HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-24, Page 2•
Fun and Fane.
Farm ane lbaroen
"• ..Mt
ems when sak$ bow tar se.rtb Roes oyes ,, treyudusl) 111s mom
►sell iw,•RI that he hat berm elle II ventemt sbeaesbeor sr so.
'at 'vont treat cows when Milked =and and s few hsrmis et n
••.did. • ,ed -hot stove. gave flee itroarn per:) ries, ,di ... i
ism yosskiihysiman redeem torloslys 0611$11148 11h, 4 W
sssia0al td his liellerS*. as (ovate 4. *hut ledlereellp;ht� trJr-
rit)ke s. i iawardirs •se's that he bill where the Aorta eta t4ietltse
1•1047 lit }eel*. Med attend ttobusiness hew fisaeur' • tares bus 1110 RKI a
tits this most algpytofu Alpe. t`IYtg
is r laid that fat Louis um the of r•!sd nll4tloes it
'stout lawyer to the eoustry A long value 1,;./
..•n .senile w.il sf (hon l«. hsvinti Haag •. (leraw.1'11 •. � 'P A.
.4.14.0 ,.t.,• In the •114ue1 4 3, .4141 Prose '•••t• Seat u'• M •p44ot,e. .a the
ah. lair, w, -wlrgainit tie sowed /sae its 'n y keds eieae ' t1.a•faay,, •heR-
a11 • .11411 awl over sena., dMale ""• Na,,, fai"ort• t,.,. rh. .r and
' sits tutnrW3*ho1, I woven. ens . ,. se..44w( awn err, . aloe
• ;Minn 11441* 4.44w Witt aft
•plat •h••r «„•, rt. a•I4 I.Mt1,k r. _Hai y..
nr•l dee; ...Palish rumen to ilea uu 1,11 s.a, ''h".._`sods lwt iwt •!:, ,,...
f seotlasel. w.n1• .1 rh. u,.,niese . t...k I Meeh w'Pk call' IV't pls� refuI i"""
, Mehr'.• :.std lads h,. 1 the.. «-k. ,sitar ; rii.a otter, tar Hallooed • ly ideas ...where.
met aui41t.rr irwu,t er and intern" R.. A14 ..t141111Y . ffR .tr 1111 ill a..dfu141 and
ths'orpatt was. oath' err i -1N.. ate- Milos, leery vwy ew.th n4Mk.• i111K, r. #til
•, is the ,iuswer...'jiet blown a(,. dlifhwWirr in Net• `14,1• , in f$e1•t it ,oat
I.,Man' keepin the wird • mak.: the .lifflrence between' a crop ..f
\ Ittth' fellow, turning , •vel•'tite leaves
• t ., eclat. isstk, .throe :ten/4W the well wed ; cover the grimed and Ildl it with 1.440
inolip pistols of s. We chirket*s jlwr ort 1 If rotas etre to be s!ovlu we must
help them by keeping olut the wtssis 1
t their shell. He exan►i,r.1'd the picture either way 44'i1W,r successful.
carefully, and then. with n oras, '•((!144
Abetter or awn. There is no peeving
Inaatesa s amass wive ‘1,4011114/1fis SD SANE
Phe nest delve la the wworrllddtot 1.;o 1�s • :e
Bruises. Hones, Corns, andTestiertaUC kilwL u��t11t1,-Jaime. 'n w'" M'
?kw Salve is guaranteed w
satisfaction ,n every easels ISIMMIlle
Prue 4b eau per
esioby r Jordan, liudench
••11 ark181818&
iar,d of s ine **. al
thirst for titter, t� } r 1
hu stream Mil he MM
ay( buMtneas ile tea
cur•ei bb�� pee eM u[ Ht►1a ?KtUfId1.s. 111
allayed test that burring t fast
awry I�tefur Ilgwa.
r-; adi �{
nerves Moody, wood' he WO t'efaai •
shies and lea file more 11110
years, and Isar type to retail* his
guys, sad 1 Imotr of a number of others
that has. been cure* of iia by ••
,iron retir4f
r. vas .nal rank growth of weeds that
.ems lash, slowly rrnarknrl . • 'They.
