The Brussels Post, 1963-09-05, Page 1.1C2.
• Tee.00 A Year In Advance -
}Itelgt?ave Team. Wins
Playoff $eries
Belgrave won the three out of
live series with. Lucknow in
hree straitght games by winning
5 - 4 and 11 - S in last week's
games, ,
Last Tuesday Pelgrave took 14
innings to defeat .Lucknow team
5 - 4 in Lucknow,
Ivan Dow led the Pelgrave
attack with three bits. [including
a triple. Wayne Gottltes and Tim
Taylor contributed two hits each.
Georlge Cefiki son and Dick
'SteWert got 2 hits each for
100 001 100 100 01
102 000 0011 100 oo 4 e
J (loultes and G. CouRes
G.. Chisholm. and G, Ribey
On Thursday in Brussels,
Belgrave won the eerles by
'defeating Luc:know 11 -
Wayne Coulter with three hits
'Including a home run, and triple,
end Tree Dow with three hits led
the Tiehernve attack. George
Tireetter had two hits and Rob
I-1lee:ins connected for a home
Don Dennis contributed two
hits in the Luoknow cause.
000 000 100
'310 051 file 11 12 3
ti. Cibieholm, P. McDonagli (5)
and G. Tilley
'Coultes and Mt eTelvey
Belgrave will elny the winner
of the series hetween Tees-
-Tenter anti Formosa.
Mrs, R, W. Stephens left on.
Wednesday morning for Halifax
o visit her son Dr. Te. G. and.
• 'Mee. Stephens and the
• grandson, Russel George,
Sept. 371,
Dr; C. Stephens is a pro-
•• feesor ;if Dental Surgery at Dal-
• houeie University at Halifax.
- Mr. and Mrs. .1'. C. Pegelow
.' emelt the holiday week end in
Chcoen Sound and Wiarton.
Word has been received of the
` death in Regina. of Mrs. Carrie
Brandon Horsy.eth in• her 81st
year. She leaves one seneCreddes
with whom she made her home
sine,. the death of leer husband.
Miss Alice SWiteer and Mr,
011(1 !etre, Preee Pie:able or Pre-
teolia. visited last week. with Mr.
itllrt ATM eleeree• 'Evans. Mr. and
Mrs. pill Porrie. and Mr. anti Mrs.
Fyne ,- :leo oileer friends
tee reel el and (7,nnbrool,
Labour Day visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. W.M. Miller of lerey
TowshIp. write Mr. and Mrs ]lose
Schlueter end family, Mr. and
mit, Ray and. family, all
Of. Calf, Mr and • Mrs. Roe White
• end ffinele tif Cleotgetowne Mr.
and nTre4, TAW 'Cooper and
Nnlly nt itippea; Mrf and
Sunday School will re-open on,
Sunday anornieg, Sept. 8th at 10
o'clock Wahl the regular morn-
ing service of Worship at 11 men,
40n Sunday, September 15th
the congregation of Knox Pres-
byterian !Church will hold ale
anniversary service at eleven
o'clock, Guest minister will be
the Rev. J. Stewart. of Moles-
Miss Beverly lilya,ns has gone
to teach at Kitchener, Mrs. Lyle
Cordon and Mr. Harmon. Brod-
hagen will teach in their same
Holiday week-end visitors; in
encl around the village incinded
Wrie Sinclair, Detroit, with Mr.
and Mire. Lynn Tirane, Geolli
(Lenrmonte Teobson. 'Orillift, with:
'err. and Mrs. Bare Dunn and
other acquaintances, Me. and
Mrs. Alien Dunn, Rickey and
Popita, Kliebener, with hie
nn rents. Me. and Mrs. Roes
Sneiran Sasertaw with Mr.
n'i'l -Kee. Fred Sr•ollarrn and
other relatives, Miss Virginia
Stnalldon, Saginaw, Mich., Mr.,
Alex-. Dark, London, and Mrs.,
Tack !Clark and Susan. and,
Stephen, inlyth with Mr. and
Mrs. Mao I:711gal,
Mr. end Mrs. Bob Paris of
Toronto spent the holiday week-
end with 7r. and Mrs. Alex
!Cameron. Mr. Paris Is a brother
of Mrs. Cameron,
Mrs. Donald Cotton has re-
turned home after spending al
few days at Vcromaga,
Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Perri%
'were in Toronto last week and
attended the C.elsTel,
The September meeting Of
the 'Majestic W.I. well] be held
on Sept. 12, at 8.15 in the base
meet. of the Library.
