HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-15, Page 1F!" "RifitilifRAtaim 7.: • 4 T!"14rIlat. Tonsorial. K14CROLSON SURIGE‘Cvl. N lone DEN- 7.below( a on t rea I GliZt 1752 Aucttoneering. T G. CURRIE% THE PEOPLE'S A GO - *1 J. TIONEER, Godeirich, Ont. ?LCIS GRAHAM, LICE NSED i! tioneur for the County of 111.roa. Terms reasonable. OMee-liamilton &zee, Wh, opposite Colborne Hotel. Orders eek& Siviest ofilies will be attended to. HSI TRebical. 11-1R McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- L, OWN. Coroner, Oc. (Mee and redden*. on Briton Street, • *wand door west -of Victoria Street. 1751. DFORS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physicians, Surgeons, Acomichers. Ofilee at Dr. en 's residence, nous the Jail. Goderich. G. 0. $UArc,N. J. C. HM - TON 1751. - - B.1. LUNDI-tk-D., PHYSICIAN, mule grgireatatiTaier-o Mee Hotel. Dungaaaon. 1751. • AIKENHEAD, (SUCCESSOR to • to Dr. Duncant Oraduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. Mee, etablesend residence. St. Andrew's Street. back of D. Ferguson'' 5tore ; formerly occupied by Dr. Duncan N. B. Horses crimunined as to semidries'. Int Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- RISTERS. Attorneys. Solicitors. etc., tioderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudloot. 1751. - - - Ft L. DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D 1.1. Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. Goderich. Ont. 1751. lioDERIcH. UNT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1$80. r2,13Nris NEWs A BO I' T HOME. Mx. It R. Cozzens left town on MOD- ' day last for the Pairy Sound District, on business connected with the firm of Sawiord & Connie. He will be absent about week, and will visit all the saw- mills in that section Where "the shoe doessi t pinch" -41 Orr YO1( MK FISHING ISLANDS. - Campbell's. Seeadvt. Messrs. Hugh Bain, J. Craige, A. Crai. Coal. -Schr Man Jane, ArriVed on ge, P. Inkester and N. MacIver left last Saturday with 400 tons f hard ".*I1 Wednesday morning for the fishing at front Fluffisia. fo Wm. Lee. "Fishing Islands.- They will be away, if the weather should prove favorable, about six weeks. WKNIGHT, PRACTICAL DAM- t HR Vraieggret,4". • Esad Hairdresser. IMO to return thanks to the public for post pot wad ruglg.eau nr solicits a contlnunm saor custom 1pirTOMOS. always be found at his Shaving Parlor, seer the Post Oboe, Goderleb. 7753 Lost or Faint,. FOUND A BUNCH OF MEE Th.OW wner con hare am-,.*b.ma Ts. j . et 008 FOUND. GN THE 25TH OE 1-4 May led. between lot b and 4o 5.Osage rice Township, on the short of Late 111•111116 El pine lfrom It to 16 feet long Thsewase Is requestedegs, to prose property and caloltersz by the LMh of October. or the logs wrn be ea pey expenses. They are at peewee e= let EL -Keeton Bi ,,i. Trustee Estrav Animals. QTRAYED HEIFER- -CAME ON KJ the premises of the subscriber. let XL MIR 4, Ooderich Township. about the Lm el Sept, • redf heifer, two years old '11e mow is re queued to prove property. pay chartglimil take It away. WM. STIRLING. -It 1- AST A SMALL HUMID BITCH, 1.4 black and white with red eareand white strip on forehead. Answers to the woe el "root." Any perton relenting her well be re- warded, and anyone harboring Orr atter this notice will be prosecuted 1 .ave authorized tdroziorsiv ItiosiOkaseso to twelve ber. A $8 RE WARD---STEATED FROM eon 5. 