HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-03-05, Page 1•••••,,••••••111••••••••=11,•••••
32.00 ta Year £x sadvane• Saf,a) To U,Bele THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1964 POST PUBLISHING HQUSE1
3rd H. & S. Amateur Night Here Presents
Excellent Program To Capacity Audience'
W. McF4achern was winner of
the Lions NHL hockey draw
on Saturday.
1111 •
An early break-up of the ice
above the dam is anticipated if
the present weather continues.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'H, King
and son Bill carried off several
prites at the Belmore Ice
a 0
Grey Township Council are
keeping up with the times by
having their Municipal Office at
Ethel modernized
The fog that was prevalent
in this area this week made
driving even more itazardons
than usual.
March came it "like a lamb"
is still behaving, at time of writ
lugs like a lamb, and let us hope
it goes out like a lamb and not
like a lion.
Brussels has its first Gold
Medallion Home. The new house
of Lawrie Cousins has been so
designated by Hydro by 'Vying
Better Dlectrically."
• •
Congratulations to both our
Girls and Boys Broom Ball
Teams whose all-out efforts have
put them both at the top of their
The prize lists of the Ladies'
Division of the ,Ea,st Huron
Agricultural Society are now off
the press and available from the
secretary, Mrs. Jas. Main TIM 6,
Brussels, or at the office of the
Brussels Post. The ,prize list
offers attractive competitions
featuring new classes and in-
Creased Prize money in some
Sections, Get your list now and
be prepared for the 1964 Fair.
a *
The 'successful Amateur Night
here On larlda,y displayed an
abandance of local talent and
also drew a number of entries
from other centres, among them
the talented step-dancing Os-
borne sisters of Atwood, Brian
McIntosh. accordianist, of Lint-
owel, and Gail Evans, Baton
Twaaer of Atwood, who all won
first place is their class. While,
our local Beetles did not. win
Medal they brought down the
lietis+e frith MIAS* entice and tbaire.
at OM; NAL
Brussels Broom Ball
Teams Teo League
Girls' Boom Ball
The first year Girls Bropm
Ball. Team, under the manage-
ment of Carman Machan, have
done father well in the season's.
play. They have 15 Out of a
possible 16 points to hold sole
possession of first place.
They defeated Blyth in the
semi finals, two games straight.
The scores were 1-0 and 2-0.
On Monday, March 2nd, they
Played the first game of the finals
a.gainet Wingham X. Wingham
team scored after a minute or
so of play is the first half only
to have Darlene Memnon score
on long shot to tie it up. Ann
Lowe scored the second Brussels
goal to put them in the lead for
pant of the game.
Wingham scored again, with
about ten minutes to go, to tie
the game up. The final score a
two all tie.
This means there will prob-
ably be a game in the Brussels
arena next Monday night. These
(girls giva everrtaring they
have in a game so let's have
some support.
Men's Broom Bali
This has been ant e mast sue-
cessful year in the history of
the team for a seasons play.
They have Z3 out of a possibleM1 24
points which leaves them in
first place.
The semi finals will start on.
March 5th against Belgrave.
This game will be played in.
Belgrave unless a thaw causes
the game to be moved to Brus-
sel •
Individual players on the
Brussels team have already laid
claim to two cups this year.
Brian Rutledge will receive his
for being the top scorer in the
league with S goals. Jim McNeil
\vas the top goal tender of the
league allowing only 6 goals,
There will be a broomball
tournament in. Brussels this
seaon. It will take the support
of the people to III aks it a
success. BarryCurrie
A. O. McNair
A. 1). McNair, proprietor Of
the Winston Hotel, Milvertore
and fOrmer resident of Brussels
community, died this morning
in Stratford General .Hospital.
He had been ill fee' some time.
Further narticniars were un-
aVailable at press time.
T wish to express my sincere
thanks and appreciation to re-
latives. Triends and neighbours,
'who remembered me With cards.
flowers and fruit, while I was a
patient in Clinton jaublic Wore
On Monday evening, Feb. 24th,
Mrs. Carman Richards died in the
General hospital Hamilton, follow-
ing a stroke taken suddenly in
her hone the prevloue week,
from which, she never rallied.
,S-he was the, former Ferne
itckmier, daughter of George
and Mrs. Ecamier and her early
years were spent, in James-
town. She graduated from Brus-
sels Continuation, school and
Stratford Teachera' College and
taught school tin .this Community
also in Toronto.
I. March, forty years ago, she
was united in marriage to Car-
man Richards, of Banff, Alberta,
Later they moved to Hamilton,
Ont. where Mr. Richards was a
partner in. the management of
the Windsor wafer aiscuit
factory. Be Predeceased her ten
years ago. Mrs, Richards was
to rest in• the family plot,
Mimi, where her husband and
parents were buried,
Mrs. Richards was a. cousin of
Mrs. Alex MacDonald and George
Menzies of Brussels.
The regular meeting of the
Majestic W. I. will be held in the
basement of the Library on.
March 1.7th 2 p.m.
