HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-17, Page 4r. 1 AIH ata ak+rset] S. "reads Oraban • &menln. H,H A lalaeren iS Campton B. L I)u>'le •)arrow & PrordeN(. Malu,amrlst. -waver k Mos4ee. LOAN• A•. .a• lavt.O &eJohtun• K. w' m 14. Haau,ltua, i' .eager A 11..••,.. Or. Mr Leat. Un. Shamir. „Iia),,..• li '.1111.1' 41 4•. .I.4„0/i., 1,, too telt M•- Usu. ii'eut 'aim %urs It A. Sp, . • le It k -t rectum. t . 4448n1,. St 'noon and s,.. flintier. .4W `:tun, tt ear m Mrs 4(111: • • 11ettheallLall t Jordan t hem* and prpst Dry uuuds J. C. Getter. CaYfa..t-maker - . Harr,e O. (eeoa. lt ► Io. Jas. A. nead. Maatk.. eta. -)dims J. Stewar- 1lrlatinit- MoUIWcuddyy Bass. Notice to Debtors A. Robins. \ gallon Wile- Y. ('shatt l action Salol.. Verne. •rshionabte MillineryVerne. -L- J. t Ntrtogreby E. i_ Johan* ead S. seismal !Moturate {isle. •hit ~ 4 mati Oise : Stux AL Ua lttslnwa a lard Hammet Hon..., `lsmsde:. Varlet, Warr 'Mtadet nod ilrmlet4.t Jane-. Win.. •►aan.g 'tale la, id Rum -aura and arvtsp s. 14.ds44-... t... Juba Kaes: f)rsaaiwr• m Parn1•tare James C mesal wan• • • (4 I:wy Used& .-t. J A M, lntuah ,.nd . now.aail +M r- h. .r4 J. Donning wall tares (admen., i*' . Madwarr Aea-k 11 W. McKeown • Morton and . •resslnan. -. iwrnere Satz \. la Cora... .n1al.Ntame maid tk,r . ort h- Wert rrlrlrtsat Nash lam&µ llwm mal Maathe Making .Mir to .11wr 1 a e 1 oss lsMasMe,rn . na• tuts • ;orki Jaa nlis.. 1.4 Ilartt...O --H. W lieKeaor. tiad.rreek MAW- N" Hart nod 1 (iota flak. Ulnar TuAa •w ('O. last• b.. mad ♦ew.ln N- T N-rlaa. lase" 4..•.a1►-Je a .teass.i.. Nr s_n.,. rat. W Illtchrll. aging ear of b.n.ra, The Maas•, IlitedMlt. Aar Ducie ata. rte' etc Chew A. Na4a t�saM -Markletj It.ershiF+lwnas PYS. C. Worins--lien- LI see Iransmas. liesnre- bssia ii.t C1w41. t)sass.hl- t - - Canna Amu= eat! -J . Ils.uCI' ,MP. Osasier•isee-M. Xickases ,twthtn, 111E 4 •mar unjust •'dhorial slaw d n .al, maculated to jlnjurt tea w the Amential iiia eet,appearett 113a late number of tit. Ltteef ermun'e Geom. We will allude 11.1 t fully t,• the matter m our next 4 41a1taYrt.NUSN re are wanted • • 1 He HQ�M tiluwa 1 every d)wltshll and -'t'tis`m o, the runty of Huron 4 Iowa .1 I1. Msai ... .ddres•es • MR WO 4 IMO) 41v I ue 4A formation t.. tnttendn1J .wrresp.4tei IT HAS leaked cin that the !nail trade! Is look% n the loads•f"�/3 three is in 'T`tpla•i. and sisal •.nee j.tIltif a- * is held at which the u*tnagets ke .1(411 4iteratl.,ns in prices M hest t.' atilt laicr y ` tux travelling public will hail with pleasure the news that the movement in bvor of cheap: railway fares is spread- ' in pre d- ia . The eimcinn-tti Southern reduced its primes tiger rates to 2 cent, a mile, and this Irate heen followed by the Boston and Allan! lailr.•ads. The lowering of rates .ii our Canadian railways would give an impetus to travelling, and, we thin'.. ,.•ty the companies in the long run. HURON SIGNAL, i FRIDAY; iR ' 17, 1880. Tv r FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS. 4 number of subscribers in the United !states and in distant points in Canada who take THE SIGNAL are in arrear. We would be pleased to keep them on, but Curless all payments are made before one N. we must cut off every name. We hope the honesty of those who are far away will constrain there to do the square thing and pay up. Fur all back sub- scriptions we ask but 81 a year, if pail I.efort•, the '15th of ()(toiter. , Tex fall elections have begun in the t, nited States, and an additional impor- tance is lent to. them from the fact that • the Presidential election will take place in November, and the result of these earlier