The Huron Signal, 1880-10-29, Page 14 TH11iTY•Tdiitl) YEAH. V#1101.14 NUU6IIIK11 1738. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1880. M(OILLICUDDY BROB. Pa i YEAR A YAR IN ADVANCE, 'E, Dentistry. 1ViNICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- • flail'. office and tes(dence, West Street. tLr,w doors below Bank of Montreal, Oot1e- r, tau. 1754 1 Tonsorial. • UT KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- T s • Bibi and Hair-drruecr. baps to return thaaka to the public fur past patronage, and solicits a continuance of custom He can always be found et hie Shining Parlor. near the Post Moe. uodertcb. 1753 Atictioneering,, 0, Ct RUM, THE IBOPLE'SA- She People's column. *NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11 that I will sot be tapunaiblr for any debts ntatncted iomy sane without m BOAR FOR SERVICE A PEDI- o 4 • IIQ74ICk R. Gadded*Oat. 178E FAANCI3 GRAHAMS LICENSED Terme 0Moe-Haw:ltoo dome (303 ►t, opposite Cbenne Hotel. Ordme left 100 SAL otK )* velli bo atLSedal W. 1731 OREF Berkshire (from Bow Park) Aaettoneor fur the County of H•roa. written order. It000tce McKeezie. Kintat . ' for servke Terns $1 to paid at Limo of 3fleaical. moirean . V. MEEU1iLLER, con Raid. NEWS ABOUT HOME. • 1 chiel's ssasaa ye. take asses. An' faith he'll preat 1L' TOWN TOPSOIL Eggs are scarce. "A Life for a Life." l:e wise, and advertise. Now for a little tine weather. Apples are plentiful and cheap. Did you eat any of the stolen beef 1 Start your fires with Heale's kindler., Every lady will read the Chicago House advertisement. Tux Carcu.--Two or three boats have arrived from the fishing islands during the past week, well laden with tinny freight. They report an excellent supply herring.of L O. O. F. BALL. - The annual ball of the Huron Encampment, No. 28, will bo held in the Park House on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd. Handsome notes of invita- tions, printed at Tee SIGNAL office, have been issued. Li LSAT DEMAND. -So great was the demand for extra copies of last week's SIGNAL that we were utterly unable to supply it. The itumense i amber of ex- tra topica of this paper sent abroad to frienda is surprising. _-- - ( Murtuu & Cresewan havealready emu- G W. R ('o»oTABLEII --The follow. GRAHAM, AUCTIONEER IS IN- mencel on winter work. flee solei• its are the new a e MON-e t+ a MA residence Steck Asrtslatios Bow pph rrk ,, to Oen by e . A new continued story will be begun pointed by the fl. I . lt. Co., to look itttte• ytJa ddoor west ef YktoMa Mate sale at Ooderlch. a renmber of Med tie►_ week. It is untitled ".1 Life for a after the interer's of the seu sr. on R Aft LEAN, PHYSI iAN SCA aft ttelnl by the Cascade West g .nstablea ap Mv'et. 1781. (ebwuld ! Leicester rams fast l DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, t'hysician,, lareeuns. AC1-111UCIIPM ge. [)alcx at Dr. Saannoa'e resieawcc' near the J>)il, Goderieb. O. i'. ,Iwsebiox. J.u. *avow r/w._ 1751. - - _- _ B. LUNDD Y. M. D. PHIsICIA'.►, ts t3 riaily b versales. ice uats' Inds Motel. rhuismaaea. 1781. T. iiwKENhsesal p`YR + HEAD, .•13UCCESSOR iletftare t1Uc f College radiate of Ontario Ve- 'JrMAs, stables and roaeleaoe, •wv ' . 4 dried. neat of I>: Ferrgguussomn s M - tormerly accepted by Dr. Duncan. . d. -Hones examined as to suundnes,. 1761 Legal. DARROW` & PROUDFOOT, BAR- • Ms FE1(dB. Aftierneee Solicitors. etc., (lodasleh. J. i Gamow, W. 13oudfoct. 