HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-15, Page 8Wwk Lu.t -t
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West Huron Teachers' Conven-
t Threes of Mer redasaswes u Tewa.
(;osdst ea, tktt. filth, 1864
The West Biding of ammo Teachers'
Immolation wet in Goderich High School
at 10 a, m. A dance cumber .,f teachers
were present. After a short prelimi-
nary address by the president, Mr: ii. 1.
Strang, the wtnutee of the previous
meeting were real and confirmed.
Miss Bund and Maus. Halls and Can-
telon were appointed a committee to
arrange inter of business fur subsequent
Mr. H. I. Strang gave a detailed ac-
count of the proceedings of the Pruvin-
cial. Aesociation, for which he received
the thanks of the Association.
The following committees were ap-
pointed :-- Res olutiun Committee, Messrs.
Huston, Brown, Caverhill, McGillivray.
and Creawaller; Audit Coin., Messrs.
McAndrews and Orr; Question Drawer
Cum.t' Messrs. Miller, Strang and Halls.
The meeting then adjourned.
The Association met at 1:30 p.m. Mr.
J. W. Morgan then proceeded to de-
scribe his method of teachingmensu-
ration, which he slit/ is a ye,Q ucid and
interesting man, deallt!L wt the in a-
surerent line boards, Was, triangles,
parallel ograuss, trapesoids, polygons,
circles, scones and squares in circles.
He strongly advocated the objective
method of teaching the subject by re-
quiring the pupils to frequently perform
actual measurement& A hearty vote of
thanks was tendered Mr. Morgan.
Dr. kioLean read a very *eroding
paper on "The Hygiene of the Brain,
for which he received a hearty vote of
t hanks.
Mr. Strang then proceeded to deal
with and solve the, various difficulties in
analysis and parsing presented to hits,
and disposed of them in a very instruc-
tive manner.
Mr. G. W. Ross then delivered a;;god
practical address on "The Duties of the
Teacher," after which the meeting ad-
A public meeting in connection with
the Association was held in the Tempe-
rance hall in the evening. The chair
was very ably filled by A. M. Rosa, Esq.,
M..,P. P. An excellent programme
consisting 0 short addresses by the pre-
sident and Inspector Miller; an excellent
reading by Miss harries; recitations by
Messrs- Dobie and McGillicuddy; slatt-
ing and music by Misses Cooke and
Mesas. Saunders and Collins, was ssc-
oesafully carried out, after whish Mr. G.
W. Rou delivered an admirable and
eloquent address on "The Equipments of
the Teacher," to a highly appreciative
Vote, of thanks having been tendered
to the chairman, Mr. G. W. Ross, and
to the others who took part, the meet-
ing was closed by tinging "God Save the
Oct. 9th. .
The Association met at 9 a.m. Min-
utes 0 previous three sessions read
and approved. Mr. G. W. Ross took
up "How to teach Reading," in a most
interesting, practical and instructive
manner, dealing chiefywith the methods
of correcting monotony, low or loud
reading, stammering, lack of inflection,
Inspector Miller then gave a very
instructive and practical address on
School Routine which was listened to
with much interest, after which •
Mr. G. W. Ross gave a good practical
address on school management.
A very hearty vote of thanks was ten-
dered Mr. Ross for his very efficient
servioes•tfuring the several sessions Ise
had attended, after which Inspector Mil-
ler concluded his address op School Rou-
tine. Meeting then adjourned
The Association met at 1:30 p.m. The
treasurer's report, showing receipts sines
last audit to be $50; expenditure $21.39,
and balance $84.20, was presented, re-
ceived and referred to auditors, who
after ezaminingvonchers, reported finan-
cini statement to be correct, Report of
auditors adopted.
The following officers were elected for
the .virgins year: -
,President, Mr. H. I. Strang, B.A.
1st Vice " Miss M. A. Trainer.
2d " " Mr. G. Baird.
Sec'y-Treasurer, W!R Miller.
