HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-01, Page 2. •
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Relies of the late John Frank-
-Divorces Wive uever been lin
-.1101,1.111.1d II.1 Australia
laws In olden tense Ike Jews had 1. I ." ww. "1w." In"'
..areetiotusev oitrei 4 &vowing thsir Herald s Nov Bedford *postal rya
t t the wife be dimatisned she
by paying a certain
mai (to members' ,%f the Franklin search
P) maw ch. ountueiti of Lieut.
Schweeta, Irani picked by Captaut
Baker of Ube bark these* and Mary, of
New luaiford at Depot Island at the 1st
of Atatitalt rlol hiving relented to that
point fruit. their alial journey from King
Wilhaiii Land tie the 4th of March of the
The best Salve m the I.
tot tans& 1 1k'
neenimes amiss iloblarirt PiLo 'ANI.
Brumes, Servs, Totter, Chapped amide
Chilblain& Corns, and all kinds of Skin
eruptioue. This Halve guanutteed
give perfect Widmann Ail every ease or S EIB
moriey refunded Prace %owe per
box. For sale by Ir Jordan II- vboatai
Caren .t Oirsalleusa
4. yams friend if mine war dotal 41
au. insatiable sham (... tete., that laud
supreme/Med hie eysur® that he was et.
i tat du any businees. He was gotten
am ly cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It
allayed all that turning thirst ,
awey the appetite- for liquor mad- ha •
nerves steady, and he has rennauted a Sectreilarte
. • and steady wan for more 1111111 111111
Moors 0 the wilt ut IPA become present eau The eleclge journey was the item old has no desire to mare tt
I,. soak* t• hov she may he divorced longest -wet.- Ito, oghtheunexplored "War mW$ 1 kll" .if •• auulbei
tibthat have beez owed drinknig '4
the omen' .1 thi •r,. cud 41% 0111111 AMU.% part% tuiv oyd Froo.
, marl vie ft la oli-.i
4\1414 ...WOW al-
gae, mass wen comment .it taili par -
Nei neither of shoo' •sin afteewsgda
moot sent from the hare .1 peratioto Hud Homo"
•imirra mo
.1byesuitai io , St • Tot, ' "atria,. i4woo Ks. •-• .tititaauti four •141411,141171 11014. lee•ke
• Mit 00111kiNnViLl .1141) tie IMI Leaval hot e :.h-tiaand and two hundred 1. repo tains Ott marks. "e
rammed ii one, the par- lane no: out .111ien. the only 4Iedi4t pan ter, the Nine Yolk 11414'10th,
maid, "Choice pRetRiftsn retail trade
I elt 11 to 19 ovate, but !jt colered
geode are hard t.... -tisiptimie of. anal smov•asil
less wets MNWelt atild ex It t.. 10
cent*. This 4e, 1.411 ' liars -Ad
Mixt, is rapidly etmi !bedew claire mei'
that they should use the Perfected But
for Color made by Wells, Iticluardson
& Co., Burlingten, Vt. It givee the
perfect June color the year round mid
dairymen that use it never send light col-
'( ed goods to market.
(Nii.swr endured by the sufferer from a
persistant cough 110011 sap the vitality of
the systeut and wreck the constitution.
Such a catastrophe cart Only be avoided
by precautionary measures. Prevent the
climax of a cough with Nerthrop &
toe think proper. 011) ever Made that silleoUlltAirOd tier .41,11
• iiihar1151111. Tf the man he dimatished /tire Arctic wince! 'f'he expeditiott UC
ah the MVO trilling mite ..4 his wife. lie etesfull% withateiol the greatest cold ever
041.0 hotveil frnin tiol1d• iellto11114elt,1 li) lanusay alird
this constituter it divort.e. ' the then111/11irter aatt k LI, 101 hidOW
Cereati. The husband tan id. freezing point. During the au er *ad
fall of 1879 they made a complete search
of King William Land atlyseent to the
main land, travelling over the route pur-
sued by the crews of the Erebus- said
Terror upon their return toward Reeks
River, and buried, the bones all these
unfortunates remaining above the grouted
ale! erect:A monuments Their research
established the fact that the reotirds of
Franklin's expedition are loot beyond re- med. Emulsion of cod Liver sod
wife,ur t measure, and leave her the
charge of maintaining the children. If
atm preves unfaithful he can put her to
Siamese. 'Ile first wife 111ay be ai-
r...road, not sold, as the others may be.
