HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-17, Page 1,?.• • • 1•
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u NICHOL& oN forHGE1) ^ • !`"••• ammo same ea. team.
(TA riff Office and relndeaCe,
•••• Ilank
- otirmee _z k _
&uctioneertng 11 •• /110
• Neil omit 1.
41114••sp ill111 • we, 4 dI
• /I' .4 ao-go• iitnittser 1 itt histstoes. rove
• -• availed thsonselves of the ehem, ar.
Toronto ot. Tioursdny
Peorztoo H..s ..o1 Hteatitioin
lait week bought the house laUly occu-
pled Is Mr WIII. Seymour, ittCoboun
street Ti,.• 112.imm was laid for
' the pr q oert
THE HAUB+ l'ei'. The tioderieli
lbowing Club put -pone clueing the seam In
_ _ _ .. --- • N.. a ...anhers are rat/hilt, rolling in
I ' :( Halt I'llk. P&JPUrn al t
" • gantr1PlED orijod••••110h gill , 751 1 hi/ 1. 411 ?Ail,* will lie held next
antalga Is • iR AtfAllf welt gfik'kt)• Vriday .
I ..tee,,,,,,, , li . . „no ,,,, thaw, t .iii-rie Br,w. hotel ii. IiiIVIUg a lice roof
rums orgoonebn • Nile. Ilanilltoi. -Arms
.iaderich summit. • Allem. Hotel isrders 1.111 "il 1'
41 ars11.rs • i oar* will le. ataseded to Hal
Tne is novo A brst elas• Aver-
cfleeical. tilulIlt medium
by a competition fur the Harbor Cup,
The houseter haat been touchan his Iowa
°woe, ouorber. 41814•••• and risideatte
a Ben,. Itheer. ersraltio! &wit Weer Af TIMM
•NHAN t441. '4 HAMILTON,
ehisterim. otuertise .t.eusbeve, 50odic. 41. 1 Pr slltauriaaa's residern•e. near the
Jail. Goderich, G. C.shaNNON. J. C. HAMIL-
tON 1751.
LI 'NDT. M. 1).. PHYSICIAN,r. itri.
=ffliegrraA...voucher. gniduate 9-
nIverlittipet 211fillee at
WM/eel. thissittasson. 1 1 I.
0-f • at Or. Deactuti tiraduate of ,Outario Ve-
mriaary Collage. Oaks.. stablistaaditeddeam.
its. Arew's Street. hack of D. Ferguson's
Mire , f ,rmer:v occluded by Duncan.
eiseinime4 as to soundness. 1751
pun 8 *ARV tiler before t. Wonth c
up the walls of the British Exchange. Further particulars will be given before
Oorter 'F. -We would like our the event takes place.
readers to could the number of columns Messrs McGillicuddy, late 14 the Brun-
o( town and county new in this week's eels Poof, have assumed control .4 the
thesat Guderich SIGNAL. They were the recip-
Itseovenap. We are pleased to ob- tents of a complimentary banquet on
Iserve that our friend, Judge Toms, has leaving Brussels, a mark of esteem they
new fully recovered front his recent in- well merited.---[Wiarton Echo.
. . .
Dickson, daughter of Gaoler Dickson,
left on Tuesday for a term at the Model
School at Toronto.
Sittaernto JURORS. - -The County Se-
lectors -the Warden, Co. Clerk, Co.
Treasurer, Sheriff and the Senior and
Junior Judge --met at the office of the
Clerk of the Peace, on Wednesday last
and struck the list of grand end petit
41 the Dundee Bunecr, am in jurors for the current year.
- town last week. He looked plump and THE SION.SL ABROAD. The . Lucknow
'1 toe -reefs. _tuorneD!. S011aterd, etc..
nederteh A IF: Narrow. lareediloot.
- - - - - -
• .iimsreev. tinitethor •ge.,
liedgrich. fait " • mi.
hearty, and his 26 years .of journalistic : Caledonia Society- last week ordered 200
life lie lightly upon him. o i
coop.; es oi . - 9, HZ ... II
IAL 'M*: SIGNcontaining
Eau. Snow. ---The West Riding „f a report of their annual games. These
Huron Fall Show will be held in Gode- Papers will be distributed in Canada,
rich next Friday. Business men should' the United States and Scotland, and will
*woo - itA it s _ send in their orders for printing .er (INCE. I
TEEN Wialpani advertise both the town and ourselves.
e. sr ., ssirl.
printer's ink : It , pays ! THE HURON SIGNAL.- -The Meilen Me-
thaas. rriedo. J. A. once' 4nr.