Councillors, Misses Bond and Bucher,
and Mean. Ham,, Houston and Con-
The Resolution Committee reported
ea follows:- Itesolad, That this Aasosia-
tion strongly approve of the follFirlil
resolutions passed at the last meeting
the Provincial Association in the High
School Masten' section. 1st That this
section would desire to impress upon
the Minister of Education, the advisabi-
lity, in the intercwts of education, of
adopting the principle of " notation of
examiners" se put into practice ia con-
nection with the examination of the
University of Toronto. 2d. That taking
Into consideration the object of the In-
ternational examinations and the instruc-
tions given to the examiners by the
Honorable, the Minister of Education
.n his circular of December, 1877, this
section considers that the paper oa
liar Literature given at the last
nation aswmed too gnat maturity on
the part of purely Intermediate candi-
dates: that the paper on arithmetic was
too difficult, while that on algebra tree
wholly inadmissible. Tour committee
s'an submit :-That the recent *hinges
.Dade by the Provincial Legialatttre with
.Bard to shortening the summer holi-
days were unwise and uncalled for in the
our interests of education. On motion
• se report was received and unanimously
• [..pee t The Ex. Com. was requustsd
•;. formulate resolution, regarding what
•.h. kir unman' considers the undue pro
Anomie specie te mathemaIKe in the
,.xaemnattor. a • rasher , ala.. That the
vprovst .4 oh. o.ap.nt) •4 it. members
.1 the Central t %Aimee* eb..d0 h. re
Ironed 111 ch. •a4,. •i mei ..oegonasios
:wen turd the. etotin5' ' eh. fail „
ail) one of tea ••aawu,aww. tn,u
1. 01 he 1'Is-esaaffaed mite tM the ,lrut&
• W !kith t1FtsJ failed
Ir George Baird. re ohm nisi.
tootmltte, ns Promotion. Boasamrttl.•u
reported tolls :he ,stempt made t..,b-
tate the w -operation tit the Eat Huiui
Teachers' Association, is seder to have
a uniform, *yst w of prone/tiee tkruu,lt-
out the count . on motion a vete el
think. -secs 'given -Set Wks member* of ! floclt •
Mr. Rebs. Naanahl.Lc ault art his
ineelest in the Winthrop hotel to his sun -
in -law, Mr. Cribbing.
• -,
1H$ t 1 werii .. D.
c ie, u MM gar r W m />lrlev. • i
11aK ..:up punataaed tie• very true b m the Ptwbytertan Ohthese,
Leueseto :h.e; of the Pri vnieul gain • •r, Ronda,,' twat at thn,. , clock 1• et
**OBER 15. I tail►,
LtcY,,e' . lceslalis
t'*1 remote. Rat J eller Wight will Ur anger Mf the 4i1..i tit ib. ,ystaran.ef
Are been wefuited 4,y .• gift ,f sausages.
Julie Hoes, uw tuneful barter, had dm
n afortwtr to lose $40 while •m s reread
top to flodench Hr &n't recount for 1
the less 1, r
bitiou at HuwJtue .oat week Mt.
Grieve is rapidly otakutg his way t,. the i ' ' t 309
front rank as a bread o .4 true wooled '
sheep, uud.hu reopyt punhaser will lea Mr Murchie the postmaster, has a
voluble addition 1•• a already Kuud 40 lb hied tulle -
' West Wawuaosa
twnsumtWee :tad their expenses were or-
dered to be paid.
Resolved, t the Committer uu Tee
motion Examinations be re-episiiuted to
act in conjunction with any c nunittee
that may be appointed by East Huron
The Mseciallo4 y wR a►d11. jtluptedy
mart 114 Rutter *nFy4.16. iulttar
• " - 004W* ww
GUN Warr. --Mr, T. M. Ellliott of
Lillie township, left u:i Wednesday by
boat -from Goderich, fo r Dakota, taking
with him twit hundred barrels of apples.
SPECIAL SEEVIcas. --Revival services
are being held in the Methodist church
at Wilkinson's Corners, Goderich town-
ship, Rev. Messrs. Livingstone, Jamie-
son and others conducting the same.
