HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-04-16, Page 6Have applied for your Social Insurance Number. Your government is issuing Social insurance Number Cards in place of the unemployment insurance numbers that most employed people have had until now. The new numbers will help government to use modern office methods for greater efficiency in handling unemployment insurance, and also other social benefits such as proposed pension plans. For these reasons, you are invited to apply for a Social Insurance Number, even if you are not a contributor to the unemployment insurance plan. If you haven't yet applied, here's what you do. IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEE your employer will give you an application form. Fill it out and return to your employer promptly. IF YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED and drawing benefit you will complete an application form when you report to the Unemployment Insurance Commission in person or by mail. IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYER registered with the Commission; you will receive application forms auto- matically. If NOT registered with the Commission, please get in touch with your local U.I.C. office and application forms will be sent to you, Distribute application forms to your employees,, have them corn- pleted and return them together, not individually, to the Commission. • COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION NOW 11=EIMMI.. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION OTTAWA. oic.264s .1111•••••••• THURSDAY, APRIL 160, 1964 TKO urcisoui POST, ME M" 01111AXIO APPIIIMIIIIMINIWINWININIOMP=4.•1•1••••MMEMARIN 41rytryl0111••••••••••, 20.00 Ontario Hydro, Bluevale Street Lights 14.26 Bluevale Milling Co., Warbidde 169.46 Red Front Grocery 77.74 Geo. Mutter, furnace oil 28.12 S. B. Bllottiott & Son Helen Martin, salary 59.92 100.00 Brussels, Morris and Grey Recreational Assoc. 500.00 Road Accollnts Wm. McArter, mileage, bookeeping, wages, freight l& license for truck 176,53 Jaines Casemore, wages 306,00 Rash A. Jamieson, loading & hauling gravel' 26;25 Gordon Workman, extens- ion cord . 5,60 Rocco Metal, reflectors . 39,5d Wajax Equipment, bearing seals & motor mounts 139.16 Geo. Radford, angle iron .... 6.26 Thos. Garniss, welding „.. 30.04 Dominion Road. Mach- inery, clutch '77,25 .T. M. McDonald, plyWood 42,59 Ideal Supply Co., wrenches . . ,,, .............. ....... 13.70 Brussels Coal Yard, stove oil .............. . 14.33 Illuevale Milling CO., '200 lbs salt on Rine- vale hill ....... . 2.70 J. 0 McNeil, repairs to -wipers & drum of oil .,., 65.87 Wilmer Glousher, snow plowing 24.60 Stewart Procter -- Restre Helen D. Marti!' COE* drain in S1/2 Lot 10 Con, 3, Carried Moved by Wm, 416t0i1 seconded by James Mair that we 'give grante of $500.00 to Breese).* Morris and Grey • Recreational Association — Carried Move'. by Wafter Shortre04 seconded by James Mair that road accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent for, payment be paid Carried Moved by Ross Smith see- onded by Wm. Elston that tae; general accounts as presented be paid . Carried The meeting adjourned on (motion of Jas, Mair and. Walter Shortreed to meet again May 4 1964 at 1 p.m., or at the call of Reeve Thee Reeve The following accounts were paid: General Accounts Advance-Times, aAv. 621 Bernard Hall, Libiality and insurance 385.63 Wovman's Compensation Board 1.60 City Of Brantford 33.66 Municipal World, Assess- ment roll 19.66 Blyth Standard, envelopes 10.82 Town of Seaforth, High School .Debenture Blyth Fire Area, fire call , 52.00 Pincrest Manor 75.75 DouglaF. J. Callender 75.75 S. IL Blake, Membership fee to Huron County Municipal Officer's' Association AT TN' LISTOWEL LEGION AUDITORIUM LISTOWEL, ONTARIO 308 68 SATURDAY AFTERNOONAPRIL 18 I , ,46.11111111•1121.1e 1:30 p.m.' SHARP -CONSISTING OF REPOSSESSIONS TV's & APPLIANCES BANKRUPT STOCKS t.LOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PERSONAL COSIGNMENTS F RN ITU RE Auctioneer -- Lea. E. Bird -Lyceum rheatre- gisa Martinelli and Margaret Rurtherford It's the story of one dramatic, devasting night . . . in the glamorous Private world of the very rich, the very famous, the very beautiful . . the "Very important Person." A p r.10-17-18-19-20.21.22 "THE VIP's" • Colour - CinemaSoope Starring; gli4aboth Taylor - Richard SWOOP QTIQN.SALE THUR,-FRIeSATeMQN,TUES.