HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-09-19, Page 1/body of knowlege, by adopting good work habits. by eultivet- leg right attitudes (to each other to others. and to parents), and ibis 'fielding• on to a belief. Be a eierei of Cod" Mrs. D. r. Matheson thanked Ma. Stewart for his fine address and presented him with a gift froin the Home and Scheel Association. r,T1Prrer , J. (1. and Miss Grace Lamont 'are spending their holidnys With their brother in Portage TA trario and Winnipeg. A, A. ttiiitisIterry Old WM: Hbilifithe Apo LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor MUST, BE SIGNED by the writer to appear in the paper, Your name will not be published and will be held in strictest confidence. Will the writers of the unsigned letters kindly call at the office of The Post and sign their letters so they can be published. next week. • S Dear Sir: ' This letter is an answer to the 'iOn Locker" who is so amused at the people of Bnissels fight, to giye their children artificial, ice and recreational facilities. This person apparently does not like the word progress. According to Webster's diction- ary, progress means intellect- ual or moral improvement and a moving forward in growth. It seems to me Progress is what we are working for in every community in this free country. T believe, if given a. chance and. With proper supervision, these children will show their apprec- intion for your faith in them. A Newcomer • • • Letter to On Looker: What's so amusing about the Arena Fund? There seems to be quite a number of outstanding citizens behind this Project. Are you not one of them. It the bleachers need paint so badly get a couple of gallons of paint and Paint them: ,Plivery commitee needs a helping hand. Which garden ,is yours? Poy! If the Arena Project falls, through and some of the Crussels Citizens get the bootleggers voted back in, no- body will need to worry about a Plate for the kids to go, they will have one, especially the teenagers. Free hand outs, that's a laugh! The cost of living has gone up even for kids. Of course you were never a kid. Country On Looker To The Editor: I found Mr. Oh Lookers letter very interesting and think Es great deal what is said in the letter to 'be cOrreCt. It would, ;indeed the nice to have a skating rink in the Old town but would it? -in a feW years pay for itself or he thrown hack to the teir.' for mere taxes? My miggeetion would be try and get an inditstry Into your town first: supposing only to employ enough work to support 3,0 Or 30' fatuities, then yoitt rink would come easier and. more to enioy it. There no doubt is living ntiarters for MIMS" (60iitintiM .10.0611 H. & S. Association Honors Giaduates Brussels Home and School Association hold their annual Pot-luck supper in honor of the graduation clats of Brussels Public School, in the school-, TOCVM of Melville Presbyterian Church, on ..Wednesday, night. Eighteen graduates, Anne Lowe, Karen PletcheLinda Lowe, Joyce IVrarni Bronson; David Hnether, Donald Budnark, Neil McDonald, Roger Somers,. Robert Smith, Dale 'Meehan, :Kenneth Rutledge, •Gary . Long, Cordon Rutledge, Carl Fllacott, Jean Cardiff, 'Starr Ferguson, Wayne Jeanie were presented with Shaeffer • Pens engraved with Melt. names, Jack MeWhirter, enalrman or the Brussels School Board, pre. sented the "Martin Murray Awa.fdl" for highest, proficiency in Engin, to Cordon Rutledge. . This award is the interest on a, sum of money, given by his family in memory of Martin Murray, London, a Mech. beloved, Principal of Drussel's Continua- tion School, who died suddenly while teaching in Rrusseis, Gordon was vaIdictorian for his class and thanked the Home and School Association for *heir rifts and their teachers for assistance,. Rev. TT. L. .Tennings neesented .Toyce ITuether, a. pupil of Brus- sels Public School, with a .silver Mee for having the 'rriest points 'n competitions at the 1962 ITIrliesels Fall Fair. Mrs. Robert Raymond .Was. mistre.ss of ceremonies for the program and introduced Mr. William, Keele, a new member of the .sta.V. of Brussels Public • School. Rev. W, J. Morrison intro- duced the guest speaker, Rev. Dr, Findley Stewart of Kitch- ener. To the spraduating class he said, "Ton are now becoming a real person and you are acting as you do because you Want ueople to eecognize you. a.s a. real Person. You are heoming nl persOn in an ex,iitileg and' :wonderful (age, So prepare your- self by obtaining a well ordered Further Donations Swell Artificial Ice Fund Mrs. Ethel Huether 'Mrs. Winnifred Edgar Mrs. Ohidlow Bob Davidson Walter Williamson ,Slem -Workman Mrs. Belle Armstrong George Bone Bob Richmond Jim Valiance Ross Wean Hank Naasnoot Elston Ch,rdiff Mrs, Clarence White Bill A•Testrter Joe Smith Jim Marks Ken White :Mervyn Pipe Ed Taylor Howard Smith Tom Leek Jr. Tom Garniss • Spence IScott Ivan -•Campbell.'• - 'Gerald .Gibson Jack White MeTaggart Mrs. Ferguson • Bob • ,Tames Sarah. 'McKinnon Mrs. Jermyn Mike Shrepnick Russ Hall Miss R. V. Kerney Orrie Elliott JaOs IEmhy II Mrs. Adams i May Bronson Miss M. Jaeklin • t Terry Rutledge Brian Rutledge • Willis Knight Wayne Cameron' Mrs. L. Odell George Meneies. • Mrs.