HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-22, Page 5T,4X.WORLD OVER. Tb• Wulff Writ is • Nh11e►a{i. 1 c tNlasseeleas leg Wipe ted AWL Thecropa '!toot wen !nates io aw apiniMtn has beoklan out oniony. Ike norms ID Liverpool, QSMW' Oneney, 11. S. Rapt raspberries were pmkedIse! week ,i rillhntlffillAll& oto" alarming sates! at Long several towns along the swat. -. deter Bowan was eafftlsated iu a mad - pit at Napauee Saturday afternoon. He was buried In throe feet of sand. John Iamb was kills M Markdale as Saturday by a tub follies on hint. He wee 26 years of age and unmarried. There was one vote pulled at Calf Mountain, Man., ma the Brett Act ques- tion, and it root the Government $37. Indians have been ordered to leave Victoria, .B. 0., and congregate M the re serve. 11eYersl hate been arrested for stdusing to go. A woman named Lily McDougall at- tempted suicide by hanging in the oell of the Montreal Polios Court, while la- bouring under delirium tremens. A steamship arrived in Montreal on Friday, which made the round trip from Montreal to Liverpool in twenty-one (Lye, the fastest time on record. The wife of the Belleville gaoler has elot,ed with a man called George New- bold, • bigamist and confidence man only recently dieoharved from prison. A deal atch from Buenos Ayres saga that by a snow -storm in that Province on the 18th of last month 700,000 cattle, 0 sheep, and 250,000 horses Clandeboye has no shoemalue or tin- smith- What it has, though, is five names, and still it wants another. The five naniasClandoboyye, Ireland, Iri,'h town, McGillivray P. (1, and rasa- gan's Cornet. Darz.Ta» Arris Aye.. —The number of votes last on the Arthur Junction :ail - way by -Lw, lately voted by the people of Guelph, was re-counted at the city c l rrk's office on Saturday by Judge Chadrick, and the by -Lw was 'found to be defeated by a maj(.rity of 22 STRAwssaaY LrAvls.—A few weeks since there were shipped from Uxbridge Station five thousand pounds of -wild strawberry leaves that had beeu picl:ed by hand by the young people in the vici- nity of Scugog Lake. The leaves were purohaaed by a firm in Toronto for medi- cal purpwes. "Maud S.," like a great many other good things, traces back to Canada. The queen of theing turf is a daughter of "Miss Russell who was* daughter of "Pilot" junior; son of "('Id Pilot." The last named hone was a Canadian pacer, and was purchased here to go into Ken- tucky. An Irish landlord named Hutchinr was shot at by a party of men .in Cork oounty, Ireland, on Saturday, is bread daylight. He , but iris driver was shot. Parnell, at a meeting uiaii ted on the Irish people organizing and con- tinuing the agitation. A meeting of Orangemen was held to protest against Painelt's agitation. The severest dean! !ever known in the vicinity of Milradkee occurred on Sa- turday molt!. Passenger- aid freight trains 1... stuck on the Southern Minne- 1t .a Railway in : a snow -drift ten feet deep. Relief has been sent to them. The steamer Depre is supposed to be lost • The loss to vessels and stunk is immense. A despatch to the New York W014 states that the Princess Louise has ,o - turned from the Continent and will shortly return to Canada. The wase authority states that there is a prospect of the Duke of Argyle pay^-tg a vied t Qu rda for the p of ascertaining how much the Canadians desire annex- ation to the United States. A barge arrived at Kingston on Tues- day, laden with nitro-gl e, IF4Zied at bola itt Que. , and for Fort William, for u.e on the Canada Pacific Rail The schooner Richardson has been for $1,700 to take the stuff to its destination on Like Superior, the crew being offered $100 each and a return peerage. ATracBRI) IT A Hoo. —John Parring- ton, employed,at Daviel pork packing establishment, Toronto, was ',merely bitten by a hog on Saturday. The owl - mal had been run ftp and struck with a knife when Parrington inclinational, al- lowed his hand to conte too near the month of the aspiring porker. It caught his wrist. and with it: teeth severed a number of oords, and otherwise mangled kis arm. The injured men was conveys i to his home. Tis BIDDULPH CAsE.