HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-08, Page 191112i wr'Vlei / i ter: t Osntistrg. VOTEfr r0LINTY -.,rWC • d71.4.1•44' _ ____ P ' 1 _.:.r . NICHOLSON, ,l['ROEON DIN- . TIBT. ogle and resldsax. Westfks ast, nsMoat :eel below Bank of Moaeel, [sods 17/5 .Auctioneering. J . t . UV&BIE. TIM PZOPLf$ AOC- TIONZElt, oderlob, Ont. 1751. 1 RANCIS GRAHAM, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Term. reaaoaable. . °Mee -Hamilton Street, Goderiell, upperlte Colborne Hotel. (rulers lett at Stumm. ogles will be atteaded to. 1761 3flebical: • DR McLE4N, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner, &c. Office and residence un Bruce Street: Wound door west of Victoria Street. 1751. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Physician, Surgeons, Acuouchers. tc. Office at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the Jail. Goderich. O. t'. SHAN!ror, J. C. HAMIL- TON. 1751. B. LUNDY, M. D., PHYSICIAN, Surgeon end Acooucher, graduate of To- ronto and Trinity Universities. ORlce at Mar- oons Hotel, Dungannon. 1751. • AIKENHEAD V.S., (SuccESSOR to Dr. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. Ofllce, stablesand reeideaoe. 8t. Andrews Street, back of D. Ferguson's store; formerly steepled by Dr. Duocan. N. B. -Horses examined as to soundness. 1751 Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT; BAR- RISTERS, Attorneys. Solicitors, etc.. Dederick J. T. (Jarrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751. B. L. DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D Attorney. Solicitor in t'hencery, tc.. Oederioh, Ont. 1751. SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I 8- TERB. tc.. era, Goderich and Wiogham. C. Seager. Jr:. Goderleh. J. A. Morton, Wing - h am. 1751. • MALOOMSON, BARRISTER AND 8olldter. Owes --Corner of West Street and Marbet Square, aver Goderbh. Gnome Acheson'. _ 1151. EAMPION, ATTORNE1=AT- C . LAW. Solicitor in Cha Convey- aneer Mc. Osoe over Deibr Gode- rich. bat. Any amount Of money to loan et lowest rates of interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Solicitors in Chancery, &c.. Ooderleh and (rm. M. C. Cameron. Q: C.: P. Holt. M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W. EE 141/ Macara. mV ingbam. 1751. Y i Miscellaneous tartar. J AMSS 8MAILL, .ARCHITZCT, &c. -etadh :.kbGrp..tera.strnag:ol .eaea work s Bieck. , Cede- . Ie.sared .ad va ued. WEAVING DONE NEAR THE OLD SneersMILLER, sOo> b1 h. --8. Retsreaoe E• R. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor decor - sting made a specialty. GRAINING. GILDING. Girona. Shop on North Street. oppose the Registry ORtoe. Goderich. 1751 `'f TRATF9RD BINDERY--ESTAB- 1J LISHED ISM. Thlaestablishment ischiefly devoted to job aad library wont. estally to Osage unique and economical half ,xlf and mor - r0000 styles. in all cases the best of stock and workmanship with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery over John Dutton's drug store. GEORGE STONE. Loans anb insurance.' t Q75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- • TATE. S- TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L: DOYLE. Goderloh. 1761 f1k10,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND /Ww on good Farm or first-class Town Proper at 8 per cent. Apply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1788 7 } PER CTNT. -PRIVATE FUNDS tolend &at the 'has r f r salsa se- ptr at MOO a MORTOSltostaAA1761R . MONEY TO LEND. -P R I V j TI Fends on Real Estate. Ile sae reasonable Charge. Interest Thee eight to tea _per Dant.. a wordy to seestity. J. T. GARROW. Barrister. err. 17jt MONEY TV LOAN THE CANA- DA Landed Credit company. Toronto-- JoRw LAING BLAME, E'0.. President Money Is lent by this Company to Individuals upon the same system as to municipalities. -Seed for Circulars. HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. Agent. Goderlcb. 1711 Q20,000 PRTVATZ 17PND8 TO LEND vitY on Farm sed Town Property at lowest in- terest Mortgages purchased, no Commission ,barged,Conveyancing Fees re.sonable. • B.