1761. L. DOYLE, BARRI8ENR A N D Ooderb Attorne Ont y' Solleitor I ebem0rt:17 AMER & MORTON, BARRIS- TBItS $c., erich n Winggham. C. Sayer. , idol J. A. Norton. wises ham. 3 ' 1761. M (TOMSON,IARIIIU&I1R AND I. Solicitor. Omce-Coraerof West Street and Markel ttv-aare, over Oeaege A.b-ngi, Guderich. • 1781. sheep. Price reasonable Life," that line of railway :-John vers, Ooderlch. (let M 1ra3 Int TOww. -- Messrs. Gilford Elliott Patrick Viewing, Clifton; Richard Jas Melt. tt. Da! "Ym. Sherritt, David STORE Tr and Jsa Strettun, of Brussels, were m Farr, Mieh'1 Serie•' , um, ON YIC T O R I A on Wethneeda Begley, Hamilton; Robert Logan, John .1, „ recently occupied by lira Adak y' l anon London ; Arch'd McInnes, were tummod/uuy well f++-alahed a 1 r with shelves and draw- `Garfield'' - Aire emit el. a new n. very Michael Hari n, Toronto. ! dwelling is a,^ ,, t goo ua and off.* in Booth Huron The nest will she sand Is s good one. and M in oioeo prox- haity ra n ble.aand it bs made dhow oreead. known n+ appli- cation pe PW7 cation to D. K. STRACIJAN. Blacksmith. 1751 CAMPION, ATTORNEY-AT- _to. TTORNEY - A T- E• LAW. Solicitor in Chancery, Convey. sinter &c. Ofbce ever Detlors store, Godo- rich, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1741•r. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers. solicitors in Chancery, die., Ooderlch and Wingham. M. C. Cameron, 4. C.: Y. licit. M. U. camcron. Goderieb. W. ).. Moods. W iueflam. R U. • Patscellaaeous 4arais. TAMES SnIAILL, ARCHITECT, &e. 17 . °Moe, Crabb's Block. !Clawson so,. Oode. rich. Pleas and specifications own correct- ly. Carpenter's' pla,terer's and mason. work mascaras and rained. WEAVING DONE NEAR THEOLD Huron Hote KI • Street. Ooderlch, Ratereaos-MR9. Eased 1731. ER.WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN • and Ornamental Painter,. Parlor decor - dine ie.* + specialty. GRAINING, GILDINO, OLAQNG. shop on North Street, opposite the Registry O ce. Ooderich. 1731 STRATF')RD BINDERY --ESTAB- LISHED 1SN. This estabttsbmcnt is chiefly devoted to job and library work. especially W tho.o unique and economical helical( and mor- roce•e styles. In 1.11 cress the best of stock and wurkstaaehi with etre h and sty oose bins& It1 overJohn Dutton's drier store. GEORGE STONE. Loans anb insurance. 10,000TO LEND ON REAL E S - TTs. Terms tsvorable. Apply to R. L. Yt.s. Oodertob. 1761 460,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Harm er 5nt.class Town Property WM per oast Apply to R. RADCLIFFL 1751 7 } PER CENT. -PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at the above rate on tltst.olass se- cfrlt) No. delay. Ayplystonceeto SEAOER at MORTON, Ooderlcb. 1751 MONEY TO LEND. A LARGE amount of Private Funds for invite neat lb(owed rapes an ares-olsw Mortgages. Apply (1 ARROW & PROP D)•'OOT. MONEY TO LOAN. THE OANA- I)4 Lagded Credit ('omptnJ, Toronto - Joan LAt4O BLAKIR, kxq., Pnddent. M mey Is lent by this Company to individuals upon the same enema IM to mutelppaslitiN.-lien•I Agent, Ood.rich for Circular*. (7(11[ ISA ILTJIt. 17SI1.. 00,000 PRI 91TB FUNDS TO LEN D e® ea Fart) mad Town Priddy at lowest Ut- tered- MatlEMrss purehasee an cotatttaei,n r . (h>nveyanetnt: t res reasoeshll.. N A. Ilorrowera can choir. m the 1a onn,tay if ego is satisfactory. -D ♦ t 305!N- WFON. Barristers, Rte.. Ooa . 17:1 a over an. a good:liar Arrt.1<8 TOS GRSAT BRITAIN. -Melina. laser i* V connection with the buildi .g. probably be named Hancock. Wanted. FOUR TEACHERS WANTED -FOR Put,i ttebooL O•derich. Salrrtee. •260, 11415. duo and 13*). Applicant -alto state grade of Certificate. The undentitned will receive applications until Nov .28, l W. MITCHELL, Secretary, 11. S. T. TEACHER WANTED, FOR S. S. NO. 1 7. Township of ('elbssne, for the year 1831. Female preferred. Apply personallyto the Trustees or to the 8eeretary, DAVIBAER, Roundlet P. 0. 1756-41 (CORDWOOD WANTED. --THE UN- -' DFRSIONED, having purchased the Do- minion Salt Block. is now prepared to buy all kinds of cordwood, for which cash will be A. For further particulars, apply to ('has. A. airn, the square ; or at the Star Salt Warks. OHN'3COM. 171E Estray Animals. STRAYED. A HEIFER ABOUT one and a half rears old. red and white. pretty mach roan. short and stout made. Any OA! ATI -ME me information of It will be suit- ably rewarded. WALTER HICK, Huron Road, Ooderlch P. 0. 