*M. . Ora RS/dr.-Mr. Ariiistr(ing Gillicuddy recently purchased the HURON
optai AND
is Ott. present in Toronto purchasing SIOHAL, and have made great improve -
Amy isstmenents for our band. A
ed,iNk be Oen' to assist the
We, Waves
• At krip.
ariees,&t. Mot ever a . Oode-
EA. LAW. aelletter ilmnpwelrrtativey-
tick Ont, .4.47 amount ( moron to loan at i
Sures rates interne 1751-y.
- - -
Gewierich and Winghani E. C. Cameron. 9.
N. klarrtaseni, ioliancrChancery, e in Sta.
C., P. Ho 54. O. cam.. -on. caelVell• M'1,a,.
inn...e. , twara vvi wham .
boys in meeting this expense.
The Guderich Sweat:comes to hand in
altered shape and printed from new type,
and is a model of typography. It is now
under the control of the McGillicuddy
Brothers, who are experieneel journal. place on Elgin street, between two of
/ft% "London Atty_ertkno!. our local speedy once -Messrs' D. Mac -
J hint( ti
&maid and F. Robinson -on Monday
manta in its appearance. With its new
dress and altered make-up it certainly is
one of the handsomest weeklies in the
country. The McGillicuddys' are enter-
prising newspaper men and deserve to
succeed. -[Hamilton Times.
A SPRINT. -A sprint of 100 yards took
- (4 " " last, at noon. The former gave his oppon-
- 1: Philip Foreign-, wits- 'brought up before
ent ve yards oa start, but, neverthe-
Aliscellarteou6 ItarbS. Judge Squier, at the Interim Sessions, i
- - eas. succeeded in winning the race,
1 .. Ornamental Painter. Fust otreet.oppeosite
it max tAnreh. Doderich. 1751.
14 . irnansontal Painter.. Perkardeeer- 1
sting Made Irse•c*It). ()/talMilfo, OM:OM,
i#Lemimu shop on. North Street, oppoeitastlic
Raglatry (Mee. filedevish.
o Lassen Utah Thisestehitstunentischiefly
devoted to job and nbearr work. especlany
those %ink; to and evonomitul half eel( and 'nor -
roma styles ln all Nem the best of stock and
workmanship, with strength and beauty nom -
tinted. Bindery overJohn Tittttotertririer
charged with breaking jail1 on the 4t1 f
idnaded_gailty, andibeing apparently ip better "fit" than his
:teeter last, He
-• • • • a8 • • • By request the
was Mstedftetl ti. six. , imprison_ •
official timeis not given, hut we mule',
• to*
stand from Captain Dancy that it was
Melileo Vim. -The "f hitari' o- arrived
something out of the common.
on Sunday 'miming, 24 hours late. She REIeo-ii.-.VVe are to he favored on
left in about an hour's time, and a num- m0ii4lay, Sept. 27th. with a visit from
b 11
petit% gostimiletiag,wildlY, and vary. Panied by a company of eters. He is
t •intending passengersrunning,
the famoos Remenyi, accom-
ing gripsack, had the iiiiiierY 4 seeingl the greatest living violinist, and those of
the steamer start (4 without them. our townspeople who have heard him are
Itsznuso rime Besezires.- Our lady rejoicing at the thought of hearing him
readers will perceive by advertisement I again. The Toledoi pod, says: "He
this 'Week. that the MINIM Milthe/1 hai-e i came, he saw, he conquered. He played,
. _ • _ 4ecithei4o give up bitaiintis in Goderich. the audience listened with eagerness at
tgank anb ingutance.
hnve marked dowd *tie 14-, all I first; then with agitation: then with the
$75,000 Tt) LEND ON EAL ES- clear their stock off in a month.