.awl• ..114' cy4 they ,v:i1';.fvsi'd •,f being' iia",oat of wheat ter. ►w sown Per ncirn - 119
•I,,,iir•1• r•iflid, imIIexible rule to be ftllk.wwi any
more then in the application 'of manure
' '1 npe have. sotgethius4 f.",r rainy or au .irtideial fertiliser. Much depends
. mid .'.M Mr: McNttifakin the outer upon th.! soil : if it Ile rich, deal. and
, it111W. 14$ lm' "eute•nv1 the meals' anti ass:, •,f weeds. th.• a11a.(utt •f ser, ulgei
_roma•(, Itis feebly. .A witldfall• not be :rrtwt. Mr. Meehi. .d Ketglratl,
wiu.$flal •" sereaasetl' Mrs. M(441tifttki/1.
:iatc,.•:ater thin sowing, he user. .a.ly throe
1n 4414. 4c*t&ly of rh.11ltal P,at'airie. N. pecks per. :acre : but his land 'is u. ,,,gill
a..." he respupded yuittiy. ;is he '}rya
culture. th•.r..u,thly .dr44imdu and free
lis'. suppers hon, miler the• seta. •^it's'an fr. ,ui•4411 weeds. and every isnot. strikes
umbrella.'• Mrs. Mer. told him hr was it, r..uta. deal, um, the s„i1. nods as
•1 teal IItIMII old thing. ' abundance .•f food, tillers freely, ,and
r' Cam you keep as secret std Mr. se,on coven the ground with . vigorous
♦liddlerib, impressively, lookinq :at his gtasih. 'Chore is touch dif&reua:e 111 the
S ,ic. -Indeed i eau.' she exelaimtsl site .1 the grains of diffe:eut varirteea of
.•agony, running across the room that wheat. therefore, the srualler the grain
al'. might cling t.. the •lappets of itis the greater the number of plants that
• •.,1 while she Iietened. -Well said I may gr..w from a given amount. The
1t.. brut*, nein, ••sou can dos grwlt deal ;end to be gained is to have the ground
•snore than 1 (:4411. then, I never could re- : well covered with deep routed, well fed,
Member one long enough t.. tell it."` r and therefore, vigorous plants. and any
I.Hurfingt.tu Haw stye: more or lees seed than will do this is a
1 s's'ee0 ill a picture gallery shows, a poor seeding. It is evident that we can
ui...del model' in a man who serves as a li nest give any rule for evervls sly t.. follow
I,,,,del for :all artist, and in the artists ab- , on any kind elf soil under any circum-
-.•nee explains the picture t,o a lady visit, •stances. .
n. "From whore did Mr. Me(3Kp paint' dots • r•. KILL a Beer Intelligent
that head '' •'Finn yours obediently, btitclters understand that the quality ..f
madam. 1 sit .for the 'ods of"all 'Si 'Illy ; the beef is influenced by the manner in
ue II. ., ' He Moist find "(1'1 very 1laefwl I•which-the animal is killed. Prolonged
person. '•' Yes, ulkdsat: I order his
torture promotes secretions which are in-
irantes, S;treteh 11744 can's". wash his jurious t1. the flesh. In the large slaugh-
a.rushes, set hie palette, and. mix !tit: ter houses the teethed of pithing is now
t 1 .i 111 Ire's orot to do ie to ah.:vo generally introduced and .consists in
1st '"` piercing the posterior part of the brain
%%Snie l-:•c•rdon, • ti of the town-otfieet;. with a sharp inet'rtiment called a spud.