The • Elducation Committed
1mder the conyenership of Mrs,
Wes Kerr has been fortunate to
get as a guest speaker Mrs.
Arthur Hamilton of Atwood. She
will speak on Teducatiori Today.,
Everyone is welcome to come
and bear this fine speaker.
The Home and School Aseoc-
lotion will hold their annual
Pot Luck Supper in !more' of
the students of the graduation
class of Brussels Public School
at Melville Presbyterian Church
ion Wednesday, September, 11th..
!rho guest speaker will he the
they. Dr. midiey Stewart of
Ieitchener. Supper will be served
seven. All interested are
Gerald Miller and ,Ton nee of
tree Ton-Olen. Master Murray
Schlueter returned to his borne
in Witt tiftee enetelfne hie two
months vacation With his atilt
anti lined, Mr. and MrS. Gerald
Tenet el Ore,'
Recreation Ice "Bliti"
Brings ',Good Response
Response to the "Betz" con-
ducted in Brussels, Morris and,
Grey for funds for artificial ice
in Brussels arena met with a.
gratifying response and an
excellent start was made to-
ward raising of the necessary
Following appears a list of the
canvassers and the donations'
they received. A list of contri-
butors and their contributions
Twill' be published each week.
Your generous response to
this appeal will be appreciated
by the BeleleG Recreational
Committee sponsoring the Pro-
Ject and the many who will
enjoy the facilities they are
etriving to provide,
Ken Bray - Canvasser
George Wheeler
.Tack Wheeler
Murray Cardiff
J eo Deitner
Ross Deitnor
Peter Martin
Don Martin
Lawson Ward
Tames Turnbull
D. N, McDonald
Ken Wilke
Rose Stenhenson
l•en Ilene
Ross Smith
Lloyd Wheeler Canvasser
Wm. Van Ness 4.00
Geo. 'Keusch 5.00
Lloyd Keifer 2..00
Fred. 'Keifer 2.00
Den Dunbar 10.00
Tom Miclearlane e.00
Wilfred T-Toy 5.00
Mel Lfemont. .. . .. 2.00
Torn Finch 5.00
Clarence Bishop 2.00
John Armstrong 5,00
Norman Stephenson 1:00
Lloyd Wheeler . 10.00
Wm. Dobson
Sam Sweeney 20.00
Ins. M. 2.00
Graham. Work 0.00
J. M. McDonald - Canvasser
J, M, MeDonald
Lumber ......... .$1,000.00
T. L. leeeDonald 200.00
Iirussels Motors 100.00
Win. Wheeler • 25,00
George Jittzi. 50.0
Mrs. Norman Hoover will
hold a Troitseent Ten,' at her
home, in honour of her
gh t see Ma din. 'on Stitur-
day Scretenther 14th, from 3
to 5 p.m. and 7 to 0 p.m.
leteetide and neiglfbmwd
in7lf0d to'Mtetilk
Harassed mothers breathed
a sigh of relief as the youngst-
ers trooped' back to zehool on 1
Tueeday morning after the long'
summer vacation.
TwelTe tiny tots entered
Kindergarten. Total enrolment
at the Brussels Public School is,
0.70. One new teacher, Mr,
W. Iteele of Carrie. joined the
staff filling the vacancy created.
by the resignation of Mrs, M.
The ' children who
Metier en rem this term are:
T•Wiert Clen Prid5r,
,N•14 . TV. (1.1111111)011
Shn yne, :fa& on tlylc cm an
Fernie Violet. Mellott
Mary 'Alen Knight
Wayn e Alexander Johnston.
