HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1880-09-10, Page 1eW (: au' f•. • • . ye - 441,4 OLE NUMIKat tEn 1101. f Auctioliierin .• ION RAE, THE Pluto R. fiodertch, Ont, gV0 tTC- R& NOIR GRAHAM, LICK T ""` e Motel` Ortlsi left st Ii/ux t. once sell les attended to. 1731 DR AN, YUMAN, SUR, n,rsartyre • tT Dem dsx x tet of 1, la U19OV, (`.swans; !e, OAlve earl¢saw u.or j'IRB. SHANNON R HA>7[1itT(2t14 Ii.solearte, cst'h"tz .Oriwft .; p• tsa..twv, J. a ANL 4 •4 tD To OUNTY NEWS e 'Pe4p le lis AuE g ti'neY1 H an sged Moine with a white strip ofbon amid 14 foot. RICHARD A. SPRUNG !lot 43. lino, H ullett, one and one-half mites tress litave►se`er. TOR O' ,'O —' ORIA street, recently oucupled by Mrs Adam. store le commodious and well furnished wool rhel nor sad head, and a t „od Gce ar amend wI%b soft s!..ybte(er l also Door The tid la ais s col one. os with this hullding• j ttuu done sat Code as inrlty the dhow u to *lore pro=_ reasonable, and will h rosui e(a knownTrme are vp oM1oA to D. IC. b'rRACHAN. Blacksmith. on i761 For $ e, •rnL' ' Pr R BALs,—A MILCH COW Firabout W cause; a motes, OM ,)>L D„ PHYSICIAN ....,,,,,Abog. buoy " 17314L • st yyrton rte ttel. t7St-IL ' r l irstia U a of e tst. , PARK FOR SALE. -WEST Ai.p Latio. Yt oes. k Tee na*tp of (low AIBENSLiD dU lis •:no 3 cleared. t is busheung ; lul :ft 1w Ur .113 til t V.&. CCESSORI Route and Ba novsntlaA_ ru o • L.il+ t>"{oUyNa to sf Ontario Vo- Igg rprinY wi the Will be and St. reNdenoe • on reason. Ws *rue. hNck e( li. er irwny stare: forerety oc•-etielt by Dr. IIunoan_ !i. B !Wrens e..4 roti .o1 a• lar suundese.., 1714 •, • ^OOD$RICH, ONT., R$PTEMBER 10, 1880. AQ eENERAL oat NEWS ABOUT' HOME. i Renown -This lemma Violinist will! Tho appear m Oodertch ca Monday th weather d deepest few days has ern v; w uggestjrs 01 winter tlatrnei _ A (alto wt 70. WWI' rotes, filth first when all 1 fern s 71 stent k ' oven of music may We !inset yso vi . The "nild'i tleptwu bee Oysters are again in season. How d'ye tike our new dress I The wiles► -choly days have conte. OOLD•-At 5 a.m. on Wednestiayearn- ing the thermometer marked 38". Mrs- Tennant, wife of Dr. Tennant, of Lucknow, has been visiting friends in OUde■•ich. Kr. Collet McDougall, of St. Thomas, +rill conduct the Crown business et the ensuing Fall Aaaites. Mr. l . Dunker, the fashionable tailor, spent a few days in Toronto recaatly- e .isms. Ayph ru His U Jhurr, on combining business t!✓ iNemises, starer Hw P. U., iioderich .•to b K pleasure. non teem , mes liesre•ne, BOOK Stott (Lee• Legal. - G`IARROW & YBoiUnFQOT, BAR- ' 11.111TRRa, `.Attorne Solid Goestriel. J. T. Garrey/W Preedfoot. 11741.RAR. ik ,$ 1' 4 i in RICtienKE , ,A N `s'wraseend- }seth Ont. l7 . VIIIA0111R di MORTON, Bok IRS TEM,aGod. Windham.rWdeinn. A. A. MtrtoeWhop ituileturtbo /J.1t, Ja RIe'I'!s* ANDSeltdtor. Onion Corner of West Street basket Square. over Oew a itchestees, Osessiela1731. ! CAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT ;/. LAW,Mit °lace over , melee.Solicitor in Channer•y, Cosimelee.star s, orzleAnt amonat of money to loan at or Intamest 1761-7. CIAKXRON, HOLT & CA1(IRON, Solicitous U Chancery, ata. 61. C. ems• P. i% Q 'ron. Ooderioh. W.. K. 1761. iv Nliscellanaous (Lards. VING NHG DDON1 Ssl BAR TSR.OLD mon MIRKtfTLL71 ft t1 . • -*tee Street, Ms S MANN $OuA GN• ta • " . . R. iWan, oaj 80 . ¢ • R isle 18'r rr p',AD BINDXA!'-E3T118- 1 &wale& to lobo a IseMa Multfnity a i -Area mimes and henry ti esps01 in r I sit trios. ell men e restock wartmaashlp, with stroagth sad luso j t dd, Bindery e ,erJoha Gimes** store tiOROR ArrMCL. Loans ant* •3ttsdlrance, 'itLi,tlui Tt) i ND 011E R A j, T Tents, faveeanis..