4 Maybole, bad an unquenchable drouth - The operator, who must he 'n very cool
sad a very ready totfiue, One mooting, alid experienced one, stands upon a plat -
.,(a roup, he was otfet'ed some drink; form above the cattle and thrusts the
:siel he wita'never known to .decline such spud into the brain ; the animal falls and
in "invitation. Soon afterwards -Sir is insensible iu all instant. This humane
,clam I•'ergusson, �1f .Kilker'ran, happen ti etho:i is:riot practicable for farmers who
t•.. pass that way,ond he accosted' have few animals to kill'duling the year.
tt illie: "'•Ah, Gordon, I see yon have, In killing it. the ordinary manner. the
I(,Sf tasting: You should never -di4nh ; object is the derangement of the brain,
early in the day as this:'` "'Deed, Sir; .u, this is the seat of consciousness, and
•\dam," replied Willis. •:you can drink ; therefore of sensibility of pain ; conee-
ylien you like, but 1 nettle drink when 1 cluently the blow must be directed at the
• au tet it. ". brain. For beeves Ills exterior point to
'4 t.lnng ago a 14444 4:lilW14 ••, s ateui It.. struck is the intersection of the tsve
in the Highlands.- ` . Highlander , lines joining the hese of the hent and
41114. 1 Donald heard .:.f it, tuid bought :1 !the opposite eye -a point above and 'not
ilei ,for the 6rgt e3CUraion. the (1.4111 1.eilveen the (lyes: rbc blow may be by
, eitho • a I t.
1� ,i_ sit half the distance t:. the. next rbis le , an tat, 1 hammer. if
l,tiom when a collision took lilacs.. and alt butcher is a geed she 1.h may use
r Ilonti•ld teas thrown into ;t park. the rifle, nt}rerwlse the heavy_harrrmer or
liter recovering his senses hl m•sde the axe. The head of the shims, being first
..etst..sf his vias hbme, when the neigh- securely hastened and then blindfolded, a
asked him how; he liked his_ drive.. sirlg1e blow of .either bullet .,r hanimer•
Oh." rnpdied Donald, `1 ,irked i+, fine /divide' be su6eient; after whioh 1hethroat
hot they :had :au ,w-fti' 'etui»lc sv11v 'in.' eholtld he stat ;inti the bleeding accon*-
• plisherl.
•1t1.Li n' stir ...,t. � -
*:.ols itGleck t•,•f,oi.el4111*4•co- '.1$ring, Gu.secOAJ. sur: floes, -We have hut,
- :441 green o,)ru with the . other little doubt that cktnrosal is one of 'the
vsgetable's; 1 never..aw any y;ls36t1 corn heat known remedies len the disordered
mid like t.c. know what it looks' like:.'' °state into which hogii4drift.. Itsulil:v hav
�'adt,•All riil'ht., sir:" i;loei. •.off •xnd : iriji disordered bowels, all she time giving
rPtnttls ip a few rninuteai, •won leaded , oft' the worst , kind of ava4:tatdon4. Pt.(
F -1
VIS withgood�► ;� the hest A inl5 I / C
is ga b f s i.
tlf :igd �hloh hn l,.a(De• bs:,ot. form3
Iris e
►4 lordafiip. Lorr. 3. M;3• * the-. � , gloom is in the f iso .,. ,: us .a•,
losers corn 1 t.oki ,:t,u , brinit nkm 1.*crimps. because when hives in he:
,lord 5,: rolrm$, the hosts do' 1,,:•1 ser enougi..
shits. `, distillery was h ui•neut_ i': laiitloiei al :, i
!: l', ii', which :tItetgt: ntrmi•rrr; 1: J s feel AOm'
,4 .'+)UL , 1).it .•!e ,T11e•t" ..\terkli VT1Iy• it. tl1l. . 4,1•Twtiig of
ti>bn who : r7*11. l!Illdll'lK `< •.•
ew wtcx)nu 4444.,., { I►�►1i, >nvirluc,• C, 1.lU !.u. t., i . ' tia11�
-441. h. roc : t":: :ffi.., , s1Il44.( .},,: ;, :k- heel' *,
.n I„ t@ 1._ w': .;1., 1:La 44144, ,•nil.
•H'. , „ ,tr',!l 1s,1'ye•
Many tail.
