bani"d r1.re1v sI would h. all the hatter -{heEa e The repressntattese .e the dlflstrent wins' of the Maccabees stet a. Londe* on inday. settled ►11 /her 1ifsrewtees, and held • •upper of mempe ltatiesi, t