" ' '. -:4- their gitbds vt.xy low, 'and art -tioittnt 7t.. i wildest enthotsiasni. They leaned for -
TAW. Terms favorable. Apply to 13. 1.. 'ward in their seats; they hung upon his
imYtit. Oodeeieb. .. rat ,Iskrgasi Oaeirr. We noticed at the , very movements:- breethless. spellbound.
*WOOD PRIVATE rosns Ti) LEND *hot on Tuesday' evening, the steam , HERR Remz.svt's succes.s was ithsoolute
ne good rano or tretetaas Taws .olmortir pleasure. yacht. .1. J. Morley, of Detroit, and . overwhehn
at s per met. Applv to It. HADCLIFNE. 1751 „
which arrived from Southampton. Mr. HARNIDe1. -0e.tice that Mr. C. F.
74 PER CENT. .131R.IVATE FUNDS Morley has been up the shere duck shoo Straulde is busily engaged in loreparing
Se Mad sit the above rate on first -chug se-
4. No. dit&L. Nosily fit once to MEAGER ittg, but met with poor success. He left some beautiful for Mr. Attrills
lk WroN. .ric . n70 here ono the following • ming f. or St.. thoroughbre.1 cattle. which be intends
121-411•4117-1 TOID. PRIV ATEI Clair fiats.
to exhibit at the Provincial exhibition at
r.1/1 rums os NSI* nisi. No didezheaad
resaleable eberess Moms ham RRADTIEDI. RoVi#1.76T, mieidayiHantilton next week. Mr. Strauble in -
tee pee twat. aeosedhin in •ectiattr, mornin
t; •wwowtrier HE. g €„„. sanctum was adornby a forms us that he will not be able to es-
. nik.
exceedingly handsome bouquet. presented
1.4) 1)AN THE CANA
• tee 11:4 by Mr. Alex. Wats. n. florist, South
ione 1 AtMO Flt AM, glee l`cc411dtth• Money Mt. The selection of flowers and /dente
•h,e(ple, 1., Math% id 1416k4 neon M
n. mon Are..01 AA k. .1suolulpublee., Ulit creditto r. Wataion'a taste, and the
• **Spoilers 1, • 11 R etc TON 1' I,. otettioti id' the boquet to the editor (lid • will place oon the Show Ilrouil.1 for in -
*drew ooder, d
it poem kreatir
IIA Loaded redly 4 01611010# l'ellPenhe
hibit any of his manufacturer. at our Fall
-Show. as he is engaged at present pre-
paring to more t., his new premises three
doors east id his present atand, but he
t'• ueotta. M. Him.. • k
weal eal l'enegsam amoo - es Pew 4
•III• • Ihrtiligh .weeeet Ot. 14e.
• it. ever, . • --..1 • .1444 • OA
will tole kott• t She "Onfilriple aka
4 alle• reihrei dories the trip. t .8. K.
lit elute. .4 the
onke dri,i, liaatssele!re
A POIVAK .1 uniiti. Mel/
Allan, of to...ern:lt. is in ge•a, .itgassaid
ia judgaat the fall exhibluoiss. Dur -
nag the %week he liar beau *mane as ex-
pert 'al fruit in the profeasional list at
Torelit.. Fair, and ou Thursday be was
'Nes Pledwa •• • .0..1* h. o.u•th•c•
muses I Oar Sr
(144Pli ' 16011 •4.11 1.11. 410
ow. 1. noit lisolti not -.I. >Ion.
Homer, %ley erso Mr t I v.,il
Irk rumaertiafor Muth lion.
her woods with a obit heavy furriest.
like runnel* aYellialuti. tle•tit 1,401 Il.
itt weight. He will return te s few deyet, ,
Itt ToWM. Mr. Aitchey Maciiiid,
the Canadian Bank of Co llllll erce, Bram
ford, is iu town visiting odd. fattiibiar,
MOSIMOF. He is looking well, and the air
of the -Big Nein- city appears to agree
hooked as judge of fruits at Sesioeth wish ham
snow. He will he in charge the ag- ufbeamen TO THE FROM f AtiAlh. We
ricultural department of the Provincial are pleased to learn that R. Hawley,
Exhibition at Hamilton. and will alt, Esq., Guderich has taken the first
judge the fruits. prizethis week the Detroit. Show, with
his famous orn bull, " Beacons-
field, whose sire is 3rd Earl of Goodness,
and ,grandaire lthe great prize taker)
"British Baron." bred by Col. Townley.