• liut• that is no•
yhriat„6t•: ai& •1 1-
1111 .t last 'ht.. r/•.
t ethnnr • ••M
ht 4%100 I• .' ‘flk
e.,,1ar •
.• , ..44.+.
. r.., 441
,g •l
wawa ,. .-.•
hat. 1 ern.,
-•►t, ..e,: ..i
1... 4 -ti
•I 4.
. LIL.Iv .�..) •
1t - 'dfglsleaar • I:rsrnh Meow. trr
utltkers haw kat.: gal, sedotn,
through the vet, isuea; .rtitiClal ardor
wh.•! ...eWfr Iaauynet. 4h.. *tali t,•
I h- m the faiths. uet use the Perfected
Hut ter Colo. loads h. Wens, IhebeldeiTni 1111.C1
H,er'1 44,. 1•iMee. E.l ere I,. l're- t' Dairy .katrwiarttw
say- I r gives - he hright.wr :end moat
y�tek t valor- to nutter ..f alai .ul aanee
• ''1a
l'HY •'Hk 4S'4101 Hot ..f
TMY :l'\
hk. • evwa ua4si 1 know it e. he ss you
wy .«. hatjui as .,ah, and it adds several
erne, per ...and the. Is111e ••t suttee
1 750
T41.16IIA(. ..t Mi. -04o '41..1T, „' N
1'!lsaer iisdurwl M the *adorer 0r4,111 .t
persistant cough *sat sap the vitality ,4
aret.•,1, :411.1 wn.Ik the c.•Iratitutior.
Nash .1c*wstr•.ph.44441,111'. toe s1..idr•1
prrenutII„nary measurer P'n,vsnt th.'
nao .,f :. cougl. with N,.lthrop f I.y
101111.3 IS11,uiai.,n of 1'.•i Liver 1111 ;end
Hyl•.[lib.o.phitee ,.t Lime also Sada mt.-
pruvw ,f 111 pr.,ferai.NWl quarters, wind
widish is a cieuhiitatioi of the putwu ;FAN( '1' IIA•KISTs,
and .taunt salutary in,rdtieats it. }effect
ew Goods
• ,• M
New Goods !
ehsseseal herunity. Ciwgh.. ...olds,
a=' • incipient bronchitis. :old:oldother
of the respiratory ....gone, are
apae•fily relieved by it. and it has like-
wee- - y,roved to be a useful specific is►
rer.fnl..us maladies. The lora .1 strength
oonsevlueltt upon olein{ diamme d is cheek- ,
ed. and. the flagging physical energies
restored by its inviguratilnigg action. r Im
Phosphorus, the active principle ..f the
hypophosphitee, not only supplies the
system with an important element of
strength, but givers a healthful impeuao
to the circulation. The lime and s,.tii
also add t.. vigor .4 the frame. It, wast-
ing diseases of all kinds, this prelims -
Lion can be depended upon t.. produce a
beneficial effect. A fair, persistent trial,
is all that is neceasery to prove its poten-
cy, either as a pulmonic err general in -
vigorant. For poverty of the blood, with
which w many invalids are troubled, it is
a sovereign remedy, promutfng the acqui-
sition of ix)th strength and flesh. Pre-
pared by Northrop &'Lylpan, Toronto,
and sold by all druggute.
so surely will disease eventmlly fasten
itself- upon a system deficient in vital en
erg•, if tonic medication is not resorted
to in time. The necessary tendency of a
weak discharge of the functions of the
body is to disorder its organs. -Invigor-
ation prompt and thn.ugh is the only
energy, no restorative of loseflesh, nerve
power and cheerfulness, has more clearly
demonstrated its efficacy than Northrop
& Lymau's Quinine Wine. In this pre-
paration, associated with the salutary
medicines which forms its basis, is pure
sherry wine and cet'tairlarowatic ci,netitu-
ente which imparts an agreeable taste to
'the article,'and gives additional emphasis
to its effects. In cases of general de-
bility ;and
dyspepsia it is invaluable nd
the desired effect is, in the vast majority
of cases. remarkably prompt a:. well as
decisive. That good natural appetite.
which gives a rehab for -the coarsest
fare, is insured by the use of the Quin-
ine Wine, which altu,n
o fei4.bre.in sot,t11-
•ing and body refreahng sleep. Fever and
ague and bilious remittent fever, are dis-
eases to the eradication " of which it is
Specially adapted; but it should he. used
only in -the intervals between the seizures.
