HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-17, Page 6A46111•••4
' •41111(
man -
marry wane, buy, and that is e. tem el
a tog • mil ads ems hoses en •
' 111411fib to aplIttfaLeoll."
Illamithl--" Hoot. sus.' she eisposthodis •
lirseem out Orem of wise altered a plebe
Aryan (Win. wait. 4.. pabd tNiI
res. has declined IL. declaring Ahst
au* eaddteleslovemfion. Wad
os. tus
Ao-.1elitignietoo weitiiguas wit-- sat
!III," Tab '41111114;n: Ph/Palm. .hheast.
het esseaue where beolladd . yew
4., me eller* Awe wist
sem et The juggedre. esonlitteod dist
ASVI:1). or).* . • el.. Witl••1'•• sh •re
Isar rust as 44444 ey
school teacher 1.. Isele. thy whores ,a -
alter is a liquor Beller • " New, elehillaY,
if yoar father has a Large! of whiskey
containing forty gallon sea one-fourth
of it leaks -emit, how many gallon' dims
he lose ?" Johnny • "ale don't lese
sone. He tills it up Again with wait r
right tiff.
OH lady to taxidermist " You am
sae for yourself, man. Toe only stuffed
my lector parrot in the simmer, s*
here's his. feathers turnhling out before
your eyes." Taxidermist • ",Lor' Uwe
ye, 'in, that's the triumphel the art. We
staff 'em that miters' ;bet they moults
is their .peeper season."
The map who has .beer. boarding at
setne farmhouse during the summer, is
coining home about this time, and when
he tells of the Ii.lights ohathwee in the
ceautry, heatagiecta to egy a word about
his eapehihneirrar trying lb sgk the bris-
died cow, .ad the euiden cedraction of
the muscles of her leg which she was
troubled with at that time.
"1 think • I'll cut across see fields,"
said a city belle, who was renting her
eeentay cousin- h he wetheir permitting,"
she atided, aa ehe observed, a tiemonstra-
tive sheep ef the masculine pesseasion.
A young lady who is studyiag French
lately * rote to her parents that, she was
invited 1,, a dejeuncr the day before,
and washoing tel few .champetre t ae next
day. The professor of the college was
surprised to receive a despatch hate the
" old mare" a day .a two after, ipying,
h If you don't keep my (laughter away
from the* darned menageries and side
shows, I will vent down and see, .vhat
ails her.'
Heard u. mid -chasmic -I Robinistea -
•• You've tree more of the world than
most people, lira. Smart. Now, where
have you met -the hatelsomest, pleasega-
est and best kred hie ?" Fair Amami
can--" Well, among your Itritiah arista-
eracy." " Indeed ! That sie
most gratifyiarte. illy pride as an Emg
lishnotn. And where have you enehuh-
tered---a- -the ugliest, vulgseest and roost
offensive specimens 4.f humanly '' Fair
A merican-" Weil .11.1II.51154 yttLIT. British
• • Sir,- roared..a evlly to Lib neighbor,
Liti he strode up to law ready for a tight,
• '' sir, yeu're a liar.- "1 am lxclaiul-
t.41 the astonished neighbor. •• *ISM do
u know I inn -Ideceusee 3 kW!, it.:
because T 'hare fmniji A °lit.' How
long have yon been hetet* here : " Six
,'week.•• Neighber traseuilly met s his
oead and rerniu•ks. • • Oh. well, forniebly
• he know it, then : I ithin't thinyou
been in h•en - • !an; There hva&
a, right.
'hare. THE tie ,,pened
1,11* 5i‘..r cautiously, and peaking his head
in a it suggestive. hat af a way. aft
vas more te fellew, inquired :
ihu the rhilttuat. ?' "The what, iny
ha,n Is this the rinktuns henktuni
sheet oii. ..r some other place. where.,
the hitters live This is he editorial
P. le, yes, sir. Caine in." •• X'.. I
ties* 1 N.nt ecm55 in. 1 wanted to see
wha. riekt %VW+ like. thath all.