Goderich bead, wider the able lettoership
of Mr. Beu.Annstrong. attended through-
out the afternoon on the grounds, a short
sett, of the weather for the week end-
diatance from the school. After the
gathering had dhipeeed of the atakeeini ing Sept. 10th.
provided by the good ladies (tithe
ty, and the variousgaums custonutry on
sue,h occasions had a fine share of atten-
tiOn; the 'proceedings wound op with
Fnwcim ,awi Rc.y. br. sept. 6th --Wind at 10p.m. , Nortb-west;
speeches by Mr. Inspector ftev. "f a 5 euble inchem-
- -(Cout. I lartly cloudy ; fresh breeze. Number of
A miles the wind travelled during 24 hours,
pie+ of workmanship in the shape f a 411.0 utiles.
headstone, has recently beeu executed by Sept- 7th --Wind at 10p.m., North-east ;
Mr. W. D. Weeke, of this town. It is freak tweeze ; Number ef mile°
Picoode. --A very suocensfulpicolic wan
held by the pupils of S. S. No 1. Geode-
tic+ Township, under the direction od
their teacher, Mr. Weil. .Miller. The
beautifully carved, having clusters of
noses on either side. and adorned with a
handsome basket of roses on the top.
Two hands, holding three buds, made to
represent (Inc giving and the other re-
ceivink, with the inscription, "Given
Beek,- ilea above, are neatly carved.
Three names are cut on the stone, being
the beloved ones of Mr. Samuel P. Halls,
of Guderich. The manner in which the
work is executed, reflects great credit on
the skill tof Mr. Weeks, and we think it
cannot be surpassed in some of our large
cities. -[Exeter Times.
Holmes, of Goderich, has been a passen-
ger conductor on the railnati between
Goderich and Buffalo ever- since the line
was built. He was on the Toronto line
for a short time previous. He has never
had an accident, although he has trav-
elled 1,275,000 miles. He has never
been west of Paris, nor east of Toronto.
During his long public career he has
never been 4Iff duty on account of sick-
ness, and has only been from Itis post
1 twice 4at pleasure -to Rochester in 1861,
and to Chicago in 1870. He has had
in his possession three snow shovels be-
longing to the G T. C44, for thirteen
years, and two letups for twenty years.
He was never treated by a passenger
while on duty, and has only been twice
inside a hotel in Goderich.
Wednesday, the 15th inst., a solemn
Requiem High Mass was sung by -the I
choir of St. Peter's, Rev. B., Watters
officiating, and the Rev. Father
nor, .4 Wawtmosh, in the Sanctuary, for,
the repose of the soul of the late Rev. P.
$248,000 PRIVA Vt. On )1% oft siake
no Fars and Tokyo l'opeel Arai
caw, Nfocteorts pc@chteaM * 41111111.1*1•44 jou"
Con veyanclinit V...no • ••••ceabo
BoTower, can II le IX, 'n %dal' te•
e is Ististnotory AV •
-rpoN Harrister# k•
pee I 0.-S14 I. ,
it.,,..04 ,I to, tio oat.- ,,t ,i' new ceived the first prize at the l'novincial Ex- (kelerich being his pbee of residence, WA hoi.,## shoetly, my health is much improv 41l'ibenak, _% '‘• wee' lit' 1Pf' 0"41"re-1. ''
nobly did he fulfil his duties, at. a zealous I ed, thanks to the pure - air of tioderich that geetwwq.AD '' 'el"' he'lwe 4.'
...‘ -Ve., . and which he will oboe..., / this fall by priest, beloved by peoteetesta as well we i It is a dear little tovrn. temutifelly edam- o Iwn:e,,Ird., J;Inee 'elan' ''''' ' Engia"'
n ....eel- - ,(111. • •.),..•(.1‘.(4 .
