HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-04-23, Page 2Airs. r. , It Fii Mit ca fix is! Uri!. vi; T.41.1RSDAY, A.PRil 23rd, 1914 OMB 11111011810 ONTO RECIPE PE TH, MONTH Ft/ thr lust to .tttut,, "Buy Ciifladd D.utCe Canned i (WI cups evaporated ilk 1 (lc; Oz.) can "PEWS •Ohoice" Sweet 'sing 1 (3 oz.) package Uia °hero jelii powdiese • cup dry sherry or I!! • .orange juice •toor. 4esst.iito Makes 10 servings Vreeze eyaporated 41114.i. lei freezer tray uutii crystals; torni Ar011Ud edge 0 tray. lialve. and pit drained cherries reserving juice, „Heat juice to boiling point; add jelly pow.- der; stir until dissolved. Stir ill -.re;114inilig ...,,:ingred- ieuts; cook slightly. Stir all but IQ oheiry and chill until softly set. Fold, evaPor- "titedAniilk% into gOlatili..9%.:1I ;.turemlt SI190P, I t!iut94. Alterto.e,i2:A eheiry ,,ihalves, chill until sef"(aboiit 3 hours)t? : . 11.11 'This 'recipe ;prepared espeolally .-,tori:this series, by, DAiry, c:bps Service les of the ::, 0 , ;,:,!;r,, 0 ;, 41: i ricu A1 Past' Ipresiaerit '" """'"'•' 00 ur, (.1 „FOR ,AS;LiTTLE AS $1.85 PER MONTH FOR AS IITTLEtAS $445*PER MONTH (and no Sown 'Tand no,ddin Oayment)tYOU,CAN OWN,Aqu,1,1 YOU CAN, OWN A NEW EhO hij RNER "? NEW, COMPLETEISSO OH. FURNACEIJNIr " *jr,istel led to your existing duct work. Additioi5" modificatras to lour duct wail( can alslhe fiditaid NeW Esse Heating Equipment Finance Flan. Mpkcs it so easy for youto own the,kindtof qc1.3.1iPnignp-that .pswq safety, comfort and conven- ience-i-,Esso,4eating,,,,ccrOprnerit. MI No dp, wn ppyr,9egt7:-,-yom haye,10 years to pay milt-j. • EssopeTitirrig equipment is hilly guara*ed by Imperial ESSO Easy budget terms and WO' availibfe'on.atlier makes ofheating equip!, anent yoifr Msb licatifigequipmeni ' a of v ilf,SpECIAL INTEREST: If you are considering renting ...a:0 1 "et heating equipment, be sure you investigatethe cconotp si .ies ?carefully, For pennies a day you can own your OW1110 3 ; ow heating equipment and get all the advantages-of EA° 11-Ionic Heat Service! Step up today to the econorni41-, '`.'/Asto c,1 {, arid`&11'nfort'of`13ssu Honicifieat Serviceo ' %•eoo..vt t IMPERIAL OIL LIMITE ,GE,ORGE,,MAJTTER, BRUSSELS , 7 ‘t4 Mrsii• Earl aCiu.dinore President I .Etesident,, 1, ., 2:lid Vice 1.1 ov ECTORAr' • Mrs. R. Stepheilg, 'Ars. Chas .k.sninedY, Miss 1-1,00ver; Mrs. Titenball, Evans, Mrs. Robt, GrasitiY, miss .Millie mvatfaiie;I" 3114. W. K. Si.s.'''Melkinald,- Mrs. W4a /,' Turnbull, Mrs. Rob.t. Geiginei, Mrs. A. Travis, Mai:. 'Get); Mart*,' ''Mrs:,-D. •C. Matheson; 'quo. "M.ntier;'" ' tliir.fortVbrafrr, Jack Ldwe, - ,.Mrse-R.oss 'knight,'" " Snortres10.- r•rti ." • Ffijitt, Pickles, Etc. ....T. Cass . . 14. 