The Huron Signal, 1880-10-29, Page 5ll 111V l ,t_,i.I , 1 1r a, i THE HURON SIGN Ala FIUI A T ," tom; Irmo: 'I N U. I'HE %1(►I{I.I111% Eis The Weeks News' to n N..tench aWrw'iwfws earra.Mt a• sire sea Sall. psis 1lla»s.wi a talajitrity in Broiler r as 119. The eptsootic at 141. John, N B„ is passing away. The h rdwere store of Urautletiinclair, Paisley, has beton hu dlariz - 1. It u rep erted tet the DouLiniou Parliament will meetllllll on Januery t8th. There are 211 inmates in the Pene- tatiguiahene reformatory, and not a soli- tary use of sickness. R. . Jon't(int, twenty-nv he years editor of the Michigan Farmer, died sud- denly et I,etrnit on Sunday. In the Consecen murder case, Thomp- son waifound guilty of manslaughter, and w -u sentenced to six months' imprison- ment. Mr. Geo. Smith, .,f Oakland, fell (rom a load of weed last week and so injured his spine that he died in an hour and a half. A case of embezzlement has been dis- covered against the Clerk of the Police Court, Guelph. An investigation is being held. The Rev. Abbe Lattamme believes the natural gas at Riviere du Loup can be utilized to light Quebte. 'Montreal and Three Riven. It is said that the Committee eppoiut ad by the shareholders' of the Consoli- dated Bank have reported in favour of that destitution. The following{ townships are to vote bonuses to the T. G. & B. R. R.: How - ick, $12,500; Culruas, 110,000; town of Wingham, 112,500. The Allan Steamship Company has en o tared into an arrangement to run its steamers to Boston in the winter in place of Baltimore and Portland. A gold lead has been discovered intone of the suburbs of Halifax by two neon, who are now industriously tallow:tie it up with good results. It is said that the Government ham changed the terminus of the Thunuer Say Branch of the C. 1'. R. from r(et Yil- liam to Prince Arthur's Landinz:. The number of studente attendance at the chess in arta a, -,.i .livi- nity ill Queen's Colle+r last year reached the highest ,:.nine ever attained i' iter his- tory --115. Geo. Hawkins, a tailor of t t.11a4e of Belmont, was found dead in t .loon Wednesday, 20th inst., about ahi t t.m the village. He was subject t.. , ,.le leaves a wife and several chi. Dr. Ormiston is 59 years ,.. ; Dr. Talmage is 48 ; Dr. John 1. til, 50; Beecher has just entered his fir.1,;ear, and has a treater degree re -t. . • than any Amenean preacher of. tba .• e. One wreckage thief on the ',etch above Holland, Mich, has collee (u a ,rile of plunder, to which, with , oe 'mo umeA- tal cheek, he has affixed n i meet :eaduti as follows: "Don't nobutie .,tootle this. Wm. Dempsey, one e'f the convicts, connoted a,,iiide at the Fi',• air a. tat time 1).urzilt.y night. i:e slabbed himself near the Leat. if. war 21 years old, and had leers than a • t et!. l' nger tt, set ve. It is .Lorght he war not m his Iib it sense,. 'Die -dit4, of the Surae r eerier has be it eeeteoct d to a tin' 0a eve hundred ret , ks rre fifty (Lys' inipr:too,m.eut for an article which it was al.ege l libelled and insulted Bismarck, by alleging that which wits false and calecl''tted to render him ctentenlptihle, By • firs in the Cent's; Telegraph Ofltiee:, Manchester, ot. Sunday, two hundred wiresamvergiogchi rewere melt- ed, and the whole system of telegraph wires tonrinatinp; in Manch'n'er destroy- ed. Communication with Mancheet(r by telegraph cannot be completely re- store(' for scum days. Legal Notices Ex Eel Ti sit 1. N(►Tll'E re el l'►vaae Walrus, was,. tee mut ip or 1 Weenie.w the County of ldttswt eotttri. Nolo e .•. hereby Armes prosuant to fife Ite- esttal statute* of Ontario, Cbapier I07.euctlon 11, that the creditors of Molds, Watson, late of the tow nrhlp of Colborne, in the ('uuaty of Niru.. Y. omuu, who died uu the sound day of oetuber. A.U. mills, are on or before the tut day of Der ember, A. D., IMO. to rend by Dost preps. t to Mawr. Darrow & Proudtoo(. Solt - (.tiro, Goderich Solicitor. fur Hugh canis John i ealuu Stud Mary Wataou, the k:xecmars and hxe t utrix of the hart WW of the raid bate El ars \\ rtruu, their chrirt eta and summer, rddreases and descriptions and full particulars of their Ialfns, statements of their accounts mid the urture of the security, if any, held b Own,. Aud that on and after the ,rid fourth day of lie. ember the assets of dreamed, will he distributed 'Crowd rest the parties entitled 'hurelo, hath, u ani wily to the claims of Lich n.. re stud! then have been received as %fore. -a il. Sud the held Executors will not be liable 6.r the aareta w distributed Or any. part ILercof to persona of whore claims notice stall not 1 ave been received at the time of such dis- tribution. OARROW d PROUDFOOT. Solicitors for Executors. 