HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-10-01, Page 10 • b • • .A•*Aso..ANIa., .. . ha 1S- 11 - ch s(d ch J. ad alf bis tan se- DO - ens, .1. ROD Ad .. les; air 11.8. uo- tyt is (opt 0. ►ug, son. le of wile the wife the the wife , the wile the For - the ter. 13th 1. 1). both net.. r7. s. 8. the •the hill. rich the leo. n of A. ide s the ,tion the M. Mr. son, 1 et the Seo. Aon. the Laid lee do, elks 'ob1 Int Fur' Ors 14 11 o' r. 1•M th. Mfr s4slw, r u eta kete ttlr HIAD Witt•:�i rTt/rldBEE . PrODERICHi ONT.. 1''R11). Y. I 1t 1N )I3ER I. irSt�I�I; t;ENERALiNrELLrGEN Y111s Vert iN �bVANC! Dentistry NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN 1 TOM O ee and reale:woe. West Street three Mora - below Beak of Montreal. Gude doh.1762 .Auctioneering. J C O17ARIE,TH1 P1QPtZ A O. . ?11$JNEEk, 4gderiob. AK. 1lkt. L'BANCI4 GRAHAM, LICENSE D i/ Aa.:t .11,0r :u: the Comity of Huron. Wet a..: .t.a . l/llles- tun street• -ch, opine tc 'Colborne Hotel, Orders . et Int ; •• A'. o tt. Wal be attended to. 1751 3fleatcal. DIt. 11.1.,LAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - OWN. Coroner Me. °m . and residence em Bru•;u .4 t ;.s. ou•: dor west of Victoria Street. 1751. D ila: nRhY 4iN & HAMILTON, Ph711/oialts. ritdeone. %ccuushers, Odos M Hr. (((unmet. Teske. near the Jan. O..torio'.:. (i. t'. ± l.tNNON, J. C. IIAMIL- TON. 1751. FB. Lt'NDY M. 1%, PHYSICIAN, route and_ laity Universities. Ofru a�.• Sr and Accoucher, graduate of To- tin%l uagana1M ▪ AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR • W Dr. Deacon) Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. Otfce. stables and residesse. 81. Andrew. (knot. peek of 1) Fergunmes e ters; formerly ...zoldpisd by Dr. 1per, N. B.-Horem►eteettesr as Os s0 usesees, 11ra Levi r GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - Rh. ..7. T. Athwart!, Fr Solicitors, to1ot 1151. OoderioA. J. T. (*emote, B. L DOYLE, BARRISTER A P1 D Attorney, Solicitor In Chancery, te.. Ooderich. Ont. 1751. SEALER & MORTON, B A R R I S- TERE. tc.. $c.. Goderich and W i C. tanager, Jr.. Uoderich. J. A. Morton. Whig•' ham. 1751. Q MALCf)M 4)N, BARRISTER AND . Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street $Ad *hat *Maim over George Acheson*• aatdleelhL 1751- ECAMPION, ATTORNEY - AT- . LAW. Solicitor In Chancery. Convey- aeoer, &c. Office over Ihtior's store, Dade - rich. Ont. Any amount of money to lean at lowest rates of interest. 1751-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,_SoUcitors in Chancery. $c.. • Goderich and Winfkam. M. C. Cametoe, Q ( C.; P. Holt, M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W. E. Macara. Windham. 1751. Miscellaneous ttaras. TANKS SMAILL, ARCHITECT, tc. Pr 020s. Crabb's Block. Einestea sa,..aei.. rich. Plans and sped fleet ions drown serttesb Iy. Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason'% work measured and valued. WEAVING DONE NEAR THEOLD Huron Hotel, Kingston Street. Ooderich. Reference -MRS. 31ILLEFt, East-st. 1751. R. LiWATSON HOUSE, SIGN as . andOtssentalPainter,. Parlor decor- ating made a specWty. GRAINING, GILDING, ( Maximo. Shop on North Street, opposite the Registry Ofsoa Dederick. 1751 ►STRATF')RD BINDERY--ESTAB- LiSHED IMO This establishment is chiefly devoted to job and library work. eepec•ally to those unique and economical half calf and mos, rocoo styles. Initial cases the best of stock and workmanship. with ,tee�gtlh and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJohnllutton'sdrug store. GEORGIC, STONE Loans anti insurance. 