HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-10, Page 2' + ♦ vers r a ,'set ,: 7CAt •ae ♦k r#tr . .:10145 lr� ,.; ._.....r MANI SB ' e S1 r L. FRI Nettle of the T! The Ab be. tae veer 8 bean rep stand Maid a1 the ' es; for &toe time psi yon! ru issa•amslAr! ahVikt- t-and well they may, for there oer- has been awept deal said and writ- ten that would haveieen b#ter left 11111110. Some writers }Wee been inakTelf an aim* unbroken plain of tropical soil and climate of the North What -and one has one into something like heroics iu describing how peacefully our noble red mer: bear the pangs of hunger;" and-liow giscettdtythey submit to any privations, nattier than dis- turb the peace of this Western Prairie. Thew things are very soca r.ad poetical and read well; -but no greater mistake can be made than to. Sup me that ALL the land in 41 • this great North est is of t rate quell ty-or that even all within what is kuuw as the " fertile belt " is tit for farming pur Meoas The fact is, that when settlements home numerous, and nearer •to each otter than they are now, a heavy percent Orthemes of the country will be found lelw to the tiro settlers. In not few ports of the country stony and d w erre frequent -with so light :. soil as 'u practically worthless -and in other parts' large tracts lie so low that they ire permanent marshes. Soil, probably wlual to anything. un the continent, bu •nlavailable until drained, and owing he general flatness of auoh localities as hese marshes occur in, the draining •'f [hent will be so expensive an operation that it will have to remain undone until there as more money in the country than here is likely to be among the first set lers in it. When these facts are taken ntu consideration it will be seen that earn .f all the available and g.xel land along the ine of the Canada Pacific Itailway as a: present allotted to actual •settlement and tr..-m >tion. was taken ,, end • e. upied, -11, •nhahitant� &iowy ;ht line f the Irea tuitional roads w mold be • - w and far •tetwee' 10 lintel) s• tha •h. a -BOLE of tilt wed along the Itaalway oute-instead of only a half of is were t, be so occupied the •country would not be Keely settled .and at would almost sewn .a if those in authority were duingtheir best retard instead of pushing on a rapid .ettlement in the West by iniquitous land regulations now in force In the country These same regulation give' . vet one •calf of the land .'n each Side :f •,l line f Railway t• speculators f ,1 •he .ctual settler will not Day land if '1e can homestead and pre-entpt it which simply .neanrthat one half of the country is et remain unsettled, until the cattlemen• •t the other half has been effected, and make -he part held by the speculator valuable cnuugh for him to sell at a profit. We are amid by the member for Uleugary that the actual settler i• a land speculator, SSit is only charitable to hope that Mr. MeLen nand was suffering Erre -an attack of the spleen when he enunciated such a dogma; it should make his name stallion/ell but .f he ie, there should he • s.e disc'• •sus ton made between 'h. .,.eculat." a•a• carries on itis syr• by the so. eat of his ur U and hard labor generally m his land and the absentee wit., 'rarrieal out his bnainess, t may he a •hous.uul ..flee away from the „untry nr -, anu� .the. it ;, us absolute - yr necessary to the interest tilt •-ountry and for the buildinac the ttatiway Cita, half the land situltl.l heli • .sae f.,• railway tuna outlets.- setueo...m .t1t land a' " houlr a.i. n.