41:P11Wawani:egie U»dh, about etIrllictr. of May last, eight heed of young costae seven of which were yearlings, described ea follows. 1 white bull with grey neck. _2 grey steers. I red and white steer, 1 darkked steer with white spot. Ithe smallest of (be loll, 1 grey and white spotted heifer. 1 white heifer gray on the neck; the other was a two year old white heifer. Any person give. • such information as will lead to their recovilry wW receive the above reward. A.ddreet tbe owner. WM. LEDDY. Dungannon P.O. SEAGIat & MORTON, B A R R I 8 - CAME ESTRAY --ON THE 12TH OF Tilts.C X.. kc., Ooderich and Wl August. 1880, en seed Moine Colored C. Seager. Jr.. Goderlch. J. A. Mortoulnrsag- Horse. with a white strip oo face and one ham. 1781. white foot. RICHARD A. MPRUNG lot 43, _ __ __ Lie^ Flullett. one end oneehalf mien temp Q MALCOMSON BARRISTER AND Sr nehesier. k..7. Solicitor. Cake -Corner of West Street' . - and Market Square, over George Acheson's, - Ooderich. 17M. For Sale. L' CAMPION, ATTOR NE Y - AT- ,... ILL, LAW. Solicitor in Chencery. Convey- T AKE ItARGE - FORTUNE -. FOR &c. °Mee over Detior's store, Gode- 4 Sale -offers desired. Would make an rich, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at ceuent steam barge Addrese THOS. KEA- lowest rates of interest 1751-y. LAND. Hamilton. 1753-11 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMEWN N. OUSE, AND LOTS OS. 33 AND Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, kc.. 76, corner ot Victoria and Ham scrota, is Goderlch and Wingharn. M. C. (Inacron. Q. the town of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be C.; P. Holt. M. G. Oarneron. Ooderich. W. E. exchanged for farm property. For particedere Macara, Wingham 1751. apply to Jos. 8111AILL, Architect. office Cr:melee Block. or J. C. CITIMUIL auctioneer. miscellaneous Carbs. 'ARM FOR SALE. -WEST HALF A.Lot No. 25 eon. 4. Township of OoderichWould make a 240 lb weight kick the SO acres -38 clesred. 2 in bush ; new Frame TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. House and Barn, young Orcluard, a never -tall, J Office. Crablis Block, Kingston et.. Gode- ing spring at the door. Will be sold °stresses- Tao -MRETING. - -A tea -meeting will be rich. Plans and specifications drawn correct- able lerr .1. Apply to Mrs. Gummi, p„Arr, os ineeinered and vouni. ly. Carpenter's' piasterer's and mason's work the premises, Porter's Hill P. 0.. Goderic=.: A held in the M-. to 0 . Book E. Church on Tuesday -,-- - Mob 'Pews. 17i1.1m. i even. g. Addresses will be delivered by WEANING DONE NEAR THE OLD ' a number uf local clergymen, and music, Boron_ ilistok _KLagston Street, Godericb. THOR.OUGHBRED SHEEP AND Reference -MRS. MILLott, Mast-st. 1751. .0 for sale. The eabauriher offers for etc.. will fill up the programme, Ad- -Er R, WATSON ROUSE, s 1G N three sheers, purchased at Bow Perk. and • line 1..e Cotswold and two Leicester rano.' moo°, 25(1. E. and Ornamental Painter,.' Parlor decor- number of ram lambs bred from them- Alse• - fog the om and shattered stovepipe suing made a specialty. GRAINING, GILDING. large nnruber of vouna nv.. too., en. ea frorn Bow Park Berkshires. The paresis se From its corner in the shed: iii.nillee. Shop on North Street. opposite theLet the liniment be read_ y - these swine took lat prise at the W Registry Men Goderich. 1751 of Huron Fair, held Ilth Se robernrir. SEIXiMILLER. HuronPepe mom will Weak Ids beeri.