The far reahing effect* Of rid - i
'I'ftA \' LLINt;
!IA( ;S.
\'.%4$• .Le.
, : 1 •' f• .j r, F ( / 4.1 1. k
1n u
3B-twr arwi $ (!syn. -
Chas. A Naix
status or
Plo�itisio ,
was' d , : (Lt •
Mating purOhMae•t MbMaI Md1d$X. Hina' ' $'w _prepared telrlltp*
Jl old .,I',dtgner std r many new ones as only fie toltheir petrueagw
oh. I h PiCf'Tli an Si 44ICit'I1ED
N. rftOU13 • 13110W
1 f.air;
c-i?ri A t3 1!L ri A -
'1+4.•'1+4.••iris.•I III ,i,11111,,,/ 4. .gawk, Ie.....•.•r• •••.•14
6,11011 worthII New Gills
U4,tal' Mammoth AN11' 1. r 1111V144044.. ,v, 11..•-•r01Y1.•
J4►H!t 1,HR!Mth.'square. 1«emote
D C. Strachan's
Q�aoceries, Crockery Glassware.
1 lac ,.huiu:-i Fawnd1' 1;rneariase11 voys kept ea laud, and at /w'i.c.a tAoe
t o inem M. rtllea.44 My
:,1,4 huuw•i, ,h.•!rade. .
t..• (*4 f Belot-selmdi side °tams Meso Semi..
17T 2 1), t'. $TR.OH e h
PI -ices in fl�errl -w-
Groceries, Crockery & Glasewarle f
tOY8S mid Tllre '
AT .L(1WEST. P111' h:
- rsvrn7rtlr.'.. 1 ,,.4 1t •
safeguard. orenovantof epletedphytiical House; Furnishing
in all complaints involving loss of phyei-
c:il energy. are well understood bypphysi'
°lana, and the . comprehensive in*nenee
for good' of this preparation upon tin
system goes fat' -o bear out r.he, j,rofess
IUAAI belief ill the vahh e` invygorant.s
as opponents of disease. Re sure two ask
orthe"Quinine Wine,'' prepared byNorth-
rop & Lyman. Worontee. Sa1dr by MI
dr ` iste. •
Ear TY a A (:i r„ .i saw Faure:
roe TAU Pao':.e. There are' hut few pee -
1 paration. of 'medicines Which have witli-
1 stood ,t.ho inlpartia l iudgtaent f the
people for any greats I.enatbof tiin , Otte
Of these is Dr. Thomas Eolectric
Red the following and he'nonwinced:
. 441. Faln
Thames iRohuasc, hr en trio
1 KO.. 1have bezualliltert -•ith
r ouxuatiSln for the last te•!years..
, have tried many remedies :any
relief, until T fried 11•. 'Plsorass &Notre:
Iltl all i.sinee. then have had n: alta. d
ilea' 1 would rertooeu•'.tt;rten•1 r. t.: all .1.
11. Earl,.r1c:,,:' pespet. Strew; ihttteid.
P. I). "ritr,r, I hs'•« ht's;, •r•,10,14.1 with
i 1. e: ,:: inlrlaintr ttr' sec,eritt pore, ,yri have
t,rieci diffheeni marl e.. "nth little• c•s to.
: triSS 1): ''!rhino.-
' .0:1. -hie; aa:: • i:.- 41,uaeths• rstbef.
i Itcl ells this' 1 has. heti` i•
3',44 eM►a* ••, 114..: )... .i.,: ,tki
I h: . rte.i .. r (46y
1 •e►,
-.. ,5''4.4
-Ft. 4) r •
.r; *Ito 1111 ' 7 4 *ah
a.** ' 1 -M w. 1.. 4,4
ells Riy r . .)i ,se., .
no t► w v ti: • -
•I. e: • r • (.gar awl
•.r 'tatetlala . 4 +dM• u.