-orrowers can obtain money in oneddelt,yy if title Is etistanor7.-DAVISO". a JOHIr- 'ITON. Barrieters. ac.. Gadsr*eb 1761 IL.RADCLiFFE. FIRE MARINE, I.Ite and Accident Inauranoe Asset ReprsenUng arst lass companies. Alsa.gent for the CANADA LITE STOCK INSURANCE" Co stoney to lend on Mortgage. either 1a Town es rain Property In ant way to suit the= er Office 'no -este. was'• %tort (3adwl06 Gat MI fNaURANell CARD wk1TIBB ' w .C(T% TowiNT.. see 88.h.d 1670 1'N(tNIX lasyV 1 r lfnwl.o\ .tiardstr I' MetabllshseyIWO N 4 RTFORD TNS. tX) , Int btrhee tae Meta taken in the above drwt-0eaes Olins. .0 •detest eau+ M HORACE HORTON H • wr r 'OW .awns !tie ode I is use ro - ae Apptow the ANADA PREP r,0Ar •sAmesaoa(tr renown Mewl to Lae. or sr.. Mar .,. ,.r•.' 'e SOW (..u1 f larges nsodewsb RORACR HORTOt ,.oeersek, leapt M I115. 1711 I R Eonsorial. fO1ERIt'H. ONT.. FRIDAY, O( ?OBER , i$MH. ' KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- • BER ud•Halydr•sser to return AR- IA/mks to the Labile *ore saki SQilai4 tln of tom. Ywys a t aad at Sharing Parlor, uci ate Post oe. Oodertch. 1761 Lost or Tounb. • LOST -A PARASOL, AT TSE FALL Brow. of/rehe . finder will plea lesles"er Tu. Seew*L L(38T--ON SATURDAY, NIGHT, between Gust.. and °fateW, a wall Leen bo: with 1poea a, sad flowers eloesd- Aaiioae res the above to W. R. ROE EAT will be rewarded. "POUND ---A BUNCH OF KEYS. The owner out have thew by epplylag et THE BION A L ottice. LOGS FOUND. -ON THE M5TH OF May last. between lot Irl and lot 28. Gods - rich Township, un the shore of Lake Huron. a pine lope front it tole feet lung. The owner requested quested to prove property and pa e by the 15th of October, or the los will be sold dd to pay expenses. They are at present u pra. ate lot I6.-SsxucL BLAIR. Trustee. I7'J.tlm (-SAME ESTRAY -ON THE 12TH OF IIJJ August, 1880. an aged Moire Colored Horse, with a white strip on face and one white toot. RICHARD A. SPRUNG, lot t1, Base Line. Hallett, one and one -ball miles trom Manchester. (t LOST VR FOUND --ADVERTISE- MENTS under this bead will he inserted once for 25e, or three times for 50c. She People's Column. • EACHER WANTED, FOR S. S. NO. 7.1 Tonship of Colborne, for the year 1881. Female preferred. Apply personal! to the Trustees or to the Secretary, DAVID BAEit. Benmiller P. 0. 1756.4*. BOAR FOR SERVICE -A PEDI- GREE Berkshire boar Itrom Bow Park) *service. Terms it to be paid at time of service. F. SEE(iMILLER, nuron Road. WOOD WANTED. -A FEW CORDS of Split Wood for private hoes-. Apply at once at this Ofnce, 1735 LAKE BARGE " FORTUNE " FOR Sale-of/bre ddamee d,,, Would a kka tin ex- cellent Mast's barge. TEIOB. ZEA- LAND. Na+wiltoe. 1753 -it (`IORDWOOD WANTED. -THE UN- DERSIGNED, having purchased the Do- minion Salt Block. is now prepared to buy all kinds of cordwood, for which cash will be paid. For further particularQ, apply to Chas. A. Nairn the Square ; or at the Star Salt Works. JOHN 800B1E. 1763 THOROUGHBRED SHEEP AND pigs for sale. The subscriber offers for sale three Cotswold and two Leicester rams, three shears, purchased at Bow Park, and a number of ram lambs bred from them. Also a large nnmber of young pigs. boars and sows. from Bow Park Berkshires. The parents of these swine took Int prize at the West Riding oe Huron Fair, held 2,11th Se ber. 1888. F. SEEOMiLLER, Huron Rased. FOR SALE OR RENT. -A RARE CHANCE! -Hotel and good stable, sive of Lidding MAO feet, two-story high • size of 1ot feet. The hotel is in order aad dos a good business. Will sell or rent as It stands. I want to retire from business on ac- count of W -health. This chance will be only for a short time. Particulars may be had b letter -or 1n person -by addressing DENNIS RYAN. Sault Ste. Merle, Mich. 1751.31. STORE TO LET, ON VICTORIA Street. recently occupied by Mrs. Adam. The store is commodious and well furnished with shelves and drawers. A very complete dwelling is also overhead, and a good cellar and soft water is in connection with the building. The stand is a one. and is in close prox- imity to the w Ground. Terms aro very reasonable, and will be mule known on apt - D ation to D. K. STRACHAN, Blacksmith. 