•. A . to uB.. L. DOYL , OudL erts • 8 ONIT TO LEND, --P R L V A T .4e.. ,Ieassaab le o& Real nt ressta No daei and , tp*! pp tr charges. Interest frost o , toss w"rtltarkil rdina semiity: rr; '!Kt err! • B.` TO LO ent. gaer in tL'ljk:.NAi Credit y, To to t indieltierde Mien erstentovitanin i. .1.., '•' IT31 l $50,000 PRIVATItiltrits TO I.slrD os good Farm K at a per oent. Apply to . 1tADC Z t 7} PER CENT.-pItTVA Log intend at ere strove rate on rata o. dela rl poly at oaoe to S gl R N 1751 f ,060 ORWIT11//3/1118VOIffig nematme da Ufa ern A u, the art A nee aaee lee. Al to t or h A UCTION SALE OF VALU ABL$ FARM PROPERTY. " r. (NlAR.r tr favored with nabnintillsittrosa OBARLBri MCDrONALD itai toSidi bePublic Auction. at Martin's Hotel, D rNGANNON. o0 THURSDAY SEPTEMB'R 3Orn 1880 West one fk(,t he ,8llonw Ore lend,. Con. : the the township of West Wawanesh to the Co®y Huron, containing 6e acs id or which aro clamed and in a h or leas a. Yadkin. state It kir wood. Tho 4 well timbered wltb hard Tee farm is a v desirable este, close to a null, 74 mites eft gan*oa. 10 *man Oeasrb4 In theAsist section of the k wnshtp. Title npen f R to 7` ee tow wanes GRAHAM. Auctioneer. rine it* Ooder(ab•- A IONAriz of FARM. AND TOWN PROPERTY, IN T35 TOWN OFOODSRICH t TOWN8HIP8 OF Oot.BORNMand ASHFI.LD In the Co./My of Huron - Uader the Powers of sale. coatalead In cer- tain Mortes to the Vendors, covering the hPaulinropegrtiesbeen trade therein, there w_II be sold hereinafter descrttod default by Public Auction, at the Auction tt<oap of the un lertaiverdd,, out Kingston street ft the: Town of Addelteh on ptdl'VEQRY;- t. E151th, 188Qr. "•'Amos : seven i f S' teenacelLenem- y. end the West !s.3 of Lot number * umbersbrick N 1n theTownDwell i brook l ry i arntz e ra on the above.. Wx NIJ-TM Westerly three fourths of t amines. tie and all of Lots tall sad Lid There 1. a dream Dae 0o17 and a ball Ho a a • anew 614414 on the above. The Booth half of •Ips number 917 Street. Therm to a fame Cottage UU H t number Me, upon which train' Gooses, with t erlsswooiet 40 d wbl ss. vett !shag one film res sty wN H r ler: apon this rr fru nnmb.r • tthetime sad • there es in the T T.. burse ani Id: n. wetter the Lek ole+ kip of Colborne in th ef tsentalning eighty Jena Thtutow. The oIcTeCre tweh nty acres But= H sad Stable, with other But dings ono the a atone Lot will Tome ;on° iii o a ;, oaag oreh.rd. /i 1TLob olghteen and nia - take jtae% (0lW. , s(on o} C olborne con- fe,l flhT arse, more or less. 'doecribe 1 ae of at • .• ata 1 betwesnt th Town- of 'olborne,saki poet tying reit ofa bt1p,e. trek. the N orth.tttt"ooneggee A a dlsrlata ishr of Boundary • fence n no and !My- stic/nee jp the t?M s y Ave chains ray r et he of Robert as nave due dote twenty -fire more L oink . chains fifty }Oil% 4 , Msonth-Bast eagle i !htlowitig ,, o+sset sqt y. thence Korth. tten ft., n to the Wet Church prop - e s n r the est angie, thence e e est Inuit of Unerch pro - =04 rtsA weea,pwe links, more and s Aerie von to tLe first Coni lel of do said Teway one rundred anti There am out rouses, a large Frame d s nes. es trete pro- ' halt ro.'half of Lot number I of the Western of As6Held In the Mere Or About g 100 acres, Mere d sad in a acres st Is term are sft moreeemed are toed erste of et ration and ail Fen cropped mod horst. The Lot Is S ' are )beanie Watered. sad Jas a House, anot he Rauf Lid