HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-17, Page 2•
• r
IS KISSING 1111111E1M y -h tar. thou .a:y,
Sootlab Wotion Story
Cho himeil aittle, of Whittlemum was
.o., M every cone knows, a rich man when
ee !alt kis native town of Psahkirk some
tkjr(ly Yews moo to sack his fortune in
14ed Reegielbee, ad*** kis igectasles
to get a huller view. Min M.cWhitlie
horsed the glory ell her ouetttenance hill
,es him, and the judge °diapeed, eyiag
meekly, "Yell tell the wht►lshe.Nt, wet
I'S .ansa
"Ou, ai, yo71 hear the full tr'nith free
me" said the young lady, calmly. 'Tv.
Atntrslia, but he was unoumu,unly cell wnt on • piece of paper all the ku4ws I
off when he returned about two yee,sgave to the folks in Paakkirk to buy
since and announced we tntenttan •d I vetu for father, and my wester. they've
contesting Fashkirk at the next electron 'b.uu the isms.
He had bought the estate of old Lord 'Kusaesr ohorour. 'et: • - udR►a
Whinanbeg, whose shepherd he had been Did ye say kumast
n the days of auld Lang rine before the , 'Tee things like this. tatted W.
.obis Lord had taken o, speculating to ( MaoWhittle, as she blew . kiss towards
f urkish bonds and he had brought with
,iny from the tgolo ,ilggwp a hearty.
•mbuni Irish rite. and jovial ,• _., ;
own u, +ons ie.- laughter.
rho +gating member tor Fashkire *Se
rha. nun. anothe• M.wWhittit wh
ailed linguae!, •h• •lily genuine *rat
,Vhittle end hastened to denouoo, his
clansman trout Australia •a► + spun
u tmitathot (,ort Wl,inanbey n.•4
+et, who we,. me, a , younp hrsnce .
Lhe'MaCWluttles .aturally gave hu pr.
'erenct I.. tht \ ustrslian Mac W e • that
he Ma Whitti•- who ea. .or Faahktrt hao
.• wee u •Itegethe• ..• .1 .oto+
• hat .no oanv .1 the p1•0L•s folk.
the woo o accused the good man • •t ha•
,.g lied t. them •..1 teller. •hew lees,. 1,
saving w Ion patmwt htuuelt oh as tee
my MacWhittle •h. •iuth •r,..nt* that
blacWhittle M N .vas rsthe, (.rodent
with his money whereat. the ua Aymara
an scatteren his about ne regular hand-
'uls,like grits -wed frons which the sowet -
-xpeets . good cool•. It soon became
taro t[acPepperwraath making that
worthy s ears turn rad ha
0. • stn Mi... mid kis !ordain. ..
ohokuyt tone while then► •.r a owl,
hie utte, •n the t+ •1r
♦ wed .n1 seesten nun I pun emoted
Int whole toon 1 .to believe continued
Miss MacWhittle arehh we meant
tether eh.'tdi bt eleotec sod h. toss
!coed ra v.- well sot No.. shall 1 •nad
out my list toys • - continued the damsel,
%milin* Firm -hen ..,, •.he Pre-
N •► ., tau..• • shipfal
sin olushttag magistrate wh., was install-
ed en th. bench •• los ,•ha+• siva .e
Stop ps. ase
Stnp My .ua 11114r , , 1•$1.144).
interposed the counsel for the petitioner
eh, wu the Provost's eo.n-in-law
.twee!. yr galled this wutner. yer
sell. responded Lon i Drapinthee •
" May h • ve'd lihe to hear her sisters.
• • Flo, I've had enough of these young
propriety was ssandelired
"Ye too iMaa be coaxed out ot your
vote 17• it if a brew wench like that Mac -
Whittle girl gave it ye i"
"C.rtaaly not; but maybe there are
others lees scrupulous thea o<eeself, so
the argument doer not apply," affirmed
Lord MacPepperwraith.
The other judge looked embarrassed,
and begs* a disquisition on the subject of
specific valuables. in which he sought to
establish the rat.. of exchange (as it were)
of kisses, smiles. and other blandishment.