-(Ex. Aad Ita will let the stove -pipe slip, And cover him with soot. AM be will call her ugly names. And she'll say he's tOrute. Coo-YALE:sow:T. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Registrar Dickson, who has been ailing for the pant three weeks, is now about again, although he looks as if he had experienced a hard siege. We Pi.a.sio as "Pair. 90 persons went off 411. 140 0. T. R. excursion on Tuesdoy, 40 plug to fluffido an,I the remainder to the 7111. RA41 DOT. Mr. Win. Kyle, of Port Perry, was in town last week visiting relatives in this section, Hs looked hale and hearty. Cmastia ov Dira. --Mr, tilielton's rue- tion'eale ad vertisefeent some of the hies ot take place un Tuesday, 25th Oct., should read Monday, 25th Oct. Reform ikssociation Rooms, North St., over THE SIGNAL office, this (FridarY Pomo A poem suckled " S" was sent evening, at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose us during the week. If the writer de- sires ti have it published in Tino SIGNAL we must have the name of the author. KILLED oN THR G. T. R. Early on Wednesday morning a yardman named Geo. Booth was killed at Fort Erie by being run over by the cars. His foot I slipped on a frozen tie. Ftoiti CROPN.- During the week the judges have been inspecting the varioua. fields entered for competition for the root crop prises A report of their work will appear next week. Goo flea Cearincore. -We are glad to learn that Miss Dickson, who is now teaching in Exeter, has secured a second elms oertificate as the result of an ap- peal from the decision of • the isearniners at the midsummer examination. Toaosron's Omv Sootorro• Ur.. Mc- . FALL Assims, Williams, of the low firm of Robinson S.: McWilliams, Toronto, has bem, appoint- The Oottit dosed on Sotto ad city aolicitor, at a salary of $3.000 per -tiny. annum. Mr. McWilliams is a brother oo„.eato aimimm sirsiwe ..., sais ammo ." of Mr. A. B. McWilliams, the genial i proprietor of the A I bion Hotel, ,,,, this I The. Roil. Ntr. J uaciee Cameron ProligAnsit• °WiI TKUSDAY, Oct. 7th. th/MAI' D AND BUTTRIS. A loner unnued I tion. Verdict for plff, $15. Mr. B. L. I Taylor vs. Leech -Action fur eedue Lawler entered the residence of Judge fl Doyle for plff. Mr. Idington for deft. Sinclair, Hamilton, hist week and Asked t Barkwell us. Holmes-- Action on wheat for somethiug to est. He was given account. Holmes was a storehouse own - *tome breed and butter, but he evidently er miner ; Lorelei A I ew iaendghboBarfilkowodil I 01lust that 71°, thought it too frugal fare, for he refused , place. The farii;e:. had been in the to take it , and became abusive. The ' habit of delivering wheat and receiving Judge had the rascal arrested, and he I tickets for mane. When a settlement was sentenced to six months in the Con- IwiIt . alltdebe there was a difference of tial Prison. It is quite Op& that his .' opinion thetriwbeahentathy "„rar;I:a7idtellirvvefreder- Honor must have beert"out of prime i and the amount of money received by R areas( Met:ONO. -- -The friends of s have satisfied the most 1 Holt 8c Cameron for pa Garrow 8 Huron butter, f t, on good bread, 'I Barkwill. Verdict for deft. Cameron, ; Sir Ri9hard Cartwright will meet at the would Proudfoot for deft, fastjiiiOils tramp. I Oct. 8t h. AUTUMN LRAVIM. --A stroll through Ca- Swinn t.s. Leech Action for seduc- nadian woods at this season is one of the Ition. This case was settled by the defO, of the public meeting on Monday