HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-24, Page 6•• ••• 16 T 11:11 HURON SWIRL, FB MAN, SEPTENBE1t24, 1880. the Poets tomer. h told direlletles Melina& at a. illighliggliligg. writer, by re. tedieL.msluesuroussumaere suageeted to the eateeets ouritly a young Man --411 &vow - neon religious. el &emit) end ea ispd pv&r1i in the Taiga Ilebe tenor of the *id mena is hare sites It esiginally appeased * the wow and low•w pabgebed by, rgesot•- Illtkyou're a sketic, are you And you d hite ine to be one - his time in superstatioua vie. ot ly heaven air had gone Mill o A, I' try to plemerayi.. It you'll old) to me prove V. 'MAR of the wvers. to ties . trod .1 M.* 4,4 I ' 4. near • •c le; I e cam #4.. ..nin • I • e• b .1 you bor. Res- laatintst wrote about you. •t• Mr if tem day. at yore etude Oavid tip the ..t.. 1 .45�X. - rt. !ewe dui rule A eta., MOS& Wht says chaons.• •• •.11•t‘vd‘i M.% I. on I et* 0Am' eliett, inntelli • ieirtify yo tit MOP, *MIIP•i meant 1. Make- •• ninth i heard 4 you tuforr. poi wee COL, a level for as its stisy that 0.4, 4ArgUlOtr 12* 4IM/11. ir agent , 1 volt b. 'hops 4tistoorstsestitsi and after libia. when you !tram up your ammo authontit, iny uarse and capter, too, Are imetted, and I've got them in a good ie well -wore book, d yea ean't .get 'Sroits myinp by book • aor yet -by crook. vOkI believe the Bible! iajced • ilark.ia your hue • fsiatinee tatialis•and tribul;tions what talis- Mtkave you 1 Where do you go for comfort when trub- aftd distressed ? too caanot lay your he:dm:ton yetti Lord and Master's There a none"! ! Now don't tell me yeti Persons artb Things Th. Primates Louise upon ber revere to Osaieda &bow November 11 Mr. 8purgedia ts said leb&re . bobby for oulleetine thr autograph. •• amat - gushed commentator, Ur Jefferson Dawn. in r, ismatui chamois, of ay agncultunia ,1 +bowing e unte of ug Natives grpe. \hreasee and S OMOONISA 00/D fa the Pril » I hi St Lone Mr Carlyle ha* -omen tit einnamin by Mr Bartley :Fignpelt 1h. ttrainasio write, anti rt.. qauo.-a .deedirde ter dinappouttnieni 4 th• Injt..,, et Mal dig %h.. .,esersttle ass* -..ssama alien • rat emir, Mi krchibeao IticEllbet ..111 ...ear I the ocw Knuth •1111=111 411114,• ...Eh 41 este -at. i, • fl bee.. .t his hamar ,tittivered Mar wets • I vtez..rt .st I 'lunch t.. Garnet •tte-no wad Ott Hartle Frei,. The anancial rangements of the 'to Mao isHoh. are said to have been com- pleted. The principal shareholders are Mr. Nelson, 11176,0110 ; Taylor Brod- paper manufacturers; /1175,000 ; D. A. Rmith, S40,000 ; the Hen. Mr. McMas- ter, *10,000: Ald. Hifflain, 117,000 ; IL H. Cook, $20,000. Mae George Brown also retains considerahle stock. The Queen is preparing a descriptive catalogue of the numertere presents that have passed into her hands since ascend- cended the throne. It is tribe ustrated by photography, and as ewery gift, great and small, is to be repsieteinted by this means, the work will price particularly attractive. The money value of 0- pre- sents will, it is stated, emceed consider- ably one million •pounda. blieve one half you say! The famous " Chinese' 'Gordon, with Thee earth wont melt with fervent heat all his strange moral power. is not a man on that great final day! of commanding presence. ;He is small Yon get that in hilosophy and acienen and modest and fair and Inesiy-headed and sechtlengs ; And earth wee not created by our Lord,. has quiet gray eyes, and a &stammerng the KngpflChage. uncertainty of speech as Of.t.ne brain - Young man, yoaacein demented but::led. He is a devoat land deeply giie.yea a chance eligious. It is maid of Colony' Gordon To hese your peoefacemented, and thuslithat there are not two lam Sara dozen of $11101 weight APhAnce. generations so strangely giftetini he isto egeopel into obedience .dr inapt se to action hosts of savage or half reclaimed people. 