The Huron Signal, 1880-10-29, Page 4THE H It RON SIG/TA I .. w"ttee f•.'
• ? - r - farmer away
PtaLY, tKTUBER 19 `ills. were N r
1 .b... tltsisrtt.
j 1 le. urea wu♦ait1 arta, Ia... •'•nr.
1,111110.NBEIT t'RITlt:?
Ktci•rd Cartwright is al llamerheads
uh lama•(}. Is btu speech, to wocostlweuta
he other day he denounced the sale of land to
Yr. Siresssy, and then admitted that he had
toads • abasias purchase himself. Kererrlag
Mohs North West territory, the ,lever knight
/seisred nA one breath that he held a high
Etta, of it, sad In the next breath eawesau,d
aaltaa dlrbrllef m the agricultural capabilttea of
'M country. (Toronto Mall.
Our contemporary tries to prove too
much. Sir Richard did denounce the
[talc 4 a huge slice of country to. Mr.
Itrassey by
not admithe
t makingcn
sbutent, a
similar purchase
tinsmith. He bought a number of acres
from a private person, but not one acre
Erten the Goventment. It was the elan-
gereus principle 0 putting so enormogs
a tract of land into the possession of one
man that the speaker deprecated, and
the audience evidently agreed with hint.
Sir Richard did not express his disbe-
lief in the agricultural capabilities of the
North West. He said he knew he would
he misrepresented on this very point,
:end was most explicit in what he uttered.
He declared that while there was a great
area of arable land in the North-west,
sufficient to he made into many provinces
as large as Ontario, and capable of aup-
po.rting a reputation ation many tines grater
than that of the Dominion, yet he had
his doubts if the area was as large as
some had stated, and whether we ,could
afford to make a grant of twenty or thirty
millions of acres of the best land to •
railway company without missing it.
t our friends in Bayfield and vicinity
have opened up an agitation on the rail-
way question. A couple of weeks ago a
"Ratepayer' addressed to us a letter,
crying down the contemplated Bayfield
and Clinton road. In another column
of this issue will be found a reply in
favor of a railroad by "Ratepayer No 2,"
which gives facts and figures favoring
the construction of a new road. Our
own opinion is that a compromise be-
tween the belligerents could be adopted
by throwing overboard the proposed
Clinton & Bayfield line, and adopting a
route from Goderich to Bayfield and
tapping the London Huron & Bruce R.
R. at Brucefield or Exeter. This would
connect Bayfield with the G. T. R. and
G. W. R, and would place in the hands
.f Bayfield a popular route which would
inure likelysuit all parties, and for which
the necessary bonuses could be moreread-
ily obtained than the line under contem-
plation between Bayfield and Clinton.
What say our Hayfield friends to a
through road/
WEDNESDAY next will be Thanksgiv-
ing Day. As we have before said, we
have much cause fur thanksgiving in this
Canada of ours. Having the day, it is
good that, it should be well spent. Some
will go shooting, and return home game -
leas and as limp as an unstarched shirt-
front. Others will loaf around home,
and yawn away the time over the papers
or the latest humorous book. Some will
get drunk, and make fools of themselves.
Not a few, we hope, will go to church,
and remember the special occasion of
gathering -together; and all should, out
of their own store, supply the need of
some starving family, and so give proof
4 their gratitude f••r the blessings of
the year. In the language 4 quaint
Matthew Henry, "thanksliving is, atter
than thanksgiving."
THE Guelph Hera)d thinks itself witty
wht•4 it is vulgar. Here is a sample of
its style: '`Sir Richard Cartwright is
about to take the stump In Centre Hur-
on and give an account 4 his steward-
ship. The hall has been hired, the hand
has been engaged, and reserved seat
tickets have been distributed free gratis
among the "unco guid." Arrangements
have been made for a liberal supply of
Hot Scotch in ordej• to get up the re-
quisite aineent of enthusiasm. Takingit
altogether, the meeting win} be a success.
i e.—if the whisky holds out."
