HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-01, Page 31
. • .
• • sere. ••••:, ups..
...D••••••••••. -.'•••••••••••
OCIIIIITILLTINIOCENT hulgam-gth•cr°114. ""ihri441
U IC _ r_r1111 Whatnot:Wand h.errouil'a ..*
N. tawyei tikes & p, „enc. with (11461
Ton.ea Site• v..ut Moe 1 otuspereil
• tilS011enigh.ly tart -made Ifni 40.4 4/131. ha,
t1116C11 &lad the ,114, fro the prosocieri...
help .. mnnettinue
hauls ;J..�&1 [b. ostillant wet Otrutel
I alfould twat, more patience with the
.4alinStalAJD ‘1). you over think right Li.
defend mat, wham. you beliete t. rad
guilty .nr4• Lem trequently out ny
people who spend ate days o. the *ter
*seeing to get the ocean lurid at Thule
aelgIbMins Mad Orle asesql11611 GlyUlea ..la
muse ye tin that Mrkei T. the nougat
I .••11111101111 the millaaresi 1»
'I hese
...freer .11 11.4 th& 114111.
1. 11 u,.1Vbia)le written 1114..1 4.• 1411VD•rt s ii
'Yell, sir
tate- arty VI twit wife 41M1 t mare
glisteinutt 'whet eyes, ie. bearech t, "tbr Priw."'" ww" ""0"Ywd by /"421.
Ra.• v.... an, IN 011.4. • 1 rah
I will ...ail
/'U4 1 .141prtli2 J•.
•1111. 111110111, th• midst t hot
Mr11111. mapped' t..rwar.i mei woo
1 ... Wave hoof, absent 1. . i.bit p..$
H.us.,11 tut Muni/ie.
011110011 • 41111.4e Viet ta • He OW ell the, i yew, Mt hilaitute I leaser
Oat a.
d. whs.
1 oeuld fer hest toupee...tied hue P4rtn'' 111 your 16h.elicv• 4n41 Iv" itr"st-
nstitt yictuttay t., wy hook a abd .sit &trit the twit. .4 your return.'"
aave her tired troubled heart to break
.• not eet it might1 1 wile neither a
priest 1,3 a Levant to find a ready victim:1
fol paasuig by on the other side. Yet
white could I do George Gilbert had
been sent on a oollectuig tour and had
gambled away money received for his
employers. It was a plain case .4 em-
bezzlement, and the penalty was a terns
of years in the State prison.
"I am sure he never meant to be dis-
honest," pleaded the loyal little woman;
"he was tempted by a crafty and design-
ing man, but instead of running away,
he (tante back and confessed his fault,
offering to let his whole salary go toward
making up the lost money till every cent
was paid. Mr. Meek, the junior partner
was willing to be merciful, but Mr. Man-
gle, the head of the house, who had just
returned then after a year's absence, in-
sisted that the law should take ita
I gave her what consolation I could,
for lawyers like doctors must keep their
patientscourage up at times.
"In the first place I'll ‘ete Mesars.
Mangle & Meek," I said. "Mr. Mangle
may be brought to hear reason after all -
if he can only be made to see his interest
in it."
The pale despondent face cheered up
a little. My words seemed to have in-
spired ft sort of undefined hope that I
was far from feeling myself.
Mr. Mangle received me with stony
'Y,,ung man,'' his manner said,
"don't waste time in appeals to senti-
ment; you won't if you'll only look at
I took the hint and came at once to
business, repeated Gilbert's offer and put
it as strongly as possible that more was
to be gained by leniency than harsh-
ness -all of which Mr. Mangle listened
to with a conscientious scowl.
"I cannot be a party to compounding
a felony," he answered, with a solemn
"Nor have I asked you to, I replied
not a little nettled. "I have merely
mentioned a plan of paying back yoUt
own. leaving it to your generosity to
press or not to press this preecution."