even'g siorut imaginable, and the pressed leave% 1 j°4ePtsh, ttch, Inf litirtrv$30ie' lanYdlIcot dam - of making arrangementa for the holding most delightful and healthful of excur- in connection with the case. Cameron, next. All are invited. make very pretty ornaments during the I Holt & Cameron for pltf. ; Garrow & I Arraurrzia SUICIDE. - On Monday dreary winter tuontho---To preserve au- Proudfoot for deft. constable Paisely brought from Clinton tumn leaves, spread the fresh leaves and I McEwen vs McLeod. -Action for &im press them in a suitable dish with alter- I age for) nlin-ftilli eut tlAilim deffsf. t, Mot Appleby,- of that town, charged o contracti. Lei with attempting to commit suicide. The nate layers of fine wind which isthorough- il r3eritiye, 1 Verdict by consent for $500, appear before Judge Squier prisollor will ly dry and as hot. as the hand can bear. Isubject to award of Jaa Fuller, Stratford. on Mooday next for election. Mrs. Ap- - When the sand has cooled they may be I Garrow & Proudfoot for pia; Bloke Hoyd for deft, pleby is in a demented state and should removed, smoothed under a hot iron, I Kerr & be sent to a lunatic asylum. dippod for a moment in clear Fiench / spirit -varnish and allowed to dry in the .negibl..on 1.1$ Youug. -Oct. 9th. -Action on SaoLLS. -Last week the echo Jennie air. [Ex. promissory note and on account. The ies to this action reside in Wingham. Rumball, Capt. A. Bogie, arrived from- naerchant, and the Cove Island, about 120 miles 'distant, COURT OF RRYISION. -on Wednesday, mtplaintiff being a 6defendant a builder. ' Verdict for plE, th Oct., Hui Honcr Judge Squire held with six human skulls. Capt. Bogie in - the Court for the revision of the Voters $741.39. Cameron, Holt & Cameron formed us that they were discovered by for pit; J: T. Garrew and H. W. C. fishermen, and are supposed to be Lists for the Town of Goderich. 'The Meyer for deft. the remains of some luckless, crew who o name of Richard Fulford was changed to at one time were shipwrecked, and who found on the inhospitable island no sui- 1378 and 1379. and Thomas Sturdy as A tenance, and perished by starvation. Lo.bert Fulford in sub. 5, John Tacks - berry was added as owner of Lots 1377, THE WESTERN FAIR. Number dor Poise wiener. reeve 11514 (out, owner of 'lots 1220 and 1221. The SENTEncED. --The lad Pugh, formerly names of John and David Curry were Among those who were successful at a resident of Clinton, charged with steal- substitued for that of .William Snell as the Wearies Feta held in London last mg a valise in London East; was brought tenants of part of Lot 2$1. Wm. Con- week we notice the following names AA before Judge Squire on the 8th inst., nell was struck off as owner of lots 1220 residents of this County: - and remanded to the 13th. On Wednea- and 1221. John Wynn waa struck off Carriage horses -brood mare, 2nd L. day he was brought up again and senten- as:tenant of 311 and,added as tenant AA Hunter. Exeter; foal, .1st L Hunter. oed to two weeks in gaol. The lightness WO in the 6th sub -division. -General purpose--stalhon, lat J. Bell, "of the sentence was owing to the lad's Londesboro; Farm team matched, Let A Goo]; SToior.