Ws have grown tired 0 reading ar-
ticles in our exchanges about the fall
show business being overdone. They
are all written in the same strain, for it
is never euggested by any of them to
begin the "thinning nut" process at
home. Each place would like to see its
neighbor gave up its show. When one
f the papers comes out boldly and de-
clares against its local fair as un-
necessary, we will believe it to be sincere
in its desire to lessen the number 4 ex-
Tux Hlddulph murder Mae will pro-
t.ahly he tried by • special commission,
Hon. Mr Mowat being favorable to that
eetirse of pnoceewlure. it is hardly pro -
table that the prisoners will he allowed
of on haul it is to be hoped that the
• ear will he speedily settled, for the
.4—teeters have been about eight months
eta• d
Tuan town hell winch was placed in
elle loan Ro•uw "n Thursday haat re
Iotas ab.. th..., •ha. 'h.• pr..Incrr. owes
the duty •ereierIet re let, off •• • me
peen, •rot, lot in. \ t rye, •w.• (n
"meth a +ttlt•e9Al•- • 'A. oanr
heing time *{Orsp'
nn. Hist a a barbarous pito
I And 1 ve been trytu u..alkrlatr wilt! ,t ha..
done fur we
Fur when 1 voted fur 1t, in the &allot 7e.
1 really b'lleved 't would put our lend la a much
better state.
1 wasn't much at reatiiu'. and them chap. that
hunted totes,
Told us we'd get • bigger thrice fur lamb. and
wheat and tots:
That in this growing country great factories
would rine,
And make up goods au wondrous cheap. 't would
fill us with surprise,
So 1 voted for it, Betsy. and I've waited fur
the "hum."
And for the better tunes and that. but yet they
haven't come ;
And I've come to the conclusion that they're
fooled us pretty slick:
But they muso't blame us farmers if they find
that we will kick.
That new trams barn 1 built last year, toed up
a heap of nails
And oh, the price 1 paid for them! 1 tell you
language falls,
7- express my Indignation at the way them
cussed "singe'
Have hoisted up the price of nails, and serews
and bolts and things.
And the coal oil that I burn at night when my
day's work is tier
Ifaa gone as high as fifty cents. and perhaps
't will go up more:
So. you'll make them "taller•" Betsy Jane. aa
in the good old days
When greedy "rings- could not get gain from
th' evening candle's rays.
Now what 1 seU goes pretty cheap. and what
1 buy is dear.
Fre really soured on augur, for it's nilghty high
this year.
And when I think it over it really puzzles me
How I was ever fool enough to vote for the
N. 1'.
Goderich. Oct. et, nee.
MEDICAL etiquette may be a very nioe
thing, but should we unfortunately re -
(1U ire the services 4 a modern:£sculapius,
we hope he will leave that commodity at
home in his drawing -room when he comes
to see us. And this is our reason : A
man required medical attendance at Mon-
treal and by mistake two doctors were
summoned, a dispute arose as to which
would prescribe, and, disgusted with the
unseemly rumpus, the man died, without
the assistance of either. But if the dead
man wished to "preserve peace and quiet-
ness," by his self sacrificing act, his inten-
tion miscarried, for a fresh dispute arose
as to which medico should fill out the
necessary certificate of death, and the
corpse could not be buried until the mat-
ter was satisfactorily settled.
Lar us bow down reverently and pay
devotion to the N. P., as the Hindoos
prostrate themselves before Juggernaut's
car, which crushes them under its wheels.
Great is thy power, oh N. P., thy might
is of the mightiest! Let us sing thy
praises, oh, N. P! andchant thy victories
in the great field of industry:—Mitchell
Safe Works, closed; Brussels Fire En-
gine Works, in the sweet long ago;Osha-
wa Cabinet Works, resting; Joseph Hall
Works, Oshawa, averaging one hour's
work in twenty-four; Thomson & Wil-
liams, Stratford, 40c on the dollar, &c.,
&c., and thine, oh, N. P! be the glory,
thou promoter 0 hums !