She theii may claim the fino, thud and
rifth titilti, mid th'" alternate children are
yie44‘.,1 to the husband.
&retie region. --When a 111:U1 desires a
divorce he leaves the house in anger,
411,1 .1...es retUrit for several days.
rhe wife understands the hint, packs her
holies anti leaver.
Di -use anti Turkonten. -Among these
people, if a wife asks her husband's per-
Inn44. to go out, and he says "
without adding, "but come back amino-.
she Is divorce& Though b..th parties
desire it, they cannot live together with-
-iut being remarried.
Cochin Chinese. --If the parties choose
to aeparate, they break a pair of chop-
attcks or 4 copper coin in the presence of
witnewies, by which action the union is
dissolved. The husband must restore
to the wife the property belonging to
her prior to her marriage.
American 1 ndins. -Alnoulgbouluetflbea
the pieces of sticks given the witnesses
of the nuirriage, are broken as a sign of
divorce. Usually new conitecti•au are
formed without the old ones being di, -
Solved. A 1111111 never diveroes his wife
if she has borne him sons.
Tartars. -The husband may put away
his partner and seek another when it
pleases him, and the wife 'may do the
same. If she be ill-treated she complains
tc the nueOstrate, who; attended by the
principal people, accompanies her to the
house and pronounce.% a formal separa-
11 .
Chinese. -Divorces are allowed in all
easels of criminality, mutual dislike,
jealousy, incompatibility of temper, or
too much loquacity on the part of the
wile. The husband cannot sell his wife
until she loaves hint, and becomes a slave
te him by action of the law for dosertion.
A .on is bound to divorce his wife if she
displeases his parents.
Circastians.-Two kinds of divorces
are granted in Circassia-one total, the
other provisional. When the first is
allowed the parties can immediateiy mar-
ry again; where the second exists the
couple agree to separate for a year, and
if at • the expiration of that time, the
husband does not send for his wife, her
relations may command to him a total
Greciana-A settlement was usually
given to a wife at marriage for support
in cue of s divorce. The wife's portion
was then restored to her, and the hus-
band required to pay monthly interest
for its use during the time he detained
it front her. Usually the men could put
their wives away on slight occasions.
Even the fear of having too large a fami-
'y sufficed. Divorces scarcely ever oc-
. oir in modern Greece.
Madras.- Either party for a slight
oise may leave ,,the other and marry.
viten both desire it there is not the least
rouble. if a man calls his wife "moth-
.r,- it is considered indelicate to live
with heeagain. Among one tribe, the
"Gores.- if the wife be unfaithful, the
husband cannot obtain a dietary unless
Legives her all the property and chil-
dren. A woman, en the contrary-, may
.leave when she pleases, and marry snot],
.tir man, and convey to hint the .entire
1;r9perty of her former huebaud.
Roman. -In olden times a man might
tii7orev_ his wife is she were unfaithful,
if shoe tottimerfeited his private keys,or
deorik withint his kriowledge. They
could divoro, then wives when they
4letesei. Notwittumuiding this. MI
a• elspeed divorcr
'..tottuti 14.11et WAWA 11110WiTif. *Aber
911M • ' :he atlih.tit Divert**
• • ..es Oot4111a4 frequew Ole aMeet
ttrmatnat. twtr.t.t.at .4afaa 11 •- ,ase wemen
1• resa -oh marl fie hy
he .aeetrui... Mot % hi
!WOW haste/604e loaav
t • mem whhad own.. 411 ao.
sottitera stOt srt..4 2 1
1 .41 oat .1- • totes •
til. loose* eremite
Mem 4e, ..• -
• filillikv•
The Nachtillo Eaquitustrx. who had
("unit a tin bet tilled wifh books which
the List survivors ,4 the Franklin party
are supposed to hate finally possessed,
were interviewed. These natives broke
open the box and then threw out the
precortis records, which were then either
mattered or destroyed by the children.