—A petition is Being circulated in Biddulph and Lucan, praying for the release on bail of the prisoners charged with the Donnely mur- der. The document is addressed to At- torney-General Mowat, and points out the recent trial, the length of time the prisoners have been in jail, the condition of their farms and homes:, and asks that under these circumstances the substan- tial -bonds of their friends be accepted for their appearance at the next trial 1lt will be forwarded to di destination in a day or two "How far is it to Guelph?' said a new - II -arrived immigrant to a well known onion of Montreal .he other day at the donavaptur'e Depot letting that the tfnrerill/ was to irrtdhgeit looking fanner • eoarerwt'trn wleaed. from whish it was learned that the neweoaet was from 8sotland and war about to settle in •Caaada To the question "How carte Fos to select Gwlph as paw des tiara• tiosl the reply was. 'T wad. in Liver. pool during the peat wet Est and ww corns dura buing landed from one a the Oawaditn steamers aeslag they were •uakle Ane steers, 1 enquired where they imam from, and I learned tam they wee from Guelph, is Amada, !aunt! road. wry mind bt emigrate. 1 flied apron r nn futar. Mawr, r (with etl srv'' 7Cl;li 1.1A1174 .. ,L fi THE HURON SIGN e: (eT ' a $LisLY THE CHEAPEST NOUSE P BOA1B-MAKER8. THE , " bnn...re 0SM rat tweent , tea,. B w of I) tit vcIHAr too-. fMet) u b) the Ooderijta Vo and Manu +■kiwi uris`"IaIea,e tC t■ uuprany and baring ao e: Dniel ss +ear. in tbat.ho ll 1(1 1 ! t d fo u, t/yp rad• u all (ta OW Any wast .a(ruwed i as will rewire Pt ,it.attse. Pir,Loias. wort e- r .ids ut boilers made and also .ii sad Sheet tip Work, .c.. at .Iebte rr atilie it .seta nee. rspaired rY ri I d at AliceCs TI AT Dt- Oh rystal & Black sox res, sosossls•1a. 1.11571. CHICAGO 80II8N, - ti J.ATI T French & American Nov llties RIBMONB, LACS'S AND Swiss Embroidery Veryneat and p)retry. TLthues. Feathers, )'lowers and Ornameeta. Pine French Beaver Hata Inspection invited. E. J. COPBLAND. nt Arians for Hutterick's Patterns. '751 r ODNRIOH AFD KINCARDINI Marble Works. Headetaaes, House Monument., and work c' ell kinds in Marbles, designed and executed in the best "Oyler and at mast raasueable prima Marble les kept in stack. tiraatut Monuments and lieadstones laoiv,rtud to order. ALL WORK WARRANTED. SCOTT & VANSTON E.tut MNA1R'SSP;f;DSTURE REMOVED TWO DOORS ILAIFF Oe OLD STAND, NOW OPPOSITE I1ARItlt'b Vtt *Irl!. Ri SHOP. TfTin K Proprietor returns thanks for past favors and would Inform old and new friends thpt he his :his year a superior lot of Garden and Field Seeds. ar 1 well ve a prise of a Patterson Hone M ulfrrrrsltt3. for the beet } acre Carrots, lathe bought atMCNAHIL 1 acre Turnips; seed to be JAMES McNAIR, 1751 Hamilton duvet. Goderlch. W. Hart & Co., PROPRIETORS Goeridll Milis (L ' per's• ) Grletiergdone. Flour etch. tt(tt el at their Town Cli to for grain Aith M lee who nail not dad it owsvenisas to go to the mill. W. K Hwsrr (,q, hays alespurchaeed the hotness of W. M. JilLLTAR , and will keep for sale FLO wR, OATMEAL and NEE and Veda le t► Zine. TWO CARR A W ES. N SEW) CORN for sale. Hike est (`oak cc paid for all kinds of grain. (glee and Sture under MasenieHall. East -St 1761. James Wilson aeR• Chemistand Dr=itggist, North alae Market Square. A rt'LL STOCK OF PTJRE PRVGS Always on band. All the standard Patent Medicines sold. Piysicesas' and i'a-ly Prescriptions oar'efully prepared. 