The Huron Signal, 1880-10-22, Page 7the Poet s dLorner tied Ybrss Ne* a Yale re, TEs ywwar, Deliver us, O Lord each des Front er'ry W that out OM way Teach us subu►isslua W Thy will Aad with piety, our hearts ell ver us freest sordid strife Which the h a heart is rep, oYNe►e diviaesseggimmill To lead adversity willing bad. teach � us�� b ramings dour, Deliver us tlromthgreed of giin. tad Neese seeding at other,' pain. tetaoh us all angry thoughts w chase, Net we may osqusr in e raw. bewth Uuy helmet fly divine word. ()aBver us tram evU Lewd. uoderlcb. Out. nth. 1filla a TM Naag. Ob. the bang, the horrible bane W stwee worts, then the modern girls' 413overtag L, ldt� her forehead so fair. Warning young men of that girl to beware. See it disfigure the bead of a cbUd. Spoiling her features. so fresh and so mild; Cut with the kitchen dip down to her eyes, [,saving her brows an &Hair of surmise. Meaty of charms has the sweet Utile girl, Eyes of clear azure and teeth of pure pearl, Yet we must ash, of her head and its shape, -la it a Mimeo or is it en &per See bee grown slater, her bang all In ctrl,. DM kleg 1 bene. file resect q lovelyofo� Yaklalr��tha hang. with exquisite Look e • plaster or poulkw of hair. Young fellows Ware et such stria as they step, Not to admire, but to qui& their make up, 8swith utterances quiet bat deep, t Ilfuofsge plenty and damp1_ Grandmother. too, must ewanetas the rest of thegnoouut wi h • N Hiding the forehead that grandpa admlrea Under • Mss that she borrows or hires. Why MHS our women, the loved of oar Make themselves frightful by hideous arts Why sbuld they Dover their foreheads so Wo th! n the male foul who plasters his hairSurely the serpent bequeathed us a fang Leh in the garden. and known as a bang. Let it depart sad. by no mon lnsWious Ways, may the beautiful make themselves hideous. FORMS OF LIGHTNING. A fiaah of lightning is a very large spark of electricity; just the same thing that one sees given by an electric Ma- chine in natural philosophy, the only difference being that the best machines will not give a spark more than a yard long, while some flashes of lightning have been estimated to be several miles in length. Various names have been given to these sparks in the sky, according to their appearance, though in reality the several kinds are one and the same thing. On a warm, suuinmer evening, one often sees the clouds of the horizon lighted with brilliant glows of lightning unaccompanied by any sound of thun- der. This appearance ia called "heat lightning" and the warm weather is often assigned as its cause. In point of feet, the heat lightning is only that of a lrahower so far off that, while the observer can see the flash, no sound of thunder reaches him, and the intervening clouds veil and reflect till it becomes a glow in- stead of the sharp streak usually seen. Where the flash starting from one point, branches out and divides into se- veral parts, it has received the name "forked lightning." This is usually seen when the discharge is near the obeer- ver. Single flashes bearing a zigzag or crinkled aspect are dominated "chain or zigzag lightning," probably from their re- semblance to a chain thrown loosely on the ground. Again, when several discharges occur from about the same place at the same time, and are screened by rain or storm so as to light the heavens with a broad bright glow, the title "sheet lightning," is applied. These four oomprise all the common forms. There is, however, one rare manifestation, called "ball lightning." In this phenomenon, a small globe of apparent fire very slowly rolls along the ground, and after a time suddenly ex- plodes, scattering destruction around. There are but few instances of this on record, and no very satisfactory explan- ation has ever been accounted for this curious appearance. HISTORY OF THE BEARD. •~e.I 4J I..t a 611.:.1 • THE.. H1716. FB AY, OCTOBER 22, 18$O Ives w the snored ,uu►ospttere et Keine ' itself benne were the °bleote of swam- derable discussion Different Popes Laid 1 down different rules on the subject. Ours pontiff euacted that no beards were to be worn . mothsi as strtugently directed that the reset was never to he applied to the chin. brims Clement of Alexandria, Oyrun, Jerome, and Chryseeturu engaged in vehement coma -oversee; about the mode of wearing the hair about the fano w the fourteenth century. In France the final triumph of beards dates from the renaa- sana,, when the example met by the great artists, who largely indulged w these appendages, was closely followed by the sovereign and other magnates of the land. Under Henry IIL shaven chins were the mode, the moustache being wont long and drooping. During Henry IV. 