1. his like er garret,. only wuse. Gaud-
. N 1,0 Revell Register
‘iht '• Where, wet,. a ow
ehhe the trot i war tired ?" asked she
Nal arenas:RV -irearnariamrr
imOokitate. %maw towy 1"4/ftits"flititigri
are seeded UP well a ow groat ewe a
reale a eamoremes.4. .5.W UI sem 3•114141/7, *,411 law."
alittrebbmg • Woe Isolable
• 1, wie. lying...wait tlie 'hitt
Wheie eat; ),. husband '"
fie * I ey•I
. 1
in 1 t •1.1r 451.11111•••1 . 11', ware they
the% 0.a4• _ •, .n ...
• k•14541.
Vf 4.11.11 • • ..
• re•lod he woela lie htine 1
ee 1- hive?
lit s• 1 Hi /4.4•14 ‘• 44 las 1..1,,
t... .11, .11.. 1
' 5•61.011111 ••I'l • 4 14. POIRPOP • 11101Y•••
•i• 1- -waif. No.
4. . • , 'sees I 14 s ',Id 4.1 •no etek
ob. !el • olio eete .4...o." -4 by. • s
• •55111511•51.5.51110 ellt1545ei • °meat bar
- 1 ..tat. • 1; 'chin* htsenet •eels
/5. 45.5 .5.o ?IW R455. • 41
•• has I ',flip se thane .• s e ease sr
1k3 1,:
ea 'ha it. hest &ewe .. me, 4011
" • '444 • Thews. 1.
. h .1 nee 1•,14 1 flew
•11911414 ,•44140 41 5 4.01 ' • 4•5.
•e•-• •• mum, •... • I% -
. meant filtile Ibfi se, 00/ r• bal/
• Nit Perth timeless •
•sie. b.*”. 1 • ••• .45
In,: 11.114.4 rp701:01 herisselsel Una& ligammise rad
gnash . 1 "Mather& voluable refit Tide imeatie '
4 ealrill1111. '"jilt " • "1w' '4 'situ owe shell bar aseeral Konatude's anew 1"
etrath wisP of eta AMAtilM. .4"1. 441. di, beedisel Gaitymbumg. 'Kir hither ma '
"will u'ulft *"` '/* ''''' '' * **" .ai flones *tot and *kat dpeti•-tot
hr.., the worn* l' two gime it fellatio the flemenrs meat '
*wog m the 'ewelemee. .4 ma nos. -I ielsreem tbinb law III woo hiltiehir
"'Ghee lellahwk.of tte'i -. "111' "aft dodo
swan "alma a "Forte
flitt idiot for Mt /beans me, sir 1 altsale
• To. ha_ lam , tht _mew, itr •Le5liert I.. 11111'0111•1111116111.11111.11 A ally moseues
”hafrful and ink) ti..t gl..4fiy and malign ' ' 'N.. • attune sn 1 ...aide . „hit iih.
theta Melee irliet jug. ate real Thew, relic, .4 aerie, as it is Leese f• ewe by
Fear and seems real poverty maw Wan osse tam Ity lather is hied;
We should set with a• much energy a. i sod shaman ic.rited &way what Me
m .41mer
those-whoeverything from them- PeytY whined and iede a f^nori tonal* .
selves, mod we should pray with so much to a boythat 51,041 h' aid autunwr illeila
earnestness as those who expect every- ionliattl the 141"" ti a lot cif shoot milk.
thing from God. "Nu, I wouldn't sell it," continued the
in, "but as I am in straitened cinema -
Life's evening will take its character
front the day which preceded it ; and if
stemees, I ani gibing to the 1 awn shop
to pawu it.-
we would close our career in religious
"Deal do that. Let me bike it."
hope, we must prepare for it by confine- •W, I me Sh'
s religious in
' The money was handed over, and after
You will not basorry for hearing be- tais noi3O man had eanataly tam, dhaa
fore judging ; for thinking bele" Veld' I the address of the capitalist, he walked
ing ; for holding an angry tongue; for out. About ties minutes afterward the
stopping the ear to a tale-be&rer ; for due
.belietting most of the pa-
tient -reports; for be-
ing kind to the distressed ; for being towards everybody ; for doing good
to all men ; for making pardon for all
swrongs ; for gpeaking evil of no one : for
liming courteous to all. ton.