)a ',r Wr • .1414.
am : arcane I •••a.jr
.'ss1il Prig -
w.aa• r. rh -ti .• fie4.-
• ___ e,.r. aloe). . .►1•411
.',e, •rat. .IM µ.v.-•
• rtv. a llk.r.t 4. • F.• 'Int.. Nn.
i•. 11 • r ,..,'4,. '*still
bee e1 i' ,atr44ri •• tel. a ,l
1 ,, u • •: grip, 14- • I, . , '1.n h v:
.. 41 . 161 ♦ 1.1 'h, .n.1.14.,
o f 1,. •atnr • '4 •+h.•, . Lama, in
41,,0• ,p ,h. . (till•. in, MMA- .the,
�..1. '•. all ..,.ritnlht dealers Pea 21'
tr :i►RTHft(T . LYMAN r..i•',
• (r 'lv h.. nriet^,s , he 11•,minl^1
4,5 ..a ♦ .. 5'. 1. .., .a,t....,...' R.
ILNAV: •.• I.1• -
I N TOWtd ' ANl) MAi1Cdl &
•; 11• is 11I.M gal ,:sial.•
W. 111' 1't' H /hill..
Haaldaoen Street. (i!'riersaii.
,- -.,• ;d h, `di -c np 4.11<i114.• -
sad Galvanized Iron wort The Misses Mitchell
t•. r. 4.n I supervi5io4,
Ursiol ' . 1.
.L,vr -
Ila. .:r,
44Y.t wits haw1.1F•o
st Pnbste,.lctr *ad . Y.i•
(701) I.I V W III OT 1. 4 1 t) H V Pe PH(J111-
!MILL ar a roamed, ler 1 earaampetow.
Oeredrla, sad Treason" ♦laettesss.
':de..rr,. h,..rr 4: Ii.,w\r. • 4 44$-rl.eatus.. I ,
,wire prr,..:rtbe.1 �nleei lfasulsi4,, ol f:ud Live, 'ice I1 .
t�tl. dr . in my �r*kw sad seed it Sn- my fain *1411 usu It *414•1 11441... ' 1 a l 1 ,`.•
. illy: 1 trine dentis gleamed with it batsmen of ttt .
p�l�eaM(•sea• ..n th.• rood rMiti*F tbat tol1ow t'''..':.' ell. .
{tae d�eeec t hire found i* very lrn•yierBble lis :
eosin,"; 4�1�1.e14p414�e144� tuori pldnlonarr afRSrtkn,: 4-1,7,...!
. yeas �.
IPA 'd . LANG. !e ., K.1 r. .. Far, M•,nd w Ay. n? \ ." * .
Loui.'viUa.. h`l .. Ja4usr,' 3, I157 - -
I:r:1, 1 ,...:,l2r4 4411.0f the las* tlfteen ,aenthr. 1
ave use. -1 yam C,M Liv,yrhil gmnisioo, both in
hospital Nod in yrirstAgra t1c1:, and have li4en
Ur 1,tr;aerot with i4'. 'ITe.,ta. 11: iA iottter
erne ►n.1 elan 1.. tarn .nr a 1 time that,
..n, oath.:, pr.:paratigo ,f r •0.1 .1' Ott. 1„
Con-un,l,tm .tad , ibusb• 4 •= .11444..• 1 .,.r ,
448444411• s sluabk.
' name A. •)(:TLRiw1<\. t1; I:,
P4,r.*eiar., I.-.:'. I1..1:;, Ties -
ab . -000T, a Hower : 11,44.-'. ,e441 '
lsinnNinn of r..nd 1..fedr Oil ii, var'on. a
a ,44 1 hg.., r.namd iv be •nztb t1k.t...., :•esdi
as4wuksl. , • ..tad r isotigagto�v'ta (t,,ine r.u�a44�14c. i
and Moet i ;'I r. F. in,l3iill'f► Mrt•�
.. l ;.,scar ort. (hair ,shoo,. >9^,• i.:
Unprecedentedly Low Prices.