UI 5IAI LGILSr a -On Monday morn.
ing as Mr. Chris. Nesbitt, of the 16th 4
con., Qoderich township, was driving
into town, his horse became un-
manageable and kicked over the dash-
board, inflicting a .light flesh wotmd,
and slightly breaking the buggy.
inst., a mare belonging to Mr. John
Thompson, of the Bayfield cum. , was
found dead in the field. The animal had
an unusual record; it was 29 yearsof age,
•nd•i 4 worked ulj the farm for 23 of
tem. During it" existenee it gave birth
to a huge number of foal's, hawing .one
in its 23th year, a very unusual circum-
Council met at HoIinesville tk:t. 4th
18*, pursue' te atdjuunit enf Mem-
bers all present. Minutes of last meet-
ing rea4#and passedi. A pelitiou from
m. Craig add ethers, stating that a jam
of hogs on Bayfield river flooded three
farms, and asking for its removal. Moved
by John Cox, sec'd by Jus. Whitely,
that the petition of Wm. .Craig and
others, praying to hsv•' jams cleared
old the Bayfield rive:, te complied with,
and that the clerk notify John Elliott on
whose property they are, to remove then[
forthwith. Carried A deputation from
Bayfield relating to a bonus to the pro-
posed railway. was heard by council- A
long and friendly interchange of opinions
ensued, which resulted in the following
motion. Moved by James Laithwaite,
aec'd by Edw'd Acheson. that the pe-
tition of Gabriel Elliott and others, ask-
ing the council to submit a By-law to the
ratepayera,for $7,500, to aid in building
the Bayfield and South Huron Railway
be laid over until a majority of the free-
holders of the Township petition the
Council for it. Carried. Moved by
Jos WhItaly. sec'd by Jam Laitl)weit that
Mrs. Romps taxes be remitted, ass he is in
in straitened circumstance. Carried.
Moved by John Cox, seed by Jes.
Whitely, that the sum of fifteen dollars
be grouted to Wm. Dunn to buy a suit
cif clothes, he being indigent. Carried.
The following accounts were paid, viz.
John W. Ferris gravelling on Piper'sMill
Road $25. Mrs. McLelland, gravel for 5th
and lith con. $6; Wm. Collins, indigent
per And'w Williamson $17.60; ..m.
Murphy; repairing'culvert 16th con. $1;
James Fair, hemlock plank $2.50;
Geosge Balderson for underdrain culvert
&o ; John Nlgginson, culvert on 14
con. lot 54 $6: George Edward, shovell-
ing gravel $1; John Roos gravel for 6th
and 6th con. $11.28; John Gardner
gravelling on cut line $20; Mrs. Whitely
for gravel $5.20; Robert Acheson and
others, work on side road 12 and 13th
con. $16; John Whitely, pipe outlet for
water from draining $2.50; Nelson
Haney same, $2.40; George Sturdy, same
$2.00; Robert McCulloch, same, $2.25.
The council adjourned to meet again
on the second Monday in October.
The council met at Young's hotel, Kin -
tail on the 29th of September. All the
members present. The minutes of last
meeting were read and signed.
Petition of A. E. Clendenning and
'beer seventy other rate payers, asking
relief fur John Boyle.
Moved by Mr. McMurchy, seconded
by Mr. Whitely, that the following ac
ocentebegeld; Morgan Austin, planking
culvert on silver creek, L. S. gravel road
16; R. Brown, isepestor on bridge at
Pritchatd's mill $15; John Brindley,
ditching on S. L 6 & 7 $15; John
Brindley, ditching on K L 6 & 7 $15;
do culvert on do. $3.50; Samuel
ditehiq oa S. L. 3&4112.60; Archi d
Johnston, fixing bridge on div. 'line $:i;
Gideon Reed, fixing bridge on 10 & 11
concession $5; George Armstrong, gravel
$3.79; D,McKenxie & Hutchison, plank-
ing culvert. S. L 10 & 11 $1.20.
Moved by Mr. Whitely, seconded by
Mr. McMusehy that the Reeve issue a
cheque for contract for bridge and ap-
proaches on Con. 8 & 9 E. D. also for
extra work on same as soon as passed by
the Reeve and Mr. Clare.
Moved by Mr. Whitely, seconded by
Mr. Clare, that the sum of ten dollars be
granted to Margaret and Rose McGuire.
Moved by Me Clare, seconded by Mr.
Whitely,that widow Griffin be granted
five dollars as charity and John Boyle
five dollars, to take him to the hoepftal
M Tomato.
Movedby Mr. YaMurcy, sea•aded
by Mr. Molloy, that one hupdred dollars
be granted towards building a court
house and look up in the village of Dun -
ed the Reeves of Ashfield
consider this sum
together with the oontribstior from the
County and West W awannib, wfieisnt to
build a how a000wding to the speci8-
satioo USbsitted to this council
Moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by
Mr. McMurchy that Meese. Clare,
Griffin and Whitley, form a deputation
to view the hill on the South of Fellow's
mill and expend the sum of one hun-
dred dollars .on the same. provided they
think it advisable t.. do. so.
