HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1964-01-16, Page 2Thursday, January 16th, 1964 TAM MUSSELS POST. ERUSS1111A, ONTARIO ..••••••••• • •••••••••/ MORRIS COUNCIL The inaugural meeting of Mor- ris Township Council was held in January 6 with all the Members present. Rev, T. E. Kennedy, Illuevale, was present and coundticted a short devotional period. William Elston expressed thanks to Mr. Kelinedy. The Clerk administered the Oath of Office to the Reeve. Stew- art Procter and Councillors, Walter Shotreed, James Mair. Ross Smith and William. Elston. Moved by Elston, seconded by Smith, that By-Law No. 1.1964 be passed as read 1st and 2nd ,times —Carried Moved by Shortreed, seconded by Mair, that By-Law No. 1, 1964 he passed as read the ?rd time — Carried II3y-Law No. 1, 1964, makes the following appointments: Clerk Ma's, Helen Martin; Treasurer, Relief Officer, School Attendance Officer: Nelson Higgins; Assessor: Sohn Ilrewer; Poundkeepers: Cart Johnston, Stewart McLennan, Ross Tut:Vey, Mel Matbers, John Bownan, Stanley Hopper, Robert Y,uill, Mervyn Pipe, Rob- ert Bird. William Craig, George Blake, John. Nesbit, Rae Huether; lAivestock Valuators: Herbert Garnese, Ken, Taylor; 'Fence- viewers: Northwest, Harold Procter, Milo Casemore, Bert Hastings; Northeast, Wilfred, Warwick, William Peacock, wank Seller; Southwest. gam- es Wilson, Bruce Smith, Charles South; Southeast, Kenneth Mc- Donald, James Smith, Harvey MeCutcheon. Weed, Inspector: Robert Grasby; Graderman, Jam- es Casemore; Trench Inspector, William McArter; Tile Drain- age Inspedtor, George 1VII,chie. Moved by Shortreed, seconded by Elston, that Ross. Smith be Mertes Township's representative on the Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority —. Carried Moved. by Smith, seconded by Ilston, that James Mair be the representative for Brussels on. 13russel recreational committee — Carried Moved by Mair, seconded by Shortreed, that we recommend that William Elston. and Clara VatiCamp be Morris' represents', tives on the 13elgraVe Arena Board — Carried Moved by Elston, seconded by Smith, that Stewart Proeter and Walter Shortreed be the re- presentatives or Morrie On the 131yth Fire Area Beard — Carried Moved by Main seconded by Shortreed that Stewart. Procter and. Ross. Smith be the represents. Oyes for Morris on the Winghatri Fire Area Board — Carried Moved by Sinith, seconded by Elston that James Mair be the representative for Morris on the Brussels Fire Area Committee — Carried IVIoved by Elston, Seconded' by Mali% that we reeryrninend Robert Coulteg to he the Morris repre- mentativo oil the WIT.thern and. 0114trit.it iir,sl 1.t ij tthatql ntitrfo0 Moved by Smith, seconded by Mair, that the myth Standard be awarded the contract for printing for 1904 at $184.00 Moved by Shotreea, seconded by Mair that Walton Community Hall Board be given a grant 950,00 — Carried Moved by Shortreed, seconded by Smith, that Pierre Rammeloo be given a rebate of $36.99 on hie taxes -- Carried Meaved 'by Elston, seconded by Mair that ,Tack DeVries he given; a rebate of $6.73 on his taxes — Carried Moved by Smith, seconded by Mair, that we pay our member- ship fee to the Ontario Assoc- iation of Rural Municipalities Carried, Moved lay Shortreed, seconded by Mali. that By-Law No. 2, 1964, authorizing the treasurer to bor- row up to :f60,000.00 from the Can- adian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Wing,hain he passed. -- Carried Moved 1by Mair, seconded by Elston, that the road accounts as presented by the road super- tendent he paid — Carried 'On motion of Shortreed and Mair the meeting be adjourned to meet again Febduary 3, 1964, at 1. p.m. The following accounts were paid: General Accounts Town of Clinton, Debentures on Collegiate, $127.60; Pierre Ramp .meloo, rebate on taxes, 36.99; Sao DeVries, refund on taxes, 6.73; Walton Community Hall Board, grant, 50.00; Rev. T. E. Kennedy, 5.00: Callander Nursing Home, 75.75; Municipal World, 3 sub- Scriptiona 15.00; Radio Station CI<NX, broadcast November 1962, 3.50; Pinecrest Manor, 75.7,6; Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities, 15.00; Mun- icipal World, supplies, 4.17; Will- iam Peacock, Morris share of dump 50.00; Ontario Hydro. Bluevale 15.52; Walton lights 7'4.00 Belgrave lights 104,52; Imperial Oil, 28.05; S. B. Elliott, 59.93; Morris Townhip, pipe for Grasby Drain, 13.60; Road Accounts Wm. McArter, mileage, freight, bookeeping, wages, 142.27; James Casmore, wages, 222.50; John Smith, wages, 62.50; Purdon IVIotoes, charging battery, Ideal Supply Co., wrenches and repairs to graders, 626.79; Alex itikley, fuel oil and tax, 167.38; Briissels Coal Yard, coal, 35.25; J. C. McNeil, generator, oil, etc, 118,10; Dominion "toad Machin- ery, wheels pins, glass, etc., • 105,58; Wajaa Equipment Ltd„ pump, belts, and caps 205.212; Glenn Snell, snow plowing, 749,25 lvtel .ierinyn, snow plowing 1,312.00; Ross A. Jamieson; load- ing and hauling, 1.5.00; Donald H'opner, hauling gravel, 10.00; "Morris Township, Riggilltis and Arbuckle Drains, 411.45; Wilmer Glonsher, snow plowing, 889.00. Stewart Proetei Helen Martin iteeVP Clerk os, a•-s. es 410141-.- .-oirkac Aok• 4•4'.iVo. "me' a A It, ..., ,,,, A • A .. 0 h • , • to ,:t ., WI I • Iw' a ......', 4•0 4 4.4 0 " r-1 a 4 , 041, 41....../P. 41, -••`--, ' • ...r iie or .4 ... 0 .),...,0 ,I.,., Ai n kyotii;1. al 4 is fiii _ • 0,01k72s,..(ifir: .,INR rs^,00":,,, 4 A ^ lb.* 0 74 0.4 0-7.,-.1....• 'Om *e "N " qv. 0 ,,,' 0144^ i.• ;17',Zrs.11141 ii. --1,_ A,N oft 00 ai,,^0,,, I 0 01''ajOil*-4111 +4 A AP. 4. ,,-1,......,"er+MP..... 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