11r. Moody, like other good.men, is kiwi of children, and very kiad and playful in his ways with them. This little picture of him at a prvate. picnic comes from The I'hriatiait itifet/igescer: • The boys have all got branches, mid they go for Uncle Dwight -he tuki them to - and they have got him, and he is laagh- ae, and so is everybody. Asti the mdy.esnee next. '1 never had ago a kit of eguedy at one time before,' aaicLoae little fellow. He gave the buys stkras Give me Aright hemit., around the hamiefu, and the girls four. He nak-ci Throne on High, • And you 6E1 keep your faliel belief, and my jacket pocket full Just see ! I pe;is •Sten you die. , GLADETESE AND BEACONSFELD. -T_It • nun alle 1111110 lia7minhheallit.S=1111.=;1 sp. WIINNIIIIIIM11111114 1.11 Or Se WO. ret 42311Kial=litgleb. Where will you goate hen Death COMES, .1141d tarns jiver flesh to clay? • go to earth, des n with the tombs' other Mute tola v. And yams spirit, wawa sill it go With loam, sheep and dogs, And other lesser ceates-1i, and birds and croaking frego. Well, you choose a nice d ereafter, but I don't think we'll agree. And I will no longer arges this question guest, with thee, But r11 ,keep to my oesvictions ;111 still:trust in my reed. And fellow in the .footitegs my pious fether trod. And when my mirk is ended, end I hear iny Mister ea. around•aly ith 11111, I want to lay Me down to smeploon my • Sviour'edeeast. • Where the wickdoease from trehobling, and the weary are at rest. Brusses, Junei, 1880. THE REST CAME TO AEU. The Guelelb 3:fermNiles been hishy7ed the following -etract?. fodm a letter from Mr. Alexandee.dIchnetea.i leading louit-h- er in Edinburgh, to -Mr...James Miller, butcher, of Guelph, jai hich he gives his opinion on the best is of ateek tet ship from Cana& for the old.countrx Let: -"You 'state &let a memmission•-• has boon appointed tett/lie evnleace as to the best breeds of cantle fur erussing. ttf course this is nitwit/to beiiefit,he fanner any not sustain the anuiPest ntiffling, and by enabling him to in.d off Nay ,froin six even in the House of Ueda, where no bue-le prevails, he iatVadetshly places it unehr the table as far as ht. ean reach, to la met of harm's way. PIKULIARITIES OF &OWN DANCING. - 41 • spite of being di,sguneci under a foreign, xame, the Schottischeia of genu- ine Highland orgin, and is stamped with the genakee peculiarities of Veatch danc- ing. Brqedly speaking, the thttinction embqied ir these peculiarities may be expressed' /Ay saying that, whew* the ideal of English dancing is a neat* hori- jntal inovenamt, the salient featakes of Seotch (lances ie the vertical motion of the steps einpleyed. In .their peetiliar style these Scotch dances are capable a high degree of hrtistic excellence, with proper environment are extent:14v iiallowayeas much :ss FAbOrt110111411111P 111e00114C• On their nittivo amd lanes all ofaer breeds. and at all titans deeseell by persons wve; wh the ecantienid the highest price AN dead meek asciatistee which they cv( •- londoe t very great trade ii, figagy jlasafiribie batboy TIMM 41. nen al quy elan of vattie to that Aar orit Slane itt illomidon drawing ss i from linolagged *vat LAM te re- at Thew ianyeuver, t..o. Sitribtake west I am -te 4 ,iur nedlien with thou a pragher whieh armee that hie Mich weft cmilinielliIer • intenplifIbble e - /defy (Im isealke tesern it With rased I. their :114...1 performance de • etICI 4001' the hello° Olt ree.41,04111.4 le lite fel* `4, eiliMt Air Inuit its. Cheese* as I .6. •-•• .eassiere istelleress 4 Aar ...teetio ,dieee * ***4 10111104.14• 4.-01111. 'MVNIN MVO* ON hos. wee •dodet migs-prier. be ' t, 41.... rft• ao... I 1.110 , the cseelMlis 4 Image .4 1. Ng- Ma Meet. mere keel et," --ill' it. M Orb nit-bibi type • h• %IP • otte,• IR. c....utrec ..o... glens. ill got* fr tit lash • •u141 n• . • ... • heo 16. Ca, • • new 1. • rm. • won. *v' 4110 6 h. • new IF it, • •• • by= as 1%48.1. *omit - oodeee.. porelmben hetal owe lesh than tip h. *hen •• hie itato but einaa alt.. scuttles ,14.. ar. OAK 4O1Appnh.