HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-10, Page 4lee Tai NukoN.siclit 0173 EALIITATOIlZY. W ham we begin our connection with TieH1,110t`S1ONLL, It is custom - «7 toper► such tensions to snake a bow to the public with • flourish of trumpets, lout we do not believe in • heavy blare unless there be great catty keit ; and so we will be pardoned if we do not Ly be- dbore our readers • history of Our past «t mailmen* in another field h is sufficient for our reedits t., know .that we have had long experience in the journalistic profession having been fbr many years engaged successfully in the printing and publishing business to a ,neighboring town in this county Of the past record of Tis Howe til,• ray we need not say anything to the rea'- .teuta of Goderich and vicinity It has weathered the storms and outlasted the calms of over 32 years end after many vicisttitudes oomes thin week again r. • the fore -front .n the .ank. • t !sows tan ,Our nabs= A4 eeusiderablt ,;set we nave renewed our printing materiel we have changed the shape ue the popular quare style . we have endeavored to present ,a •,ur readers, and we think with success. ane .t tht bandeomest Provincial sheets rn Genets 4nd while making el, these changes we have not overlooked the edi &oriel lora) ••' literary charsotet •' •he tournal Politically at, anneuner u. Tree cepa. cure from, the pain atterances .,f THE MIor. AL when the trenchant pen and sol- id common sense •d Thomas McQueen spiv. power o its tone. But although pronounced 1. our political view, we• are cot of diose whobelieve that because we are politically allied with the loyal Oppo- sition we ar. again. •eery measure brought torward by the liovernrnent Nn we are firmly convinced that mess „res in the interest ,f the country have come from the party led by Sir John A M.acdoneld,and we are willing togive him the credit of loving placed them on the Statute Book; notwithstanding the fact that we are aware that the inspiration for the best of then flashed to the brain of the Premier from the opposite side of the House: However, be that as it may, we are not nere t•• eternally hold up the Political red rag before, the eyes of those .oho may differ from u, in the matter of warty but w, take our side with them ♦std jot, hands t- fight the battle of pr • grecs u, the g.•.d days that are, we eat neatly trust, in store for Goderich. Ow specialty stall he local news, and umber time not money will he e•onsider- ed of consequence -• long es news ot im- portanee t,1 the people •t Urderich and the flaunty .f Huron ,*i to obtained f.. the public Tat ISWNee day ;ea- .terlta itself snider th. nee Ranageuien. Printed from new type, stn it , neat end •mpr•ved torn. Muck• hot. beer ,even ono the busmen, .net, .rad other, of teuderich arm tinny* Aon see hope they will not tntjte% -• tat rs ter rare •-oncern ed that *tech rue eased ant. A or. eerb. • Where ruuct toss !.„e• ie.-. ouch shall be expected W. will ID the turret- u,. time esaey ..pport.umues. • ere...rnins segmented anti) the ree,nrth• eno mounts* ens*, l e THE -HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT- EMBER 10, I880., - - MAT lima, • vary fat and very fast act - rem, woe manages a troupe of "bl,endes," wise arrested and lined in Louden • few days ago for giving an immoral show. The authoritas of London are to be commended for their action in putting • stop to thealooet node exhibitions made by these brsssn blondes. Tea engineers of the Public. Works Da partmeut were engaged in surveying the harbor on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, with a a Lview to esdbodying the result. of their labors un • Govern• ment report We understand it is the w- tention to have all the harbor, along the lakes likewise surveyed Ida Paras. RYair has publshed • card in the Globe warmly thanking the 1.836 Liberal electors of West Toronto for the loyal and generous