's reign beards, cut square, came again into faahiun, and moustaches were curled; while under Louis XIV. beards were again tabooed, and the moustache alone worn, and in the following reigns the ratter seam in full use. Under the Re- publican regime, as also under those of the empire and restoration, no beards were grown. They pure in again, how- ever, with the revolution of 1830, in company with many other changes of costume, eta, and et the present day no universal rule exists on the nutter.— [London Globe. rearlaaaWa by the theaideat. Fault-finding is so seldom induged in by those who use the medicines mann- femured by the Word's Dispensary Medi- cal Association, that the President of that corporation, the Hon. R. V. Pierce, 1f. D. , has issued a special request or proclamation to any and all persona, if there be any such, who may have taken or shall hereafter use any of the family medicines now made and sold by the said Association, in all countries of the world, and who have not derived full benefit from said medicines, that if they will write the said Association a descrip- tion of their maladies the Faculty of the Dispensary will advise them with respect to the successful treatment of their dis- eases. Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medical Discovery ia guaranteed to cure, all humors from the common blotch, simple or eruption, to the worst scrofula or king's evil, and those virulent poisons that lurk in the system as a sequel or secondary offection resulting from badly- treatedor neglected primary diseases. It also cures bronchial, throat and lung diseases. Favorite Prescription is gua- ranteed to cure female weaknesses and kindred affection& Extract of 'Smart - Weed cures bowel affections, oolda, and all painful, rheumatic and neuralgic affections. Dr. Pierce's Pellets (little sugar-coated pills), are the little giant cathartic Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. or Great Remelt Street Buildings, London, Eng. ?ass's Noblest werie.1 This is an age of great works and won- derful inventions. Steam, electricity, water, air, all are made to serve man, but unquestionably the greatest inven- tions are whichthose • man's health and prolong his areal and among the greatest of these is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Its effects are truly wonderful and hundreds are happy to -day, who oboe looked forward to an early grave. For Coughs, Colda, Bronchitis, Asthma, loss of voice, Hay Fever, Hoarseness, Croup, or any affec- tion whatever of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, Dr. King's New Discovery will positively cure. We can cheerfully re- oommed it to all, and can unhesitatingly say it is the only sure cure for Thoat and Lung Affections, Trial bottles 10 Dents; regular size $l. For sale by F. Jordan, Godi ich Prrssaonouon, ONT., March 9, 1880. Messrs Perry Davis & Son & lewrenoe, Montreal We take pleasure in adding our testi- mony of the good effects of the Pain - Killer. W have sold a great quantity of it during the past nine years, and believe it to be a good medicine. J. D. FULLY & CO. Druggists. J1tPSee advert. in another column. Delicate Wessex. Cases of female weakness, del.:.*te and enfeebled oonstitutions, and those suff- ering with Stomach, Liver and Kidney complaints, will find Electric Bitters a speedy and certain cure. The sick and prostrated should rejoice that such a reliable remedy is placed within their reach. Health and happiness will surely follow where Electric Bitters are used For sale by F. Jordan. prior only fifty Dents. In the earliest pagan times the primitive deities were represented with majestic beards. In France they played a great role from the reign of Pharamond down- ward& Under Clovis, indeed, the beard of the king was an object of peculiar ven- eration, and, indeed, every individual was more or lees sensitive regarding his beard it is related that, after the great Natio of Tolbiac, Clovis sent a deputa- tion to the defeated Alaric requesting him to come and tenth the vioS+r's bead as • token of has allianoe. Far from so- • cepttng the invitation in the spirit is whish i1 was offered, the enraged King of the Hans .wised the Frankish eine - eines by their beards and hauled thea .01 ,.f the room by their revered locks. The uAfoltuaate envoys returned rather restfallari ferreted what had happened and .wnee •on their hsarde t. avenge the affront In Subsequent -*erne the herwee the nbj.IS of nwntsr ue enactments, and the fashion of wear ung it wM oma M t1Mtttly Sone - tepee it wee