HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-10-31, Page 1$4.00 A Year In Advance - $2.50 To U.S.A. THE B11.[SSE1-0 POET, THURSDAY, OCT. 31st, 1968 POST PUBLISHING HOLISID Harold L. McCall 1 liarold Leslie McCall, 70, late 1 'Of Walton, died Monday at i Wingttain and District Hospital. Tie was born in Morris To'Wnst/11).0 a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George lVioCall, He spent some years in Alberta end later be- came a customs officer in Ham- tilten before retiring Six years 1MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL, ' 1WM/3 SECTIONAL'MEETINGS Sectional Mieetings of the Women's Missionary Society of 'Alsatian d Pr esbyterial of the Presbyterian Chum in Oaaada were held at. South Kinloss Pree- byterian Church on October 23rd and at Belmore Presbyterian Church on October 24th. At South Kinloss Mrs, 0, Sutherland,' Ripley, conducted the meeting, Mrs, :f. Aitcheson !and Mrs. R. Reid of Lucknow and Mre. D. McLean of Ashfleid brought devotions barred on PSalnk 123. Mrs. Fraser . of South Kinloss 'welcomed those present Mrs. Fortune, of Wingliam, gave the highlights of the 1963 see- sica of the Presbyterian women at lartail camp. The treasur- br's report, given by Mrs. McDonald, Lucknow, showed a* itnorease over last year's giving's. I An impressive "Memoriamb ' 'tribute in ;memory of Mise 13eeele 11.01c1Viurchy was presented 'by Meg, T. English, 'Mittelman.. Mrs, W. Conn, Ripley, rendered e pleasing solo "The Ninety end 'Nine", Mrs. Crom ey, ,cardine Introduced the guest sneaker. Miss Il'aael MacDonald who bas given'dedicai•ed, service in different phases of mission- ary. She, explained the scenes shown in the films on the work in Taiwan, Formosa, made a most urgent plea that we strengthen the effort there and oairessed deep regret that aid has not been sent to those re- questing it. If we persist is sel- fishness, thoughtlessness and indifference, the future will be very dark for these people. Mrs, I. Carr, imngannon, ex- pressed thanks to all *he had helped in making the meeting such a success, and Mrs. M. Ritchie, Kincardine, closed with Drayer, In Delmore, Mrs. 'W. Ballagh, Teeswater, occupied the chair. Mrs. A. Tralliday and Mrs. D. Keith of Tceewater end Mrs. Campbell', Moleswerth, led In devotions from gt. John Chapter 15. verses 1 -11. A welcome was expressed by Mrs. E. Jeffry, reimere. Mrs. W, Speir, Brussels, President of Maitland Presbyterial asked for contributions for the poster for the observance of the W. M. S. centennial. Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. English and Mrs. Fortene gave exnres- eh* of the work as given at South Kinloss, A pleasing mes- eage in song was given by Mrs. S. Appleby, Delmore. Mies H. McDonald as guest speaker, was inteoductel by Met 13. Thomas, Bluevale, and again ;brought the pressing 'mink; of the lniaelOn Pelt; 1.4 the ynenttb. ago, to Walton. He was !un- married and leaves several nieces and nephews, The funeral was held at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday from the D. A. Hann funeral borne, Brussels. Rev. A. Magni- botharn of Duff's 'United Church. Walton oftlielated, Burial was in Brussels Cemetery, Donations To The Artificial Ice Fund Peter Martin 10.00 Don Martin 5.00 Lawson Ward 10,00 Jas. Turnbull 25.00 Dune . McDonald 2.00 gen Wilbee 1,0.00 Ross Stephenson 2.00 Ken Bray 25.00 Ross Smith 5.00 Brussels Fire ieregalre 100.00 CaK.N.X, 75.00 Cecil Raynard 3.00 George Cousins 10.00 Ross Engel 5.00 W, L. Strickler 15.00 A. Y, McLean 10.00, John Ritchie 25.00 Thos. Willis .5.00 Cassie Thompson 5.00 American Hotel • 411,65 Cliff Riley .., 10.00 Florence Jamieson 10.00 'Jne., Sheila and. Nancy Strickler 5.00 Brussels 5c to $1.00 Store -6.00 Elast Huron Produce 25.00 Annoymous 25.00 Peael Baker 10.00 Maitland Ttedi Mix 6.00 A. Terpstra 10.00 Sautes Prior' 6.00 Majestic. W. I. 21.1L ,Dan MacTavish 25.0e liarold Jackson, Seaforth 10.00 Cal Davidson, 5,00 'silverwood's Dairiet, Lucknow 25.00 Ladies' Auxiliary Pete Later • 12 ° Canadian Legion :0: 'Morning Star Rebekah Lodge No. 315 88.00 Anthony Mrozinski ........ 10.00 Brussels Lions Club 400.00 (Further donations next week) ers. Mrs. R. McMurray. Tiluevalie l thankfully expressed courtesy remarks and the meeting urns brought to a close with nearer by Mre. W. thtig, Benstete. At both churches the Indies. ,enjoyed felloivehip In a Social ' • jinur after the elfttilit KO , "Murray Gaunt Wins Recount A recount Tuesday of Sept, 25 Ontario election votes in the riding of Huron-Bruce confirmed the election, of Liberal Murray flaunt. The recoun L left standings in the legislature unchanged at 77 PtogressAve Conservatfbes, Liberal and seven New Demo- cratic Party members, Tlie recount gaVe Mr. Gaunt the same 1 23-vote margin he held 'over Conservative candidate (Seorge MOCuteheon following the Oct. 9 official count, Willi >tn MeC401 of Wingham, Huron-Britte returning Officer, amid 'both men gained eight votes and both lost five in the recount for a net gain of three each. The_ recount was supervised by Judge Frank Pingland of Clinton. The final, tabulation now gives Mr. Gaunt 6,362 voted and Mr, McCuttheari 6,584„ Remembrance. Week In accordance with a recom- mendation of the National Poppy Advisory Committee of the. Royal iCanadian Legion, and with the approval of the 10th Dominion Convention, the Dominion President has Ora claimed that.,the seven days