He asked whether . hue eouid be valued
at s rumor maxpenet ., a penny 1
ile argued •he• •h. n.•..• Ruses there
v►eregiven « •sact 'h. ewe wee their
vale* and ae Un- Mar Wluttlr girls and
1 boys had !limed the whsle coon, their
osculations could hardy reprded as
1 things ot mud. - 'rtl iter. h. ..ceded
. by putting this pertinee. question Now
• if you. Brother MacPepperwrsijth mere
I w; bha. wh Peahkjrt s
I ••.kith. • w tile
I • •rdahip angru
Rut f..' argue . -.r. ,up,• ,s
.ltd Uc. y• think th •.r"ceding isould
be valued as meet se • •e Rd anew •cher
nice thing? What ' ... witty. r• pr... 15
this, that kts.e. p+."sk.. •A ti. natur. 41
thaw •ury yn.lnt,. .ad. , .I.'cis,ral
Speeches whirl .r,•tuta es .rr (,ever
chary'. &Mt whi.,i 4s, • ,•els. «+r^rimr
t • th. receiver • tae,. theta
Aweel then thea ostitoott .suer
Influence, .•tciaimiei bold MacPeppei
wraith, abandnnitie hi• tars! tint ;n
trrnchmenta and tektite v• a *WOW
"Is a shake of the hands undue ::.
fluence'" asked Lord Drapinthee, f••ll"w
ing him up.
-.idenr that the new MacWhittl• wou.Id l !eddies. exclaimed the counsel, amid I "What d ye mean. nun'" :used
aryl everything before )1101 at the polls, general merriment. "I'd rather call the Lord Peppennsith, startled by • h • un -
and sty the event pn.ved, for when pee_ I defendant's sons, and he called Dugald I masking of this new battery.
lament was unexpectedly dissolved in MacWhittle, the new M. P. 's first-born. "Why, mon. I remember.' .said the i
• he spring .4 the present year, the new This y'o'ung gentlema:•, •41 stepping I other judge, with his usual smileless i
MieWluttle wrested the seat from his'' into the witness -ii ._ amid general excite- gravity T remember that when ye
rival by a majonty of about :a hundred I wont, created an impression almost as were a candidate for Weebles ye shook
cotes. favourable as that which his sister had 1 honds wi a tinker and a sweep, and kues-
But thereuputs the elder Mac Matic ' produced: indeed it was more favorable ail t"' bath • -' s" "rgsr, .;rind.+ *'►'aur
was wroth. and .owed that the eit. ion at. '•:* as the female part ..f the audience this undue induence. •
had beets won by • • corruption and I wan concerned, though some of the bar- .'Oh. Donald• tisn'r. kind .rf ye t., re-
braibetee. He filed a petition: and in
.iue course .a brace of fudges .ane down
in state to try the same in the little Jima -
'Ice Court .1 Fashkuk. Now these
;udges were (Kath very hard-headed,
.aster• men.. ith ne taste for joking and
•a. grasp of humw The senior one, old
Lord Drapuithee, • occasionally indulged
:n a glass of whiskey after dining in eon -
%total companyand would smile under
h. nilluenct of this potation, but he
saver smiled at other times. The juater
one. Lord MacPepperwrsith, wait a hot,
pimply. peppery, tidgetty judge, who
rioters noticed that x few of the Fashkirk ! call the backslidings of my yheth,' ejacu-
dames who hal been aocommodated with I fated Lord MacPepporwraith. drawing
seats on the Bench tidgetted rather un- , his handkerchief across his eyes as if
easily •.vhen the handsome hiddie kissed I from emotion. The fact is. theold fellow
the book. Dugald was a young fellow hsrl paseod ::i.: sixtieth year when he
"f twenty-two. who was just then hold- 1 stood fot Weebles. and his conscience
ing a commission in the militia prepare -smote hon.
tory to getting one in the dragoons. He I "I - 1 - dont thine it was right of Inc
hal a frank. mirthful face. and eyes I to ku.. the organ -grinder's baby. :and
which sparkled .tike sapphires. •' YouHeave" punished lite for i didna get
will tell the whole truth. if you please," I elected
said the petitioning counsel, endeavoringg "Aweel I wilier boast over ye. Fergtut
to browbeat him. said Lord Drapinthee. kindly-. '•I should
"It shall be as you please, retorted 1 be glad to dispose ..f this kussing business
.vac popularly believed not to have a beat 1 Dugald, smiling: and he. to... like his • I knoo that ancon the lasses whom
point. He lived un cold water and vege- sister, drew out a list. Donald McWhittle kuswd was my own
rabies; was a member of the Free Kirk, "What, have you been up te the Liss- , daughter. Meggie. who came afterwards
who.. services he regularly attended, i iilg game, to(' inquired the counsel. in !and ktlssed my brother. who's landowner
.std banned all Etat awusements and ' disgust: butes the time for his cross -quem- •in Fashkirk. and voted, a; I think. for
postwar ..f the earth. even to smoking, 1 tinning hal not come, he waved his hand !The Ma Wdtittle, anti to tell the truth. I
.a temptations .•f the Dell. It seemed as though t.. intimate that he would de- believe that Donald Mach hittle will end
that with such judges as thew the new ' Inolish this witness when the other cowl- by marrying my Meggie.
