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The Huron Signal, 1880-10-15, Page 7
Fun anO ;sow Ti. wvU eU (&flI . outlet ILA, .y ttw.nrroh •t 411 h. ...awes A siootch rano„. ituo t., hie hind, Waal. JuCl ,r rr n stow feeder. Maybe. matstel , but awns a real sure ' an. th. A, schoolmarm lmarm who whopped the wrong boy by mistake, apologized to the irate parent by ezpl•ining that it waa au ac- cident caused by a misplaced switch .'Pray du not a cobwebs," was. Swi Man of strong in mercury, who was lab..riuµlsly explaining himself. M� Ili Speak of a inn's marble brow and he will glow with conscious pride, but allude to his wooden head and he is orad iu a minute. language is a slippery thing to fool with. A member of the Society of Friends root • boy with a dirty face and hands. He stopped him and inquired if he had ever studied chemistry. The buy with • wondering stare. &ruwered "No." 'Well, then," said the Friend "I will teach thew how to perform a curious chemical experiment. (;o home, take a piece of gyp, put it in water, and rub it briskly upon thy hands and face. Thee has no idea what a beautiful froth it will nuke and how touch whiter thy akin will be. That's a chemical experi- ment. i advise thee to ge home and make it. 8owrrraiNu LIKE A RIDDIa'.—Why i an Irish cabin after an eviction like that confounded Cochin China that crows so loud in the early morn ? Because, don't you see, it is • shanty clear. Eh f When Dr. H. and lawyer A. were walking arm -in -arra; a wag said to a friend: -"Ther, two are just equal to one highwayman." "Why, asked the friend. "Because," rejoined the wag, "it a a lawyer and a doctor -your mon- ey or your life." She wouldn't stand to have • tooth pulled for one million two hundred thousand dollars, she said, and yet she walked all day in tiny boots two sizes too small for her and thought nothing of it: but then nubn4y saw that tooth; and several saw the boota. VERT UIeaailY. -"My lord says," ob- served a nobleman's housekeeper, show- ing a tourist through the picture -gallery of a grand country -house, "that that picture's by Paul Very Camay (Veronese) but what he's uneasy abut, sir, I'm sure I don't know " The Pustmaater-Oeneral of the United States once received an odd official com- munication. The Raeburn postmaster, new to his duties, writing to his superior officer: "Seeing by the regulations that I am required to send you a letter of ad- vice, I must plead in excuse that I have been postmaster but a ahort time; but I will say, if your office pays no better than nine, I advise you to give it up." To this day that Postmaster -General has not decided whether his subordinate was an ignoramus or was quietly poking fun at him. lupt to darn your advice to a gentle - mental and weak Among the curiosities of Engliah phrase is an expression which allows of a truth and an untruth being uttered in the sante breath. For instance, yester- day I heard a friend of mine scold a poor poltroon, reproaching him with the fact that he was afraid of everything and everybody. "I arm afraid of nothing," was the clever and witty reply.-[Ia- clede. A young lady, who says she is young and handsome, writes: "The man for me to love is vastly my superior; e * e a man who will compel my spirit to bend its knee to his; who will command my soul to stand Hill and shiue on him, as Joshua commanded the sun; who can trample my will to the dust," etc. She should have no difficulty in finding such a man -one who will not only command her soul to standstill, but in the morning to build the fire, split kindhngs and carry up the coal, and whose language will make her hair stand on mid when he comes home and finds dinner fifteen min- utes bate. There are lots ..f men who will bend her spirit for her, and also make her back bend over a wuhtnb, while they go down to the saloon and discuss the best method of saving the country from the hands of its enemies. J1 oRJ1PTpg ON PICKt_9t3 ah2l r.