THE U. S. Puetmaster-General has
issued an order forbidding the payment
of postal orders and the delivery 4 re-
gistered letters to R. C. Winteramith,
Louisville, Ky., or A. W. Harris & Co.,
New York, agents or representatives of
the Frankfort School Fund lottery. This
action on the part of the Postmaster -
General has been necessitated owing to
the fact that the fools are not yet all dead,
and many there are who would prefer to
risk their last dollar in a lottery, than
to fairly and squarely and honestly at-
tempt to earn a livelihood.
THE Stratford herald endeavors to
point out that we puhliehed a jeremiad
from Sir Richard Cartwright, and at the
same time showed that Goderich was
feeling into effects of better times. We
deny the "soft impeachment," so far as
the latter part of the sentence is concern-
ed. What we endeavored to do was to
show that Goderich's industries "were
doing as well as could be expected under
the circumstances," as the doctors some-
times say in doubtful caaes.
IF "a nod is as good as • wink to a
blind hone," a good deal can be con-
strued from the following extract from a
temperance lecture, recently delivered by
a County of Kerry parish priest :—
" Drink," said he, "is s curse; it makes a
man ' hate' his wife, starve his children,
go shoot at his landlord, and miss him,
Tits Stratford Time cannonizes Sir
Tupper in its last issue. The way the
gentleman of " Spring Hill notoriety"
is plastered with " taffy" by our confrere
at the " Hub," is highly /suggestive of a
hankering after railway adrertisementa
at 10c. per line. Ahem !
(laze very properly rebukes the new
Toronto weekly. Truth, for its tendency
to dabble in filth. trip itself is a model
of pen wit. it has all the excellencies
of a comic paper, without say of the un-
cleanness that too frequently crops out
in Journals of that chess
Two, men in Hamilton, were fined $6
an l $9 r••epecttveh fm sesame a ur.uple
0 dog. lighting lA • .uppes the $R
m u, laid "Seel hint Tnwser • • the r
MSV. Aar
t it the u1 ttIoi in Inti,a,a tet Kupub
limn leaders may .ell say in the words
of a successful Amortise politician no-
gardiug another Close political tight:—
"The tactics of the enemy, air, were in-
fanieus "imply infamous, but, d-- -n
them, we beat then[ at their own wen
pons. "—{Se•forth bun.
There cau be no doubt that there is a
great deal of useless tlumuiery connected
with the ultioe of Lieutemint-Governor,
and that the present incumbent is not
wen hmore than $1,200 a year. The peo-
ple are beg g to think that u, u1Hce
which is so easily tihird is scarcely needed
at all, or, at leant, should not cwt the
country se much. —1 Woodstock Sentinel
Canadian banking institutions gener-
ally are reducing their rate of interest.
In Toronto and Montreal the rate on de-
posits "on call" has been reduced to
three per cent., and in ahnust all the in-
terior towns four per cent is the highest
interest paid, with restricting conditions.
The contlitiogs are that savings bank ac-
counts will be limited to a certain
amount in one person's name. Larger
sums must be placed on three months'
deposit, subject to fifteen days' notice,
interest to cease when notice is given.
Plenty of cheap money ought to stimu-
late enterprise.—[Stratford Beacon.
The proper thing to do with the title
of Queen's Counsel is to abolish it al-
together. A correspondent of the King-
ston Whi' points out another course,
which is t.. allow every barrister of ten
or fifteen years' good standing to take the
silk if he choose. The appointment has
now lost its significance, as others than
Q. Cs. frequently represent the Crown,
and Q. Cs. very often appear on behalf
of prisoner& But the most damaging
argument against the title is that nine
times out of ten it is not bestowed on
the grounds of merit, but on account of
politics. The odd tenth time it is given
to a political opponent, as a lake -believe.
