HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-15, Page 21
Miss Jessie Wilson,
A ' m 1110 traTOSTI
.ta>,sa..e trip wens te•
Imre 1 ht wag slier ts ,..ant tow
,ter► ''•awe•' monad L•Vlt M'.. r1. ,..1
*toot o•-• *los stole ,,atryw ,. fro
1.4. *ay wart, •VVI.a „ 1.. . rt,
•Nee i • •ae •+ Nu e.t.a AO 4141C1.1
Amp, 110a u ono of the
•...tt lrn.oe account fruit
•t.fr +.8411' .1. • PM.- I.. F let
V 1 w le• ... I1r .111.1014111/1 good
' It f ea' teemed. 1vier. • . 111ptintuze of
ss. (r:t el/ . +hid ay, ,•.mi.lote ezJ. ant It
Oka ea pure toe ole pea
eats nese hr i.asieaeil h. oteeig .wast to
9J01•011 Of WIS(ltlnt
t/• lata •. *MP. . kb... '•• •. • ••1!
.t.r•f► I V ADO 1t4414. OW 1'• 'song► s •'.Ned
trr1fl .4..l r •Wes *tau
.'ulnar. etl.•utd .r. • w sour a tower
Mll.n••UI ,b. }.„,...a,t •1 %Sr %Ma1T 11.4 w
�nwlrYlu .,rUin4n• ••ar
j adKuheut
Br • Jun 1. fast. •n Ie debts set
1 . .eati„ue And ,- , • i.es .e illy erase
1•• .W) but 11 'h• h.•,-•. sol n. howl Le-
slottn w
He tflal .1111111.1 101)/111. •,tell• cit
the bodge • wh,eli ee meet peas /Wel
fM.katilk 4erae aide.
rho nest halt, tS she .oleic •,,1 • rte,
t:rulses Sense tetter l.uappau Hands,
etkeela/w (•.erns, enpja'l lual►0t Bkut
ereptivar 1'hia t+alre Is gitatenle tl to
g►•• est eve saasafsetlen in e•••ry car. .r
Deo.• . refunded P,,ei Neste ae
p,.. .•I.. ht r I..r.t,.A. Viarl Fir.
`*.M BILL 414 4 Ns
. erre as srtrtaray,
.• A yoeoa friend of .e w. ...w. •t
an insatiable thirst int liq*s , ' hal had
it) prostrated hu sesten, that he N” „
alis to do /ty buuue.a Ile was encu.
ly cured by th.u. ..f Hop Beene (t 1
4layed aft bunuug tbire 1. ..1
away the ap _., +fur Rewe Heel. his
nerves . pnd he MA rlurtt0lwd . 14 `w""�"
sober and stesaly lean fur more thea, • 01.
years, bee mu desire to return to his t
*elf; for Fverl IMO 1.1164 ,ices rep he for ' pap., .ud, 1 know ofa num bar al others
tete oiljar, ter "teethe, nen, ,Io , elver view • that have been cured rH14'
"•*. VII glu" ItUlklag timeshare a
ul drinking by .t
baeewls, w ieh amounts te the sato, Eton a l•f►du41 R R (Weed chime, not dwarotf slue isneiaj ilG—nvo
soot of fe,•uemtetiw,, tacititmted by a low Prime*, but .utiles it ou tylrth, said sew ewes ls.s rr .at eras
m.eresoopie plant of the fungus group.
Peleaea from the .-oder pest is of no
geek value either :,r a rood for stock or
as a raenure to the land. Pigs will eat
n to some extant. It otltould be put in
tete tnanure heap, as when heft by itself
in the open air it gives off • disagreeable
Faun ()auras should be in readiness,
bits the fruit should be kept under sheds,
etc., until cold weather comes, being
capful to remove it to the cellar before
exposed to severe cold. The fruit cel -
leas should be provided with ventilators
so arranged that they can be readily
thrown „pen.