-Rey. J. Sieveright James White, Rodgervdle Heavy previous good character and the repreaen- tationi made by the magistrate4 the tells a good story of an impatient bride- draught •Two year old stallion, lat P. plam where the offence was committed. MOregor, Brucefield; yearling colt, 2nd groom who once mune to him for thec knot matrimonial, after having been de- H. Love, sr, Hill's Green; draught stallion, diploma, P. McGregor, foal,2nd Himont love STOCK ASSOCIATION Soto layed some time by the tamer of marri. H Love, sr, Hill's Green. -On Wednesday next the Huron Live age licenses. The irate groom was loud in A yrshiresbull calf under one year, Stock Association will hold its annual 3rd FL Love. sr, Hill's Green. his denunciation of die licenser's tar - Cotswolds, ram. 3rd J. Corning, sti!o This body has done a good deal to diness. and wrathfully exclaimed to'. he Tris Bic MILL -Messrs„ Ogilvie & Hutchison, shipped by the schr. Two ' Friends 570 tons of salt for Chicago on Saturday.. .Receipts of wheat for the week ending Oct. 9th, 9,180 bushels, j Farre TOE IRE OLD COUNTRY. -Mr. R. B. Scott, f Colborne, yesterday shipped some apples and grapes to England. The shipment of grapes is a bold venture, and we wish Mr, Scott the sucoess he deserves. Iti Towe. Mr. Woo Armstrong, of Brussels. a well known Huronite in the old stageos.actung days, was in town on Monday. He was looking hearty, and STRATFORD Thi. establishment I i deverlD IS tiofob ond library work, especially to. 1e15 is chiefly • tbeee unique tadmanotatool half calf and mor- 1.-- room styles. In all mass the Oset, of stock and workmanship. with 'trench ono Ukuty com- bined. Bindery over John Dutton's drug store. GEORGE CITONE. Loans an 3nsurance. 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES - W TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Godarich. 1751 Q 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Nif on good Farm or first-class Town Property at 8 per cent Apply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 7t PER CENT. -PRIVATE FUNDS jart? lend at the above rate on firet-claa seaR & MG raeriAch. 1751 ''X/rONET 1•0 LEND -P RIVATE LYE Puede en Real Totem. No delay mud # • reasonable charges. Interest from eight to ten _per cent.. according ie «veiny. J. T. Elle People's Column. i3ARROW. Barrister. ke. I751 VOR SALE OR RENT. -A RARE J. CHANCtl-Hotel mad good stable, see of innx111111r WOO feet, two-story dm of high. 2lot, pet. The hotel is In good order aad does a good bulginess. Will sell or resit as It Stands. I want to retire from bueinese on a0 - count of ill -health. This chance will be for a short time. Particulars may be had by letter -or in person -by addressing DK RYAN, de•leete. Marie. Mich. 1753-3t. VALIT ABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lot 6. Con. 8, Township of Colborne., Co. Huron, °entwining 98 acres 75 of which are cleared and in a good state 01 cultivation. There is • frame House lOxil with cellar ander the whole, kitchen 16x10, wood shed 161113. stable 18x5, for horses, also oow stable WEL There Isa well with a never tailing spring. and a good young orchard with about 10 trees,. *elected. Terms may. For particulars apply 10 THOMAS WATSON, proprietor. Carlow or 10 GARRoW k PltotrIllrOoT. Goderich, 1756. MONEY TO LOAN THE CANA ritEmoyEE wANT&D, Fo& & & so. DA Landed Credit Company. Toronto- -1 7, Township of Colborne. teethe year 18181. d/ORN L &My BLOOM, Sep.. Prewident. Money einale preferred. Apply personality to the gloat by tab Oempeny to Individuals upon or to the Seettitary. DA VI BARR- Went. I'', Circulars. HUGH HAMILTON. -ril'le e same sonata 58 to inuniclosoittAs. r P. a Goderich 1/51 ,....