The Huron Signal, 1880-10-29, Page 8•
t... , •.r. ..
'?i0Si tl " I rt -
1'141, LIFT I STI ; . AFTER THE STORM. ON THE SQU ?61 i th rdl its enerY;e w psoot tb:
s ueti.
rrUrreattd hrppinass lit thin psrtioular
ester oueutaandung resl,eelt and eon,- Stratum Nu 1 have teemed Mr Thus.
--- dense, have laboured with eller. to int- Sloan as moults,- for text tearer . salary
*meek' len-sensationIle
re.ensation la R. w. a. ate.. prose end enforce thew duties t S. are of W
Supplying the Meat Market with I What the Quebec Went Thro h Honor to Whom BMOC lb SW-
Stolen Beeves
sm l
ce. cm, who possess thatcher- t lnae. 1h. Tiustuw 1 School
nasal tMerr,. st•1 Ilelkrs Yrrars/atiea W lira. an.rer..., rad 4 X01.• C. Rs 4rrl.a■ ■ad Iaaae W. Tours. necessary to the wditue ••f
It is. therefore, with ex tome 1
040w •dvesebae.rasa
sizerea N•alt.r ick.
vM .
Ay para J,.1uea CN r.
Caste Lost
w Hcp.ar4 ct.eau.
$IOO Reward -A. C. teknrna
t•hu•ago Mouse E. J. ('ut.dand
lw :,-..;4 t•n+ roe stale F. irwhau,
Craft 1 1Wrsui t IAL 71t Saturd y' last tits t•ut, , .' I '. peewit Juhu cane,
lluw It wY ono th half of 1 A 3t3 wn
1 a
ptlw..Iary tddrrsa lu tape. AYde1T„a,e•sserw9 Hu tltt ave Hu-w•tr a„1' itreuuial (' F Ktrrubia
were Stromlo reYd-Mr .'..atasky Or. ;
*Gamy a rtonsiskI S satsa•asrr•
For a number of years peat fort+ten in
tlp surrounding townships, tiotahly Co1-
btfrne, have leen subjected to'f• a luent
losses in cants, and no tree of their
whereabouts could he -nht .fined. 'The
his waivers and( revs.
The steamer Quebec, under th. so/M•
unau.l of ('apt. Anderson, w.... a.,.t Nr'
vorably kmuen iu G,.dertch, n ..lit
experience during the recant; w
much so, tut it was at one timet tea the
beet steers and heifers w ate ; rally imtp ssible to male port. But..., ,pa well
missed, and the scrubs rarer, ai,-aythl officered and had a guod crew, .1.1 sm.-
away. All efforts to bring to julsl' c the cessfully wwsthered the gale. o,. • .ett Du -
thieves (for that the animate were . ',ohm luth on Friday, flet 15th, win' nr1' .
nobody doubted) proved unavailing, aril of 18,000 bushels of wheat, 1, )b(, socks
things had got to a bad pass whet• the of dour 144)1lbs. in each tae.) a Auld for
disappearance of a heifer and a .teer Lircrpuol, and a number of ea: atm
from the field of Mr. Rohl, Biel, tune,
of the 8th nut. of Colborne, un the lith
inst., set the machinery of the low in
motion. After searching in vein for the
animals in his uwu immediate ne` ;tier -
hood, Mr. Buchanan came to Goderich
on the 22nd inst., and placed the matter
in the hands of Chief Constable t;urrie
and Constable Yule.
It was discovered that one Arthur Shar-
key, had sold a steer to Mr. Edward
Andrews, and that the animal h td been
driven to the butcher'sby Wnt. Uibi .n, of
this town. The hide of the animal wastraced to Smith's tannery, and identified
by Mr. Buchanan, as that of his lest steer.
A warrant was immediately obtained for
the arrest of Sharkey. In the meantime
the suspected parties had got weird of the
, working of the case and decamped. This
necessitated a change in the constables'
merle of action, and the whereabouts of
the supposed "lifters" now became the
chief ob ect of interest. It was discov-
ered that Sharkey was in hiding 4/11the
premises of Mr. Mike Mara, of Maitland-
ville, and un Saturday evening Constable
Yuill proceeded thither and captured
him. After Sharkey was brought to the
jail, 83 betan to shrew the white feather,
and '',p.: tete l" on his pal, saying, •
'• OnBILL (018a0s; HES THE WORST Or
TIfE Two,-
The warrant was then amenile:l, so as to
includo Gibson, and after considerable -
trnhble and loss of time on the part of
the Constables, he wee arrested un Sun-
daynight, and lodged in jptiL Hearing
that his friend, Sharkey, had "gone back
on ltdlil,,' .
that, to heholf of thuesu br•uthrvll whu Gleaning 00was weld by Iii 1..1 then + ,, h;Yamtnattun- t(. I. Strang -
Au emergency weeUttg of Itlaitlattd confidence which a th CFtwu in ,.,
' w rule rad Iinp.•rrieee (lam. A. Nal
Io,.u. (•urrutdc Works semen .t Crossman
Lodge No, 112, A. F. & A. M. Grand feel that respect and ')fid McDonald, (, eek f e 1•e n
your conduct has metered in thew. [ st (,bleu e•. Clifton, to 111. J+ hi+ ...tam,
Register of Canada, wits held in the Ma
*ono 1Ei1dl, (ikderiuh, .,u Wednesday the n"w 1'n'd"t }tt Yuu with this P. M. Je*el, f„r, l fi20.