75,000 TO LEND ON REAL T S - DOL GE. od Terms m. favorable. Apply to B.175L. Qk50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Vu' on good Farm or Rntelaas Town Propery' at 4 per cent. Apply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1761 •� PER CENT. -PRIVATE FUNDS 1 10 lend ar. the above rate on lrst-lass 50- carit) No. dela Apply at once to SEAOKR $ MORTON. Ooderlch. 1751 )NTY TO LEN --P R I V A T 1 Funds on Real PoD.tato. No delay and reasonable charges. Interest from elghi to ten per crani,. according »wwlt�. J. T. IiARROW, r. $• . 1761 lit►NE1- its LOAN THE ('ANA �• 1 IIA Landed • iodit 7 t mpany. Toronto .1ot1N LAING BLAsta, Es0.. Preetdeat. Mone) is lent by this Company to Individuate upon rhe gam. 4yetem as to municipalities. Send rot Circiilars. Fit 'nil HAMf.Tf)N %gent Ooderiel 1751 420.000 PRIV ATE FUNDS TO LEND ,11,7 nn Farm and Town Property at lowest in erect Mortgagee purchased. no Commislon harged Conveyancing Fees reasonable. ✓ B. Burrower,, can obtain money in one day t title is satletactort DAVISON 5 JOHN 41ON. Barrister. $f Goderich 1751 L) RADCLIFFE, FIRE. MARINE l • LIfe and Accident Insurance Agent Representing firstclamCompaalee. Alen agent 'or the CANADA LIYR SToc$ INat'RANCZ Co. honey 1n lend on Mortgage. eltbsr In Town or Warm Prop.rtryy an My way to suit the borrow • nfR.•.• nDrs*h.• Kay** bleak. Ooderlob. 1 .-_ _ 1761 Ist RN EX 1Ne wytkubllshcd 1741 N'41 R61'1$ nay) et r, \ +eT •`• - Established n• t . • v non Kngan4 1 e .. rp'ORD i5R. Co') ••' plum.oat. '.can. tatabll*hed 1810 rt,sa. "ween In the abovellM-olia50oree. at .e mev'esI rates by HORACE HORTON. Inn rn 1.ralgnod Is also Appe'ser f ANADA PEP 1/10.7 .en PIA VT110111 rnnoure Money to Loan vo 011,11-.71.4071 snit,,•) MIND bir o. 0 ear "ROM champs moderate ICOR ACK RORTON. ••etrerah. wept. 14 t41tt. 1761 SUI0101t,Z11 AT °NCi! FOR T RR E t • PER PAY AT H O M L b Np7o(Nten . og� 1 weft �•) Tyr W Gr\/ Plantlike worth ill dela. �� wMOM In over. TawerrM >!►I Myo �h \ddremiNI�ON t Co . Portland. 1(laioe. IMS• 11. 05 RIR 'her Me. Sonsorial. For Sale. • K41t;HT, PRACTII'AL BAIL - rad Hairdresser. begs t., return i thank. t„ 1h, pubB• for past patronage. and 1 eullettl • . ontlnusisce of ....upturn. He ,:an wa-rr. Oa• round at he Shaving 1'nrlor. near t e riet 0111cc, Uodertch. 1753 Lost or Founb. T 08T -A PARASOL, AT THE FALL show. The tinder will pleas. tease at T11K :410NAL Office. • LOST --ON SATURDAY NIGHT between Clinton and Ooderlup, a small green box with chignon, and Auworw enclosed. n!one returning the Khoo. to W. It. ROB- ERTSON will be rewarded. FOUND ---A BUNCH OF KEYS. The owner an have them by applying at Tutt SIGNAL ofilce. IOGS FOUND. -ON THE 25TH OF J May last, between lot 25 and lot 28, Gode- rtct. Township, un the shore of Lake Huron, 16 pine logefrom 12 to 16 feet long. The owner requested to prove property and pay chargee by the 15th of October, or the Togs will be sold to pay expenses. They are at present opposite lot i1S.- SAyt:u. BLAIR, Trustee. 17511m (-SAME ESTRAY -ON THE I2TH OF vV A ugust, 1 an aged Mouse Colored Horse. with • er1te strip on face and one white foot. RICHARD A. SPRUNG, lot 41 Base Line, Mullett. one and one-half miles from Manchester. tt. • 1 OST OR FOUND -ADVERTISE. MENTS under this head will be inserted once ter No, or three times for 50c. The People's column. WANTED -A SMART BOY TO & ycarriaae painting. Apply to MOR- TON+opposite the Colborne Ho41.1 1 - BOAR FOR SERVICE -A PEDI- OREE Berkshire boar (from Bow Parkl for service. Terms1 to be paid at time of service. F. SEEGMIILLER, Huron Road. WOOD WANTED. -A FEW CORDS of Split Wood for private house. Apply at once at this Oilier. 