MacWhittle must conte off badly, if he ' eel had done with him. "Aweel, its not a case ..f conaciene e,
really hal :Lily acts of bribery on his "So that in a hat of the ladies on whom , then, hut one of law, remarked Lord
commence: and his agent looks!, in you bestowed kisses, Mr. MacWhittle?" MacPepperwraith, shaking his colleague's
rugby van uncomfortable to. he stepped said the counsel for the defence, breezily.hand; and he was so much upset that he GENERAL
1 till!:LLI(,1.:\UF:
mt.. the witness lox. "Would you oblige us by reading it? '• drank a whole tuiitbler of sherry by mis-
Ths agent, at gentleman name* Crew- "i would much rather rant." laughed I take instead of a glass of water. "L -look
..c. was, however, a lawyer. land quite as Dugald. Lord Drapinthee.- puzzled. 1 Ye. mon," jrtanniered he at length. ' •I'ni
g har•L. as either .f the two judges. He "Your own tastes are not t.. be c••nsulted 1 of your opeenion: Itnssing isn't hri-
:enced •.tf every question put to hue by • here, sir 4 ' beree. "
h, answer that he had receive! orders
'Never mind, my lad: I will not press "Nor undue twinence. said Lord
•r..n, his principal not to bribe. that he the question. and I have nothing more to 1 Drapinthee; "it's like handshaking nae ,
,.ad rant bribed. and that his conscience . ask"of this witness, said the counsel for 1 malt. "
amide hon abhor bribery. Aso. tee I the defence; whereupon the other counsel "As ye please. :►sewer; <i Lori Mac-
iarivassmK. it had almost all been done arose. looking very fierce. and was about I Pepperwraith, who had sunk back in his ;
.t the %1rWhiitle s daughters •• braw, to speak when one of the ladies on the chair with a happy look on his face. for
Isotttte lasses. my Inds, who had u" need I bench uttered a piteous sort of squeal and I he had not touched sherry for more than
car money about them when they fainted. Now this lady was none other' ten years "1 I shnok that sweep's
oaent buying votes.• than the erunsel'o own wife, wherefore; hand• and had soot' on me fingers, hut
• How can you buy anything without the learned gentleman remained for a ; Heaven punished me, ye know I didn
nwtsey *.,IT '.. inquired Lord Drapinthee, moment with his mouth open. unable t.. ; tM' elected .. :
.t ernh titter a word till at length he faltered . ' •114•;'‘.
.tr :7. 1
1 ••,. might give l eivalent, uiy "That's enough. aiThor were a great man}' solicit
My led. my case u.
Md ws. cowl Mr. ('rewkt• is completed. As this witness hasexon- wntere to. the signet. t;, use the correct '
' A chequ• fnt instance. • -.am-.amendedugewed ' feasted G. procuris
ng votes by illicit means tarn. gathered in ('oort when the jutipl
bond MacPepperwlsith. I will not weate the time of the Court utero on the Fashkirk Eleeti.l4t Pontine
N.. s.methlryt most. III Ind. further was pronounced. fn+ this judgment in
What • an he nicer than channel ' .. And I will not waste it either by lune v^Ives a gra.. l" 'int d law nsmeh w
unmeant t.• whwth.t kisrtng 6:•. '•rtlwtn
reed Lord Ihspinthre. 111 role be ►t % a, ung speech. hsened the
nldertnen• other rn,un & rising 1 •,entM1A rhe V•••• rs,uls haw. •o-tm •,air u. , e-
Anyh.•• ., ea.' h•.ught is a . •'te elle . the petitions, has fatl.o • pr disc. toy L Ma0Pepl..rwnut/ uncommon,*
'auy }gained nsto.rk.•.I rh. nose( evidence that will Dodd wet.... fittest., •. Iudgte•en• •i.rla^.-. hat •he defendant
toe hnben • .• 'grit goatee •n., ' he• ' h. petitln 4 1
Wh. gold t. than •.• tare,• Lord wt. •i armload wit!. rtnl. , net, .gain. the
blacPepperwisath senor!) W. Il ter..- petttt• one aW....r. I.•.. t.,l,eln paid 1 t% 'Chaise.