-WBD. WINCHAM MORRIS COUNCIL Morris Connell met on April 6th With ail members present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on mot- ion Of Wm. Easton and James Alain Moved by Walter Shortreed seconded by Ross Smith that a charge of toe per head be charg- ed for spraying cattle under he Warble Fly Control Act ..— Carried Moved by Ross Smith second- ed by Walter Shortreed that we renew Municipal Liability, Spray Liability, Non-owned Auto Lia- bility and Grader Equipment Insurance with Frank Cownai1 Company Carried Moved by James Mair second- onded by Ross smith that George Radford, be given permission to haul gravel from Duncan's pit beginning April 20th if he so desires during the half load restriction period — parried Moved by James IVIair second- ed by Wm. Easton that we pay our Membership to Huron County Municipal Officers' A.ssociation — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed see- onded by Ross Smith that Jas. S. Howes be Instructed to stake and, prepare necessary plans for a FURNITURE Cheistabed Living Room Suite Spring-tilled mattress inside folds out to a full size bed French Provincial Suite (top grade nylon cover) Assorted. Chesterfield Suites (with foam cushions) Kitchen-Dinette Suites (chrome7 or : 5 piece or 9 Assorted Bookcase Bedroom. Suites complete with bed, dresser, chest of drawers, matching box springs & mattress Lainps - trilight and. table Colonial Step and Coffee Tables 39" Continental Beds - complete (54'0 Continental Beds - complete Full site Spring-filled mattresses Hostess Chairs Rockers Chair Telephone Table Rugs Writing Desk A. M. & F. M. Radio Davenport Suites (with swivel rodkere) DON'T MISS THIS VALUABLE TELEVISION a. APPLIANCES 1 2i° Television eets A-1. condition) 2 Electric Ranges 1 Long Skirt Washer with pump 1, 15 en. ft. Deep Freeze Automatic Washer & DrYer (matehing pair) 'Combination Radio and Record Player 'Other assorted appliances BRAND NEW CLOTHING MEN: socks, underwear, ties sweaters, dress pants, dress shirts; work pants, work shitte, pyjamas; slippers. LADIES & TEF4Nst DOUble Knit Suits, blOtisea, nylOna, cardigans, Seeks, slurs, spring jackets, pullevers, dresses, slippers, BOYS - GIRLS - sweaters; shirts, blouses, jean* jackets, socks, Sleepers, house- coats, jumpers, crawler sets, sweaters Sets, 8kirtfti dteSsee,! Sleep & play sets, .girls 3 Piece pop sets, 3 piece velVet sititao, coat sets, and many Other' items 'too nunierous to mention. OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE In Canada's Capital, Elgin Boulevard at Laurier Ave. 400 Outside Rooms - Free "IV and Radio Air-Conditioned Lounges FREE PARKING FOR REGISTERED GUESTS FAMILY PLAN Room States: Single 57.50- $9.25 Doubles S10-$12130 • CEntral 5-3333 TERMS CASH — CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 3 Per Cent Sales Tax in Effect CREDIT TERMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE For this coming sale and every Auction Sale conducted by AUCTIONEER LEO E. BIRD li yoti have a good job and a good credit rating — PHONE —.- London' 439-2122 and have AUCTIONEER - LEO E. BIRD send yoti an O.K. Credit card or to WRITE LEO E. BIRD 614 Gordon Ave., London, Oet. - Give your name, address, 'place of employment and ene (1) good reference. DON'T WAIT . CIO IT NOW - AND I'LL SEE YOU Aq THE SAL.g'