HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-05-21, Page 5klt.74 r,*.i.vioar,,tv.ku,r.pv.foormwrrreik!rt WAN tKIVorrM1,0+1,1 iomAultilwo',A4kVi miposoAntssismeigi MOP AT Maciaan Hardware BRUSSELS, ONTARIO For 1 his Week's 'Specials" 6 volt Fencer Batteriles $4.75 Outdoor Barn Paint As Law As $4.49 gal. 1 Only Gy'mn Set $19.95 (2 swings & teeter totter) Men's 'Summer Caps 25c each ' fa*Wi lye cY 11$i Pll lli. ti4tfAitisai0 THCRSDAyl, MAY Mat, 44!MIPPwINIPPPRIIMISIMP^‘,Maoi Brussels or ANNUAL, For Pick-up Service Phone. and not one would compare :favourably with. the worst yo4 would see here, at a Pair. Pour horses, two team hitched tandem, and in the mid fifties ono man owned three outfits, 12 horses. IN CANADA '.111:1 eY must throw an old stove, MEIN1LL,E CHURCh with smoke 'belching from it, Minister : nay. .1. monism )114 into their wagon, grab the reins, Organist: Mrs. Frank ,ruomusou twist, around a few carrels and away they go. The track is never cr watered. This would spoil the effect, re; the dusty trails. The I smoke and dust combined give the boys a chance to roll a Bull Durham and have a bit of a, chat in the back stretch, Four wagons, sometimes five, 20 horses, harness • and stoves, are not worth the price of a second hand car. Rodeo workers have a strong union, highly organized. and they travel the circuits from May FOR SALE Boxed Plants. — Pansies, Salvia, Petunias, Zinnias. :Marygolds, TOmatoes, Hybrid Tomatoes, Cabbage Spud.* Onions, etc. We fill Hanging Baskets and 'Window Boxes. All kinds of Perenials. Also Cut Flowers. JOIJWSNA MARKET GARDEN PHONE WINGHAM 3573262 WINGHAM, ONT. 0.11.°81101110VA"ONVW.'"'W BEEP! BEEP! Yes, That's What The Birds Are Singing Early These Spring Mornings When They Start Off A New Day. So, Why Don't You Start Your Day Off Right, 1 oo, By ‘Drinking DELICIOUS FOR BREAKFAST The Popular JUICE DRINK Enjoyed By More People Every Morning. With. ADDED VITAMINS A and C It's more ECONOMICAL than many other Breakfast Drinks: aimoftwailbwrwaallPftgregi sOMIlftta rt,rs2=ao=rtZ The smart way to save and travel! Extra coach car Conveniences to make your trip more comfortable. For other economy Red, White & Blue Fares call ... CANADIAN NATIONAL 17-64 OOMMUNI_TY SIRVICE GRANBROOK PRESBYTERIAN CHLIRCH SUNDAY MAY 24th 8.30 Mi, Preacher: Rev. A, hiigginbothaM Everyone Welcome THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA • Minister: Rev. A. M. .Tolinston BA., BD. Organist: Miss Sharon Storey 9:45 LW. Sunday School 11:00 a.m Mcrning Wurehli) Sermon ToPiC: "Bored to. Tears!' PRF.SEY'rEfaAN (41-111FC9 10.00 a.m. Church SCI1001 11.15 a.m. Public Worship Everyone Welcome ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA. Rector: Rev. ii, L. Jennings BA, LTLL Orgaust: Era. B. Elliott ST, JOHN'S 11 eau. Morniug Prayer and Primary School Order of. Oddfellows Si. DA1/11):.;, Henfryn 9.15 a.m. Morning Prayer GENTLEMEN'S GLU$ NEWS ITEMS I get so many inquiries regards Caigs.ry 6tampede 1 will answer in this column. Mostly young buckaroos, who will saY, ever play the. Rodeo?, or, when I get big I'm going to Calgary! Old ones say, the missus and I are going to Calgary Stampede next year. I hate to burst your loubble bud but it you never go you haven't missed much -missed much. It's the most overrated, over advertised event held. our fair Dominion, It has wrest- ling beat a mile and to make it complete they should have Frank Blahavolich open the snow. I have no axe to grind. I was their Sharlee on the full circuit, Meadow Lake, Lethbridge, (:hoy- enn.e, Grand Prairie, )Pincher Creek, ect. etc. The chuck wagon races are the Main feature, the opening avant for every show, very seldom held in the afternoon never have enough time, so, come back sucker, you. didn't come 2,000 miles to miss this. The wagon is an ordinary light wagon, with some white canvass thrown: Over some half hoops, sighti all Over. Circle B, Star X, ate. The hoses are crow bait I ds. to December. Sallie competitors. C)/W busting contest is next on the list. Did you ever ex- amine a pair or spurs that go jingle jangle: They don't. They go rip, tear and cut. 14 seconds is the time Emit, for any rider. After that they are lifted from tbe saddle by outriders, Two well trained horses and two men. This 'occurs over and over. No man has to stick on his horse over 14 Seconds YOn will see the flanks of Dapple Greys turn red, froth, sweat and blood. The horse has to buck. The cinch is pulled tight as two men can make it. Watch the rider jab the rowell in (with one inch spikes) and roil it down the flanks. Truthfully T, (con nue is nexe issue) ONLY 30c per 40 oz. Quart 1 from your Milkman or Grocer who sells Fresh, Nutricious COUSINS DAIRY PRODUCTS your Iota! 01 agent COMPLETE LIVESTOCK TRUCKING AND SHIPPING SERVICE Ships your hogs every Monday forenoon direct to Kitchener 0.1-i.P. Ship your cattle, calves, lambs, to Ontario Stock Y Toronto, for top market prices Our Rates Are GEORGE JUTZI PHONE 122 Reasonable. BRUSS.V.L5 NOTIC We 'have facilities in our office to insure any driyer 16 years of age and up, no refusal and no waiting period (in effect in 24 hours) Terms Available Also first and second mortgage money available for farms or homes Apply At RONNENBE.RG INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Brussels 65 Open Tuesdays and Fridays or Telephone. Monkton 347-2241 Anytime r 1._::,.4, 7..........7,--.i.,, cts r•:...1,77. Huron County Tuberculosis Association LEGION HALL, CLIN ON Wednesday, June. 3y at Guest Speaker -- A. J. WATT Beck MeMorial Sanatorium, London, Ontario D. L. 6TEWAIR.Ti Seaforth President InsA111;s1X1Inp.tvtIONIAnteaalabwidskriu* 40i1••-•,•