They idsn tuade known that one of
Franklut's ships drifte-I down the Victor-
ia Straits, and was unwittingly scuttled
by ookaeluu, an Eaqueuaux, who found
it near the Wand off Grant Point during
the spring of 1SW'. At that time ,ole
nun was dead in the steerage. Dur ing
the same year the natives saw tracts of
four white :nett tit the spring snows on
the mainland. The expedition started
Hypophtephites of Lime and Soda- ar.•
proved of in professional quarters, an.1
which is a combination ot the i.ureet
and most salutary ingredients in perfect
chemical harmony. Cotiehs, colds,
laryngitis, incipient bronchitis, 0.1.1 1 other
affections of the respiratory rgans, are
speedily relieved by it, and it has like-,
wise proved to be a useful siecuic
scrofulous maladies. The less of strength
consequent team being diseased is check-
ed, ,and the nagging physical energies
restored by its invigorating actiel.
Phosphorus, the activta.prinaple ef the
hypophosphites, not only su plate the
system with an important e emelt. of .
strength, but gives It healthful inpetus
to the circulation. 11:e. lime and sods
also add to vigor of the fratue. In wad-
ing diseases of all kinds, this prepara-
tion can be depended upon to produce a
beneficial effect. A fair, eersistent
is all that is necessary to pn.ve Rapids.-
cy. either, a a pulintinic or genera! Oh -
ion the base foperations with but one
vt orant. }.r -verty t bleed, with
onth's ratios ,4 ••ci.• direct' food. The which so many invalids are troubled, it is
white men of the party began living 1)011 a sovereign remedy. prentoting the ricailrut
the fare of the EatIlltillaUl amoof unt& sition both strength and flesh.
The result has shown it is feasible for pared bNorthrop & Lyman. Terento,
and sold by all druggists.
white men to adapt themselves to the)
ass. SURELY as EFFIteT YoLLolfs Carmel
climate and lite of Esquimau: in prose- so surely will disease eventually fasten
cuting journeys in the polar regions. itself- upon a system deficient in vital en-
eegy, if Oink medication is not resorted
Win time. The necessary tendency of a
weak discharge it the functions .4 the
body is to disorder its ergans. -Integer-
etion, prompt and through, is the only
safeguard. N erere ivtintof depleted physical
energy. ne restorative of lost flesh, nerve
power and cheerfulness, has more clearly
demonstrated it efficacy than Northrop
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. In thia pee-
paration, meociated with the salutary
medicines which fonns its Iasis, is pure
sherry wine and certain aromatic constitu-
ents which iiuparts an agreeable taste to.
the article. and gives additional emphasis
to its effects. In cases of general de-
bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable 'and
the desired offset is, in the vast majority
of cases, remarkably prompt as well aa
deciaive. That good natural appetite.
which gives a relish for the coarsest
fare, is insured by the use of the Quin-
ine Wine, whichalao confers brain sooth-
ing and body ref:reading sleep. Fever and
ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis-
eases to the eradication of which it te •
specially adapted:..but it should be tilted
only in theintervals between the seizure&
The far-reaching sffecta of a good tonic,
in all complaints involving loss of physi-
Gal energy, are well understood by physi-
cians, and the comprehensive influence
for good of this peeparation upon the
system gees far to bear out the profess-
ional belief in the- cattle of invigorants
as opponents of disease. Be sure to ask
or the"Quinine Wine- prepared byNorth-
rop & Lyman, Totainto. Sold by all
101t T H E Peorte. -There are but few pre-
parations of medicines which have with:
!deed the impartial judgment of the
people fi.r any great length of time. One
of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil.