1759. I AKE BARGE " FORTUNE " DOR J Saler-offers desired. Would make an ez- eeUenl step barge. Address THOS. ZEA- LAND, Hom(Ifoa. 1753-4t `CORDWOOD WANTED. -THE CN- `_- DF.RSiONED, having purchased the Do- minion Salt Block, is now prepared to buy all kinds of cordwood, for which cash will be p.10. For further particulars,appl to has. A. �talrnt the Square ; or at the Star Salt Works. JOHN 8COBIK. 1753 THOROUGHBRED SHEEP AND pigs for tale. The subscriber offers for sale three Cotswold and two Leicester Dams, three shears, purchased at Bow Park, and a number of ram lambs bred from them. Also a large nnmber of young pigs, boars and sows, from Bow Park Berkshires. The parents of these swine took 1st prize at the West Riding of Huron Fair, held 14th September, 135). F. 81EOMJLLER, Hoon Road. FOR SALE pat RENT. -A RARE CHANCE (-Hotel and good stable, size of building 21110 feet, two-story high : size of 1ot 31x1132 feet. The l 1s in good order and does • good bwsinea. Will sell or rent as it stands. 1 want to retire from business on •c- oeeat of ill -health. Thbi chance will be only for a short time. Particulars may be had by letter -or In person -by addressing DENNIS RYAN. Shutt Ste. Marie. Mich. 1176.7(. STORE TO LET, ON VICTORIA Street, recently oocupied by Mrs. Adam. The More 1s commodious and well furnished with shelves and drawers. A very complete dwelling is also overhead, and a good cellar and soft wider Is in connection with the building. TMe'staad is a good one. and is in close pros. imity to the Show Ground. Terms aro vely treasonable, sad will be made known on •ppll- cation to D. K. STRACHAN, Blacksmith. (17751 IHEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF a Candidate for the position of High C011 - stable. vaoant by the death of the late Mr. B. Trainor, and respectfully solicit the influence and support of my friends throughout the County. J. C. CURRIE. Ooderlch, 10th Sept., 1880. 1758. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. f' All parties Indebted. to the Estate of the late Rosser Yot'No, Jr., of Manchester. In the County of Huron. are hereby required to pa up forthwith at the risk of claime being placed In snit. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. ANDREWIOUNG (below P. O. A LEX.. KiRKPATRiCK. ` Auburn P. O ) 17614( Executors. UISBOL('TitIN OF PARTNERSHIP Th. parte.-whip l eretotor. .-au/1.044 Iwtw00R the undersigned , are It,g on business as print - erased publisher. al 0oderich. in the (bUtg of Huron under th• nam. *DA firm of The HIgn •I Printing , ompan) wee rids la. 41,,. +nlved by Mutual ('onsent Dated at Godert.•t, rho. Thirt-Hent .1n, .urns(. A. D. 14111 7Fiintnw F. .1 (1881NG. ti CAMrrnA• 1 ALEX.McD. LLRA1N W. T1f0 . WIAifT.\ 1781 XiCI`1-'Iv►RS. NO/We. het .1 ■ v, RGBRRT TOUIIti, Jia. LAT$ ON r ANON ma/Tta. 15 tote ere timer ftp r►ttRrrN. MINT. 11, .sldewt !SWAN `)()tllillr, AND UPI's I:OS. 33 ANI) 2111 7 111:0,18,4,1,''`f"«.et of aad Eras suets, in ex town ofarorle cheap.or ROW be exchanged for tart,, property. Far ppaartieslars apple to JAs. Misty', Architect, 0 c Crabtia 1310.1c, ur J. C. Cccxetlg, auctioneer. 1.4 ARM FOR SALE- WEST HALF 1' lot No. 25 COIL. 1, Township of Goderich. RI acres -3a geared, 2 1n bteh; new Frame House and barn, young Orchard, a never -fail - spring at the door. Will be sold on reason- able terns. Apply to Mrs. (imones PRATT, on the premises, Porter's Hill P. 0., GoderichTpp.; or to (*EOROE YHKI.1'ARn, Book Store, (lode- riol. Town. 1751-Im. