HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-10, Page 7r.
Fon Partioubare of the 'Maxine
laity' Disaster.
The steamer ?define City was burned
..ff Alcune, in I Aka Heron, about 4 o'clock
..in Sunday afteinuon, tit ult. She bed a
'ergs number of peasengers, must of whom
were roamed by the tugsVuloan and Gray- twu boys at her side, and quieted the fears
ling. The rumet lues of iiu iii not known, 0 „thar passengers, many -f them men
but the latest estinietes place the number until rescue was at hand
at eighteen. Meet of the survivors paine
,i, Bay City frout Alcona on the Metropolis, 4 SRA i IG 110i
Williaui A. King, 4 St Catharines, Ont., 1 old boy named McElroy whoa. tu•nto m le•
whi. has been engaged in eetting out les
and clinibutti .• the lowei leek put
cline remateed quiet until • marl) al
smoking in the btu -room at the time the 24
Marine Ci th t th had gone retort whey h. remitted .on at hit
•tme weret tars. Cady, Cole, and anoth• I Preserve' and went t.. the I... et ilea . '
art Mr. King remarked glie beat u en 1 le*Infr WO h" reecho.' 'herr than • tatl
uinutes after the statute, had backed •ut ilive toe V", lite preserver NItho.,• •
!tom the dock and headed on her course
de to the atm cabin stain. he pereeded I"'''"' ' aim.
did I hear her utter a scream or act any-
thint_but the cool, brave woman that she
is, Her little boy, too, never cried ---and
he fully realised the situation too---atsd did
just what his Mother told hint to do. With
her boy standing bravely at her side and
obeying every word, Mrs. Clough busied
herself attrutding to a small boy named
Voris. Twice young Voigt attempted to
way overboard, and both tunes Mrs.
Clough held him back, telling hint to be
quiet, that he was safer on the boat than
in the water. in this way she kept the
ire- I smell smoke It was about twenty rushed •• hut. end nett F... elod s rate
ree were thniwing_lrate, frith oaths etaut .• tilt w riot, 1 •Itsv tinis• .itao t,
he smoke oriel The el t•owillo •0/1. ossr Sol) wag tit. oto od !Woo dies I Aro.- Willow
supper Ind the morniag sad the emosi-
how to chop wood, and they eralitedbmilk
iiej were the first dey, and Mustapha wiatt-
ed he were dead. And after supper his
Uncle stake once aud said: "Come,
let us have some fun." Lad so they hook-
up &team and drove lune utiles down to
And they until the second hour tu
the morning.
When the next morning was come, whit*
visual long, for the might waa already fau -
kit him how to make rail fame. And that
To Intending Subscribers !
We will mud ISIVISON SISAIN AL WW1 ROW ggi .14N1' far 51.5o. We wee
rend the dearest hem now till Now Year's. I Itmorty Fleur Months) 'tor 16 Vents
nig It there was a wedding, t ley
danced and inede merry, and drank mad •
ate, and when they went to bed at three i
o'clock Mustaphe prayed that death •eight
vime te him before breakfast time
But breakfast hail an early start alA. got
there first Paid his ncle Bei. took aim
•Iown • tie creek net taught rum hew 14.
wellhead shear 'heel LL when the- es, eio
• ng tame they wee. spelliag echuel1
ead they goo home el th tirst how liter
midrught, mei Uncle Be marveled thsA el
wa- e, earl, 1 orl h. lighted his pipe
sad al, too i, wIlt1 1,41.1 Mdlltaillits
&beet the forty he bought 'est sprint/ t
tall •Driltk
• strycluuiss. he hail with him, ;bud he said
his pentad- e. , and he tisik it
biome, The tlaules shooting It 4110441 I. ..1S owt1 hoe w • It • .itto olooxellollo I But the pianism' bey. wee restless that ,
-ar be 4 the smoke stack Th. written foreibl) to / 4 ife-proserver see. 'l 'lie iseght earl kicked a11 the poieen eut ..f him 1
had .i. effect MT King incited ej the Mrs flough 4 Marini- E`tt . rht ...-.,fia , „dew th,,, t,,,, ,,,,,,,,,md,
• 11ose hut the tire et that tine had shut iir life- preserves e,,. -ake, .e... trent, her In the wruing, white it asa yet „ight,
ti, en ine and it WWI iuselese rht yes just as Di etnn-ituell npiec *chest ono' "1.- thee, ato breakfast; and his Uncle Ben took
.4111 la e•red drawing u, Trsitu, Nato epee
h. fi,tmes increased, 1111 Kuei urged en to the lady a• WhIlCh she said, ' Let him
ere to launch the beats Then wens ii. hare o it h. weed.; it more tluui le butthe
nassegme ea ihe aft* ;es -revue lock decor, iruuste.t. end the cowardly man
hat Mr leing oule 4.-. re• r 'he handeo it hs...); to hoe an 1 slunk away
sate WOTs lawn:hod us. • edit- bine set •1••• tg .