27th lust., for the purpose ..f pr(eeuting and may yeti ever wear tt as a badge of
Robertson' andGuntay the ruwembrance of this E.
R. W. BFO. ()has. tubert
suu sed KSta11117.
W. Bet. I. F. Tums with Past Mata
aster's ota:un inspire you to ever continue in
jew'tJb, at which here was a very large that path which you leve thus far trod Aot•Iusttr. tin Wednesday -of last
ptteSdgllse. The occasion which galled with s., much with yourself and hap- week, as 'deems. Immix and Peter Aiken -
4,44 the shove was the departure 0/$a rinses to w all, and rosy the G. A. O. '1'. 1....,.t wero repairing en out building, the
Robertson, for Australia, and the broth- T'. Iung spare you t., continue to menet is ,i:,.i•l . it which they atotel gave way
r. l thought it •fitting time to alae pre- us with that counsel which your talents and they o ere,presipitated to the ground.
scut Bre. Tuts with a mark of their les and opt wrenice enable you so well to du. vete,- se.t ell without much injury, but
tudtn, he (wing an uldaud energetic Mason R. W. Bro. R"bettson their replied in Jawed, his father, haul his ankle sprained
a few well chosen remarks, expreuting and one of the lances broken about an
hie regret et laving to part with so many
waren friends. He said no matter what
'art of the globe it might be his :..t to
live in, the remembrance of Maitland
Lodge and its members would be over
green and fresh in hie memory. 1e. W.
Bro, Toms also replied, stating that the
000aaion,. together with the departure 41
Bro. R.olterteon, s e effected hien that ht
could not give utterance to his feelings.
The jewels were of solid gold, very
handsomely got up, and were from the
establishment of Bro. S. J. Sargent, of
Toronto. On the re:•erxc side was the
following inscription: "Presented by
the members of Maitland Lodge, Nu 112
A. F. •(• A. M., (;. R. C. to It. W. Bro.
Chas. E. Robertson, P. D. 1). G. M. of
Huron District and W. M. of the said
Ledge for the years A. L '58, '76, '77,
,,1' i 8. Bro. Tunis') was the sant e, with
the exception of the dates that he was
W. Master.
on Saturday wurt.iug, at 3 .. • lac.., t..e And cue who has d. enc much service to
squall struck her from the It r , 10 the lie eraft in the past. The Lodge be*
nutlet of a blind/lid stew ►u.,,.., au a e`.:•red, W. Bre. R. Radcliffe, Master of
rock bound coast. The gide iu,.reasod Maitland Lodge, addressed Bro. Robert -
in fury until 3 p. in. of the .situ day, e• n as follows: -
and Capt. Anderson state t4L.1 during Riklit W. Bru. Robertson, you have
an ergerience of over thir.y, be been requested to attend here on the eve
never before eucouutered auyrl: 0.3 inks of your departure from among us, in
it. At noon the engineer set: n newasitge oder that the wenitiers of this lodge
t.. the Captain that the course of the way evince to you in a tangible (though
Moat must be changed, as the waters were slight; form their high appreciation of
breaking over the ou toe r o:u, an
threatening to put out net 0. ',apt.
Anderson knew that o ...e...,." .e turn
the vessel in such at s .. e, ihl "e stere
destruction, and as a.....tu,native had to
lighten the cargo, by tu,owing overboard
800 of the sacks of dear. Thin done the
bust become more bunrant, i was bet-
ter able to buffet the limey eaves. rhe
remainder of the sac.s wore pied against
the gangways to keep Ute nes fro:.. stav-
ing thecal in. This ke,et all halals hiesy
until 3 p. w., when Isle )Royal was sight-
ed. The Quebec arrived at Thunder
Bay at about 8 p. un., atter an encounter
with the elements the lite of w, it she
had never e oy»ricace.1. Alter
the arrival a beau Sid diamond ring, X6
valued at 0, w,.. ..mottled to Mrs.
Anderson, and the io:tuwing address west
t mus to Cake. Amber •., els Akers and
crew, from the p are .. :
Idle Superior, Oct. 41s-, 1880.
which is in effect, that he was )hired by
Sharkey to drive the cattle" into town..
As far back as August last, •`'attks{y
had conte to hint and engaged his ser-
vices for driving cattle. 3hsrkey es-
plained th8t he had four or five animals
that he wished to sell, but his wife was
averse to the sale, consequently he was
compelled to bring them away in the
night, when she was asleep. He (Gib-
son) engaged with hint, on that ,under-
stand, but business;was not commenced
until about three weeks ago. ode claims
that he is the innocent one of the two.
were brought before C. C. Crabb, J. P.,
on Tuesday last, and committed to stand
their trial at the next oompetentcourt of
jurisdiction. They will come up forelec-
tion before the Judge on Saturday neat.
trill OSONatmsi•
are pending dnta the prisoners. Star-
key was on Wednesday committed to
stand his trial upon a second offence.
viz. , stealing a watch front Sam Bowden
about three years ago. The plot
thickens. -
- 3mU10r.
rug as a mason, and that one word In-
cludes all the best attributes of a own.