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. IN THE TOWN OF GODERICII. To be sold by public Auction in pursuance of the Power of Sale contained In a oertaln Mort- gage to the vendors, made by William Grier - eon. and which will be produced at the time of sale, on SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd A. D.1880, At one o'clock In the afternoon, by Jons C. Lunn*, Auctioneer, at his Auction Mart, in the said Town of Goderich, the following Real Estate, viz : All and singular, Lote numbers Fifty-one. Fifty-two, Sixty-one and -Sixty-two ts a subdivision of Lote numbers Two and Three, in concession "A" formerly of the Town- ship of Gaderich, now within the limits of the said Town of Goderich. On maid Lots there is a large two storey Frame dwelling house 22x30, with Frame Kit- chen 11120, good roosts, first class cellar with stone foundation, also a good young orchard, splendid garden and well on the premises. The Vendors reserve to themselves the right of one bidding In respect of the said premises, TERMS of payment. one tenth of the purchase money on the day of sale, 4100 to remain on Mortgage if required by purchaser, and the balance of the purchase money to be paid In one month from the day of bale. Immediate possession will be given. For further particulars apply to Messrs Davison and Johnston. Barristers, or to JOHN C. CURRiE, Auctioneer. DAVISON d• JOHNSTON. Vendor's Solicitors. Dated Lith September A. D. LOBO. 1752.1(. EW,S :Aarsa�OU tT HF ()M . Ga" Au' faith hell meat l " nets,. ?OWW T10312W18. Mr. Andrew Meldrum, student of Knok College, will preach in Knox Church on Sabbath evening. PaltsoNAt_ - -Charles A. McIntosh, late clerk of the burned steamer Marine City, is now clerk of the steamer Flora At:un erve - Rev Dr. Ure accidently took ammonia instead of another medi- cine, one day last week, the result being a severe canterization of the throat. GONE To COLLEGE. -Mews. D. Mc- Gillivray, Rutherford and McNair, of Goderich, have left to nrosocute their studies at the University of Knox Col- lege. A GIFT of FEctt.--Our thanks are due Mrs. Wilkinson, of Elgin Street, for a gift of some excellent Isabella. grapes, grown by herself. They were much ap- preciated by "ye local." Twee NOTICE. -A11 back subscriptions for THE HC$ON SIGNAL must be paid to McGillicuddy Bros., or their accredited age`tits. We have purchased the list of uupaid subscriptions. Sorpty.-Rev. 1). Allan occupied the pulpit of , Knox Church, on Sabbath evening, in place of Rev. .f. Sieveright, who was unexpectedly cal:el away to at- tend the funeral of his sister-in-law, near Ottawa. IN CHANCERY, To haze WevNeau,-The Treasurer of GRAHAM es PIERCE the West Riding Agricultural Society Pursuant to the decree and final order for sale made in this cause, and bearing date re- spectively the 7th day of January and the 10th day of September. A. D. 180. there will be sold, with the approbation of Henry Mael)ermott, Esq., Master of this Court at Goderich, by John l'. Currie, Auctioneer. at the "Royal Hotel," in the village of Port Albert, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon. on MONDAY, llth Oct'r, A. D.1880. The following lands and premises in two par- cels: -PARCEL so. 1 -The north half of lot No. 1 in the tell concession, Western Division of the Township of Ashtleld, containing 100 acres of hard -wood bush land. There 1s a creek running through the lot, which is 7 miles from Port Alt,ert, 3 (miles from Klntail and 18 miles from Goderich. PARCEL No. 2- Lot No. 3, in the 3rd con- cession of the said Township of Ashfield, con- taining ti acres, of which nearly all is cleared and in a fair state of cultivation. The land is of a light loan,. The lot is situated about 12 miles from the Town of Goderich, is readily accessible thereto by a goodgravel road, which said Town of Godetiich offers a good market for the sale of produce. The sai lot is well watered and has erected thereon frame buildings, consisting of a good frame house, a story and a half high• a good