HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-04-09, Page 6 78,000.00 rotal Due to. Other 1Vlumcipailities (For Debentures Assumed — Schedule 2) investmeat in Capital. Assets $130,343.48 79,469.10 81,148.31 $290,960.89 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1963 ASSETS $3,784.38 $3,784.35 Cash ill Bank THURSDAY, APRIL OW. 066 REY Auditor's Report 17th March. 1964 The Reeve.. Councillors and. Ratepayers Township of Grey, Re thel, Ontario. Dear sir:. As Per YOLW ilatructious, we have completed, the audit of the books and accounts Of the Town,- ShiP of ,Grey and the local' beards for the year ending 31st Decemb- er, 1963, and have prepared the various statements and schedules as required by the DelUirtmeui of Municipal Allan's. The operations of tile township general account for the year re- sulted in a surplus of $5,103.83 as set out in Statement D. The accumulated surplus at 31st De- camber, 1963, is $18,691.02 as set out in Statement C. Section 29'i of the Municipal Act states that a budget of revenue and expendi- tures must be prepared annually. As that section was not complied with in 1963, we are unable to complete that portion of Schedule D. The temporary loau balance of $50,000.00 on Statement B. is in excess of the maximum allowed by Section 329 of the Municipal Act. it would be advisable to budget for a surplus each year for the next few years to remedy this situation. Subject to the qualifications concerning temporary loans, we hereby report that in our opinion (1) the financial transactions which have come tomer our notice have been within the powers of the Municipality. , 11 (2) the audit nes peen con- ducted in accordance with the instrucitious of the De- partment of Municipal Affairs. (3) the financial statements pre- sent fairly the financial Position of the municipality as at 31st December, 1963, and the results of its oper- ations for the year ended on that date. In Conclusion, we wish to ex- press our appreciation for the co- operation which we received from the officials of your township with: whom we were in contact during the course of our audit. Respectfully submitted, Monteith, Monteith & Co., Chartered Accountants, License Number 2611 Date Of Filing Muth 2fitn, 1964 CAPITAL. AND LOAN BALANCE 6.1-1ggv December 31, 1963 ASSETS General Pixed (as per Schedule 18) 81,3,4841 Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation $34744.44) ft Collegiate and High 4i79,469-14.0 13.2,24,56 Due frem Other lvluiliciPalitieS (for Debentures Assumed — Schedule. 2) 45,255.61) -t.ecolints Receivable (Schedule 17) 52,343.43 $290,9611.81) LIABILITIES Drainage (other than tieneral) 52,343.48 Schools Public and. Continuation 76,000.00 Due from Province of. Ontario 21,0211.5? Line from Other Municipalities 196.72 Dee from Other Funds (specify) Municipal tirghe 9,838.82. 47,722.84 9,828.82 47,722.84 113,459.63 LIABILITIES teinporary Loans (Schedule 6) 50,000.00 ,.accounts Payable 930.74 uebentures and Coupons Due .Principal 2,000.00 interest 3,675.00 5,675.0U Due to Other Local Boards and Commissions (specify) rtykice Villag of ilithel 1,32.44 132.44 Due to Other Funds (specify) Municipal Drains 5,989.56 5,989.56 Other Liabilities Deterred Revenue (Schedtzle 8) 2,040.87 2,.040.87 Surplus (Forth C) 18,691.02 Total Liabilities and Surplus 83,459.63 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT December 31, 1963 Credit Balance Balance at beginning of year $13,587.19 i-liirplus or deficit included in Current Budget $13,587.19 Balance after above adjustments $13,587.19 Surplus or Deficit for the year (Form DI 5,103.88 Totals Of Debit and Credit COittintiS $18,691.02 talatiee of Stirpitiii or Deficit at year end (Form $18,631.02 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1963 REVENUE Total Revenue front Taxation. -(Schedule 3) Long-Terni Debt (.3harges Recoverable. (Schedule 12) Ontario — AC tuaL $162,688.67. 4,64469 Cliildreir,S ProteCtien 1,000.30 Direct iteliel 724.41 148'awily Improvement 43,339.63' Unconditional Per Capita Grants 5,727.00 Other (specify) Warble. Fly 508.2$ 59,290.47 • 4.... Other Municipalities, Health 304.94 304.94 Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) 780.00 interest, Tax Penalties etc. 2,453.22 Other Revenues .- Pines 78.85 Service Charges 1,001.82 Recreation and Community Services 1,080.67, Miscellaneous Provision for Deferred Income 1,71.0.84 Walton Street Lights 66.32 School Auaits 20.00 1,797.16 Gross Total Revenue 224,036.73 224,036.73 Total Revenue Section 224,036.73 EXPENDITURE LULLI. („Tcji,rLd (i.)veru.nient Exeunt' ve and Legislate ve Adaninstrati\-e Other Protection to Persons and Property Fire Law Lnforcement Street Lighting 1,200.00 3,350.76 331.52 .7,4S3.30 999.21 8.00 131.47 Orotectivel inspection 1,016.45 Other (Specify), ,Weed Control 66.03 Livestock Killed 516.60 Flood Control 1,387.97 4,124.73 Public"'Works I.— Roads, Highways and 'Streets, etc. 69,995.41, Sanitation and Waste Removal 116.84 Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Child Assistance 50.00 Relief Assistance 842.46 institutional Care 478.93 Welfare Administration 1,871.38 Eiducation, including debt charges (Schedule 9) 72,658.04 Debt Charges Recreation and Community Services 1,181.00 Debt Charges Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) 30,022.46 Less own share of school debt charges 14,096.44 15,826.02 Short-term interest and other charges 3,188.63 19,114.38 Taxee Written off and Rebates 41.41 Joint or Special Expenditures County. Rates 42,328.54 Police Village Rates 613.87 42,841.41 Gross 'Total 4-tpentliture 218,932.90 218,932.90 Surplus tit the Year 6,103.88 Total 4xpenditure Section 24,036.7$, Taxes Receivable (Schedule , • '1'o tai AsSets