It is tlierefort, R. W. Sir, with pleasure
and sadness combined (for there is such
a thing as a sad pleasure) that on behalf
of a large number of the members of this
ledge, I now prcaeut you with this P.
M. jewel, as a alight token uf their es-
teem and brothetly love, and may you
ever wear it as an emblem of honor. It
is all times a pleasure to us as Masons to
be enabled to slaw our appreciation of
worth, but it is also 'ever sad to part with
them, where we love and respect, and
with whom we have relaxed m tunny years
of pleasure and proht to ourselves. But
this is a world of constant change; infin-
ite Nature is beautiful and endless; its
beauty and its endlessness dwell in etern-
al change. Waves die upon the shore, but
the mighty sea rolls on and on for ever;
the tree grows old and falls, decays and
vanishes, but the forest stands. The
patriarchal founders of the iadestructable
order of Masonry-, were gathered one
by one to the resting place of their fathers,
but families, tribes and nations tools their
places on the earth, the dawn gives way
to neon, the noon to evening and the
evening to night. The seasons come and
go, the years glide swiftly by, fruit) in-
fancy to youth, from youth to middle age
and from 'Mobile age to life'a autumn, and
from that to. wintry old age. There itseed
time, bloseen, II:trveat and rspotte ill
every well rounded life, sunshine and
shadow, storm and calm, freeze and thaw,
cold and heat, continually altering the
condition of existence. But the true
Mason surveys these changes with philo-
sophic serenity and recognizes in it all
the ever constant presence of the G. A. of
the IJ. and the immortality of the soul
I feel assured, R. W. Sir, I but temp sem
the sentiments of all the brethren pre-
sent when I say that you have ever prov-
ed yourself a faithful and energetic crafts-
man in the quarries that your zeal and love
for our noble order has had a most bene-
ficial effect not only on the members of
this lodge but on all the brothers in this
re Capt. E. Ands:stun, (Where and crew
• of the steamer t j'te.,ee.
We the underei,;nFd passengers feel it
our bounden duty tenure petting from
you all to express oar .pcufosnd admira-
tion of your able owl courageous sensean-
ship, and of the i:enuc exertion ..f your
officers and crew, in manfully obeying
your command*, under most perilous cir-
cumstances, during our passage, attended
it it was ny the..mrtat severe series of
storms et-er erperienced' in that kltiluds;
and as a token of remembrance of .the
ttipand your*eclahle exertion. in aesistinv
to pass many weary and auxioua hours,
we beg to be. allowed tit present )'our
faithful companion in danger, Ml's. An-
derson, the accompanying ring, as a
memento of the high opinion we hold of
your ability and of the esteem we enter-
tain towards you. .Wishing you and
your family a life of long happiness, we
are :
Williar, Harris, J McKay,
Sa.ninel Fullerton Jennie McKenzie,
Witi.'Whistl.rr, Lis7i:e Bent,
Wm. Henderwoe,•; .N. rase
J. Zimmerman, C. M. imith, district, with whom you have come In
J. H. Henning, Y, McMaster, I1 contact, andwe doubtnut, R. W. Sir, that
Win. Prentice, and others. 1 no matter in what country or in what
111 Carter of thlobe y.0 may ever be, you
• RELIOIOUO. -Gospel services are. being
held every Sunday evening, commencing
at 7 pain. in Mr. M. Phrammer'a hall.
The public are cordially invited.
TRttemetst e. -The following list; in-
cludes the officers elected for Div. 308,
sons of Temperance, of this lace for
current quarter : A. Boddie, W. P..; Q'
Walters, W.A. ; P. Cantelon, R.S. ; Wen.
France, A. R. S.; J. Moore, F. S.: Wirt.
Robertson. Treas.; Jno. Scott. Chap.:
Thos. Heddle, Con.; Geo. Stewart, A.
('ren.: R. Moore, I.4. ; Chas. Stewart, (1.
S \W -n.. Moore, P.W.P.
MErrixu. - The annual missionary
services in connection with this appoint-
ment of the M. E. church, were held - on
10th inst. The Rev. Mr. V ollick, of Sea -
forth, brother of Rev-. C. M. \ ollick,
(pastor of,church) preached a very effec-
tive sermon to s 1st and sppreciative
audience. A much Iargur subscription them in a few weeks, however, we
than lklen.nly was the result_ will have one to suit the taste of the meat
fastidious. Onr city :ether. too will re
Amborley. joice, for they have ' nen oblige] lately reared with the enori lice shot r: o ewe
- - to air their chinenoe ins duan of small I
dimensions, and not all 1 suitable to much to you, for lir coltish nt anxiety
(J1 intI a.
From our own Corresp.•n.lent.