eubetantial new frame barn. The lot ie well fenced; it is now unoccupied. The property will be offered for sale subject to a Reserved Bid, on each of the said parcels, which has been fixed by the said Master. Par- cel No. 1 will be sold subject to two Mo s and an Execution. the particulars of which will be made known on the day of sale. Par- cel No. 2 will be sold subject to three Mort - WW1and an Ezecutios, the particulars of will be made known on the day of sale. Terms .f Payment, -Teal per Bent of the purchase money to be paid oa the day of sale, and the balance to be paid Into Court within one mouth. without Interest. in an other re• spectra the terns and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Court of Chan- Further particulars can be, had from the Auctioneer and the Vendors Solicitors. Dated at Goderich this Ittth day of Septem- ber. A. 0. 1850. 1i. Mat-Dsasorr. at Goderich. (7ANISRON HOLT $ AMInw1Y, Vendors Solicitor s. 1751-2t. B anhing. BANK OF MONTREAL, CA PITA L, NURPLUet, - • Ciodsrich r,. R nfrf grout), ,rte,no,Orw,, • is:,(anon,,, Branch. Manager. .(lion. yaerit on deyuala. Drafts. letters of credit and eireder notes issued_ payable *ail farts of the ware. 1731. (A14ADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE • Ptsii1 ,•ph f'4ty$f,tlKo,')"?,id.• fid, -0f, cel• V4).1n Notlon la hereh) 'oven pdrtsuan.." oh 1te rimed letatutrr of Ontario chapter 1157. election 3N. that tits oreatte a et tate late Robert Young flu. rocaterdias of tate vlilate of Manchester, %sworn P. b.) 1$ Me County of Huron, who w- on or ahead tNe Ma (11N day of A ngu.it A D l are ke0ss� the 1st 1)A Y (i5 NO ViER A°°..17. Ire b seed by Dost. }p�repaid, to Ataxan nen tMRgR1a0N or Alenssw Teems. ('.Aow P. o. Or ALEXANDER Klt- PA Anthem' F. O,tu., the executor. of the i of the said late Robert Young. their sad parsames, Addressee, and de- trrlptteaR, the hell part eulare of their claims sssMwnfa of their seronmta aad the rateee of the ae ntrity (1t aryl, head by them. And that en and eSter the maid 101 Aar of November. the Arta of the said deoeared will he distributed .nw the parties rolttled thereto, having reptM 41,17 to the ebbe* of whMh notice 'WO hare tan ressired. and We bald Ezeenttxw will not he WAS, for the psorasettms so dlatribnteA or Mialltos ,ny part •hemhereof to recei ed by ttleaid R not Tuve ton muter. at the time of the dtetrlhutlon of the sabi masts or part thereof as the "elle may be. ()ARROW It PROUDForre. 1751-41. 4nllettws At tweeters. -- 11ettew SwAt Only tt .Rab Aso saw Hr)\ 74'.W. tfr.W.4.sTA:A• New•-,wJ M•.'w•, 17 t I \'f,h'FOR , \ Godersch Branch. A 14 HI 11.41. N.. ►., will be at the Colborne Hotel, Goderich, on Saturday, October 9th, from 1 to 4 p.m., for the purpose of paying prize money. THE Pt:tptr-On Sunday evening, Mr. Donald McGillivray, theological student, son of Rev. D. McGillivray of the Gael- ic church, preached in the Methodist Episcopal church tc a large congregation. The discourse was much thought of by those who heard it. • RUNAWAY. -Yesterday, (Thursday) as a horse of Mr. W. Mitchell's, attached to the grocery waggon. was standing near the station, it took fright, running to- wards the Huron Road, where it was stopped. No damage was done with the exception of a few groceries, which were distributed on the road. THANes.