*9/ ,t( yj%'-tl 1 l'I saRG A nes BOOTS AND SHOES. ......aMYMrrwe se Its .emacs ~• LA. Snow .re seek of totters... Into • Jar and sprinkle • little left over each lass. let thews *tonal twenty-four hours, draw - off the liquor; put the tomatoes wt.. r kettle with a.Masp.onful of each of the following spices: Ground ginger, allspice, cloves, luau, cinnamon, a teaspoonful of scraped burseradish, twelve small or three red pope's, three onions, a cup full of brown sugar; ouver all with vine- gar; boil slowly for three hours. osload. These should be uhusen about the size of marbles; the silver -skinned sort are the best. Prepare a brine and put them into it hut, het theta resnain one or two days, then drain them and when quite dry, put them into clean dry jars, and cover them with hot pickle, in every quart of which huts been steeped one ounce each of horseradish, sliced black pepper, allspice, and, with or without mustard seed. In all pickles the vinegar should always be two inches or more above the vegetables, as it is sure to shrink, and if the vegetables are not thoroughly ins mersed in pickle they will not keep. mixes) rk'KLEe. Three hundred small cucumbers, four green peppers, sliced tine, two large or three small heads cauliflower, three heads of white•eabbage, sliced tine, nine large unions, sliced, one large root horse- radish, one quart green beano, cut one inch long, one quart green tomatoes, sliced; put this mixture in • pretty strong brine twenty-four hours; drain three hours; then sprinkle in unefourth pound black and one-fourth pound of white mustard seed; also one tablespoon- ful black ground pepper; let it come to a good boil in just vinegar enough to cove it, adding a little alum; drain again and when cold put in one-half pint ground mustard; cover the whole with good cider vinegar; add tunteric enough to color if you like. PICKLED t'ABBAOE Select solid beads, shoe very tine, put in a jar, then Dover with boiling water; when cold drain off the water and season with grated horseradish, salt, equal parts of black and red pepper, cinnamon and whole cloves. TICKLED cAtU LOW aE. Choose such as are firm, yet of their full size, cut away all the leaves and pare the stalks; pull away the flowers in bunches, steep in brine two days, then drain them, wipe then* dry and put them in hot pickle, or merely infuse for three days three ounces of curry powder in every quart of vinegar. CROW -CHOW. Twu heads of cabbage, two heads of cauliflower, one dozen cucumbers, aix roots of celery, nix peppers, one quart of small white onions, two quarts of green tomatoes; cut into small pieces and' boil each vegetable separately until tender, then strain them. Two gallons of vine- gar, one-fourth pound of mustard, one- fourth pound of mustard seed, one pot of French mustard, one ounoe of cloves, two ounces of tumeric; put the vinegar and apices into a kettle and let them come to a boil; mix the vegetables and pour over the dressing. F ft •meta URNITU RE CO. the next throb months. .rn t.- oMateno The 4oderioh Furniture Bmporlussn. (,legboa da, Hareems, I/t. a$ Lounges. Chad ssad Tables, of tee beet maker, at the lowest I.• mg 1 prier. Pmwvnu Fuestote *NO KMPAilnnO dote on *bort notice and sr sheep as the cheapest air Wood Sad Lumber liken In exchange. R1 All a debted te Juan A. Eris. win save expl,naee by oallingaud settling by oash or note. I175Y J AMICE S Early Fall Goods ! JAMES A. REID Iles Just received a choice of of Black andnnggss. Col red Cashmeres, Lustres, Prints, Wiaeeys. ac.. Shirting'. rtn ' Fle for early Feell s.Trade.silks, Fringes. Hosiery, Gloves, A fine selection of Canada Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, TAILORING Department.--WomtedCo.tiogt Qc. Sultamadeteorderintlrst- cIaas style and at low rates fur coati. All cloth bought cut free of charge. Yelt Hat•, Ties, Collards Shirts bad Drawers --cheap. JAMES A. REID. Stock all new.—No trouble to dhow goods. 