• -h• ondit101.- 0)08110.• nes •. .•rt lane all the laid s1t.•.uu be fa• -1d • .ale actual rettlers .elt,a , O •old o• . 1I01'. ' t'.- 9P'rlerS rel the '. ,, •..1 -Ott. • tb 'MAX) tit'. ti •.. • .all .• . •. h • .11- ..711111' •.ark ., . • ••.1.•, l..- D min •m :It'- settling • a •'. 't rel- Wes The -1-innal»•tor F , Pr •. ,at, herr ., . r •.t tt . t•• •ti. 11'e.'ula, atm settler .,. .. ..I as' '.. t1 ea' .. .1 . n •to tee.. •''hethet enc 1 ' 11. aY, v • .•, tie e..culat..• - • ,u ah••u1.1 u • . 41• -et 111.. a .lea. • • 1., .ettler - t lin• ti w ^a t th• late, silt hf• th lakua- 1. I.rupert • 1 •tae,'tlar • .aluahl. +r the qw• ulator - •t•^ne% a .u. -i.. . • it., aecessatry 'hon• p,.lae• n tan'' let '•.- He •air..•« . •• 1• ire A11 "• tame lighting tutee •oust be aloe, r • this •ew parr .1 the Donunron +ha• • •rked • -.such ►•,e and QlYery • 4•'• lt'.aat••r, Provinces- -and - felt it iia,• , 'Laces .et Blocks Land shouln ••• ser red. sola a o, such purpose, 1. 1» iettled w ' he .peculator and,. monopolist withtu ' tpetified time hut all 'meting n with no- se sal present settler. • th. •-•nn• t •hould be utterly forbidue. .aur► ,.ar glee unless settlement ,t naso• the • -rod. tion of purchase From the returns gore. 'P the public 1t would .ppea: that -he number of immigrants r• the West u mach lower this season that, a was expect ed to be, and nntil there 1s , ,hangs •[lade In our Land Regulations then et tea like 'ihood that any great rush will be nude to •u' North west while ore .j....d land and •,n much mon ••ewsonable end business like reams can or had in th. Western States It s ti. he hoped that • change for th. totter may soon be made. and that this great country nosy get something like fair play in its struggles towards civilian elven- for the country •• all rtgh' if it is only rightlyhandled; - rhitmY •he' .. •er tainly not ng dune nnw Our Indian--notwithatanduyl the now ery *commits that have been written about theta -are in many parts of the country in a depleesble stab of suffering, and not like) tr. retteein quiet under their troubles much' longer anises they air relieved. Mach as oar lead. regulations require am.edtng, the indtan Department still [wore arg..tly calls for each a reorganl" tine a. won make the probability • f a• '' Indian trouble a thing low likely t• hr than it is at ant The dtsaatisfsetion• satots` the in4Yns is much m'.rt widely i.pewd, and their coapWnts as to the non fathom* thorn* d treaty promises are match I mon just than 1s generally blows re be - Keyed. Aad n is nnw quite time that emus erosible clops were taken . .deers what may he a most deplorable •'w peeeestt aft et all an unlikely ..'. tis en Iadins outbreak among the _young settle ltesnts of the North West ! 4 i, dswi.e 1 to cry wrslf, wolf, whet, o awl .atonal is to be seen -it n ••ptea111 • •.bet• rt.' preach pewee' and my Al' .veil. t. • try and glow over oily fact• until et s per haps ton late to **sr catastrophe that with common prudence t•'rh' here howl I tin to this the ourresponding peri.w pas e ith i;pwil�ist of regular ra�� 4 umun IQ oak a'jY% of num Frere bod a ii,11111114 ®e HIV re?ivall t of. exe4$4400'. it over to (1)•b. chiefly tion. elf thstltaedida, dela Utantasyethat lden , , bIiaatl Presier caws siggnn he was ih *41411 eliding the armee fafhis counU'j•. During two more henna himself the republican The contest pot the representation of candidate. During still another he wee Selkirk ouunty t.s to be between Hon. D A baset�aod-[`=•�• 13,.,11 M .P..