1751 IHEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF • Candidate for the position of High Con- stable. vacant by the death of the late Mr. B. Trainor. and. reispeothiUy solicit the influence and support of mfriends ends throughout the County. J. C'. C JRRIE. Goderich, 10th Sept., 1630. 1753. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. K !All parties indebted to thy,etat,• ut the late ROBERT Youwo. Jr.. a Manchester. in the County of Huron are hereby required to pay up forthwith se the risk of claims being placed in suit ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, ANDREW Y OUNO t Carlow P. 0. itabcutors. ALEX. KIRK PATRICH, Auburn P. 0 1751.41 U 188OLUTION 07 PARTNERSHIP The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned.undersigned.d Oa baness ss print- ersand publisher,' at Goderich. in the Co ty of Huron. under the name sad arm of •Theb Signal Printing Company.' war thl. day d solived by Mutual Consent Dated at (Ioderleh. thl. Thirty ere 4ay of August, A. i) 1181 DAY AT ROM1. 17113 Witness. 1' J1. GASSING. A, E. Carryon. 1 fMp1 W A1tHtobT. V*X1/CTITOR8 NOTiOE learAtfa or ROBERT YOUNG. Jo.. tars or suiniamwssa. tN 1.11160011111,7 raw mown. rawer casts w • Noyes is he given pursuant to the R need Vinton,'Vinton,'0[ One Curio, chapter 107, section 51. that the creditors of the late Robert Young the younger, late, of the village et Manchester, IAsburw 1' 0 t In Gu, County se Huron, who died on or about the nth (1A da) of August A D. 18110, are on or baton the 1st DAY (77 NO YEE HER A D MO to sand by pest prepaid, to AI.oi*Nona ROINENTSow or ANDaaw Yotrim. Carlow L O, or ALEXANDER* Etax ranters. A utetrn P. A. the inesntet a of the last will of taw said lab Robert Young. their Cbrlstlan aunt Pnrnamee. Add and de- eertptiosa, the full penholders of r calms e0ateeeats ofnoir amounts. and the eaten of tb-sscsrltyas bald by them. And that ea sad atter the 1st day of November. the. *MOB of the deceased w81 be distributed 0 e pt the parties muted i avfwg lts srd duly to the natant of wfkth eW hive be sTed. set the said Eza.atees wtL ser es 1 e Ibr the erste se itheriblentteda enesee weans aye an • sot nave brewed received by the e.id 1.- smears et the use et the dlsesihatian of the sate same se min tasted se the saes may be •IAR>ROW t PROU Gales crustae far tassrw. SITIN10 1311 AT .ires►0117 FOfTtesH O aa, Ma. th /o • la NEWS AHO['T HOME. "A shpt'■ &mom f ye. tattle' Meer. An' faith he'll prop it.' TOWN TOMOS. Hail fell .m Wednesday. Mr. Harry Armstrong returned last week from his trip to the States. Ammeter. -A lad named Win. Loutit broke his arm the other day by falling front a waggwi. IN A New DRESS.-TheLondon Free Press appears in a new dress, and its newsy columna are now inure attractive than ever. Blau. Socorro Merruw.-The annu- al meeting of the Goderich Branch of the Bible Society will be held on Friday, Oct 22nd. THE PULPIT. -Ray. J. Sieveright will preach in the M. E. Church next Sunday evening, as the pastor, Rev. G. A. Fran- cis, will be attending missionary meet- ings. THE SToar,-Che • Tuesday and Wed- nesday, several vessel wdre in port, storm bound. The wind was very high, and the Ontario had a rough time in making port here. PERSONAL -Mr. R. Harley, Jr. who was at one time engaged in the salt busi- ness in Goderich, has been visiting old scenes in this neighbourhood duriug the past fortnight, and loft on Tuesday for his home in New York. Fevre. -Mr. John Fox,. of Clinton, has Our thanks for a box of pearhs and grapes, sent us on Monday. Onr palate was also tickled by some fine Delawares, from the garden of Mr. Edward Hopper, Widder street. Nonce--Afterthe 15th inat.,all back subscriptions to THE HURON SlaiaAL will be charged at the rate of $1.50 a year. If paid before that