"Oh, it is all the same," was the con-
temptuous' rejoinder-- "anybody but a
lawyer with hie head full of ,piiker and
quibleta could see that. Illesidee there
ie something rather cool in the proposal
ti, retain your LTISAKI to Air employ under
i.rettenee. of working out the money he
has stolen, with the opportunity of fikh-
erig twice's& much ill the meantime.
I felt my temper rising. and not ...acing
to imperil my clines interest* by art ..pea
quarrel, I took a hasty Iasi..
"Such was the use
"Have you ever 1104/11 him 1'
"Not to say knowledge.,
"Or met hini in your travels
"If he will turn his head the' way I
can tell better."
At my bidding, Gilbert
faced the witness.
The effect was elee:trie; Mr. Mangle
turned red and pale by turns.
-One other question, Mr. Mangle," I
resumed. "Do you recognize in this
prisoner a young man from whom you
won a thousand dollars at `poker' while
on your travels'?" and I named the time
and place at which the young man had
met with the misfortune.
The man of iron nerve hesitated worse
than his more amiable partner had done.
He was hesitating between a point blank
lie, which might entail the penalties of
perjury, and the truth, which would cost
him money.
Cowardice performed the office of con-
science, and the truth came out. The
firm's money, which George Gilbert had
lost, had been won by the seniorpartner,
and the Court instructed the jury that as
the sum in question had been actually
delivered to one of the joint ..ivnets
who was bound to account to his associ-
ate, the prisoner could not be convicted.
"God bless you Mr. Parker" faltered
the happy little wife. "I knew you
would bring us out all right."
'It was evident the truthful wornans
nature gave me all the credit of a result
in whose achievement my share had been
next to nothing.'
The lesson was not lost on George Gil-
bert. Ilia first false step was the last,
and the richest fes I ever received was
the heartfelt gratitude ef his noble, faith-
ful wife.
tlinted and
Had 1 beau in the prisoner s Owe On
the morning taxed tor the trial 1 could
hardly have atesended the 0. -.on House
stops with molt. reluctance than I did.
And when I entered the. ...owl room I
found Uilhwrt and his wtie already there,
and visited the lopfu l.I. with which
t.he latter greeted my ,[,,mint 1 sickened
at the thought o thc hit,-, dtesppoint-
mem before ger
• •T?ae People rh 1 itlbon .
the jUdge. aftei Aispoeing • t
A Jur) *Ise tuumedistelt
and the ...rut. -petted h.% the.
'" Hester exclaimed Aunt Susan,
I ... •• •Irtm.
tia .4110400.0
CiVewierFurniture TCYnpkiriunl.
iseseetet. eslate.. 1...m • Illdblee• Mira* dearirs.Li 01.0 •••••••••
MVPS 111114164.1. 4111, KAP • tati ,*.u. 44 41•1... •••••••••
W sad {Amber nits. ea
AN etdelswill Jews A Heil ill • - • o•••••• •••11•41 ••••4...4tim. ▪ .• wen.
ew .•limaet
ft. 1••••*ft.
Early Fal] Goods 1
ceasing her rocking and knitting. and
sitting upright. "Do you know what your
husband will do when you are dead '?"
ed reply.
"What do you maul '1" was the startl- ch e m i st &
Hos Just received a choo ot
Blaok and Colored Ca.shmeres.
Lustren, Prints, Winceys, ShirtIngs, Flannels, %, 1.ietemos, Fetttreat Hurter, Glover
&c., suitable for the early Fall Trade.
TAILORING Department. --0,...
fineterilr Don of ta'at,.usd...elaTtrtealeii. StioutdberTtleg.rdi:
clams style and at low rates for (lush. All cloth bought rut 11're:e of
Telt Hata, 'Pies, Collars, Shirts and Drawers- cheap.
Stock all new. -No trouble to show goods. JAMES A. REID.
1751 Manchester House, leoderish.
S 11,
Practical Jeweller,
Constantly on hand, a splendid aasartmint of
Ft I/NT .A. S CLAD= _
Chemist and Druggist,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Paint*, Oils. Dye Stuff,. Aro* Colors,
Patent Medicines. Horse and Cattle Medicines, Perfumery. Toilet Amities, ae.