' 1110.r.A, her. jabinibliii in hibition and the Western Fair lied fall.
stove mut. ht. .
tie Ifitel..tit .44-. at Itt • . ,
aria emit only del he minister to the soul, There tit ,,n4 „ne ?sib., na. sad 1 did am '
Materologioal Report,
Sept. 5th- -Wind at 10 p. itt., South ;fresh
breeze ; partly clear. Number of miles
the wind travelled during 24 hours, 304.0
miles. A slight shower at 6. A nt
1 J. Schneider, who died in be. beloved
France, (in the 30th July, at the 3tdvanced
. age of 73 years. The Church was well
fille(1, and all testified a most profound
devotion to the obsettnies, in mutest- I-
branoe of their beloved old pastor. Rev.
• Father Schneider was the fir.t psrialI
priest stationed in the County of Huron, •
the wind travelled during 24 hours, 507.5
miles. A slight shower et 8 a.
Sept. 8th -Wind at 10 p. m.. North-
east; light breeze ; clear. Number of
miles the wind travelled in 24 hours,
303.0 miles.
Sept. 9th -Wind at 10 p. ni., North-
east ; light breeze; clear. Ntnnber of
miles the wind travelled during 24 hours,
260.0 miles.
Sept. 10th -Wind at 10 p. tn. , South;
fresh breeze; clear. Number of miles
the win.1 travelled during 24 }pours, 219.5
11. N. '1.1
-ACDONALI., Ilbserver.
Ohoneery Wort-
Botoi:e His Lordship, Vice-chancellor Huai:
'the Autumn Hearing of the Court of
Chancery for this County commenced at
10 a. m. on last Tuesday, before His
Lordship, Vice -Chancellor Blske, and
only lasted for half an hour. The only
case on the docket was a suit if Robert-
son vs. May, to set aside a fraudulent
Conveyanoe, made by defendant De-
cree made in favor of plaintiff, with the
usual reference to Master. J. T. ()ar-
row, Counsel for Plaintiff : M. (4. Camer-
on, Counsel for Defendant.
Mseistretes' Wert.
Before Messrs. Pollock and Adamson J. P's.
• Sept. 10.
Stephen Yates es. James Love -selling
liquoreontrary to law. Cas.. dismissed.
Before t'. orabb Esqr. J. P.,
Sept. 15.
G. Wild ea Gee. Dawson- Assault.
Fine.; 91 and oats,
Sept. 15.
T. S. Miller .o. Peter Smith -Taking
fruit out of orchard. Damages and costs
were given against defendant.
.''$ Nli i)RoWN Eli
Ph. st• asereento- V..ln .11..
• One, iaeoreitse...
i.estseet• are
the telegrams in Illopily“
The hodo 4.416 .
4#144111416f the wt. 11114-•te..
ti WS. inuot. .ssisowposagi He is
ad • i* trot,. Ontario 4.1, - • @IO'
beau in the water
pocket it the trowse.roo was
4 from wnich ..os,.- these otandin,
by reasoned that the themmatio .ad
robbed, and On l,4, Were 1..44(4 it)
following ertiehe : .vi. -
handkerchief with the Ham, 1-mrs
and the initial " J. H.' or 0.
the numbers 5, 12. 72 ; a iacke
the name " Reeves ' bents --lout
a brass hotel check, nunibered 5 • .' doh.
patent fountain pen I it et.11111; hao.
Star' of MarcIo 12th. 1830.
briar pipe ; and part oi the Googri•
11'ith reference to the above we have
been able to glean the following partici'
lent :
Decesaed, whose real manic • was
Llewellyn Jones, was a Welshman. wh.
came to America about a year moo. • last
spring he came to Goderioh, and shortly
afterward took up his abode at the
residestoe of Mr. Fred. Olobensky, oto
-W est Street. He had •originally intent: -
ed to go to g•exas.--hut was deterred from
so doing, by the actions et the party
with whom he was towelling, who turn
ed nut to be .4 the rougher element. Wad
by '.whoin he feared he would be murder
ed, and iv: tied f or his life, and Lome t
Omierich. He worked for a short time
for Mr. Simmons at McKwen's salt block.
and was afterward employed by Mr,
Bingham, in the capacity of market
gardener. On the 31st of August he
left'Goderich en route for the Old Cowl
try, with the intention of returning in
the spring and entering into business on
Manitoulin Island. He purposed sailing
.on the Peruvian on the 4th inst.. anti
wished to spend a few days in Montreal
to see that city before his departure.