ne vibe) . yawl The% *orr tnintediatelt .1dr. . APTA-Es and sat up and talked ever the 'fleeting un -
tiled with passengers sae etood upon the wee ad watch when the tire broke ..ut. He til it was had time. Now when Mnstapha
cir nil teem dee u kt. effort waif %V oloi asleep and rushed out in his palad- •swaa at home, he left his desk at the 6fth
And when evening was come, t ere was
revival meeting at Mbenezer Methodist
Church and they all went. And there
were three regular preachers and two ex-
torters and a Bennet evangelist. And
' when midnight WAS come they went home
sade• to MI kilns end the .:res 4- launch loons and Owe, es did Mr. \ eight. e
tit hie raft a hie ,rinstructiou of lumber isoen realized the situation an.1 did that
lied ni the hurricane deck hut notlung could be done t., save life. Communion.
Add ler dont with it anti thr ettempt WWI non with the afterpart 4 the steamer was
.ftendinved Mr King climbed d•iiwil IVO!' cut ,ff hy ti„, tire. yesterday mt.
aiskad tha second mate why he
tie ataacluon end broke in the window .4 vow,
Ur of the staterooms end found therein del ilot launch the life -raft, vrhiels
• hrer lift Preservers l[n eelnine 'ell he would Boat 50 people. The mete answer -
mei end e little girl The ed that he tried to launch it with three
iffeeervers' He put one on the little (amid net. he lowered. Two of the 4 boata 11 and cursed him. And he said he was tired
aut. gave one ft. each of the wometi, grab- werr 1„wered, and finally the second nut,* to death, and he turned his face to the
Tad t short piece .11 greed winch he fonnd himself managed G. get on a bit ..4 plank I wall and died. Mustapha was gather-
iyutg neat by and jumped overboard The and wifely swam e. the The sea ea to his fathers.
ere was crowding him close at this time. Walt •itute rough. about as rough as it is And his physician end friends mourned
Hi • and sai.1 "Alas: he did not rad soon
hour in the aftenwon, and he went to hei
at the third hour after sunset, aud he arose
not until the sun was hi,gh in the heavehs.
SO the next day when hut Uncle Ben would
take hint out into the field and show hint
how to make a post and rail fence, Muste-
phs would swear at him, and smote him
with an ax helve, and fled and got hiniself
h me
;unsaid aye, • For Ged s sake. give the men, hut the raft was ja.umieti .krel lllustriplia sent for his physician
asseeng...ra forward He did net see altheugh the wind vraa light. Mr. Voigt enoneli. He tarried at his desk toa lona "
di the water e thinks Clerk McIntosh . drown when near the Vulcan. 'The man
raved • me • it the women and the little threw up lus hands and screamed. • Save .
girl Mr. King, after swimming five , w me ' Save me '. His efforts only sierved
ten minute*, was picked up by the Yelcsat a . ,,,,, iwnd hen d,,,,,,,. The lifelocing sta.