support extended to him by every section of the party to the late contest lido Ryan polled the larg- est Reform, role ••vet pulled on west Terence whilejMt Beaty • was c,,nanier ably behind that • t Mr .1,•hr, R.,verlee R••h.nslm to 1878 PUBLISHRIUr NOTICE As will be swat by Tem H u cult Smut. d this issue, a veli•trorpliesta has taken place in the make, shape and get Pp of the paper. It is now priut.d�y at home and from type ran by the celebrated founders, Millar A Rich- ard, of Edinburgh, Scotland. The beau- tiful engraved heading is from the estab- mest of Meares Beale Brea . Toronto, the design having been furuish d by Mr Wm. Revell, of the moue elty The paper upon which this issue is printed r rias always heen A puzzle with poi) treat economists hoe u• protect labor Mr lure deeding t• this matter in Torono .eoentle cud the. everything that the worktngmen has r•• buy may be protected but his labor the thing f e has to sell .admit. .f •.• orotection There le and ,anno, aur he free •rad, •n the IAN,. •nark el Whel. were plenuful her. .no ease.. elsewhere- nem will flock u, u, shat- it ano .n pup onion w this influi the price of labo. will come down in obedience to the unerrnnpt taws .1 de nand and supple V. I.rnhibitory duties can be levied pp..., lah.•, Met, can come and g.• a, they please Ano mappens that the workingtnai• Al h ,.•.- ha• cors t.ertt..1• f•" ht, Labe.. a of the 3rd; 2.5ai. full. 3rd:- Wind at 10 p. ria , d E., alight basses, clear, number of miles the wind travelled during 94 hours, 102.0 mules; heavy fog frons 7 a. w. w 5,30 p w, 4th: -Wood et 10 p. tri. S. E. light broom, clear, number of miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 260. m ; shower. at 6.30 a ta, ceased e t 7 a m: 0.4 a'- fell dross N. Mao oisaLli, Obwrwr. sums - rsate�emrr.-At the re.tden ul the R. ya'I.ett t>Lridr Jo as ttutnaetseetb W Hie Laurette Taggart, of Wa was supplied us by the Canada Paper _ fu color cannot be excelled Havingsupplied • ttela•• paper to ` to tae i state tae late of our readers we consider .t u now thea RoaasT Young. Jr Au paruea indeotea of ]sanohateer la the province to thou thea appreciation •)f our enterprise, and se look fur • Wrdial support from the people .A li.denc) and ANDREW ' OUNOERTSOA thoCounty of Huron Carlow Y u lalth KIRKPATRICH We present a the public • uwpape esr Auburn 1'SE • • 17.1 it far superior a what Tat diode, has I e yHiCLOt 1 HOU heretofore been end having don.- ear n pawe expect w.rl, •.nfidenes roar 4 .•, `i.r.e, Vert*. •. / .l friends t., o thele lin e° the livingx •1 sl ie per' FASHIONABLE MILLINERY annum will be charged he u, fu. Tse SIGNAL. M that we can enter on .,iris) nm terms into a far ,epetitiou with tint L clans newspapers local or otherwise but , New ! 1 andke'rchte�s .' as some of our readers will feel disposed It to .,rosea g Laces and all Mods M to demur w mar ar •i. once i nntwtth Tree Ribbons. etc standing the =preyed•Itudity .1 the sv """' for Buturick's pattern' journal and the increased quantity cal f E J DOPEI.AND. lonews which they ,row 464reoecvel we I Ac..•• •,.tail a Bi purchased Strike and oxer their customers the benefit. They have severedmake them the following Liberal offer - 111)0• nr Goods BY THE c� thereby saved a 1a discount. They j caspecW and or clesiL. I/tipilAfllll. ettentlor• to their stook d X) B C11 -00300111111.s_ Companytee, end good N OTTCR Tt 1 DEBTORS County of Huron, aro hereby reuni er to pay up forthwith at the risk of claims being placed to suit a i.Caten MEDICAL HALL, GODERICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist MARKET SQUARE, (10LBRI('II. W110144414 and ttetsll Dealer In tom, C'heaaksls, Paiute. Oils, Dye Stuffs, Artist !ohms. Patent etediclses. Horse sad Gtik Medk•tner, Perfumery. Toltet Articles, Sec. 4e ' lahyrjcie ua' Pre.ertptioua carefully dispsnaed•'a 1711 GEORGE CATTLE, Chemist & Druggist, •easier 1a Pure Drugs and Cbetgirals ewe. and Toilet Article., & t .