The (loaned adjourned t.. meet again
at Martin • Hotel fAnRsnn.wi or the
911th .1 of new
Ne .•.wets
Rant Rata -Mr. Jai- Smith, of W.
Wawatn.tah, Merl been Wt a trip to Dakota,
and is so touch taken up with appear-
ance there, that he has resolved to make
it his future hinne. Atoordtngly he has
sold his farm, lot 19, we 13, consisting
of tifty acnes, to Mr. Richardseu, of
Huron Co, for $2,700. He had add
another fifty acres some time previous
for 91,800, to. Mr. Juu. Webb, of St.
Helena. Mr Smith purposes iuuving
to the new country in the early . part of
next spring
This place in situated about 12 miles
from Goderich, and ii also known as
"o Auburn" P. O.
Mr. P. F. Wallaoa is doing a **Al
business int the ia,„ and ahue line.
Cu&iI i or 1!ve•tvttisi-Judging from
the nuinber ..f .;hoe Situp; which have
been carried ..is ie•'te, one would think
there wan ti uth in the old saying that
"there's r•,tltit4; live leather." How-
ever, Mr. W. J. Wilson has sold out his
boot and slur business to Mr. G. Young -
blot, and is now eu:;a,ed by the latter in
staking boots a :.i shows. Mr. Wilson's
services will thus La retained for the
people of Manchester and vicinity.
MARRIA.:r: MANIA. ----The R'cur.l says
that the marriage mania has struck the
town. We hope to hear of it reaching
the R.,wri office soon.
Acceptor. -A s..uwwhat painful ac-
cident happened to Mr. Rohr- Barrick,
while working in Mr. Kelly's saw inilL
He had the misfortune to fall, sed in
throwing out his hand to save himself
that member came in contract with one
of the circular sews, and was inured
somewhat severely. Mr. M. (Mara
also had his hand cut at the mill during
the week.
FARMa BOLI,. ---We learn that Mr. Jas.
Wilson has dish [sol of his farms situat-
ed adjacent to this village, to Mr. ]t
Watson, of Clinton, for the sum of 13,500.
We also learn that Mr. Jos. Combs has
sold his farm to Mr. James Wilson for
The Record is now printed all "at
home," and has been slightly reduced in
size. The Record presents a moat credit-
ableappearance for so emelt a place as
IMPROVING. -We are pleased to say
that Mr. R. B. Ross, whose leg was so
badly fractured a few week, ago, is
gradually improving.
PRESENTATION. -Mr. R. Cameron of
this place was made the recipient of a
very valuable and handsome present last
week. His wife was the donor. Twins.
BEN ldlulAL, - The recent rains,
followed by warns weather, have had a
very beneficial effect on the fall what of
this locality. It had suffered much from
the dry weather. and in luny cases had
not appeared above ground, but it is now
growing rapidly.
AMATEUR 'TUG of WAR"-flinoe the
celebration of the Caledonian games in
Lacknow, our school boys, have taken a
notion to play 'Tug of war'. The ex-
citement sometimes runs high, and,
would seem to be almost equal to that
which attended the famous enc at Luck -
now between Huron and Bruce.
Perm/fut.-Mr. M. McKenzie, who
left this place a year and a half ago for
Manitoba, has returned, looking as
though the North-west air had thoroughly
agreed with hits. He has taken up land
a short distance from the village of Glad-
stone, and purposes moving out there
with his fancily shortly. Your corres-
pondent to•,.c care to ask his opinion on
the land policy of the Government, and
received the answer that it was doing
much harm, and wan not[ only a hin-
drance to settlers but the cause of many
leaving the country. .
CAUGHT. -During the season thieves
have bean raiding on the grapier,. of Mr.
C. McPhee , Colborne. The last attempt
was made on f4sturday about midnight.
Four young men of the township, with
a rig, approached the grapery, and entered
thmugb a hole burrowed under the
fence. They bad neared the luscious
clusters, when the report of a shot -gen
broke upon the stillness of the night.