1H AT 1 LE MORTGAGE SALE OF lJ Printing Press and Printing materials, to the Town of Uoderi :b Pursuant to the power of sale, contained in a cha' tie mortge made by George Cathcart and Marvin Lester Aldrich. a copy of which will be produced at the Was of sale, Were will be sold by Public Aeolian at J. C. Currie'sAsc. Moo Mart, la the tows of Goderich, on 1ATUR- if A 1' , T 11 h THIRTIETH I lA 1' OF OCTOBER. .1. D .ISD, anise of (look in Ute afternoon, Lhe todlowin - Roods end ebattler tamely : One Uontlle l y head ting erg prow, one Alllp- t..r pr --a, with printing furniture and apputr- *e pan. the. , of almtiug of ruler. galleys, compo► :'t{ stone. t,snk. racks, cuntpl vhtg sticks, reg- bja, clunes. ikc.. a book binders hand proms And plougl.a, metal borders, home and other cuts, framer, Inks, news and jobbing leads. space rules, type cases le.; also • quanUtty of world type, news, jobbing. advertising and ortnamental type; the whole comprising the chief portion of the stock in the jobbing ol0oe of the Tate firm of ('athcert Q- Aldrich, and but few a billion would be required to equipa pe newspar office. The other portions of the stuck will probably be sold at the ,sate time. An opening extra in Oodorich fur a job prtattug amee, and this will be aaexcellent op- tion unity for any pushing than deertag to en- gage in the bustnese. The Vendor reserver the right of mor bidding. Terms will 1s' wade known at the time of sale, or on application to John Smith. ISee(.. uelpb, tlieauctioneerorthe Veadur'sSoltenons. Full twrticubirx w.th a list of the type, mater- ial, eta... can h.- obtained from the undersigned. .1. C. ('l'RItIE, Aurlioneer. Mr.AGER & MORTON, Vendor Molieltors, (iodericb, Ont. -10R'1'G AGE SALE OF VALUABLE properlles In the Towner it) of Colborne, and In the Town of Gdderleh, in the County of o ne-ea: Ilene the power of sale citta ed Ia a cer- tain niortga*e to the vendors. which will be produced at the time of rale. and in payment of which default ham Leen made, there will be sold by public ate lion a.t Currie', Auction Mart. in the t•,we of Goderickon THUI.SUAY, iT1I DAY Or NOV., 1880, at 1.311 p.m.. by Mr J C (:u.rts, the following valuable pm{.'ertiea,in oneareel,thatis to say:Ytrstl l nt. ber the el : e, lilt the east side 01 the Lake !toad, pa the 'Western DlvMlon of the Towns:rip of Colborne in the County of Aaron, containing one hundred scree, more or less. Thio fermis wtvantageously situated on the Northern Gravel Road about six miles from the Town of Goxlcrtch; soil sandy and clay loon. About fifteen acres are said to be cleared, and the balance timbered with hem- lock, beech and maple. A creek runs through the lot. The buildings are said to consist of a log hoose and a log tarn. Secondly Lot running '.umber eight hun- drLd and ninety-eight in the Bald town cot °oder- ich, in the County y of Huron. excepting thereout six hundred square feet heretofore conveyed to ane Gavin Hatnilton. This of is conveniently situated within a short diatenec of the market square. The buildings are aid to consist of a two storey brick dwelling. with mansard root, and a wooden stable and (riving shed. The house said to be in good -epair, brick parti- tions aid to be built from the foundation; seven toot cellar under the chole house, divid- ed the same as ground floor. Twenty rooms in house, exclusive of (pontis and hails. This ili wi:: he sold suly'ect to a mortgage dated July nth. A.D. 1870, stale by Fanny Agnes Savage, wife of W'U"aw &w age, Sage and the ,rid 'i illnnt M Savai,e to Margaret Sprague. the wife of Thomas Spragur, Jane Watson the wife of Edward C. Watson, and Rowland Sav- age,to secure the sum of without Interest. Trns and condition, of etde-The properties will be sold in one parcel. subject to a reserve bid to be in the bands of the auctioneer at the time of sale. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay to the vendors, their solicitors or nes ten per rent of the purchase money,and While Charles Coll ns, un ly son of Capt. George Collins, 1' lith( nye keeper at Collinkword, Was en iia way with a roan Danced Bohan, Creel 'Ihorrible y, trolling on Monday afteleoon, being in the stern of the boat, lei -food od up for some purpose, and fell backwards into the water. Refore the beat could be turned he had sank. He leaves a wife and several small children. The k ' i(ply intent:on of providing Mr. Francis Murphy, the tempe.ance lecturer with a home in YhiladC.phia worth 8,000, hturnot been realized, owing to the failure of the Committee to raise the money. Mr. Murphy is worse off than before. He has been turned nut of the house after advancing $1,500 toward the purchase. Of tins 31,200 has been re- turned by the committee which has ren a note of hand for the remaining K'00. But he loses a large sum which was expended on improvemerts. FATAL. AMinee-.- On Mond..y even- ing .9th as Mr. Wm. 1)r apo, of the 4' h Lim , Blanchard, was returning home in ootnpary with his wife from the tea meeting at Cooper's Church on th Bene Line, the shaft became detached from the buggy whet about forty rods from home. Mr. Doupe pulled the ani- mal toward the fence in order to stop him. The sadden movement threw them both • nut on the road. Mrs. Doupe's temple struck on the hard road, and she was killed instantly. Mr. Doupe was badly hurt. The deceased lady was a very large person, weighing over 200 pounds, and this fact no doubt causes her to fall t9 heavily that r'ea.h ensued. She was buried at Kirkton yesterday. o the balance $.4,000 shall remain upon mon- ger ,e for a term of five years with interest at 8 per cent. and interest on arrears. The said mortgage to contain all the usual eove- nanla, provisoes and conditions in the form of mortgage taken by the venders to secure loans, and covenant for insurance in the North Brit- ish and Menentile Insurance L'ompany to the full insurable value of the building. The tall - ante of Ow said purchase money. over and SEED8 above the said ten per cont thereof and the said $3,000, atoll be palu to the vendors, their I solicitors or ag(nla within thirtv days tram day of sale, with interest at eight per cent from said dish I -pun making the above pay - menta, and executing the said mortgage, the pnn•haeer dull be enticed to his conveyance. and to take possession. The vepdors shall not be bound to account to or produce or .hew or prove the contents of any deeds, documents or evidences of tittered in their possession. or fur- nish c o p'ea of the same. and ehail not he bound to furnish an abstract containing any further particulars than are contained in a Registrar': abstract of tile. The other conditions of e:ie to be similar to the standing condition;, of sale of the Court of ('hanoery. For further particw' tea apple t0 the under eiRned 'tnrant& or to RYCHAItit RAi - A•LTFFF at Goderich. HOW LA ND. ARNOLDI St HYERSON. 'Vendors' Solicitors. Toronto. Dated October i2th, 1P10. For Thanksgiving" THE CHEAPEST HOUSE MKK`IH evil ti'f OYSTERS will be received to-ciato itweet Iron, ki.e im- porters, and will be remit ed fresh every other day. Got up in every style aud by the quart AT BERRY'S NEW BAKERY AND Ithn--'ACHANT, nearly opposite the international Hotel. 1 E. KNIGHT, BAKER ANI) CONFECTIONER, West street, near tee post office. VIINNA BROAD, VIENNA BaaAD, VISNNA SEEM,. Try it onee. and you will sot want any other Clad W Wedding Pastes • apeeWty. Bread delivered every afternoon W all parts of the town. I. E. KNIGHT. 1\IRS. WARNOCK .1.V1 Begs to inform, the ladies of Goderich and vicinity that she has just returned from selecting her Fall Stook of MILLINERY, WOOLS AND FANCY 000Dt, and is prepered to state that she has never be- fore such a fine assortment of goods. AV' INSPECTION INVITED. 