Read the following and be convinced:
- Thomas Itehinsan. Farnham Centre
P. , writes,' `' I have been afflicted with
rheumatism fur the last ten years, and
have tried many remedies without any
relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil and ,ince then have had no attack of
.it. 1 would reconunend it to all." J.
•H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Mefferd,
P. Q., writes, I taye been troubled with
liver complaint for several years, and have
tried different medicines with little to tio
benefit, until I tried Dr. ThomasEel-
inc Oil, which gave nie immediate relief,
and 1 would say that 1 have used it
since with the hesteffect. No one should
he without it. 1 have tried it on my
horses in Mae t‘f cuts,. wounds, etc.. and
think is ellli' ood fe horse as
A large quantity of relics have been
gathered to illustrate the late chapter in
the history of Franklin's expedit tun
They have also brought the YettlAillf of
Lieut. John Irving, third officer of the
Tenae, which were identified by a prize
medal found in his open grew& The
party endured many hardships and
threatened starvation on their return to
.Hudson Bay, where an ample supply Of
provisions had been left with Capt. Bar-
ry, of the schooner Faithen, but lirexry•
for some unexplained cause, had lett for
home, carrying with him the much-need-
ed supplies.
"LIesI Ws Uttar
Not so fast my friend; for if you would.
see the string, healthy, blooming nem,
wonten and children that have been rais-
ed from beds of sickness, suffering and al-
most death, by the use of Hop Bitters,
you would $ay "Truth, glorious truth."
See " Truths, ' in another column.
Beep that Vossals• ,
If you are suffering with a Cough
Cold. Aain& Bronchitis, Hay Fever,
Consuption, loss of voice, tickling in the
throat, or any affection of the Throat tie
Lungs, use Dr. King's New Discovery fee
Consumption. This is the great remedy
that is causing so much excitement hy
its wonderful cures, curing thousands of
hopeless cases. (aver one million bot-
tles of Dr. King's New Discovery have
been used within the laat year, and have
given perfect satisfaction in every in-
stance. We can unhesitatingly say that
this is really the only *ire ere re for throat
and lung affections, and can cheerfully
recommend it to all. Call and get a
trial bottle for ten cents, tir a regular size -
for $1. F. Jordan, Goderich.
mew to gel Bleb.
The great secret of obtaining riches, iR
first to practice economy, and as good old
"Deacon Snyder'. Nays. "It used to worry
the life out of me to pay enormous dom-
tor's bills, but now I have 'struck it
rich.' Health and happiness reigns am
u -
preme in our little hosehold. and all
airmibecause we IOW other metileitalf
but KlecEric Bitters, anti only costa XXV
cents a bottle.- Sold by F. Jordan.
$41 --Is your throat sore. or are you an-
noyed by a constant cough If Iwo use
premptly "Bryan's Pulmonic
They will aive vr$11 11111111t1t
They relieve the all lomagois phleson er
•A *twosUb
EH** ISM 4.r sof diovill
1711, 01,
Variety Store
New Goods!
New Goods!
et moots, annu
d Alla% tbninati. et. :arid nm
o an. A. .11erbee. %lerchant. Work
worth, writes. " 1 have sold some limo
(lreds of butches Eclectrie ()liana it te
prom ninced by the puhlw. one .4 the hest
inedicitien they have ever need: it has
mho rented% +in be had for ti, ,liadis. cold&
or any tamed/um of the thereat lungs,
andn if taketime their ellkacy will
Fewer he proofed Antal by all tilinggieta
and reentry deelera til eft imam , he: done wonders iR heRhIlitt *WI 'At*, tisai
INOVe Vie Meow psis, sore thratata tate.. *NA t. tht
ilkat• t..11 any a•acte....- I.. .tater lug .61111411"i",„,
iseepopete Lover (•,0,„,.L.m, 1. them, nussii. s ',atm revel•st..
ani ?easel whi you sh471-1. ci .1, from 55" 145ralia.5."1 tr5 1)5 1/5“51555'
t. .lat (-,m,pisenen. w4h flE,.„, sow, , trig (hi for A IMO. init.* whir. t ublea
eh liapaaera, Huoiimy %sin., me for thene..1 totil Stilialra slot I
or* .461intst ,. .1 .1a.. Hears Heart fd ontlhow like o fol um,* Aim.