nemberA . it u1•• I of the est a if of toe ilia * ►e, in the t,relftb t'.mceartoa bT reit of 1 Herne. (icemen Dives. !a ?PM (p=a et Herne. ecesminin by srae £ f pa! nu bee otter. <y r aasrt i!v f mts„ Viand os *move - n her. ester _e sad 111011111011011% f fgUlttf 1*?. ort *lh<eoutervos•*Oflast Settee If hereby7 given per neat N int seised !Ratites stutterer). , armee >W, that the creditors M the Young.. Me premise .Iain of the village r tattbnr•n P 0.11n the (enmity of tweet tw o tad on or aboae the re the ! ot DAY O 740. *. D• ass the or before int D vli6 sR A. D. WI to sent.ay posit t0 AI•t IMDia Q*S Ir Ar en"vs evea, w P. A re Maras reps i err- Se teiuri. As n I' alt; tree•tsseme s of the tri *tis et the mart late sad Rern&&trsuers, A*$demote°utr 1001olh Metal Ore mer M torr wain u Air and the thesetarer of owl , hood by 1p . Anna, 0 1 the as he dap of Ne vein MUynraa AMM e( tar said l+rseased will he dbtrosi ed It. MAI" raft tt.Nrd Mersin", ear; duty Mve Ural moot O memo i rd a site rat ter M.1M aa, he the sited mitten wen tot M liable for the asiuerr neo ,tlssnnsred tAeree( tat persnne '8417;., -,ma. or trA sang ►eve !mast e..'.*.*$ orf ennui s et the Mtn. et tart Atetribetkna of *min trams or pert theme( no the more mal hat i!74i-11 OARpfJ1f t f =014 1 ! PQM r BMRIrIeHsrAslY or Ts esrO R (Yr r'aftisaR, Merwee. x ar its ICs Mber (Door half (x7nsltr.-Mr- Win Smith, of Gode- rioh, had his fingers badly strained at London, Last week, by the moving of his engine while oiling it Rsrtresse•-Mr. Wilson Salkeld, of the ooderieh Foundry, who has been in Chicago and the West fur about throe weeks, returned on Monday. COAL -The schooner Lithe Hamilton arrived from Cleveland on Friday lad with a onto of coal - 3b0 tons -for Means Ogilvie and Hutchinson Mr. T. D. S. Moore, late of the Lon- don Advertiser, and brother of Mr. Ed- ward Nolte, of Ooderich, has accepted the position of night editor of the °taw% Iz1 tains Mamma -Kr. John Acheson has been spending the week in Toronto, purchaaiug his fall and early winter goods from personal inmltectio,l His advertise - :neon will appear next week. Baca Await. --011e J. 0. path return- ed on Wednesday from a three weeks' visit to Oyobrrd Beath, Me. The surf appears to have agreed with him, as he is much improved in health, and 44141.44$ AtafP 441(110•4•'' -1Tmi itiie for` Wal_ kers ottoman took taco on Wednesday, Sept tat, at Currier t, , Meows. 'Rood - cock, Ball and Cath e - presiding. 1:o. 9t• was the lucky one, and was held by Rev. P. J. Shea, ad,Seaforth- A RIC* natenT•--Tb►.Faaeteir Rf Jd eeter mirage rte renders to ltlseli the1otik out for a tramp with a large hump on his beck, who does not tell those hebegs from, that he the owner of a considerable amiernt of real estate in Toronto. Hoz; Aber,. -Mr. Abram Smith re- turned last week from a holiday trip across the lines. While in Chicag., he took in the Knight Test ■ He is of opinion that pca inter they aro moister a ? etwte in thePt; Judge Sinclair, of tan and f!*i of RastkJer, of 8t Catharine., have re0 vgll_ apeci-' Ste. It a • to krOOeed to !knit for h• prrgealef try m,- derer there. 1 e trial will oommence,on tlast ovekt the a apd tlttap o ENosaso, - Mr. Bamueh Sloane, of Goderich,has engaged the services of Lachlan of this village vc" wheaten ch market during the If coining season Pe+ ding a few ula, mad ladles ment next .poej n Satire!. --• dvertise byte y an *hi -e - .__.