-2 . the former having issued his address as a fan- didate in the Ubwsl interest The tight premises to be a wenn One. The work of the sugar Mowry at Th- ema) g is progresaiug rapidly. They have - 900 au acres of wither cane to work u up this season, which will enable them to - thoroughly test the practicability of mak- ing sugar and syrup from sorghum ot, ari- 1 un Uio priueiples at a prufit. A ',Mural result 1 hard times in Leland - w a decrease in jh, number oft es. a In 187'9 the number wail 25,315, or 3,96 dr below the average of the twelve preceding years. aad 149 lees than the total forSo - land, when the population 14 '•-•i••a that of Ireland, by 1,102 298. ' The old superstition that grog u a good 4 Clung for men before, during, • after a I march has been proved by the scientific men of all nations to be a fallacy, and is only still maintained by man who mistake the cravings annuli; solely from habit as the promptings nature :Sir Carnet 11'„Iseley. There are signs of .l sen miners strike collapsing. Those a Kilwinning i district have resumed work at the old rate The miner. of H.uniltor Ire approaching • the masters respecting aro,tratiol, but the [tasters decline Many men in either die- ' tricts would re. 1rtlteirbrethren would allow them Four pnze Lursetahire ewes u:•► rums • ere lost in New -Zealand *eve.. years ago and nothing heard of theist till lately when I they sour.: found wild in the 1)1181• - their numn.- having Increased t.o sixty. They had an abundant-- f feed • the • -,111 had grown A 0? e'l.,'u .ettgtu, • e S ize the) ..re et. . • t'-:.. 'linary epee, ' In, lay 1aa•. - h, ire loadtrg catt,e aa. .•.: •l K steack rte'" 'r •:1 ail e. yrs Pu •...: t 14aled ,1,•. •1.twt•wet, named.Pu'•.'U 11.1i•Iitchell, injuring both Mitchell .ern •cal. lila spine being injure.! He will, 1•• •.•• recover The anim.-1 was acil1e' by t -re- •r the asuat ants by , blow 'r,;. • sleds '.«-'l•er 'wltih nrak,..3 se ' . .t Cao. .;anon Ferret ,,,3tc. tittle •, . er .vi Cy yearn old, thought us reality he is nearer fifty. He is a grave, thoughtful. studious- lookingman with a shy, reserved manner who is lead by rather than leads, the con- versation In warns summer days he is to be found with books of reference; beside hue atudyingua the ancient to'stet star •len ,•r Westminster kbbey Gat 'iced fail was largely 'tended by fanners. and a deal of nuainess was I President, and his post was in Wei itiajton. The fiat US .11l[1tlI of the_ season tr. peered on the Winni market on Satur- day last It is a plump grata, and when threshed yi ed thirty bushel, to the acre, and u •.unsidered a full rem Tt. brought fifty cents ;1e- bushel Majo' 11ala1t 14eacrtl.us Sitting [full as being the moot plucky, in ret and en- ergetic savage livwimgg,.and that he will never consent to aurreudet uucunditionally h• the T' ' •authorities He is 48 years • age anti hos had 6,re •- Ives, throe i' whoe are now living. H• lea. $ sivall tanuh consisting of three daughters and .t•. ,Alit UuND-i"Taxrr CBI ecu -DI 14 tt•' soh• has fol nine years past been pasta. f th• Union Congregational Church Brooklyn and vh" has otliciat . :•'r t h: Iasi tw• Sunday. Bond s••'r-. ::hutch r.. •ate has rem:lent and •tooej :ed ♦ me free. Mt Handford'a' lat .ugregatiur in Will is about 46i yeah , t ag• and a• native ' Canada He was, pries to hi, translates. to Brooklyn, s minute of r.t.. Epiwu•m Methodiat Camel. 