-Our thanks are due to Mr. J. H. Williams for excellent bunches of seedling grapes fr.,m the sante vines as those that bore the seedlings he receiv- ed such string recommendation for at the recent Goderich Exhibition. The judges who recoinnlended the grapes knew their business, for the luscious fruit fully deserved all honor. Aera vre. - Saturday -Barge H. F. Church, from Chicago, with 22,000 bush- els of corn for G. T. R. elevator. Sun- day -Prop. Garden City, from Chicago, with 11,000 bushels of corn, for G. T. R. elevator. Those two cargoes are bound for the New England States. Tuesday- Schr. Nemesis, from the North shore, with ties for the 0. T. R. Railway. NARROW ESCAPE, -Mr. ,lames Paine, an employee of the G. T. R. elevator, had a very narrow escape on Monday last. He was attending to his usual duties, when the train belt caught on the tightner. He sounded the alarm, and the engine was stopped, just in time to save hint, but not the belt, which was torn into pieces, and violently thrown beside hint. Had the belt aught him, it would in all prolehility have caused inetant.ane•,tis death. Moto( Trtgve=+. A few evenings *du some thieves entered the woman ,t -Kt Thomas West.heraid..4 the Her n )tai, and stripped his trap. vine- r e par- ties wr•1', n0 sat diet` wit. • o. irapee and awn visited his homer% on Tbeniay ,Iigh• Most. mishits( • ,'h„ Ip' esiorritIO Hs.l the t.hnevem been there a Matt *arbor, ha• w. •(ctrl 11.04:1*.... '- rat• .art ikanP fi nor s. •1.71' kneels. • rhea 'wow.•• •,• • thheid for the meew..• ont,Itneth., .r.-1•. ••. •raw• Interest allowed nn deptslts. bran. ,.., all the principal Towns and Cities 1a Canada. Great Britain and the united Alston bough, and mold Advances to Farmers on Notes. ,1111..•••• w more endorsers. without mortgage. 1731 (4os nv 1• ago ea NW Wheat, (P511) i hush. M M 's M 81 Wheat,(Spring) 0 Mad, 1 I l ea rowharm( 5 III 4 500 Oats. • tomb 0 1 A 0 17 Pea*, 0 Mush 0 in r 051 Barley. 11 Mesh 0 IA M 0 Ae Potatoes. Mewl • brush. 0 1K M 0 16 Wonl 001 ft 0M Hay. • ton 7 .of s) 400 (Tiekens.. 0 )0 te 015 Flutter, • a... 0 Irl e 0 1 �rgt, O dais. Ivapaekedl 0 IJ •t 0 11 01 Sett Oa 0 000 n** , '.NA sen' . d - Ale H +7s wit A•',. -t rhe • th.rn.. 4. ahs$. ' ; : Mrw•k 41 4 'Ap tears ill • *Witch *444.4 Ph. -syn. -h. .a.. ,.i•W. solid. 4cI ,1w1 rsl/eMLea t ware tata.•hed .,. rfit •rhe. w..rrl4,r,. ,n,. ••_. •h.,n' ort( ua p0"u 'e sate,,• Kellie - •. •.'• •tnktn,I •,• )000nle1,•M with great forty. and tarnish n1 'h MI. As 4 •r+rA rbr w.•n - .... tn. .•.. The -tMfet 4Qt11'1 .. ..., .. • +. ••• •coil to MAURO 1, 1.. •rwri wan. 44707•. eon. H •AaL ,15 ki 1.14 11., t .usav kinard • Audit w11. leer! t• 11 ,.'chock •as Ss- 'urday At the 114 Rummel,- lir, 1► IinNNh sew has two apple frim in lioseoos ('0N7TASLI Mlonls'llD. +fnhrl T DRArriau .%l ROES Tbc •irattne, of Cooper, .ef Loaditsbor9, war •ppotnited jurors for the grand and petty jurors, constable, on sapliaatiott of 'fano will take place ed the Court H.,u+e at K.! Braithwaite,Esq. D W. I'ltltoit •.f Het, o'clock. 4 sell. was alae appointed, on application . a Detroit Western Hone: Journal :---Godes- Mese". Petty and (iaeEle, J. P'o. rich, Ont., a town well-known to Detroit- id"Houls't' 8. 8. CONva)CTION. A era, has one of the handsomest and hest 'may full •oununt of the Neth,dist Cowl local papers in Canada -the old HURON ty 8. S Convention, held at Lo ckrw,w kilt week, has heel, crowded out, 1t. will appear next week, am we did twit wish to c. s dela. it, and our apace this week being well taken up by ref..ute ..f the fall fairs. CoLu.aCTtur of Aerial.. On Fnday last Mr. LaTousel, had on exhibition at Ball's fruit store, 35 varieties of apples. As well as some of the standard sorts, there were a number of good seedlings, and a few very choice imported from Jersey stock. There are some tine ap plea grown in the Channel islands, if Mr. LaTousel'a selection goes for anything. The entire display was a capital one. REAL ESTATE. -The following in• the result of the property sales at Currie's Mart. on Saturday