__ ear, perienced btrl.f* tea n. ' --y - cheaper and yie s battier rwttttrn in • to Um money invested:\An vertis4• teentshould alwayt be before Abe public solute shape. If it dirppeme it is soon forgotten, and thole that remain have the eeperieitty a d radvantege d 1,he ab- sence The only good excuse for the dis- continuance of an advertisement is that of retiring from business. Exevsst opt sevie well -filed 1s. to en :r > p ltM* ge- ea ,:rose or teas. IP r.. Of *Abs era cleared. itsd a sand H 4 of Ld: en a sad the mead moon Ot ' more afrom ~ ' fasnrl y arce sitrt«LaiMoateight Mile torn, Abep- 1, lighted ♦at+ttone . Alamos. s1 and rine r and ars Cleared and the with our pretty tram. W. are ,W'lI t a send three stiro informed by Mr. J. L. Morten, the affable rears Bern have lately G• T. R. station went, that during the tats fromlfromasst red bat Notwfsj: en Division of ing the unpn.pitions state of the w 1. q( y eoa4lnirt afo aeons f i I1tAfthe visitors exptym ed themselves y de .1+. e r lloAtr hit of ► n, nnmhrr In the eighth of th. a' urea of the AahfbrM Intheet s qH ta7 a. 0ssts nincr hJ admrwarw 41C.tvr IMIll n 1 rider a Nest and vVtf. N the It) half of lent number ase, um.In .ye Eastern intent of Fiume. 'ferwa ttp d A Man f Rumn. LlcrilwV• +irtesew matin by Roy M 3_ u? _ senors and mot hr had on appii- qei iMtonr i A R • A hrrRa(t f M MAtrr'. Ie )ft O. CURI3Ut, `T M Loaoma, Sege meat meteriese it eats f>K H2/ rya his p'W's )... _ ' R^cst lati l t,i■ Wohihip, the Mayor, here Mr KALI season about 2,900 etcursionistra visited the town by rail not special trains. Mr. Jame' Dickson, our worthy Regis- trar, returned on Saturday morning fro,n a In the N oftb. W est, where he had been spending the prtavioua five weeks. During his stay in the Prairie Province be Or ja1tL1 iii r a-ao11ad , theses Ito erruntr>j R• .i t.n p ftp then,bwt that taad expect a now treat. COtntt f Hunan leo,--The Town Council will meet this (Friday) evening at 7.30 o'clock. We understand the chief topic of disctrasion will be the Market By -Law. &moot OrexJtua - Model School opened on Aug. 30th, with sixteen Wash- ers in training. Public School opened Sept. 1st, with 684 pupils. No changes have been made in the staff since last term A Juyot-Mr. A. M. Polley, of town, is one of the judges on horses the Southern Counties fair„ to be h Sept. 28th and three following St. Thomas. He is just the man for place. CAMP Maareeo,-The Gulp Mee hear Blyth, commenced yesterday, is under the direction of Dr_ Williauts this town The meeting will Dont for about a week, and ow Thursday " day" temperance meeting wil held. A CRIfteos,-Miss Aggie Henderson who has taught in the Exeter school the last two years, have given up the nation, and intends going tr Goderich study for a second -clay, certificate_ Dickson, of Goderich, has taken place. TheWorld is the name of a widea the daily newspaper published in into by Masora Horton & McLain, Rawly of the Globe wrlianientary s The World is a pronounced Liberia politics, and bids fair to work itself in good position. Fon New Yoltc-=Mrs. 3.. J. Co land of the Chicago House, left y or Toronto, New York and other ci take in the fall and winter sty he will be absent about two weeks, e ladies who patronize the Chi ouse will doubtless get the benefit er observations The annual sale of thoroughbred er stock under the auspices of tgort Live Shook Association, will Id in 00deeirh o r Wednesday, Oct d following days, until the stock is posed of. Mr. Franr;ia Graham ho. pointed auotioneek un the e artaiogne will be S sued shorts . Ars Barmen Ts --During the ast eek Mr. James McNair shipped