One of the- thieves bellowed so loudly
slut his companions believed him to have
been shot, but it appears that there was
only a blank charge in the weapon. The
marauders then fled, but were met nn the
road by certain of Mr. McPhee's friends
who were on the look out, and if they de
not pay hendsntnely for the damage done
to the garden they will probably i►e pro-
secuted. They will have a terror of shot-
guns in the future.
HrnsNEAL.-Tuesday, Oct. 7th, was
A red letter day, on the 10th Con. of
Colborne. A wedding took place on that
date, the principals being members of
two of the Wrgs*4 families in the Mono
1i -
ship. The bridegroom was Mr. Wm.
Strachan, and the bride Mia Barbara
Morris, eldest daughter of Geo. Morris,
About 80 persons, chiefly relatives
of t bride and groom, were present,
anompt whom were Mr. John O. Clif-
ford, of Indiana, and Mr. and Mrs.
Tyler, of Buffalo. A nwnber of valu-
able presents were given to the bride
The groomsman was Mr. Jetta Reid. and
bridesmaid Mia Annie E. Morris Old
and young enjoyed themselves in Hennes
and pastimes during the orgy, and s
merry evening was spent by .Il present.
Among the gusto present were eleven
!babies under ••n4, year old, all related
to one another. who in their own el.r rsw
liar way added not • tittle to the hilarity
4the gat hewing The assemblage toot* up
•h• of inldnigh' •itis iar. wishes int tit*
,•.,N ,,.•'.
GooD Tata>tatttsu. -Mean W. M.
Mohr untgg and H. Abel, of BenaiiUsr,
threshal 'with a Standard separator and
Waterow rugine, 1125 bus. of wheat on
the 7th of October, in tau and a half
hours, ou the fanu of Mr. Wm. Walter,
lot 5, cwt. 4, W. D., tp. of Colborne.
ketth's 8111.
Sonar. --Posters are out announcing
that the annual soiree of the Presbyteri-
an Church, of this plate, will be held on
the evening of Tuesday. Out- 19, at 6
o'clock. The following speakers are ex-
pected: Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Seaforth;
key. Mr. Musgrove, of McKillop; Rev.
J. Sieveright, of Gnderich; Rev. T.
Broad, of Colborne, and Rev. Robt.
Davey, of Dungannon. A most enjoy-
able time is expected, and a good attend-
ance is looked for. The speaking
will commence in the Town Hall at 8,30
in Tuesday morning Mesats- Jno. and
'Jas. Young started for Kingston, where
they intend to pursue their studies.
The former is entering 00 his 3rd year
in arts at Queens University, and the
latter un his 2nd in medicine. They
were grandly entertained by their friends
in this locality on Monday night, prior
to their departure.
A HAND.towE FIGURE. -The visitors at
the South Huron Exhibition held in
Exeter, this year, will remember the
handsome driving team belonging to Mr.
John Shipley, of Hullett, which took
first prize. They have been purchased
by an American for the handsome sum
of 1250. They were worth every tend
of it.
Wilkie, who for some time has been
working at the flax mill in Exeter North,
attempted to commit suicide on Saturday
night last, at the Lorne House, by
cutting his throat with a jack-knife.
The wounds though -serious, have not as
yet proved fatal,- and it is hoped under
Dr. Morse's treatment he may recover.
Strong drink and a low, desponding
state of mind are the muses assigned for
the real act.
SUDDEN DEATH,-Mrs Godbolt, Sr.,
of Winchelsea; died very suddenly on
Monday morning last. Her son-in-law,
Dr. Brawn, of Wroxeter, who came
down to bury his father, the late John
Brawn, whose sudden death was noticed
in these columns lest weer, remained
over for the services here on Sunday,
and visited her, when she seemed Mucro
better than usual. He had only jnat left
on the morning of Monday for home,
when a message came with the sad news
of her death:
tosh, of Brucefield, has been engaged as
teacher for next year in School section
No. 1. The salary is $350. There were
14 applicants for the position. The
te*chmg profession seems to be very
much over -run.
Ma. •n, of Brucefield, arrived home from
the Old Country on Saturday last. As
we before stated, he brought with him
three heavy draught stallions. One of
these is two years old. He is a beauti-
ful bright bay, with white hind feet and
a white line in the face. He is an im-
mense, massive animal, with plenty of
hair, good bona and splendid action, and
for his class is very stylish. He is really
a most superior animal, and ahowi true
Clydesdale blood, The other two are
yearlings, one a bay and the other a
black. They, also, are superior animals.