The young men are getting up a Liter-
ary and Scientific Society, which promises
ti become quite an institution. Under
its auspices a mock House , : Commons
lit to be formed, wherein debates and
discussions will be hell. Suelt a Society
is wanted here, and will we think be ap-
Rev. Mr. Sutherland gave a goo.' lec-
ture on Thursday evening last, in the
Methodist (iurell, to a large audience,
e0 'i Jerusalem." This was one ..f the
places the rev. gentleman visited in his
iee.Wtt extended tour, end the account as
given by him was exceedingly intermit -
mg. The ditfer'nt parts of the ancient
city were faithf i,ly 1•ortrayed.
There aro a number of new and hand-
some structures here, fast approaching
completion. The tower hall will certain-
ly he an ornament to tin• phee, and
prove a great boon to our p eopld. Hith-
erto we have been obliged to forego the
pleasure of listening to popular readers
or singers, bee: ase we had no hall for
vYs ill •nib.. • the ancient panel marks of
our order,rdand that the zest energy
which you have displayed on behalf .4
Masonry in the pe t, will remain and'
shine forth as 'bright as ever in the fut-
ure, and when you are in that far off
country on the other side of the globe,
for which yon are so soon to depart, that
even without this small token of remem-
brance you will often look back with
pleasure on the many evenings you hare
so ably presided, over this lodge. In
conclusion, 12. W. Sir, allow me to add,
that it is the sincere wish of all the
brethren that you may be prsperous and
happy .in your new home, and that the
G.A.O.T.U., may bless you and pr.sper
you in all your undertakings.
Then turning to Bro. Toms he ad-
dressed him thus:-
'. "Bre. Tents,--yotl have been re-
quea to attend here to -day, that the
athreu of this lodge, might also evince
0you, in a slight forst their esteem and
broths lore, and their high apprecia-
tion of y. r many excellent qualities. I
am tint, speaking merely my own senti-
metti,.but T sat endeavoring to utter
the t clings and to express the senti-
ments of the whole omit in this town, in
newaddreasingyoo. Weeflel most close-
ly attached by s^ntimserr's Orf gra`itude
and esteem towarla you, and ire art im-
inch above the ankle. He u doing as
)sell se ; '.alible under the circumstances,
rtsrre.tfwl t'asdidale. St tee Prefea.'teael
The following nun-prefexaiomal candi-
dates, who attended the firat session of
the Model Soh. -.1a, have passel the pro-
fessional .:amiiatiun : Mary E. Allen,
Katie Atkinson, Isabel Forest, Margaret
Hanna, Mary L Holmes, Agnes Harknip,
Sarah Inglis, Mary A. Innes, Maria L.
Kilian, Elizabeth A. Laidlaw, Christina
McDougall, Maggie Sparks, Hanna Weir,
Harriett Walrond, Stanley Anderson, It.
A. Callander, Wtn. J. D. Cantillon, L.
Eberhardt, Duncan McD. Gordon, John
F. Groves, Samuel Harrison,t illiain
Knight, Wm. L Lung, John A. McIntosh,
Thomas I Morris, Roderick hose, Thos.
.0. Ratcliffe, Richard Seaburn, .patties S.
Stewart, Walter Stinson, ''\ w. Surarus,
Grange Woods.
The boar which was sun .ri McLen dime dd h o oral f tl welfare f e y
au tog or .1' o .
brethren cellective:y and i•tdividually.
a fine .trick row nn Alt cot street, ,lust be-
ing finisho.3 Your ort of fire +locos that ever wax formal, fur the a•lvance-
whicl. cnnipris:c tier bkr,'• sn' new deC11- meet of hap;{ ineta and gen: rel • go -.1 of
lpied, and nearly all the rein;ions ctetit- mankind.I: holds out all trernonts so
eers ne-ata'•. have b.:a t:e(ced.. . t le csptivatins a. k. ins;.iro the h o'herhexpd
close• heaid• Lite nue: tow-, hall , and makes with emulstt(rn ,v deals of -dory, such as
a dce,ded ....prevenient'gion hat part of
moat r•uminand tliTne:;ho' t ton wnrki,
the t.ewn 1 lie 1)..',ertr Organ Cn. have veneratiowi and 5)4)1501*, an 1 such sr
;uit ah,^t compere' d their now faetery, must entitle those who pet f inn thrtu to
tie . ap` city ••f which Is to bo, we hear, digolty and respect. it t ►cher u, those
eror ilk ry •541 per teonth. N. P. eay7± p
+ useful, erste and inertia eve .•,atrin.ea,
hie is the b•osa organ now.
lien's bush, and which was the subject their eustaenad dip;•'tty.
of much comment, has successfully evaded 11 Beaver Blocic" is the name given to Masonry as you we know .s one, oft o
our local spew. Bruin has likely taken
refuge in Greenock swamp, or some other
secluded place.
The gravel road between A mbcrley and
P,annatyne's corner has been considerably
repaired. About $150 has beer expended
in gravelling places requiring it. Duncan
Campbell roceiveel the contract and has
completed it in a most na!isfactory man
life. H. Ilii irxi dispese;t of tris f ren
of 53 a:rxt tea 11r. McKenzi- with Vit.
intenti, n re rlinoving et the North tt'tst.