tw of fall apples to Winnipeg, and to to Montreal We hope his vent result profitably, as it is quite a ne parture. Formerly fall apples w to stock and converted into cider me extent, but the largest part of the shed, jnet because there has been n demand. • •' , r viceeratrrL Pullin tui the official an unoement of the remelt of the moon examinations for Trinity term at Gag •' to, attfalirrj 4d in the Toren Rahn, -`we wore /dinned • to the successful candidata; th e of Mr. Rich. Hohmes, son of Mr oa_ Holmes, of Wingham, who is well `Ing dor most of our readers We are learn that Mr. Holmes passed a ly satisfactory esataination arta stu- Str third year, and we wish him. inard success. r > SHooTinG Case -Thos. Sheri - dan sailor what It short time ago t +*-• =tl► .4-h_ie_-.anal, John O'Byrne. reseili fibefore Judge Squier week. The evidence brought for- went to preve that the prisoner the shots in self-defence, and yrne, in a letter from Toronto hoe- , admitted that he had provoked der badly, The Judge also took consideration the fact that the pria- had already been confined in gaol early two monthly, and sentenced Tui ane week in poi. Mr Campion this for he on days in the ting and of inue an I be demon, for sit - to Miss her wake Tor- for - tar in to a Pe - ties lea and cago of and the be 90, dia- been omeastoil. I u ur tura w ere to m 0 t Osgood li f to 8 th h 61 he an w cars tars will de fed s0 Peri 8 Thrte 1841/ nano high den. mint Tea den, shot O'B ward fired pita! Shen into Ones for n )<ia defended. notice e Ninverarsett " tit*. 1 to t, the xlelltof itwuth ('arplir thus eels lroItti the vuierr Mea he& r: - Eltftsil is the sum that is required to patro- nise the newspaper, and moat amply re- munerated is the patron. Ioare not how humble and enpr•etending s the gasette which he takes, it is next to impossible to 911 it fifty-two times a year without putting into it something that u worth the subecription print. Every parent whose son a riff from home, et school, aho,ilel supply him with a fir, i still remem- ber what a difference there was ttetwtoen those of sty seho.tlmategr'hcr bad and tune wig' bad not e•ree■k ,. reins *a K ages!, the first were Hos Prcrvas• -A borge portrait of the genul proprietor meets the gave of the pampers by who glans* at Mr. Harry Smith's shop window. TresSrvi ne. -Minis J- Stewart return- ed home last Friday from a week's visit to the cities, where size wets ptuoharing new goods, and taking in the styles. PetaOMAL -Mr• Archibald late Canadian news editor, (]lob ac- cepted servioe with the Art Pa Company, in the preparation of thep jested artistic work, "Plcturssgw Cana- da." Dotnrloa Rra,/ Aasotnanox. - Among those present -et the Dominion Rifle Association meeting at Ottawa we notice the names of the' following mem- bers of the 33rd Huron Batt: -Major Wilson, Lieut Wilton. Culor.setgt, Mun- ro, CorpL Sheppard and. Pia Wilson A Goon MOYIL -W are informed that the ladies' Aid, of tbeNorth St. Metho- dist Church, intend to furnish a course of Lectures, to beguile the long evenings that are ooming on. Several prominent gentlemen from abroad, have promised their aid. We wish them every success in this their laudable effort. Dlsrarc,• Mamma. - The Financial District Meeting for %clench District of the Methodist Church, will be held in Lucknow, oft Thursday, the 23rd inst, at 9 o'elock ♦ m- The District Sunday School Convention will be held in the same place and date, commencing at 2 o'clock p. m. An excellent programme of subjects hna been assigned