Jacqueline Stella IVfeWhirter
Murray Allen Nichol
;Janet Elizabeth Pennon
Ctoleen Marie Raymond
Murray Allen Wheeler
Mary refeebeth. Valiance
Thuell Farm y
Gather Here
.grand children and,
great grand children of ‘fornier
Brussels residents, th e late Mr,
n.nd Mrs. R. J. Thuell (nee
Mande Sinclair) who loft Brits-
eels for Palinersteri in 1927.
emoyed a fan:04y gathering at
the park here in. their old home
town on Sunday afternoon,
Tollowed by a. chicken supper at
the Queen's Hotel.
Mr. operated custom
threshing machines in, the
Brussels aree as a young Mete
later e steam powered chopping
mill near the river. This mill he,
equipped with nil electrical
generator and supplied. Brits.-
eels with its first electricity, a,
‘e20 wilt direct current Vetere
for' and street
qighting, and the firSt movie
bels e in. Brussels. Power was
off at neidnight unleSS a, dance
or house party Was in progress,
when for $5.00 an hour Mr.
Thuell would keep steam up
until the party was over or
fends gave out.
The immediate members of
the Thuell family are re-
Membered by many here. They
are: Mrs, Wm. (Bernice)
'Lomeli of Detroit] Mrs. Chaff.
TIntri; th.s. & I
Mu r e ar
r.tbin cIrrof•
(lrreclal Carr of ralm ors ton
Clov yne (Pont). '11 i pley; tn:ttin
(Luck) of S irn.1 COM: 'Kenneth
(,Tieng) and Meriden (Tilde
both of raltrtereton,
P-101-e,rp Arena Fund
Tits followine is a list of fnrther
deentiehs for the Relgrave Arene
nr•tinfoq Ralrein?, Clinton .... 20.06
7‘reMlnalrl 171eCtrie.
Ilenn 71 rLumber Co.
TelleZn or .... 25.0(e
pressels ...... „,•. 50.00
fir. W. A. McKtbbon.
Wingham 25.00
Harold Sackson, Seaforth 10.00
A le.Tandra Hardware,
Wingharo 25,019
Belgrave Orange Lodge 30. 00
Howard Machan Hardware
17crin,gharn .21.12
Queens Hotel, Wit-10mm 25.00
l'ni t urch Women,
The Finance Committee would,
like to thank nil those contri-
before and ask those persons
with nledgeS to honor them as
geoll a:: convenient.
The annual family picnic of
Richard Alcook was held at the
home of. Mr. and Mrs. CAarles
,S!orefe on August 25th.
The afternoon was enjoyed by
all. Entertainment consisted of
felines and. races. Prizes were
A beautifully decorated cake
brought by Mrs. George
'rieneon to celebrate' Me, Rich-
ard. Aenoeles 70th birthday.
'Everyone helped thelmselveet
to n. cold salad elate along with
cakes, pies, tarts and othee •
) A very close ball game was
enjoyed iin th-, evening when the
Me tried Men defeated the"le men by a score of 21 - IS. •
eeriOnds and relatives were
r viTsent from Sarnia, dederleh.
(triton, Tendon. tomc.)ka.„
TIttteefield, Ethel, Intoherior i
FAtrittford, 11T.ltchell, Brussels an/ atgA,t,
$2,50 To U.S.A.
. *
Large Enrolment At
?take 'SChool Here
Forget To Vote On The
Liquor Plebiscite On Sept, 11th
On. ;Wednesday, September
11th the residents of Brasmele
are asked to go to the polls to
vote on a. liquor plebiscite'
Whatever your attitude on the
Matter, everyone 01101ble to
not,. on the question has a duty
iii exercise their right to
cypress their desire on a bsllot.
TI, hag been =reties; how little
excitement has been in evidence
luere over the plebiscit e, compar-
ed to that g•Pnerated by the same
nrrti ons in neighbouring towns
anti villages, We hop,. that the
apparent lack of interact will
not he sho w a on yotinz day.
If you are In neee et tram+.
eteenhon to the poll consult the
a ds. elsewhere in this issee foe
a P`,r at yollr Service.