When dovesly in the heavens, and go "Where did you get itr' asked the man
wringing round hatheir flight, we know who had a singular curiosity.
*hat they -'-'-the grainy fiekl, the luau- "I got it from the man whose father
tient grain, and the inviting perch where had picked it up just after a bullet had
they ,may rout; but when buzzards fly clipped it from Hancock's coat. The
thweigh the air they we no green fields, poor fellow had started to thepawnshol,.
neadeament gardens, but carrion, if there I let him have $10 on it."
been); in eight ; and,if there is none to 1 "What, ho!,btas," exclaimed another
be *seen, there is a discontent in the man entering the More, and holding up
basehxd heart. Be a deye, and not a & brass button. Here's a relic far you.
baraserd ; and seek not the things that Shot iron? General Hancock's Coat der -
are painful and disagreeable, but, con- ing the-
trariwisa, the things that .are wholesome "I'ye gotone that will beat it, said a
and sweet.• man, stopping glad fumbling in his vest
t WV- 1001213111T
web be leak he thine* 4 find apt =amp agehhash, Well, I es Whinahas emu. Bl
clerk in the neighboring store enter i
and exclaimed: "See here, fellers; I reck-
on Tv* pet the boss relie-a batten shot
from GeseralHancock's ooat atthe battle
of Gettysburg." lie then unwrapped a
lot of oil paper from around a brass but -
A OPMCTICRY WITHOUT A 11/10N1.731EXT.- pocket.
The se is the largest of cemeteries, and , "Hole on der. .eried a colored man,
all its sihunberer sleep without monument. "Lem me show yet de boss curiosity.
All othe r graveyards, in all lands, show Pit's a button got offen"
souse 'pinhole of distinction between the "Oh! let up," exclaimed several voices,
great sou small, the rich and poor; but while the noise of buttons rolling on the
in that sheen cemetery the King and floor Was keurd•
clown, the Prince and the peasant are "Let's look for that fellow," said the
alike wiestinguished. The same wave first victim.'
"Why, bust iny buttons, somebody
rolls over all ; the requiem by tier mir-
strela of the ocean is sunk in their honor. must have drawn on Hancock with a don -
Over their r emains the storms best and ble-barrel shot -gun.
the same sun shines; and there, un- The party went out, and the only in -
marked, the weak and powerhtl, -the formation learned of him was that hehad
plumed and the nnhonored will sleep un lust cut the buttons frost an old army
until, awakened by the trump, the hea coat, and started for the next town.
--(Little Rock Gazet'.e.
will give up its dead. No marble rises
, to point out were their ashes are -gath-
ered. Yet the,cemetery hath ornaments
eof which no ether can boast. On no
inther are the hatvenly orbe reflected in
such splendor. .Over no other is heard
*tech noble uteloda
From the Bradford Observer.
On our arrival in town, a drive through
the park about 6 o'clock was the easiest
and pleasantest way from the station
It Th4 it ante mei
set In CTIPlii PIPS" -
, late (MI Pita
.1 W.• 1•44.
W1101JOIA.1.1 A211.•
Com On Lite eir.. OM Iwo. hociclasse.
Wool Manes awl Sheep
lakes In exchange.
homeharcls, and we were repaid for our
_little detour by a glimpse of Royalty in
It is heart-rending at time h, witness ita highest fern"- . We were innocently
' the a.hwing *Integq.. among the youth driving through the gate which enters at
Piccadilly, plat the Row, where the
of ow land who ind*ige in that sin (4
!sad ahhanity. Stop piing man in the i homes were drawn up, as if the riders
It! high heaven mid Him who gave weream the look -out for something, when
that within command, " Thou shalt not
eake the name of the L.rel thy God in
, vain." rrofanity deskasse the man, de-
moralizes associates, is hapised by all
. and destrehes the ste4. 4happesed, I exclaimei, "What is the
my hheash if you Will saw: me to twal :natter r "The Queen ! the Queen !"