Mr. Mason is one of our pioneer import-
ers, and has persevered in the fees ° of
misfortunes and discouragement' which
would have utterly disheartened many
less courageous and plucky men. He
has had his share of both gond and bad
luck, but II perseverance and push meet
their just reward, our old friend will yet
make his fortune out of 'horse flesh, and
we sincerely hope that his recent splen-
did importations will go at least a good
way towards the accompliahment of that
U.NOtolcglcsl inert.
State of the weather for the week end-
ing October 9th, 1880.
Oct. 3rd -Wind at 10 p.m. North-
west, fresh breeze, raining. Began to
rain at 9 p. nn. , ceased rainmg at 11 a.m.
of the 4th. 8.5 cubic inches fell. Num-
ber of miles the wind travelled during
24 hours 479 miles.
4th -Wind at 10 p.m. South-west,
fresh breeze, partly cloudy. Number of
miles the wind travelled during 24 hoots
.318 miles.
5th --Wind at 10 p.m. North-west,
moderate gale, cloudy. Number miles
the wind travelled during 24 huurs .893
miles. A hall shower st 5 pan., accom-
panied with thunder and lightning.
Amount of rainfall 0.8 cubic inches.
6th -Wind at 10 p.m. North-west,
fresh breeze, cloudy. Showery during
the afternoon; amount of rainfall 0.6
cubic inches. Number of .miss the
wind travelled daring 14 hours 910
lib- Wind et 10 r m. South-east,
light Meese, clear. Blight shower at 7
tiro. AUTO'S borealis at 10 ¢s, Num-
ber of miles the wind travelled daring
14 hours 186 mile&
sib_ Wind at 10 p.m. Horth -east,
fresh brews. clear. Number miles the
wind travelled during 94 home 470
etb Wand au W p, m Oto uth east.
teeth teems panty eking Number .4
stile the wield tea -welled flitting 14 haws
tt! .itis.
1; \ st •,.,•... •.,.. • Ola•.►•.,
Goon volt H t• LLarr. -- Mr. le s ocis
Fowler, of the Huron read, received the
muonsi print at the Manitoba Pruveicial
ifoltibition, held in ‘Vinnipsg !wt week,
fur the yearling Durhees bull he took
with him from hers a fete weeks ago. He
also received first pries for a yearling
Derham hider.
Mr. Allan McDonald has been engag-
ed to teach S. S. Nn. 3, Morris town-
ship for 1881.
The fall plowing match will be held en
the fans of Mr. Z. Bryan, lot 6, con. 5,
'et Thursday Oct. 21st.
A gang of men have been surveying
the farm of Mr. Jno. MoCrea, of Bel -
grave, into town and park lots, which
will be offered for sale at an early day,
by public suction.
A foot hall club has beenforned here.
Mr. Thos. Downey has been very ill of
Mr. John Rogers has given up busi-
ness and is thinking of going to Manito-
Rev. P. J. O'Shea has removed into
his new residence, 1 ttely purchased from
Mr. Coventry.
Mr. Alex. Davison :has purchased the
Leicester ewe that took first prire at the
Provincial Show.
Messrs, James McGs?'e and Alex.
Davidson have ahipr..d over 1,000 bar-
rels of apples to the old country this /me-
Duncan & Duncan had a whole page
advertisement in the Expositor of last
week. This enterprising firm fords that
newspaper advertising pays.
The ¥o'vler farm was not .old, u the
1':{,test bidder, Mr. J. S, 'Ament, affer-
ed but 15,000 for it, Mr. Fowler values
it at $8,000, and would not sacrifice it.
Burglars entered the harness shop of
Mr. John Ward, of this town, on Wed-
nesday night, and carried off about 1150
worth of harness trimmings, three new
valines and in fact all the small wares in
the shop.
SruL Aeorats.-Mr. S. McLean, of
the 12th concession, having sold his
farm, has also this week left for Mani-
toba, where he has purchased land and
intends going into farming more exten-
AN OLD Ri*IDrsT.-Mr. D. W. Youill,
havingdiaposed of his farm on the3rd con-
cession of Stanley, left on Tuesday last,
accompanied by Mrs. Youill, for Portage
la Prairie, Manitoba, near which place
They have two sons and a daughter resid-
ing. Mr. Youill intends making his
home in the Prairie Province hereafter.