H. h w j'nt r e:nrai •i frog' .n s :atm.) 'd
vire f.. t'Int .tiirintry, and spotka i ary
highly o. it .
Ar r. 1' Eirayn. , noting ',Tem the
ecriptnrsl .npw etwet tl••.' "14 w n.. good
(Rin'.ui Mechanics' institute is in a
r et l con iition. The Library ,f
o is ate legs: and chief' nitri:tien;
and urelec t i^. ca -e of Mr. Scott ie e. -
tty beT't- )lir. Scutt has b, , .mo '►
genera: ref. -rem for alt disputed point ,
for man 1., Is' *lose ' i i ',cert!- taken 1 es his met u'y awl studious habit: MCA-
il .e
.eau himsref eo eels) life' errs ner, in hist th" iter of a tinge &^leant ..f
11 j pertios ''f Nam %Merg /tit Miert 're. ;afar , As we hear a (( nilemnn
nein gr t•. k11:' ice 011 Thsll'sti:; remark the ethor day, he hex onto a
more , m tat. i'heenas, the r, aielprr'^
the brd ''t f. th 'r. `:.y G..•' ,ppy recap'',
have a plea' tit and Pmtp.'rt .ts vnyapr
`ver the hie. int lir t,i:esef dories. -
The Natio. 1 re -en age 1 fn, t) ' nnrth-
rt, p.'rtint. of As.itiekl , . r ►'e hailer. • -
Wnt. inns 8. fS No. 3: '" H. H. ,lnkn-
sem 1; et Nr..... ken. L',t 'ha(al, * R.
"welkin•' eneyolop+sdia." r. Vey,
Ole Cloiar ni eft inspector, lately v'nit.d
the ineti'.u'o awl spoke 'n rerferenee to
w'-Iie imp eeentents the Geventment
cashed mute.
An, •ngsttheee who hevetaken rip their
shale amongst lie is Mr. A II Manning.
who het opened s law natal Mr Ilan
pl.. fa Jnr McLecan, 8. F n. 12 . R ning comes from a leading f rn. in Torn
D Dame: ,n a 11 No 7 . W ti .Alton, to, where for the put year he had charge
8 R 1!Ilo 1 , ...d .1 Kl eotf Belfast. of th. chancery d rttnent rTr "..t
1- stee. a• .x •'nuns •nen ash. r the a et notate , leaving been ,n three parts be
ne•.teea t) n r tenure .'seesseto, teaeher.. for, last winter he lectured here in
for a ut.w.r• seer '••.thio more the i'r•eebyt. rInn ('hen•h, •r `Stepping
gtkt.lntu ae u,, d wu et't of • soh .••1 Remelt ante 1 l hes R•■wl s.,und *dries
e•oeati/tt 1 •np• ref teacher,. ens ill- +loess! i ,• s t.igh*' rnnrslity
thy.- f !..
which ra nnhr -tot, t , •.•,ch .rtdnlged lit sm.,ntfat Y•.utir ,net+, erode tont.? (need*.
for the beet intevert ' ••''nor•"••'• (flea H. ,.n.... a •w w, tl reo„rnrwe o4.4 •«4
'• fail ...Iuteety • twaettn
upon whir's alone true }immanent is
GJasrlch Township.
Fenn S.'LD. The feria of Abel Reed,
lit 9S, 9th en., was sold by J. Hows.en,
auctioneer, to Mr. '1'. Lavin, fur the sum
$3,900, which is considered a fair fig-
ure. It contains 80 acres.
AANOTHER DEATH. -- a: :much regret
having to announce the death uf Mrs.
Wile. Mason, which occurred at the resi-
dence of hor huaband, on the base line,
on Saturday afternoon haat, after a short
Keeling I, chutun, ou the lam, the w
of tit'. .1. Keeling, of adau,lhtrr
Walter* R. ikumlller, un the 11uh (eat., KM
wife of 'Ir. J. Waiters. of a (spa.
.taders..n- In ittdlutt,on the 17t1t inat., the vel
of Mr. Ili, Leel Anderson, of s am.
McCutcheon -In Morrie on the 1dth teat_ tba
wife of 1u'. John .lcl'utchewa. of u uts-
Norrie A1.11's:614,
I.Irwwrl..a the Uri last.. lbe WN.
of Ile- Il Nu, n., of saua.
Morrison In )1,1; •Ilup, uo the 17th Met., the
wife o'.lira .\. tlorro.,u, of a daaet+ter.
Jeckwau On the 5ti..ust., in We* Wassaaat'.
the a fife of Mr. \\'. Jai. kuan d a ten.
lit RRIE*.