1756-, ('IAML ESTRAY -4)N THE 12TH OF v Attgeat, t _ as aged Mouse Colored Hen*., with ver lase strip on face and one white foot. lUCHARD A. SPRUNG lot es, Bea Line. Hallett, one and one-half macs from Mencbe ter. ft.' Q REWARD STRAYED FROM ( the premises of the undersigned. Int 22, con S, West Wawanosh, about the 38th of May last. eight head of young settle, seven of which were yearlings. described as follows: - 1 white bull with grey nock, 2 grey steers, 1 red and white steer, 1 dark bed steer with whYe spots, Obi smallest of the lull,1 grey and `twbfee spotted heifer, 1 white heifer gray on the neck; the other was a two year old white heifer. Any parson giving such information as will lead to their recovery will receive the above reward. Address the owner. WM. LEDDY. Dungannon P.O. - i • RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, 15 Life and Ar ,dent Interstice Agent. R.•presonUng 5ntclawCommutes. Also&aent for the. CANADA LLttva 'Tons lrn.r.ANot. (b. Money to lead on Mortgage, ether in Town or raid Property tat any way to welt the borrow- er. Hisses -(up -slates) Rays blank, Godertoh. 1751 I>rtwaANale•o4.* . .r= 11111Ti Add. ((1V. Teseartre-McMlahsd P1Y NIRITARI)TWA 870'tret wsamieem.:'hrae Ibtableibee — f sks adios in Mt above grecs es (N♦nee at he Inman rates by HORROR HORTON The andte aid Appfaser feriae c ANADA PPR LOAM •wnSIA WINO* 00'T. Tortotrm • Merry Use se rir nd►-erearw ..r n'w Mead 0 ter (m.•rt•rm onepdsraM Lost or Fourth. LOBE, A VALUABLE GOLD CHAIN, lCsbte Link) with Locket attached. Any pp sootrti a and retards. the same to A. V'A L" A Z. atebmster. will be hsndeomo- 4Oaderic Oet. 18. 1NA. o - I7fa 1'OUND--A BUNCH OF KEYS. The owner can have them by applying at Term SIGNAL omce. jOGS FOUND. -ON THE 26TH OF J May mat, between lot 16 and lot * Godo - rich Township, on the shore of Lae Huurroon. 16 pine logs, from 11 to le feet long. The after la requested to prove property and pay charges by the 13th er October, or the logs will be sold to pay expenses. They are at present opposite lot 115. 4atetrsi. awn, Trustee. 1753.1m $100 REWARD. The above reward will be given to any per - ,.,n who may give such Information as will lead to the reoovery of the books taken from my °Aloe two weeks ago vis: Ledger. Cash Book, ih.y Rook and :Subscription I.4t. in- forrnatlen may be given to Mr. 3. C. Currie, Chief Constable. or to L`ie undersigned. All those who have their Acoonnta rendered to Nem wilt please call ret the office and KETTLE. AT ONCE. A. C. SIMMONS, Prop'r Gode- rlch Sear. 1736 -It. $50 REWARD. The above reward will be given by the un- dersigned for information that will lead to the apprehension of the party who took a Steer from Lot irk Ova. 1 t3ederloh Township. be- tween the Ietb sad 18th Oeteher. The salami wan a red and white seer. 1 years nM, with large red spots on both shoulders, andtn.:llaed to be thick en horn*, with white flank wad belly nn Moth sides, wite on lower end of tail Thd a brand no his Left hip the shape of an 0. e animal can brelelmitified by at lease two credible witticisms. W. Ooderieh, Go , 19 9119).McLLAN. 17011 For Bale. Town Council meets this (Friday) , evening. The Beatty Line of steamers will not call at this port any more this season on the upward trip. 0o-As-You-P1.zssa-Don't forget the pedestrianism exhibition in the skatwg rink, on Wednesday next. A number of first class " pods" will engage its the match. Good sport is expected. Mr. James Yates is again behind the McNair and Allan have been busy counter in Maokenzie's, after a bad at- tack of cold, which Ial<1 hizn up to* about a week. Stulanra.