-_ rtse4t. noAR FOR SERVICE- A PEDI Q20,000 PRIVATE MEM TO LEND .1.3 (MEE Berkshire boar (trona Bow Parkl ele on Farm and Tows Property at lowest tn-aliewrigl sTijearkaRbe. ,uyPsid at "me 'If mosso Mortgoges charged Coe. 2!...reaeosable. M. B. -Borrowers oa• i •_y in ortettey 1XTOOD WANTED - A FEW t`ORDS Ai -ringlet --On Monday last Mr. Wm. I butt, of Brucefield ; McDonald, of Wing tf title te satisfactory. --DA • • a Split Weed, for priests. honor Apia, Oraham and Holmes, of Brussels. STON. Barrister& &o.. Ooderice. 17531 at once at tbis °Moe ins Watson met with s painful accident ,h4m1: 1 name OANTED. THE - while working on a vessel at the dock. D RADCLIFFE. FIRE. MARINE. rORDWOOD W - UN A o..., -Dam/0mm. o „rine pw.,4„...1 w Do The adze which he was me slipped, R. Life and Ambient Immranoe Agent Ftepreeteseng ere -class Companies. A leo agent I minion Salt Block, is sow prepared to buy an tngicons s deep gash on the shin The kinds of cordwood, for which mesh will be for the Curia. 4 LAVE 51Tor a jell •It•Nes e , o Money to lend on Mortgage. either In Town or roo Fia._ . _ " 9w week,. d hop. 4 , .._, W. ram, property. 15 501 way to snit the borrow- H., ri."`' • '''' td. Ferther particulta. apploeCbsii. A wound although painful a Dot riengerous. me an We pe to soon ea -,fV et fin, ele-entIrei Kars block nesieriek "'" hope to see him enjoying his usual vigor shortly. N sw Buszonsa. - We understand Meows. Chrystal d' Black have purchased the good will and plant of the boiler works of the old Goderich Manufactur- ing Co, and will carry on the business hereafter. They are thoroughly practical men, AA long experience. and we have no doubt will work up a profitahle trade in this section. COMPLIMENTARY We have received an invitation fmm the Chancellor of Queen's Collage and University to at- tend & converiazione tin Friday even- ing. given by him in connection with the .4petung 4 the new Unieersity build- ings We regret an inability to he pre- sent foster the raising of thoroughbred stock ministor: "You won't catch me goi in Huron, and we have no doubt that him for a license again. With a twin - the result of the sale on Wednesday will kle in his eye, and the future of the fair be satisfactory to all concerned. Some bride in view. Mr. Sieveright immured prime animals will be offered, and a bet- him that he hoped so. too. ter collection of short horns was never Foe ofjorteoee. Another party of booked for sale in this county before, emigrants under the surveillance of Kr. Mr. F. Graham, of this town, is the Greenway, who intend trying their for - auctioneer. To SPOIRTSNIRN. - It may be necessary to remind some sportsmen that changes tunes in the Great Lone Lind, left Cen- tralia last week. They were joined at London by the Patterson party from have been made in game laws. The Pant, Ont. The following are the killing time is now fixed:-- Deer, Oct. 1 names of those leaving this motion of to Dec. 15; partridge, Sept. 1 to Jan. 1 ; the country :-Mrs. Johnson and four quail and turkey, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1; wood- children, Varna; Geo. McLure and 1'. 