At Goderirh "1: tic 0.11. Out. by the Hey. U.
cm, 1l. 11p., dr. 0. Hue's:., of l.,dertcl. Town-
ship, to nitro l lirelr th Farquhar. of HvII L
In the Township of Colborne. on rho 71614* d
(ice. by the Bev. It. 1 re. U. it.. Mr. ('. Lsw-
kl'.oto. dl:s.. Mary lelk,naid, beth uf Col-
Furs 'th--ytatu(dill At the rll.I.nce of the
Putti,,:.; t is complained of.
the measles are troubling
the neibi:i•- ' =..f S. S. No. 4.
LEAVlt:o!. •and Mrs. Prince Mor-
ris leave :, _ r, about 40 ntiles from
Chicago, n-: .' '-tiny, to join their
uhildren, w:t, ; .. r . been resiing there
for some the.. • • Wel•e iu11,Ah the
oldest settler,' in C rue.
Mason has sold the bay yearling Clydes-
dale stallion which he imported recently,
M Messrs. Thomas McLaughlan and
'Robert Martin, of Ory. ''.The price paid
Iris $1,000. This it sled to be one Of the
bast colts of the many that have been im-
ported this season. We congratulate
Messrs. McLaughlin and Martin on their
purchase, and hope they will have the
best of good luck with their colt. We
are also glad that so tine an animal is
going to the northern and newer part of
the county. -[Expositor.
So forth.
b de's father, on We 14th inst.. by lieu it. A.
nose Mr. F. Forsyth, to Miss Mary Jane
stung. ill. all of Mishit.).
Brill:- Ellwood. At 1 *. t(teph a's Church.
near (iodertch, on the 8Ft1t flat. by the Rev,J. Middleton. 14 A., Itector of (')..haws, Mu -
t ese of Toronto, atsiatttd by 1tsv. 1t. Hick;
vl tiatcrich W ahm eDdth, Fad.. Manager
of Ontario hank, Oshawa. to Man. . ascend
(laughter of .\re.hdeacon Ellwood. Rector of
C fedi tcJ'.
ktigle-1n('olb.rueoa the Waltu'a. .•1 von-
stwip'to(lurks(lurks 1:n8la. of Al)... It uy Co.
Maryland :tate, aged 21 yours at .l ti month'.
Stewart ---In $ae•1 ytginaw, Mi.•'...e.'f huraday.
pct. flet, INA Kate, beloved wife or Mr. (3.
F. dtewart, of swat Saginaw, ono: daughter
of Mr. J. Craig, lit G. oriel., aged 33 years.
Jackman Al the Nilo, on the lath hod., the
infant nun of M,r. W. Jackman, ,Aged 13 days.
Walters -In Itenmiller. on the 1.nh Ina.. the
infant eon of Mr. J Walters.
gyvel -In Sarum, on the lab i u•t.. ::r: '*100.
yuungellet, peon of )Ir. 0. Ey. et of the "I rb,rm-
ver," aged one year.
Porte- In London, on the 15th Inst., liilhcriona
Anne Porte, youngest daughter of Gilbert
Roan Wolin.- -Our council are having I'urte, Eay.
Hethertnggton- At 81. Helens, cn Seti.W, the
the road repaired between this village 211th inst., Freneia Hoary. elm of N' ilium and
and Saltford. Mary Hetherington. slat 21 years.
AN ULD Fart. --Mr. P. Layton, au old'
resident, laid Millburn a visit recent- Gen/crick Markets.
ly, spending a day or two with his friends -
in the village GODERICU. Oct. 9a. IRA.
PARINei Ham_ Have been the rage in I Our Clinton market report in t&lm
Millburn. The bachelors are not m shy , from the Seto Era. Least week, Iwo
as their Leebuni brethren, ;out turn out i ever, it proved unreliable- Fall whesf
and make fun wherever they go. was quoted at $L00, when but 9t3u v es
Thrashings are over in our neighbor -for ( .xWe t markery to M,fue =leer a ee the exact ver
hood, and grain returns to the acre ),eat paper quotes correctly it had -
the Leeburn farmers hollow, tarringeau rely upun
nu reportqat ea Far miter give
barley. The quickest, threshing has I our uvetgtLe Doing
been done at Mr. Bean's, 180 bushels in wheat..
ho 4 F -- boob
an hour, done by six horse lower.
• Wheat, l8 ilanat,.._..• .01G ;I: 4°
Flour, M cwt. 090 .a 1
DRowxnlp.-Many in Millburn will re- •- • .... ,. ! a9 r
gret tv learn that Mr. Wm. Hollenback built • • .6..... " .o
was drowned while rafting in the Sault I Barney, 7 buab i. ,. : :
St Marie River. He was a hardworkin • (mee) osh •.... •• • • 096 v+
lade and cut off in his early manhood ll .. .. 0 in w
aged `21 yrs 3 months. Hie brother, A. I iu-,cketufl .. o 5
Hollenback, had a narrow escappee•uf 4Yt• Butter, 1/ L . 0 U lit
drowned, also but was saved by 'fig'+ s dos lunpackedl........ 0 174
a Com- es.. ................. 0 y.0► (r
rade on the same raft.- corn. a het h
JOS M4 '.w&ED.
--- /'nae. Market.
Lesbos. Neu- Era's Report.
Ort. _"S 1890.