Arnett.—The ptacticeelf picking the
iruit and putting it it heaps for a few
days until the skin toughen", before bar -
retina, is a. good one. Put the fruit M-
e, the barrel with care, shaking it duwu
when half full, and again when' full, so
that the apples will fit closely when the
head is pressed in by means of the bar-
relling press. The opposite head should
be marked as the one to be opened. Thea
season of abundant apples it will not pay
uo market any except the best fruit, and
that in tine shape. Dry second-rate
'fruit or make it into
The greenhouse before this should
have been put ei eadineas, that: there
ntay be no delay in bringing in the plants
when the time comes. Soil, labels,
moss, pots, and all other needed articles
should be ••n hand ready for use, and in
sufficient quantity.
will perfectly sanctify it in heaven. The
eases society of the universe is in heev-
Khat tulthankfulnees is it to forget
our consolations, and to look only upon
matter of grievance; to think se ntucb
upon two or three cross* Rs to forget a
hundred blessings.
Poltihed steel will not shine in the
dark; no more tarn reason, however re-
futed or cultivated, shine efficaciously,
but as it reflects the light of divine truth
shed from Heaven.
Some persons are capable of Making
great sacrifices. but few are capable of
concealing how much the effort has cost
them; and it is this otncealment that
constitutes their value.
Dont live on hope with your arms
folded. Fortune smiles on those who
roll up their sleeves and put their shoul-
der to the wheel that propels them on
to wealth and happiness. Cut this out
and carry it about with you in your vest
pocket, ye who idle in bar -rooms or at
the cornetts of the streets.
A smooth sea never nude a skilful
mariner. Neither re uninterrupted
prosperity and at:c::ess qualify a nun for
usefulness and happiness. The stomia
of adversity,like the stor is of the ocean,
rouse the -faculties and excite the inven-
tion, prudence, skill and fortitude of the
Nothing u more certain than that hu-
man conduct produces its effect upon
human character and determines its fu-
ture weal or woe. Virtue and upright -
BULBS for flowering -in pots should be nes, give the pure heart and clear con -
potted as sour as obtained; the soil science, whose working is an atnple re -
should be rich, made loose with a plenty ward for effort and sacrifice. Vice and
of clean sand, after which the pots and wrong inevitably leave their narks upon
plants may be placed in a cool and dark the soul, and tend to misery.
cellar to form a good growth of roots. A TRUE LADY. ---Beauty and style are
WINDOW PLANTS.—The necessity of a not the surest passport to respectability.
Some of the noblest specimens of woman-
hood that the world has ever seen have
presented the plainest and most unpre-
possessing appearance. A young wo-
man's worth is to he estimated by the
gradual change must be emphasized in
removing plants from the '-pen air to
the dwelling rooms. It is best to place
the plants in aroomwhere there is nofire,
and one that can beopened during to -day.
111 relx.rtmg the mai ..0 prttza 1.41 1.U.
ter, the New Yore l'r.b.twe, of Iela,y 10th.
said, '`Chwex lee:teems t..- the retail urate
reach 19 to 20 conte. but light .el' -rot
art. hard to .:tai•..M+ of, atm w:veraf
were thought Null sold at el to 10
CODs. This eters, Logic or dotlare and T T
cents ,o rapidly coil vmeths .ch):net f
that they should e the Perfected But
tet Color inset. by Wells, Richardson
A Cv., Burlington, V t. It gives the
perfect June e'en. the year round and
dairymen that use it never send light col-
onel goods to market.
C. miss,. endured by the sufferer from 3
persistent cough soon sap the vitality 111
the system and wreck the constitutive.
Such a catastrophe car. only be avoided
by precautionary measures. Prevent the
climax et a cough with Northrop & Ly -
non's Euiuleiun of Cod Liver Oil lull
Hyp o(ihosphites of Lime and Soda -ap-
proved of in professional quarter, and
combination is a combination of the purest
and most salutary ingredioitta in perfect
chemical harnlvtty. (loughs, colds,
aryneitis, incipient bronchitis, and other
affections of the respiratory organa, are
speedily relieved by it, and it has like-
wise proved to be a useful specific in
scrofulous maladies. The lose of strength
consequent upon being diseased is check-
ed, and the flagging physical energies
restored by its invigorating action.