yon friend, for I would fain watch you as
a brand from the burning. bo you con-
lealer, . that every oath you titter is a
direct prayer ae, God that he will damn Collecting niy senses, 1 looked where
your wed, are you aware that you are lie wildly pointed, and soon saw advane-
; priming the two, of Him who save you ing along the soft roadway always appre
life. who gives v..ou the very air you Prihted to riders only, an open huTitafe•
with outriders in plain clothes: it. Au
breath. te whom you are indebted for
life *eh its attendant blessings, teed be- i rumble behind was a Scotaniati 1114 I iirli
fore Oa en you and 1 must sooner or hiter I PITY, cap, whom 1 knew h• he John
appear't .. render a etriet, and impartial ' Brown, and inside, isiallehi , 11 . V .4y
an melted policeman rushed at the car-
riage, calling out with frantic gesticula-
tions, " Not these! not there !" Half
frighteeed, and not knowing' what heel
shouted the loyal functifellary; "(lona
you see her' There ' there, coming
along the Role :" he almost screamed.
'account for all the heeds done hereon much, was an elderly led"'will h'ht`
the body. hefore that **wise and supreme I With her *4' ih"I-'flise144.'1"w* 414'1
lasing who said, I will in no wise hold another And Amitiams,, Fhe.
hese guiltletii who taketh my name in ' theft. '6° 4wrei the Queen - ..-et- ..,
roam Borah, my friimi led „f 'Merit Ili 1.11111IL that m54ra.1) 4/61 ,e' r.
osigniww,fl mi..' /4. .41
has 'perm! oriv dew. Abel .1r•. 0 .1111
the noires oh lee ,Sat tn. ...-,
Primate. Nio tII41944f 411 1544 woo the
tawnier143l, war ..44 bow •a t. Fad
4111111.41 State.); fr. h. venting the 1 he -1
we 4 fleaphrtdare 4rw' .411 4541.Parik.'
sh, ,,,igbt lia.. M* t*n **Or eel*
here erasa 1i eda .4h.
'.••••1141f •1 411 fbnit
wit i.ioneisi qt... other.. ••f 'elate
amp am, 4l34 P• • • • lo• 41 I fall
4111.44. ;newt end riaLso1 all. Att. - oaf
• wish Pad 1..4rd weenft
en. ;Ps my*' is diellitr Allfty•
hole tar answered iiid See
eallea ale te psy the leenstity f,.r
violated law lirwrm answers
prayer esth,•r 4.r weal anh for the. pre
fanity lereak• the ehrheian ti.' 'thra heart
411&I 1544lr14lail 11» . It 45f5111re
vitt*. ',*•41•11•Jo .40111141.0 /Mt." 14111ppl .111.1
sii 114114.1564* 411.i will e,,,eteseihr 3.51.1
ee who sadeige theme •tee. maw
4, ....n 1 l rt.-falai...61r. r•••It. eh...wow
dies pe441141 10441801111 and i'Main110 who
Iww, • 1 k 4444.1 4 es• .reut•-• • '14144111
b '1St po II
istatighe meow, .do eias. oke •1
mi eroding Was s. 15f' Witham
roe,. lb. sheaf 50 ' -a, tar lad $.0
war, l.wee rI. 'isS lwl it rh. 1.13ft -t 111111/11114, tog
'..P ail les the fang. ' heinne WO 11
,.3..$i •th• ,wm• r • 941 14 tla eel
'b. .1•14111 •••4 oaf*. .
'betimes* maw. 4eui- ...J. se wash. IM pro,
*brio flarm •fei es 5 eht, rise ash
oferOO 4• • ••W thee& 5554 11.45i 5.11.. sr,
ma/ 4454 yo •abo • •11 -sword
',di wow sew Ill* lain +11., 0. •
dabbriatier alraftS 10111114/MOIS %iv - • were •4",••..4 • 1111 rtld•-
flPrtadt • 4 fib. 40. AO AN, 44-1 waste.
064 • '1111k ,41 .'tai the hart
Twwitgeth tho 10. Me. The.
411 *W. r ern.