•pr ' �Ir" Imported Havana and Domestic Cigars, Pipes, Tobaccos, dna. OQNTEMPORARY OPINION , flit tepun that the f'ruieeas wuiar . has fund life in Canada distasteful ap pears t.,unded m taco I. to re wonder. She has lived chiefly u. Ottawa where the sickening snobbery of brainless civil ser vice employees gives a low and unhealthy tone to society and whore little a known of culture except .h. 'ffertetinu ' •t. (Galt Reformer if the retorww gain of 39d rote. u. West Toronto and • •ver 1,00 in North Ontario is significant c.1 nothing hut popular ap- proval p proval of the Government why does the Mail waste sr, many words explaining the lesson taught by last Saturday's elections' Liberals hoped for a little more than they gained, but they gained eunugb tis, relieve them from the neoesity t maimed ,biftt I cult eeplana»on.-Telegese Th. Mee' .• s, -vert, o., Wrigh, ..nu nu •.nfederata- ft says h'Ir Wright s • endldatiue 1.4 Mr Ryan . tnteresa end ere .i. .Hasse' end ,.wtternpt and the 1 ..,nservstiv. pane lye rt ttd seeis .. be hoped the last of hint and of Mr Lek Evans aria ell that . re•,. It u tn +rig, however n, saying drat N right s candidature was litRyan r interest, f.•r he mat doing • elsehon.ss'ing ••.. he. .rt hook jauslpib 1►p totwy 1 Rte reser • the at es. 1` cont. -ter I tuno hag heel 'h• etranglitt• • rhe rag baby movement ahlch .. u- .r. rw.. .f onsets .1 the 1. w, 1 4iodench u,d w111 let eller, hat. neer..•ndeavortng t. being n." fan '• tet • he •utud. ...rid •n• • u' 'he teen. .c .:week rh. ...elapse of that at..,uthrr •.ry lies •.1, the e• ,, , I th. ,rredeeuwM. :urrenc. tarty .n the (at. Huron• •ria . r•• o,f rah, I Status left very I.rtle danger ..f the scheme Merriam, • -hilts .d the t ouservatie. paper. toott»ears endeavoring rA• make •.pita) ..• .t the tact that Ku Richard t )artw oldright ,d M c Caatemp. M P • hs. a twee nus • ng land u, the North - West .lust .her. the iniquity .if the thing arms. tot .i ,.sit, I dames), stated. but tt is tnaauated that the gentlemen' caned were gestin fl • rp. rt dung it. rt..verntpent rand• rhe recta sre.that the land bought was private pr. veil" the •ears.', hetigt r -•'o .1 one ot rhe Cabinet Kamen, .eh•. had nnrchaseo the lands trent. rho •O••.enln rettt yea, 4g,rhe tranMCHot' was peep w • 101101 Y:1AI .u. ,rid .f any crookedness • eetirreft ,t ap .. must lyra. he4ntu ehn, rw„tr, •'•..nr h. sine •� a are pleated r. tun. 'ha. •ad friend Mi I P %seminar rum been appointed County tro,rnee •f Dufferin. and has gone to loco, a1 , ,rangeville Mr. )sanoillea is s first -elms mat, for Ilse position, and no belga pr•».t .f hos fitness cei, be adduced that. the testi- mony of Mr. Peterson, the County At torney of Wellington, whual11iough polite dally opposed to him pdei a most flatter - ting trilled., to hie ability sea lawyer and his gentlemanly bearing site! nonrienus temeadow*sge, during hismeadow* to ' he Royal City Oxs wG est go em home rtnt , leathe momA Trends C:ammelill journal, take 7104611.111.‘Vo"'. last week gravely in. Veined rt. readers that "The Toronto World as owes s seeing the light 1r, Mr. Rwa orte, ex -1L P.. the tame to wh. •m Sir Mieltard Cartwright owes his seat in the Yrs Commons. Oto Qrsehec enntecmpvnrary *honk] try again, said Hr. H,rtrm may wen Mitres p that ib• vcinus seethe seemed him of no worse crm• than gktrting • newspaper. being merlons!) ensidered by the (`arta than people, be, the Toronto ..ote • •.