Phosphorus, the active principle of the
hypoph..ephites, not only supplies the
system with an important element of
strength, but gives a health'ul impetus
to the circulation. The lime and stria
also add to vigor 111 the ft•ntne. rn wast-
ing diseases of all kinds, this prepara-
tion can be depended upon to produce a
beneficial effect. A fair, persistent trial,
is all that is necessary to prove ellellpoten-•
cy, either as a pulmonic or general in-
vigorant. For poverty of the blood, with
which so many invalidsare troubled, it Lyman,
sovereign remedy, promotfng the acqui-
sition of both strength and flesh. Pre-
pared by Northrop & Lyan, Toronto,
and sold by all druggists.
so surely will disease eventually fasten
itself- upon a system deficient in vital en-
ergy, if tonic medication u not resorted
to in time. The necessary tendency of a
weak discharge of the functions of the
koody is to disorder its Invi"or-
ation, prompt and through, is the only
safeguard ISorenovantofdepletedphyeial �0.��
energy, ne restorative of host flet nerve
power and cheerfulness, has more dearly
demonstrated its efficacy than Northrop
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. In this pre-
paration, associated with the salutary
medicines which forms its basis, is pure
sherry wine and certain aromatic constitu-
ents which imparts an arr•eeable taste to
the article, and vas additional emphasis
After a while the plants may be taken to real goodness of her heart, the greatness
the close living -room, in which there is of her soul and the purity and sweet -
a tire. nese of her character; and a woman with
HARDY PPANTS can be forced to win- a kindly disposition and a well balanced
dow culture, and deserve more attention mind and temper is lovely and attrac-
than they have received. Among these
are Dicentra (Bleeding Heart,) Aatilba
Japonica, Lilly of the Valley. All such
should be taken up at once and potted,
and kept in a pit or cellar until late in
.la nuary or February, or later; when
brought out for bloom, they should at
first -receive water rather sparingly.
(tatter has been discussed in ourcolumns
in former years,. though but little has
.a.ta1 . a.u, game
THK 111'.
New Goods
New Goods
VASE:/, &c.
in 31/hour and it days,
Lowest Prices in 2 -own
A LAIWIN Atesoavulier OF
Stopes and
And 000141. an Fancy 00sd..
Imo w . 41ew Lys unroll>
juntil latFlowers, F
( vt Mt+•naoY lit+r•a�1tr•a a supWy M la 1l/ earl �w I wUt „tee,
st rtes tel se+t 1IAY eels lfers.eu fF `�' taut �a�l ee
M IS8 Jlfiidg1E WILSON, 14luss'e, Oodenes -
gars & LacosI
aw t
NO or OW appesillo•a war05 , •,•...dw.tp-
Books and Stationery.
Wall Papers. Fanoy G-oods,
Toilet Sethi,
Merscnaulu and Hater t ipee
China and Ruby Goods. Cigar Holden..
Cups. Miscellaneous Book..
Flower Pots and Vases. Novels.
Work Hoxe Toy Books.
Ilesks Blank and
Puraes, Memo. Hooke
Albums Newspapers and Magaalnee kept un hand
of all kinds. ordered.
SCHOOL BOOKS. of all kinds. kept on stock and ss low as any other house.
CANADIAN. at the very eowgsr l'ubl4here' rates. Satisfaction guaranteed
Please call at Lor Corner of ".est Street and Square. is
Dominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp Office. 1761
Great Reduotion in Prices.