contests are considered a pretty clear indication of hon the fight will go for the White House occupation. Last week Vermont rolled up a large Repub- lican majority, as was to be expected in the Green Mountain State, but this was offset by it solid Democratic majority in •the State of Arkansas. On Monday the State elections came off in Maine, and ',the Fusionist candidate was successful by over 1,000 majority. This is in reality :a Democratic vit;tory, and the Republi- cans feel depressed over the news, while the Democrats are correspondingly elat- ed. Of course subsequent elections may go as hand against the Democrats as the Maine one has gone against their oppo- nents, but it must be admitted on all vides that Hany ck stock has taken an upward bound from the result of the oleciion in Maine. T- THs Selkirk election kat held on Fr. tday last, and resulted in the defeat of Mr. Donald A. Smith, the Reform caJn- didate. Mr. tiutith Witt the former uteml- her, but was unseated on petition. He .untested the constituency . at this 'scze-' sloe with Captain 8. e.tt, '.t Winnipeg• with the 'veldt given above. The de- feated candidate has issued a card to the electors, thanking those 'wile Noted f..r him, but, expressing his •lisapl•.,intment that a number w•h, yolunteert•d their support afterwards vote.l fie his oppo- nent. He states that he reluctantly vielded•te the soicitati.ns ..f his friends • • allow his name t., be put f„rw•ani. •.nly . •m the understanding that h,• should not �e requited to be present .luring the Ampaisrt, ani therefore thimself the , . . n{:! .hatter of regret b • ,••n 111 ('aliases flat. te., Iu•'re •«n . •h. (01hlie en1. titan Heng Wm. iiacuotapal Everything by turn and then. •e 'h. clever member for r1S1A •n tla.l Iq. • niot,esof getting( 1a ••...r. 1e. I,. has not de ,a" H Mseeif/11gall IIWI , •1' Demist.•' • .t>••t.- •le .n I.•4li ' r 11 1 Nallwat 441• , 11 her • ,r, •4 ,It 1 e,i' • H1'RON SIGN Al. I• KI I►-\ ) sEt"1'EMBEK 1 IKK►� (TBLICATIONS titterer see ale' set L1 ,s ter October hand. and. ea usual, s replet wit]. •nterr.stiuyj and instructive renin. ata.• • i.•ltion ••t its ein- tents -t 1 ht Alfred. of Fuljl •ilea . Art 'Ver J ttemt- . Isainet Recon', tw,.. Jytte Jame.. Audubon .4 Ito - 1, ancr • t the Hebrides to Autumn Holiday A Deli - n Hum with Sir Hu- bert w Touraiue . lbw's Fanning Pay 4 The Metropolis .,r tit. Prairies N'hlte Wangs A Yachttub ltonlaaca The Throckinortons A Story . Some Peculi aritius of Turkish Politics , Waahingtoi Square ; L it all There Still ' \ Poem ; Bel Peppers'. 4 Story : A Buddhist Poem ; Modern Bee Cullum ; Morning and Evening by the Sea ; The Sophia Walker." LOwii.'s A DYANCEU GO1UTAPHY. We • have been favored by the publishers with a copy of "Lovell'sAdvanced Geography, " For the use of schools and colleges. It Attains Meant; illustrations, statratital tables. tie., and i, authorized by the Hoe. the Minister of Education for tlu- teri.. It isevell gotten up, and is well suite•' t;', that requirements of the times. Published by John Lovell, Montreal. and ft -r sale at all lt,.ok Sofres. '.1'9t P.,)y1' '• •A'S. •1'i t -r a it .t4 il- d, meld is fully as interest -nig as heretofore. All boys should read it, and they would re- ceive much benefit front a perusal of its . pave. I'ublished by W. Warwick & ')o n. T.r.