to the min- isters and laymen, and a good time eeJr be expected. Or Its raniii To ova VOLUWTt s, - The following changes have been made in military regulations in field exercise and evolutions of infantry, as publiahed in the Oaselte: Swords will be returned on the caution before moving into an ex- tended order, but will be drawn when re- quired for signalling, also when beim- nets are fixed during the attack fol` "the charge." In the firing a feu de joie bayo- nets will not be fixed. Pantakrons and high boots are to be worn on all mounted officers. Valises will no longer be worn by officers of any mounted corps. Ho*. A. MACZZItWyiE, --Ron, A. Mac- kenzie passed up the lake on board the Ontario, on Wednesday of last week. The boat laid over at Goderich a couple of hours, and an opportunity was• thus afforded the hon. gentleman of seeing a number of his friends residing in town. He was driven to the residence of Mr. M. C. Caaneron, M. P., and thence to the Albion Hotel, where a number of friends were received. Abort four o'clock in the afternoon the hon. gentleman return- ed to the boat, and proceeded on hie way to Duluth, where he purposes being absent about two weals. Hoot Stsatrzro. -Archibald McBride who for some time was in the employ of hie unch, Robt. Mitchell, Maitlandville, recently left,taking with him a horse be- longing to his employer. The animal was sold at Exeter, McBride foolishly thinking that he hada right to dispose of the animal for wages due him. He went to the States for a short time and returned with his wife to this county, when he was arrested by Constable Dunlop of Seaforth, and bmught to tloderlch got. In eon - sideration of the fact the prisoner had no intention of defrauding Kitchell, but went aborta wrong way of getting back wages, the Judge sentenced him to but a month in gaol. The prisoner was de- fended by Mr. E. Campion. Fa 11111 Pterslscia, - W. E. I'armeter of Toronto, who has been buying hides, leather and other articles through the country, made a purchase of leather from Hugh Moore, tanner, Clinton, last Ilbb- ruary, amounting ti, over 9400, which was to have been paid in cash, hut which as is alleged he induced Moore to forward and draw at three days instead "f paying sash, on the representa- tion that he had a store nn King Street, Toronto, where he pr 'feared to be doing good business. The draft not having been paid. Moore, who had meantime ate cer'teined that Permitter had no store, nor any other property in Termed., or elsewhere, and failing to obtain payment or aatisfartinn, canoed Parmeter to be ar- rested for nhtainnng goods by false pro- teretwei He was arrested at London, and gave hail. The preliminary ,nvestigatioe took plane .,n Wednesday last., ltefere His ^"ate ! "*'' tq Ahf Latif is *hate I e al,pear+ttR f•>t the nn D ei1(;Ri Bt AT AlrCs 1M1! T N ^egl.nt lett rn«I ,t NE to 1 Y tt Tir _ i .. age ed !canine the burrito its M'sPR !curet hf at f 1ft • TO BUBINH88 " The immense amount of extra work 1* oonneetion with the change of form andt type, haaprerenee,d us front making thorough &personal canvass of j. as we would wish We ho will feel fiat scats alighted'at not befog ooasvltsisis, and we will call upon altieri . ,*(4 [ew drys, with the totes « .; ttei' will be a valuable advertising median, es . '• - a000aat of the large arneungniif. ligat reading matter which will appear J a ... every week, and it will pay to sdvertis _ wr'Mt pfd and well read po ` 11 lea. a` FOOL BOARD . de Snatnese lose fee wefts ereaosi3ivoi• At the meeting el Piddle School Trus- tees on Mineley evening only Messrs. Buchanan, Oooke, Paamore, Swanson Ando the Secretary were present. After wait- ing patiently and in vain for a sufficieni number a their fellow trustees to appeases, to form a quorum. the quintette ad. joureed without transacting iroy busi- For all kinds of machinery use "Cater, • . ine" 'machine oil. For sele-loNR W. Mo. 4 Keane, Goderich. 