The Brussels Post, 1964-03-19, Page 1SHORT
S 0 T
* •
Max Oldfield has sold
"house to Herman Whiefield.,
• • *
Ron McLean was winner of
Lions NHL Hockey Draw
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs
L. Weber of Ethel . who are the
Proud parents of a baby boy,
• a •
Congratulations to the boys
,of our Champion Pee Wee hock-
ey ream. They worked hard and•
deserve the cup they won.
• •
Our congratulations to Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Walker of Palmer-
ston, former Brussels residents,
who celebrated thsir 25th
wedding anniversary lait Friday.
Many .Bnissels friends attended
their "At Home".
a •
An added feature that will give
the thrill of excitement to the
Tee Carnival on March 28th in
contrast to the grace and beauty
of the figure skaters, will be the
Flying Fireman of Detroit, a
Champion Barrel Jumper.
• •
.Friclay, 13th, Lucky For Brussels Pee Wee
COme From Behind' To Win. League Cup
Friday the thirteenth proved
HI-T NEWS to be a lucky day for the Brussels
Tee Wees as they upset 4tWOC4
About 150 teenagers attended 5 1
to win
Hi-T's special dance with the-t 1 three games to betoosnt of fiv'e e.This seriesi
Cavaliers on. Fri day, March 13* I was a true upset since going into
(The Beatles were also present.)
Twenty two members of the
Brussels Lions Club travelled
by bus to Zurich on Monday
night where they were the
guests of, the Zurich Lions. I
Elmer D. Bell Q.C., of Exeter!
a former Brusselsite, was the
guest speaker at the meeting.
* -
The Guides and Brownies are a
worthy organization teaching
good citizenship to young girls.
They merit the wholehearted
support of parents; and others.
We have heard that unless;
greater support is given tneir
Activities it may te necessary
to disband. So conic on parents,
rally round and give them the
help they need. Attend the
card party on March 30th.
Brussels Team Wins
Baker Memorial Trophy
The 'Brussels Men's Broom
Ball Team were winners of the
Peter Baker Memorial Trophy in
the Broom's-11i Tournament held
in the Brussels Arena this week.
'Monday Night
Craribrook 1 — 'Untouchables 0
Stone School 3 —
American All Stars 1
Brussels 3 — Walton 0
Tuesday Night
'jtone School Cranbrook 0
Wiii&ham 2 10th. line 1
Belgrave 2 — Myth 1
Brussels Couple Honoured
By Relatives, Friends On
40th Wedding Anniversary
A very happy occasion was eele-
brated at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. slolin, White when their
family and a few close friends
were with them to extend con-
gratulations and best wishes to
them on their fortieth wedding
The couple were married at.
Wingham on March 10th, by the
late Rev. David. Perrie, Mrs,
White was the tomer Mary Red-
The couple have a family of
five children, Clarence and
'Kenneth White of Morris Town-
ship, Ross of Brussels, Mrs.
Kenneth (Doris) Fischer of
Grey Township and Mrs. David
(Fern) Craven of London and
twenty one grandchildren, all
all were present for the occasion.
Among the guests were Mr.
White's only brother and his
wife. of Ingersol, also Miss
Margaret 1Russel R. N., of Lond-
on and Dr. John Kelly of Brus-
Mr. and Mrs. White received
many lovely gifts, including a
chrome kitchen suite from their
family and many messages of
congratulations from friends and
The couple have spent most of
their married life in this vicinity.
until retiring five years ago to
!make their home in Brussels.
On Tuesday evening the neigh-
bours of Mr. and Mrs. John White
surprised them in honor of their
fortieth wedding anniversary.
A very pleasant evening was
spent playing progressive
Mrs. Inez Cameron had high
points for ladies, Mrs. rranis
Nichol low. Mrs. Don McArter,
who played as a gentleman, took
high honors, and Roy Turvey
was low,
A delicious lunch was served,
by the ladies, Mrs. White serv-
ing her wedding cake.
After lunch Mrs. T. Strachan
on behalf of the guests, present-
ed Mr. and Mrs. White with a
'pretty blanket, and best wishes
for many more years of happy
married life, ,
I wish to express my sincere
appreciation to all those who
remembered me with cards, giftS,
treats and visits while I was a
patient in Listowel Hospital and
also since returnirig home. 'Your
thonghthiness has been multi
ati preleiaitaed..
Mrs. John Perrie
1964.65 Officers Named
At Majestic W.I. Meeting.
The March meeting of the
Majestic W I, was held in the
Brussels Public Library March
I2th. at 2 p.m. Mrs, C, Heming-
way Presided.
The Ode followed by the Mary
Stewart Collect opened the
meeting, There were 25 memb-
ers and eight visitors present.
The. February minutes read and
adopted. The financial statement
reported a balance of $53.17, Last
c, party netting $17.00,
Roll call was a corsage to be
judged. judges were Mrs. Lobb
of Clinton , Mrs. Lloyd Wheeler
Brussels. The ladies were asked.
to come to the front. Mrs. Doug
Hemingway won first prize with
Mrs, Wm. Evans and Mrs, Carl
Hemingway tied for second.
Mrs. Cudmore gave the nomin-
at!ng report.. 64-65 officers are to
be: Past president, Mrs. C.
Hemingway; President, Mrs.
Jack Lowe; 1st Vice, Mrs, Jas.