Previous UP his leaving (bittern+.
Jones had received 1190 from his father,
by cheque on the Bank of Montreal.
He had also a sum of money in his pus -
session besides the above, and was not
of necessity compelled to work, as his
friends were in good circumstances in
the Old Cotmtry. The ticket signed
"Reeve," was evidently a street cal
ticket issued by Mr. P. Reeve, of this
town, and the portion of newspaper
found on his person, was an extract hone
the Goderich Star, given to him by Mrs.
Globensky; his landlady, prior to his
Dowelled was about 25 years 4.f age,
5 feet 8 inches in height, weighed about
150 11:“.., and bore unmistakable evidence
of being from the other aide o of the At
'antic. He was naturally of a quiet sail
retiring disposition, with 'good moral
attributes, and was consiatent menthe'
of the ,Church of Englanii. He was well
known te many of the respei•table rem
dents of Gooderich, by whom he we,
highly esteemed. His lamentable (Jest),
is much deplored by all who knee hint
AS OTHERS SEE US. in this section).
Mr. Globensky. has forwarded to the
What aa illetrlyss Honor ',served neat detectives considerable information
tioneerieh. corning him which Mkt' form a 1.' -
An esteemed Jady correspondent sends lead te theapprehension of the toourdet
us the following extracts from a letter ens of the unfortunate YOnli1S also
received from tut _Antericau friend who that he wax rohbed and moi, -.d that.
recently visited 14.derich: -. is little reason doubt
D F Strome • his effecte et. Imo .P SI • .
Catholics. whole souled and onerous.
ed. If 1 ...mid hut transport o she
Id to it.
Ineetifle.(41 in the .t.
%tome • of the Lova, ..i-*. 1*wpm. oo•
the lake. which 1 t.bink w layoad tt,
WI.. and draw,. . -thestheatile initabei 4
runr• •r• t di, u, /Wt . -1110k 1 ltd •01
wait note). di '“wt. lee 'lieu have •
lulu, 4 Allot/WM .441Me 1- MOM at
. «ill urtmei they Moo . awl -10 fetish
• .rahis•1.4 OHM do* 411101414111 Winn*,
mete a ityall/whlere 4. thy meds
413..dodepartleftlket. 4#1M•u'
4, 1.0iiihnuatriarptedherithr,••
reallp ri , awe, omical trent) Thej,
allots 44 k• •teselat, then beautiful gar
dens h lb end 210 mna nigh, Well it
1 psan4is etemprehension rronhigh t#
low nch and peor - magistrates, law
yam, eminell men are all imbued with the
tante mania The coots is infallible no
' orompentation This very encleato animal
is in the aseentiant It is ratherbeethen
tat'PPOIST 'tun It LIN' PAPRIA. Week
.. et 1. •fos•hil Lout being sk Oiled en medicine. mid t
R fir/. eilte
stftei vo wo• come her41411# inc!I «h.,
t '4 4144. .1•4111% With .N114.1 444stuit vesitieie.1 Inv/Anal/4e
• 1.ife anti • s•leleu. I niniran•• Wee • (
0(.111 t telt, . looyd paper Imiemusm• it 1.
lepreeenting fleet Wan Compaalea sea./ Web
a *sani Li v m STOCK INSUIR•141.:114 -..."441116 ."4"9"1",lei!N "1°174* " ‘:tr" man : twosome klesy al1 tis.- 1101111 4'14 I'. Th,
toner to lead en ttiorteatre. •Ither An_trin:';
*Itt .114
isietodo, h. howl t• ••11C411411111m1 i11 ?h.
nine Property, hi amy war.7.4.,1111°t-:. • ON town 1•111110e they list, no t Ms: t •
r. rimer Inn -stab -4' W. meei , Vtane, Thaw. ar, teas weihrou labratei
I7W0 ' s'• ••••""•"" ""' reed it lieveNee they tale some rity meet
,Rmsti 4••• 44,
Pleirft X Mit. CV/ et amain Otealeeria
watabiiimpi 17111.
Rawrionr. two. very et 41447044911. CMS.
Ifela411bsttes1 HU0.
Risks taken In t he shove Ara nines Ofilere.