Having determined to discontinue travellingwithOrgans. I have reduced the prico tI s1
persons wishing to purchase will find it to thele advantage to call at my shop sad es abuy /nun
me. r
1 The WANZOR and, WHITE Sewing Machin.
still the People's FAVORITE. they ate so au to
•tht it i
run. and makeo little noise, as a pleasure to work them. It you are abort to Invert in
• Sewing Machias, you will certainly mime it It you do not get one ori Cassel abet
makers. Sewing Machines to Rent. and a stockFN
always on hand.
evgavimixo RsconatEI• i�-
sive, be her face vet. so plain and herto its offsets. In cases of general de -
figure. e. homely. She makes the best bE.lity and dyspepsia it is invaluable and Under the personal, aupervieion
of wives and the truest of mothers. She i the desired effect is. in the vast majority SAcsoeRe.
has a higher purpose in living than the of cases, remarkably prompt as well as ee
. ('barge} Moderate and AI.I. N'n R.0 lal'AR-
beautiful yet vain and supercilious wo- dwecisi
hve. That greood natural appetite, 1 Awrgvu.
ich plivea a lish for the coarsest
man, who has no higher ambition than fare, is iesured by the use of the Quin -
to flaunt her finery on the street or ine Wine, which also confers brain smith -
to gratify her inordinate vanity by ex- ing and body refreshng sleep. Fever and OraW,':' B1..rk,
acting Clattery and prose from a society ague and or,. rement fever,
whose compliments are as hollow as the setae to thbihe eradiatiitton of whichareit is
p y specially adapted; but it should he used
are insincere. only in the intervals between the seizures.
Wee ARP. THE STRONG Mgr.—\1 a mit- The far-reaching effects of a good tonic,
take strong feeling for strong character. in all complaints involving loss of physi-
cal energy, ate well understood by phyar-
P'u rnishi g
Tiff alld GAY 1llzed Iron Work
of Mr. JAIIee
been said on the subject of late. The
following. from• one of the Cow Essays
who hears all before him—before
which will appear in the book, compris-
whose frown donieettca tremble, and
mg the Prize Essays and others, gives whose bunts of fury make the children
the views of "Spencer" on the propriety of the house quake— because he has his
.4 milking three times a days—"During will obeyed, and his own way In all
things, we call
the heat of summer, the cow should be Ion a strong nun. The
caulked three times a day, at regular in- truth is., that is the weak Iran; it is his
servals --about five o clock in the morn.psesiorue that are strong; he, nattered
ing, one in the afternoon, and nine in by them, in weak. You must treasure
the strength
the evening. The quantity of Milk and ..f a man by the power of
butter is considerably increased. and the the '1fhnge he subdues, not by the pNiw-
quality improved, by this practice. Thcoe er of those which subdue him. And
milk is injured by remaining in the ud- hence, alt feure Is very often the high -
der through the heat of the day, and rest result of strength. Did we never
the cow is maid uncomfortable. which,of ace a man receive a flagrant insult, and
only grow a little pale, and then reply
necessity. diminishes her usefulness. gwetly That was the man spiritually
When cows are milked but twice a day strong. t )r did we never see a man in
in hot weather, the udder becomes inn anguish stand as if carved out of solid
much heated and feverish, and the milk rock. mastering himself t or some one
is in a similar condition - -the cream bearings h„peless daily trial remain si-
seems to be melted, the milk soon Ise lent and never tell the world what it was
comes sour, the cream cess not rise well. that cankered his home peace ' That is
tori the butter is tuft and only. Ther' etrongt.h. He who with strong passions,
difficultisa, almost universally attending remains chaste—he who, keenly sensi-
hueter-triaking at this time of the year, eve. with manly power of indignation in
ere mostly overcome by the practice of hien. can he provoked, yet can restrain
nilkmlr Three times a day, and the mow himself and forgive—these are strong
being near at hand it is a small matter
I., sib pet this practice.'
Mein admire, respect. ,tion:, but never
!tatter in love. That is reserved for the
I.eneht '•f thew for wh•'n• they have but
little feeling and regard. and with whom
they ,ail %Nord t., make free. whose
•+teem it not felt and valued, aur.. 'these
neither appreciated nor thaw
IY.. he,.' pare . •f •.Ire . Id. le env per
,lane• •e int ..ialh .1 titles 411 iigh
u.,dl..+ tdMi. n •alet,.•ne .went,
.. .t•n .f re 404101lnt d they
t ' ••wr .t. •wt two .tfeatl(then him
e ,sower •iiS. name. off th. dude
rev. Ir. -n-,r' hem „ ,h• •eettnary
men, spiritual heroes.
