HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-15, Page 44
FR I % Mt 4MM -Os 1.00
Bir Richard Outirlikt, I.P.
; es me .411. a tw
ea . origami' t iso
t . oakswing -
. Weffname• .
t; A Ft iRTH, Friday, Oct., lig.
A Uri tal • 'Th uratiay , tact. ga.
THY 410,1441 i4s credit to Goderich.-
Zx eter 11r les.
Thank you, neighbor ; your judgment
is sound.
Tela "14" stw **4 414n1"1 M I Nit ATIONs liA1TIE1.1) sHOW 1A-4- ass* t. is. to homin‘
laineusaw tat wajorny .4 417 elinne
r t -44.• a Isti! esti urns 'moues
ionailuns nA 404. 1.4ada, %.4441i New% Nes 11 Wat flier Imre- 4.1 mei .46,
mast esingicent 154"541 • C•C'1666 b"1" 404S0 Nittl'"" I "1 laic i" ' "46' game' '26ttair
1444, oath twarame T.44,0)
WA& fl
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are tieing amide th• 'ammo •Krum a • ou
o hat. the Aet subsottet. eltenla Vett
IFON. 11.1
IMPOPM111118ft anther. • A Ip,.
gegen Meth muter
4 Lim. 1044.4441not• Homes etas sae.. am esserse. eon isi .1 \% Os • 'I oi•A, 40
ris 4 kale* ossreoe atm .1 averts ou.beoidelo must* e.
Kate.; tnesse arra-
rka """m' *Mow as itiouwes ,o, Mrs Fraser etubreidea:o Aorateti 6,...ow 'Noe se
ate. Heppe/ling, ... le N. • tat. • (1, USW
M •
in7 Steamy, on 111 eye& ,oke Id Mrs Dr Staabiiry . Macy ltraloing les obi...Immo
' r 46
0* 0
the Al vi boor • • Iso Mrs blame HA,
Mrs Talbot, lead "'ter; • It
R hues do • Me *male Krona* Priam°
iamh otowesioue
spoken iu hive. • ^Nokias* the Britiat.
' House of Lords propo-
eel owning from such oriarter is sig-
nifkant, altbough the despatches my
the( the dederation riss oldie.? forth but
little remark.
Me. J. D. Mitaiuce, familiarly known
aa " Jerry Merrick," uf Toronto, has
been appointed Sheriff of Prescott and
THE Coat to the Crown in theBiddulph
trial so far has been in the vicinity of
$5,000. The witness fees alone amount-
ed to 31,230.
Tea special pleading of the Clinton
New Era, anent the judging in some of
the deparinienta at the recent West
Riding Show does not alter the facts of
the case or the justness of our strict-
ures one whit.
PARLIAMINT has been further pro-
rogued pro fernier to the 23rd, and is not
then called for the despatch of business.
The probabilities are that the House will
be convened about the usual time. Sir
John is evidently in no hurryto lay his
Canada Pacific Railway scheme before
the House.
THE JUICY in the Biddulph case failed
to agree, notwithstanding the strong
charge against the prisoner by Judge
Armour. Seven were for acquittal, four
for conviction and one undecided. They
were at once discharged, and matters
now stand as before the trial. It is to
be hoped that the case will be settled
shortly. as it is manifestly unfair to keep
so many men imprisoned and away from
their families and firms on a charge that
may never be proved against them.
MAYoR Charlie McIntosh, of Ottawa,
the contract broker, has been exposed
again. Thi, time Mr.Bain, of Bain,
Blanchard & MCCo1I. elicitors, Winni-
peg. testifies that Charlie disgorged $11,-
000 of ill g,,ttoi notes te Mr. Jos. White-
head, en centlition that the latter would
do his best to whitewash him when the
contract exp. 'sures were en. After giving
up the 311.000. McIntosh's share of the
plundering* from " old Joe" amounting
to $19,000. Is it any wonder that
Whitehead failed on Secti.,n 15?
THL editor . the Wiarton Echo, burn-
ing with indignation at the conduct of a
certain class, not peculiar to his ,own
town, "lets out" upon them in the
following vigorous style: -
MEAN MEN. -We mean, the meanest
kind of men. Those who are too mean
to take their local paper and p.m for it,
but borrow it from their neighbors be-
fore the ink is dry. We know of two or
three of those miserable little shrivelled
up contemptible sneaks in this village.
The Edo. man is not to be trifled with.