rip at the sante time scene • 4 the disaster, but the life -saying
th women um but saw them afterwards „„, nta„. spoirentil, „1 the crew,
yawl boat About eight othere were pick tion «se about six utiles away front the •
nu weal's wee ken) e nu vv. lemma crew clime tip in their boat at tremendens
when he struck it There were men hang- 'Peed
It% te chairs Mt King, after getting on
board of the V ulna, obeerved a big. stout
man in the lake sinking, and wh e
met of doing so pawing the water in a vaan SOW la, Took Mee taestime MINI What lame
effort to keep afloat A woman with
little girt, perhaps years of age. in her
.1 to a nrpr which hu fron. she
STOTUall'S t was low down. an
.41 the% rolled up dashed civet het aud the
.1uld et last the child resigned her grasp
Lad weni down. the mother powerless
io save het What became of the woman
ber King can t say He thinkathe Marine
City was on fin beton) she left the dock
'The blaze could hardly have acquired ,such
headway in so short a tune -lees thee half
. An how It was burning .
elk. when Ma King reached th. hurricane
Aeca While taking ha supper et tie 41
tine City teicktnit •ut. his little NT) thew(
.421 Pam leols al the lured:. the leaf Us
are ' The, clump It eyes wer. net su
sharp and tee amply thought thr boy had
seference e the usual smoke frost. the
smokestack Mr King eat e. erethine hut
,he clothe* en hui hacl
et se.
No.% OW Stith Illorlitil Ott tile relgil of 94(
1min-ells, that (.10 harm always, and use '' rre 25 cents." Turn on your I PoRTLAND. ONT., Monk 133o.
Sint bso.
WI, your einily, end yaw .
rad pate, tehseh at proem
easy endure soullesely, ard
ska save weeny efelLers la
ireeler's tails, go at tow* to
/no hot' I or Tanc-Ittisha.
maned PSIS -KILL= which Ma stood the teat ot ,iree
, 40 years, eau be bad for the same price at any Drag
, Store in the Dominion
The we,ier •ocels Sellotad P.M' Davie' Pain-Kgler so. fee die
sisre remedy far 060101, Dmeisaa. Sore Throat, Chrome Coughs.
Beessatios. Sures. Scalds kr Have known it to cure some a
Syphilitic Sore Throat of leo years' staaduag, else. all the usual
remedies failed The patient took half a teaspoonful in wateettinre
tunes a day. and gargled the throat three tones a ‘lay as follows .
, „one teas's)) onto! en a wone glass of water, and u•ed as a gaggle.
MAITLAND, ONT., Folowary ads add.
I Lave much pleasure M adding to the Sunaser of the numerous
testimonials you have already received, as to the value ul your
Ask your Druggist' ,
or Shopkeeper, for a Hale of I
Pain If he passes !
whik extracting flu guar- I
Mr dollar front your walla, ,
Vitas is An gamine mode by
PEARY Devise Sow, at sew
Oise watch the erpristion on
kis face. You can easily WI
iff his conscious is all right ;
sem examine the bottle cloxly
yourself .
remelted Pata-Kaler I have sold it rad used it. tasty faintly
for twesty years or snore, and have 110 hesitation is saving that it
sat medicise I have 11444 used Lw the surpeses for
Insurance, Card I
estabilehed 17110
Inks taken in the aboma awn fining& alk
the loweist rates by HORACIIL HOP To'k.
The undersigned is Akio Appraise,
WONKY TO LOAN on Onsteulass ates. are . cm.
tea tswc (Inc, Claseameradembe
sousloirss-Ja. Dues. owe.
e.• velvet Pleyobeisito and deo People
esip almost 1110011W11 11111111•111011 01
01114 AND itviroesoes•
nave pree Hbed Aeon's Emulsion of Cod' Liver
etc. on) preetice end it tu me fated/
I ism geese) pleased with it isittrie ogles pals
aso the geed results that foliow
thien.r.,,. rowed -It :cry serviceable I
1 Weems and aulnionere
elle. JAC suLIS 01715
os,NTLAsiaLs t'or the lg. fifteen mouth' e
' ave need your • cd 'Aver I Erutelsiou, both tar
hospital andraziwit at. practice, and beer bees,
elm rts ...demi it it better
ronsUDAPtion, ADA children / ‘11•011/s••• -AL.