DOW' 5. '5.4 taw • hurl isawartei wool • •
480111 Milk fill I* ier Ood'e
otegolm, mos. hr
Prn. 1141111611 lchett:
ease lowed we ,4 oath bright ms
his ....Ms tbse dear glom ...mil t4Ing
MD of the 00.1 Ott listerei.
.4( ;
0 14
o 344
z o
CL 8 r
co 14
c CD
• 0
• o
Fir ;al
0.10 41
• < 7k'
(1) "1:1:
co le
isn r. VIER T_J 190 N
t•5.5. I 5
Now atm^ es .1r •• ewe einSlabs saw was allass toe •••.. •
.11111sine•ver•. 1 45. • Teams se • loyelasy ion flyospoolimalty. an, mese
II••or to ellot• fiserielle
, '',"1;
143.11ifeart 51111fier ieiiraHarilwart i$ Complete,
rtt)er 1 *Aro 5.
Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stock_
188Q. Fall Goods ! 1880.
Colborne Brothers
Have opened out for the FAIL TICAI/E a Complete Stock of
0 Highrst Price Paid Butter and Eggs.
8 (4-
Special %illiest' Me. hOTTONs. PRINTS. and WINCIRS. a hittS, tine tit DRAW 114)0111'
, extra .......
It ars a oral
et .ern•LE •
enad by the otro:n .
yoUr dialogs &4•. :
•thisUbint• 4414.1
Nob lbat..ia.
!floe almv.45:5• .5.'
rad or oirle!r.. . .
sem, rely un II 0 p
your P1e5 3 •
berm .241.1(14/. •
or rt., -5.
If you area
04144 of 1,1.
5.,•• tailing{ or., 44
••••••. 4.. 5,
14.1. 44,4an r•
wools. di Mop 5.
rutlering from &ay
you WV pal.
I ty ''.£ 54451 slick
Ake H,.ip
anal t.ItOr‘lr
Ifter or
Nop tatters
• tr"weak s,are.;:
i The
• • •
mut Irreales.
ea r to
thonlialU•v• ,
55. 04 norm:4
bbs,','.4 u.
Koll by Orgy.
BOP arras
I'702 co.,
sir..., A. T.
M•soillortored try the
eittegliet Luso Pull Detroit. Mirk.
-r E.: Ft 1187
September 3rd:1880.
Look! Look ! !
And Repairing Shop.
_ _ c 0 IR, 1•T
"The Cheapest Rouse in Town"
1,114 .41.1 4••
Gehl Furniture, Labe, hiehele, %Vora, cheers ami at, els, 422''4. • ' 0404
Werk made t., . 1 'hairs mi.'. •• . . • •
• Itl'15.1-• 1 %KW% \ I 1 42
000E WORK 0311
Lawiat•ty taros Astain•. broaabano,
Camay*. Bsy **you all Thirst and Lam
dtoOSIMPO, relieves mad 011tO• 0•118•Rpti011
A trial a dm L 14 • 54. •51,55
more eta* u'.• 4111.1 •10. he, 1.14 IAN
witlwag of fenerfpno55 ewe dt••••••• .a•
b• aired by itainitrnew . ...el -•tablislw TUB
-Out?' two Pea contains the movitoodsww she
name& of 906•0 if twitt 11110‘CO I OW
wel•wis 4. 6. ward, sod owsw (pee
Arecri.e. et•winglimat tb. reawiwior
41...t?Mt ape emeMeg mimes mar
tem am Canada. lb le math Me
=olw aid lab* Valais LealI Ma r.
Iltelfrola mated Mk Islissive aril simov
044~ Mier, alessoo sorAmiliwof do
44ir realklbr 1161140..)1
hear& abostestrpate me many mem a
beak na-adI pow&
HAMILTON StrePt, No' t 1;14N.,
°pit 411Zgle. I* ital.
55 • will away 1.01b5.. 45s.• .110. ...4••••• 0454
1•••• weal head Mao /of gar ewe •s
for • • -.44.!,44•,te.45:- • I... .1.
MORTON & ORMISMAN, Proprietors
le MI embeemba .w ,s ma lir .4.140*Rillt omits
liemliewei by
faaag1910410PDA . Qum