The Brussels Post, 1963-10-03, Page 6Brussels...
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B81.108,11Ls POST .132W11111", ONTAIRIO THURSDAY, OCT1'. 3rd, 1963
Thursday's results:
Baking—Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house, Belgrave, overall win-
ner with 58. points; Mrs. Ed-
g a r Howatt, Belgrave, 38
points; Mrs. Charles Johnston,
Blyth, 30 points! domestic
manufactures, - Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse, 24 points; M r s.
Urbane Ducharme, Brussels,
19 points; Mrs. James Mair,
15; flowers, Mrs. George Watt,
Tilyth 33; Mrs. Vera Hastings,.
Brussels, 30; Mrs. Earl Cud-
more, Brussels, 22.
In fruit competition, all ap-
ple classes were won by Blake
Brothers and William Straty-
chuk, all of Brussels.
Field crop, corn on the cob,
Graham Work, Brussels, 108;
Charles Thorna s, Brussels,
106; S. Procter, Brussels, 85;
George Pollard, .Brussels, 84;
Donald McDonald, Brussels,
79; Russell oats, Goldwyn
Knight, 45; Charles Bray, 44;
Clarence McCutcheon, 43, all
of Brussels; James Bolger, 40.
William Dennis, 39, both of
Walton; Harry Bolger, 38; J.
S. Armstrong, 37; Hary e.y
Craig, 35; Clarence Yuill, 34;
Thomas Miller, 33; Leslie
Bolt, 30; all of 13rusSels; Lloyd
Montgomery, 29, Wingham;
six stalks of ensilage corn,
Harvey Craig, '42; Charles
Bray, 41; W. J. Turnbull, 40;
Robert Gragey, 39; all of Brus-
sels; Cecil Coultes, Belgrave,
37; Clifford Bray, 36; James
Bolger, 35; Janies Knight, 35;
Jack Knight, 35, all of Brus-
sels; ,Lloyd Montgomery, 34;
Harry Bolger, 34; Elmer
Young, 34; all of Brussels;
James Coultes, Belgrave, 32,
Friday's Results
Winner of the $100 stake for
the best heavy horses on the
ground was Aubrey Toll, of
myth. Len Bok, Wingham, was
second and Jack Fitch, Bel-
more, was third. Jean Roe,
RR 1, Walton, won the show-
rnanship honors in the beef sec-
tion of the Brussels 4-H Calf
Club competition. Runner-up
was Wallace Black, of RR 5,
Brussels. ,
In the dairy section, E'xian
Hopper, of RR 5, Brussels, was
first among the juniors and
Nellie Baan, 'of RR 3, Walton,
took the senior division.
Junior Holstein. call', Andrew Hiem-
sti'a, RR 2, BrusselS; senior, Ross
Yuill, RR 5 Brussels;. Jersey calf,
John Strickler, RR 2 Brussels; beef
section, best heifer, Dace Hemingway,
Brussels; senior, Roe; best
steer, Wallace Black,
Heavy hOrses, best four nnrsc:I.:
owned by one exhibitor, Aubrey Poll;
single wagon or express, Jack Filch;
single heavy draught or agricultural,
Aubrey Toll; span of wagon or ex-
press horses, jack Fitch; span or agri-
cultural plyed horses, Aubrey Toll;
span of Pereheron horses, Aubrey Toll;
span Of Belgians, Len Bolt; heavy
horse tandem, Aubrey Tell; • ;light
horses, single roadster 15.2 or over,
• 'Ralph. Walker, Walkerton; single
readater under 15.2, Ralph Walker1
road learn. Ralph Walker; Single
carriage. hitch 15.2 and ever; •. Mel
Barden, Itillsburgh; single • Carriage
hitch antler 15.2, Mel , Barden; • car-
riage Learns, Mel Barden; • gentleman's
Single carriage turnout, Mel. Barden:
gentleman's single roadster turtiont,
Ralph . Walker; single . pOrdes, Rimer
Johnston, Atwood t Shetland •• pony
tealn, Elmer Johnston; 'hackney. !luny
team, Mho Johnston; harness tan-
dem, Mel • Barden; single hackney
pOnies, • lillmer Johnston; single. road-
ster race, George •Galbraith,• Wingham;
brood mare, IA hands and under,
with foal at side, Er16. MacDonald,,
Beef cattle, Shorthorns, champion.
• bull, WilbUr Turnbull and Son, 13rUs-
sels ; champion 4emale, Andrew Gaunt,
LucknoW;' best herd, Andrew • Gaunt;
• Aberdeen Angus, • Bruce
Paisley, all classes, Hereford; Harry
Watkins, Londesboro, nil classes; grade
cattle, baby heel under 750 pounds
on halter, Bruce McGillivray; baby
beef over 750 pounds, Bruce McGil-
livray; pen of three feeder steers under
900 pounds, Torn 'McDonald, Brussels;
pen or three feeder steers over 900
pounds, Jim Bowman, Brussels; pen
of three fat steers over 1,000 pounds,
Thomas Pietsch, Brussels; grade
beef cow and spring calf, M. Arm-
strong, Brussels; yearling steer under
SOO pounds, Jim Bowman; yearling
heifer under 800 pounds, Ciraham
Walk, Brussels.
Special fur senior calves for .I-Il
Club members,Jean Roe; best junior
call... Dave emingway.
Dairy cattle, 11014:ern heifer cell,
junior, Andrew Hlemstra.; bull calf,
senior and champion female, Charles
Bray, Brussels; Jersey, Howard Ken-
nedy and Sons, Tiverton; Ayrshire,
champion male and female, .Alex Job,
Moorefield; best group or five femaleS,
Howard Kennedy and Sons; best
uddered dairy female on grounds, Dan
Snyder, Brussels.
Sheep, long wool, Ephriam Snell,
Clinton, all classes: _medium wool. P.
E. Dearing, Exeter; Edward Jackson,
Harriston ; short wool, Robert Brown.
Gorrie, all classes; swine, Yorkshires.
William Turnbull, Brussels, all classes.
ILI CdC411:0 or
vY uAVii.,/ Br:OWN
deceased. •
having claims
ag,tins u Ulu uOUVO 111Q11.1.101101.1
iititt1u David i.irowu, late of the
ill, cue comity of
Huron„, hardware merchant, who
wee ur about the twenty-
eightll day of October, 1964' are
recnured to file proof of same
situ the undersigned on or
becure the twelfth day of Octob-
er, 1963, alter which date the
estate's assets will be distribut-
ed having regain only to claims
that have thou been received.
DATED at Brussels this 18th
nay' Septein.1)er, 1963.
Crawford .Y.c Hetherington
Brussels untarie
.solicitors for the Executrix..
-Where Better bulls Are wood",
Farmer owned and controneti
Service at cleat
Choice or bull and breed
Our artificial breeding service
will help you to a more efficient
livestock operation
For service or more Information
Clinton HU 2-441, or for long
distknce Clinton Zenith 9-5650
barren Livings
Several good beef type bu1I
which I am Willing to loan. out
on a yearly basis free of charge.
' Ian McDonald
-Iymenc, newee.1:•)1.semaakv. ausopais!
, STRATFORD IN THE 'Gilbert and Sullivan's most,
LIVING ROOM popular musical comedy, The
Mnyhena and music in old, Mikado, This Scene is froin the
as Katisha flrene Stratford Festival production,
Biyatt) woos Ko-Ko (Erie whiCh was televised Wednesday,
Praise), what Is perhaps on the 'CBC.
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