Hie son Robert, who was with him on the
farm, intends remaining here, for some
time at least, Mr. Youlll was one of the
pioneer residents of Stanley, and few
men enjoyed more fully the esteem of
his neighbors. His many friends will
regret his removal from Stanley, and
will unite in wishing him improved
health and prosperity in his western
RETt•axaDro Bratxass.-Mr. Wm. A.
Mason after knocking around for a few
years has decided to return to Wroxeter,
and re -open his tannery, which has been
empty lately.
AN OLD RxnOLATIL-An old man
about 60 years of age, named James
Thompson stopped a number of girls on
their way home from school one evening
last week, and, ,attempted to outrage a
davghter of Mr. Stokes. Thomppon re-
ceived a good knock down from Stokes
that will be a warning to him no doubt.
nual meeting of the Wroxeter Curling
olub was held for the purpose of electing
officers and other business. The follow-
ing officer's were elected: Mr. and Mn
Thomas Gibson, M. P. P., Patron and
Patroness; Robt. Clark, President; A.
L Gibson, Vice -President ; Rev. Geo.
Brown, Chaplain; D. McK. Walker,
Secretary -Treasurer; Robt. Gibbons,
Esq., Honorary member. Messrs Brawn
Robinson and Moffat, were elected Man-
aging Committee. It was resolved that
the club should affiliate with the 0. R
C. C., and that an entrance fee of $1 per
member should be charged.
1 . Rfl$li1812.
ar Parties getting Weir bWs ated at this
office will get • notice m OMs de i.ztsent cess
of chars.
SATURDAY, Oct 16 -At Auction Mart,
overcoats, furniture, &c, J. C. Carrie
TUIIaDAY, Oct 19 -Farm stock and im-
plements. John Boyd, lot 1, oon 6,
W. D. Colborne, proprietor; J. C.
Currie, auotioneer.
FRIDAY, Oct 22nd -Farm stook and im-
plements; lot 3, Hayfield Road, Gode-
rich Tp., J. C. Currie, atietioseer; R
B. Montgomery, proprietor,
MONDAY, Oct. 95 -Farm stook and im-
plements, lot 8, con. 3, Colborne, Jsa,
Skelton, proprietor; J. C. Currie, auc-
TNUISDAY, Oot 21 -Elegant household
furniture. ]tire. Rees Robertson ad-
jacent to the residence of abeam Her-
eon, EN., proprietress. J. C. Cur-
rie, auctioneer.
SATURDAY. Oct. 23 - /ash groceries,
eto , opposite the Market
How. Mrs Maras, proprietress.
3. C. Currie, aaetioneer
The Senate •d Torontt. University has
re elected Hon Chief hates Wee vice
Chancellor •.1 the nnivertity D 0
II Rnehae ha. hue A..osea a the Asn
M. s ore esestative .n the (loosel ,d flea
(4x .A Merriam. .Mi `twr*s...t•. .t
KJ 1 ttay a hoe'. .► l as►ilMoi.
vyita.g I 11 1aniwLta
iLLrrees - Dtptherta is working els wry
rsptdly u. the eastern side .t School Ser
tical !4• •. n, oKJllop... that this sehuol,
taught by Maggie Mu Ln, . now
closed for a `61104,. until the maErnant
disease has been eradicated
*muck st l4ottren>ta.-During the
thunder secret ..n Tuesday eventhg, 615
fist., about sit o'clock the barn on the
farm of Mr. Thomas Henderson, lot *9,
ouuuesuuu 10, McKillop, was struck by
lightning and set on fire Ihttfore ousy-
could be done w save it the whole
buil was a utas of fames and the
barn, riving house and stables, • with
their contents, were entirely consumed
The only article that were removed were
a buggy and an old mowing t►ichins
These buildings contained the whole of e•
the season's crop and • oonsiderable por-
tion of Mr. Henderson's farming imple-
ments. Fortiu.ately nolt:o of the stuck
were housed at the time. Mr. Hender-
son's loss will be considerably over one
thousand dollars. We understand that
there is an insurance un the buildings d
1800 in the MaKillgp Mutual. The re-
flection from the burning bnilding could
be distinctly seen for miles around.
Wingham beat Wawanoah at base
ball last week by two rune.