Great Bargains Ir. Every Line ! !
,,,•, sI, 440 Tet :*t b; 44•,0
t r eel all shade,.- seduced from 2Uc. I'll;•
• i''!. ki'y and Finset-hies-bests-4 skeins to.
:cul Laces below the original so -v.
Silk Flosses and 1 1k...lhs sot 1.4•114
...o' ',`lin,,.'1114.• illi or. T.
it iljls,w.aalrt.,
ads .1 ' •w( Ur*. „l, a at • toe
awe glad total I a• p t thin.
fee w -a► •1414 1. +sell M• ('es;n -.r high
ou•an.udl W'het,rt. dor,, n*4$1
ap ' ..mn1144.•+1 'using !1)"t 11404 .14414 '44811
.11114• fans he.61t1- and streetet' i
r, .4.
•,r,.. •, ....t
01, ' n• Ino, has 1 :1 - ►lei ...l} h.
.ear .n.4 •n avow.. aunt
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'hl• •r • h. Informed ole •eat• 0*) heft Nee neva,
dlaoas"ld..nd pr.w•ribed 'fico*? Emulalon will,
llyprsho.phite• %for taking ' w• boldos.
+•gars In Impro. • Pry ••spidl• eon r ethnics'
.•try „ unlit 1 1,.et taken l,•1 •'I. and 1414
.n. . health a man as the, 4. I,, 1t3 of
Napiers„r. Whey 1 began m.1ne lyh..•
tl• r..'•••' $' solo •Ptah�1lnoun•,,
c•••••• tilgl.
Ra tiro•'•• e1•
.w«u.. 'els 1 IA7,
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h tr vt . 1 lhntilthtl wnnin
• rite to yon .• 1 an o •'totter np,n , 4.1r bottle,.
)(tat. swim it. lona onntlnued tae This has
.roved tern" is mf raw 1 'ran wire*. .415 to die
Ia., 11arrh with enaeamplloa the droll anal kill
....1 Made no now ',tiny treatment. $4 hmtwnA
spoile.1 to, not 8.an4.l*1nn /A t'•vl 1. 1 .•44 (al he
halt hooch* r wenty+t! 11nNtl..4,1,4 .t .• remnrinr
for t.1 health briemel th..vp•'rtationa of Sinn
(trod* expect hog to hear ..f rot death
1 ol1e111d like to lake n flus raver w n,.• i vein
• ..•I. w. rye -Meeh r*r 4
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74404141.1 44.4044
•h ere r :fulls decide i l•; 134113'u01.1.)4.144411.4114., .
. .i • i r.tr,lc.• i 1 1,41ItArris Immtere the *t1*Ok •hilly
The ageism, e4410, Onliesneli:
I;eLI; 1 I.1-." I41I'i I..4s.
Reduced to Bottom Prices !
OI)EPt, IC -
t/• .., ".-. ,.. „ .. o, .•.•RM.• n t••. .1•, .e MAh. r4.t11434.• saws
• . • • smarting •' to -hots. Engine •r,. K' h• •r. t• It h-h.rtw. d•• sew ani•
.'.rind -hand Raeder.. t..s f Flour Mill Machinery Awe Mill Mach nary, Plows
Ilant'{( �P1 ws. Land R..Iten, Straw flutters, Hon. P',wens. Itraes Fittings for &urines.
(.alt Pip. .n.4 lima Pip. Fittings (,looking sltovea. and a large assortment of castings
n. ,toueTa' ,Ie. rh.- at, •'•. 4111c1 will he e' 14 • Near 4•. make ,,,•)m for the manillas
tun •4 she. articles I )rders taken h'' Engines Boilers .and +11 hinds -•t Min
4' at RPo,ai'+ attenlal i• •1„• shorter n ••e, .,tdre..
�I .VID RUNCIMAN & Co., Goderich