000k, Aug. 1 to Jan. 1 : snipe. Aug. 15 Hay, Seaforth; Mrs. Mollison and Mies to Jan. 1: ducks and geese, Aug. 15 to Jory, Exeter; A. Naylor, wife and two May 1. Sportsmen throughout the children. Belgrave. T. Greenway wife W. N. Cresswell: pencil drawing, Int oountry are awakening to the truth that and five children, Centralia; Mn. Mc- W. N. tJresswell. Carving , there will he no game in the country un • Lean, Misses McLean and three children, In stonein relief, 2d W. D. Weeks'Exeter Crayon plain, let Mimi less prompt steips are taken to carry out Brucetield; Major Eirkley, wife and five A. M. fowls, fi..derich. the laws. children, Leadbury ; W. Gilley, florbet: " Mimic AI. ASSOCIATION. ThHuron Joseph Rollins, wife and child, fiends- Stanley OffluiaiL 'e Londesboro . Leicester', shearling ram, 3rd H. Snell & Sons, Clinton. Roan lamb, 2d E. Gaunt, St. Helens. Marble head stone, 1st W. D Weeks, Exeter Quilt, patchwork, wool, 3rd Mimi Sweffield, Goderich, also cloth mat highly commended. Wooden plow, 3rd W. H. Verity, Exeter. Gang plow, 2d R. M. Robinson Wingham. Pair iron harrows, 2nd Lewis Elliott, Goderich, 3rd R Thomson Ooderich. Set horse shoes. 1st T. Tip-- ling,Clinton. Bankets, all wool, 2nd Mrs, R. Bell, ‘% Hensel!. Painting- Any subject in nil, tat W. N. Cromwell, Seaforth; Landscape or Marine painting, 1st W. N. Cromwell. Water Colors Any subject, 1st W. N. Cromwell, animals from life, 1st W. N. Cresswell; landscape or marine view, 1st lia: Mrs. and Mimes 'Teskey. Seaforth : - --- County Medical Association met at the VARNA. Oct, 2nd, [880. John Parsons. Crediton; Mn. Collins, Oct. hotel, Clinton, Am Tuesday. Miss Collins, and one child Exeter: LO. • Pursutuat to adjournnient, the Council Oct. Mh. Present, the President, Dr. , Ande n, Va ; John Dew. T DnereeY i Octmin2nthr d!i,4.11HalithAre 811rnae meMl1m" Se rmptrestidurdail McLean 'd Godench, in the chair, Drs. 1 Taylor, • O 1 iodench . Stevan and H url -R 1 ; Minutes ot prenOUe aneetang read and . anti Oollins, Exeter . , adopted. The collector's bond was pre - SW. . Dented and considered satisfactory. Moved hy G Castle. seconded by J. Sloan . .1 Rlyth : Dunainore, Mitchell. Rai a . ,, i stay tore. loot vet Hee, Torrance, thet the Reeve jove order" to Campbell. .1 Seaforth • Willman. and 1er:0,h:re b.selddmhat Sschesp,,pardmiwtthot:.i.nr,dv-tlthe following persons for gravel account*: Worthingtoo. 4 Clinton The minutes I doneMDante! Brennerman, $37 Douglas kfcl'a viah, $7,0'2 Roland McGinnis. $9,78; al Mot meeting were read end approved Ilitaidit.801W3 allii.serat Beceili 82.18; Dr. Alow, showed a case tf enlargement. th,"4„1":"Iiii" Watson. reraloolboaernrin;:f ' maa.1 11 117b. f'D&I'l of the right side. which created °milder I preached in the Methodist church to he 1 A deputation •onstatuig -if Messrs t--6 i Eason, Stanbury and Thompeott. of Boy able interest Ors Stewart and Hurt l 10th 'nut ht Rev L 0 Roct. field, were present to *Avocet* thp Game Pipagral"r1R11 Ith h''''' .114 • ItLif I hurt exhibited a Cabe of Pott's curvature. go-aryou-plaise MOO will be held in the Drawls ..1 the Bayfield and South Himont lbw treated with the divided plsatet jacket • way lift., consaderahlt •fiscussion, Shona. Risk. new Wedneadat .vening, oonneeted by Wyeth's extension bars. to ' during which the advantsgea and third 1751 _ STORE TO LET ON VIC T 0 I • ey Onset, recently occeisied byKr. £e.. NOT I RA MD 1141110 The store commodious mid we with shelves 054 detwere. A very weelifikke dwelling is also overhead, sad a need ocreal soft "oder is In oonneetioe With Use The stand is • gond one. and le le ewes mea- n RITHIN A AO 00 t 1.05105.11. .1tIoubire tinny to the Show Grelled. Terme area.