Either elector in this section of Centre
Huron should make it a point to attend
Sir Richard Cartwrights meeting in
Crabb's Hall, on Monday evening
next. Those who have heard our mem-
ber discuss public questions will not miss
the opportunity of hearing him again on
Monday evening. We understand the
conunittee of management have so ar-
ranged that meats at the meeting will be
specially reserved for ladies and their m -
corm. Thalia' as it should be, and we
hope )to see a goodly attendenee.
A Imola time ago some employees of a
teMgrapli company paired through 'the
country putting up poles and wires, and
ruthlessly hacked off large limbs front
valuable Made trees. When remonstrat-
ed with about their spoliation. the fel-
knee grew iinpartinest, and lopped off
boughs more recklessly than before. A
couple of months ago some of them
vandals were fined by the police magis-
trate of Stratford, .ad we an pleased to
learn that $175 &dash* were awarded
the plaintiff in a tree ems tried at the
Middlesex Amami km week. Owners of
trees have rights which mum be nrepected.
'Tux Governor-General haat been pleas-
ed to appoint Wednesday, November
3rd, as a day of thanksgiving. 'The peo-
ple of this Province have many things to
be thankful for, -good crops, favorable
weather and freedom from plagues and
greet aocidenta; but one of the chief
causes for rejoicing to those who live in
this section is the fact that in nut
Hearne SIGNAL they have now a live,
readable and reliable newspaper.
STATIC 111.11011014114404141111114441 in Ohio and
Indmaa oft Tlatmlity, aid vietery hes
perched upon the Republican banner.
The Dss.eawMs °mood*, Ohio. bet were
aside hopeful .4 the Hoemer *ate. The
agbt in Indiana wee a Anse one, but the
remit has lima •diseided effect in better*/ ;
ateek 1 number of toughs
were impeded to heth parties. and hied
war shed it. *reveal place. It is a iiity
that our trim& et th. *ay hen t..
resew. r. Meuse sh.mlatet hitter' -ui.i
ember memo
SIR JOHN A MACDO?IALD is remarkable
amongst Canadian politicians fur origin-
ating catch phrases. "These hands are
clean," has been quoted hundreds of
times during every campaign, and there
are several "gags" of a more profane sort
which have gene from mouth to mouth
as the sayings of the Premier. But
occasionally he falls into a religious form
of expression, as was instanced when he
exclaimed, "Would to God I could catch
him," and when he likened himself to
"righteous Simeon c.f old." His last
phrase has also a tinge of cant about it,
for he refers te the time when he shall
look upon the completion of the Canada
Pacific Railway "from a higher and
better sphere." A higher end better
sphere, indeed !
two t, leisure .itt
into the Cs. '1
ship Fathers iij
ter an hour's ordinary bunnies, the ILII. Ithe street* were thronged. The hone bot. ancY3•1
Messrs. COIWOra and Rutledge acting as and during the ;wawa held fast s Swallield, 2d Mrs Talbut;
sponsors. I listened attentively, t munber adrui of the equine ape- ; shirt, 1st Mia 8"•11, 241 Milli it MC-
gnat ()cleat., darsetion, Mimi J Aiug; log cabin quilt, let Mrs. .• -
I shit. 1st Banking.
petition from Hayfield was taken up. no was the
ty , 1 ItToppad y last, was a *imam The elbow ••
reeni est out Tewri- brought 2% lasge number uf messigtore " AI Id 2d Mrs Tal- ood.• 1•
10 a
Age their bunkum AI- the eud until late in the evening I work, I" MTh sw-°- I Corn. • tutah
M R Watson ea •-r• •
tee a
w rk Mies C Homan; quilt in paecol ‘, 411 •
IRELAND is. in a miserable plight. The
poorer classes are arrayed against the
landlords, and the whole country seems
to be divided against itself. That un-
happy land has a galling yoke to, bear in
a burdensome system of landlotaism
and absenteeism ; but there are elements
in the people themselves which conduce
to the general misery. The passions of
the populace have been aroused by the
intemperate speeches of political dema-
gogues, and the people scarcely seem to
be in a mood to coolly reason out the
situation. Further trouble, accompanied
by bloodshed, is feared, the military are
being strengthened, and an application
has been made by the constabulary for
an additional 0,000 rounds of buckshot.
The Irish question will never be satisfac-
torily settled with buckshot.
Ar Tim evening session of the West
Huron Teacher' Association, one of the
speakers said thst he had been told by a
man that the teachers held these meet-
ings chiefly for the purpose of discussing
the best mode of raising their salaries.