•n•to. THE time of the Fall Show is at hand, ,old the fat pumpkin. theism turnip and • the long carrot will ere long be -m absorbing topic of discussion. Mrs. Thingulnhob's tatting amid Mrs. Who-do- ye-all-her'a .guilt will likewise come in for theft share .,f comment; and the number of people viii;' will lie about bet- ter articles they left at home than those • hearing prize tickets will be a gond ,.yerage this season. IN rea Marry consequent upon last weeks change of form, we omitted to mate that THE HURON SIGNAL would hataoefurth be issued on Friday of each week. This cheerer r of date has been made in the interest of our readers. to whoni wu tan now present the news of the week up to a later hour. It may seem a little awkward to some of our subscribers at tint, but from past expe- rience: we have no hesitation in saying that it will be found that the issuing of Tex SIGNAL on Friday will eventually prove more satisfactory to all concerned. than when it was published en Wedlies- day. As WILL be seen by advertisement in another.column, Mr. J. C. Currie is a Candidate fS1 the position of High County Constable,_ rendered vacant by the decaee of the late incumbent, Mr. B. Trainer. The office is in the gift of the General Sessions, who .will no doubt shortly fill the vacancy. Mr. Currie is well known in Goderich and throughout the County, and would make a most effi- cient officer. He has been associated with public businedi in Goderich for about nine years, having for upward of fire years occupied the post of Deputy Sheriff of Huron. We heartily endorse Mr. Currie's candidature, and hope the magistrates in session will recognize his abilities and experience when the matter comes before them. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. Ir an able speech to his constituents at Orillia last night, Mr. Dalton McCarthy hinted that as a result of increase reve- nue, the taxes on tea and auger would soon be reu)oved. Is this an inspiration from headquarters, or is it merely -an emollient which Mr. McCarthy utes in the hope t.. nuke his constituents endure the sugar inonopcly patiently --[Toronto World. Mr. Menem-. M. P., South Waterloo, has returned from a trip to Manitoba. He is loud in his praise of the new land, and, to quote the Berlin. Na0.t, "thinke some improvements aright he made in the Government land policy more encourage- ment held out to actual settlers,. a better method of imparting information to emi- grants, less peculating in land by wealthy men, and many other things that are overlooked by Canadians and made good use of by the American railway men in esenning settlers for the neighboring seem of Dakota. Mr. Merrier is a sup- porter of stir John Macdonald, and may he able to abolish the obnoxinu, land pdie• .•f the administration. It Is a tat ante aaaertioll 114 4. 'lee .pla- ters that the Orange b.'.h is not a pwliti- cal instituting. Mr Parkhill. :• promi- nent niewlher .4 the order and local mem- ber for South Sint0.le. Appears to think differently and make no effort to conceal hia "pinion that politics :0"1 urangeistn are intimateh e' nuecte.i \• roceut Orange gathenng at 4 trill's hi addressed the brethren and le the . ouree , ' his sprach charged th. members. of the Loral iw't[tslat'sr. with t, u,. ,ndrr 't,- 1 f th. •'hue • W•nat •-' `ee(al.l. �•u.n •ts•'w.ei, • 'h. P.... N , eau mann !aunt •••uld d- .. +. ,.. +•,ttl illi. •- sone •1)1v t►rsr.i(en. eo • tail, (A.n.uu..l sod 1....' P... • • ph. ,1ao•at 1 . n'1••. ut• •+n . trial', '• .41. .0..intn•• 1took deposit ••t saki eau , . •. .n rrnlsne7, .,tela, • ,•, n. a,ndenssr'.f s'darn thresh., few •, Englat•• \1 Its,rt, , '1a{ •r•r, intik 2nd onn Malahide 1 ` 11 a supp..s.d t• mdtat. the presence ••f mat •nen. 