• Bakker 3.0e Laurie Cousins 10.00 William Stratychuk 20.00 Mrs. Harvey MeChtcheon„., 5.00 Anonymous 25.00 Anonymous 25.00 Mr, John ITOod 1.09 Mrs. Bert Bray 5.00, Mrs. Ella Kennedy LOD Gilbert Speir 5,110 Ralph Pearson 100.00 Mrs. W. Freekree 2.00 MisS Ella Pearson LOD Mr. Frank ThompSon 10.00 Mrs. Mary Fllacott 2,09 Mrs. Daisy McLean .76 Mr. Edward 'Millard 3.00. Frank R. Smith 50.00 Clare Long 25.00 Mrs. John Evans 5.00 Mrs. Olive Gallaher 6.00 Stanley Wheeler 10.09 Mrs, M. Miller 2.86 Rev, W, A. Willtas 10.09 Miss L. McIntosh 10.09 Howard Bernard. ' 10.00 Mrs. George Elliott 6.06 (Tiff Kernaghan 1.09 Jack MicChteheon 5,00 Rev. H, L. Jennings "" 1.00 Mrs. Boy Thuell ' 10.00 Alex Minn.4 ,' 10.99 . .. 1 MRS. MARY GILL Mrs. William 0111, 81, of Ethel, died Tuesday, in Listowel Memorial Hospital. ' She was the former Mary ,Tane Carnochan and the widow of William Gill. She and her hus- band farmed in the Ethel dis- trict and were the proprietors, of a small store in Ethel before retiring. Mts. Gill is survived by one son, Edward, RJR. Bluevale; ("amoebae. MRS. JOHN MeINT,OSH 'Church. • In January, 1904, she married. John McIntosh at Cranbrook. He predeceased her. Surviving are two sons, Blair McIntosh of Listowel and Mal- com of Brussels; one daughter, Miss Mirtry McIntosh of Listowel end eight grandchildren. One son and one daughter pre- deceased her, The body rested at the Mc- Laughlin and Reed Fitnere4 Home, 2,65 Elizabeth street, Lis- towel, where funeral service was held at 2 P.m. on Wednesday, conducted by Rev. Lloyd G. ,Staipleton. Burial Was cemetery. in the Gratibroek 1-11-T NEWS The first Hi-T dance of the .1554-65 season was held at the school last Friday evening with, an attendance of about fifty- five. The theme of the dance' was "Friday the 13th" and the 'auditoriitim was decorated. with horseshoes and 13's. Prizes were won by ikarni iBronson. Darlene Ma.chnii and Jim 1r7uill. (Lucky Tim won two!) The next dance will he held on October 11th when we will have the latest records with members of the excentive as disc jockeys. altd, it, Is honed, rectird* Att.tve* 1410440 fee Brussels Fall Fair is the place to 'ho next Friday. bet us hope the weather man is kinder than he was last year. All signs point to an excellent fair under the direction of the new president, Robt. Grasby and the directors. Even if there are showers the large newly con- structed outdoor shelter pro- vides adeqnate facilities for the judging of livestock to go on. James Mair, past president of Ontario Association of Agricul- tural Societies will officiate at the opening of the fair at 2 p.m. Robt, Ii, Cunningham will be the master of ceremonies. See the advt, in this issue for further information of interest- ing events. 'Escapes Serious Injury Throivirt 'From Horse Neil McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald, suffered severe bruises and shaking up when he was thrown from his horse when the animal stumbled and fell. The accident occured on the main street shortly after 6 p.m. on Monday. Neil was thrown; from, the horse tinder a parked car. He was taken to Listowel' Hospital for ex-ray. PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss GwendoIyne Martin has returned from M,eaford where she was a swimming instructor. She is attending the University 'of Western Ontario. C ongrat- illations on winning the Domin- ion Provincial Bursary for Uni- versity students and the Leon- ard Foundation Bursary. We are glad to see that Ray Bronson, who was a. patient in Westminster is home again. David Kennedy has returned to Ottawa to resume his studies at Ottawa University. Mrs. W. G. Leach has been in Windser this week attending the Grand Chapter of the Eastern. Star, Mr. Kenneth Pollard left last week for .Guelph, where he re- gistered for the four year course at the 0 Mario Agricultural, College. HIT TO PRESENT PROGRAM AT CRYSTAL PALACE The Brussels 141-T will pre- sent a short Program in the palace on Thursday evening' Sept. 26th at 8.15 in conjnn. Son with the Brussels Fall Fair. NOTICE Any person wishing' to donate one or two pies for the Fall Fair booth on Friday, Sept. 17 wilt he Wtefitlly appreciated, '82.00. A Year In Advance - $2.50 To U.S.A. • • , ............... • • • 6.00 5.00 400 6.00 26.90 • 5.001 2.09 3.00 10.00 20.00 50.00 2,00 100.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 2,00 5.00 20.09 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 400 1.00 2.00' 5.00 1.00 5.00 100.00 Anonymous 100.00 I 'Morrell) Iduether 26.09 'Murray Lowe , 5.00 jack McCutheen, grocer .... 25.00 Additional donations next week. sem one brother, Tames exe ht Listowel, 5.00 Funeral service at 3 pen. Thursday conducted by Rev., A. M. Johnston of Ethel United, 'Church. Burial in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel, 10.00 Mrs. Jean McIntosh, died is 5.00 1 'Listowel on Sunday at the age ' I 2 00 ' of S7 years. 2.00 1 'Born on. March 24th, 1876 in A00 Tuakersmith Township, she was 10.00 a daughter of the late I. and %so Mrs. James Ritchie. She was a 2.00 member of the Listovrel United THE BRUSSELS POST THURSDAY, ,sAin. loth, DOS POST PUBLISHING MOM Come And Bring Your Neighbours To Brussels Fall Fair, Sept 26, 27