Maier*. SCUTT J.: HAM I NOW y war
remedy of Cud I.iver &u., a fair trial. and
tun glad these I eon eaL(lithink reined"
for weak lungs and amides
II: V's rr csacZ In n S' • ssas'4' pedect'''''17*.atish"'"""`""..,„ii 74.d up. I coutteenoyd tieing your medicine. and I
koow Imam persons who will sot go to bed at might sualesathey are „
recommend .it,...„,,Wthrnienythe doctors had given nee
lee heal b ant strteturtl: very fent owl I
saws there If a botde of " Perrylfrivis is the house. All who 'won v"'"•
It. BLE te:letS't ire
have used is mice, will me it again . it makes (nen L. saki retains
lours truly, JOHN DUNIBRILLE. Desunt
Seiri r dr tit -Mak: I telt it it duty to let you
I your Igniulaion. I had ai very lad cough tor
Seetratarttm, Ow? ..14/resary et. alga.
We have much pleasure in metros, that ere item kept Perry years. and int consulting Dr. J Gorsuch of
Davis' Pain -Killer constantly in stock for upwardtof twenty years, I this tatty, he informed ene that Ine left lung WSW
during which time it bas taboo dm lead •Mra term all other pa. ! demised, and prescribed Scott'''. Emulsion witb
tem preperateas. sod has become an oLi. reliable family medicine. ' Hypophosphltes. %tier takJag two bottles. .1
No effort is required mow on our part to sell it, as u LS as staple as, Dern tu itogrove very saphtty, tied •ontinued
artide as flour in uur '-
Yours truly . us ag it unt 1 had takes. tett bottlialland now
Baltimore. hen berg milt it I wet eel
Otte Felwewer s5, 1,31to Yours, I.& re, HA it.
ICS pounds. I now we en '
It gives me such piemom to sate thee dunng a drug career of' Oet. 3. IS711.
I eel*. CAN art SAW k Ropiti.lrelffr/.
Caul PrearbIlioad.
No man can do A gurni job of eork,
preach a goodeermon, try a law suit well,
doctor a patient, or write a good article
when he feels miserable and dull, with I
sluggiah brain and unsteady nerves, and
none should make the attempt in such a
condition when it can be so easily and
cheaply removed by a little Hop Bitters. 1
See "Truths" an.1 "Proverbs," ,ither
, column.
Yew ram ete
Pais -Killer has am oaly bald its own as slimily medicine,
but still occupies the front rank wherever ditty calls it My cus-
towers speisk very highly of a, and 1 toad mad so end of testi.
neonate shwas up us merits and intrinsic worth, were it nieces -
eery. which a is sot it should, however. be called " Ede:Maar
, Psee-killer " I pride myself in sear beteg out of it.
I Yours very respectfully, JOHN G. DEANS.
Of Tem- tithe, sodas gen- pusitme in Lplace as the old, reliable faily asediciae. Although
Wheg 10.6 gok Pr g b°141g We have rest pleasure to state that th Pais -Killer holds its
geared"( ieekift9. eeteeeke "'we Dmtroyer, and such IA; mum" we foidthe nropletal°kno'`'W Me
ricaway siore.korper. wirhota there are aLrest taaay other ressediss Us the market -some bee -
mg wady same nam - Pain Relief Pal R Pais
If you will Mop all your extras; Wit and "are "suit out, but Aare wieder i diSerseee asd are sure to ask for Perry Davis' ain-Killer Ws
said. error% notions in doctoring yourself and eartieie as good or better, have been
write to you, ast sew settee upon your honk»
of late upon its latig continued use. Thin bas
proved true in my ease. I was given up to die
beat March with consumption. the beet median&
aid nusde no UBC of any treatment. My husband
applied for your Emeasios of Cod Liver 011; be
has bought twenty-alx bottles and it is restoring
me to health beyond the expectations of bum
dreds expecting to hear of say death every die.
I should like to take it for • year. when think.
I will he perfectly cured.
Yours with respect.