1itverta,.41. Oman ins and horn ^5'.• i" 117,40 l'" kb' .."'"Atit
-..............1 tip •ti.musel. 16•-•s• hn.nit.e..n. tat ' I h
oko , ease oogi. trei dissgrees Themes Ifrho-Ire 'a ohs, st%
bli .agt• th. „ .oia , „mum, ,f nature .4 a 'S ri, .0140 10 717 rip. raw...,
„wits , and the 'Ales 1 Ai ettoi A I.% mat.
17 '` 1.5511vaia • ore fault if 4 hirivil` Ito ,,ta. 1 •tuei
•• th ,Aggan ,u.ku Rottit ,4 ' Hold hy 411 ,...1seoh• Pro,. Ir.
imam+ 1... . .1 1?)..scip ,esata eta NftliTfillttl. t Voal tt
- .1 %...1 tl-tils this 55554 Pr""""-^ '
5.0 • ROTS r••1•-• Itt
,8 ,•ruitcl
VA$E$, &c
• ;co C46,1111 OF CLOCirs,
Lowest Prias in Tows
west meatirestunt 05
Stores an Tinware
svitertanie &spinners re
31oase Furnishing
Tin and Galvanized Iron Work
Under the personal RuperNistui of :.1r. JAMES
air Charges Mixierale and %rt. 1A010: GUAR-
Onlrb's Block, Cool !ft.-uze Spare.
owlsat Playuliollaas_asse tela
say about 1101114,11 111117111111107.0
aa a remedy So Communalism.
Illoseessia, sod Wealthy /1.111kis44ossis 1
Messrs. SCOTT & Bows.: -Gaicrutmax -I
have preacribed Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Ptl. etc.. in iny practice and used it in my fam-
ily. I am greatly pleased with it because of its
palatableness and the good results that follow
its use. 1 have round it very serviceable In
scrofulous diseases and pulmonary affections.
Respectfully yours.
IRA M. LANG. mil. Vir.aat Broadway, N.Y.
• Louisville.. Ky.. Janaary 3, 1878.
Gurnee so -For the last fifteen months 1
have used your Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, both in
• hospital and in 'private practice. and have been
f rolitlY Pleased with its effects. It Is better
• borne and can tpc. taken for &longer time than
any other pre*ration of Cod Liver 011. In
COISSamptiotand children's dIseanes I have
found it especially valuable.
Physieian, Louisville City Hospital.
Masala. scirry & Bowes: 1 have used Scott's
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil in various instance/1
and 1 have found it to be many taken, readily
asidmilateri, and rapidly improves the nutritioa
and Rash. 1 emaor It • the be mulsion I
have ever mien. R. R. HAUG N. M.111.
• Indianapolis. Ind.
Messrs. ewer& Rowel!. : that given rover
remedy of (04 Liver 011. de_ a fair trial, and
ant glint the' 1 ear Peor 1 this'll' it. iS TPIII remedy
for weak l'inrr and bad eases, can highly
rrwommend P When •hidUridg1vensie
up. 1 ,-...emeneett aging Yr:Mr alaile1.11t. and 1
4.10%sininot health and stritnitth cart flat anti 1
V•-• • r
I, •112 ,
mokrul A 1,• • • 1 1841ait;i 114 eltuty to let you
704" fo.,ilso., I bad had moth ear
Show th. tlene0 1 hare 441 oast ow wed
TCMrs Anti .n...nossaltlad 1St . ovine/we a
I) ..• 0p101•1111111 11.11i61 Nat 14e0 lung wee
pennerliall owatem INnahMor *of
/171:1;111.41,415/- %Rot ISLA. Nnttles
h= .4 • mpro. •
ntr I Sn., 't4&'!, Rs. isnettos. sn.1 1.o.