£ Physicians' Prescriptions carefully d istornsed.751 1751
" He will go and marry the nweetest-
tempered he min find.-
'• t1h,Auntie Hester began.
Dealer in Pure Drug. and Chemicals Pant y and ToiletA rt s. 6..
• • Don't interrupt me till 1 have finish- Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipe, Tobaccos, &.
ed... said Aunt Susan, leaning back and
taking tip her knitting. '" She may not
be as pretty as yeu are. Mit she will be
good natured. She may not be as bright.
as you ar.-, hut will he good natured.
She may not be as good a housekeeper COt.TRT 1-101.._TS SQ:C.T AFC _
es you are, in feet 1 think she will not, 1761
but she will be good natured. She may -
not even love hint as well as yerti tilt, hut .
she will be more gOod natilred. C. Detlor., & Co.
A hy auntie -
net ottcr t tieir .-usiene r • 'h. 11.11.fil MC) he, , Pm, ••• • ' " That, isn't all,- continued Aunt Nu- """ *mule "SW
linee 11000S INV re i Ann. 'hereby eared a loge /basement. 'Mtn- ••••••"011
man. "Seery day you live yon are mak-
*III to .1.cir dock of r,iztices C1-0011018
n rang,
ing your husband mere esed aliment Ince %I.°
idilegood-naturedyour place some day. after Mr. DRESS
with 'ha woman who may
Physicians' Preeeript iono and ltimil) Receipts carrfolly prepared .st all loon,
treAP AT SI tartar. •
and Mfrs. Harrison left pot the other •
1 evening the only remark made. abeut I it r !saes Hien s 1 14 traspIriewimeWlegui„.914fort411.1s,eth.reliaartle. eau 6,01 Eire
thent was She is a !Meet wornata
- kh. auntie'.
ll sedl ed Th Ord red T ri Department full bl t
tilled out net , y MUM a o ngin
formai .1 ant Slaw lay your husband ec seem 'sees eVener ouch "ow anellah 1 r ...1- ,ir-a .1••• ,b01.1.. IPA ufrl
• • le
i was half across the kitchen floor banging
11 MviR ('t('ter."1"101R.5.113 CIsf31-1
!no the.first ripe peachee. and all vol. did did 1711 .1. t. 151114k •Ie CO.
Marie st_ was 1. lorl. sip and my. There. Will.
pest see you, inuddt tracks on iny :clean
t. naert
se„t,was III gnu Aimee. The I loaf. I won t have my [;lean floor all
iiery•.us. hesitating itiannet i ehich he [ trkrited I 4,31m-
men would have
gave hts evidence would nay. greatly . thrown 1170' Peaches tat of the window.
When he emptier anything you tel) him
damaged the effect if it had no' evidently
418v.sittne t, 4,, tha pnwiti tea te spill it when he lifts anything you
mr "die hur, as posiogr.. !mittell tun tt.t r.• WW1 it From al011111/1/1 CABINET
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
sidtening ...wet break th. ',erratic. f„rm till night tout share tone.. as heard oom •
.4 facts h• was [ [impelled t., name , idasning and tault-tinding ano last 1
winter when y..11 were se aick you •ooki Hamilton Street, (lot:lemon
Iihe partner a aillael".. he )liall "a" ed Iiini for allowing the mime to freese.
played Georg. Gilbert es • •lerk mei seed took no notice when he said, 1 was A goon semortmeat of Kiwis . Ifed-roun. inning itc.iii said Parlor 1' ensue, owl. es a
foetid hint oontpetent and 1 rime* rths . 5 *oxbow about you rho 1 ,„„,id ,„.„ Nest chairs (hair, cane and wood seated. rcchnervl• R•••1,000•.1* Ne”rrears Wee% .its..