The Irish landldids are at present in
any but an enviable position. Parlia-
ment is nut in session,- and they cannot
find much to do in London. They might
go home and hunt on their estates, only
that the tenants have an unpleasant
habit of hnnting thein, the landlord
being the only species of genie in Ireland
for which there is no close season. If an
Irish landlord lives in England he is
abused for spending the revenue of his
estate out of his country, and if he lives
at homehe is in imminent danger of some
of his tenants taking a shot at him. But
shooting landlonls is like killing mos-
quitoes: the moment you dispose of one
there is another ready to take hia place,
for no heir was ever known to decline an
estate on the ground that he might get
shot, just as no mosquito was ever known
to be warned by the fate of a defunct
fellow. Yet it is a question if the pos-
session of land in Ireland ought to be an
offence deserving of capital punishment
at the hands of the masses, like horse -
stealing in Texas.—[Telegram.
We do not bold Ourselves responsible for the
*pinions o. ,...:Correspondents. Contribu-
tors to this departme.., must confine theme
selves to public questions, 8d be brief.
To the Editor of The Huron Signal.
Sta:—My attention has been directed
to a communication which appeared in
Tat SIGNAL of the 15th inst. , signed
"Ratepayer," professing to report the
proceedings which took place at the last
meeting of the Goderich township Coun-
cil, with reference to submitting to the
electors a By-law granting a bonus of
$7,500 in aid of the projected Bayfield
and South Huron Railway. Your cor-
respondent seems highly pleased with
the action of the Council, in refusing to
submit this by-law. It is, however,
very questionable whether the 200 rate-
payers who signed the petition, and
many others to whom it was not submit-
ted for signature, will be equally pleas-
ed with the decision arrived at. How-
ever that may be, I am not disposed to
censure the Council for refusing to com-
ply with the request of the petition-
ers. 1 am bound to suppose that
they were actuated by their sense of
duty to. their constituents; but they
might have been liberal enough, without
damaging their position as public men,
to have allowed their constituents the
opportunity of expressing their opinion
at the polls.
Your correspondent, in his report of
the proceedings, should have avoided
casting No grave a stigma upon the mem-
bers of the Council as he has done when
he says, "it was stated to them (the gen-
tlemen who presented the petition) that
a number of the names attached to the
petition had not been signed by the
proper parties, and that said parties had
never seen the petition. In fact, that a
number of the signatures were " bogus."
i cennot believe it ps,esible that any five
men, or any one man worthy of holding
• position at the Council Board, should
be so devoid of that courtesy expected
from gentlemer acting in their Official
capacity, as to cheep, the two gentlemen
who presented the petition (Messrs.
Conner and Rutledge, whose characters
eland so high in the County of Huron,)
with the presentation of • .urreptttieue
Mel hops document Your oorrrre�ep.O—
Mwlteays Miert Ate 1 ,,sono. IMliev.hhi}a,
Thy Rateroay.r •.Ila th. r+.'t.1. of
jaQbdeetih Township "that they have badl����T NEVI VRIIITS.
bitter saM+ociu of radio ba.titlaes,1880 1 8°
and ' have paid tis.. mute Jur their
whistle in days guile by—marring to
the township having granted a bonus o1 I
916,000 to the London, Huron and
Bruce Railway Let us see how he .s-
prats this "bitterezpen ice (eros he h
tryto show that no Val was obtained I Wtt nte'fl ti i ( ) Ii (!' .
sur t►e y i By a Illeana He
himself has given the must ouoeluelw
testuuony that it was money well spear,
and no "bitter staminenee" at an. $S
tells us "that it was of advantage to AO
grain buyers of Clutton and, to sums =-
tent, benefitted the farming eutu.auni-
ey" 1 Does this looks like a "bitter ex-
perience 1" 1 should say that this nod
benetittod the fanning community, not
Goderich. Oct. >M MO. 1758
only to 'tonne osteon," but to a very I
or- 11,t(,'Ir WATER '1A,
great extent; for the line of railway that ARNESS SHOP REMOVED.