= reasonable, and voW be made knows en nation 10 1) STRACHAN. Einekentillt71*61 c'''HOENIX INA 001 it ',me. demetAed. Ristabliehee erge DISSOLUTION Olf PARTNERSHIP 14 i RTFORD INS. CO If jIti oresone •ont• - - Established 11210 The partnership heretofore eateneng leseween the unaenitnied, earit ea llemiadaessidd le lowest rates HORA '1'HORTON Risks taken m the abeve fine-eises (Mee* &t I emend peabo., et ow of Huron, under the wee sad firs drig, RXeisil Printing Couneaser.* we.this day die The andereigneo is ars, Apprasier tor the hv Moteal omiant. CANADA PRP TIAW 0.,r, 54 vT•405 "TY Dated at Ooderleh Otte Turtydind geg01 otmoirro A tenet A D IIMO r. 'ammo. Nene, co isso. ,s, rum -eine "ersinr. Tom Wittman LEX. Mole 1.44 a eye rant Charge, moderate rAirPto* A I up. rims witi1/240 I7501 HORArlt HORTON .innerieh Fevre Je ilM6 1711 I QUBSCRIBI AT ONCE roe THE - mrrenr, orromat. Only le roe% front sow #: TO $00 PZR RAI At BONK to Jan. hit. Speoimen esid owe ) so 13/451roPiell worts 116 fr • e Coesevnielente ennead te -very Te••,,,aedia *mites., d''w Portland Male, .he roue.. sew resuming hie labor. Mt Go- *tall ts to present sttending vantAdes of th* oold raj "I were '`I 14" I" "Mt "0 '0 Prt""' will 6" relieve the intervening disowned Asortion lieorgetowtt toademy He le oreptu-ing sportively brought forwent it tom roto sonwidgi sank* nechomos. and s keen corn- ,.,1 the spine from the superineumbent for the Methodist min ed by P Doug's.. seconded by J Mc pseitisa • expected. as • number • ldf nnr weight. thereby preventing the further AC Archie vloott tf tiru is. took Kinley that in aocordarioe watt the low -pow. bare been nosily engaged progress of the domes, and they alma. ex $32 in prises at Hamilton Caledonian geotition previouso presented o dye uncil. the Clerk o» and is hereby in foe mime tame oast 'fitting Ow the hibited 4 ease of aseopthahnie goitre games lest week tr. tr* a flet lime* avast structed ti. draft end publish e he Is which soul a well marked case Dr and 2 t•wnde granting the sum ,I *7,500 t.. rod it .10. (Ow Wm. The quoit match Campbell gave • brief omit euecinet out The fall comaniction •7 -he HayfiAti aim 40.11 shoe held here Lao ettes was iddish wee to have been played at Muth 'a 0O41111 4 the meeting 4 the (-3‘lutdit I *visit gres' 'wen, ii (Intl"' 4P1'11114.. ' 44144.1'3P.000 of Huron Railway sate hy-law t. ho pre sin on Monday next. between Colborne Medusa/ Association, held at Ottawa •an I the society Are sncouraged ,.. , "SIr') ' i "TINOTtadernbet't l'atispitt .'i.eCZnilssf .' 11"' 1 6gb sad Graderieh Township has hest post the 1st and ?rid of Moot last and nth, hig push for next year (leo Ittotarnell's bet, 4 IT. has Wel • •448 posted min! weariness:lay 21. Oat •in Ovited , ouie .1 neatest' CO Oraharn 1%. rniNebiso. ,..• vra, .Id stallion till the next meeting satorem. o do Richert:1 Oartarright's the notes of , . 4 Uhichwr s• • ..wn.h bY Mr P Acott .ut 4 'Clear Moved by 0 Castle ~Ander, by i , Orit tiied on claturriay from an Oa Torrenoe that this Council ti- Mos ea moseting Ili 1 endwise+ m thr New named dies... or loisomotor etas) k too solutm structoon of the bowels He was toe of journ to meet m the 80' ,f 41')Wwwbso' AMP rhe Pie .1) hew* as th• .1•11k1 erne Pild"li aPProolodl 'Pc Imottatt.° 4 • I the prettiest homes in the 0oun1o antl next st dpi. 'clock i• tr. Ourvad h^r1, Prooincial 41110,elatirw• $201) los.1 Neve -*hied for Pond 0*. %row . IA filer\