The laughter with which the statement
was greeted showed that the audience did
not look upon the charge as a very grave
one. But, after all, we are of opinion
that the matter of teachers' salaries, and
the maintaining of the honor and the
dignity of the profession by teachers in
making application for new schools, are
questions that could be discussed with
profit by the dominies in council. From
the unseemly scramble that frequently
takes place for the vacant desk in certair,
schools, we believe that no imoueoutto
danger may be sOoiaiiiended from the
teachta in this County attempting any-
thing like a "salary grab." 4
Ora last Amine Court in Goderioh
proves that actions for seduction are
becoming fearfully prevalent. That such
should be the case is regretable, but we
are of opinion that many actions are insti-
tXd in Court owning to the facility for
obtaining damages which the present law
affords. If all the females who bring
charges of seduction were guileless girls,
robbed of virginity by designing men,
there would be little cause to complain
were they awarded heavy damages for
the great 'injury sustained by them.
But unfortnnately the despoiled inno-
cent are not usually the persons who
appear in Court. Too often we see
women who have reached, to say the
least, what ought to be years of mature
thought (and who, events often prove,
have been of easy virtue), appear as
plaintiffs in cases such as we have spoken
of, and through a glib -tongued lawyer,
solicit from a sympathetic jury mailmen-
sation for a loss never sustained by
them; or if the loss was sustained it was
wholly owing to their own- ardent ani-
mal passions tempting them to net the
part of &morels Zilieias with modern
Josepbs; and, because the Josephs lack •
ed tbe moral stamina of their illustrious
prototype. and yielded to the palate_
Dona .4 the sirens, hem damages must,
f.eseeth. be resoirsied against them.
This ie not as it should he. Ramey .ste-
roidal should be airman around vine*:
hut n. inducement shoukl he offered in
law, se that deigning inameni would he
enahled 1.• make hared 4 integrity
v..11111101irel. 11614611416 lg. 4 IF MIMPIMPeri
ht 6091.
1' turf,Is, wafts u. ism oder • •
Moo The peassiso s* hen wet me Tb. Ihileede &Asir a ended. the sea
due ea the awl u,11 w.rk roper% tri. *serpent has purrs s meth, mod nes we
party tame artimess owe 5111 tlw nem sermasee.
01 failed to hear • single instance in
oats. The trial of' walking harms was a Gliaohy; Walt s fancy &moo K OF MONTRIA.1.
S k 21 Miss M Wood ;1 plaia
the township of Goderich would be %dim of this clams which might be sue- Mrs .to es,
fitted by the construction of the road.
The burden of their song was that two
hundred freeholders had asked for the
passage of the By-law, and all they ask -
was to ,submit it to the electors. It
was stated to them that a number of the
MIMS attached to the petition had not
been signed by 'the proper parties, and
that said parties had never mea
the petitioeo in ?act, that a number
of the signatures were "bogus." A
tiresome discussion ensued, when the
Council, I think wisely, resolved by mo-
tion not to submit the By-law for a bonus
of $7,500 until s majority of the free-
holders petitioned for it. Mr. Connor
took the petition away along with his
hat, presumably to have more signatures
attached for the next meeting of the
Council. Goderich Township has hada
bitter experience of railway bonuses, and
has "paid too much for its whistle" in
days gone by. When Clinton was com-
peting for the London, Huron di Bruce
Railway, and had heroically resolved to
immolate itself, its emissaries scoured
the Townahip of Goderich, attended the
polling places, talked with a "forty per-
son power," bullied and brow -beat all
opposed them; and this cheekiness, as-
sisted by the apathy and indifference of,.
the freeholders, was the cause of Goder-
ich Township giving a bonus of 1115,000.
It is true however, that it wag of advan-
tage to the grain buyers of Clinton, and
to a certain extent benefitted the farm-
ing community, as the exportation of
grain was not all in the hande of the
Grand Trunk Railway; the L H. & B.
was a competing line. Now, I would
ask those who signed the petition, or
who may sign it, what benefit do they
expect Goderich Township to derive from
a branch of the G. T. R. running from
Bayfield to Clinton? Will it be a sxmr-
peting line, or will it give Goderich
Township a better market? The town-
ship has all the railwaa facilities it re-
quires, and good gravel roads leading to
its market towns. The freeholders
should think twice before they pledge
themselves to pay something near 110,-
000 to drag the village of Bayfield out of
the Slough of Despond. Tnis would be
stretching good nature too far ; therefore
the only safe way for the voters is to tell
the petition hawkers that Bayfield stock
is below par, and that they decline to in-
vest in it. Bayfield is perhaps doing no
more than any other place would sunder
similar circumstances, finding itself in
the back -ground and trying to come to
the front ; yet that is no reason why
Goderich Township should actually throw
away $10,000 upon a "gone goose." The
815,000 given to the L H. & B. Railway
was a windfall, and the ratepayers never
felt, acting on the principle what they
never had they never lost." But should
the ratepayers by apathy or something
worse allow the By-law for a7,500 to
pass, they will feel it in their pockets, -
the surest way to make any man feel.