coma mencing on November 6th,. and. ending Nov. 11th, shall be. known as "Remembrance Weer. For this occasion the Royal Canadian Legion of 13riteeele will be flying a. epecial flag aping with the Red Ensign to commemorate this week. This .flag has a white background 'with a large red penny in the centre and the words "Lest We Fotget". Your support re again re- quested by the local Branch in theta ANNUAL POPPY TAG DAY, 8 AtitlID , NOVEM- BER 0th, The money collected by the Branch in this Tag Day will all, remaiti in Brussels., to he used 'for the Welfare Work in this area. Tile Branch spends many ltendrede of dollars each year in Welfare Work, and the only time they ask your help is, with their Poppy Day. The response to this fund has always been good, so please be gendeons even this. year. Royal Catia.dian Legion Branch 218 Poppy Committee Dave Hastings, Chairman VARIETY FAIR Watch ton, deft,. Saturday, NoYember Variety Felt -- impsored by Morning Star Morning Star Rehelcalt 'Lodge, 15th, Watch for rTirtitar, PrztRileiR. Brussels Lions CIAO held their Farmers, right on. Monday Octob- er 2,Sth, in St John's Anglican Church basement, and this was also the occasion of a visit from the Deputy District governor, Following a Sing-Song, with, former Lion Donald Dunbar at the piano. The guessing contest "Hew many chews does a cow make in chewing cud for a, one day- period?" was won by Von Jack McDonald. A letter was received from Wingbam Lions Club, inviting a Delegat- ion from Brussels Lions Club to join in celebrating their 25th Anniversary Charter Night . at The Blue Barn, mstowel, on. October 30th, Ms. During Bell-Cell each Lion Introduced his guest or gueOti- faarner, and those who had not ,brought 'a guest werle fined. tide. President Cecil Parker, on behalf of the Club, extended a welcome to all gdeste, mak- ing special mention of fernier Lion Donald Dunbar, as pianist, Lion Bob Walker, who is !reeving to Palmerston, was presented with a gift by Lion Selwyn. Baker, On, behalf of the Brussels Lions Cittb, and in nppreciatiert of his fine contribution to. Lionism, Lion Bob, in thanking the Club, expressed his regret: at leaving Brussels, and said he. had enjoyed a very pleasant 12 years of active membership with. the brussels. Lions. Lion ,President Cecil Parker' presented Hugh Pearson, re-, presenting the Recreational ,Cpmmittee, with a cheque for four hundred dollars, being a donation from: this club toward the cost of installation of ,arti- Tidal ice in the arena. The money was raised through the sale of tickets on the World. Series- Baseball Playoffs, Lion Jack McDonald intro- duced Deputy District Governor Pete laissonette, of the Lucian:1w Club, Who gave an interesting talk; in Which he uSed a candle Ps art illustration of our life. To' the basic stuff, he said, the spark is added, which provides .light and heat. The guiding light and personal warmth which we ought to give out cannot ho confined nor should il: be cut off from outside in- fluences. The. Club, too, is like the. candle, he said, and mast be outgoing in its activities. At the end of his address, the sneaker Cempiimented the secre- I try, Lteet Chuck Arnold. on Clue high standard of the re- ports which 'he sends in re- gularty, T1101-..l NV111 . 'Nimble' thanked by r11r'fi~ccr'. end Presented bine •• e• e with a liaMPer of aPPles on be- half of the ClUb. Lion President Cecil Parker requested that Committee Chair- men he ready ta submit reports at the next regular meeting, at which meeting plans would also be made covering activities for the rest of the year. Following these remarks, Hugh Pearsoti thanked the Lions Club on be- half of the Recreational Com- tt a, for their donation of ;400.00 . The adjournment was moved by Lion Roy Cousins at 8,2.0 HI-T NEWS The Hi-T dance was held Friday, October 25th with .an attendance of about sixty. Barry Nolan, John Watson and Doug Elliott spun the discs, with. various inserts concerning foot-. Prizes were given for a Twist contest and an Elimination. Dance. The previous Monday the executive had a brain- storming session, beat their, beads against the walls and Come up with the foll^wing schedule: On Friday, November 8th, there will he a "Cielden Records" Dance with 'famous, hits Of the past. Following that, on November 22, the dance will take i.e. form of a Sock Hop; and on. December 20, there- will be a Clirlatrnas dance, complete . with e band for all you: awingers. Of course there wild be a regular dance on Decem- ber 6th. CR 04-8 00K The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed. in Knox Church on Sunday at 1.11, Rev. Win. Morrison, •Brussels, was in the Pulpit. kbasket of flowers in remembrance of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baker wove placed there by the family. Mrs, Stanley Fiecher, Mrs:, Glenn Huether, Miss Alice T. Forrest and tt•T. . MP!' r,n get attended the Sectional meeting of the W.M.S. held in Belitore Presbyterian Church on Thurs- day Afternoon, October 24.. Mr. L. H. Gordon is leaving his week for Mexico where lie will spend the winter, as former years, ,On Samba- morning, NoVern-J her S. Layrnates Sunday will. bet held in -Knox March at 11 o'clock Mr. Cordell Walter~ will be the guest speaker and Mr. Nelson Lodge, soloist, both (lodericli. Men of the local congragatien will also take par Lions Present Cheque For Ice Fund; D. D, Qovernor Attends Faenters' Night