Linn 4ofies. whet stnt• colon, mums.
hied sent him e trip t. otalt • thillk of the putrip
But, auntie" 44 R. A C0111111etla aeorirtuseas ne • .411*.luothine after reel tense • •onsiderable Harken, child n ,,a ,
t at; nest, 111.MA 41 "4"nnat"
aim be rm. induced 'IV 4 441111eetAhie I intelleetual mart .4 them all mires more
looking gentleman Intl - when h tatifora Woman. tenderness than for any
-.usually •t. t.. loin • gum. If I thing else tr, this world. and without
ard. new thct played n4 amusement thisfthe cleverest woman and most per
fact housekeeper, is sure ,o lose her hue
then. fest 'lomat *Jul *AP/ ‘11 hull hand's affection in time There may he
.51 th• bop* ,.4 hla ..411 few more men like your Will. as gentle,
eitt• ratal internecine o that treats fed lovIng, and eliivalrons. as forgetful It
.41 ice whoa. and awdi .lestructIc,, if self, and is satisfied with loving that
1. h&d /rust for his omployer. few years .4 fretfulness and fault."-finduitn;
jr Meek • vow* faltered as h. DOT ht1111111/1.1'. 'Ines .ne. .eritated
his narrative He Win about ' Well. auntie
met something as to the pneoner • good Yes You ar., yei eeket
character when diriapprovmg gleams I that sweet -tampered woman has not yet New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery,
been found ao you have time beeome
from )4r Klieg's. bronght him to e, halt I
turn 1 ton serene and sweet that your husband
Just then the prisoner chanced t.• • ran never imagine that there is a better
efts head and catching glimpse t the I tempered writhe* it', einderine -(Advo.
enter Terme, eh, heel iota enteral and I este anti fineoubso
tir• FrIMTIltlw ••••••••••11
howl ens. Of•usee•-• 104
15 . asAHHP
Red, White and Blue'
ne hitiathararded and lost the law lolls. dhealrhaff):"-tut '70 will di° lon,nnst .es g,takartHtlin4I ACheBOrel
GEORGE Acheson
1, k
SE11.41-.11\T Ca 01-3LIELA.P
ofirv,, ,Jivit 11114 A I TPA
. • • •
Intending Subscribers
sae re. 111. • • 1N1j1O• et* rtU J.tAssi orals
lesam opu gut New 'd thereali
Hint No. 1.
II you yea& to's*, • you, -
sat yourfamav, and your
friends a world "I milers ny
and pa, which at presevil
they endure needlessly, and
alai ram many dealers in
lector, balls, u 014C4 10
fAst suavest snot, nod buy a
/no buta.s of 1'
Hint No. 2.
rue Druggist. Grocer
or, for a bottle of
PAfttelM. If he passes
it clown without ceremony, ask
kiwi wAik extract mg the quar-
ter dollar from your wake
if this is the genuine made by
Pir.uryI)*iutk SoN, af same
teise witch 114 expression en
At, faot. Tou ase essay tell
if Jess aseseienot u all right:
alao Saanntine the bottk
WH1' 1,X iwriment with uukuowu mixtures without
citarseter Of re115111110n, When this worid-re-
nowued PAIN. li 11J.Flt Whillth hall 'stood the Mit of OM
411 years, can i :Pa for Alle MAO VICO at any Drug
Store 11 the Domittion
ortnwe, Oler , .4feeci dap-
. The .1,1, Lt, he en selltag Perry Davis' IPain-Kilier now for the
MIN 23 yeaa, 511..1 can confidently recommend it to IS public as a
sure remedy for Cholera. DiarribliD, Sore Threat, Chromic Coughs.
5rOIDC.1146. Ilurns, Scalds, ike: Have know* 1 so cure a CMS of
Syphilitic Sore I liroat of two year.' *radios, when all the usual
remedies tetra. The patient wok half a teseponeful in rester three
limes a day, and gargled the the et three times a day as .
onesescpwnfol glass of water, and %IRK! 23 gargle.