It e Pain -Killer for this Last fourteen years. -•
Yours truly P. • P. MURPHY
th el Cali h it was that Mustaphe . tfamihes with expensive doctors or humbug "which sells/or thssamsPrics
4LLY-rosesssitsi• •11/./1
eharies McIntosh, so old Gedence buy ,
illerk of the bmmed boat. /*mulled on the
nain deck aft. with Iktra Lintuden and
"I am wearied with much work: tho
the han .4 ex. ustion I have been using the Pala -KIM/ for many yews with results
worry and Pare have were, me ,
only nature'd simitle remedies for all your ha wed saY, 0":"Vei 84" 1
And he called his physician, whe felt 4 vain -killer, but f colds sore throat, wed many as ts
hla pulse and baked upon his tongue and medy for this, the great, wise and good which A4 9414 IA" 6.444i for which it appears specially adapted. T have used it lend!.
health or happinei ,±4.81, as a liniment, and find it raluab/e for rheumatism sod
rePmel' or d ha aPalh. ailments --you wi lbe Wise, well and happy rhea *wet fwref "'ore fir giu„, that antic clunk. we to • . As family medicine.
and saviegreat expense. The greatest re- sue er Mow argue ear, props we consider it aLmost indispeesable being good sot Out :a
me, and death even now lieth at the dotti..'
said ' See "Proverbs" in another col . -.aim, and stiffness belonging to old age I prommince the NiA-
Win tell you, is Hop Bitters-heheve it. Y°61.'r
-Twociedahs tor thie wsie the ...ath by 1 Killer a good an:1 cheap medicine, asd worthy of all acceptation.
*loch all physicians swore. , "Of a verity • k Fart Werth &solving. 0:1 send this certificate that you may assure the public that
thou intistieve roe. Flee time the valley,
kre you suffering with Consumption; , Y *ors truly. THOS. GRAHAM.
I 124 weighs Severe Colds settled on the Breast, I. • LIU II:V.10114
and ,:lnee thine eyes ur dream" res
beet eh) brain front thought and thy hand
fr.u. labor, at ill. will be a candidete for
kri he h end awe • .511 and put Cis medicine hap! b,,te.y
i been introduced
went &WM est th. .f least. menet The people are smug wild over its Beware fif-an-pe„
from Germany. and is selling on its (ivrn Hint No 4.
Pneumonia, or any dtsesse of the Throat ,
and Lungs+ If so, go to your druggist, and
easiness .., the heads • -1 the clerk, and
And h went I... his flea.- Ben's, wh sta,,,„„ mid, druggists all over our country
• nog •een fel 1it these feeeteee Year& 1 wry writing tis . if its wonderful CUMIN &Meng
Now this lincleBee was &fanner. and abode t,h,. customers. If you wish to try its
all f
get it sant& bottle for 10
repose rose about lure knd he was rich, ihicenPerits:;arr ;tsiseue' ImAtie mats Three
iind well favored. and 415°1111 " an "e ene will relieve sny terse. Try it
healthy as en onion rup × he
• Week
hat th was Vas a Mobbed
1 boested unto his neighbours t ere
tluld and kis C B Thompson and chikl And Mustapha wist not Gnat 11 4111• ••• tot
alth( tigh helms eiraale to swam a stroke, But when he reached his Uncle Ben it unque„t„,naele gr,taar , %%miens are
they receiveel hire with much eiy mad thee which oreaerv.• nun • health and
he succeeded in keeping the ladies by him
end in comparative quiet for many minutes.
kt last he saw that the heat would soon
drive them overboard, and explained to
-.he ladies that he would go down one of
-he fenders into the water, and that alter
he had got a good hold they would follow
him, and by &tiding to hint with one arm
ind to their children with the other they
would be out of the reach of excessive
heat, and where they would often be
•trenched by the water, and so could escape
burning and possibly could hang on until
rescued by one of the small boats. Met
Ltimaden, who is in feeble health, fasten-
ed her child to her body, attached life-
presereers and lowered herself over the
guard by (me of the fender ropes, to which
she clung. While hanging in this way she
wiui kicked upon the collar bone
by a large man, whole name she does not,
<now, but who she thinks was desirous
.f stealing her life -preserver. She, how-
-ver, clung to the fender and to the life-
eeserver unin Clerk McIntosh came to the
eescue Mr. Wel tilost eartent smite, bet
*misted her materially in keeping up the
child and relievin,g her from the strain of
"ng to the fender "Charles Thorn,
of roit, *teemed, was nem of the most
active members of the crew, and devoted
himself to the edvatien of the passengers.