Our Fanners are busy getting up their wow, fall. >P bash ....Ip 97 et 1 to
root'„ Crops turn out pretty fair. spring, red chaftchaff :.:.100 rye t O9
Il Flfe. - . 105 ea 1 10
.096 w
036 *
a 75
00 000
0 50
8 00
0 la
0 10
0 17
3 IR
FUN. -Jolly times and pleasant Orta„-..
A Dtslto otaT BARR.I.--A young iiltu Barley,
-'srttd a bake in Willutnsum'a old evenings have been spent in several farm Pea+.•
ry houses by havinghusking bees. How- Four.
stand, lea...treet, s s11ort time ego, ever, only 0113 bchelor showed himself. Potatoes,
.."‘der tho name o' Herter. ..
which he tarried uu . , in The other were afield, they might sMr. , ............ ..0.
Forbes' Bros. He was camps.... his I the fate of John Stiles and Susan Hopp- 0 M et •
of carry') off wood belong' to -_ ` if they wuuld appear. W. B.
0 *0
.055 W 000
.500 * 550
0 16 w 0 Ni
090 e4 0a
O 16
... 110 et 800
• ....•.
CO (4 900
Sheepskins. 060 *re 100
beef.. .... ... 550 .e 600
fttOPCr. • • • jj OD 3 10
tmeth)•.• 3 25
landlord, blr. Carmichael, which awaken-
ed Mr. C's. suspicion; and the man being
behind with his rent, Mr. Carmichael
got a landlord's warrant and seized un
his goats, when, lu, and behold, to his
utter astonishment he found the flour
bags and all the candy boxes filled full of
saw -dust. The candy boxes, which he
had purchased from a L.,nd6t7 fine a
short time before, were all neatly tied up.
The rest of his stock, with his horse and
cart, he has spirited away somewhere, so
that it can't be found. He contracted
debts wherever he could. His creditors
are now mourning the fact of mistaken
A meeting of the North Huron Teach-
ers' Association will be held in the pub-
lic school, in this pleas, Thursday •and
Friday, Oct. 28th and 29th. G. W.
Rosa, Esq., M. P., will deliver a lecture,
subject "Intellect ualforccs. " A rich treat
is auticipata.t.
Meg s. Halbrook & Co., of Toronto,
have purchased tho bankrupt stuck of
Drew .(- Sint, at 761c on the dollar, and
have added thorcto the balance of an-
other stock of dry goads, v: hi.:h they in-
tend to dispose off at slsuehter prices.
The Free Masons, whose hall was de-
stro'•ed ivy fir about two years ago, have
re -organized and rented a nail in Holmes'
)\•m. McDonnell, our efficient totlsor-
ial sigh t, has bests laidalp by s revere
tit of I ckr vs, dnnng the - past week. We
are gb .1 to ass is around a;ain, and able
tv alt• ad to the wants 14 the public.
A • oting+ mom named Dickson, in the
founded; and at the eaa.e time nfrerds 'Ia^plo of A. R. Morris, tailor. died on
Hese e•aay paths by wl+ie't we attain the 1 y bat, after an Urines of a few
r:wart'a of virtue. It teaches us the of rnnge•taws of the lungs. In the
.luny wrs*ewe to oro eel obs:, nsver tr life wears in death
iujarelrim in any a t;tafini, but to cn n •
duct 1i:irsrlvne with ju •ties and imp*-
(iapr) -t • be ahem. ,JI , e wirers an 1
Illation, and in •Jl n':r•t.s
icpp'' perform religiously that whish
ckii ought to d.•. As Mamma a .d
bretl.r'T we always Mittel upon a le -el
by thr'Mciples wll'- a we ors taught,
we dl of the .sass family. kith and
low, rich sad pear, treated by the tare
Almighty power. Still, however. 1L
star/ ideahes us to show respect. s o l
honor to each man to whim Teepee. and
honor is doe, aoen-ding to the reverters
eheracter of nanh individual And r hen
individuals Ampere, Pell of the hale
fraternity, it displays the' add,tweia,1
lustre, that Naomi unit.- 'ma t anti
hand I.. owin..• their high esturst.ion of
meritnrrnw eerv'nes We. f border,
R W sir tr,hnld 111 yeti that har%etwr,
1000' calls f•wth the merest •nd apptm
1• .1 the fraternity h. frnounntly
1.i/sating Tont own r .ref.iv# •n# earl
high nation 09,91070991 4. 1"rn Venn mod
afii• Alexander Young, of Kinteil hotel,
as 'at 0..7 returned (rem Moutland,looking
sell, in proof 0; the virtue of a trip accts
the Minn steep, and it warn reception in
hie seeither d•antry. Although it ooutld
sot he expected that be wnukd bring
back eeq clary r. f the mood things .Troon
err aedh-intoe land tifillaallissither, yet
he has hrnught semethilt` atat many of
nur Huron stock grit IN it* Le glad to
b'sar of, thee is, two tV.'thtee year
old ahurovg4ibred I I stallions.
one of which he has a bus Old stables,
Kin`ail, and eve sthis father's, Goderieli
Tswnahip It is said they are among
the Boort hems of the kited ewer errrtllght
to these parts W. e'or.Rrstulat, ►
Ynottg on th.• malas of his trip, end
wish hen proal -.ray in his ,nssrp.'ter
Mr M.: to. , h uldrna a her'. I1.4e1
nate his t st . •.1 whMh he •il,e,•t. r..
iisishsol 'pl '.t r n.s year
On ;!.n 24th inst., filo itev, J. Sieve -
right preached his farewell sentluii ih the
Presbyterian church at Leeburn to a large
audience. Among those present were a
few of his old parishioners from Carlow.