- The match for the harbor championship has not yet oomeoff, and it is hardly hkely that the race will be rowed this sawn. Jtsll.ss Sicilia. -Tho origIal Fisk Jubilee Singers will appearnr Crabb's Hall on Mond.lI evening, November 8th Further partiwla8tt nest week. Tea TAnonr,-Our red coats will have a shooting match on " Attrill's Flats," on Saturday afternoon. A number of prizes are offered by business omen. ExoAoaD.-Mr. Samuel Harrison, son of Mr. R. Harrison, of Exeter, who has just returned from his studies at Gode- rich, has been ended to take charge of a school near C i _ton. Tho new Anglican Church is now being roofed in. It is expected that it will be ready for opening Christmas or New Year's. The structure will be a handsome one when finished. Recovsfinsa.-Ws are glad to barn that Mr. Thos. Weatherald is recovering from a severe attack of quinsy. On Monday it was found necessary to lance his throat three times. Srotex.-The publisher of the Star complains that his books have been stolen, and offers $100 reward fortheir recovery. The theft is a mean one indeed, and we hope the filcher will 1* speedily disoover- New BAKERY. -W. Berry will open out his new ba.ery, or Saturday. Any person wanting geed bread, cakes, &c., will please tri- a hint a call. Advertise- be Led f ed meat ne,t week. Opposite the Interns- that two days previous to the sale he ti°'cal Hotel. . wrote his man of business in Goderich, " Tem AMslucaiv. "-We welcome to instructing him to withd:Rw all the stock our table The American, published in entered, have the town of Goderich and Philadelphia, Pa. It is a well edited all it contains put up at auction and and handsomely printed review of politi- sold to the highest bidder, and consign cal and current events, and we wish it the inhabitants thereof to the nether re - an extended range of readers. Bions. The first I»t of his instructions t3ATs -Peen wero entertained du.ing were obeyed,, but we hope that in BO far the week that the schooner Ontario, own- as the people of G+ derich are concerned, od by Horace Morton and J. Williams at least, he will give them a few weeks of Godorcn, had been lost in the great grace. There are wine yr,,q find gentle - gale, She was eight days overdue on a inen in Uoder ;,, to sly nothing et tY►e six days' trip, bolt)g weather bvuna .,, ...nes, Ind it would be a consider - Pike's Bay for nearly a week. able low to the country,and we fancy it would not be congenial to their feelings, nor would it add to their comfort were Mr. Attrill's manager to carry out his instructions concerning them." MR. ATTRILL ON GODHRICH. ■ta Pierrsssry Interviewed as s. She Testa of a t ery elraage ■egert. Its tho accowtt of the Huron Liv.. Stuck Association sale, published in bei week's Seaforth Erµ>ritor, the following rutuarkable statement app Bred : `•Considerable disappointment was felt at the withdrawal of Mr. Attrill'a stuck. Mr. Attrill, however, is a very erratic and peculiar gentleman, and owing to his peculiarities of temper, can- notrelied upon, We are informed during the week shipping apples to (foot. Bt>oa KREP,,, Mr Moose's ..1aas l tr. - a• ' :L ^!Ree on Mondey evening Nov. 1st, at 7.90. All aesiiolli of join- ing should not fail to be present. A sent off about twenty car loads. The good chance is offered W those anxious competition amongst shippers is exceed- to sure an accurate knowledge of the long keen, and only the best fruit will subject. A Ttroti WILD -IL -The Two Friends land. Th@ fruit is !dicarefully hand will meet int the Aesoctatton Rooms, over °ploked, sad $ number -.