Mr Thoni's hands are hadly burned. Ho
hurried inside and alarmed Choi* in the
staterooms, hut could get no Nether thaa
four means on each side -the fire pretreat-
kim from going further arnidehips. Ile
collected a• many lifepreservers as lie
ronld, anti threw them to the jeumengers
struggling in the water Me saw Clerk
McIntosh in the water, with Mrs. Lums-
den's baby, and tossed him alife-preserver.
McIntesh failed to catch it, and the sea
',imbed it away. keintora and th• istforot
*nett but were weight by Lake Donsy, Eke
second mate, and piffled On hosed the life -
placed before him . supper 4 hontely pnAong hut life, and among the greater
viands,. well cooked and Plind nPon lu° I these is Dn. Kno. - Nan Dewovast fat
plate like the wreck 4 box -car And I coniumpti,„ tt„ffecta are truly woe
when he could n.it en, ' '11 +114" 14"nhed 1 derful and hundreds ere happy IA. dav al,
him to worn ones looked foryrard i.• oarly gray,
And alter %tipper they sea at, witii line i For Coughs. Golds. ttronchitre. esthmi
and talked with him about relatives where- I Ines vokce, 11e) Fever, aloarenese, Crouj
of he Lever in ell his life, so much aa heard- or any affection whetever of the Throat .
And he answered them at random and hed
unto them, professing to know Uncle Ezra
and Aunt fletheeda, and once he said he
had a letter from Uncle George last week.
Now, they all knew that Uncle George
waa shot in • neighbor's sheep pen three
years ago, but Mustapha wist not that it
was so„ and he.was sleepy, and only talked
to fill up the time. And then they talked
polities to him, but he hated politics. So
about 1 o'elock in the morning they oent
him to lied.
Now the mia.re room wherein h. slept
was right un&r the roof, and there were
ears and bundles of ears of seed corn hang-
ing from the rafters, and he bunged his eye
with the earns, and he hooked his chin in
festoons of dried apples, and shook dried
barbs and Reedit down has back as he walked
alone, for it wile dark. And when he sat
wp in bed in the night he ran a icythe in
his ear.
And it wee that the four lays 'dent with
restless and slumbered crosswtsett kicked,
him, for the bed was wide, ey were
so that. Mustephe slept not a wink that
hight, neither clesed he his eyes.
And sheet the fourth hoer after mei-
n ' 1st his Uncle Ron smote him on the
beck, and spake auto him,saying
'4,itewske, arise, rnstle out of this and
• e our facie, for the liver and haonn is
fried and the breakfast waitsith. YAM Will
had the well down et the other end of the
cow Int Take 6 titwei with you. ''
When they had maw his Uncle Bea
'peke mato him saying • "Come let um stroll
arthind the farm
A.ad they walke.1 sheet *levee miles.
DWI taught him how to lived hay.
they derive into the barn and taught him
how to unlead it, Then they ginied
their lines and walked Irrur milea, even in-
to the frweet, and his Unele Bee taught him
Chest Lungs. Da Krect's New Di,
fully recommend it tv. ell, rtei imhesitat
ingly say it is the oral ears • are for Throat
and Lung Affections Trial bottle tee
mute: regular lase 31
Jordan Oodench
tea Date tit' teitalUltk 4.110
CITILZST endured bv the sufferer fn.., .
persiebuit cough woe sap the vitality
the system anti ...reek the constitution
Such a catastrephe car eily be avoided
by precautionary measures Prevent th.
climax ••if a cough with Northrop
man's Emulsion of Cod Liver ()il and HI
pophosphites of Lime and Soda rippriive•
of in pnifessional quarters, Nod which t.
