HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-03-26, Page 7$0.9rop rausasame. win; up,voiSsio, uoiTrA410. ...tei••••••••11,1*/**.., PNC6110,04 TYPIIPWAIN 114.410, ii 26th, 10.4 rep.t.r.irtmr.t.rtni 54nRne.,•,}It'Voll44111, all41.,41.Wild NM, Tea!! iummr•Nivaohlar* ',,,44,„„pers„„,„,FNugoakswismoselfairlowept.0 BEST Used Ca>r BUYS 1963 Meteor Sedan 1963 Comet Sedan 1961 Meteor Monte?bn 1961 Meteor Rideail 500, auto. 1960 Meteor Rideau 1960 Ford Gataxie, Auto, 1960 Ford 1,959 Meteor Pontiarc -1959 Ford Getz:2de, auto. 1958 Ford Ready For Spring Deliverer MOTORS. Phone:. 14494/1 doolloomftOomosi oniatI.10,w0Fr imewro During 010 cS1411:044 of the Department of Highways, Hone Charles lllagNaughton stated that the province :will .have spent considerably more on roads than it received through the operation of motor 'vehicles for the fiscal Year, 1963.04, The estimated, total revenue-derived-from the operat- ion of motor vehicles from all . souces is $271,6,25,900. The es*. meted total expenditures for the Departnient of Highways and Department of Transport is $480,77,000, 'pointing un. an ex. ces$ of expendittire versus related revenue r@ated of 421,454,000. a T • • The estimates of the Depart. „. anent of Public Welfare revealed tl:,te Province spends, more on. the interest charges of the public debt than the total spent. ;or • • ,Public Welfare in, the,,Provin Bill does, The Bill is sUpposed to be directed against organizekl .crihne. The fact of the matter is it is directed ag4inst every man, and woman in this province, This piece of legislation was Prompted by the Ontario Felice Commission's report x. tabled ~ in Legistlature Thursday: This report pointed up the existence of organized crime in the provr into,, but not syndicated trims. it stated that organized Crime was deeply entrenched in some of the larger cities in the province, It is to be hoped that an acceptable way of controlling crime in the province edif be rectified without infringing on the right of the individual to the ex- tent that the- Bill does at the pre. ent,time, ;In another Bill Mr. Cass intro- duced measures to register all used car dealers and salesmen I ,with the Province. A Register of Used Car Dealers and Salesmen; will have power to refuse or cancel registration for a breach of conditions under which it is granted or because he, considers such action in the., public, in. merest, Dealers must have their ho-OIS—aliti— any TitHer"reqiiired documents available for inspect-' ion. Failure to comply with the tecrufrenietiti"'ivill result in im- Prisonment up to one year and a ..finfy,up 400.00'4349 legislat- ion also empoweri the Govern- ment to .reonire, that use k, car. Alealors and salesmen be bond- ed. The Attorney-General Topes: this legislation will be in force by June 39. We Wish To Announce -• THE' OPENING OF OUR NEW BULK : AGGED FERTILIZER WAREHOUSE We Would 'Emphasize The Following FeatuKes 1. WE SELL C - I - I, SUPER FLOW PRECISION GRANULATED, FERTILIZER 2. BULK DISCOUNT 5.00 Per Ton 1' 3. LIBERAL CARTAGE ALLOWANCE. 4. VARIETY OF ANALYSIS AvAILABLE AT ALL TIMES 5. FREE 'SOIL TESTING SERVICE For Fast Efficient Service and Top Quality C. I. L. FERTILIZER iMpOS'Aible to hang a price tag on this bottle oL blood.. Fortunately,: in 1 this eatttltrY, no one ever does, YOUI Canadian Red Cross provides whole blood and blood products absolutely' free- to - almost 300..000 victims of illness, accident and disaster every year. All that's ever asked • . . • is .your support. The Blood Transfusion Service is one of the Many ways the Red Cross serves this community, this nation and ate world, Through4he Red Cross your help does so nitidef or so many. YOUR RED CROSS SERVES YOU CONTACT: 0 Pli 0 EVERY STEP OF THE WAY attar •piVIE GENEROUSLY Most Value for the Feirrner's dllhw Call 199 Brussels wedeeibirmiellleemolIneweillleiruedii 4 _.,,,,Brussels amp alga will take place March 16 — 31, I under ,Itherdirection of the Bra* sels Lions Club. Donations ntaY be left at the Canadian Imperial Bank ' of Commerto, Brussekt, ,t081:44:111.1. 'g ki4Poirr le Rom QUEEN'S PARK (By Murray Gaunt, M.13,P-) Police State, Nazi 'Germany or Star Chamber were some of the alore e4trelne statements nude concerning Attorney - -General Fred Cass' proposed pill giving the, Ontario Police Commission pner to summon Amy person for questioning in secret and to jail indefinitely if lie refuses to :answer. questions. The Police ?emission would have the power. to deprive such a person of legal course until he was in. jail. The legislation doe$ not provide for bail or appeal by anyone prigroned under these circum- stances. The Bill really moans that a person could be pulled oft the street by police, brought before the Commission and then thrown in jail if be refused to answer queStions. This, without a doubt is very dangerous and far reaching Piece of legistb,t; tion. 7p In commenting at a press con- ference Mr. Cass said ..The right' of a few individuals may have to be overridden for the, ptiblic good," Surely_ these_ is not any yespon.- sible person in this country who would want to create au enviorn- meat where organized and syndi- cated crime could: flourish un- abated. Blit by the same token it is doubtftil thee is! k any r% sponsible person who would suggest .that% crime " must be stamped out even if thato,means I-infringing on the basic rights of all the people of the province. This is precisely what Mr. Cass'