'SA 1763. • MRS. WARNOCK. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Practical BOILER-HKERS1 The eubseribent, have bought tin Tools and Boiler Bualnes of 1). ltuNciMAN tO Co., lately carried on by the Goderich Foundry and Me.,;;- tacturing Company. and having. law an ex- perience of over eight 'eiie in (hat shop are now prepared to tarry on the tn.de in all its branches. LS' Any work entrusted to us will •eceivo pPrompt attention. First-class work guarsnt Laved. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, alae Smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron Work. &c., &- reasonable rates. New Salt fans made and old urea repaired o n the shortest notice. and at PRICKS THAT DE- FY COMPETITION. Chrystal & Black sox Ili, COBtZRm. 11757) f GODERICH - AND KINCARDINE Marble Works. Headstones, House Trimmings, Monuments, and work of all kinds in Marbles, designed and executed in the beat style and at .most reasonable prices. Marble Mantles kept in stock. Granite Monuments and Headstones imported to order. ALL WORK WARRANTED. SCOTT & VANSTONE. 1752. SAMUEL SLOANE, DEALER IN ALL KINDS or SHERiFF'S SALE OF LANDS. (loom or Huron. t By virtue of Two Wits of Toy\V;t : f Anima, each issued out of Her Majesty's County Courtof the County of Huron, and to me directed. attaint the Lands and Tomenta of Mary Ther.,( and FAward Pierce, at the melte of Christopher ('rabh. 1 have seined and taken in Execution all the light Title and intel.'st and Equity of Redemption of the above-named Defend- ants. In and to Lot Number 3, 1 . the third con - emotion of the Western l)Iviedon of the Town- ship of Aahtleld, Ir. the Coi•nty of Huron, eon- tairing thirty-nine acres of land, more or htsa, which lands and Tenements i shall offer for sale at my office. in the Court (louse. In the Town of Uodrrlch. on SATURDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAN Or' JANUARY, A. D. 11.I. at the hour of 14 atter rloek noon. ROB). RT 01 H i1ONO. RherifFs office, Goderich, 1, Sheriff, l f limn. Oct. 21s'. 11•10..1 The open ng of the fo.:en'a College, at Kingston, under very 'littering auspi- ces, was a moat smccessf e...nd satisfactory affair. Queen's College, with itis ataff of well qualified teachers, has done much for the cause of higher education in this pro- vince, and with its greater facilities is now in a pee tion to do ver'• much more. Principal Groot. the leading spirit of the institution, is • .at.gnine ratan, full of push and enterprise. When he first pro posed to build a new college, the people of Eiapton were inclined to laugh at :h idea, but he went resolutely to work and now has the satisfaction of seeing a splen- did building as the result of hie (+ort,. Ile is a man • ,f broad and liber►1 views, ends surrounded by r staff etrofess- -wwe whore clews are as abroad „diibe as hi. own Kingston may pre' ef her university, for it is an Incensing told well appointed instituting., The Superior SaTiars aid Loan Society CAPITAL. $31; ; ." 00" ONEY IA)ANED on Real Estate by the Su - 'VI peeler Ravings and Loan Poolety Terms favnrsbk to borrowers. inters t paid to Ravinnes H kn 110N, ie Depositt. ors. 11 E. NELLES. 175t _^ AND iifamiltan Street, DRESS and MANTLE IRKING On Bruce Street, Goderich. two dowws West of 1171. and thriller Avwe la ettrle 1751 M188 T ELD(.iL MO,* AWN. 'wt tgt theLatfe' Appre•ed 1751 Goilerith, THE SU%' j OER t Saunders' CAMP'3x Boot Shoe E .; (; KvT 4 BUSHED Grand Fa]] Boots and Every Line is Full and Col nplete I T ed Stock in the County to Parties wanting t,1 buy Be. t. ; ud F GALL AND INSPEC bef,'re purchasing (leen le re. PRICES LOWER TNA JO- CLINTON Wired atteltded to it ith punctual VaflCif 1011 N. B. -Any :h4;::1::w0 takenGoderial, ■ AT eACNDiga YOU MILL F1N1, The Peat Heating .Motet, The Feat Cook; ug Store.:, The Best Bass Burners, ANP---- CHEAPER, than any other dealer in town. 200 STOVES TO CHOOSE F1:0'4. Stoves fitted up without erivcn.y any Fur- niture and No DIET Made. \Y( are now prepared to 1111 and ship orders for Trees, &c.. for Fail Planting. Descriptive Price Catalogues roes to applicants. ' Geo. Lsat.is & Sot. ct MISCIRIBB AT 17 limo the ( SON aiE P'R T H i MM C'r()road* reeve new miaow 5 meats. Tmenahro to HANG Y',Ct; KANNI:K p.