last; Brick store and lot on East Street, sold to Mr. Edward Graham for $810. Lot No. 129-- with 3 houses sold to John Yule for $425. East half of Lot 1, uon. 8, E. D. Ash field, sold to Sheriff Gibbons for V2200. Other properties on the list were sold by private contract previous to day ..f sale. New IMPORTATIONS. --We understand that Mr. Attrill, of Goderich, who has lately gone into the breeding of thorough- bred Durham's, has just imported, from the neighborhood of Detroit-, two very high priced Durham heifers, as an ad- ditiou to his already numerous and costly herd. Metiers. Snell & Sun, J. Dickson, M. McTaggart and J. W. Biggins will ing in result. Further, good goods will 1 now have to exert themselves to have always pay for advertising, new custom- any prospect of carrying prizes. -{New era will come again. Era• Courrry S. S. ASSOCIATION, --The Ex- 1 CORRECTION. -The following regarding ecutivo of the Huron S. S. Association Gen. Sir F. Roberts appeared in the stet at Clinton, on Monday last. Repre- !London Free Press of Monday last sentatives were present from Exeter, "Sir F. Roberts, the conquering hero Clinton, Goderich, Seaforth• Blyth and ' ••f Candahar, and so-called "Saviour of Wingham. The programme for the next Afghanistan," is soh of a clergyman of Convention, which is to take place in Ireland. brother, m el terforb, I Ireland. His brother, Samuel C. R(Db•- Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday, 14th belts, is one of the Conttniaaioners of the Board of Public Works in Ireland. Sir F. Roberts is a )member .4 the Order of Good Tetnplars, and a staunch. teetotaller. He has a Good Templar lodge attached to every regiment under his command. '• • SIGNAL, now publish,.d by the McGilli- cuddy Bros. Its politics are Monte and it promises geed service to its party. THE Aa.tzga.--Ttie Fall assizes, will begin on Monday next, Mr. Justice Cam- eron presiding. Mr. Colin McDonald, of St. Thomas, will conduct the Crown business. The criminal docket comprises a rape, a forgery and a. larceny case. The civil docket consists of about twenty cases. SPLENDID ExeuattoN.-The great ex- cursion of the year will take place Tues- day Oct. 12th over G. T. R. to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The whole afternoon and evening can be spent at either place. At night the Falls will be illumated with the famous Electric Light cheap rites to all points of interest at the Falls are se- cured. The R. R. tickets are good for ten days. This is the best time of the year for a pleasure trip, crowds are going. -r,Advt. AnvErtiai t. -The days are (tow past and gone forever when any firm can re- pose upon its celebrity. Competition and advertising have revolutionized busi- ness altogether, and when energy directs both, old houses feel the pinch severely. There is nothing like keeping ourselves well beforevour customers. Says the London Printer awl Stationer, an adver- tisement should be like a continual in- vitation to a feast -seductive and satisfy - , •..• •all ..•,eel...». '-he • .. •1. . e} owe. 1..ere ' the mgtnes •e the. and 15th December, was arranged, and the subjects assigned to the various workers. The Corresponding Secretary was instructed to notify the brethren ..f the subjects assigned them, and upon re- ply, the programme will be printed and circulated. We understand that the programme is of a very interesting na- ture. REMENYI.