1751' JAMES WILSON. MANITOBA Ann ALL POINTS.IV Tia Great North -Wester UNDER Saunders' Variety Siore AT tAUNDiaa' TOP WILL FIND 271e Bert iN aria. ,Maes!!, The Best Cooking Sforet, The Bat Baas Banners, -Aiau-- •4' , ,)ice Y .,,.l4.r_` Ifff AY. OCTOBER rz I8Ri1 ANCHOR LINT. R/1riD•I•SSTATi MAIL f - f> !lab to T6 Lb Rad■s.a w+ fink. 1 seats ritl nn. to "--d lraatf.ets awle.d •t o .at mow to est Rae, r> Rant t'uraW Matins la or Aawt Pro •t lowest (rayo/ !Asap K loIlhgeesesa l a ea. i1 4 t,. gawetsoses lnnrtte.s, 7 Downier enol. It. ! Or W Mita. a W AliNticl( Albiol, HO)oa. p 1711 Agent at Oedertok.` Hugh Dunlop, {IRCHANT 'f 11 IIH. NEXT DOOIi TO TB BANK OF MONTREAL. Arrive& and reAti th i v ii 1g tirsT,PAirPEfZ TWEEDS —AXh-- . CHEAPER l General Goods. than any other dealer in town. 200 STOVES TO CHOOSE Fso5. Stoves fitted up.without moving any Fur- niture and No DIRT trade. Till Galvanised Iroi Rork, attended to promptly by experienced hands. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AA EJI1 Sdf(ifI1 New aIanactire,-f i 4r' New i Di""if, New ill Style The usual stock of Fancy Goods, Novel- lot- LOWEST CASH PBI(.8,81 `a'g ties, Jewelry, Cutlery and' Pla a -In C tiohlir Jlode, - edAf rt'MAO Sqs . Ready -Made C1othilla The Milbh-Week Ta aaportitis 0S. furtreso., LAKEAUFERIOR LIN$, composed of Five MagnlbosatRemmers. thoroughly re-Dtteei with new Steerage on the mala Peck. one d pwino", z ::..rates a every AT and P'RIDY AT at f pp' 8n (weather pe Sindtf l,, wrryiaeltbe(Leisdiaa R in connection wide the firtind Trent. Atwt R'epern and Canada S oothers Railways. Oatlhte tie rot/owing days (weather permitting, at Ooierieh, Kincard- ine, Southampton. For Bruer, Mines tat. Joseph's bleed. Sault Ste. Mari. Mich' erten, N Raver irlrt, Thunder and Dolnth mak elsseeonneetionwith tie Northers PaMac, Rt. Patel and Duluth Rialto.* for Manitoba Dakota and all views Woo. For bettors part melds as to Freight sad A► fsltgtrs rats* apply M any agent d theist /WS ways, or to WM. L Sir celharilager. Osdstisl, HENRY ERATTT . Oenera' Maaaat r, BRBSS aid IANTLB WALING On Brno* Street. Gloderlob. Awns) rho pans where those sleet grew >rle *w crude tes[s s eat et nit. suit es . gend 711aoa for a faemo to Mr Woo ersre; 1yaa1 p7Mhss dots la tie to test CD 0 0 tdO d $ Stoves Stoves 1 NAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING Phots, did (=MN PTtmps, LLD PIP=S, a. mar AND FAlrcv T ZNW(ARN. COAL OIL, W5Qiari ass SWAG Mildhenes 1T. BTORY. SW el tie 0..100 carol ON HAND. flush Dunlop. The crowning glory of own or women is a eautiful TRIAD of HAIR. This can oily be ob- tained by using t'INC .itLEO.. which ham roved itself to he the BEST HAIR • 10EITORB in the market. It pro- mote, remote, a healthy growth of the hatr, renders it soft and silky, atteng'hens its mob, and pre- vents its falling ant, and acfe with rapidity in RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try it before wring any other. :old by all drogglata. Price. 50 cte. • bottle. 1732-1y. • • '1 rl r _ ri• • __,art•- ifs• -r T11E GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN 71111161,-- The PEWPurley the)f corre.tau disorders of the Lives. h. Kidneys and Rowes and are Invaluable in all complaints la oldental to Females. The Ointment is the osly anisole remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds. II]irn rres and Ulcerw, ofhoweverlongstanding. Rheumatism pass as Shia Mimosa It has chi rqnal. Bs W w1Ai, OF AMERICAN COUNTER TEM. -I most reepettfnlly take save to call the attention of the Public generally to the fact *et ssrtatn Hours in New York are aeadiagto any pars td the he apO. INITATTnwa y Pills and n('mt' easiest Three frauds bear en their Iahebt eons address' in New York. I d net slow myMedicito be sold In an part the LUMWM tee. 1 have ao Agents Ny heirs e. aro eat made by m at 51♦ In spurious make is O .MPP'4 L'S 11' Boot Shop; Emporium Arl'ABV r111BD 181' s{r. • Grand Fali a,r?