11 Bayfield would only accept the situa-
tion, and content itself with being a fish-
ing illage,e.nd govern itself accordingly,
and leave Goderich Township in that
happy state it now enjoys, "out of debt
out of danger," there is none who would
rejoice more than your humble servant,
°sinfully introduced into every show in hand sowing, 1st 111
R Wat
Caneds, and would not fail to be pro- ni; wax fruit, 1st and 2(.1 Miss
, el good. Roots, fruitsvegeta_ Simpson; Berlin wool work liat, 1st Miss
bk0 flowers and ladies' work were good M Wood, 2d Mrs Stokes; Berlin wool
wurk raised lst Miss E Ptek, ad Miss
as al Wood 2d Mrs
The tramp nuisance oontinues ; many
of the country
dosstects are suffering
from the inr000,
made on orchards and
Tn• 'roy lazy fellows who pretend that
-ney cannot get work. Those of them
who have been on the tramp through the
country districts during the summer
months are now on the homeward route,
making for the cities, where poor -houses
and jails are kept for their accommoda.
tion. Among the good suggestions made
in regard to the abatement of the tramp
nuisance is this -that at the fortncoming
session of the Legislature 4 r. Mowat
should peas an Act which would place the
swarms of tramps who scour the country
stealing all they can lay their hands on,
within reach of the authorities. If a
man found loafing about the streets or
the country rouck cannot give a good ac-
coant of turned', he should be treated as
a vagrant, and dealt with accordingly.
Now and then there are times when poor
fellows cannot get work, and are com-
pelled to tramp in order to find it. No-
body has anythinglo say against these
they deserve sympathy rather than;
harsh treatment. But as for the profes-
sional tramp, who spends his summer in
loafing about the country, and his winter
,in comfortable quarters in jail, there is
nothing to be said in his favor. tle
should be set to cleaning the streetarsum.
mer and winter. --(Toronto Telegram.
What a rare gift is that of manners!
how difficult to define, how muci more
difficult to impart! 'Better for a man
to possess them than wealth, beauty or
talent; they will more than supply all.
Great tai. Ifineerprilse.
The Laboratory for the manufacture of
glectric Bitters is one of Chicago's greet-
ed enterprises, giving employment to a
large number of hands. The extensive
mle already attained few this wonderful
remedy is suarniehing. Wherever mei
introduced and bemuse known, it is
alined impossible Mainly the demand,
because .4 their trammelt where
all others fail 41/141 at a pries
fitty odes 1 NW he F Jordan
wives me tar tar 04614144, -
,and with - one or two slight tut-
, the judging was excellent.
Ames Armstrong, of Varna, the
Secretary -Treasurer, is to be
erect' , to a great extent, with the sue -
cess that has so far attended the show,
Mb. has given utuch time and attention
to the .'perfecting of the details of the
work. ' The following is the
11.01MOULTUILAL HORSY& -.13ZOod mare
and teal, 1st A Sparks, 2d I Salkeld;
3 year old gelding, J Armstrong; 3 year
old flay, 1st Jaa Crunpbell, 2c1 J Nichol-
son; 2 year old gelding, 1st Jno Camp-
bell, 3d N Diehl; 2 year old filly, Wm
Steered; 1 year old. gelding, J Hud-
son, 2d T Coleman; 1 year old filly, lst J
Armstrong, 2d T Coleman; span worsting
Minim John Dunn. General Purpose -
Brood mare 'and foal, R E Snowdon; 3
year old gelding, 1st J Nicholson, 2d
Reid; year old filly, 1st C Wild, 2d J
Nicholpon; 2 year old gelding, lst P
Co* Ild G McDonald; 2 year old filly,
ist E Reid, 2d J Park; 1 year old geld-
ing, 1st J Peck, 2d J Salkeld; 1 year old
filly, 1st P Douglas, 2(.1 J Salkeld; span
working horses, lst A Sparks, 2d J 0
Stewart. Carriage Horses -Span car-
riage horses, 1st J Dunn, 2d D McBrien;
buggy horse, 1st J Turner, 2d W Camp-
bewalking team of horses, 1st J 0
Stewart, 2d R Dalgetty.