1 Canada and at time held a p .sato•,. • -to eachun. ;aff of Albert College, Belleville a bas i • o •r r to that dem-tun/late)/ TI' principal result . t the 1. ruts. • -'a. -ensue wilt h. the aedistnbutwn d -oats to 1'ondree- Pi-- will give •n• ••sten. states their owe powe, •' the oMioo -del. 1'erationa and probably mai to important political changes. Of the seats which will the western awes only thre.- will be deducted tn- t• the aunti ens states repro sentatioi, ab wink, •hat after all the cry about southern de -.•dean• the population leas maintained se pier+ fall ratio of in crease. The remauun i, toss falls upon the New England and twiddle states and Ohio, New York losing f aur Pennsylvania and Ohio two me M•• • ••rr v..w Hs.nteshirt ane each "It's bee' , ., ,.k s.. •...,ked t•ncle ,• Johnson, .w he laid et. an the morning aper and reelectively star :eyed the ' "ea of his ,in slippers, as the. reposed "n the guard bar ,f -• cylinder -' . ,t o berry singlar dal. of a mat• lives •- be • vet Eft} an cannulates genii- at- dies generally .dnurett an' tpectt••l tat one half his sur vivin friends is a' n,t.et earten to prove in de courts dat he eat •.I er. unaoun min,' and dat he wasn't fit in his latter daps to plan a ' y ge for a ••1 I scow. But you fin' dt papers Tui, ole fellers dat die bout a hundred , arb old in the poor house , an' dey always sensible to de las 7" And Uncle Joe shook his head solemnly, as if there were some things in this world wind. ' ,leer worn- *manor ret invest• gate() FORFRITB FOR FUN - lr.t of .m q 1 t�urf«tor, nihil ltw..d elpl�+ the petsson7=spat b pay-i.wPutteYuk1 aper. t4pon the eh and a notwqybelio ` i wt. M+ �Wu GREAT- 3,ARG haft B]f ' 11=1 ethe is ir+ at die room, awl stand ties* u d M i eyrrttd each yoNpl reach 2. fu o out of the room with twolegs and Dome in with six. Net dilltoult if on. thinks to bring a a ,alias ea the return. & To act the dlltab essehM The pewee W e has the futLait, tu.pejt. must int out the aa sof eerier to jue n*. 4C bOU the wastes of • � 8dJ make bread T" ow o 'you f" fit This forfeit will cause muc'.• •uerrt- •nent if proper questions are put.. Put one hand where the nthe, can not touch at. One cis at.out .f this difficulty by prig one elbow 1 the other bre. Place • penes.. d sa fleet •.• .nnot jump over it. May to dote .Dotting it. clout . the wall of the met. Put a question that no one ran .s+vet with a 'no This is not herd J •ne thinks to ask - What does y -e -s spell Ash a chair through a fingeraln& • • • forfeit is mastic by putting the ting on :bra brewer and • pushing the --an ether ,bit+ i 1• •well-withchair thy• • ..to..t, ...tough . keyhole ins was a great punde to eta for a while, �. when the word "yourself' waa written n paper an., • 'a►►ed through the hole *II clew... 415 ,It.BT Doero,, are the mea wrest Dieters -even the Doctor huneell crew- the Welt that compelled hie to lea. • •s •wfort.►ble bas iu(,pose sou +.a ur Iuethod• and keep .. hotth- ,t Perry Davit -'bin-Killer in the nouse and •el. Doct- S. Al, nay 'n gni se.; Waco• himrelf Sec oo ccrttataoent ,n .ui. thgt colunaf. ..•d but:a-4 s ' year cot:.-• . K eeop4 .: Nop s.-:. _. n yen ,CPC' •. discretion .Sed or daµ. ear.• rW H o p Wbo,v r r -aim., .rbeaerer 703 pod :het your a..:, needs cl•. 0*'rr.5W'a- I,aQ� of ,dtm-:._r:7; wattsodato.. i..y, tat. Nop •Ittere. or r.r.ar y ...:. Astor ltoere • .too ),ser or •r -,r. You will. avnd ar No, • ityea.re r.e.k - t i we oue.wed heed$. HOP IEEE NEVER FA I L D. f. C. b art at.:o1• .ed t�e4Aa, car• tor ratlike a ■,, or opium, bareo, or NM by drug, VIP swam INTO es., T. a T.