matte Clintuu •11.>udlt beyui > H HERRING AND CODFISH.
as he .aye it did, and amarket,
ream eel C. F. STRAUBEL,
etas to the eastern arket, Doul not
bl fail to 1x, of immetie advantageL %hooking the inhabitants of (ioderleh and
possibly surrounding country fur the very liberal
to the farmers of the surrounding ooun- estronsge whk;h tis been shown him fur the '
try. But he tells tis; ntorever, lay wa flas('r i years wishes to inform thew that e r� Sugar?,
of elucidating this "bitter expenience,� be Iter REMOVED w his nee. ',renames.
that this line of railway (the London, Nearly Opposite the Colborne
Huron and Bruce,) gave them "• Hotel Stables,
competing line" with the Grand Trunk. Whore be is showinht a very fine aeortment of
Now, a competing line is generally re- not and heavy harness, Saddled. Trunk,
!cardedof arded as very great value from i
Its Valises, Whips, Horse Clothing. Combs,
tendency to keep down free►gb• to and pre- Brushes Bells and every other article tausU
vent the overcharges of which mono found in • first -clan Harness Shop. All work
harp I"o warranted, as I use only the very ben material Dr. Pant t'M Lupulin Yeast Gema
luta are often accused. In short, upon and employ none but YIBaT-'LAeM workmen.
"Ratepayer's" own showing the `bitter Itepairing done on short notice and at mutter-
ale rate.. Chas. A. Nairn
experience, of which he complains, is Remember the place
2,000 Barrels
•�. tU •t• , . r.'. •
_! Piivatr Families supplied with
&Cicu hand-picked apples for winter Ar
IOW s4rze.
James McNair,
Hamilton Street ! TR( ►1 T, Wain FDIH & HERRING.
eLENt 'Lee
n. ALAtuNLb,
W ALN t'
A L.444, A I.AMU G Aleut) 1LI&NT OY
3,til (1.'Ii^sa1 lirucerirs ;
Dr. Pattie., Cream Baking Powder.
about the most valuable experiencebest the Hamilton Street, Goderich. THE `Vlf1.t f(h
township has ever had, and the ,n- am 611
vestment of 915,000 it has ever trade. .
Your correspondent towards the end
of his letter, founds his opposition to the
granting of the bonus chietlyy upon finan-
cial considerations. He tells the rate-
payers that "should they, by apathy or
something worse, allow the by-law for
$7,500 to peas, they will feel 'it in
their pockets—the surest way to make
any man feel." Well, let us see how
much they would feel it in their pockets.
1 think I can show that the amount
which would fall upon each ratepayer
would scarcely be enough to make even
the selfish soul of your correspondent
tremble for hia pocket.N E vv -
maturing ,Fi00 caked for wouldbe given in the form of debentures,
The trout of at the expiration of '20 years,
to which would be attached coupons,
bearing interest at 6 per cent. per an-
num, payable half yearn. A "inking
fund of 2 per cent. per annum upon the
principal would be laid up to liquidate
the debt when the debentures become
due. Now, the interest of 97,500 at 6
per cent. amounts to 9460; and the 2 per
cent. reserved for the sinking hind
amounts to 9150, thus making an annual
liability upon the township of $600.
Now, let us extend this small amount
over the ratepayers of the extensive and
prosperous township of Goderich, in
proportion to the several amounts for
which they are assessed, and we shall
see that they would not be very serious-
ly affected in their pockets. The assess-
ed value of the real and personal proper-
ty of the township, as shown by the
report of the County Council for the
present year, 1880, is $1,734,480. Now,
by dividing the 9660, annually required
to be raised by the township, by the
"Chicago House."