.•.t. lutlgaseot by ant ler his lordship •1. ...helmets Kuseing
haus r• he laarhfvl oat •' doth sant
MAAXNITOBED•.D au• rout!. IN ran W 1
Groat -West. 1.0
fft i
.. QO�FRI,�H
F di R
!ho xsl'th-RMI Tirlsport.tioa O
SUPIRIOR LINE. esp...d of !'ave
St.emsrs. thoroughly re-dtted with
new $tsetses Seethe on the main deck ohs et
which will kayo WINDOM AND !AT11DIT every
FRIDAY at la. m.. SAALN1A every Tl Yb1LL
aannd FRII )AeY at ! t
m., (weather perwdttlaa
the Mud .loan at Canathan W..iert andin t ('.uisddQ
Southern Railways. Calling the following day.
(weather peemlttiegl at Go0saWCH, KINeAtiD-
INR d0L•THAISITUN. For Brow Miami -tet.
Joasrtr's IaLAND. SAL -LT Sr. MAais, MicNIPt-
coroK Nuance, SILvU I.LgT, THL'Nuttut BAT
sad UpU�1LLTH--making close oonneotlos with the
llartb.rn Pactac. St. Paul and Duluth Railways
far Manitoba. Dakota and all points West.
Lir further particulars as to Freight and Hao-
aatt�ee� rales, apple to an agent of the aboe•
Railways. or to
or to W harenge or1.,•.
BZIIRY 11i41* t •••sera! Manager,
1711 Sarno. imported Havana and Domestic man., pipes. "Tobaccos,
Chemist and Druggist t
•4(d1.4BB 4•0 D111011
N am
Pbat*t Medicines. aHotel s.adruUttls Meetdees� JArtls* Its. a
1T !Voteless' Pesseriettehs wroliilly dlspoh..L7e iwl
Chemist & Druggist
•.raN• e. Ifs« lush". eAn • 604.111116^ ►,M,
w roar• ural• 1. _ 1
Pi WII-LAtt Ft )RM
1'11PI LAR
•..e• auto- ate r r• m..- 4' w. Wg.
c 'OV RT E30V8f: �QUARD
J. G. Detlor & Co.
H' • .-ver.... ray, ...0 eller taetr ceatomere the °saes. they have purchased eve►Mer
In.1,.-°,: rum cams. thereby saved a �la� diw.oewt. Th. eels speck&
„n tw,hrir stook of DRFJBB O'OO
Use, • Mines o•
• u►AI AT la•SAT.
3 CAA,. RI.nket.. Bit. Jus IN Pelee 1 Case !]eaten Paeans assn. ..to,, i usee tHef now
nwi. special valve. 1 CYO Wlhevys Met value hence esor d
The Ordered Tailoring Department in Rail blast.
Several Cases choice Aro eb and English Tweeds several Cases &sloe Ovsr-Oeatinsa
R. MocoaM1C Cetesr
TEFiM8 G &B .
1131 J t' DETLO1t t 00
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
C- _ B .A R R Y ,
'•THN HL Bra. 41415A1. WILL w
DEV GTED Tr 1 Li ►t'AL NEWS •':;..
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
A good a+m ortment of Kitchen. Bed -room. Dining Room and I'erior F s attar.. sank as TO
Wes. (.'hair hear cabs end wood seatedb Cupboards. Bedruiads, Mattressesi
Lonnie,. aa. (hue.
!.Doting Glasses.
N. R. A complete assortment of l'oMns and Shrouds always os hand. aim Humes ter burs
at reasonable rates.
Picture h'raming a .pelta(). .1 tall solicited.
1711 G. BARMY.
Red, White and Blue !
Li 1t'AL NEWS Acheson GEORGE Acheson
►••e ►h• ,•etitt•.ne
1 nolo 'real. t• .a. 11,.•
• t..ulo qay. M A ;4.••••11•
W Crewk.
r Witt
Irk t 1>`h:
',AM' 1.1 vFNvp%PFk
Wilt , . ►,• . -•,ant• , km 1 44 saying the tie. jade,. g►tris, .,. •,
tee•• err • .sae•• 1 s - MOM N••••+.• • . eei:h • 1 .aura and '1,191/1/0, d T. sj at. •..,W Oal'u't •h. UMW/. ', -n no 1..ii
don i. e , law • . Hen, IIa1M• s' ttre.eel
ndlgahD►t. leawmg the mediator 10 laugh one and a
tit • ••••"111••i,a/t•••.• • •.t» ge...eg. oto fokeS "vet •the runouni) ,••wet warm net Ansi wlh r. uuain in ion ...Innen-n Ire;
trust the . •retty wonder. who tree. an ,
..,g,,,,,,... •teal n e.etin te eel' • .all n
that had hien sendet (tut whet the
h. Mast- tea. !t herr,. die., . r�,e,a l judges wen 4.4.. they ...ikon 4, -aceelect,n 4,.....itweM •sew Nat...• nr.