1. Preserved strawberries .85 :e. Canned raspberries , .85 .85 .85 .85 .85-' .85 8. Marmalade, A.O.V. , , ,„ ,85 9. Maple syrup, 1 quart, -made ;in 1963 1.00 10. Corn, 1 pint s i . • .85 11. Tomatoes, .1 pint,.85 .. 12. Beans, 1 pint .85 13. Collection of ternatoluicei tomato catsup, chili sauce, 1.! pint each . , , , ,. 'r . 1..00 14. Mustard pickles,.,f ?. pint _ .85 In. Pickled beans, 1 pi tit , '185 16, Pickled' onions, 1 pip!. .85 17. Nine-day, , pickles, . 1,. pint .85 18. Relish pickles, 1 pint ,85 19. Whole beets, 1 pir:' ' .85 20. Canned chicken, 1 pint . .85 .60 .35 2.1. PractitaT schdol lunch, made to Canada Food Rules .75 .00 22. Honey, 1 pint, clover.,- ,75 .50 23, Honey;'-comb .75 24. Five .ways to serves tomatoes (ml tray)..,,,, 1'.00 SPECIALS 25, SpeCial Box for -Shut-ins, appearance to count; not more than eight articles-lst,41,00; 2nd,, 60c; 3rd, 40c„,.pri7:es donated by Mrs. Earl Cudniore. 26 Fresh Vegetable Relish Plate (12-inch plate), • appearance to count: 1st, $1.00;"2nd, 60c; 3rd, 40c. •Prizes donated by :Ars. Wilbur • Turnbull. .. 27, Six different ways to use ,Canadian Apples. '1st,' $3:00; 2nd, $2100; 3rd, $1.00. Prizes donated by Blake Brothers. 28. Four Ways To Serve Cheese, individual servings. Prizes: 1st, 5 lbs, cheese; 2nd. 3 lbs. cheese; 3rd, 2 lbs. cheese. erize8 donated by Molesworth Cheese Factory. 29, Four Ways to Serve Potatoes, arrangement to count:. 1st, $1.00; Zul, 75c; 3rd, 50e. PriZes donated by Mrs. Wm. J. rnbull, Y" (to ,- secrst4,,rYarP#.9r,erv,.), ; `s 1trs.Vm. Tninialll . ,„ ,,,,,„, , •,-,,. *se Olean,.,§itaCtler ?•11Irs:It13arley Craig ra.' Ulna) mar ,...,...„..., r,. .„. L • 3. •-CannedJpeaches, r.., • 4. Canned pears 5. Canned cherries 6, Canned pineapple 7, Canned dark, PlPrns. Fruits and Pickles to be ea ibited- In pint -sealersl- Jams and, ,Jerrie, in ,.uniform jars,;: seal on ,4a.r.s, to !3e unbrolicep.,1 DIRECTORS Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs. Jas. `Mgiotdalp, • Ross ,Knieht Allan McCall, Mrs:-"ROSS SECTION K Poirnestic Manufacture, tt 11 .75 .50 .60 .35 ".60 .35 .60 .35 .60 .35 .60.35 'Ad .35 (.60' .60 .60 .75 :60 60 .60 2nd .60 .60 .60 .60. .60 .50 .75 3rd 35 35 .35 .35 . .35 .35 ;25 .25 .25 .50 35 :35 35 135 5 .50 CLASS gO This year marks the 30ViAtrnitver- sary fOr a 'p'opular Canadian broa,dcaster, Don 'Messer. It was in 1934 that he first started net- work broadcasting oil rdio station CH$J, Satnt John) B. 1100.••••••••=1•••... This picture shoWs his first. group, the IlatitwOods Trio, as , they broadcast 30 years ago. ' ;•!,,tanding are bon Messer, Duke Neilsen, announcer Geo4et Cromwell and Charlie Chamber- lain. Seated iS Ted Landry, then • featured ou, the. , runtish orgatt but now known Tot leis Lon fiddling skill: well is still .: in •the broadcast licici alt General Manager of CRS.] radio and TV station, St, John. „et