•••1141* Nellalvi •4010411011 heart (I/seem mime ono .11119, vhICh . 48.00' 4 • ,oPP011ity Atilltestedr. makai wheeet end 0,mi/the •. "id, attensoces I.E. •-• • het. ,..on, dee fameo and butcher 10.411, And the bedw. et Death' Valk y throws contrast le.tween Lord Beaconahe ld Mr. Gladatone is in nothing mare mark- ed than itot,lie matter of costume. Mr. Beaconfelda is recherche. He is apper- Gladstatnet up is as iteglige se Loral ently turned doet by careful hand, sad a rose is nut &infrequently placed in his button -6.4c 1„anne (die before he leaves Downing-otree, but in the exc'terneet of business he auon gets crumpled and creased, and by „mdnight he is as dowdy as Mr. Forster. The Premier has the misfortune to be,wie of those men who never look dresse1. His coat hangs upon him as it "would upon a clothes- horse. But, to dohiot justice, the mat- ter is one about which he does not seem to greatly care. Lend Beaconsfield is• lways particularly citeeful about his hat. n the very heat of dele_te he assiduously thatches over it, so that re glossy surface to twelve months ea:flier, arel,tho butch- er to get less bone anil000re beef (and fat in the right places), %%Olt is an Impor- tant factor in the breeding of cattle. The earliest fed and boat for attle are what we stun. In the Shorthom, of the tight .,.ort when crotised with atelier Devon or •SenefOrd, you have all nice is warded. Set yoti cannot attain dm 4.1y crowing nth Galloway. 1 look upon The Gallo - 414 the 'dourest' feeder ea ;wive thp41 u4ess thoroughly well fed he ins always of coarse beef about lanit. The linirgiorna, with Gallowaye make good erris for farmer and butcher, but the Into vv.. we have is Shorthorn. with len'fieep Pollard las :I clasp) inith for farmer agol butcher. • They airmail tb• Ifs snowman, glary et sage or ='11=AD or team This caa V. ,1, using CEn.% naltill:ketMlios Ervedetigate4,11! "r ELVA 1 moa • soft sod silk. srensru.:Lits hrtstristisilia It .ems its fawn. net sad sets cid. ...Wan: RESTORING GREY INN TO ITS NATINUI. COLOR. outom emus elk) abet -i•otntb drM uggists. Price *s rl bottle *a. Hugh Dunlop, MERCHANT TAILOR, • kXT Want THE BANK OF IiillfREAL. Arrived and. Arrivtang. I LATEST PATITAIWI- TWEEDS General Goods. All EIkI SPIediml New in Mannfactir, New in Bein, New ii Style A. LOWEST CASH PRICES; -Mc dylade Clothing ON HAND. 111,1 Dunlop. ORT. GREAT BARGAINS 11111=T-4a4ES FURNITURE PM tee um, isera ihreamwaisia,es.tie 1411dre V Ka.oderioh 2Purniturf ICznporrtint beams Lammas (ad Tables. wf highgennee. et the Pew ti•inot eat women Oa. inn ..st. Has. AMMO tbsisseresor. anew *s in ammo a. Mr ransom ealhend Leasher takes tt exchange 'MI JI JODI. & BALA asminepseees nn esestew ta ...Ai en men UM; OUR COFFER TO ,NEW SUBSCRIBERS 4 _VT IP itiCATEN, WE WILLMIND "THE SIGNAL" 11 *Muth the present date untiPJanuary 1st, 188fd Mar' .IXTEEN (16) MoNTHS ! . -FOS- 01\T"..2-Y- CRIBE AT ONCE AND GET WM BIDUWIT OF THIS GRAND •OFFER 7.0 TI-IOEME .A.IR.RM.A.RS WE MAKE THIS 07IME: All back subscriptins, if laid AT tone, will he charged but S1.00 per annum. If not paid before the Ilith of October. all in arrears will be chanted ..• .1. THE ORICATEST WON IsEiR OF' MODERN Tt at ICS ! -The Pills Perif) rt. swot correct ell rate , .4 101.50 per summit disorders of the hi, or Htoratich. K idneya and cRii-znels itsJrodira; int sinaj ge in ,,,,,...ovitittn, tr. 111 reliable remeedj Mr kW lese..1111 5) , • dined 1 Bores nod I deem. of busterer long atainding ffor Hronchitikilipatherls.t Mahe cdeft. onto eh. timatigr,, etwl all 'Or% Dhavise- a t,is. •.,, "tit t It i • Pr , El MIK A ‘ f , o r.ri.i. ii au „ roes to ...: ..ettnatatis• .4 tau Pu bile Iffairsti/ Fo Liike lho ' TF i o,..., .