• H. F. MecC&RTHY•
MAITLAND, Ost., Febratury 36. OW.
I hese no. 4 1,7.MAF! ;n adding to the number of um numerous
testimonials you have already so._ • as to the value of your
renowned Pam -Killer. I have list and used it in my family
for twenty years .o more, and have .• hesitation in :eying that it
it a the best patent me.licine 1 hate ever used fur the porpoises ha
which it is recommended . and inoreuver, revery pent. to IMMO%
I have ever sold it, h.. been perfectly satisfied with it, and 1
know Iaikay.persons who will not go 80 1.4151 night unless they are
raft-, there as a 1.01(13 .1 " Pei ry Davi." in t be hoose. All into
have used it once, will use it again ; it makes friends and retaies
4( airs truly, JOHN DUMBAILLE, re-et:ire
SreNCeltvaLLit, ONT., Fr6r.saty
We have mocii pleasure in certifying that we have kept Pet,
Davis' Pain -Killer constantly in stock for upwardso( twenty ye.rs,
during which time it has takes the lead in sales over all other pa•
tent prepa.rations. and has become an old, reliable family medicine.
No effort as required now on our part to sell it, as it it 03 staple an
article as flour in our trade. Y01.113 truly.
W. P IMR IF. a CO.
hl Seat', Our., February 16. ago.
1 It gives me ma ti pleasure to state that during a drug carder of
more tbins quartet century. 1 can testify that your justly •cele -
•rated Pain -Killer has not only held its own as a family asedicine,
but still occupies the front rank wherever duty calls it My customers speak very highly of it, and 1 could send no end of testi'
monads sfiowieg up to merits and intrinsic worth, were it necessity. which it is not It should, however, be Galled " Excelsior
' " 1 pride myself in never Ming out id
Youn very respectfully, JOHN G. DEANS.
Hint No. 3. -
Sroco, ()tor , February tl.,tatio
Whew/me ask for a bottk We have great pleasure to state that the Pain -Killer holds in
Of l'AIR-KILLnin, mediae yen- position in Misplace as the old, reliable family medicine. Although
glossoogs, egure.essper, without there are a great many other remedies in the market --some beat-
, ing nearly the same name -as Pain Relief, Palo Remover, Pato
l'efirD111' rrinarks.'-we Destroyer. and such lik•. names, we find the people know the
"art jug ost, bet have another , difference. and are sure to ask for Perry Davis' Pain Killer. We
0, rod oak,. have been selling Pain -Killer fur the last fourteen. ye.ars„
vr “which sak tor thevante price Yours truly P.a. 1'. MURPHY
'rig, 2.6 cents ." Tureen your
„._ I have been u ing trill Pain -Killer for many .year, wit:. results
TAat 4,4 Owe"' 4.0"(011. 441 that jostly •cratlee me to recornm-nd it. As a Mmily Inedicint,
fur 0.- tAnte cents extra profit e”.,idee it alaseet indomernahl: : Ling gond not only as a
I gin kilier but far eats pod molt tlin.st, &sib ,rn-my other 111bmellt.
r kr which it,appears specially adapted. I have 31,t myself.
hially as a liniment, an I find k valuable for rheumatism and
te.en edifiers' belonging mold as. I pronounce the Pain-
1.10 r....11rn I (herr. niediciae, nol worthy of all acceptatim.
1. en I tlI.4 c•rMic-te that you may amore the public that
',,,'trbr. THos. GRA HA M.
. .
keel fold arty, Good bye, Sir/
iedsicA he yes than he dam foe
your health or Floppiness..
Him No 4.
yteuusee rf ili 00: ertrrilues..
iiatzturea, OA./ dirty, reeavy
cserabiaatioes trAieb are offe,--
ed pm In almost every store
mien MART, <Mid soh,cA Mante un-
answer/4d shop -keepers try to
palmoffo. a subeitute forth,
PArn-K 'LIAR. Titer mix
how arc ere up eapresay
to sell see the reputation of
the P sin•R a Luna:, hut have
asehey enanton toile U.