His sermon was from 1 John 5.-4 In
clueing, he urged on the young who had
yet not made any prefessions of Christ,
to take up His yoke, as it was easy and
His burden light, so that when called they
might be ready for that home that the
Christian looked for, which has no ending
of happiness. He referred to friendly feel-
ing that always existed between him and
his charge at Leeburn, during the last
eight years. These ties he now severed
to go to a distant field in the far off North-
west as a missionary to scatter the glad
tidings of the gospel. He called upon
his hearers to remember this was a dying
world, and M be prepared always for an
eternal home.' The choir sang several
pieces appropriate to the occasion, two we
may mention, "The Heralds of Zion,"
and the cloning hymn "Blest be the tie
that binds." At the close of service
many pressed forward for a parting word
and a friendly shake of the hand with
one whom they so often had listened to
from the pulpit, and whose cheery voice
when visiting their home. they will ever
remember. In the township of Colborne
Mr. Sieveright took quite an interest
among the Presbyterians underhucharg..
He was the means of building the Carlow
Church in 1872, and forming a congrega-
tion at Leeburn, and builuing a church
there in 1875, which was burned three
years after, but which was rebuilt in 1880,
under many trying difficulties.
Pale *espalier.
ter Parties getting their hills printed at this
ofioe will get a notice In this department rung
of charge.
SATURDAY. Oct. 30.- At auction mart,
printers* material, paper, eke., and
household furniture. J. C. Currie,
TRraRDAY, Nov. 4 -Sheep ptg. .f -c., lot
105, Maitland con.', F. F+eegmiller,
prop. ; .T. C Currie, auctioneer.
7N Maim Co theses.
Have you any *Scuse for suffering with
Dyspep*ta air lever Complaint 1 Ts there
why roaann why you should go on from
day to day complaining with !Sour Stom-
ach, Sick Heedaehe, Habitual Onetime
nee, palpitatinw of the Haut, Heart
burn. WWatertw+ah. Osawitag and bere-
Iag pains at the pit elf the Stnsteeh, Yel-
low Rkin. Ousted Tongue sad disagreea-
ble fade in the month, (Melting up of
fond after eating, Inv spirits, Rao he '
'ft is positive)) your own fault 4y.•s 4n.
(in to rev lyrugpptist and get a Acid. elf
(3tteinea Atrorev Frowta for 76 [wants
row envy n es urn hot N you donut this,
re a Sample Bottle for t0 soma ane) rev
it Tar,. sins„. will «.be+.• o•,n
held 1 OMNI ticbool. on
Tuesday t eretrMllay tee *IN a Yes Dee.
beginning at 9a. m. each day.
ntending candidates must notify the Head
blaster. or the Town Inspector, not later than
the 9006 November.
For further Information regarding the exan-
Hc d bor the school apply w. li. I. ; G.ter. MOM.
PALITY of the Township of Aah1Eeld,
County of Huron.
Notlee in herebygiven that I have
mitred or delivered to the persons mos
inthe third and fourth sections of 'The V
Lista Ace the ccoopple required by acid sect1ona
to be so ttewm(tt or delivered of the fiat,
made partake tt to said Act, of all persons ap-
pearing by the last rs♦Ised Assessment !toll
of the said Munici Ity, to be entitto Leiria* in the said Mon Ity at elections Inc mem-
bers of the Leiriavo Assembly and at Muni-
cipal Elections, aid that said list was arse
polled up at my oSee, at Use Village of Dun-
gannon, on the lith day of October. 11 115, and
rewalns there for Inspection.
Vectors are called upon to examine the said
Inst, and If any omissions or ony other errors
are found therein. to taste Immediate premed -
infix to health. said errors corrected acoord-
in t o law
.1o4 atungsnnon. this 25th day of Oct„
Clerk of the said Municipality.
Dungannon P. b
Goderich Branch.
C. R I) UNSFORD, Manager.
Allows interest on Drafts, lettere
of credit and circular fanned, payail.
la all parts of the wortd. 1.761.
Poet .q 4t'illd i • 1111011990000.
Rin4. .0141114600
Prratdett. fifON >FM YeYAXTRR
osteer& lfaeaswo W N f 1\.R1 *)45
Goderich Branch.
A M ROOK bait wine
Imam.. allowed os depot is Ornl4. no M5
the principal Towne and Cofer In
Ores) Renate nowt the I!Mlied tithe..
.nd 4.4.4
Advanta. to H'ar'ness ,0l Notes. site -wiles
sir- -adorer's wittiest mortgage 11th