EwrmnzYT.-It is not often that any-
thing of a very exciting nature transpires
in our usually quiet town, bat this week
we have to record a case which has
caroted a great deal of surprise to almost
every one. 1)0 Tuesday morning it was
reported that Miss Em. McKinnon. aged
abut 17 years, eldest .laughter of Geo.
'.dcKibbon, Esq., one of our wealthiest'
citizens, had "cleated out" and got mar-
ried to a gentleman named Michael Quig-
ley, who formerly kept a fruit ator a here.
The report turned out to be true. It
seems Miss McKibben went to Blyth on
Monday evening, where Mr. Quigleeyy
wu waiting for her ; they then proceed-
ed to the resident Methodist minister
and were legally married. We under-
stand they immediately started fur Port
Huron, where it is said "r. Quigley has
a situation as telegraph operaior in oon-
nection with the railway. -(Advances.
There is a rumor that the application
for a change of venue in the Biddulph
murder ase will be renewed
Foa Dexare.-Mr. J. Oaks, of Mait-
land con., left for Dakota,last week,
where it is his intention to take up land
and reside.
Yesterday John Dundas was acquitted
at Ste Catharines on the charge of mttp-
slaughter in having it= ?aricic Don-
nelly at Burnsville in August last
The Imperial GovernmenMte going to
prosecute the leaders of the Trish Land
Lague, using against them tate reports of
their speeches at the various meetings,
Kemptville council has decided to pur-
chase a fire engine from Mr. John D.
Ronald, of Brussels, for $2.800, and two
hose arts at $200.
An old gentleman named Fitzgerald/
claims to have raised 94 bushels of oats
to the acre on his farm, which is situated
near Emanon, Manitoba.
Ofthe 20,000 horses in New York em-
ployed by stages add abs 6,000 or 7,000
are suffering from epizootic.
M -A H. Burkholder, aged 17, form-
erly of Berlin, who was proprietor of the
Fort Ontiot Enterprise, died on Wed-
On Sunday a child of Mr. Henry
Brann, Berlin, aged about one year and
a half, fell into a tub of wasor, and was
drowned before it was discovered.
A sindiate of Toronto cattle dealers is
said to have contracted with the Allan
and Dominion lines of steamers for spore
for 20,000 cattle for the ports of Liver-
pool, London, Bristol and Glasgow.
The position in the North-West
Mounted Police Force made vacant by
the death of Ceptatn Dalyrymple Clark,
is not to be filled, and the stafff is to be
reduced by six.
The story comes from Montreal that a
patient was allowed to die without medi-
al attendance through the observance of
professional etiquette by the doctor.
There was also some difficulty in obtain-
ing a certificate of death.
QUICK WALING. -On Sunday four
Clinton youths undertook to walk to
Sesfortb inside of two hours, and sato-
carded, with eight minutes to spare.
Good time, considering the warm day.
Mrs. Hannah Armstong, of Toronto,
mother of the wives of Rev. E. Ryerson,
LL D., Toronto, Dr. Beatty, Cobourg,
and J. W. Spenser, Collector of Customs
at Winnipeg, died at Belleville on Wed-
nesday, aged 92 years.
House Bron. -We understand Mr.
Thos. Bell, of Londesboro, has sold his
imported stallion " What's Wanted" to
a gentlemanineastern Ontario; for $1,500
The horse is one of two best of its clans
in America.. Mr. Thos. Moon has sold a
811y _ _from this horse for the splendid alum
of .
Pia.INTATIOW.-On Friday evening
the members of the ler and legal pro-
fession of the the county of Wentworth,
presented Miles O'Reilly, Esq Q. 0.,
with a magniioent silver service on the
occasion of the 50th nnniverwry of his
beiwg called to the bar.
RUDDRII burn- -It is with regi we
are sidled up* to chronicle the t eertbfJ
sudden death of the wife of Angus Mo
Lod, of the 8th oonoeesion, Kinctar'nS
township, whted took place oo the Mk
ult. The deceased felt as well as arcalf
o4, the morning of her death, ' and usher
breakfast with evident rile . • M
moments afterwards she was stance
doves and died ineently Hent dissent
was the catty of duds Deeesesd leaves
a husband and seven itile rels to MOW.
the Fens of an a>ielies oto wile 4,M soli
am Mpg ma Wader Nobs.
• wtii sod To Ihhs$*M mutt Waldo
Nlnhw ferret nw'* need the and M 16$1 far
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