1751 Maaohester Roams, Goderich. YT/ E 8z J. DOWISTING Ig .. STOCK MI Moores rt.J meets Om Mot. ru•. H .,... +ee+ us vert choke) aurally bed ver" low In Paco We eNN0ttaiutor isad m tore thrm ev v 1 M itor line sad at priors w will defy tie teepee* titlow. Please dell made=smlw our goods and prtues whether "eesbwt car ant. — Custom Wort reoelves war speelai attenUua and every ears 'nada to net sant ler• K t J. MOWNINO, Crabb's *Web TO THE TRADt.–Lammas W Fooneus in any quantity, and K *West prices. IIMO The Square,• - 4 oderioh fir v. iu.. .cawed eu our customers. CAP. E IAG-E s_ IIOMIMON IARRIAIE F1ll1'S, O ©D E R I C H. Jl• LARGE STOCK OF T _ -vAr E Z, g g , rII 'fop Carriages, &c., oil hand, Practical Jeweller, CORNER OF NORTH—ST. AND SQUARE. WATCHES. Constantly on hand, • splendid assortment of CLACKS. JEWELRY. AND ELIPTRO-PL.i '1D WAEZ. REPAIRINGI- A SPEC=ALTY- 1751 We will sell cheap for the balance .f the season, to make room for wilt/' Mgt. • fetes mew second head Rigs for sale CHEAP. Sr A few GOOD HORSES wW be taken in exchange for Riga MORTON & CRESSMIN, Proprietors „ear OPPOSITE COLBORNE HOTEL. 1st 1751 1m. MEDICAL H A L L, JOHN ACHESON GODERICH. has opened out during the past few weeks, nearly F. JORDAN,S6)00e ifori oi NEW Gila Chemist and Druggist, MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drug. Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Artist Colors, Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, &o. Sr Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispensed.il 1751 TO KEEP TOMATORB WHOLL Fill Hone jar with ripe tomatoes, then add a few cloves and a little sugar; cover them well 'wan one-half cold vine- gar and half water; place a piece of flannel over the jar well down in the vinegar, then tie down with paper. In this way tomatoes can be kept a year. Should mildew collect on the flannel it will not hurt them in the least. HOW TO PwEPAIE vIN.OAE. It is better not to boil the vinegar, by which process its strength is evaporated. put the vinegar and spice into. a jar, bung it down tightly, tie a bladder over and let it stand near the fire for three or four days; shake well three or four times a day. This method may be applied to gherkins, French beans, cabbage, cauli- flowers, onions and walnuts. Artichokes and beet roots ere done over the fire, as are onions, garlic, eschalote and cauli- flowers. The Yew Arial of the World's Dispensary Medical Asso- ciation of Buffalo, of which Dr. R. V. Pierce is president, consisting of a figure .f tFsculapius, the Father of Medicine, surmounting the globe. fitly symbolises the world wide reputation gained by the Family Medicines of Dr. Pierce, now manufactured by this incorporated com- panyand sold in all parte of the world. Wit • mamouth establishment, the World's Dispensary and Invalids Hotel ,n Buffalo, and a correspondingly lam branch establishment in London, this Association make medicines for the whole world -not only that but they personally azamine and treat with special medicines thousands of asses Among the most osbbaated at thepn rryyorfamilyme- dicine. are Dr. P'si Golden Medical Discovery -the great Mood-perlfyer, and Dr. Pieroe's P1.seet Purgation Pellets (AW. pilin). -Dr Place* B rstrast of Smart -Weed -for bnwe effec- tor, colds and painfnl attacks, as oolio, neural.ia, and rhenmatisfn.-Favor4W Proscription furnishes relief ftdm female weektn•ea, and ttin.ivs••t etlt.et.lnr» kH .old by druggsr' r GEORGE CATTLE, Chemist & Druggist, Dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Fancy -and Toilet Articles, Ac. Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, &c. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Receipts carefully prepared at all hours. COURT HOUSE SQUARE_ 1751 J. C. Detlor & Co. Hate mark a Rip Strike and offer their customers the benefit. They have purchseed severe lines of Goodsattention c�ir therebyosaved a IDIi�S8dt 0OD$ special Mao a range of MEriou No. 2.