4 Qea1S•rft•1 seseev•rt.
For the speedy ' un '.f t`'.nenm{,tion
and all disunite that lead t., o. such ss
etuhhorn ('. rug hi. neglect tee Colds,
Brnnehitta, Hay Fever. Althl11a, pain in
the aide and- chest. dry hack ung cough,
tickling in the t.hnat, H. arsenous, Ant.
Threat, and all Arius: "r littering iia
mow. of the threat and ,wets. Thi K new s
Ni. ihnuovwat has n. wt•sak sail has ea
tabhahed f•., itself r world wide rr .utat
cob Man% 1011filtla bv.trian• rernm
mend and New 1t to hest i.rarttew The
f•wmala fr. en which it rs pr.•par.,d .. nigh
r.,,nunH•ndM1 %i 411 males .renals
y dergv end the pr.”. iw' r •nupl,
merited if .r 'h. neer ,gn •+.,y 'erne
ti. t. smut debates and sept +'r a Mettle
fu, ten 'Sl '+Knla, Air. ' .• RI
r , awl• M i 1 .r1 A, 'I ,.r'..
c ana, and the comprehensive in uence
for good of this preparation upon the
system goes far to bear out the profess-
ional belief in the value of invtgorants
as opponents of disease. Be sure to ask
or the 'Quinine Wine" preparedby-North-
rop & Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all
FOR THE Peons.—There are but few ere-
paratione of medicines which have with-
stood the impartial judgment of the
people for any great length of time. One
of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectrie Oil.
Bead the following and be convinced:
— Thomas Robinson, Farnham Centre
PA 0., writes," I have been afflicted with
rheumeltism for the last ten years. and
have tried many remedies without any
relief. until 1 tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil and since then have had no attack of
it. i would recommend it to all.- J.
H. Earl, Hotel Keeper. West Sltefford,
P. Q., writes, i have been troubled with
liver complaint for several years. and have
tried different medicines with little or no
benefit, until 1 tried Dr. Thomas EeIec-
tric Oil. which gave me immediate relief,
and 1 would may that i have used it
Cowl louts
How what Pk stelaas ..d the People
ss. about SCOTT'■ R1wOLalow or
PITON, s. a remedy ear Ce.rempa as.
Metals, anal Wasting aniest•.as
Melts. Scorn R Bowes: Gss'TLarEN--I
have prescribed Scott's Emulsion of Cad Liver
041. etc.. in my practice and need 1t In my tam.
ily. I am greatly pleased with it because of its
palatableness and the good results that follow
its nae. 1 have found it very serviceable in
scrofulous diseases and pulmonary affections.
Ititeupecttulb sour.
. M.D., Resat Aroadwa N.Y
iRA M. I. y, .
Lorisvllle, Ky.. January 3, 1/178.
GENTLEMEN—For the last fifteen months 1
have used your Cod Liver Oil 'Emulsion. both in
hospital and in private practice, and have been
greatly pleased with its streets. it Is better
borne and can be taken for • longer time than
any other preparation of Cod Liver Cil In
Consumption and children's diseases 1 have
found It Papeete/1y valuable.
Via Physician, Louisville City lloepltal.
O Messrs. Semrt k Howse: 1 have need Scott's
/Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil 1 . various Instance.
and I have found it to be easily taken, readily
assimilated. and rapidly improves the nutrition
and flesh. I consider it the heat Emulsion I
have ever need. R. E. HAU1HTOr, MAW.. Th
indianapolis. ind.
Messrs. �a trrr & iiltw1F:: I have given your
OFFICE--$beppar•d'e Book Store, Market Square, Oonenien. 1761.
If You Want Good
Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel.
