HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-09-19, Page 5'41711I SR116011111m powr isRUSSILILK, ONTAJIQ nth. MHOS • .41,11U.IVUV -.A.4v .,,:i .IOU 1 •.b.40N." .urespyteriaa 1.,iaurce. u ,sdninly was.. iLuaL ea,y •aLteanieu ley alemeerS aim visitors.. 1..Z•ev.- J. ,,, .1.OW-0,11. UeLitillefl . LI1 111.11.11it„. and .aelrveree. an inspir- ing Message. ra:anal innate. was Pro%- wee by ..1r. ',WWII% 1.,UlatillZ• MIMI (5/ EL1101, and a (Met snug- by Mrs. I. G. Nelson and Mrs, ".uoug.. Evans, • Air. -anti all'S. tamely' .a.ca,e..,,,,:a, Lisiowen with inn, anti Mrs, rittri -.„Liiitit . on' ouncay -amt. . Mr and Mrs, • Tani Lanisitt and soli, Varna, with Mrs. Stuart HILVan.S.: air. anci sirs, Wm. id. Sillaie ,"don,,-.- Petersburg, Indian/1a, visi- ted With ,1Viir. and. airs„ Calvin Cameron and Mr. and airs. Mac: :langel, • ._....._a..aLdil • We •• ,congratulate .• air. E. U. Nelson .ou. completing a suecess- iStirininer course at Waterloo, also- Mr. Clem S•teffier, • Godericif who was suceeSsful in his six- 1. 'week coarse at the Ch y, iversit .of Western. Ontario, Loudon. ,'Clem, a former Qranbrook boy, is the eldest sou of Mr. and Mrs, ' .Olen Sterner and. is now teach- ing in Godetieli. • We are sorry to report that Mrs, Martin McDonald was taken to Listowel Hospital on Monday evening. We hope for a speedy recovery. The sympathy of this com- munity is extended to the family of the late Mrs, John. McIntosh a foriner .resident' of the '12th. concession who -passed away at her home in ListeWel on Sun- evening. Knox W.M.S. ANGLICAN OF CANADia liector: J enaings BA, Organist: Mrs, la, 11/110tt ST. JOHN'S Morning ,Prayer and. Church School Itev. J. if. Bing St Peter's, Lucknow ST. UAVIC,S, rienfryr, Service Withdrawn No Church school 11.15 a.m. .:tally Day Servita. 1'1.01iMinary Notice SEPTEMBEit i:Dth Now FIE . Having recently purchased the Brown Hardware, Ethel, We Are Now 'Oren For Business . With ' A COMPLETE LINE OF STOCK Drop In And See Our Specials. Jim and Karen Cardiff CARDIFF'S HARDWARE ETHEL. BRUSSELS 'RANSPOR7f. Safe Depenaziole Motor Iltnanspory We Solicit Your Patronage PHONE 122 BRU,SSELS J. 1. LUNGSTAFF' GODERICH ST. W., sEAFORTH PHONE 76 Mous — Seaforth daily except Monday, 9 to 6.59; Wedneeds.y 9 A.M. to _2.39 Y.M. Thursday evening ipy vpolutuient oaly. Cliatell 2113.2-7010, above Eawkliu3' Harm, 1tonday 9 to 540 I.). A. itANN u•insed 'eneral DIractor and Embalmer FUNER,,L AND AMBULANCE SERVICE :'HONE 36 BRUSSELS, ON MITCHELL FALL FAIR TOES. & WED. SEPT. ,24 & 25 $6,000.00 in Prizes Horse 'RaCes 2:22 and 2:28 Classes "The Biggest Little Fair in Ontario" ei DANCfi Cranbrook Community Centre SATURDAY, SEPT.. 21st Music By — SAN-ANTONNEES Lunch Booth Proceeds In. Aid of Cranbrook Ball Club mannsmanssronssweligiznin.onws....onntt.,...7,70 amiammolgoruktnno,---x. ADD MATCHLESS FLAVOUR TO COOKED VEGETABLES ay USING CREAMERY BUTTER It's Churned Fresh Daily — That's Why It's Better EVERYTHINGS BETTER WITH COUSINS BUTTER So be sure you always keep a pound or two on hand When in Listowel, make sure you William Linden STORE Men's Wear Ladies' Wear Fun AHLIVLEZ AVENUE For Quality & Satistacuon LifiTOINAL. Around toe Corner from the Bank of Montreal — Meow Listowel From the Peet Mee Phone 285 sz,..--;rt•ina4••• e..i.ustaneleeiam1031111111 410911119eNlirems,„," CARD OF THANKS, sincere "thank yea" to all my friends who remembered; me Ill SU iLL1U)y ways during my iluuss. 