date but 81 a year will be charged. This is positively the last call. IN DEMAND. -We are pleased to learn that our townsman, Mr. F. Graham has been engaged by Jas. T. Smith, Esq., to wield the hammer at his sale of thorough- bred stock, at Maple Lodge, County of Middlesex, on the 19th inst. Mr. Gra- ham is making a reputation as efirstclaas auctioneer of first-class stock. - Tao SUNK. -On Monday marring the tug Minnie Walker, owned by Mr. Jas. Clarke, was discovered sunk in about 11 feet of water at the dock. The fireman was aboard of her on Sunday evening, and when he left she appeared to be all right, but the swell in the harbour kept knocking her against a spike• is the pier, until a hole was worn in her side, and the water ruching in sank her. ()n Tues- day evening she was raised after much labor, and the fire engine pumped her out. She will immidistely re -fitted. CR.AIININO IN PUBLIC 8e`eoo .K -At the recent meeting of the Canada Medi- cal Association, a length/ discussion took place on the question of cramming as practiced in public schools, being brought on by a paper on the subject read by Dr. Grant. All agreed that the minds of the children were "vertexed, and that there were too maty studies. It was also urged that more attention should he paid to ventilation. A committee was appointed to report on the subject, and a resolution passed calling the attention of educational authorttis te. the matter. A resolution was also passed urging upon the Dominion and Provincial Govern- ment& the importance of sanitary legisla *11.13 A Ciivea Hraiuerrr. At the Dentin insatkibition of 1879, held at 1 Matra. Hon. J 11 Pope. Minister ..f Agricul- ture. offered a price for the hest essay on pleuro -pneumonia and the nrontagious diseasee of cattle The subject being of great importance fmm an agricultural and commercial point of view. the six essays were submitted to the judgment of Professor Williams, of Edinburgh $oot1nd nth., repotted that the tone should he awarded u, the ..ms+ signed Vow• •( /barand witch •ebsegnently was found u. have been rotten h, Mr J T Duncan veterinar. summer and demonstrator of anatomy R.. r )nflaein VOterinary College Toronto. The • say has been printed m pamphlet form. and is being extensively maculate,/ by the Department of Agriculture ilt Dtnes.n was a practitioner .n fiodeneh for several years. and a s native of the the township 4 Atanley His wry *sands in this onunty will Ken with s 11 heartily congratulating him w lila highly .weeditahle IMMO= as an meayrt, and in wishing him erett,ntted rn.w and [usefulness in his Processor ltwro SIKH. RAW ti. A. -imus.. t, turners nn WAurday float M..uth.,Id. near St. Thoma., whose he ha. been taking part in a Calup. u..sstwag. rive or six woe rlunday., such as we have lately experienced, are enough to try the tamper of any woman who has a duck of a new fall boaaet. A Goole Fioe,te. - We understand that Mr. Wu,. McLean, drover, of Goderich, has recently sold a driving horse for the handsome sunt of $300. 'Hill" general- ly makes a good bargain --{New Era. Mr. C. C. Crabb son of Mr. Christo- pher (kabb, has been stopping in his old home daring the past few weeks. He is now with Field, Lieter & Co. , of Chicago, and likes his home in the West:. Peesarsuxratt.-Prepsrstiows are be- ing made for a " go -as -you please" walk- ing match of one hour and -s -half, to be hold in the skating, rink about the lat- ter part of October. Mr. W. J. White, of the Exeter Re- flector was in town on Tuesday, enduring all the uncertainties of an assize court witness. His bright face lit urr our sanctum for a ittle while during the afternoon. PRIZE Winner . -Among the success- ful exhibitors at the Southern Counties Show, held at St, Thomas last week, was Mrs. R. B. Smith, of Goderich, who won several first prizes, aad one special prise, for fancy work. The Winnipeg Free Press says: -We notice that Mr. E. D. Carey, barrister - at -law, studying in the -office of Messrs. Bain, Blanchard & McColl, has been ap- pointed a commissioner for taking aft= davits for use in the province." PERSONAL -W. P. Anderson, General Supt. of Lights arrived here on a tour of inspection on Wednesday morning. After having inspected the light houses, he proceeded yesterday morning to Kincardine, on the Ontario. GRAND ExavasIox.