GRAD, CATTLR. -Milch cow, lst and
21 J Cowie; 2 year old heifer, lst G
Sparks, 2d E Westlake;1 year old heifer,
lst D Wilson, 2d J Wells; yoke 3 year
steers, 1st J Campbell, 2(1 E Westlake;
yoke 2 year old steers, 1st G Sparks, 2(1
J Woods; yoke 1 year old steers, 1st D
Wilson, 2d J Campaell; fatted ox or
heifer, 1st and 2d 0 Sparks; bull calf,
J H Elliott; heifer calf, 1st J Wells, 2d
G Omen; oke working oxen, lst E
King; tea eoey, Miss King; pencil w-
ing, let Dr Reeve, 2(1 3lies M Gardiner;
woolen socloo 1st and 2.1 Mrs
Stokes; woolen 'tucking*, 1st 11re Stokes,
2d Mrs Castle; cottuli stockings, 1st Mn
E Talbot, 2d lilies A Sparks; woolen
mitts, lst Mrs Stokes. 3d Miss (bustle;
woolon loves, Mrs Stokes; bo. uet
flowers, arge, 11 If 0. s, _ Mi
• .4,11110,0110.
v. DuNsfi - - reaper.
• Goderich Branch.
Allows interest oft deposits. Dtals.lelem
of credit mid circular notes Issued, tw-
is all puts tit the world.
Wild; boquet of flowers, small, 1st W H
Woods, 2d Mira ild.
hooters:vs.-Double buy, Hess &
Haberer: single buggy, 1st 11.Erwin, 2d
Hess & Haberer; covered buggy, Hess &
Haberer; wooden plow, J Watson; wood-
en harrows, J Watson; one. hem drill,
cultivator or scaler, J Young; one hone
hay rake, J Watson; set horse shoes
hammere, nut polished H Erwin.
R114.031/41U1DBD. -I" Ilion blankete,
Johnson; fine boots, J Reeding; Stilton
cheese, J Tough; collection of grapes,
J Wild; early potatoee,IF Wood; late
A Frazer; sugar cane, C Shaw: ; tttatPrikritain and the United Stateeet=
Paid up Capital, - *6,000,000.
Red, - - *1,400,000.
-- -
President. - IION. WM. .11sMASTRIL.
general jjaaeorr, - Ir. ANDRRRON.
Goderich Branch.
A. 31. ROSS, - • - - Merieems.
=toes, R' Bailey, 21 J Wiltl; table I loterogretalboepel red ea trw. Deirts on ail
sugar beets, C Shaw:' Tasmania beans,
Dr Woods; rag mat, Miss Shaw! point
lace, Mrs B Turner, Mrs Stanbury;
crochet work, Miss Meirriasy; mottoes on
cardboard, Miss Swatfield; specimen of
darning, Miss Stalker; spatterwork, 3Irs
Stokes: painting in water colors, .1. Fo-
ley.; oil painting, alias Gardiner; crewel
work, Mrs Burns; Roman embreidery,
Miss Maggie Gardiner; 31accreani lace,
Miss Maggie Gardiner; wall pocket, 3iiss
M Woods; coxcomb, C Zaphe; red pep-
;rs, Miss J Simpson; oil painting, Dr
Reeve; ladies' flannel skirt, bliss ; M
Woods; ladies' flannel drawers, Miss
Swatheld; raspberry wine, Mrs Stalker:
Col; Mexican work, Miss M
honey Oa jars, J Wells: canoed fruit,
Sk • t h
clothes, Mrs 6 0111
made, Min 31 Weide; Po cutter,
il y or - TNIILACB CI-AZ.1W-
COTSWOLD SH1LEP.-R&M, two shears Hess & Haberer; cont slimed, 1. • ....- o_oerith. oct. utb. me.
and over, 1st E. Westlake, 2.1 F Seeg- son; display of flewers, 31iss Woods. "'"
and sold.
Advances. to Farmers on Note& with oast est
more endorsers. without mortgage.
F. Graham 10 instructed by J.11.11.senia, req.,
to by auction.
-4.1 the Fair Grohlisela. /opposite Balky.