Smith; 2nd Vice, to be eiected
from the floor; Sec.-Treas., Mrs-
John. ,Speir ; District Director,
Mrs. C. Hemingway; Alternate,
'Mrs. Jas. Smith; Branch Di-
r eters, Mrs. Chas. Davis, Mrs.:
Wm. Evans, Mrs. D. MeTaggart;
Pianist, Mrs, Walter Kerr;
Assistant, Mrs. Wes. Kerr;
Auditors, Mrs. H. SPeir. Mrs.
F. Shaw; Standing Committee,
Convenors: Agriculture and
Canadian 'Industries, Mrs. Jas..
Smith, Mrs, A. Engel; Citizen-
ship and Education, Mrs. C.
Hemingway, Mrs. Wm. Perrie:
Hist. Res. and Current Events,
Mrs. Geo. Davis, Mrs. L. Nichol;
Home Economics and Health,
Mrs. D. Hemingway, Mrs. H De
Vries; !Public Relations, Mrs. R.
W. ,Stephens, Mrs. Earl Cud-
more; Resolutions, Mrs. Wm.
Evans; Sunshine Fund, Miss
Beth. Hoover, Mrs, D. Heming-
Mrs. Wm. Evans, Resolutions,
Convenor, then took cha.rget;
111m. L. Kernaghan, guest from,
the Home and School Associat-
ion gave Current Events on
Education from paper prepared
by Mrs. Robert Raymond.
Mrs. C. Hemingway introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs. Mervin
,obb of Clinton. Her topic. was. a
Resolution sent by Goderich
Township Federation of Agricul-
ture on is change of public school.
preparation, for entrance into.
High School. Mrs. Lobb also
spoke on Vocational schools, the
first being. in Dawn Township
on 1S35 started by Joshua. Hen-
son, better known as T-ncle Tom.
There were many questions
asked and. commented on. 'Mrs,
Lobb was thanked by Mrs. Jas.
Smith. Mrs Carl T-TemingWay
iiresented Mrs. Lobb -kWh a gift.,
Mrs; 'E. Parrish Ay', gtrie t1i
sA,tl; 410 liti0 R6ii3f 00040
The next dance will be a Gold-
en Records. Dance, with the
emphasis on hits from the past
three years, This will be held on
April 10,
Mrs. John. Schnock had the
misfortune to slip on some
snow-covered ice while walk-
jut; in from the road, fracturing
a bone in her right wrist. She
spent a couple of days in List-
owel Hospital as a result.
Misses Beverly Evans', Kitch-
ener and Mary MacDonald, Toron-
to, spent the weekend at their
homes here.
Several children from this
district, Bruce, Bonnie and
Heather McIntosh, Lori and
Lynn Smith, and Mary glen
Knight, were seen on the "Big
Al Show" over Channel 13,
1 Kitchener, on Friday. March 13.
it was lirrinie's 5th birthday and
she was the 'winner of the birth-
day cake given to the child who
had come the greatest distance.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkpatrick
Paul, Teddy, Susan and Brett,
London, called on several in this
community on. Sunday.
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to thank all those who
remembered me with presents,
cards and treats while I was a
Patient in. ,Listowel Memorial
Your thoughtfulness will always
be remembered.
Mrs. Allister Bird
My grateful thanks is expres-
Sed to all those who rememoered
me with visits, gifts, flower',•
cards and kindly messaees, and
enquiries while I was hospital-
ized and since my return home.
Your thoughtful consideration
has been appreciated.
Mrs, Archer Grewar
CO-operatiOn watch a wagoni
when a. wheel comes off", Mrs.
Doug Hemingway led cortaniiiiitY
singing with Meg, Walter Kerr
at the piano.
The glieen and es ace closed
the Meeting after which a delis_
ions. 'Una' -vas Served bY 1 Mrs.
Mf6, WIlheler4
M 61 tit. ttO
t11401' 4
the finals Atwood hadn't lost a
game while Brussels won only
one of their six league games-
During the semi-finals Brussels
came from behind to take the
best of three series two games
to one against Monkton. This
meant that Brussels would face
Atwood in 'the finals. In the first
game at, 1%filvetton Brussels
allowed Atwood two 'fast goals
in the first period and then
charged back, with seven un-
answered goals to win the open-
er 7 - 2. The next game in Brus-
sels sa.w the home team score
3 goals and then hold on for a
3 _ 1 victory. But Atwood came
right back to upset Brussels in Mil
verton by a score of 4-2. However.
Brussels was not to be denied
as they swept the final game
5-1 with Kim Beirnes scoring all
five goals for the winners.
If you would like to see the
only team in Brussels to win a
hockey championship this year in
action , please attend the hockey
tournament in Brussels during
the Easter vacation. The exact
date and times -will be announc-
ed at a later date.
As coach of the. Brussels. Pee
Wees I would like to take this
opportunity to thank all the
parents who were able to find
time to come and see their boy
play hockey. I would also like
to thank each and, every person
who helped in any way to' make
this a successful year for the
Brussels Pee Wees especially
those loyal fans who followed us
to games out of town. Thank
James Prior
We would like to thank Our
friends, neighbours, and relatives
for the best wishes, gifts, cardst
and flowers, we received for our
fortieth wedding anniversary, we
did appreciate your kindness.
John and Mary White
would like to thank all those
who visited rne, sent cards;
flowers and treats 'and helped in
Other ways while I was a patient
in Wingham and. District Ilos-
pital. Special thank8 to Father
Freker, nursing staff on lst and
/hid floor 'and Drs., Collin And
tifil MHO
Wednesday Night
Brussels, 3-- Stone seteet 6
13elgrave 2 — Witighatri. 0 „ thittio witingsdify Ntoo Lire is liked mirror, it never'
1! i44:10gg 1400 14;,t *0 '00 40,6 q;