want1itl(, Inreet.ias s dose w1>N dipped, nue pd, see plaited, or even derotated wall pearls and gold trio herd ashes. The best Halve sit the wadi ieti 1t1s, Bruises? ti res, TNM,, Ulonninni Mads, Chilblwts, Ceras, and all hinds 4 Skis erupt lots. This Halve is geerante d give perfect saliefeelioa r every .ars sir money relutxied. Pries Se asap per box. For sale by F. Jordan, G Cured of Drtakiag. " A young Ennui of tune was ot,sttd of an utsatieble thirst for liquor, that had spwtrated his system that he was un- to do any business. He was entire - cured by the use of Hop Bitten'. It allayed all that burning thirst ; took away the appetite for liquor ; made his nerves steady, mei he has remained a sober and steady utas for more than two years, and has no demi, to return W his cups, and I kauw of aI number of °then that have been oared if drinking by it." --From • leading IL IL Official, Chicago. Illinois. New Yes* Dasmer Iaar&01. In reporting the market prices for but- ter, the New York Tribune, of May 90th, said, "Choice packages to the retail trade reach 19 to 20 oents, but light colored goods are hard to dispose of, and several Iota were thought well soli at 8 to 10 oeob. This stern logic of dollars and cents is rapidly convincing dairymen that they should use the Perfected But- ter Color made by Wells, Richardaon & Co., Burlington, Vt. It gives the ect June Dolor the year round and en that use it never send light col - goods to market. THs DAYS Or MISERY AND NIGHTS Or Uxuirr endured by the sufferer from a persistant cough soon sap the vitality of the system and wreck the constitution. Such a catastrophe can only be avoided by precautionary measures. Prevent the climax of a cough with Northrop & Ly - man's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda—ap- proved Of in professional quarters, and which is a combination of the purest and most salutary ingredienta in perfect chemical harmony. Coughs, colds, aryngitia, incipient bronchitis, and other affection& of the respiratory organs, are speedily relieved by it, and it has like- wise preyed to be a useful specific in scrofulous maladies. The loss of strength consequent upon being diseased is check- ed, and the flagging physical energies restored by its invigorating action. Phoephorns, the active principle of the hypophosphites, not only supplies the system with an important element of strength, but gives a healthful impetus to the circulation. The lime and soda also add to vigor of the frame: In want- ing diseases of all kinds, this prepara- tion can be depended upon to produce a beneficial effect. A fair, persistent trial,, is all that is necessary to prove its poten- cy, either as a pulmonic or general in- vigorant. For poverty of the blood, with which so many invalidism troubled, it is a sovereign remedy, promotfng the aogiaii- sition of both strength and flesh. Pce- psred by Northrop & Lyman', Toronto', and sold by all druggists. As SURELY se Erreer p'OLLOWS CAICDa so surely will disease eventually fasten itself- upon a system deficient in vital en- ergy, if tonic medication is not resorted to in time. The necessary tendentr of a weak discharge of the functions of the body is to disorder its organs.—Invigor- ation, prompt and through, is the only safeguard. Norenovantof depletedphyutxl energy, no restorative of lost mesh, nerve power and cheerfulness, has more clearly demonstrated it. efficacy than Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine. In this pre- paration, associated with the salutary medicines which forms its base, is pure sherry wine and certain aromatic constitu- ents which impart an agreeable taste to the article, and gives additional emphasis to its effects. in cases of general de- bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable and the desired effect is, in the vast majority of cases, remarkably prompt as well as decisive. That good natural appetite, which gives relish for the coarsest fare, is mnaured by the use of the Quin- ine Wine, which also confers brain sooth- ing and body refreshng sleep. Fever and ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis- eases to the eradication of which it is specially adapted; but it should be used only in the intervals between the seizures. The far-reaching effects of a good tonic, in all complaints involving loss of physi- cal energy, are well understood by physi- cians, and the comprehensive influence for good of this preparation upon the system goes far to bear out the profess- ional belief in the value of invigorants as opponents of disease. Be sure to ask or the"Quinine Wine" prepared by4orth- rop & Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all drtitl¢ists. Spread Mee Wad News. As a family medicine and tonic, there is no remedy at present giving such ung veal ratisfsation, and effecting so many astonishing cures, ss Electric Bitten*. Our dreggt.ts repot a lively demand for them, at times being unable to supply the many calla All Bilious Attacks, Worn - soh, Liver and Kidney Complaints Diabetes and Gravel, readily yield to their curative qualities Sold by F. Jordan. at fifty Bente per bottle. We /chive. That if everyone would use HWp Bitten freely, them would be much less sickness and misery in the world; and people are fast Reding this nen, whole families keeping well st a thr'ifling exist by its ass. We advise all to try it. (t . & A. Rochester, N. Y. les nave Ile (tense. Hareon an, exams for coining with Dyspmp�i er Law Compirist 1 L there may masa why you shosW go as fermi • to day complaining with er Stone fib , Sisk Neodesha, ®abiteal Costive- ness, p•lpitatirnt of the Heart Heart bati, Meerbresh, °er ing and hern- ia( paints st the pit of {{the $W+rftid►, Td- fewillkin, floated Pongee and dfaagPssa- hie true in the mouth, Doming lap of }brei after eating, low "irks, &m. Wo ' It is positi year own }molt Hyene do. (in tar+ rem and pi s BooWm of (home's Ammer for 75 caws your ours is erirtain, bat Wren de.16 this, get a !temple Antth for 10 cents and eery te 9`w° doses will maim 7n* ntoura swum tan cad. am is ELIECIECID8 AND CillEtAJAMF Miss Jessie "9713sou, MILLINER P i1wws7tect P ' - &ideate& 1761 " THE CHEAPEST }HOUSE UNDER THE srty." Saunders' Variely Store Nev Goods I New Goods I FANCY BASKETS, TRAVELLING BAGS, JEWELRY, VASES, dc. T ro ('AYES OF CLOCKY, in 30 -hour and Rdaya. Lowest Prices in Town A LARGE AaSOETHawT or . Stoves El ¶ure AT LOWEST PRICE& ' vestryman 1a5VTDR later House Ptraishing ALWAYS ON Wb. Tiff aDd Galvnized Iron Work WHAT THIP RAY OF IT. -- A sew ruse roe THE PEOPLE. —There are but few pre- parations of medicines which have with- stood the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. Read the following and be convinced: Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre P. 0., writes," I have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last ten years, and Tuve tried many remedies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil and sines then have had no attack of it. I would recommend it to all." J. H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shefford, P. Q., writes, I have been troubled with liver complaint for several years, and have tried different medicines with little or no benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and I would say that I have used it since with the besteffect No one should be without it. i have tried it on my horses in came of cuts, wounds, eta , and think it is equally as good for horse as man. A Itfaybee, Merchent, Wark- werth, writes, I have sold some hnn- dreds of bottles of Eclat -trio Oil,ard it is pronounced by the public, 'one of the best medicines they have ever usd; it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sole throats, etc".t and is worth of the greatest oonndersse, " Jeseph Regan, Township of Percywrites, • I was perseaded to try Dr. Thomas' Leine trim Oil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or four years, and 1 never fnxtnd anything like it for curing lame- llas. it is areas public benefit. Beware of Imitation& —kik for Dr Thomas' Eeleetric til Bee that tie sig - minim of R. N Thomas is nes the wrapper. and the rumen .of Northop & Lyman are blown in the bottles, and take no other Void by all medicine declass► Prete 15 ds. N0RTH11t1P & LTitAN. Toronto, Ont,, Prnlwietors for the Domination Ness-Zeleetrie--pelted and 64C. Wield Under the personal sueruuon of Mn. Janas. OF Charge* Moderate and ALL woad even- ANTssD. °robe's Block, Cense Howe Square. 1761 PE FOR CONSUMPTIVES. See what Pbysietaas *ma Ow Teeple swat sooTT's I RIiVIA ON or VOD LINDA OIL AND MTlOPidOa- P�ITe�s1 sa a reseed, Ar Ceasaaptloa. mereraie, sad Weedtty 1.11I.IMas Messrs. Bower & Bowers : O.wrtarrzN-I have prescribed 800tt's Bmulsioe of Cod Liver OU. efo is my practioeand used it in my fun- ily. I am greatly pleased with it because of its palatablenese and the good rerilt& that follow V use. i have found it very sorvixable In scrofulous diseases and pulmonary afTections. Respectfully yours IRA M. LANG. M.D., 477 East Broadway, N.Y. Louisville, Ky., January 3, 1878. Gssrus*ZN-For the last fifteen months i have used your Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, both in hospital and in private practice, and have been greatly pleased with itw effects. It Is better borne and can be taken for • longer time than any other preparation of Cod Liver Oil. In Consumption and children's diseases I have found it especially valuate". JOHN A. Cx,'TERLONY. M. D.. Vis. Physician, Louisville City Hospital. (Messrs. Soorr k Bower : i have used Scott's =mubnon of Cod Liver Oil fn various Instances sad I have found it to be sadly taken. readily assimilated. and rapidly improves the nutrition and flesh. 