` t"r''ela have been rejected by the shippers which under ordinary circumstances would be counted fine fruit. They have already ed. Loc&t News. -Soule of our readers cannot understand how it is that we get so much local news for the columns of Tae Smarm- A glance at the regu- lar heading of this department tells the story. Sir Richard Cartwright was in town on Saturday evening, and received a num- best of his friends in the Reform Associa- tion rooms. A pleasant time was spent. Sir Richard left on Monday by the noon train, a large number of our residents turning out to see him off. HA.LowzaN.--Next Sunday will be Halloween. The celebration of it will likely be observed on Saturday night, that being the last legal evening of the month. This item is written for the benefit of those who have not yet taken their cabbage out of the ground. Cargo Sotn.-On Friday, Oct. 22nd Mr. W. McLean, of this town, sold 500 head of cattle to Mr. Mope, of Toron- to, for feeding purposes at Toronto dis- tillery. ,The animals were a fine quality of grade steers, and averaged about 1,100 lbs. The sum paid was $19,000. Sir Richard Cartwright spent a fow horses in Stratford on Saturday on his way to.Godorich. He was in splendid form, and has since been delighting his constituents with what are regarded as the moat incisive and masterly speeches ever heard in the Huron district. - [Bea- con. Tall Feta/T.-Rev. Mr. MoDoneld, of Seaforth, preached in Knox Church on Sunday morning from 1 Peter, 5:4. The sermon was a good one, replete with scriptural illustrations, and was both logical and feeling. The preacher was listened to with rapt attention by the congregation, and thetenderandoloquent words that fell from his lips were calcul- ated to do much good for the cause of the Gospel. EtrraaTAINMEi ' . -- We are likely to have an inundation this winter of min- strel troupes and strolling players. The Presidential election an absorbs puhlie intermit in the United States that people HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 93 AND have neither time nor inclination to foe 1e, ( r or of Victoria and East ',trete. In quest places of amusement. Othelln'a the town retch, for sale obeap. or will he occupation is gone nn the other side exrbapgd for term property Fnrparticnrn Theatricals and kindred erete-'taintoents 11:24to J6*. ritsand. Atshltect, ttmoe Cnbb's we . Camas. aaotIoaesr. THOROUGHBRED SHEEP AICD step rev sat. The sabscrlber oAlre M sale teed CetlwoM sad two i.eloester man. Ulm* shapes, peee„bas•A at Row Peek, eel a maw a +s1 moa bbreddlfr ^ ► Also nd wiz • - Trom Po* t B.rkLilres. a[•►, paid a farewell visit to hu friends msvw Iblr bad to the iter tam Down •In i'iwtertav L. he. birth are at a di•oo;unt there The poor play en have to play to empty benches', and several ()envois se have resolved to dis- band until the elections are over Fume* 'The Wingh.m Adtvtw• eMr Chas. E- Robertson, of (rode t x et Z 11n DlitefMm "#+f RFY to this sell in a market likely to be glutted. Qr0ITINO. - Some of onr townsmen acted rather- shabbily towards the Col- borne quoiters last week. A snatch had been arranged between sides from the township of Colborne and this town, to yy be played at Smith's Hill, ..n Thursday sm7111 lout, one at a time last. When the day arrived, none of the NNtAL SHOOTING MATCH -The an- Goderich pitchers put in an appearance, uual shooting match under the auspices much to the dis,gust of the doughty of the Huron Rifle Association took place knights of the iron circlets from Colborne. on the Athelcote Range, Clinton, on However, a scratch match was arranged !tlnndmv Oct. 18th, and was very sue - between a number of players present, and some tine pitching was done by Messrs. Symington and Joseph Morris, of Colborne, and Mr. Colwell, of Hul- lett. About twenty quoiters wereon the ground. PRssaN•TaTIOli To Mists SIEVRRIGHT. - At a meeting of the Sabbath school teacher. of Knox Church, on Friday evening, 22nd inst., a very cordial vote of thanks was tendered to the Rev. Jas. iieveright for his untiring labors as