1746 80 caoaessa -Some people- are alwaya croaking and grumbling about dull times. and poor trade, but at R. B. Smith's ing, Um mat six mon6e. No doubt' this la owing to Ow view and attractive goods which are being daily received, the low in which every thing is marked, and • :the reputatima the house hits earned Serei" • 'fair and square dealing. r . * LIQUOR Cael. Wyley mut fine* 11125 and costs for contravention of of. tho. Liquor Law. Messrs, T. Holmes, B. Wilson and R. Armstrong, J. Pe. sat epos& the case, aid Stephen Yates, Inspector prosecuted. Wyley has been tined am' times for violetion of the liquor larva -MrS. Margaret Gibson., toihrsti Mr. John McKenzie, died at the donee her 'husband, in the towashi Hay, near Kippen, on the 25th McMurtrie was in her 87th year. had been ill for some time. She wee at native of Scotland, but had aft it for hot adopted oonntry, Canada, imam 40 years ago. She was respected by all who knew her, and she leaves a e circle ot friends and relatives who mourn her loes and cherish her ritemary in the meek affectionate remembrance. . t monism in the Roxboro school, MoKillop, at lait former salary, $510 per annum. Fame Reiman—Mr. James lioraispoek of the 8th oon., has rented from Mr. lir-- win Johnston one of his farma The„, farm contain" 110 acres, and Mr. Joh& Deem -Mr. J,ames Latmence„ 5411i con., McKillop, departed this life on Wednesday morning, in the 74th year of his age. Mx. Lawrence had been a sufferer from dropsy for over two 'leen He wait a native of Kilkenny, behind, and with his family em4rate8f to this country in the year lga, and settled near Toronto. He resented there &boat five years, when he reviewed to McKillep , where he resided until his death. --1New Paesarerenoti, --The 'friend' A- D. MoDonabi presented his* purse of 9152 last week. Drerieturros. -The firm in woman & 0ouinlock, salt menefarturers, has bead diasolved, and Dr. Coleman will assume the rivinagement of the businesi r in fu- garth, of Stephen, las been appointed to take the_placie vacated by the retirement of Mims Ross. and Mr. Henry Cameron of Brucefield, allooessor to Kr. Sells": Mr. Ganutron one of the moat success- ful and Abilene teachers in the county.. Gentiaar. --We regret to chronicle this week the death of 1Kr. James Swirl- ing, of this town, which took place on Monday. Mr. 8parling had been ill fee several months and his deintrie mei not atneether unexpected He wee one el the pioneer settlem wr Huron, and her many years reitided the township or IdeKillop. About. raven pare_ mvs he. feinldkizohalis ektriectulastd, usamoutremovedlinigto, ahrietim486aforth. num, who was universally teePected • Pais et Winne TinttiontY, Hoyt 21 -Farm pieftweita, le 97, lat Miramar. Sew SO .-Valeatile 611-13, pro Ccz,miebvitt, fliztfimotf:IA.," am, 3, roasen phene, they had command more facts. Wiring natio/my Penne*. r was one m. mis Is kr new (tktreal high* light when they will read northfas elm of eorapelent jouriadiction. feet. Mr. D. Was 1111 if he ea- Youth will premise neweempelre with de- ratted to take hie tn.il at the next A rt 'Lyn' I tk ! freehold rir