rapiNti an ' .4.ttrinno
4a .0 40000, • ,.11111 4.7 •No.r. If 11. It) ,11'
HISIttInUlf• 5e.1 1 neat .ton
1/1/414. 144
1,.i5. 1lrIRQI HA f••
• , Rattfmne. 14.1
16 ••• •.• &v. emr
14. 4W IlmIcn. 1 thniught 1 world
•eit, • 510 AP las natit, attar owl/. bow..
,f 141. ,Ipera 11. ests resoisavel now Tha haft
eft n., .-11/1. 1 A ii.firr, a op r.41.
lam War, t di onsumpemn 'Po ',eat marl...al
aid matte n.. new -fan, ireatmen. M' 1, salaine
*DOM fnt 5011' 7.I!t,111o1 04,00 1.1 nil he
hnutglii t wen, rely hn• • lee and it is ,•eatoritts
nn. .• h(,ar,b • 4)010 11..ttpertAtlofo 'hii
tired- •'top 4) hrs. •n'y death.' cry chit
•hon) ilk. tae. 1, • •••• -1,- 4••••
.11 A.
'MRS' -ILDINI iota
• y• os. '14 t5 • IP
'rho Superior OA8TORIZITEI
WHIP aid Lon Society MACHINE OIL.
P11 4 L
MON in XI tAHSI/ on Real UY LIU nu
pd bo
&rotteSln) borrowers
io ogs aw, society Tesses
orrice 911 buntlas Stress 14)14 1)014. 1)111
inters., ottof davliup Banka Llopusittura
JAS 11111.LNN. Masa-.
• - ^
couit stairway), SW
f matlaitt ins sod
Caworine liksehlne •
no le entweer Seal or 0sad
fires from guns. Res
ANN Mower Han utak two% 7ui ado
/VI Ft JD P'Ptc3-tJSON
.1 aft.
.."(1‘1111.• 34.14.41. area Ime5s44 bease. Use t•••••..
rneestane to a peoftinn w se rbeapee Mon hog
limmee 5 ob. Easel,
fatmetsi,ligiMers. tieneral i i i lomplefr,
which 1 RAM le run off quicklA
. Fresh 0-: ound Water Lime in Stook_
lzt_ ILEc I=1\TZ=
1880. Fall Goods! 1880.
Colborne Brothers
Have opened out for the FALL MAIM a Complete *Nock of
Spacial Value In 10e. COTTONS. PRINTS, and WINCIICS. A Job Line of DRESS 000D8-
• clank value. •
Highrst Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
floptasairse 88. Mitt 1751
Look! Look!!
And Repairing Shop.
_A__ B. 00 P, 1•T
"The Cheapest House in Town
roe ALL [MOH 01,
Good Furniture, Ladies' Needle Work, Chain% and Stools, and all kinds Feeley
Work made to order (Jelin% and Softie re--'v,-reel espial to sea
-- 11111-
R E /1).. S 0INT A. PI Em F2 R IS !
HAMILTON Street, Next Colborne Hotel, GODERICH.
John Knox,
Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &c., &c.
"it sTrtit Of vast. . I 1
11111Rsir v..- '
'4 sr,"-ain MI lisno. 64.11111fte p
. ••••0111111111 41
A .
.4, ...”,.... *fie ,agnoo. ,. • --, . -.4aanialiabar ,et.
• 114'. 1,ra()% 11A'nm.* 4t441 0110111411
1(111 44141141, aoti 1011/111Th dr1111
4 AP 4114 ..Tasoln• 1.e4ere.• r•••eeltasiso