'he 4-4447 ht -ea Me• '1•-•• 'Yews of She 1 Soria. • Uglpteii: Scott's majority in Selkirk t•, - 131. • The Queen of Spain has given birth a daughter. Both are doing well. Mr. J. L. Courtice has purchased the Garet:er fano, in Goderich township, 80 acres, for 83,500. A little girl, noticing the glittering gold tilling in her aunt's front tooth, ex- claimed : ' " Aunt binry. I wish I had copper -toed teeth like pours. - Capt. Carey, of the 98th Regiment,. famous for his connection with the death of the Princ'r Imperial, intends it is said, leaving the service and entering holy orders. `Dr.' Buchanan, the bogus deplonut dealer, who was thought to have cos-, witted suicide by drotrning, was arrested on Thursday night at St. Clair, and will be taken t.. Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Restorick,of Watford, hada valuable bay stallion, sixteen hands high, valued at 81200, stolen out of his pasture some day last week. At the same • time a farmer in Brooke Township had a valu- able span of horses stolen. No trace of either can le .found. A man named Jim Clarke, formerly of Williams, but now of McGillivray, snatched notes amounting to sixty dol- lars from the counter of Mitchell & Brown's hank, Ailsa Craig, on Friday. The constable was furnished with a war- rant, and is now on iris track. ROT IN THE PLt'?t..--The Stratfor.l Beo.xu. says :--There was never a larger yield of plume than this year in this sec- tion of the country, but for some un- known cause. very ie.ssibly the damp het weather of last week, they have rotted on the trees, and the crop is not ft tenth of what was exloected. The n,t attacks all kinds of plums, and is especially, hard on' the Lombard, which is a standard variety in this part of Ontario and gener- ally considered a sure crop. At the Knights' f M'altaConvocation, it was agreed to by a Aundnimous vete that the name of the order be changed' from Knights of Malta to Knights of St. John and Malta, and the teen Supreme En- campment was change.' t» Chapter Geneal of America. and that the District Ceun- cils be abolished and recognition given •o the College of Ancients as a higher branch of the Order was decided teem. and funds were voted to make thenecesiaryarrange- menta. Fifteen thoroughbred French Norman horses --eleven stations and four nares have arrived b the steamer Herman from Havre. They were purchased in France by a United States consul for the Michigan lumberling districts. Tile horses are mostly iron -grey or black in dolor, and weigh -1,700 to 1,800 pounds apiece.' The cost of bringing thein from levee to New York was in round num- bers 8100 apiece. Animals of this breed are very strong, and at the same time their intelligence and gentle air are steadily growing in favor among Aineei- an breeders of draught horses. . Tuesday evening near Riverdale, in the township of Greenock, twelve miles from Walkerton, two women and their child- ren, who had gone to the woods t.. Dick acorns, were attacked by a bear. The woolen took up the younger children in their areas and got away, but a boy alstut five years of age, sen of a farmer named Charles Symons, was seized by the fen. - Mous brute. Assistance arrived in elr.•ut half an hour, the crier; of the child calling for his father guiding the neighbors to the slot. The brute made off 11 their approach. and the bhild was f' •und stilt alive but dreadfully .angled. His en- trails were torn out, the ribs were broken from the hakk and the flesh eaten off in large quantities The poor fellow died shortly after. The ilrantf• .,i K,.y.. ah , re ret. r An- neunce the death . f Mr. Henri .4. Hardy. county s14.l-lley and clerk --4 the peace far the county •f r „!folk. w•hieh sad event took place , 11 Thureley last at his home in Simeon His health ha' not been geed for some t,ue.:rod 71 4 1.,044 117404 hr 144.1 a stn.ke ..f pu'lysls. which I resulted. nftrr a lingering illne,t., rn hi. death. Mi- Hardy wasfi2 year. -dd at She time of his d0ath: H. was horn its Brans emmtit i . and 14•f,•r. WIN the .