• e teweei rates ter PU)RAIL MINTON
The undersigned Is also Apliiretiler for the
Money to lass on flest• Lea neearlay boot
7 ls 5 Par Cunt _rtes nindersie
Ileisitalkesilt. tea INN
sioniszSus ehT Ara.
1W Poet buid. /sitar"'
Rif L. 'h. /,‘ eel Nee Neetse.
'deft* Mil leo MIMI ibgt, *bp."
• inderief. Priddy woe NiEtirrla.
tedmee ethane 110. ORM ....iesseeeing
da) at o'clock o It- excellent pn.
gramme ha. been prepared, and kb. 0
W. Ilsvis. M. P., will take part ink the
prnmeettnes. Further reirtirdits
he given in a fienu-e telleC
A 'Leaven. - - The sc ho am«. William
Wallace arrived on Tuesday from Kin-
cardine with 20.600 bricks for the New
Roseepal Church. Also the schooner
Ontario from 1Rlind Rive.. with 100,000
feet of lumber for Williams & Murray
On Wednesday the schooner Admire'
arrived from Harms with Ivens for P
*Pen; also the sr:hotelier Cehelonia, Iron
"Mitt light'
1t. • foi ••••••• 41w? oodllit Hiasseelcsig# 4 the t *new aed
#evess ••• se. • , relersr, .611, leeelosstth
. 64 ...I 4, 34 ...I was ellen
.riserti.•• 1 • • .0' irraisileu. .1 4.1.41 • .1diffati...sod
obituary ...me •i40/* •w. with two grand pessi.e, H.
chiefly to themselves • o (.. thou mimed, 1a411121.14° Mffign'ficew enese4rhall4
hi 441.00. news mpsared end (fume wh.• heard
eta locality Now why
support their load papers • Because 0 •I ht ...Wheatethe, ""IY tilacritk" 'be
their local paper, that writes thee load Maes
lbever "eV* 1 Ilia hearing
hilory, that out...codes their local inter. mks wartedwith a bank, open eguinten-
spia. that prninntan their Ines' industries mos. and when time in its onward Right
that educatm the people in the eoliits I silvered hie be". he hanked like a Petri
of the country What Interest have the ,• unttif MAU
city papers in the interior towns that • km sassiory will never he forgotten
Ami may hia soul us .God. Gh.ry moms
man should take etne than, on prefer rot, hider. Gte Th
mos en his home journal 1 There ate ell Awl sma God., pm with his slums,
two ways about it. Every ("been in the roses,
onuntry shook' feel it his dety to support W1344. hn nook on earth IN c19414.
at lewd, one of the local papers [Ex Reciairammiiui peek (Cow
ah, 'alt not 1 and .4 nom* makes it very
unpleasant widlting. If 1 were going to
remain here 1 would endeavor to put the
nuisance down. 1 would promise them a
motilten now, life sire. either brass or
irori. and plies it on ita pedestal in Ike
Neer*. I woad', if we would ISO think
all. like banal of old. worshipping their
ESle 31411110.44
(.• • 4Seteae ttC. 0111- efte•••. •••
Alice trill go . •Itio loes(41”....• Orr
of -home
'r *Mr 1 "$f. .41, • ••••li 4.1c •••
IC1111404. r • ,'sr
famish Nil@ 11111111hig4 .,r' -;.r'... .•
'has Hamilt.e. tucti.
II DA s 4ey#4 24 Carrier fia•
ler .10'1 'WIWI' ,Irre seveles•
••• rika, A New iti ti..#1*•• •af.
'ouggles no assehold turnout. tr
Clime auctioneer
• fet men v Agit* 25 Faro. iato o is
property, in the town of fioderieh, arae
townships of Colbonic and kahlield
Park it Purdom #endorl,
John 1 Currie tuctionem
THITIMIDAN Sept 30 Virdilahle term pe
lofty. being north-esat hall 4 lot le
coo 3, Wawanesh F “rshAst• Ate
Sercan 41 t Ic; i Freehold n pert)
Division & Johnston, vendor • «Ilk+
rivs; J C. Curve, &welcomer
MoWDAY, Oet. 11 - Freehold property o•
the to own o1 (4. oderie,h ( 'amerron, Holt
& C410143114•11, vendor" Anbeitti,e4 • C