Hotel Uoderiek, oft
Wednesday Next, October 20th
.1 10.30 sharp, the renown( poultry :
' Plymouth Rocks,
10 Aylehury Darks,
.' Grew,
ti Waite Hamad Tairhipa
Westlake, 2 J Wild. rg:t1 AT Si) Reserve. as they must be sold.
miller; shearling ram, alker; ram
lamb, J Salkeld; pair ewes, 1st J Arm-
strong, 2d J Salkeld; pair ewe lambs, lst
J Salkeld, 2(1 J Maltman. . Leicester --
Aged ram, 1st I Salkeld, 2d H Love,
shearling ram, lst H Love, 2d A Elcoat;
ram Iamb, 1st F Seegmiller, R Del -
HMI; pair ewes, 1st H Love, 2d F Seeg-
miller; pair shearling ewes, 1st F
miller, 2d II Love; pair ewe lambs, 1st
Seeginiller, 2d H Love; pair fat sheep, let
J Maitman, 2d J Salkeld.
Paso -Boar, large breed, aged, 1st
J Stanbury, 2d I Salkeld; sow, littered
in 1879, 1st J Stanbury, 2c1 I Salkeld;
boar, 6 months or under, let J Hudson,
2d 0 A Cooper; sow, 6 months or under,
lse4 Stanbury, 2d F Seegmiller; boar,
small breed, aged, J Rosa, 2(1 F Seeg-
miller; sew aged, 1st .1 Andrews, 2.1 A •
Horsei-A• Innis, Stanley; J leut.
Tuc k erste it h ; H Beck erhaut ; Grand
Cattle -J . Walker and P McTavish,
Tuckersmith; J Ketchen, Stanley.
Sheep and Pigs -Neil Matheson, Clin-
ton; Wm Peck, Stanloy; J 0 Stewart,
Implements -Jos Colwell, Varna; Win
Agnew and Jaa Broderick, Blake.
Grain and Dairy Produce -J Thomson
and R Barker, Hayfield; Peter Dolpam,
Fruit -T Marks: Goderich; T Woods
and F Wombs, Bayfield.
Ladies' Work- Mid I WOOl15, Misa 31
Wilson an'} Miss M Rutledge. Baytield.
Granger; loCiar, 6 months or under, 1st J
Steep, 2c1J R4/11S; sew, 6 months or un-
der, 1st W Stewart 2t1 J Walker.
Dolor Paovves.-Taanst salt butt.;,
50. lbs., 1st A Soarke, 2d G Speaks; 2a
5 11e., for table use, ld A tparks; 2d W
lbs., salt, 1st Mn. Weston, G 9.„-istrks;
Swatheld; cheese me on factory prin-
ciple, lid and 'Oa J Tough.
GRIAN sore SEIDN.-2 bushels white
winter wheat, lst J Salkeld, 2d G A
Cooper; 2 of red winter wheat, 1st J
Thursk, 2d J McKinlay; 2 of lost nation
wheat, lst I Salkeld, 2d J Salkeld; 2 of
fife wheat, ld D McBrien, 2d J McKin-
ley; 2 of any other kind spring wheat,
lst J Campbell, 2r1 C Wild; 2 of 2 -rowed
barley, 1st J Sparks, 2d J Manson; 2 of
4 -rowed barley, let I Salkeld, 2(1 J Fos-
ter; 2 of white oats, 1st I Salkeld, 2d
McDonald; 2 of black oats, 1st J Camp-
bell, 2d A Johnson; 1 of Timothy seed,
let I 13alkeld, 2d J McKinlay; 1 of flax
seed, 1st I Salkeld, 2d J Salkeld; 12 ears
of corn, 1st J Salkeld, 2 GI Sparks.
Ferro -Apples, 4 var. 5 of each, fall,
let J Wells, 2d 0 Sparks; apples, 4 var.
5 of each, winter; 1st C Shaw, 2d C Mc-
Gregor; collection of apples, 5 of each
variety; 1.4 0 McDonald, 2d J Wells;
pesrs, 4 var. 5 of each, 1st and 2d Jos
Wild; col. of peers, 5 of elects var. Jos
Wild; 12 peaches, 1st V Roth, 2d John
Salkeld; 6 bunches of grapes, 1st V Roth,
2d Jos Wild.