• Fir •a 4 ••, i.Alll.ar f , short •u1 • in H . t• ail. • Nit a I 4444 014 4.0114 ., , .rAetn • Branth•rn • ,.., h. '-,nitdr•l and p -act,.-. until sem •' •.Mr• •r eh0, F, . oeleai th. ..p 'ntment , • -SW • rat• ,nil rem ..41 He was . mato .ears-,•I,cit• • t Rrant ihrfl And • m).,%•'• .1 . tt,•111•11 • ,. raet)• o. tartn.rwhit • I. o• 1 •- „phew -1 • Hoe A ' Han1y ha' . icy Mi wa. earned • •1aughtr Rel Jnhr Ry ergo. ••h. rut• well am f• n' '•hildrei• oe «o • daughter ►• esJ• hal to 1,.41 . . • Hand. hr lata ,-•• htn. as 'ed •hne, v,. CHIOA040 Htl{ MF rt e•, •4.,.., FASHIUNABLt MILLINERY Chas. A. Nairn, ta'1'' '' Fine Groceries and Pr o v i s i Vat, H(,ntikrrchir/s .' Crockery Maly/are 3,nd China. Hat nts� larivias-•o the buanesr• -.1 11t His. 11'88. • •s now prepared tat suppt. All .11d emit -owners .old as ream new ones se wee alas -?P mea with their patronage Kin tibio, Laues mud all klu•1. nt T1eal Itibbous. ea S. Agent for Ritterwlelrs patter,', E. J. COPELAND. ►7`1 i IODKKi('H \:VII KINt'4KI.I\h: Marble Works. Hemdrbiau+.. II.,..oe I'nwwu.aa 44'- ,teens., and work of all kinds w Marble.. designed and executed in the best 40. and a Suomi reasonable price.. Marble Mantle. kepi m• stook. Granite M.urutrtent• and ll,-aislor.•- Importe.1 t., order. 41.1. \\'ORK WAKKANTEII S I►7"I' & VAN'149Y)NE. 1742 st 1752 \ N I N-41'4 e'rtuM St 41.I4'i-ri i NI t rk(o1 4.1,,. I rttt mat .,1 •111>r CHAS. A_ NA RN , • 4!•..e.r,•q,.,, JOHN ACP_ SON � V 9 Western Fair. hu* opent.l out durm&C r1. ,.ant 4,•s w',•.• $1!,000OFFERED in PRIZES 14E1 WILL. w .1 1 lie 11 ea 1 . i ♦ . 10 City of London, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th October. 1'tuca I.Is-r.. and entry papers uta) LC habil 018 application to Secretary. All entries are re- quested to be mule on or before'�th Iteptem- ber. Railway arrangements have been route • for One Fare to London and return. Steam Motive Power furnished. Size of turning shafting. 2 13-32 inches : revolutions ! per minute. 300. I- xhibitotr to provide their own pulley.. 4V M. NItBRll)E. Western Fair Office, St:ctn.:Tv Icv. London. hit Sept-18Ki ,17.11 James Wilson, ChemiSl`clllrl' %)1'1!1 o7.t't, Tb9Cid stied -youth side ofCourt Reuse *plan !mope. •.1 nN 1752 worth of Now Goos INT CDT RE UNDERS(D1-.13 _ Mannnoth a.a is twpocttully invited every line. ,...tnplet.- - ,1t1HN kt`HIC8ON, fi•lu;.bio. • •,I,Inlh GO Ti 0 Strachan's Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. The choicest Family Ureearies always kept u. 1••at and at priors tk.a: cannot be brlstim b1 any house in the trade. CASH PAID FOR 'FARM PRODUCE North Side Market SQnarc. 1 i-t•I.t. sro PURE LRtTGS & Always on ham! :U ;.l the stand,: Patent ' Groceries, CrockeryGlassware- Medicines sold. C•£ Physicians' and Family. Prescriptions carefully prepared. 1751 .TAMES WILSON. 175. 1) t' STRA(`HAN W. MITCHELL KEEPS •' THE CHEAPEST 1ND BERT " E. L JOHNSON. ?liotograplier, 4 brae! Hermit 'o. 'f : IN TOWN -.AND MAKES TEAS A SPECIALTY. i;I l' g' HIM :I t' -•t LJ. 1751 W. MIT('HELL. Hamilton Street. Godenoh GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. LARGE PICTCRES t SPECIALTY. ' h e 1751 ONE NIGHT 1)NLY R E M E N Y derided tortes -up business in tinder •1 Misses Mitchell w ill ,.I•a.r nue 7h• -.r whole thick within One Month..• Unprecedentedly Low Prices. • ►: • aV •Wry] Great Bargains in Every Line ! ! \lid w,• 4411•44,- the (01111 Wing hl way of Illustration B.