\ TLE 0: "Down She C When we gay "Down she Comes" we refer 1. been asked in the pap Watches, Jewelry, Electro -Plated K W. T. W ., r i u m 4est 3atec 0013 ilvtla ArMrw. Y la at have c ac es, &c. &c. Emulating the example of successful bua:..e-aa me 1 o ..1 ,.00pe ls. FUN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH! and is determiner to .. n gen old by anybody. He has just received some really beautiful things (et 1:.to.l Ware, which lie determined to sell at a Small advance on oast. )111, 1t, i 1 .1 i for ROCK ('Moret • 1•ecTAclss, the most perfect fitting glass in the wart ct. W. WELSH. c3-0 TO , ; Tin and Winked Iron Work D. C. Str.1 attended to promptly by experienced hands. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. The usual stock of Fancy Goods, Novel- ties, Jewelry, Cutlery and Plated -Ware. Orabb'a Block, - Court Mouse Square. 1757 MANITOBA Alt At1, erox-re 1N Tnt. Great North-West. The ldorttb-Wet Transportation 00. 11.txrTItn A) 0 7 0 00 f, CO CD 0 0 0 CD (1) 0 0 rn 00 0 0 W its c+ _LAKE SUPERIOR LINK. ooatposed of rive itagwilloent Steamers. t borough ly re -fitted with new Rteragep Perth. nn the main Meek, one of which will leave Worneow andleentoreeetveerr FRI1tA Y at f a. m.. Sarnia every TUt8DA and FitIItAY at 9Q m. (weather permitting), ,arming the 1'ansdtan Mails In nnsnection with Ute Grand Trunk. Groat Welters and ('amd• Rtmthern Rail ways Calling thehallowingdays lweribnr permitting) at foderie'Klnearf net ttnntlettmptnn Po, Rrue. Mines -14t.. Joseph's Island Sault it.. Maria ]tieh4$- Ontem. ft1pplgon. Mirror i.tet, Thunder Hay and Weleth making rime mwneetten with tko Nottt.ern Par:Ae. Rt_ f'anl and i)slsti Rallwars Int ManItetlut, Ilakoea mod all potato Were For ?nether parlh'.bers ma tee ht nit►, Pss- =rirwsgwtw raffia, apply to any agent el thmf MTo are orb LEiC or to WlartlepW, ('ii orhik. 'IRMR T Weasel? RRZATTwesel it taii - Stoves 1 Stoves 1 —FOR - Groceries, Crockery a Tans ware. The choicest Family Groceries always kept on hand, a .nor. It be t,eatew by any house in the trade. CASH PAID FOR FAR'i The Old Staad-.outh aide of Court House Square.. KAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, &. PLAIN AND FANCY TINWARE. COAL OIL, WWOLiaALS AST iftAlL Coal p ms.eO., 01eeir!oAns. (tioRra. eora . lams la etoehay► J. STORY. Odom of taw 4 Iasi 0(1 Harm. Grocei 11/11'J, "THE Cbl 'N TOWN-A2.D 1 - Tib r A SPL< OIVE HIM 1751 C. 'TRACH 1N. _LL ware 1 TCHELL, ' t 1 tit•et, Goderich, HA AD OF EVERY I'EIXIILI .'I Jti ? E Inc .:.o3 to Bo doz. Iv.. es i Farm and School lie' .louaehold ilau-dware at din .. I., 1751 . !titres' Irani ware and Toole at %V : ak Pec . a. l.a.ge contracts f111• , a....i. o ,. 'tress' 0-0DE;RICH- N07TG' CLEARING :,ALE Having purchased the stock of the. Gonaws i IDP.Y N S. easora 'r1RLNU Com - rex v, consisting of one 40 -horse Engine, one 20-hotee do., t, a .,-horse do., 119W and record -hand Boilers, a lot of Flour Mill Machinery, Claw b. it Mac' ineryPlows, Lend Gang Plows, Itollere,Straw Cutters, Hs me-Pcwen I:raie.. Fittings for Engines, Gas Pipe and Gu Pip•'t Fittings, Coniine; Stoves, and a Ann .twaortment of (actings in general use. The above stock will be soli (neer, to n- L (e moot for the manufac- ture of other articles. Orders taken for Engines, Be.ilera, and all kinds of Mill Work. Repairs attended to on the shortest r tiee. Address DAVID ILTINCIM-N Sc C z t, Goaericht 1751 ORGANSI ORGANSI G1-reat Reduotion in Prioes. retiorosi the prima se that persona wishes( tg oeurefiase wW fed it to their edvan( ag. to lanti eat -y shop and bay he- trte The W .,;*:7•E" Y7.F:R and Wil I' E Stewing iter«es SEw I 1 G MACH INES.---are.un w Peook'r,""y:.. ifta r, etr Soso and a on lit anise, that 1t Is • pleantre to work them 1f you are abroad to investla take M o. will eertalnly miss oar or H you do not `et oaor the weer of *5. stte►e eetweag M Rent and a Mork of ht act we aql 1,10 time. to 5 alwav, on hand J. W. WEATHER.A.LD. nerrTCt- -*ieppaed-s Rook glare Marker 50.ar. /1. .eewo.-a glee