HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-09-05, Page 2In Huron-Bruce Riding, Sept. 25 Huron-Bruce Liberal Association The . I YES 1.1.11iU4SDAY, San. Gil, 1963 ATM BilplIBBL8 INT BRUSIK69, OrAttie Huron Blind Among CNIB Campers E.. F. WHEELER CNIE District Field Secretary A chance meeting, a shy in- troduction and romance. These were the three. steps which led to a happy marriage of two blind persons vacationing at the SNIB Lake Joseph adjustment training and holiday centre !or the blind last year. Clara Downey, now i\irb, Al- bert Qty of London, Alec her future husband last summer while on an organized hike. The couple met quite by chance early one morning when Clara's escort companion could not make the activity at the last build man and his partially seeing partner invited her to join them for a stroit. _ - LILL hiniciay proi;ressed, k.:lara and Albert bound that they had many things in com- mon. They enjoyed the out of doors and the same games, and before lung this casual friend- ship suggested a life long part- nership. Air. Guy has been visually handicapped 'since 12 years ui age and her husband has been totally blind since 1.954. Atter their vacation last year the Ot tam man pursued his. eourt- ship and the two of them were married in early, October. They returned .to Unto ,Joseph this year, • Where they are spending a 6(Noad honeymoon, The OMB summer centre de- signed and built especially for the blind celebrated its third anniversary on the 21st of July. its location on Lake Joseph on the Muskoka fringe makes it an ideal holiday centre. The 181/2 - acre sit is a world in itself. Blind persons from Ontario come here to spend a weekend, week or 14 days, Specially selected and trained staff, guide a unique program including such things as paddle boating, swimming, shuffleboard aad hik- ing. More than a mile of rail- guarded nature traits encourage the newly blind to stroll casual- ly with an escort or on their own, along sandy beaches, rocky terrain or through the small forest of evergreens. Even the buildings have been construct- ed to reduce mobility problems. Ten bedroom tuts connected by a central corridor and lianking a large recreation lounge and dining-room, arc individually identified. by raised numbers and hitters readable al: a touch of a linger. Six ut the mute than blind 1,acationers holidaying at MusKoka s Centre tor the build are !run liurou county, LAST STAND OF THE PICTS Ninety islands constitute the Orkneys, just off the Caithness coast of Scotland. Only about one-third are inhabited. Indus- tries are lishing and there is good sheep and cattle pasture. Many of the islands still boast of Pictish towers and other re- mains. it is believed that the Picts controlled the islands un- til their kingdom Was subvert- ed . by Kenneth 11 of Seotiand.t.1 Later, they became Norse, pass- ing eventually to Scotland and the United Kin deli BEST Used Cra BUYS U1960 II/1E7E10K RID EA 500 1960 FORD 1959 CHEV 1959 VOLKSWAGEN 1958 METEOR RIDEAU 1958 FORD FAJRLANE 500 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 1957 CHEV 1957 PONTIAC 1956 PLYMOUTH 1956 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP 1954 'MONARCH RID 0 T 0 tiONE 249 113RUSSELS, ONT. g . BUSINESSMEN ALIKE A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL! that will meet the growing demands of our Economy in this Province for FARMERS LABOUR INDUSTRY and L berg arty hes OLIC V TO PROTECT' YOLIR A ,t)it tiN,L0Liki AZ91.%. A tLPIJIiMpiq.,11.4": \NW Ail/OX LIP 4suety; AlcA 1.0 i:.!ser nomes.f. `W fit more ourreiLs nekt., your boy or giril VViil. outielts Y7Yaste icy Si a.xer driviug:4— /Witt more o,U.i..Aets traise tine 'Iowa a better to Ilia inA :.11.)eilk.. Aati. tjAVIL. kiL ovicitas litittor ciesirciy inure homes, More outlets for ,liquor will encourage more juvenile cleliquency (one of eanada's gravest problems). More outlets for liquor will matte' for more impaired drivers, with more accidents, and it could mean yaw More outlets for liquor make s for more sorrow, hard- , ship and misery. This is an established fact. * * This is a sample ballot. Vote NO on all three questions HOMES AND CHILDREN .)444. si-teueett weiu .driancri hills liquor and everytmng that; goes with 4.11.16,j 1*.encieraber that it you ahow dus vote 'to stip trirougit, more and more Liquor quilets may be openeo and operated waiiout reference to you, the voter. Application to the Liquor Licence Board is all that would then become necessary. -- ATTENTION U you don't vote September 11th, are you prepared to accept the moral responsibility for all, or any, of the broken homes, the impaired driving accidents, drunken hu,bands and fathers, also deliquent teenagers which increased liquor outlets will undoubtedly bring. Vote 'No' to all questions. YOu will feel better and be better. sa atairsaasimittimamimilitailatar . Arc you in favor of the sale of liouor under a dining lounge licenCe for consumption with meals On liCensed Premises? natmeamasastatgammassism Are you in favor of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises? IllifferigNIKEIRKAEfiglin=lli;'.1111(11.111AV YE RNOIMEZ NA Are you in favor of the sale of YES beer only under a public hobse licence for consumption on X licensed premisee to whiCh Women are admitted? !A. IIT.:174..111171-Zatftln5lialrA7.51,1131MMUSIO 4117.§TimuFau—s=7;;P:ags=5:17km!arKi-.2.4a4176:mmit:=70 iNgY.A11.757.r.7,71:1711EIMUMPE.11.111tgiall10111:412MMIN If you have been misled, you still have the opportunity to AVOID REMORSE VOTE "NO" ON SEPT. 11 For cars and information on voting day call 297 The Brussels "Vote No" Committee ...imaefiesualmoduamomsaw • . • 3x..411,