-A simple method is to merely put the articles into cold , vine- gar. The strongest pickling vinegar of white wine should always be used for pickles, or pure cider vinegar. All acid vinegars should be discarded, especially for pickles. This cold vinegar should be used for those that do not require the addition of spice and such as do not re- quire to be softened by heat, such es capsicums. chili. nasturtiums, button onions, radish pods, horseradish, garlic and ~helots. Half All the jars with beet vinegar. fill them rip with the vege- tables, and tie down immediately with bladder. These are much better if pickled quite fresh and ail if e. size. The onions should be dropped IL. the vinegar as fast as peeled. this secures their color The horseradish should be DRESS SILKS AT 65 CENTS I CHEAP AT 90 otters. 2 Care Blankets, Bio Joe IN PRICK. 1 Case Canton Flannels, extra value. 1 Case Grey Flaa veld, special value. 1 Case Winceys, best(valtu in the market. The Ordered Tailoring Department in full blast. Several Cases choice Scotch and English Tweeds: several Canes choice Over -Coatings. B. MoCORMAC, Cutter. TERMS CASH_ .1. C. DETLOR k CO. 1751 Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G-_ BARRY CABINET- MIER AIIB UNPERTAKER HE WIT.T• NOT BE UNIDE1R,SOMIZ_ Inspection of my Mammoth stock is respectfully invited. Every line eotapletu. 1752 JOHN ACHESON, Square, Goderich. am OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE IL CDIIs Kt -ma wools, FOR inc trete O► Coughs, Colds, hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influents, Croup, whooping Cough, Asthma, and, every effaces* oft tea Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WBITES. iB does not dry up omega, said leave agonises - behind, as is tike ease wddi most pr'eparatisas, but loosens it, slaanasaAs lungs and alloyainr talion, Are rsoaovinigkse eseaa of cowpttaint." DO NOT BE DiZOZIVZD by articles bearing a similar flame. Be sure you -get DR. WISTAR'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of " I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. 60 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by Ss= W. Fowt.s & Sows, Bootee, Maas. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room. fining Itoonl and Parlor Furniture, such as TIP bias. ('hairs their, cane end wood seated,. Cupboards. Bed -steads. Mattresses. Washwtanda, w lounges, sofas, hat -Nota. Looking Glasse*. N. B. A oomplete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on hand, aim imams for bins atreasonable rates. Picture Framing A specialty. --A call solicited: 1751 G. BARKY. Red, White 'and Blue ! Acheson GEORGE Acheson tof ARRJVRI• Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery. scraped a little outside mid out op in rounds half an inch deep Barbsrries for garnish. gather Ane full bunchy. be foie they are ripe, pick airs, all Into d stalk anti leaf cid injured kerne.. and N e W drop them in cold vinegar: they may be kept in salt and water. ehangrag the, brine whenever it begins s" ferment bet I the vinegar is twos, NLit • A l• SIE1I.,1-.I2s7d CirBAsa. F' /, vI1 I, H,RIJ4'!TN 1711 A ?Mated gelatum of the ?Meta, of Iran. Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplese food. When the blood dote not contain the usual quanthy of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the Use of the PER U VIAN B YR UP. It cares a " thousand ills" simply by Tomato Cr. Irrvtoosaytlo, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leavin,l nothing for disease to feed epos. This U tie secret of th.- wonderful success of this remedy In curies Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Boils. Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea. Nervous Affections, Female Complaints. And all dumases orictitating las bed stall or the blood, or accompanied he *Nino .r a 1.•.. stats of the system CAVJTIOW.--Be sere you got th.• Pb au PIAN a lr! UP.' Sold by druggists gens, ally. Pamphlets also free to any address he Sweet W. Poefs,a & Sows, Proprieeee. aA Ka rhos Armes. Metro erase