' Hint No. 5
/f ratttlet abblatn the
anteletaise Pair -KILLSB
tow /nersliter, fact not vet/
'Esearr, Der , Mon* 4, tIlSo
4eit, hereby ce•tify that we have used Perry Davis' Psin-Killee
a: • or.f•atiioni Imminent years. We consider it a very useful sat:
ary article to beJtept in all households as a resort at case of
1....cid-ute and 'exposure to attacks occasioned by cold.
. V MAITLAND, ON I., IS. 111110
1 have used your .in Kilter for the last twenty yews. 1 see
rigid it with me all through the Arnencan War. 1 believe 1 would
have been dead long ago, if it *8,4 8101 been for your Pain-Kpie,
I think it is the best remedy m the markt for which it is recom-
Von" very truly. N W LAPON1AINF.
PORTLAND. ONT., F062111.2•7 ISSax
have solo the Perry Davis' Pain -Killer tot over thirty yaw.
and the same has always given my customers entire satisfactioe,
and I have much pleasure In recommending it As A (pond and re
liable family medicine.
S. I,
PRIM 01,1T Feb, -rear • • 48.-
1 have sold your Pain Killer (01 the last nineteen years m th
piace. and feel safe in recommending it to the public for the
diseases given in your circular I can assure you my c,i.tonier.
1 speak well of it as a general family medicine It take. I -a.,
of other similar prei,sntion Voro, & (
ouao )s1, Miters i
I have b& selling i et., Davis' Pain-Killee for the past o •
y ears, and have much Pieasure ID stating that its sale an tha: ome
has bee* bargee than aey ether patent medicine that 1 have pli
my shelves, and in those year. 1 have never heard a customers'',
aught but words of the highesi praise an its faYo. I. II MI article
that seems to have combined in it all that goes to make affeef
Oka [. en. :Amid address class famillmoseiteirse, and as long as I haye hoole ted stare.
lhi a,and hy sending Per Davis.Pro-Killer will he found in both
thew the one of $3.00, one KIMNIELPV.
dam revaksv eyed bottles, or
a deaf &wen large Males will
he am, Across peepaid, to the
wears* address by railway to
any pert( the Dominion
M suer Oar Asereetes it, tar
Your Pain -Killer a. a family all has been .n _orearattr mu*
in my household for a long term of years, and 1 'mold never de
ewe a *01141- 155 It ne•er fails me1 mall it ib. Oid Reliable '
Aar• ftfl*MF 5,TY111lNIR
40501115, Ofay/111.011.1, ten.
Foe twenty-three years last pant 1 have sold Peery
1 Killer, and have always found it to give good satisfactuse 1
frequently used it le my &mil)and received crest benefit
, the use of k in that way Althoeigh many imitations of it
, been put ea the market, and are pushed hard, yet the rel. retrial*
' Perry Dens' Pam-Liller holds its own, and ie eer. Tamu1 ra
meek seedier( Voo respectfully,
- - •••••111. -
Is recommended by rhysteunts, Misteetees. allsefigartee, Imager* if
Asetorwts, Work -atop:, Plawitsionn4, Nurses In Wiellgtals-in short
.ocrybodsy twerywhere whn has ever given it a trial
T A K KW 114TIRNALI,V, t rum Dysentery, Cholera, tharrhnea, cramp inc
Peep in the atovesch, Bowel C.nroplaint, Painter's (Wit., Liver Complaint Deems.
s• indigestion, %Men Colds, Sore Throat ('efight', k,
Mart ILITERNALLY, it enres Roils, Fakes, t `eta, Firoutea, Perna. *estOW Item mil Sprains. Swellings of the Josses, Toothache, Peig la the !NM Wein)
0111 led IGININNedent, (lumped Rands, Trost -bitten Poet, le
The PAM -CUES is pat np lif 2 es. tied 6 se. bottles, release's it 25 ass 64
▪ nop000ksky.- Niro bottles are therefore a' -