HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-03-26, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE X3.00 A Year in Advance $2.50 To U.B.A. '141-E BRUSSELS POST, 'THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1964
Sing the joy of Easter Day,
The Easter triumph tell,
Jesus rose on Easter Day,
The Lard who loves us well.
U. C. W. General
Meeting Hear Reports
The General Meeting of the
11.C.W, was read March 11th
1964, with the President Mrs.
IL Thomas presiding. The meet-
ing opened with hyms 112, The
Litany of Thanksgiving and con-
fession was read by Miss Luella
Mitchell. Mrs, Betty Campbell
and Mrs, Doreen Raymond
favenred with a duet 'Were
You There," The scripture was
read by Mrs. Mary Lowe followed
'by meditation read by Mrs. Viola
'Nathan. Mrs. Johnston led in
prayer. Following the roll call
;and minutes Mrs. Miller gave 'the
treasurer's report showing a
'balance of 928.24 Mrs. G.
'Bridge reported for the finance
-committee. Mrs. L. Cousins for
the Supply and Social Assoc-
iation and Mrs. Doreen Raymond
'for the programme committee.
The TT C W. of Duff's United
church Walton on April S was ex-
tended to the group.
The meeting closed with hymn
192 followed by the Pen' diction
Mrs. Bryans conducted some
-contests and a social time was
'an Toyed.
V', W. tr.,v;14 1VIeetrinq
The 'V. IV, Guild of Melville
Cleirelt held their March meeting'
TiSf tors nrosen t from 'CTniterl
Church. St John's. Anglican, Bel-
grp-vrA Oranbrook :Ind Walton
Rev. Morrison introduced Rev.
Stewart of Cooksville, who show-
ed slides of The Holy Land and
gave a -very interesting talk.
The visitors took part, in the
program. which was enjoyed by
all. '''7157:41.,
Rev. Morrison closed the meet.
ing with prayer,
Lunch, was served. Mrs. Jen-
nin fr,S won the prize for the
lucky cup.
The 'family of Herbert Sullivan
would like to express their
thanks to all those who were so
kind to Dad and assisted in any
way in our sad bereavement.
'The Sullivan Family
Mr. E. G. Nelson will conducted
the service in Ethel United
Church on. Good Friday at 11 a.m.
and Rev. Allan Johnston will
bring the message.
Miss Gertie Pride visited with
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smalldon on
the week end.
Mr: and Mrs. Douglas Evans
And baby daughter visited in
Hamilton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn and.
Jeanne spent. Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Dnnn and family
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. ,Titm 'Knight inn the n.triVal
of their ball dattelititt nil rikt#1,1,
yVPs ft3,,, 40 fit
There passed away in. Victoria
Hospital, London, on. Frjday,
March 20th, 1064, Herbert H.
Sullivan, in his 71st year,
Born in. Flesherton on Febr-
uary 8th 1894, he worked for the
Standard Bank of Canada, and
later for the Canadian Bank of
Commerce in Harriston, Brussels,
Mount Hope and other places.
He came to Brussels as a
young man. He married the for-
mer Valieria Willis on May 23rd,
1924, who predeceased him
some years ago.
He leaves to mourn, one son,
Reginald of Brussels, and three
daughters, Mrs. Donald (Phyllis)
doleman of Elmira; Mrs. Murray
(Maureen) Wood of Listowel and
Miss Dorothy of Toronto and one
sister, Mrs, Hattie Mills of Glen-
dale, Calif.
One son, Bill, predeceased his
father in 1954.
:Funeral services were held
front the D. A, Rann Funeral,
T.-.Joins on Monday conducted by
the Rev. Alan Johnston of
U Brussels nited Church, at
2 p.m.
Tnterment was in Brussels
ceni et ery.
Pallbearers were Wilfred
Archie Willis, Toni Willis, Geo,
Evans. Alec Coletrian and Louis
ilp SioW 1404110
Dave Hemingway
Doug Howatt
Press Reporter Don Vincent
Material for the year was
distributed to each member and
it was deckled to meet on the
third Tuesday of each month.
Every member is to purchase
two bushels of Registered Gary
Oats for the project=
I wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours who remembered me with
flowers, cards, treats, arid those
who visited rile While -*RS a,
patient in the ;Kitchener Hos-
pital and since earthing home.