• :tt,llw: Y Show Boots arid Shoes. • ' ilff ,r1 Every Line is Full and Complete : Tr e Li.:rg3st and Best Select- ed Stock in the t. a'lttty tc, Choose From I -- Parties wanting to buy 1;.ed to u d .3hoes would du well to CALL AND INf3FE F '1'.:3E STOC$ before purohaaiog ch o tI t.., tliu,' ,.'i End ---------PRICES LOW _R T HA`i C'JEI; ! - - ,at -CUSTOM Woos attendod to wit iron N. B.—Any. quantity of Cordwood teal. lu A.. I 1 i III! 1, r` •tie, : IIewt.;e yuar•: (h,derich, Oct. 16th, 1880. NANO YOUR OALfr'tc ON 'r",: IN +.J a tt De vn S li _, (orD6s ! ,e When we esy "flown tare Unmet. d .• • der I the Iwo Bites that lav° b;rn. n ki•n it- t ,or Watches, Jewelry, Electro-P:dtcd Vtare, Spectacles, &c. &c. W• T • V 4 *>. a' risj Emulating the example of suer' eslul Li:: ale., n .3 1 v ARAI. I.1. WWII, 1•0 ii'N TV THE LOWEST NO7'011 ! .tnd i• •l.t. i ! ; 1 .• ,t '.err• '.. I,d ;,n He has just received some realty 1..»nnniul 1.• ,:I 1' :• ' - 'n.i 11'ar 'c1 ic:: ho determined to sell et a small aeiet',,em on en -4 i '- it.'• Agro,! for Hord Clover -it SPEUTACI.E.', the most perfeit fitt;ui• ,S,.om Lu 16•' . '1', \1 F:Li•H. • (3-O ' 0 C. Strachan's ----rioit- Groceriez, a rockartiy and f ? .est are. The choicest FamilyGroceries always sept on hand, and at pncea that cewaot be beat it by tiny house in the trade. CAB{ PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE. The Old Stand—south aide otrourt Howe Square 1752 D. C. STRACHAN. W. 1VII'iCHELL KEEPS "THE CHEAPEST A ND B311i0T " Groceries, Crockery & C-1,a3swaxe IN TOWN--- ANI) MAXEI TEAK GIVE HIM A CALL. t W. MITCHELL, 17ii1 Hamilton Strtut, Goderic h. HARDWARE OF EVERY DLISCRIi'TION Reducbd to Bot Boz- Prices I Farm and School Bels, Household Hardware- at dierount pHcea. Builders' Hardware and Tools at Wholesale prices. Large contracts filled at Minute tartans' Prices. G_ i1_ P RIS0-S, CODRICH. 1751 1\TOrIT CE_ CLEARING SALE Having purchased the stock of the (leromre:n Fotnrear h MaweraerIIDJIIO COM- PANY, consisting of one 40•aotae Engine, one I0-hrnss da , two 5 -home do., new and second-hand Boilers, s lot of Flour Mill Machinery, Saw MiL Machinery Plows, (tang Plows, Land Rollers, Straw Cut.era, Ronde -Power Areca Fittings for Engines, Om pe and (Ess Pips Fittings(looting Woven, rail a Targe tie n.lment of carting. in general see. The above dock will he stair •.SAP. to nuke mum for the manufac- ture of other articles. Orden taken for elegises. h' Alen. and all kiwi. ,,1 Mill Wnrk. Repairs attended to nn th,) shortest notice. *Adm. DAA RVI TCIMAN & Co., Goderich 1751 Ia?elt Riot est b.$ngtIee0v i+dt by aatm- a 0. br muted t1W a lig trick, as they rhe rowwt s Ikea premed redrw.wace. count atepat•rhaasd byt 111.as easter attmshaltthepales y THE >n r 5newt.nd err sold to ase as my .. eutam Mrd ioleea. i sons! a erne dy appeal to lost wwnf eKie whirr i teal norm 1 play vrm Sere upon t ing (fwreee.' all honorable prators, to . eels mm era meantthe t to. Fraud" lea *1 .red to evenamt Oeadnm laarw the llmttsh Oevorammnt Ntwapp *1 words %tounw*T'a Pt1JA Awn Ovotrunerr, now," m ramdostt - On the s tlpndie . awtAwy llltinw rtarwd. Londne",.. =eye*. • /Nwhaewt AMrhwigp flap other ad slry tewttwye*. The Pratte Marts d !brae eH ebsaa aim one t the to h tipl epnr rr .tly keep t rte' oaa 1 THOlfAtti 1 LLOiratit wbo •- W I WILL eller n SIGNAL" /best tie ]duess doe total Jaiesv) tet HMO L H+ 4., ONLY' $1.60_