Superintendent, on tho occasion of his leaving for the North-west. In reply he thanked them heartily for their appro- val of his services. and expressed himself pleased at the harmony which had char- acterized their work during the time he held the office. He hoped they would continue to work with the same feeling towarsthach other in the future. Dr Ure, in a few appropriate remarks on behalf of the teachers, then presented Miss Sieveright with a purse containing seven- ty-six, dollars as a tokenof their apprecia- tion of her services as organist in the Sabbath school and elsewhere, which was replied to by the Rev. J. Sieveright in feehng terms, after which Dr. Ure pronounced the benediction. 'WEDDTNO Baize. -There was n flutter in social circles on Thursday morning, for one of Goderich's best known daught- ers was led to the hymeneal altar on the morning of that day. The wedding took place at St. Stephen's Church, about two miles from here, the bridegroom being Wm. Beith, Esq., of Oshawa, mid the bride Miss Mary Ellwood, daughter of Ven. Archdeacon Ellwood, of this town. Mr. Tully, of Oshawa was gr000msinan. and Miss Nellie Middleton, bridesmaid. Rev. 1. Middleton officiated, assisted by Rev. R. Hicks. The bride wore a trav- elling dress of brown satin, trimmed with brown plush, and brown beaver hat and plume to match. She also wore a beau- tiful locket presented by her brother-in- law, Rev. J. Middleton. Mise Middleton, wore a garnet dress trimmed with garnet satin, drab beaver hat and plume. Both carried handsome boquuets. The cere- mony being concluded. the happy couple left the church amid the congratulations of friends, and tho merry peal of the marriage bell ringing a joyful salute. They took tho noon train for their wedding trip east, . IMPORTANT TO TzAcgRR.s. - -The inter- mediate now takes the place of the third- class certificate. A reoent regulation makes an important amendment respect- ing extensions of the latter. Hitherto the re.ulatiuns provided that acandidate, in order to enter for an extension of him third -clams certificatie by examination, could do so nal- by the permission of the D1 it. inter of Iliducatien on the recom- mendation of n county Inspector; also he might heor-flood to attend • model school before te renewal would be grant- ed. The Education Department has re- cently issued a regulation tt the offset that in attoedence with the merit of thus regulation, County Pi anis of Es.smin- ers aro now rnpnweret to erernpt candi- dates who ( .he Intermediate euamia- atinn, het lav already had etper►soes in teaching. from attemlanee at a enmity model Rehm!, es a oondititm of their re- ceiving a third-class certificate, m .11 eases where the hoards ...onside' the is reported a total wreck at North Bay, Wisconsin, where she went ashore un the night of the 16th inst. The captain and crew had a narrow escape for their liven, being seven hours in the rigging. The were rescued by a fisherman with a AEOGIMILLttd. moron Read •r with his mother, and brother, being about to remove to ansi highly llrt. Ris VALUABLE ifARbf FOR BALE ed _ , an nM Aurora boy, 1st 6. As. ss,, Township of (701 to by all Ra removal from ourwoounty ars, asstalndy M sem 71 of whichare will emote a blank that will not be easily ars, a said Is mOsA 0"11,4 hustle" filled Mr R ham been ono of the most Tt mos b s , kmo I n 10 rerfltar . .e asst hast Frww M1.snns in GM wheJe, kitchen tmvti, wr+wA .bort tern. ' • AprtAdilnItTON, b1e iemal► h skim now state Itxst.'the District, he having hewn District 'l'hee. wwfl .otos qtr spit , DiS Gra" Msstet for "mn" We ovarian. .apt t• 1781 ' std s gond nuns eenhnrd vita a ISbogt 10 irises, s'iput7 -- ssNelsl 'l easy V01 saettoulare apply ere were that all will join in wishing Mt • w t limo b esltF .no twveewiriev (n Me now / M 4yt NIP PAI At