Mrs. Ida Evans, in charge of
the pregram, has invited Mrs. M.
Lobe, chairman of the Educat-
ion Committee in the Federat-
ion of Agriculture, of Clinton, to
speak. Her subject will be
"School curriculum: of to-day",
The Borne and School group, are
cordially invited, Lanch will be
-Farm Sold, Family Owned
Far 96 Years
Cleared and settled by the
Bremner family, a well-knowe
area farm is passing ont of that
family's possession after nearly
a century of ownership.
This was disclosed in. the
announcement of the Sale of the
250-acre farm by Andrew *Brent-
/lee, R,,sa. Liatowel.
The- new owner is Gordon
Mara of R. R. a Mitchell He
obtaihe possession later this
Located in Grey Township, lot
25. .conceSsion four, the land,
consisting of 200 acres came
;into the Bremner Tarailyi 96
years ago when another Andrew
Bremner obtained the crown
deed. He was the grand-father
of the aresent owner.
Mr. and airsBremner haves
brought a honk in Ethel from the
James Pciawil4 estate and take
sieliaardill.10 SIi skt1:81
Issa 11409.1Y0
A quiet but pretty wedding
was held at Brussels 'United
Church when Dorothy Dianne
Kirkby and James Gene McNeil
were united in marriage. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thotnas Kirkby, of R.R.
No, 15, Brussels, and Mr. and.
Mrs. games C, McNeil are the
groom's parents. Rey. Allan
Johnston officliated.
The bride looked lovely in a
basket weave, all wool, bland
white sheath dress with a cors-
sage of tropicana, roses. She
'wore Matching while assessor-
Miss Nancy M. Jacques. of
Kitchener, was maid of honor
wearing a yellow wool dress:
with brown accessories. She
wore a corsage of bronze shasta
Mr. Eric Facel was best man.
The reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents. The
dining room was decorated with,
pink and white streamers. A.
A three-tier wedding cake, made
by the bride, graced the bride's
The couple left on a honeymoon
to Niagara Falls and other points.
the bride weaning a turquoise
dress with a• matching jacket.
She wore black suede acces-
s Cal es.
On their return the couple will
reside lin Brussels, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Mechem
have returned home from a
holiday trip to Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Wilson of
Toronto spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr.
Herb Sullivan suffered a.j
broken hip in a fall in, his home
on Sunday. He is a patient in.
Wingham Hospital.
Miss Pearl Balser, our local
postmistress, left Friday, by
air, for a holiday in Mexico. She
was accompanied by Mrs. Lylle
Gordon of Cranbrook,
Dr. and Mrs. Regis Pelloux
and son Marc visited with the,
latter's parents, Dr, and Mrs.
Ta W. Stephens last week end.
After a month's visit in France
they left Paris Friday morning
and had slipper in Brussels. Ont.
F'riltinv night. They flew borne to
Featile. Wash., on Monday after.
noon, from Melton.
it you think the Warld haat%
;got} fl iiitiAtia Mit Milt
ililGl It.
The third Amateur Night spoils
cored by the Brussels Home and.
School Association preyed to be
a decided success with a crowded
school auditorium and, a very
enttiu0aptic audience. It was an
evening of real variety of enter-
tainment with solos, duets, tap-
dancing, square dancing, instru-
seen t a s , e'riatore- and skits.
Ian McDonald, chairman of
the Amateur program corn-
inaittee was master of ceremon
ies, assisted by John Watson
who took over for the last part
of the program and conducted
aomanunity singing after the
'contestants had been heard.
Judges for the contests were -
Mrs. William C. King, Donald
Dunbar and Mrs. Glenn John-
siton who gave the decision of
the judges as follows:
Junior Vocal — Gall Travis,
Senior Vocal — Albina Beech,
Variety Gail Evans, At-
wood, (Baton Twirling)
Dancing The Osborne Sisters,
Monkton (Step Dancing)
Junior Singing Group — Grade
IV Brussels Public School
Senior Singing Group — Grade
V and VI Brussels Public School
Instrumental— Brian McIntosh,
Listowel (Accordian Solo)
Group Selection -- Linda. Wil-
son and Julie Valiance (Vocal
Mrs. Lloyd Kernaghan, secre-
tary of the. Home and School.
Association assisted Gordon,
Stephenson, vice-president, in the
presentation of medals to 'the
winning contestants and she
also presented gifts to the judges
and thanked them for their
The committee are grateful to
several entertainers who helped
to round out the program though
they were not in competition,
George Procter, Ruth Procter and.
Donald McDonald,
Other Coritestante
Others Who were in cornpetits
ion in addition to the above
mentioned winners included:
Dianne Thomas
Lynn McDonald
Jerry Jutzi
Joyce Huether and Mary Gibson,
Sandy McDonald
Turnberry School
Evelyn Storey
P;russels Beetles
Gail Travis and Kith allitilphinea
Linda Wilson
Popeye and Olive Oil
The Three Pitatts
ktuftvg /Pea talial