1 eons der It the best Kmuyl7m i have ever used. R. K. HAUOHTON. M Indianapolis, Ind. Me tem. 800rr & Beings : I have given your remedy of Cod Liver OU. &c.. a fair trial. and am glad that 1 can nay I think It levee remedy for weak lungs and bad coughs. I can highly recommend It. When the doctors had gives me gugp. 1 commence/I using your medicine, and 1 i 1 s hall nealtb and strength very d and f thin soon he well. Yours truly. G. A. BIKolLtriTADT. Oalvestoa. Ind. So rrt & Howl■ . 1 fent* my dutyill to let yen know the benefit i have derived from the ames1 your eawe. � on consulting i>reJ. y L Gorsuccoughh se this city, he informed me that 'nylon Inag wee dfeseaa4. and preeerlbsd nosh's Leninism with IitypeshospklUs. After sM,1sQ two bottles. I Groat Asn to improve vkta iesttsesd eerie tt i bad mad seer Yt so h.alir a as there le is W dy its you e& sou' . using t (wNg7red Oet.P 1 We wel�u� And Dealer in Fancy Goods.. Just la. • mew sad cer lvUy chosen stacai•d ilMillivar�, F1o;.l; Feathers. & J.acesJ „I 'Lave reoeaU purobassd al? ssppir el Osrlta Wools and In ?Here I wilt oar at primes that w� .Mt ?lab mad loaseta trimmed la ilia latest stylow hall ass ansa. JI WINS Jimmie WILSON, *imam Goderioh. ear alae or tan Apprr tteie ltsatwasliotelg. 171111 Books and. Stationery.. 75,000 ENVELOPESt Wall Papers, Fani i C+oods, 'ray ,ban. (msohaum and Brier Pieta. Toilet. Bette, China and Ruby Goode. Cups. flower Pota and Vases, Work Bores. Desks. Purses. Albums, of all kinds, Cigar Holden. Miscellaneous, iibekw, - Novels, Toy Mika, Utak and SGmuo. Hoek* !Ofwepapen and Magazine-klpt os hand Cr ordered. SCHOOL BOOKS, of all kinds, kept on etoak:and as low as any other humus, . SUBSCRIPTIONS takes tor all Madaslnes--iNLI8H, SCOTCH, IRISMA AMERICAN and CANADIAN. at the very LOwrsr Pubbllishers' woes. Satisfaction guaranused,' At BUTLER'S. Please call at di -Corner of Wed Street and seas. Dominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp Oates, 1'MI ORGANS I ORGANSL' Creat Reduatzialn ° in Priiaa a: Having determined to disoontlnne travelling smith Organs, I have redneeitke prfoss so that persons wishing to purchase will And 1t to their .advantage to aW at me shop and buy, trot, me. SEWING MACHINES.--n..� w " an: run, and stake so little noise, that it L a pterins to week them. H yoneee matt. to thee,' ini fo musing Machine, von will certainly mbz lash yon do not get one or -the other of the aloes • d mateSewing Machines to Rent, and l a . stook.. of Needles, QV.j U : Cans Ac., alweis on hand. J. W. W.ATHHRATtfl.. OFFICE-8heppard's Beek Ston, Markel Spare, Ooosarcn. If You Want C31-ctinct GROCERIES, PROVISIOMS, CROCKERY„ err C LA SSWARE,. • ---OD TO -- D. FERGUSONS4 Hamilton Stliet,, Opposite Uef eg $ - I• addition to the ordinary linty of the Grooery and Crockesp Trade. 1 neer a 1lethatsettce� Floor, reals Bork all GIllarIl Pris!w MY MOTTO, 18, "Fair Dealing and Moderate Pricf;s." Coal Oil also sold. See my Stock and get nip -prisms. SF Goods delivered ie any part of the Tows D. Ferguson. GOING O u T OF BVSIN ,S. The Misses Mitchell will clear nut their whoh, % rk within One 1leatli, at rt'"'* x• V'nprecedentedly Low Prices. a A ' lMAR. M1 c' ant Apparent s. maps- l6. tr7. ?loon R Dowrwz Owns f Monett weed writ& to fres. r f ase • MOM MOM TOUT baeess et tars epee Ise laerotteesd w TM, lir ppaswe& tris in my can. 1 was/twee up to die fate itavek with ntiesusnptkwt. fife hest re•Meel 1 am "was no timet may tresr,e■t. My husband yOm mon was of clod Liver Oil ; he W • t t wsaty tl s Mettler and so b r.Olera s M to WWI* beyeat4 the frreor algae• st Immo le beer el say 1� mi Wtc.Iit fqr . w 1Ue tisk • t rad. 61154 B Ter male by intones at p per betels d„1 Hartle Batrgalliis ].Il Every et Rd we quote the fof ownse It war of 111seMlaw M,,,o -011 shades- -reduced from 90r. 141c "limey sod Fingerings—best 4 skeins fee 11. Ribbons and Lames below the gem';. Rilk lf'Issama mini• a w haV&,ars ram And ., nrythlall lift le plemPtalli p This N * tk.q n,ir Acle, r we have fully Jeoeded a. retia, frim baunsa Oall ildte purohalea of HV Ctu ""a te.L RAs, Wore the stock ens. nc. °" e lr. e tea• B A R. *IITCRELL Thee ftrlmrw ftnAwnc tom_ 171&