1 have appreciated your kindness so very much Verna Thomas CARD OF THANKS We would iike to ..axe thib opportuuay to thank our neigh- ' bours and friends for their kind- ness to us. ury making- our 2.15tu,. wedding anniversary such al pleasant occasion, it will always ue ...happy memory. Sincerely •• Doug and Wilma Hemingway. THANK YOU We would like to take this opportunity to tham.k our frieuds neighbours and relatives who May we also say many thanks helped iu any way at the time of year curds and wards of our fire, benefit dance, and in sympathy and many acts of kindness shown to the family would also like to thank those the building of our house. We during our sad loss. Special, who donated clothing, money and thanks to Fr. Freker and XX- gifts. Special thanks to the Grey A, Sian. Township Fire Brigade. , John, and Irene Blake We will always renieniber your thoughtfulness. Doug and Jean Evans LARD of THANKS ,•iWe wish to express our ,thankss to the . wally people Of Drusseis, who worked so hard on the, "es" committee, and far the voters who supported 118: We also wish to extend our 'apologies to the people of the ;surrounding district who patron, . . . -.• . • ize this hotel. We wait to im- presS upon theM the fact that we are -still fighting to give • theM the aecomodations they desire. G. Workman and The Management 'Of. The New American Hotel • CARD OF THANKS We would like to take tills • opportunity to sincerely Omit • our friends and neighbours who so ably assisted the night of our barn, and implement shed fire and alSci for help the following. ,days in getting things re-estab- lished to care for stock. A. special thank you to MG`. Alex Mitchell! As A. No, 1 Listowel • and the other chap 'who helped . to waken us. Then to the oper- ator, Mrs. Plant, who responded{ so quickly when called, The Grey Township firemen .Vho- • saved . our house from Neighbour ladies who brought •lunch for the fire fighters and to all who Called On us at the time of . our lose. Fred and Edith Hayden Bruce and Sandra THIS UNITED CHURCH; OF CANADA Minister: Rm. A. 36„ JOIUnit011,1 BA, BA 01.•ganist: Mr. P. C, l'arker Ailt(tin 9.45 a.m. Sunday School li a.m, Morning Worship PRESI3YTE.P, /A r w. IN CANADA MELVILLE CHURCI-.. mansk.er. „Bev. Inci.lsoa MA Orgahls.t; airs. bainik 'Jhunapsoli DIED — to St. Joseph's Hes- pitai in London, on Sept. 3rd, Stephen Blake, Infant son of air, and Mrs, John Blake, it.. 4. 26 Brussels. 'Surviving besides his payouts are two brothers and three sisters. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express my deepest appreciation to friends and. relatives for their visits, cards, and gifts. Special thanks to Dr. Munn, Dr. _Noble and nursing staff. of Distowel Memorial CARD OF THANKS ye would like to Life this opportunity LO say thamts to all 4Ur the .1a0SOULLIA1011 that was tor us at Ethel Hall on Sept: iii, Special thanks to :the neighbours who went to so much work to make it possible., David and Ruth Hutton ' .t,e.issi (venue the meeting \vim tut; can to worship and in- vocation. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. llalss A. J, llonrest presided at the piano for the singing of. Pelhn au, The Lord's My Saeplierd A poem, A. Tree was read by the eader, psalm 24 was read, each reading a verse. The 'meditation. was given by Mrs. Stuart ble-. Nair and Mrs. John Schnook read the Wad Tidings prayer. met using a map showing The Rim (4 Topic was given is an interest, mg manner by Miss A. Forrest, Asia, and telling of the Ryukyu, people. Lies. Mac Nagel react, The 1Pirst Protestant Missionary in Okinawa, The president, MTS. Stanley Fischer, presided over the business period, announc- ing eight vacancies on the Presbyterial ii;xecutive. Mrs. Strickler, supply secretary, -spoke of the bale and was appointed to purchase the noes.. sary items, A proverb was given ,in response to the roll call, tea. were in attendance. •A specials Thank-offering meeting was' planned for October with Mrs. J, Stewart of Molesworth the special speaker Brussels, and. Ethel W. M. S. auxiliaries along with our :livening Auxiliary will be guests, This Meeting will be held on Thursday evening, Oct. 1.7 at 8 o'clock in the church. Mrs. Stuart McNair waS The meeting closed with a hostess for the September Meet- hymn and prayer by the leader., of the Women's Missionary ! Mrs. AleX Steise and Mrs. Mae Society of Knox Presbyterian Engel assisted the hOatess Cpuireh: The leader. Mrs. AleXserving• !until,