In addition to the ordinary lines of the Grocery and Crockery Trade. 1 carry a tell stock of
Floor, Mes, -Por and Geuoral Prov'isio
"Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices.
Coal ( 1 also sold. See my Steck and get my prices.
0 Goode delivered to any part of the Town.
D. Ferguson.
remedy of Cod Liver OR. dtc.. a fair trial, and
am glad that I can say 1 think it ISTHE remedy
since with the heeteffect. No one should for weak lungs snit had coughs. 1 can htgkly
be without it. I have tried it on myMO1mmend it. When lhedoctors had given me
np. 1commenced .sing your medicine. and 1
horses in cyte of cuts, wntrrtds, etc., and anllga. ntng health and strength very feat and 1
think 1 .hall anon hr well.
Yn,nw tntfy.
ttafeeafon. Ind.
think it is equally as good for hope as
man. '• A. Maybes, Merchant, Wreck -
worth. writes, " 1 have sold some hun-
dreds of crottles of Eclectric 011,and it is
pronounced by the public, eine of the beet
medicine% they have ever lewd:' it has
drone w..nders In healing and relieving
paid, sore threats. etc.. and is worthyp
of the greatest .:onfidence. • .1.ate ph
Buten. Township .d Percyj write, " I
was persue dad a tri Dr Thomas Fele.
tee, no for . lame knee whirh trembled
me for three or four years anti 1 never
f••und anything kik« it for miring !sate
„o.aa. I. n .. l.uhlu n
R.•.Ar. .t Imitatlnne Ask f,., 1h
Thoma%' Belot-tn. 1141 New that th. erg
'Amor* of 14 A Thorne.. le . on the wrlt1•Dw'r
and . ht. name, .t N • •rthuj A I .vman aro
hlowo tit th. bottles ane ink. it. Aber
4•41 h) All inedicine dealer. Prin. PP
.•. e1fe1tT1TROP A 1,VMAN T•.nwto•
rllt Pt, ,prlM••fe tow the Onmui*s,n
Purrs Releoteee riwl«'tsri .Ful Klee
Having decided to give tie btistaess le Oodeefeb,
e Misses Mitche
will Clear out their whole Stock within , me Monti. at
Unprecedentedly Low Prices
Sum , d Howstc - 1 fait it my duty to let you
know the benefit 1 have derived from the use of
your. ICntulaisa. I had a very bad cough for
on consulting Or J. E. Gorsuch of
ta.•itr he informed me that m left lung was
peeled• and pn wn-11n l Scott's tmnhrlon with Crit
ypnohoephitee. ARer retitle two hettiew 1 IM7♦T
n of. Improv v ,s7 rapidly and continued
owing it f.ntll I had taken ten bottles, and now
gm se heala man se there in In the cit of
Baltimore en 1 began luting It 1 weighed
145 emend. I new welsh11w pounds
Your. 11 1' TARQU'HAH Hewitt
•. • ' I%'•. Asltimor. Md
•5481 nut A. Sept IS, I177
... , e-• a He '1,14 •7txTw-- l thought I would
setts ro vent. as I saw a notie. aeon your bottles
of tat. upo.. Its ring nmtlnnetrl use This ias
rer, •me 91611.1.n In ate • t was givenp to die
sae Maros, with oonanmptlon t • best medical
11.1 made
se nee nfany treatrnen• My 'moose
1 &polled for yow' C.wleioa oft no I.Iver OD he
Aso MAO( , wen ty 4414 hornets shad It le,wsterl
m. health, heynud the ettpeetatloea d heti
drrrl...apes"u.gtohewamydeathe.-area w�OUP mar so 'e Nawsiew `ore. u we Oa, • Pully Iectded tt rein. 4.140 bus
1 ekonld bks ta tak• It e a rear whn I fhM( a t gad min mohair.* Rt our CLaalkleo BALD Brno before the WIC,
VVnfewtwd wan
tea l
% rH11Nea. b & R MTTN'HAL I•
wk t'aN "MIS
eat Bargains iu Every Line !