•.ete, 0.1. Ifs greatI' - - ---- - NOTIOF done in exchanging and buying seed for ' this fall's sowing Prices ranged from $1 t, $1.44) $1.15 anu =1 30 being very very . dtu'. ' pnce- f •laws,,, end r. vett were rn goo', tenurial butMichiga' amber and alt -'•n -eagerly •'-ugh' 'VP highest ',nee- among th• sales sea., me o 100 busheir 'f Michigan. rtmbe• ' •. Moffa. • S1 40 pet t.ushe 1• Lb- IIT... We3T.er• ft:.ui.• •.at»). • 11. ••.der.. I. r M.11Ifiat ening wee). 4 audile. .gee well.'• 't Pari.• ft a neat Blyth ••:111.08 HaN stepped .'1 rbc '.ram and i• trying to gel •t, ague after to sea, n, motao,. missed hu hold .n•1 tpl' lint foot 1;• beneaatl tho wheel. ar.'1 e,- lest bang 'n• t.v • ,. - •hresd. -Air Til. man Vali Inde, to roil..., ttgy•1 .nr1 aye. • -• sr. -• .% . t sea • H t 1a- fu .ckk o L(.•,. •• •ase• - •._ g• sopth. h •se. ,• I5 . • •. t -...•. e, r -.,..ret• 1111• •••s• tal1*.,-••'r!.'..• •.et'er•ynent berated •• 1 avoided. TOWS. 1,41.. Keewatin, LlIth Aug., • •Me••t• •. r.t. • h. L.4g1 ..:• ..111111. .iad •ncut'ert 60r 4r4. •..a. }. •r 'elf as %eu' -ISP4 w1.5, j9 tl(1at M ry'ear nn •ht •t.n •uernPM ,v.rn++ ., .,. thefathen t reyr.•ser mg him t' 41..' taught. •. I. m.y 111V1.1% up, (.hr... an• s , wo:e el 'red in roll h.-,. .11.sr vitt „Co. net •wallow cal •e• .• hr:rw• h.r't4 4. T'h• father en b_• ; . • u•t ti.. ,me mai r -ht house •• • Iihtr' �uat/tea ip•.r mean him 0 1.. , a rest► • ' •• aeepitlg , strictstrictwatch r • I,••. , r.• ..q ' as ••1••uPmPn W . • , u•o.. .u• ,1.11$ Lake!. spinal eh ,,lite•+ frustum., eviction, in the wen ..t Ireland Iron huts f'•rthe pollee are in u.giver -.f onstrsotior ".pr Clare Morris. is the •s.unty ,et May'• ,nor •,thee plaoes when- trouble I. likely r • .ecu. On the vote of the Irish Constabulary in the Hou., of Commons on Thursday lir O'Shaugh ne„y (Horne Ruler) protested against the me of bullets or buck shot_ and urged '.hr use of staall .ha K1 P'nrstei said small shot were useless They created n- alarm and simply irritated the malt John 'Bright urged the co-operation '•f sae high member, tr vnr't"f the •v,uditton .f effatre in Ireland Martin Amyelia sew dentate• Ural ren, .hipped a caw •f •l.400 shee}. tot Liverpool three weeks ag.. three Dr.ytnt, + men taking charge of the ohmage, Let 1 week Mr 'Snyder received • telegrat.. ,sat ing that they had arrived eefely tea' 'Le telegram must have referred t •.h. men themeelvee .a they telegrsple.• • Mt Si dei 'n Tuesday UM 000 'it. •nese had been Ion They were pannier n on the tapper dem and were wes. overboard is • heavy sea Mr Snyder had the cargo insured, but whet receiving the amount of the insuring* he will tr 1•,)e.. •. . • wMd .nbl. atter* 401141n0 V11.10 t• %,tei INeinushab sweet Ilhsw York. follows the atot el pro young sport gets a Mach eye tr. An= sad he main at once to this • who for Rye dollars flies him up so well tha! evert his governor is detievred, or • row with his hitter half is thus put oIL The erten related to a cardent that and Ow like Resides leaking complaa- he frequently made up ' fre impel+ ion in fills up wrinkles, adds chip CLEARINGSALE /oi$ Tl lb NEXT •Tate C e i/olir urfl Cupboards liur•• touagea Chairs and Tab -.PICT -9 'HE r tie lthttklfUnnOW� oit /r WOOD 11411141:14$1111 OAKEN N 1!:11Cl1ANe 1+a AU lndebW •• )'•t•• k AW •etil ,a..• coensea by celane and settling Ly Ludt o: net.e. n 701 • low** Uvia JAMES G. SAL_ HARDWARE r EVER] DESCRIPTION REDUCED TO BOTTOM PRICES! ...tit utu ae.tttx�L �H�OL0 HOLD HAR I -A }i�RuI'l�Dp l, pU N1'I +DREnRr8 HARDWARE -nHATAND 001.4 AT 1AUrWArAC'l•l4h T ' 1'ItiC vB + G_ H. PARSONS, CSO D ERI OH. • lb. J. A. McIntosh & Co. .tor.