- ea turday showang but ono vote, in eighty a, • supporter •d the fraud renders the attempted emptier• "nnl-t. fano frhathan Rennet Mc Brat,. - 'entities wW 'o• e.. ,um termed h• .n% ins friend •pponent wh. has had th. •I,I»,rtunte of hearing hut, •u the florist et the Bea .1 •r. the public platforn, ' me of the tint • d 0. itidiaa judges mudin speaking -.f hun not long ago" 1 know the beet mat. in pubm, tic life in Canada end T have to. , nu her of years past tome me enter. with the best men „' the Breese House .f Commons. ley -pintos - •ha. Mr ' Blake has o. equal in Canada And rte I super of in England Pio higher tribute than this -•nuld be paid t• • ('•wnadian statesman fTnronte Wnrt.t rho nun. .1 1 to- threshing uasCtilur 411en «nding throughout the land following -share, upon the quick rattle ••t the reaper The hung •u thio '. n•• .t . .Hund and suhatantal eharatue' !there u no humbug about ,t It means forty to fifty bushels of parley the aces It scores 20 t. 40 hushed, .1 wheat tis , the sore T. the farmer • a the •nult►tu dinous interests depending for fresh life on the farmer there a nr. sweeter emend than that the hum 1 the thrasher rare ins oto twenty five a fifty huahel,rai,.1 golden grain Hereto, te one .,1 our gourmet national p�sperity . and the grand harvest of 1880 hes more to dr, with the gond tunes cooling than the Mettle of a damn finance minister' or the " Meanings' f • •t••iwe N Ps - (Lindsay Pete The Kmaardne ('. Cn.:U ns exempt tea Mr Rgghtmyee'. Salt works from rases t •t four years Prem eme- ndn, the Re- nd Alertinn, the gentleman stated that tf was F P. wadopted it tre'u1d h. 010 800 , ..er ,n his tw.ckets - g ,,ar •toe► )""*.11.e,••••••'r.�,••npr,u,.e am• /'mill Receipts carefully prepared at all hours COURT HOTTB E BQUARF.� C Detlor & Co. All subscriptionnew in arrears for TIM' E Also • range of SIdNAL paid before • )etcher 1 t880 will I he charged only 41 the rat, of *1 per year if not paid by that tame •regular ?hal ir 11 r scale rates will be enforced With refer eneetonew subecriber, •e make this offer Wewill give Toe Sues se from thisdate t. - January 1st. 1882, for 11.50 This a •n unprecedented offer tot .. first -clan sou. nal, and we hope the- people .1F1 nee. will avail themselves of 1t McGu.i.i. •, o v H». OMMUNICATI ON s 0. e do not hold ourselves responsible for rte opinions of our Cotrespondenta. Contribu- ; ton to this depa�ment must coniine them selves to pub! cl anestiom. and be brief HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS To the Editor a the Signa, Sts, -Will you kind:y allow we apace for • few words of comment on some state menta which were made at a recent meet ing of the Town Council, in reference to the cost of the High School and which my lengthened absence from town pre vented me from taking uotioe of soon er In THE SIGNAL. of the llth August, under the head of Town Council- find the following Mr Johnawu thought that the staff engaged m High Schools was too expensive for the- wort done When he went t. the High School there was only ,rte master oA• 80 pupils, and they were efficiently taught as now For 120 pupil ,r, mderich High School we had four teacher, Mi Sloane agreed that there were a-. many teachers; he did not see line eh.v hm n 'their time doing se little Now, before these genuenra •true, took to pronounce se positively it. regard to the work don. rr the High School common fairness would surely have re quired that they should have taken the troubleto visit the &ch.rw when a, aper ation, obtain some mfertnation at• regard t• the numbers and tet•r. ••f the- eariona classes, and see fon themselves how the teacher,' put in then time but se far aa T am aware neither of tbem has ever paid us .visit for that purpose •e civet asked any member of the staff 1... any . inform .tion Now that we have got fairly r.. workagain, I shall be eery happy to have e I visit from these gentlemen, and ra Inc nish them with full information in revere ' to the amount and character of the work done: and if they will bring with them some disinterested •ratepayer, 1 under take to satisfy him me .nly that there is abundant emploitment tot four teachers. but also that there is more .,'or•k and less I talk done ,r ter Harte •4 .1 char •t, t.hp Council 1 may 515,, 0r a,eruut1A«, t'A) that Mr Johnston v memory must certainly be seriously at fault whet, he speaks of there having been 80 pupil. w one ma, ter when he went n the High School as s reference to the annual reports leads me to believe that the attendance rarely ,deeds, half that n„mM. However if Mr J disputes this. alio will give me the date* of ho, attendance, f will get him the exact fueur... .