A carefully selected Stock of
In an the Neterst Styles.
assessed value of its property we find
that it amounts to .0346 of a cent
upon the dollar. It is not possible
to represent this decimal by s vulgar
fraction of absolutely equal value, but
the 1 -29th part of one cent oh the dollar
is within the slightest shade of being its
equivalent. That the rate upon the
dollar thus struck is substantially correct
can admit of neither doubt nor cavil, for
by multiplying the assessed value of the
property of the township by the decimal '
.0346 of a cent on the dollar, it realizes
exactly $600.13. For practical purpo-
ses, however, three pointe of decimals
will serve us and be more convenient
for calculation. 1 shall therefore take
.035 of a cent on the dollar as the basis
of our calculation. It will realize just
97 more than the sum required. Now,
every man who can multiply decimal
fractions, and every advanced school-
boy, when he knows the amount for
which he is assessed, can calculate for
himself how much this railway tax
would cost him, simply by multiplying
his assessment by .035.
On the collector's roll it would stand
thee :—
Total value of Peal and Railway
Personal property, tax.
91,000 . 90.35
1,500 ... 0.53
2,000 ...0.70
2,500 .. 0.88
3,000.. ... 1.05
3,500 .. 1.23
4,000 .... .. 1.40
4,500 .. 1.58
5,000 1.75 &c.
Froin the above statement, the correct-
ness of which I think cannot be disput-
ed, it will appear very evident to the
ratepayers that they would not feel the
pressure upon their pockets so heavily
as ' your correspondent, in his igno-
rance, I presume, would lead you to be-
lieve; and that the bonus of $7,500 to
the railway would be but a very small
matter to then. The length to which
I have extended this communication
prevents me from referring to the advan-
tages that this railway would confer, but
I think it could be clearly shown that,
both at the present time and prospec-
tively, it would contribute much to the
convenience and advantage of all the
farming community residing at a reason-
able distance from this village.
Your correspondent, i think, might
have forborne the sneer about Hayfield
"accepting the aituation" and "content-
ing itself with being merely a fishing vil-
lage," for he should know that it is only
the characteristic of a very low cast of
mind to add insult to injury.
RATap*S Ea No. 2.
RrLirnot•a The quarterly services in
cennectinn with the Dungannon circuit,
of the Methodist church, will be held in
the Nile church, next Sunday morning,
REPAtaa. The at. am sew -mull owned
by Mr. McWhiney is undergoing repairs.
As they were raising the smoke pipeof
the will last Friday. the ropes in connec-
tion with the pulley used for raising It
brr'ke when the pi was raised lune •
disisnss up. and Mr Mcllwun had •
merry.. same. tem, bunny her.
1'retty, and the very Latest. 1 splcudut axsortntent of
Blaok, White and Colored Plumes, Ertra Yams,
L lies' Fashionable }lair Nets and Pins.
Novelties in Jets,
s"d Woollen.
Children.' Kid
('hlldrcni Fur (ape,
Crape and Mourning Goods.
Flowers, Feathers and Ribbons, in great roriety.
( ('all and see my- stock before puchasing elsewhere.
Ordered Work a Specialty.
Agent for Materiels Patterns and for Parker's Steam Dye Works.
E J. COPELAND, Chicago House,
1756 West street, neer I'ost On: • .
Miss Jessie Wilson,
And Dealer in Fancy Goods.
Just in. a new and esrefu lly chosen Mock of
;wlllllery,Floers Feathers & Laces . o-
I have recently purchased a large .apply of Berlin Wools and Fingerings. which I will offer
at prices that will snit. Hate and Bonnets trimmed in the latest styles. Call and see.
MISS JESSIE WILSON, Square, Goderich.
sir (hut or two Apprentices wanted immediately. 1713
Books and Stationery.
75,000 ENVELOPES 1
Wall Papers, Fancy Goods, Toys, e.c,
Toilet Setts, Merschaum and Brier Pipes,
Chiles and }ruby Goods.
Flower Pon and teases.
Work Boxes,
('agar holders,
\liscellaneous Books.
Toy Rooke.