1 � an. •n11ow,
neer. • 1• •- loon...H• +.. older. 1 other ID +cate
(lathe, ff fashion end '
o that tt• ••'r•4 • .-..to. tomeelf to • by way •.1 clearing thou thoughts. took
a ow. nursed Chas. BBoov�dtliedt . shoos
.eggem thin". • rho cadet* *erre what 1491111197 trap they doffed tbs.,.i ks trstaithfnl .if. s► Bs1f,i'1I. e.lid I EMS TNr►(Tr/Nil
pe'emitter.„ 'emitter es. Nene. •ha. .. dad. gowns and eat down tos table • n r.hiek ace auessi et
glia • r.... • eeeise .•. oa01e• .usably 1 were set wine orates' and bagman Lord
IP. A .. .. + stn Le
h. h«. t Daspsatliae helped himself t.. • f A half wtK.eO ow ratan nested Jacob
4 ., 1 dila bottle knows mowed Berle as
• sot, tab-. o .•••• • ane... Mee. Mar sherry. Llxd MaePappsrwraith gulped 1 •' Ohs glees Joked ons run over and killed oa
Whiter. down a gisof water, and ththe letter the Claw* 'resell Reales., near Reeds*.
Mar eaters • . e1•etd. 44,9.0.• gni • mid essphatiosllt '04 Goons. kismns r I .t Thursday morning
• MIMI. wArd. -Well- . q
th t .4 t4. tie I Is
' The Freemason a (Rr.wenla, published
•odder the Imo , ewer% .t awryhry silk, • Aweel, 1 doubt M. vespewded Nae at London. Lag hes expressed its opie-
aoo that "twee of the most ttotawrnM►
ekarecteristiets of the melt in the Ultima
Mateo" as' "the leaden" whisk is these
an etempiew►ss an the direction of ehowiq
pp to substantial work Being
Gro( ten►, it reitaetes AO o cion,
andettiestheTempl■r's y at
and th• costly temples tMvaghow 5
4 Oro -teal •o..rttl. Their ►terse the I found lined MeePepperwraith. whose onntrnent .0.apport of its view".
1" kltrleth
*b u11 A N'
. skirt •e truer*. Mil t"upott of frith
Pdn •M now -stoke glens* watt. I waive
I nln.es tut is hal h. eseh• No white
vase.. tenor tare I..ry, Ifni Ino
•n..eld hate ma the light • e her eyes.
he inept* . •1 het cheek . and the anile
other 'To oonstjtnote s bribe then
mast, I take it. be a tender of .011e ob-
jets of @pesile vaso) Nee. bow would
you vale* a knssl'
"1 wouldne value it at all if not gives me
by • member • d my • own fund's." re -
VIN .•t
54" ILH'PIsttt
!metres. Prints. WIneys.for t�pirttpta, aunchyh. Velvs
eteens, din. nevem. Hosiery. (noose.
R/•.. ssinahlrw eeryFsa,Tr.dr
I o
.11'ST ARHIVS)).
New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery,
l o('.Yi' Tr► DIVE BARN_•1! NN ' 1161
Early Fall Goods!
Hae _lust received a chtit a lot of
131aok and Colored Cashmeres,
TAILORING Department.--µo.leitttN.url
-lass stile and at low nabs for cash All cloth bought nut
Felt Rata Ties volare. Shirts and Drawers +•heap
stork all naw Via trnnN. t0 show undo
geed. 1'wtwda. Nuu461k Twesds,
int. wadeeh antwadefn .wrier tains
Mau hwserr Hover i todene&
Y•usi .4 rrzveQ, Fal/ .Stock o/
Orae,. 4.104... iS,.,e, : •.:i
wen. ••. . a. ...tows• 0 •1.. -
Miss J. Stewart, - Square, Goderich.
0 f Every V et.riety
, Rlfrit NAtm AltUes
t.11,711N tiBAD/Nfilie
Cheap and in the . Best Style I
M<GI L LI C UDD Y BROS.. `Signal' Ofre
dLDI1'0>Rh aMr PI bt.1r•l4S14