•.pect fully tako- les*. . ,4 ,,,,i i eeriais Houma in New Togliatti. enliilleatt 4111M eariderin, itf.,the.igiontmk:neral.11-11 1,WITX111). WI Llirif is I.. ....no uldrew. .o IS . • v.i. do isatiffe• ..” Mede-tne en h. enni - en i inn- geib""all'e" '","'. hat • .0 streetateen y Siseladsta .re .w4, mei, try mo ha no th Mei titres% Lo rato a 1, : he Books re direetion. mann ewes* arminus mak, ia n mutiny rem ma thn Dylille aorsoist being deeel. .sl */) •own weeks leo oat h. nleltict edgine *045410.,trick .... tits. arn '&- foe Mop prvfewel So demesne. Tittra. .non ts are purchased try 1,4=1„4, semifinal one-helf the price of sty is Deasiwit and ore mold Sono= ne manine Itedieems t num earnestly appeal ti rhea sense of joilloiels I feel mos Inver vat mato me. and 1 tar am *ay Ii• in race eyrie aekl II tire pertana. to tbei! pow.' sa.dellontel nu shaistersi Prised Gen Po. &no Bev a kb. Genuine Illittliein• bears (Ay British teSeverentent 'earful with the Ergs elotaiweir's PILL* 'so overman worm. ved Menem 011 th• label iii ......T.,.....,== ..y, *am saareetersd a Palo Intl* 04 bere-hest asp mare adirosa ar. nisaatarlaa The Trefr karts ef gime Medi taiscemgmara" a" mildsase 441111.41Posmes.14. "" n lorthillihune .ey Or.; IMO, the Anterieen Colluterfedts ?cc Val% I be 111=1,,i, THON A fli ROLLOw s s 4,11.4119. Y.., 1 IIOT sold11. otollected IticGILLICITTIDDIr BROTIIERS, 111.Iei4 Mk. e • • ercantile Printing, Of Every Vriety. lc vs' 4 also. ItTTPllt FI14 IP? V0- (_)hee.p o.nd la the W k opt • el, Hat tIACA • I Eteet Style' ni(( Rfe()5 ()#ice: E. JOHNSON Phomplicil talr • , • I be* ,IALTT We SM. / tes • a * HOP PERS FAIL 04 e • MSS Era EL, t. &Sena**, Opil. Pon crt Extract Subdues inifatenseafwt, Costrels all HeasarrA ages. Angle and,CAreitile, Vemetso mid Meese. The Wondbr of- Healing. HEYWOOD SMITH, M. D. M. R. C. r., dec.. de, dt-v. 04141. Hospitaj for Worwo in Soho stynore, Leedom, writing to "The Lanese under date of August 21, 1119, POND'S !retract le • good preparaum. I bare toed It tor eome time (ten to fifteen minimal with marked henellt In mine of passive uterine hernorottgo POND'S EXTRACT. THE SIESTAS= 75I1 DISTIOTHIL DR. ARTHUR 017INNIC88, F. R. C. Entiollad, says: "I have prowl** POND'S EXTRACT tot Hemorrhages of different kinds, for Reaserrhoids, and for affections of the gym and also Rheumatic inflammatory •wellIng of the joints, with great anomie." Also supported by the following able Par - sic . POND'S EXTRACT. EAJLING-CONI FORTIN G. DR. HERING, a physician of national reputation. says This medicine comprises the virtues of Aconite and Arnica. and ono - tains a titanic property which renders it im- mensely truperior to both." POND'S EXTRAC'r. A RENtoWN El. NI NM( INT. DR. A. E. SUMNER, of Brooklyn N. Y. writes in the Modica, ("woo's : "0;it of 130 cases of Egyptian Ophthalmia It:Meow of the evet. Iln eases wre curert AT PONT EXTRACT." POND'S EXTRACT. TAMP 014.E--1.El• st..W ATV IHn sy. . tanuG. . Broklyn, N. Y.: -1 knew of en remne edy PT gerally utul se - CAUTION. PDX' tS EX "1IACT is sold only In bottles with the nein • blown in the glass, and our landscape trade -mark on huff wrapper. SI It 41,1 unsafe tip tree other article* with our directions. Insist on haling POD'S EX- TRACT. Refuse all imItat ions and substit cites. Nue sf POND'S EXTRACT, 50k., $1.00 & $175. illirOtra NEW l'AMPULICT WITII H.5l'• OP Cant PREPARATIONFL SENT FRE* ON APPLICA- TION TO POND'S EXTRACT 00., 14 Weit 14th Street, New York. Sold by (ill Drugists. The "ONLY"' re.LUN P .. mow,* Lug reds cm. Derrel, saa ithetilately cares Asthma. Breathitt*, Catarrh, Hay Fever. all Threat sad Lang diseases, relieves and ears. Conswaptim A mai ef this excellent remedy costs you n. than earsTMT ram soon Passivism, to say notteag at Prescriptions. The tact that guest am tie cured by Assosenon is mit establialted. The Otrue Urea Pas contour the embediensit ef the remora's* seism Moho hist medical stridia's arid writers Mew wand. 'MI sees cuss. held • an druggists diecinglictos the Dominion ibst swamis' loss sidesto. doe 6M drefjbece saga Otos owe weer Viler 41 1, ma= May k le=1=firie NNW paid II af no Ihime gra • sm. ammigornegiairm..gow