HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-12-19, Page 5WMalittf ,4144:.:34Dm.f.:wowtseterim., THE BRUSSELS COAL YARD would like to extend their warmest wishes to the residents of Brussels and surrounding District fora VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS }NEW YEAR J, GORDON STILLS itaiegoW0W0i4"040.*M.M'ACA-iktg THANKS F R 1 E D S. - We are grateful for your friendship which has made our progress prOgress . . . but we Want to thank you. especially for enriehing our daily •lives with 'your kindness and courtesy. May this be the best Christmas you have ever had. A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS 'NEW YEAR Co OTCH1 LIMITED "The. Most Value for the Farmer's Dollar" Call 199 Brussels JASYMMM'illAta-WM) For Delicious Eating Enjoyment During The Holiday. Season si CHRISTMAS FRUIT • SPECIAL ICE CREAM OR PEPPERMINT FLAKE ICE CREAM WILL DELIGHT YOUNG AND OLD SO BE SURE TO KEEP SOME ON HAND TO TREAT YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS 6 Christmas Candlelight Service By Melville Presbyteri4n Church, on Sunday ,22nci December at. Choir 8:00 p.m. Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison, M.A. Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson, A.RCT, AVM' 02.4iS ALL ARE WV:44*9 0,f4 WELCOME W,AVAUJOI-Vt NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE CRANBROOK COMMUNITY CENTRE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 'Music By: 'ilhe San Antones. Orchestra Admission: 51.00 per person Lunch Booth Hats Horns Baloons Sponsored by the Cranbrook Hall Board WOUk,bliV,OA"'‘kA4V;i*V.;2\41;P.i:U:Ait w SAL E Brusseis Lavestoc.k Sales lards EN/ Lk el F,KILDA'Y 1 P.M. 1012i L',(47.t; nerC AM Welcome As V!estor, cAnsionor, or Buyer When in Listowel, make sure you S William Linden STORK. Men's Wear Ladies' Wear fuis AFQYLE. AVENUE For Quality & Sathitaction LISTOWE.I. Around the Corner from the Sank of Montreal metro From the Past Office Listowel ?hone 28 PROCLAMATION Village of Brussels $OXING DA fititir !‘<,,S,DAY, DEC. 26th A PUBLIC HOLIDAY All Persons Are Asked To Observe It As Such Calvin Krauter, Reeve lieWAVA*011,tMOV,igigke0WAL-CD4-4,, TO THE RATEPAYERS OF ;MORRIS TOWNSHIP our Best Wishes For A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NI.EJW YEAR 'REEVE - STEWART PROCTER COUNCILLORS - ROSS SMITH W'M. ELSTON WALTER SHORTREED jAs. ;NAIR ciet mow @wow avyamitAtiolvma7.1.goi., TIAMODAYi POI '400, 1014 HONE, .111141ii 1,110114111.11 *Wit 1131/00111144, 014141.11k 4 UM UNITED QHURCH OF CANADA A. BL, 10111Mtall• BA. DA 9.45 a.m. SUnday Sch001 11.00 a.zn, *orning Worship• PRES Y EIZIA AN CH WIC IN CANADA MELV 1LLE. (Ai U Minister: trey, W. J. AlOrriscm ALA Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson .4.11CT 10.00 a.m. Ltharcli School 11. a.m. Christutas Service Everyoue Welcome ANGLICAN Ltal)).-.1A-1 OF CANADA *lector: !hey. 1-1. .I..., Jennings 13A. 1.4M, Organist: Airs, 1.1:11nott, 87. JOHN'S 11 a.m. Carol Service and Church School ST. DAVID'S, Henfryr, BRUSSELS, UN. 2 p.m. Bible Study 2A0 p.m, Aoly Communion LETTER TO ED. (continued from page one) the offending storekeepers or office workers ilrom avoiding the By-law by moving their cars to a different "stall" every two hours tool The local beverage rooms are supposed to provide enough parking space at the rear Of their establishments for their. customers (according to the reg- ulations of the Liquor Licensing Board of Ont.) Therefore, any body that is going to be "busy" for over two hours at one of , these places should use the park. I Aug lot which is provided. If you business men or women on the main stree t of Brusseis, would just realize it, you've got a good sales pitch to give to your potential shoppers, espec- ially those .from the surrounding townships. Tell them in your advertising that they can shop in the stores in. Brussels without having to put a nickel mu tile parking meter, as they woul4 have to do if they went to Sea- forth, Listowel, 'wingham or other towns. So, Mr, and Mrs. storekeeper, employee or office worker, for your own good, pleate leave your car at home or park it away back off the main street. Remember that nowadays "Park- ing Is Business". The supet- markets and shopping plazas found that out, because they moved out to the edge of the cities where they could provide acres of parking space for their cox-driving customers. So, farmers and local shop- pers too, this is the time to "talk it up " to your local merchants, ,Cenvinee them that a parking space close to their store is business for there. It may be that the new village council will see fit to enact such a "t Hour Parking Limit" for the benefit of the local business. Man or woman as well as the the customers who come to. buy goods, instead of installing parking meters. "A brussels Phainess booster°' 4... 41.0.11.! • Dolour ChristmasShopping AT ANSTE1 i JEWEILEAS Limited - FALL' CiiElliYAVAPP1.1114; Wit04.10gtkOKS 4141‘ 6Pg. 1:1-1AivtAr. ALCOUNTS ACCEUED . - NO CARRYING CHAti.lik. Lriaincnci rctaigs by rituebird from 29.9:4 up Watches by nutova-Caravelle-Rockania 14.va uP Timex Watches -vriced from 7.95 up Dresser Sets in Gilt B'ox Only 7.96 up ‘...ostume Jewellery by Coro 'Boxed Sets -- 1.95 All Makes of Electric Shavers For Men and Women Large Selection of Leather Goods 55 pc. Sets Silverwear with Chest Only 79.05 50 pc. Sets English Dinnerwear Only 29.05 Men and Ladies Onyx and Hemetite Rings -- 9.95 up Sheaffer Pen and Pencil Sets frqm 6.95 up Bulova Clock Radios Push Button 59.95 Jewel :Boxes Priced from 4.50 up Silver Cream - Sugar and Tray Only 4.95 York 8 Transistor Radio Only 27.50 Mantle Clocks from 39.95 up 400 'Day Clocks from 28.95 up Kitchen and Alarm Clocks from 2.95 up Cuff 'Link and Tie 'Bar Sets 2.95 up Large Selection Royal Doadton Figurines Pierced Earrings - over 100 pair - 2.50 up Set of 8 Glasses in Gift Box Only 2.95 English 'Bone China Cups & Saucers, 'Boxed -- 99c Binoculars - Brief Cases - Desk Sets - Lighters Crystal Neck and Earring Sets from 3.00 up Large Selection Pin and Earring Sets 2.00 up Genuine Jade Ring & Matching Pendant -- 38.50 ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. PH: 77 WATCH REPAIRS SEAFORTH