Blank anti
Memo. hooks
Albums Newspapers and Magazines kept on hand sr
of all kinds, ordered,
SCHOOL. BOOKS, of all kinds, kept on stork and as low as any other house.
SUBSCRIPTIONS taken for all Magazines -ENALiA�IFti., S�COlY'H, IRISH, AMERICAN and
CANADIAN, at the very Low goer Publishers' rates. Aatisfaction guaranteed
['lease call at • r Corner of Weal street and /square. am
Dominion Telegraph and Protege stamp (Mere. 1
" Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich.
M ASt'r A(Tt' Rafe M
We will sail „naap Mi' Ulle tnataae. M tae se.
ton to snake root (or sr*ter menet. A Mw
items 4411 he talusInItt Nile
v ye foe ips
„sash ' Ytibn•'Iu How.( ones.,,. '
I'HH: 1111
The r N a star
Hi Hanson • 4
Thu eplauotn at
passing away.
The hardware are at
Paisley, has he••t!
It is rel.••rted
Parliament will uA
There are S11
tanguishene retort
tary case of sickle
R. jl'. Johnate
editor'of the Mich
denly at
In the 1.' Uleetd
ton waefound gull
was sentenced to
1V1r. (.eo. }unit,
a load of wood las
his spine that he o
A rase of ewhes
covered against tl
Court, Guelph.
being held.
The Rev. Abbe
natural gaa at Riv
utilized to light Q
Three Rivers.
It is said that t
ed by the shareht
dated Bank have
that institution.
The following t.
bonuses to the T.
irk, 91'1,500; C2alr
Wingham, 912,60
The Allan Stead
• tared into an am
steamer' t. Boston
of Baltimore and
A gold lead has
of the suburbs of
who are now indu
up with good 'Lau
It is said that
changed the tenni
Branch of the C. :
liam to Prince Ar
The number o
attendance at the
nits et Queen's C.
the highest •,;•'11,i
Geo-. Hawkins,
of Belmont, was!
Wednesday, 20th
the village. Be t
leaves a wife and
Dr. Ormiston iI
Talmage is 48 ;
Beecher has just
and has a greater
any A mencan pre
Otto wreckage t
Holland, Mich, h
plunder, to which
W cheek, he has
as folow. "Ik'
tom. De:empseyon,
amain toed i nieidt
tes!iar) 91.urrdo'
himself Bias the t
old, and had lyre
ve. It is .heal;
rie it senses.
'Ihc dine.• of tl
be ti eeeteac d to
m, .eke or fifty da;
article which it w:
insulted Hilmar(
wl•ich was faiw a
him contemptible
ByaAre in t
Office, Mactchest
hundred wirescttt
ed, and the whole
wires tonrinatini
ed. Commnnicai
bei telegraph cant
stored for acme
While Charles
Capt. George 'Col
at CoUingwood, t
mart named Bol
trolling on Mond
the stern of the b
some purpose, an
the water. Roo
turned he had anti
and several small
The kgldly int.
Francis Murphy,
with a home i
$8,000, hasnot b
the failure of the
money. Mr. Mt
before. He hits
house after adcai
purchase. Of tit
tinned by the
given a note of h
$'00. But 1:” It
was expended or
ing .9th as Mr.
4'h Lint, Mar
home in oompatn
tea meeting at (
Base , e t
from Linethe buggyth
from home. Mi
snap toward the 1
him. The stn
them both • nut
Loupe's temple
and she was kill[
was badly hurt.
a verylarge per
pouns, and this
her tofall•tho
Site was burden:
The Open ng
at Kingston, un
res, was a moat i
affair. Queen's
well qualified tc
the cause of hip
vine, and with
now in • per tit
Principal Orate
institution, ie s
push and seater
posed to build
st!<isg.toe wt
idea, but he w(
(tow has the sal
did huilding as
He 1. a man .f
sod is surroanr
ors whose slew
as his own K
el her universe'
sated well appntl