• '.wadi as reale I hie Like Ml .tohusto, a riser uoparticu lar love for newspaper amtroversaes. but I as be says, sometimes .ne to forced I. put himself right before the public ..wing to the rash utterances •f rnm. oenple who ..right to know better H. I. Seer N.. Head Maste, H :..ear. H.wis1 -- *no. *sum" DRESS SILKS t tea». - 1,44n0e-1is, k110 ,lee ,y PR1,s -.t, special 'shoe '1USA) AT 65 CENTS t •T SO C4fn• i Case (lassos Flaanels, extra value. 1 Came Gray Ma- r`sse Wtaeeys bt# value is the market The Ordered Tailoring Department in full blast. • • ..cel cssew r n,ry a n•. n ..n.4 English Tweeds; several lases choice Over-CoaUoea B. McCORMAC. (later. rERMB 0..ALEIME J. C. DETLOR t 00. ra• law• .W•A rt. t. alt • orae ,eer. tl* i7S' 1 "Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G_ BARRY, 0 g 111 CABINET - AND TIIIIJERT p.1 s✓ 4 Q0 le te (n k •3 8 F`;- 3 rar 0 cc. s eg f g :w r e RRt .'El t Ire ori Cgg if O Early Fall Goods ! S A MPSI,. e7114 NF JAMES A. REID Har •w• -.•.aerie° a ,nose 10, n' Hamilton Street, Goderich. A goo° assortment of Kitchen Bed -room. Dining Rooq. and Parlor Furniture. inch as Ta- bles. Chairs their *berel n Lookingwood ed pbosrd., Red./leads, elsttresies, Wash-etasd.a Lounges sofas Olatees R. a cumpreu arewrtm.•.,. of ('oAne and ,shrouds always on hand. &leo dreams for hire •, reasonable "int, Ptc. err '.rananx ..irec,u., • .n, .oucitee 17M G. BARIt%' Red, White and Blue! I achek5on GEORGE Acheson I New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery, sEi.i.nvc3 OI AP. de-- K.', \l• 7'(,,./VF kAKr.tI.%.`• 1751 ••A,..• . • . '''.. .. cede and Gray Nuts of the0 tin «ear .ng Aa ttrda7 Sept 441a 41 .t, 29th • Wind at 10 1' ,..rtrr east, light, air cloudy, nuttbet ,d miles the wind travelled during 24 hours 193.0 I miles; helt•n to rain at a 10 • in creased raining at 12 20 p n• • +mnttnt .,f rainfall 30c 30th Kind a. lug. .. ..sat. alliht arsons, clear, number of miles the weed t svell.d during 24 hours el 1 0 miles 'amount of rainfall 0 f1 • • 31st --- Wind at 10 a All. neat, Slight; broom, clear number of /moles the wind I travelled during 94 hours 2411 0 mules, sheet liighautag at night Sept 1st Wind at 10 1. e. , ...nth, • light b ease, partly nkwdy; number of miles the wind travelled during 2t knots, 12"9 0 Iaiiir; t.sgsn to ewe at Oa to cleared at nerve,. t ! c tnd Wiarf Si 10 p m. , east, Itght brew; raining: member of mils tis.) wind travelled in 24 hours, 272.0 miles began to rain at 10 p m , ceased at 7 • IA/AN ON 11A7•1 411k.Mt. d Y.... H....r•. ,.. ,.• rLJtNk Hamilton St,-oniu,e r. Black and Colored Cashmeres_ " •••• • •- skirting,. Flannels, Velveteens, Silks '.rings• IIoeut•n °levet o, 441table for the early Fall Trade 1 AILORIN(a Department.--ners- Worstedselection ti„aofta ke Suits made �� n Mass style and at low rates for cash. All cloth bought cut free of charge Felt Rats. Ties collars. Shirts and orawen- keep +reek ,11 n,... vn resnble •e1,6nw rood, -AJME8 A. R.811), r5' Manchester House, Ooderieh_ us/ .4 rrtved. Fall Stock of Stoves "MANTLES KA t• M. flit .1 l(IH$..0., 1 nl Df'('Tilfl(i PTP&.. "1OTERlr PTTMPt• LEAD PTPi11• A •,S .41 r. v. , TINWARE. COAL OIL. ell aslau Coo QIl l.aeere.. OM !roar �p w o.l taints t exchange lRerin. J. STORY sign of the Coal 011 Haire, -aawr. Gloves HOSIERY, DRESS -MAKING AND MILLINERY ,sae u tae •ewese .tyles Miss J Stewart, - Square, Goderich. Mercantile Printing iEUtl/NKew Of Every Variety. 4 R11av UTTER M14DINOS, . NiMORANDUMA, MIL NISADR, Cheap and in the Best Style! Mel;II.1. (CUDDY EROS., `Signal' OOjice q l' f� •