•• W ....•• •t• •us• "awned out a large 3.71110111.111011t lit D 1i, Y GOOD SI » ".t ' 3Lasw Deg to inform the Public teas:ally, that the. Well -Selected Stock of Groceries, • '•.'e •'•e ..lab -OOeT .•.th •. small sesanoe to pay expcoaea -T'EAS A SPECIALTY. Jab a Mcintonh & Co - - Corner Kingston Street and *mare •'1.055'. •.1 •tq. 17$ -lay BOOTS AND SHOES. E _ J_ DOWNING lea. r. ,'r, ore . t - . b.f . ii IMMENSE )ST(u'& or Boots a -d Shoes to eau and Wham wear. of very rholee quality and ten low ha peke 4 bare determined to en a our Customers the benefit of experteaee aad espital in Saone' bow fore them every variety oi Goods 1n our line sad et seek pokes as wU1 doff the kMa V e,wpot4 '"t Roue (,ALL and examine our goods sad prices whether you buy or sot Q IUSTOM '"Oils • r ..u. t weetal ettentios and every egibet ands to slit and please •ret OMOm.r L & .1. DOWNING. eat hw BMek. h , I t • It, , 1.8 ...aria row Pira/NOs in any quantity. end at lowest prices. (1751) 'The Square, cl-oderioh. wo arae 11 e els Wet Opus flow MAD ib the day, and Mr. renal [. e els Mer wit Hut bin [0, tis Go bo 101 Ms eqz sAlt Prat Hs nor }Warn.., r.. .Mea 4 Mr •'..Uaaf.,e ,en ,ib . MAs. ►si ,a,. .•,e rs oouasattn,t ,' .... 40-howc Engine, one 20 -horse dl. tea, 5 -horse do new and aeoond-hand moiler. • lot of Plow Will Machinery law Mill Machinery, Plows •• Gang Plows Laed Rollers Straw Cutters Hors.- Powers, Brame Fittings for Iingines Gas Pipe and e=ar Pipe Fittings ttooktng Stoma, and , t$rge assortment of treating, in general Mt rhe ales.- asoc1 wall he .,ala •-BSA, flake room for the manufac ten 't .that •,,.teles • order" take,. tr.r Engine.. Boilers and all kind. •f Mill ' t1.•rt Roomy. .,,»ndr.l r• .t. r•11, ah••rte.t ()ntice. 1'lrlir.. D„t.VID RUNCIM.&N & Co., Goderich. JOHN gNOX Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &c &l.. k • -T• l,lt, OF v ptNlr •a-, HI.I4;, n' n1117)EF ON[ OF ' THE OLDEST AMO MOST 11111U SLt UMW= tN Tilt Welke POO THE CURE OF o Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sete Throat; Bronchitis, Influents, Croup, Whooping Cough, AstMa, and every affection of the Throat. Lungs, and Cheet, including A CONSUMPTION. A WELI.KNOWR PHYSICIAN WHIM: " D dors not dry ep a ewgA, sad lass ells Saar Wda1, as v tits vaw with moat pfurarosrsa, but lawny it, dawn Ar tray, sad asp i r.- )laf.elt, Mee rY Ise s, Ms vaso, of s wapioiaf.s DO NOT BR DNOSITZD by malas bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DB. WIBTLR'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHSBI;T, with the signature of " I. BUTTS " on Ms • 60 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pta- h ' *a sW. Nina & Sows, Bohm, Bold by dragptists and dealers gseerally. r rtiiiPaiR1146 e„s .10/3131/16 doe. .11111010811 ago emsoure and at 1•1111•••aalt 101fle [PM Hasdhas West. (Wench Mercantile Printing Of Every V ariety. .)heap and in th• . Bent Style ! BILL 1121D48, "Tile Huron Soil" OM. 4 Is as and meimilMed with the blood Telteatirdiplest food. Whoa the bleed does sot cositebe ths usual of boa, the ems be by see of Me ins" simply ly Townie Dr, brvataassnra, asd Presume the system Tim essieled sod vitalised Mood every part of the ha&r, repairing and trams, eiranslinn dieeme be feed oyes. This is the secret of wombed mom of this remedy la mini Dyspepsia, Littet Complaint, Bolls DroPey, Chronic Diarrhea, Nervous Affections, Festal* dad dingoes le bed mom Mae of the gram. • OAOT/01.-Ne sure Few thy AU TUN 11187"." Areaossa rises eves**, Dime, Pim