a combination of the purest and mess
harmony. Coughs,•celds, laryngitis, ince
pient bronchitis, and o)ther affections • ••
the respiratury miens, are speedily retie,
a medal specific in scrofulous maladies
The lose of strength neisequent upon be
ing diseatted is checked, and the flagging
physical energies restored by it* invisor
ating action. Phosphonis, the active
principle of the hypophosphites, net on y
supplies the system with an important ele-
ment of strength, but gives a healthful
impetus to the circulation. The bet- and
rpor6 also add to viva of the fraom. In
'nutting (bowies of ail kind* this prepare
i tem SAD be depended upon to penance •
hensicial effect. A fair, persistent trial,
a all that is necessary prnve its peden
ant. For poverty 4 the blood, with which
so many inevihris are tweibled, it is Nov
fringe remedy, pronettfng the treseasition
of tooth strength and flesh. Prepared by
Northrop Lynam), Torente, anti Sold by
all drugged&
' The bravest, eordeet woman I ever
' Mrs. Clough, nf Marine City, whet
was arrompnnied by her 10 yesz-ohl
1 taw her sll the time frem the first ahem
of ire until she wee rescued, and nnt onee
IONIC dirty, grew:
egaskinatioas which fire off-
al yeti et aimed entry star: ,
gestesteeasid which some u”.
priscipled shop -keepers try W!
robs of as a substitute fur the
/two ars goner up expresslt,
Mr oil rape/anon te
As 1'API-I lune. bed bare
saki*, in econeewa wtth
1 liSed y 'Ur -sin-Killer for the list terve •..•
Tied it Mils me all through the Arsencin Via; I", ...if t I
have been dead tong ago, if it had n7t been for yo or Plin•Ki e-.
I think it is the best rense.ly as the workt for iivich i4
I have so. I 0 7 Perry Darts' Pam -Killer for over ttort• years,
and the same Me airways gives ay customers entire satistectioe,
and I have nisch plisseure resommailing it as a guise sad re -
, I nave sold YEW raul.k.,iier for the lam nunemen years sp this
place, nod feel safe 110 tecomeneading a es the public f er the
16seisees given ia your circular I can emir, you my cuetesners
I weak well of it as a general family 11611111iChlt It mks, the teal
...1 aii other stager prepersuas Tool, im
, I , a • - down sis..ai r -, ; Dans' Pam Killer for the ilia.
ran. sad have much Ploisure is eating that its eels es that u'ial
. Km bees larger than 557 other patent medicine that I have on
my shelves, and in those rears I have never heard • customer say
aught but eords of the highest prima ut its fivor. It is an article
that mesa se have coogened in 0 all thsd goes to snake afire.
class family oraisciao aod as long as I have • b.*.us sal store,
peww 1"*. • ,' Ts r. IC ;A.., will be found in both
,. , •,......, we ft server fails or i rag it the '' Old Reliable ''
rolittiDif PAIN • KILL'S en,
pour locality, (steadied ewe
likely psi should dare's
Asa ths seas of $3.00, ene
dews mossier sand bottles, or
half IMPS* hove bottles wil.
ands charges prepaid, to the
mann asidniss bp railway
"Tile Cheapest House ender the SU'
Iluiety Store.
Now Goods
New Goods I
w• -ns, • swe• oast past 1 hare soil Perry Dar- Pa..
Solis, and haws always found it to eve good satisfscaton. 1 hay.
frequently used it is my family, rmd received great Moe& from
the nee of it se that way. Although many imitations of it Ray/
bees put on the market, and are pushed hard, yet rise OIL reliabte
1s recommended by Physicians. Notate r e lliseriensario, Manage ,
evoryloodg osorywArre who has ever ryes ,i • trial
Pais ill the fiewaiseh. Bowel torsplaint, Taister's Cahn, Lireir lespiaini Dyspepsia
IMP TICTEENALLY, it rum Rods, Tolosa, C'sta, Anuses, Barns. Scalds. \ Till ahtl Gilisrameu min II in
Oid Remo sae Aersiaa, Swellings ot the Joints, Tootherae, Tata is the Vacs, Feint.
gia Lad Rheumatism, Cheeped Runde Trost -bow Fee, he I ,,,,f .. .. .":".stA Mir 1:( ' - ' • . 31111Ps
Slots awireaterady.-bris bottles an therefors chastest.
fir ilia are tioneriit4 -o, • so
Slues MI Um
House Purnishulg
It ItAelho - MAN