-The great ex- cursion of the season runs to Buffalo d - Niagara Falls, Tuesday, Oct 12th. Great Electric Light illuminates at night Cheap rates to all points. Tickots good for ten days. Train leaves Goderich at 5.30 a. in. Fare only $2.00. A Tuatrrs.-Rev. Dr. Ure, on Sun- day oladay morning, paid a tribute to the mem- ory of the late John Mitchell. The Rev. gentleman, after stating that he had known the deceased from his earliest connection with the congregation, said: "By his death we miss one who was firmly and consistently attached W. the church of his choice, and one whom. we all esteemed and respected. TIMELY TALK. --Township Clerks. are aaking for an increaae of salary, and we don't suppose there are many people liv- ing in this enlightened country who. will dispute their right to what they ask for. Without doubt they have the least re- muneration and most laborious office in &inflection with our municipal system. They usually get a salary ranging from $30 t' $$1) a year, and for this tlfe. are expected to do a11, or nearly all, the work of the municipality. It is nut an unusual case when the Township Clerk furnishes all the brains for the (4.uncil. He roust be well posted in municipal law, he is expected to give opinions which in towns and cities are procured from lawyers. and for which heavy fees are paid; and he has kr frame ali the hy- laws, and perform the digniaed "floe o1 bill -poster to the municipality. These ' are hut a few of his dune/Pint which he is paid as above. {E1. GaoI Statistics. Through the cour- tesy .of Gaoler Dickson we lay before our readers the following interesting statisti- cal report of the County Gaol for the year ending 30th Sept 1880 Confined in jail during the year 169, 9 of these were in jail on the 1st tict 18714 If10 were committed in the jail during the year, being :L15 more than for the pre.. o o00 Saar Of the lffii ormmitted 31 were semmttterl for vagrancy. 25 for larceny. 911,drnnk 2 di&oderly. 19 Inc e.enlempt orf (:hurt 14 one.M. 701 th..lore I Mason, iffenoes there were for forgery 1..hooting with intent 1 eapr 1 Inc I emelt, t. • animals 2 The lemma ten lanes in sail was 4t months the shortest .one .ray The longest "Mt pHs n. AS Suit i r'urwt.e• AMP tS -smiths .owl 1n -says the waste numbs/ .4 Oats. rot 00011 prisoner was nearly 26 Th, laity average K prisoners was 11 f Thr .•• e lower avenge than Iasi (has e.nr .e .5 seenunteul int he the shnrtner .t the .enteisew rho number 4 ()rareiwrs seosrTIOA KY tnm&rnetl Ok This t nnk0 hart 14 GENERA lo r INTrLLiG( .t-_ lienerier. His L..rtiau1, .l oaths - Canter uir entertained the aseuo.eru .t tlw td (.Ourt other's to a .fituler at the Bniiah Exchange ou Tuesday evening. i Messrs . W. Thainf>•ou, sr. and J r. , N w ni es be Ile 7la a sAea a watt. ue.n the rot -as►d son respective* of ,our Town Clerk', left for Dakota on Thursday morning by steamer Ontario They were accompanied by Mr. John (talus, of Goderich Township. Qum' WORK -Mr. A. M. Polley-, re- turned from Saginaw on Saturday Peen, 26th Sept., and bought and skipped 16 horses, by Wednesday, 28th Sept., ibfe- sides purchasing sir` more Inc another shipment yesterday. 11,. Polley has a county reputation as shores buyer. TAKEN A SCHOLARSHIP. -- We are pleased to learn that Mr. C. A. Crass - welter, a former pupil of the Goderich High Scheel, has takes. a general pro- ficiency scholarship at the senior 'ma- triculation examination is Arts, at Toronto University. 