HOAR • sA Ecco rrwpM Oar w or re g A Sl > IP ttsn •v'wexr riadttrtsb ham, tgrrttsae f M des worth 56 free arm' easeful. The following are the scores Made by the beat shots: First Match, - 200 and 600 yards --b shots at each range. n to members only: -1, N. Robson, 2, Lieut. Wilson, 41; 3, C. Bethune, 39; 4, M. Munroe, 37; 5, Captain Shep- pard, 33:; 6, A. Wilson, 3o; 7, S. Hobert - son, 3i; 8, A. Campbell, 32; 9, Major Wilson, 3'2; 10, P. Hawthorn, 28. Second match,oranges 200 and 400 yards -5 shots at each range. -i, M. Munroe, 44; 2, Lieut. Wilson, 43; 4, .N. Robson, 37;5, D. Sts art, 38; 6, Ma or Forrester, 35; 7, J. Joslf t, 36; 8, J. It g- gard, 34; 0, A. Campbell, 34; 10, Major Wilson, 34. The three highest aggre- gates in the whole match were, --1st, Lieut. Wilson, Seaforth; 2nd, M. Mun- roe, Seaforth; 3rd, N. Robson, Clinton. FAREWELL ADDRRSA.--Rev. J. Sieve - right preached his last sermon as pastor of Knox church un Sunday evening, tak- ing for his text 1 John 5. -4. At the close of the sermon he briefly, but in a most touching manner, referred to his connection with the congregation for over eleven years. Ile assured them that he entertained the kindliest feelings towards all. His ministry may have been marked by many imperfections, but he had done all he could to advance God's kingdom, and notwithstanding coldness at times, he trusted good had been done, for which he gave all glory to his Master. A new field was now before him. He could say but little about it, except that the Home Mis- sion deemed it ADI important one. In bidding them all "good bye" he com• mended them to God and to His grace, which could keep them against that day. It was a solem thought that all might never meet again down here, but it was a blesssel thought that all might moet in glory. Live as in a perishing world, live for God, live to faith. Farewell Death of Mrs. ties. F. litegart. It is but a few brief years since Mrs. Geo, F. Stewart, nes Mims Kate Craig, daughter of John Craig, Esq., of this town, left with her husband for their new home in Michigan. On Saturday her remains were brought to Goderich, to be interred in tho family plot in our ceme- tery. Tho funeral on Sunday was very largely attended, for the deceased and her husband had many friends in Gode- rich. We copy the following tribute to the d.•oeased lady's worth, from the Fiat Saginaw °varier, of Friday, Oct. 22nd: Upon reading the above we thought it but right to see the " man of business," and find out if Mr. Attrill had really sent such instructions. Finding Mr. Phipps, we immediately asked hila if so strange a message had been sent hits. The thing is absurd," he replied. " In the first place no telegraph company would send such a despatch." " Did you receive any instructions by mail to that effect 2" asked the reporter. " Not a word," rejoined the secretary. He merely desire me to withdraw the stock, as he did nut feel inclined to put them up. It was only after much prais- ing that he agreed to enter then at all, and he changed his utind at the last hour. How so absurd a report got abroad, and how that japer could print it, I can't un- derstand. ` So the thing has no foundation, Mr. Phipps ?" `` None, whatever. The people of this town don't use Mr. Attrill right, and these silly stories are all •tu$$ You needn't contradict the report for me. I consider it too absurd to reply to." " Well, sir, we must let the public know what you have told us, for they are anxious to find out if there , is really any truth in the rumor that so strange an order was sent you." " Well, that's how the thing is." " Very well, sir. We will let our read- ers know all about it." UALase Hneam. - Only a few shorteo. days ago there stood in our midst in the full bloom of womanhood, Mn,. GF. Stewart, a lady who has bosin in