VacorrAmm. -Bag early potatoes, 1st
D McBrien 2d J Andrew; bag late pota-
toes, 1st C .Vild, 2d R Bailey; 12 field
marigolds, long red, let J Manson, 3d
W H Woods; 12 field mangolds, yellow
globe, lst J Campbell, 2d W H Woods;
6 beets for table use, let Dr. Woods, 241
W H Woods; 6 heads of cabbage, 1st R
Bailey, 2d J Wield; 1 heads of cauliflow-
er, W Swaffield; 12 carrots for table use,
1st A Johnston, 2d W H Woods; 12
parsnips, 1st Dr Woods, 2d W H Woods;
2 pumpkins, 1st W Townsend, 2d G Mc-
Donald; 2 squashes J Salkeld; peck po-
tato onions, large English, E Westlake;
peck potato onions, Canadian, let T
rnemn, 2d Dr Woods; peck other
onions, 1st J Wild, 2d 1 fialkeld; 12 field
turnips, 1st J Fraser, Ski Manson; 12
field carrots, 1st J Park, 2d W H Woods;
6 heads white °dory, let W Swaffield, 2d
Dr Woods; 6 heeds red ceiery, A 14
Brow -nem; 2 citron., lut C, 2d
8- Whiddon; 2 musk melons.sat Dr
Weods, Id W H Woods, 2 water melons,
La .1 Totegh. 3d W -Townsend: peek of
beans, let W Townsend. 2d G Sparks;
of tomatoes, lanp. let W Sweffield,
Where amnia, have failed tri ewe and 4; RIlmwal!""'. Pork ''f tomatoes.
hay.*vem rh usensee up te, as base enwill. lsi It Itrewriseiti. 111 F
Inc grimes have often hese need. and • M•sieret'arane le yards white Mae
cure effeeted.1reath te. the .4' nal. Mi. %ekes. ad Meltrien . 10
mem .4 all I•imerres .4 the Streasch yard* ....isired flannel. 1st .1 Johnem, 2d
lever. Reheats and 1 rlinlitOires an A lenitive 10 yards satinetie lot WTI
means nun otastipahon. Ifeedaoh., keit he .1 aelkeld hi Mt. otiges 10
plisetiveblbseured Illsetrie They I Stokes. 3d A Johnise. pair 4,41,1win
and all ••• dada rry them. and yard. Moose maa. .arpte 11 WeBnen
he °unloosed that they are tie bail ekes. 4 .,seen pas. 1444 kits is 'of
emellenve. ewe need geld he F. .luvrisft bit A Granger; fel A Johnsen4,4140
41 Vey newsa hr.ftl. o..f.InTle 1 is A omit... 4.1 1,
HURON L 8. A880. SAL 1 A T
Goderich. Oct. Mb.
Urn T.'
I " Sir John of Ghent," 1301
The uTagnificent pure bred Clydesdale stallion
• bred by 1. Kay, Il&ar, Lancashire. fare.
Young MM. by Farm, Fancy
300*, l'oltiorne:41eintjeeled too late fitmported tiel. 1. 1.
, ('atalotroc.)
1756. F. Gietuoir, Auetioneer.
Foster. -In Clint'--, on iee oo t Lee wire!
of Mr. tr•
oi roster. Merchant, of • Roo.
reed. ey,-Ia Cunton, on the lib inst the wife of
Me. 'W. J. Paisley, of a son. I
Mowlmay.-In Ulster on the let inst., the wits
of Mr. 0, Mowbray, of a Dun.
Routledge. -In Clinton, on the Mb inst., the
wife of Mr. E. J. Routledge. of a daughter.
Merrifield. -In Blyth on the Mb inst.. the wife
of Mr. S. Merrifield of a daughter.
Jackman. -On t he 5th Ifist.. in West Wawanosh
the wife of Mr. W. Jackman of • son.
Cantioa.-In Ashfield, Mb Inst.. the wifeof Mr.
P. Cannon of a son.
rteii2uttage-t-oGildebr; ii-i.Z,t..11ati.tjand:rille, on the
Reinhart, of the Towl;shirnatriKtOri::
Mise Alice Gliders. Maitiandvine.
Gracey-Bnie-At the residence of the brides
father. illyth, by (he Rev. A. McLean. Mr.
Samuel Grscey to Miss Katie Buie, aD of
Raven-Ear/1y- At the Methodist parsonage,
Birth, on Oct. I. by the Elev. W. Birks. Mr.
Albert Raven. of )(orris, to Mks, Sarah Jane
Hardy, of wawanoeh.
Q ey-licKibbon - At the Central Hotel.
on October 1th, by Rev. W. Birks. Mr
chael Quigley., of Loran, to Miss Emily G.
McKibbon, of W Ingham.