51AliThrliarallw Vli •IrHI' TOWN CLOCK. ' It Had Not " Sk11lpad Short ! WEST HURON Trace*R•' ASSOCIATION. This body will meet in the high School to -day and to -morrow. .ern excellent prograsinte has been prepared, and G. W. Ross, M. P., will take part in the proceedings. This evening a public meeting will be held in the Temperance Hall, when speeches, reading* music, etc.., will be indulged in. " 3iS000tneld " at Detrol.'. It always gives us pleasure t.. hear of the success, at home or abroad, cf any of our residents. Mr. Richard Hawley, (who, as well as being a prominerd figure in political and commercial circles in Detroit, is also "a .'oderich matt," and is staking a tame for himself amongst Canadian breeders of .short -horn stock), had the pluck to take his now famous bull " Beaconsfield" to the Michigan State Fair, held at Detroit last month, and comes off with flying colors. taking first prize in this class. The Michigan papers are loud in . their praises of the white monster, and we' make a few ex- tracts from their columns on the subject. The Columbus News says: -On Wed- nesday morning at the fair grounder Mr. Hawley's short horn bull. Beaconsfield, was removed from his stall to a grassy knoll for inspection by Secretary Sher- idan and party. The Secretary said "He is as good an ever I have seen," thus evincing his practical sagacity. for the animal is truly a marvel of symmetry, fine points and early development. The Times, of the same city, remarks: ' This morning we received a spacial invi- tation from Hon. Richard Hawley, of Detroit, Michigan, when on the ground to call and examine his white short -horn bull "Beaconsfield.- We did so, and to say that a finer animal, in every re- spect, we have never laid eyes on, is .but ' drawing it mild. The bull is now three years and four nwnths old, pure white or cream colored, symmetrical in propor- tion, and developed to an astonishing degree. Our breeders and all others - interested in fine blooded stock, now while they have the time should nbt fail 1 , call and see this mammoth specimen of the bovine. He is a pure " Bates," with three top Booth Crosses. Ria sire was 3rd Earl of Goodness, out of the important British Baron. The Detroit Past and Tribune says. of him : -Richard Hawley'. "Beaconsfield" of Grderich, 1 Int.. is the ne plus +dere ea far as forst and style are concerned. The color is pure white. He weighs 2,350 pounds. Beaconsfield received the first prize w his class and elicited universal admiration front the numerous callers at his stall, 265, south end of the fair ground. Yesterday afternoon the Hon. David Christie, the president of the American short -horn mss ociation, looked him over in company with the Hon. Charles T. Gorham and. the general superintendent of.the fair. Mr. Chris- tie greatly admired the bull, commented 'nn his tine points, pronouncing him ele- gant. and concluded by expressing the wish that he might be at the provincial fair which hegitu at Iivamilton next week bit. trhani pointed out his wonderful display of milk points accord ing to the escutcheon theory Taking the animal all in all, Mr. Hawley has retain for his cherished «eviction that his supennr is among the developments of tet "zn,wi 6101e crowing. Meohait*' Ingtitata. File regular meeang of the Dant of Mechanic. Institute rat", Teesday evening In the sneenue .+ the President Mr Mortem. V+ens President •oeupied the rah it lift N 8. Miller toot his seat at the Need h.eene been olet.•ted t. fill 'iM rummy nansed h) bit R '1 Willuttr heing appointed Tr'e.euret rrolntinr, was .saris,[ •xtrendirtil the lease d the reading rooms which has lust ex pseed till the le if Jan next The Reevstary was rel as requested a, write 1h May 1nepetti.r d Me•clwues (nett tuts. with regard t' the (ioverwerant grant, nn. • vnaidetable l.ngth of time eve.Edue Meeting then .edlnuenea 's,. ter bees era• u. save by she eMYs-ef liaarss.er. The Town Cloak is likely too become• an accomplished fact at last. tin Wed- nesday bio. esarson, the; New York representative of the Howard Clock Cu., was in town and had an in6Jniew with the Clock Committee. it &Mears that - Mr. Shaw, the Canadian agent a. the Erni, who contracted