our city but a oomparttively short timet but who by her many amahle qualities, noblenem., o1 obaraoter anal general so - 'suability, had endemred herself to all with whom she became aogtraanted, but death, the dark angel, called her hence to be wotb the Master. She leaves a large circle 4 friend. and aogpuntanc e 'rhea" sympathy will be excited over this 'mournful news The came of death was ed • peculiarly disarewtngg character the esteemed lady dying u oluki►trtb, which wake. the news only the more unetpet ed c.. those who, only a short time ago, Saw her 'n fall health and strength She leave. bodes her bereaved amok eer ow - Breach of Lleeaset Law. Before James Mahaffy and W.J. Hayden, J. P's. James Love, of Shepperton, was charg- ed by Inspector Yates with two, cases of breach of liquor law. One case was dis- missed, but on the other there was a con- viction. Fined $20. comity dredges' t'rtmtad fewtrt. Before His Honor Judge So titer. Oct. 27, 1880. SENT To JAIL --,Joseph Wheatly, a wife -beater and furniture breaker, fn>gt Clinton, was sent to jail recently in de- fault ef finding sureties for the peace. Joe has been a jail occupant before, we understand, and his incarceration is merely an intermission between hie acts of recklessness. He made application to the Judge for a discharge, but owing to Id. violent actions his prayer was not nted. He will therefore remain in jail until sureties be obtained, or until the General Sessions. STEALING A GOLD PIECE. --Geo. 'Trott, Jr., charged with the larceny of a $20 gold pieca: from John Campbell, sof Sea- forth, elected to be tried before Judge Squier, pleaded guilty, and was remand od until Saturday forsontenco. teaching ezperenoe equivalent to *amid ting summed, two little olrtltlrnn, the anne M one term st • oesmty sxdet I Wan 'f which u only four years of see, school 4r •nteratediate (wet gamed 4 it.. morin. her untimely lona. The fune or R' clews on. qualify he holder even i usl scone will take Ode at the late M- atter acquiring .nn easfel e=periewa- in 'whine() nn the oornsr of Thnmpeon avid teaching for nee asst, re, .rets, the for o Warren meets, at 4.30 p in. to day, mal achne) Heng theme having to i ht sites which the reawne will be taken to vh.. have ot•ta.nwd may the lntervwmdiate 11lodericl. on the S n'ets>ck ttwin on the grade must. study to obtain. . hitber 11) k R r for burial. The - L»•rin► e: grade, or apply to the county 'Ioard 507 tendo its sympathy to the bereaved ans- an eetensinn n: their third-velare rwr►'6 band nod friends to this foul hour of 1 cotes 1 Es Abettor Ileteorologleal Report. State of the weather for the week enol ing Saturday October the 23rd, 1880. Oct. 17th Tho wind at 10 p.m. South- west, brisk gale, cloudy. Number of miles the wind travelled in Sit hours 1433 miles. Snow flurics during the day. 18th Wind at 11) p.m. South -went, brisk gale, cloudy. Nymber of miles the wind travelled during the 95 hours Il60 similes. Snow /Juries during the afternnoon. 19th Wind at 10 p ni. (south-west, fresh breeze, cloudy. Number of miles the wind travelled daring '24 hours 771 miles 2(ith Wind at 10 it. ni. Sonth. tr+eb breeze. cloudy Number of miles lir wm.l travelled during 24 hours 740 mdse. 21st Wind ret l0 p m North-emmak light beers•, partly cloudy Number el miles the winwl freewheel deem 24 hour. 5(i5 miles fled- W Yee . to t•. u, Y, .Rh 419 fight breaso, light each 1110(1 •ravelled during 24 hours 466 milesM. rain as 8.90 a no -Me•) ^ a 1• a m of Sghrd Ord -Wiwi' .r t0 p o. Ym a - wed brisk gale partly ek>ud)) Number a whoa the wind travelled deafest 24 hoer. 64.3 miles. O. 14 MAcsonsL$. Observer rtuap,a Soto lata •eel 4femare. H Snell sir. Son sold a O olmwnld ram Mab Ms - Mr Mr .1 irnung, 4 f'olbnrse for 340, salt ono to Mr M. Staub of (}troy, for t+1s tame price t• 1 )