-This talented Hungarian violinist gave an entainntent in Crahb's Hall on Monday evening last, assisted by Mra. Clara D. Stacey, and Messrs. H. W. A. Beale and Edmond DeCelle. The audience was large, and of the more appreciative class. To say that the ren - The above is incorrect in some of the particulars. ('ren. Sir. F. Roberts is son of Gen. Sir Abraham Roberts, K. C. B.. and the grandson of Rev. John Roberts, for many vears rect..r of Dunmore, Co. Waterford. Ireland. He is a cousin of the wife of our towns- man, Thos. R. Edwards, Esq., and is ale, closely related t„ Mrs. Dr. Pyne, of Toronto,. Dulness Items. dering of the different pieces was good, Nowt Mores usasa'.lnu. -lt the eclat,• is doing them scant justice, and the of R. B. Smith should geta contract performances of Remenyi were, well the from the Dominion Government b. only expressive wool is -grand. By re- supply the meq now working ,n the C. quest he gave that most thrilling air and P' R.halt R. with their dry gtooeeies, s and shot[., no stow to Gode- "Auld Robin Grey," in a ,,hinter that rich is more dei.rving, or that could touched the hearts of all present. and better till such :. c..,ntfl►ct. But we roused the spirit of the audience at the I learn that they prefer t.o keep their goods close by playing " The Campbells rare for their numerous customers. comin'. `' Tho concert was a decided suc- cess, and roves that the public ,u'e a large stock „f boggles, and t...• utak,• P 1 room for winter work. will sell at a larg.- willingly pay a high pric. of admissi.;t, reduction. They have r,n hand ,. few to a good entertainuten'. Mr. W. R. shifting top buggies. �•aspeciality of then Robertson. who was perhaps the chief 1 own"stint sting ver' little more than an pen job. f'•, means of bringing Remenyi to GodA'ich, They invite rpitrchaser+ bargains. deserver credit for him enterpria. For all kinds of machinery nee "Cart.' ire' machine oil. Por sal. by R. W. M. Ken2io. findetich. 174401• • THY. HrstRN$4L Errol.The fell.,.vil g estrect f- the isilt 1f'• Norma, ,l..u,'ntel, will he read with itit..res' by tawny .2 npf readers, the bridegroom be- ing an old Goderich hey -: Martine of Roland If. '(tavyfe MisP Mary .T. Curtin Rolan,i d. *wag, '•rather cot th.• prpprisrt- '-4 thin journal, and fido ran int •Mt oessSosiog room, osismast rd M •h.. Pr ,eCotk drat nk iit...u:y*mato. b) R• k % rut Dyke, n Ttw.dar ,midis. 21• no • Miss M7rt .1 1 'ilei,,.. fa•ut•'•' • l.4 n Purtre kw ' the ••K, .•rt man( twist, yr- .r..' -newt* Isis Register. �' I'af: ! thotr bills Femme r U.w Oe[Msleamlw'�■. Ir •.his Aeta►rtmwnt s•ws» baTt7IDAr, Oct 2 I. morel,, i•r• •pelty Ilrwisoh R Johnston. vendor . w•IN•it ore: ' C, (°urine. auctIOneet MoNuar. I)ot 11 Freehola ,o•,pera the s •,( Goderich Cameron R tawRol* A Cameroon ,•ender•. ..•licit•••. • C•LTtie. suction..( ]Elle. wit •...carr. • h. out, .Kgs w• -40• int *Web • 5(.011 • Mi 1. do- 1 a'. 11ta.' ••tt 111 epos Mame • . .e. *Apple tree 'hal "sore. fro,' v• t N +a.sR, N.,•Nttr ♦ (l again in blossom MMt,-geese. Mt H Rya.. Ko(tl`.r 42181m11'42181m11'ir lJs>W. ' 1.. ro. lea been danger tial) ill, but we err filar t'•tm,. •qM• • d 'h- ••'-rl.- •rld.s , b• hear that he IS a little better alth^•Int mono . **Adm. ,•,at • 'taa•11••wed. he lima Boor hopes of his recovery at.•' •.••t•t•.•t. rn.e. 1• , •o a rhe Goon YtsLn. Mr D. Wellwat, rew•d.vx, ' h. t• (. ,,a, qi• •p I %twat'..*hew, had a field of fall *hew yielded nearly 42 hu.hela per acre M••ntaln. Ter 44-44 ('h. •rose($ t BniLotire. -Mr. W. McVittie, , os• were numerous N. 'bort tole kit borne, es putting up one of the finest so t. • . .her Anda, n1 '•n 44' chick' swlenees in this part of the onuntrl thR• r7nma rani •u '.7s. will(.. Mist StoL y. Some miscreant ea der • ,t• in., na y lin' .t .7. n ,tt to 'er•d Mr Mo'rittie's (eller a few nits AA P)''+ ago, and go+ nR »:•1 mlv.u/ 741 w .-•1. est til 44ht0f' ' - •' .... e.Is.. 1 •,, ..n. hutch,, • mew M. M • ..car ., A OR