to put in the clock at Goxdericrh, died some two moviths ago, and neither the Company nor the Com- mittee knew anything of his demise un- til a short time ,ince. In alditfon Gr the difficulty uccsai.uned by the death of Mr. Shaw, Mr. Prescott, who tome months ago .manned the tower of the Court House, reported unfavorably[ and the Howard Co. deemed the fulfilment of the contract impracticable in cowse- quenee of that gentleman's rep:ott. However, the matter is now in a fair way of being anti,betorily concluded. Mr. Pearson, sitar due examination of the tower. eleatistied that the clock can be placed to position within the next six weeks. Tlieedials will be fi} feet in dia- meter instead of 8 feet as formerly proposed; theism will be a black sanded ground with -gilt figures; the Committee will apply to toe Warden'. Committee to have a box runthrough the court room, and to,the ceila.l, so as to 'lord a drop for the sink. weight; and the Com- pany have agreed to put in the hie, and paint and grain it so as bot to mar the appearance of the court room. If this arrangement is faithfully tarried out few residents of Gooss.dch will empress dis- satisfaction at the result_ SCHOOL BOARD. A eery owlet Meeearig and ase Little Sal - awe oa... The Board of School Trustees • met in the Board room cit Monday, Oct. 4th. Present --Messrs. Ptsatuore, Buchanan, Swanson, Nicholson, Ferguson and McGaw. In the absenos of the chair- man, Mr. Ferguson took the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Principal was receiv- ed and fyl >de d. The following aotctnmte were read and referred to Finance- Committee: -S. 8 Macdougall, $10.32; W, Mitchell, $4.90;SION AL Printing Co. „ $. 75. The Finance Committee immediately reported on the above, suggesting that the last two accounts be paid in full, but that the account of 8. R. Macdou- gall be paid, les► $Q, for sprradtnit gravel, which item wee to be conside by Mr. Cooke. It was moved and se- conded, that the report of the commit- tee be adopted. Permission was granted the teachers in town to attend' the sessions of the West Huron Teachers' Association on Friday. The Board then adjourned to meet at . the call of the chairman. Earl= biotin. Oct. 1. --Arrival♦ -Str Manitoba from Duluth, peasengers and freight.; schr Ad- miral from Sarnia, light Dleparture♦- Str Manitoba for Sarnia, passengers and freight; schr J G Kolfag for Melden,plt. Oct. 2. -Arrivals - Prop' f )n ario, Duluth,•passengersand freight. Depart- ures - eparturs- - Prop Ontario For Sarnia,: penmen - germ and freighe Sehr Nemesia, for Fishing Islands. light. Str Manitoba for Duluth, passengers • and freight. Oct. 4. Arrivals -Sohn Jennyt - Ram - ball from Michael's • Bay with i9alber: Amsden, from Parry Sound witl•.dumber. Departures--Schr Admiral for Windsor with salt • Barge Hale for Chicago, light Oct. 5. --Arrivals- -Sohn daledoni., Regina and .1 Stevenson,all in lay shelter. 8Rtat Ittlmak. YTIL• ritzy COVE. Molts nen goods opened •.ut this week at 1 . B. Smith's A grand assortment of ladle jackets. cloaking, and tend w...j'..ds mow to stock kla., a hesuhf i1 range of .dress goods Will Areat . anety of trimming, to match 4 large assortment -.f gn.oe -le• r,. arrive r,. newels. we' never., eases er hoot, and elms expected n. fileadar All +rill M. 414,4 .'h..yf. v R B. Anditha 3alboraa Phe u..er- S tn, tight rlbet.N••e the number of 68, assembled m th.- Hein miller public hall roon u., the night ,0 the 1st slat u while algpy a few helve a the. mazy dance When the muse tell. !the acoompli.heo-osluest Ye (Maras of Dungannon struck the first ice. .eta there were 64 gentleman ready nate their obeisance+ 5 t ladies eh !e mir . to be complimented foo •.h. otumis. ,t gal1anta whom they hail 4e then It.patat for each dance The green 'rtin..rity .t the fair sax did net dishearten the gallants in attendano., and the M wain m• was carried nut os croon! c reumsrare, id d thedance rowell` won pe+ m t. Y1 devote •bra ' +ee oma 11e•11.4 ( • 1. 7