And we quote the following M war a Illuatramen
Ween all shades --reduced frons 20i 1Sc
Fleecy and Fingerings—best--4 skeins for 30c
Ribbons and Laces below the o nal teat
Rilk Ftnese■ and F�neelles at testi Ir •
IA MI .,•en1d.ng ease .n IrODortIOD
1 wa" ti rwf.Ml. -
M n i.1 w' redeems.
Few eaM b ,triroterte.' lr per crottle. t4 I�11i The fitiuAr%, (icri•t
A h •
P • -- r*een 'wan ago 1 -tr....
Our'y o Littletur, • climatic*
and as 1 had t„ swats the arra
u three .. aches and 1 (Wm,
after dinner 1 ver) otter, had
ranee t• dnve after dark It
dead '.t night 4 great deal
fallen and the drifts were
deep. The mail 1 earned w1
at Littleton by contract until
int the murnins, but that r
p.5tmaater was obliged to tut
tater than that hour for me.
One day u1 January, when
!with my mail at Danbury, the
ter called me into his office.
'Pete,' said he, with an imp
ions look, 'there's some pr
money packages in that be
pointed to it at he spoke. H
money was trunk Boston to
agents near the Canada line.
raked me if I had any passe
were going through to Littlet
him I did not know. 'But
have not? says 1.
'Why,' said he, 'the agent t
route came in to -day, and he
there were two suspicious chi
the stage that came in last
he suspects that they have
this mail, so it will stand you
be a little careful this evenint
He said the agent had des
of them as a short, thick -set fe
40 years of age, with long h
thick, heavy clump of beard
but none on the side a
not know anything abou
1 told him I guessed there wi
'Oh, no; not if you have got
all the way through; but I onl
this so that you might look of
mail, and also look out sharp
change horses.'
I aniwered that 1 should
then nook the bag under me
left the office, I stowed the
under my seat a little mor,
than usual, placing it so 1 c
my feet against it, but bey
did not feel any concern. It e
when we started, and I had ft
gem, two of them rode only
stopping place. I reached Gc
at dark, when we stopped
and where my other two pans,
eluded to stop for the night.
About six o'clock in the eve
,(rowan's Mills alone having
�►Ad a pung.
I had 17 milee to go, and a
was, too. The night was quit
the wind was sharp and cold,
snow flying in every direction
drifts were deep and closely i
was slow tedious work, and
soon became leg -weary and r
the distance of six miles I can
settlement called Bull's Corn,
took fresh horses. I'd been
going that distance. As I wi
1 start, a man came up and ask,
going through to Littleton.
should go through if the t
possibly be done. He said hi
ous to go„ and as he hal no
told him to jump in, and mi
as comfortable asposaible. I
ing up my lines when tee h
up and asked me if I knew I
my hones had cut Minitel
jumped out and found that
animals had got a deep cork
off foot. I gave such directic
sidered necessary, and was al
when the hostler, remark
thought I came alone. I toll
'Then where did you get
gerr said he.
'He just got in,' I answero
'Got in from wherer
'i don't know.'
'Well, now,' said the hos
kind of curious. There ain
such a man at the house, s
there ain't been none at
'Let's have a look at his ft
'We an get that much, at an
you go back with me, and wl
to the pung, just hold your
that the light will shine into!
He did so I wished. and u
into the pung 1 got a fair vi
portions of my passenger •
muffled up 1 saw a short. t
full. hard features. and I is
see that there was a heavy 1
the chin 1 thought of the
the postmaster had described
1 did not think Pommel! upo
had started Perhapo 1 had
anile when 1 noticed the marl
.n the place under my feet
Hell, +ays 1 holding ue
tittle *here • ant mall'.
Mr faasengei art n. • sea,
end 1 turned towards him
'Here s s bag at some kind
hack ender ray feet. he said
teak. as though he would et
.fust at this ntr>,nsslt my he
•.d into s deep snow -drift, are
Ad rn get out and tread dow
in front of them. and lead th
This took ane all et In w
*ben 1 got to agent 1 p.Ued