•rliii \l,',l all shades reducel from 20i-. Irk. Fleecy and Fingerings beat 4 skeins for as).• • Rihlons and Laces below the ongr taI cost Silk Flosses and Fill.•cetles ;it half imavr pri..a \nd everything .•les• in proportion I'tino. This ... ,1 ,:.•„•. u., .esti,. ;n, we have fully decided to retire from business Call early and make purchases at ..lei ('1. r.A RINe SAI.R RATRh before the 'tock ge't-s too reduced. 1752 • bt & It. MITCHELL. The Muare, (Wench _,,.._.___1HARDWARE� Tis: g keropean lotinist.,, with his own company of Star Artists. Ina CLARA D. ATAC*Y.. JO rine. R. HCNa DtCesue... Tenor. a.MUM"' BEALL...- ("anis, will appear it (;rabb's Hall, Goderich, on Monday, 27th Sept'r1 1880, and will give One of his Celebrated I..mcen- ADMISSION 50 CENTS ; RESERVED SEATS $Lou. telt. Yee particulars see Mile. ltM W S. Hart & Co., 1'141.1111. r•,I. of` EVERY DE8CRiPTit ►N Reduced to Bottom Prices ! Far,, amt -. ho.•1 Bell.. Household Hard wan• at dismount pries.. RnlMem Hardware and Tools at Wholesale Prlee. Lange .nntra4tl filled at Manufacturers' Prie.. G_ H_ PARSONS, NOTICE lilt MITIS, CLEAR I SAL E (L(t/t I'i/►e r t „wa sloe. 4.. ,train with partes an m.. not and It ,•e.l enl.nl to art to this mill. W. r H APT ! v0. have sue ppunnha.so ne Muiwes of 14. M. HILLIAR4J) and wiIi keeprev Asir FLOUR OATTMrtA( and 1 Fel) and an rwwili In their Hitt TWO i ARS W1t$TF. N MjSRfr ''ORN tet sal. ltighrst t 'ash PNcr paM fa an kin4. of grain /.. t. n .' t-4.. o I t • _ , . -. • • 'Ili" N ►•.- •1r• .i h►A5• r• it a/1••..4hi. • • 1 oruuting ' ..• 40.*..rse Engine ,ne 20-hone d• two 5 -horse do new ane .00.414(1 hand Realer% . 1.4 •.f pl"or Mill Machinery mss Mill Machinery, Plows Gang Plow' Land Rollers, Strew (;utter. Horse P..wen. Bras Fittings for 11<rtginee (:as Pipe and t7*s Pipe Fittings. (7mkiryt Staves end m Targe aaa.rtlaent of matings in gen0ts1 use Th. see, a strict will he *old • RaAr 1. make mom for the trunafs• tur. r •th.. .!titins • )-dere Laker. 1., Engines Roil.ts tn.l all kinds - ,f Mr11 Q .l •1.•ttti,t• .trnh,l.•., • -4'• .4' .•• .. ,,,., tdel rine* DAVID RITHCI1L9.111 & Co., Goderich e► mg (,`had D ,ah shipralfn o Mauituba, .es, and 10at Seefowith the Lin. -Mr as family to I ep land He I him 180 acre .11egtaltce ,.nth lint, 1)1 N,s0No4 14 awanoah 131 'thee decided 1 • Show on the art• now issue' o. presented village. is sure , , •ulitr). and I been success( nrreete'I suec -41 • , ,Ftar,.l lots brei. its I tollegate Int Ably' at the lar ..etttflcates,at vert' keen bier ern 1' is gr Hurt •m was r w• ex'tntinst 4Nrlt'ESNs of Ebenezer Morns. Innen services on 6 l4 and 20 preach 1s tt in the sftern• in List. eiennm ..a Moedav, livees3 bar e others 4 HA\„C u :am Director rt -ultural S} determined holding of tl Blyth Show s sth.nt• ,how will nu Wedaeaday, instead of to two days fol hear this ch cue et -H 1 deputation the people 1 tan congreg certain the proposition c,tiu fairly atten, Hloa of the unanimous] union, only The deputy and .ret wi 4 sunhat t. question been settle, Sias Ma on London the metho, prise ass 1 her with a made thbis a manner 'clsolaa bin • •! years a office of T well wtshe her depart • Mr W1 the cabins is to take a g"•.d hit i'HE Br corded th rtes. but Airs. Het few days sixear . Lord 1 ' f 250 1.. 600 pro model of from It Tuckersn good at" hut this gone out (loop 1 Tuckers, ling thee 8180. or heifers 4 to $113 et steely th tog gond much in mon ext and the the tine v t.. a• ,.. • urnan Tuesda, tered' 1 Garner 1 Dins Wtnghi 4 -1. het' .hoot 0 was we Martin Eta. • :„noel Mr la (onmen •scant ail for he hid Or Tr .1 nen -nly r '.d be 1