Special thanks {o Pr. Stephens,
and riev, and Mrs. Johnston-
YOur kindness will always he,
vein elnhered,
Mts. toss, ;Rowland
PUT Vamtor eto,±11 . •
C. Epps, Clinton
Is Guest Speaker
The March meeting of the
Brussels Horticultural Society
was held on March 16th in Brus-
sels Library at 2.30 p. In.
Mrs, R. W. Stephens, vice-
president, presided. 0 Canada
opened the meeting, the minutes
of the January meeting were read
and adopted.
Nominations from the floor for
president followed. The results
were: .,
President .... Mrs. R. W. Stephens
1st Vice-Pres. Mrs. C.
Roll call "My Favourite Spring
Plower" was answered by 28
members, and eight visitors. A
snring flower show was approv-
ed. The committee to plan for it
being Mrs. Earl Cuchnore, Mrs.
N. Reid, Mrs. L. Odell, Mrs B.
Hemingway. Correspondence and
business• followed, Mrs, Stephens
then introduced Mr. C. Epps of
Clinton, guest speaker, for the
The Horticultural Convention
will be held in Guelph 0. A. C.
on June 18 - 19th. Two voting
delegates may be sent from the
Brnssels Society, They are to be
Mrs. R. W. Stephens and Mrs,
eudmore. It was also pro.
• posed we try to send a bus load
'the first day.
Mit Epps explained constia
tutional changes, and also told
of a half hour program April 13
on CKNX TV on "Lily Ponds"
Mrs. F. M. Stephenson sang.
two songs to her own accom-
paniement which was much en-
Mrs, •Ken Smith, Moncrieff won
the door prize.
A panel discussion followed
Panel members were Mrs,
T.. oaell Alr. A. Knight, Mr Epps
Mrs. E, Cudmore, Mrs. R. W.
Stephens acted as moderator
Many questions were asked and
answered by Mr. Epps. Mrs.
Odell spoke on Begonia bulbs,
Mr. A. Knight on lawns and Mrs.
Cudniore on Dahlias.
'The' Queen closed a, very en
:losable meeting after which a
delicious lunch served by Mrs.
John Speir, MrS. Ti. McCurfeh-
eon, Mrs. Wm, Bell, Mrs. F.
t would, like to expresS my
Warmest thanks to all those who
sent cards, letters, and gifts
to me, while T was ill,
Your thoughtfulness has been
greatly appreciated.
Prances Morrison
Melville Mange.
Bi' TVA,' 11100
The Brussels FigUre Skating
Club will present their first Ice
show on Saturday, night of this
week and the Recreational Com-
mittee Carnival will be held next
week, Friday, April 3rd.
Miss Faye Love, club profes-
sional, the mothers and skaters
have all been exceedingly busy
preparing for "The Wonderful
World Of Music" which promises
to be a delightful spectacle with
'the various numbers perfomed in
beautiful costumes.
The local skaters will be sup-
ported by guest figure skaters
and the spectacular Barrel Jump-
ing Flying Fireman of Detroit.
The Ice Carnival, April, 3rd will
feature an array of classes, races,
with attractive prizes. Get those
costumes ready to compete in the
Annual Carnival.
A Minor Hockey Tournament
Will take place 'in the local arena
on Wednesday April 1st.
Attend these events and give
them your support.
This week-end ushers in East.
er season, starting Good Friday.
All local church have special
the occasion.
1 mow Loose 6traw Mixed Grain
Friday will, of course, be a
religious holiday with service in
some of the district churches.
Easter Monday will be "busin-
ess as usual" for most plates.
Schools close Thursday for
the Easter vacation and re-open
Monday, April 6th.
Many thanks for the lovely
cards, gifts, and visits from our
Brussels friends on our 25th.
Wedding Anniversary.
It will always be a pleasant
Hazel and. Bob Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James Riley wish
to announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Phyllis
Eleanor, to Carl LeRoy Gower,
son Of lkIr and Mrs.
Robert, Gower.
The wedding will
in April.
SELLERS — In loving memory
of our /mother, Mrs, Lillian
Sellers, who departed this life.
Mar. 318t, 1983:
Gone from us: it was His will,
But in our hearts, She Tiveth
Ever re.mernbered by daughter
Stella, and husband Jack, and all
tit tt nolo mow
Blyth 4-H Grain Club
Elects Officers
The organizational meeting of
the Blyth 4-H Grain Club was
held on Wednesday, March 1$ at
8 p.m. in the Blyth Memorial
Hall with Don Pullen acting as
The following °racers were
Leader Ivan Howatt
President Tom Riley
take place