Cockerlinc-Jupp- At the residence of the
bride's mother, on October Mb. by the Rey%
W. Birks. Mr. Wm. Cockerline to Miss Jen-
nie Jupp. both of Morris.
Strachan-Morria.- At the residence of tbe
bride's father. Colborne. on Thursday:it h Oct.
athe Rev. J. Pilchard, assisted by Rev. J.
everight, Itr! Wm. Strachan to Mils Bar-
n Morris, eldest daughter of Mr. Geo.
Morris. all of Colborne.
Lawson -Stacy -On the 2Sth Sept., at Denver;
Colorado, Rev. Dr. Moore, Mr. Wm. Law-
son, of Denver, formerly of Brussels. to Mho
Charlotte Ann Stacy, of Bremen
Fitzpatrick-Folkes-On the 25th of Sep. at
Denver, t'oiorado. by Rev. Dr. Moore. Mr.
Joe, Fitzpatrick, of Denver, f or
Brussels, 10 3(1* Mary Mien Fokes, of the
same place.
Blair -Hall -On the 21Ith of Sep, at the Manse,
Walton. by Rev. I). McNaztittoft. Mr. W.
Blair to Miss Dinah Hall, or Grey.
Saddler- Htutsieker -At Brussels, on the Seth
of Sep.. by the Rev. 14. Jones, Mr. Jas. Sad-
dler, to Miss M. Hunsicker, both of Grey.
Blain -Sample -On the Mh of Oct., at the reel.
deuce of the bride's rather, by the Rev. 8.
Jones, Mr. John K. Blain, of Peery %nod, to.
• Mks Agnes Sample, of Grey.
Simpson- McDonald At McCutcheon's Hotel.
Whigham, on the 5th of Oet.„ by the Rev. 8.
Risen Mr. Jas. Simpson. to Miss Jessie Mc-
Donald, both of Grey.
1 TIONT IMile at Ooderick, On. IOW SIM
LOT 6.•
etta riserramie mem
quiet to ride and drive. stands 15 hand.
metes high. 7 years old : got by " Whalebone."
The property of M. Nicholson, lfaq.. God..
rich. Has shown a2:40 salt In a private
(Entered WO late fer ineertion Catalogue.)
P. GRAHAM, Auctioneer.
TURES, (tr. •
am savored with instructions front
I To oho for sale by Public audios. at bee
store opposite the Market Home,
ooderich. on
; Saturday, October 23rd, 1880,
commencing sharp at onoo'clocr Jertions„
tbalance of her stock of°
and Shop Fixtures, comistrag
rants. Rim. Rarefy, Pickles, Canard
Pyre Teas. Sugars, Tobaccos, Raisi Car,
Salmon, Lobsters. riiniars.Serage,
Ofeissiresre. Grocers wagon, Herseess.
Mill, Cornier Scales. Measure" Lemma,
Terms Cash. • Posit4Tely no Reserve.
J. ('. CURRIE, Auction ear
Elehlkormeter-- Realism -In Clialos on the ath
Sept.. by the Rev. S. Kropp, of Colborne.
Conrad Schliesanseler, to Caroline , only
dizeghter of Mr. Geo. Remises, 14(I1. um. '
Clark Rion - Ry Rev. Osswall. on esp. gate
Mr. J. Clark. tti Miss Mary Rhin. hen of
Mitooillinliettierman 14, Her. J. ceeerstaz
mnan. both et .
mason maw By Her. A. miwaree eft i
*0 14 also. et Me restorer (4*0 WNW@
*h... Mr wm. Retina. ot Teestratim te
bill& • father cal WW.,fters&u net OM es Res
al ref I
Dever reiresie rarin r1414440
milearib riseal4tor 44, %rot, igperwr444
teriumento asawn 416 dad .16111 60:13M
atm. me Ism not
41sekk areal mamba sail rt eam
sormaNsie Itiele6 106 fib EU rem Mg* ti
it rftiki41 ON -SIGNAL
Vag we! t epi pa 0 .40"
art Main 14••• WIIIMINutootint
. Mb. r. WIli. ,•01. to lines
We are now prepared to fill and ship orders
for Trees. kc.. for ean inanting. DeoeriPMee
Price oeudogues ream to applicants.
Geo. LIMES & Sow.
A New Feature!
We will commence in a fee- weeks
An Interesting
I I 17/ /74 e=13 rbW :Mr I 14
et MIN
$ 1 _ 5 0
el 1 Li •.fri
new )1 meetT mei 1 ikTfi 1 %
• .1