The Brussels Post, 1963-08-29, Page 1ire
• - . • •
13RIISSELS POSI."PilUieSDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1963 BOSE PUBLISHING HOUSE 12.00 A Year In Advance — $2.50 To U.S.A.
Increase in Exhibitors and Entries At
Annual Horticultural Flower Show
Mks. it Artooberry or Dover,
USA has been visiting with her
marente Mr, and Mrs. W. 0.. Leach,
this, week.
• • '
Mrs, Harold Thomas came
home Tuesday from a London
hospital where she underwent
major surgery.
* *
Mrs. Norman Anticknap, At-
wood and Mrs. Herbert Mtiller,,
Jeeepeler, were recent visitoi's
with Mrs. G. Chidlove.
* •
Mr. Robert Habkirk, Ingersol,
returned home Snnday having
spent the summer with his grand-
parents, 114r. and Mrs. Wilbur
• * *
1Veiss Dianne Lawless; Burling-
ton, Sack iJabltirlt, Tngersoll and
11larlene 'Turnbull of Seaforth
lave been holidaying- with their
grandparents Mr, and Mrs,
Wilbur Turnbull.
• * •
Miss Laura Lucas left this,
week to motor to Pickle Greer,
Ont., to resume, her teaching
position .th ere.
Mess Jean Smith, Walkerton,
eves holidaying at home with her
;parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Smith, last week.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. .;amen Male
-returned hOme last week from
month vacation In irrobisher,
ta,slcatchewan. They spent a;
!happy - holiday there with her'
-sister. Mrs. Jessie Brandon, with
whom they had not visited for
tr,l,elee years. '
re i
The regular morning service
In Tenor Church wilt be held on
Slinday, Sept. 1, at 11 am.
Me. and Mrs. L. G. Nelson and
leen-illy have been holidaying at
Sault St. Marie and othet points.
Mrs, Stuart Evans Is on hell-
,days this week, visiting eVith
friends in MieKillop Township,
Irkeitiik and -Goderich. Miss
Thrense is clerking in
Smith's General Store,
Mrs. Alex McDougall. sons
Clark and Donald end Mrs.
STeMengall or ,St. Thoeme visited
on Sundae- at the home of. Illy.
.1)14 Mrs:. lie n 7111 crol. Visit-
Art; i71c1trAna 1TI., 11 /1. Wrrq, :nab
r1:7Y+ririfnr Anne
eee AT; 17 0.f ql or, 'Affif nh 011,
try, rirret .' :rfrtA rpvg. Mr. en
irnorf Ill and Mr, rind
'Mee, Mile; nn 7:rackerell bite!,
Large Barns
Destroyed By Fire
A lerge barn on the farm, of
Earl Sellere, 3rd, concession of
Morris. Township, was destroyed
by fire on Tuesday evening, The
structure, 4060 with another
4.0x62 section was valued at
several thousand dollars. Also
lost in the fire was the season's
crop of hay, grain, and straw, also
'a number of pigs, Loss, was
partially covered by insurance,
The 'gingham, fire brigade and
the Morris Township pumper
prevented tbe loSs of a near by
shed and oneetv house.
Mr. Sellere was just completing
threshing operations when the
fire broke out,
reunion of the Henry and.
IVrary Wesenherg family was
held, recently in Brodtagen Com-
munity Hall. 92 members of the
family were ;present.
Various contests, for which
mine wore awarded, games, and
community singing were enjoyed.
Election of 1964 officers. were
as follows:
George Wesenberg President
Donald Ahrens, Hamilton „,. See,
Madalon and 13ruce IVfafiann,
Niagara, and Laureen and
Tack Severer, West Mont-
rose „,..„. Sports J'e Program
nue moment of silence was
held in memory of these passed.
,11 11,74(1 m.
'Henry Wesenberg Wee horn in
township 100 years ago
and his wife 96 .yeaes ego. There
are over 120 direct and inter-
Monied descendants, ee."'
POSTAL seRvict •
' Monday September 2nd, Labour
Day, Post 'Mice lobby hours will
be S a.,7n. to 6 pm. Wielcet, hours
for mail only 12.10 p.m. to :2. p.m.
There will he no rural delivery.
One mail will be received at
1. pm. •
Two mail despatches, 1 p.m. to
W111010/1 and Tiiinevele, 3 p.m.
to all other points.
Itirewnie Leaders and Helpers
and Guide Helpers are urgently
needed. Will anyone interested
in this work kindly contact Mrs.
Wm. T.<ellingten.
end Mrs. Claire Long and. Garry,
tressele, Mr. and Mrs. in,64
Nenalldon, Mr. and leers. Ken
reel, Larry, a.nd ShIrley and Mr.
Mrs. Wm. Mint Hitchener and
'M. and Mrs. flordon :iring91 9%14,
Pre-Nuptial Events
Honour Bride_Elect
Choir Honors Member
The Brussels United Church
choir spent a very pleasant
afternoon, on, Sunday, on the lawn
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 7vIne,
.Stephenson in honor of IVkiss
Marian Hoover,
Miss Luella Mitchel)l conducted
a few .contests. A dainty lunch
was served by the sodal crnl-
Mittee after 'which Mr. Cecil
ateradden. made a brief speech-
of appreciation Marian and.
presented her with a Hymnal"'
en behalf of the choir, •
,Mrs. Stephenson filarial the
guitar and leke. Sellwyn 13aker the
mouth organ ended the evening:
by enterta ining with music
which cv..rvorf. An'invp.(1,
Honored eV Neighbours
And Friends
A pre-nuptial shower was held
at the home of Mrs. Douglas
HeeningwaV for Miss 1V2arlan
Porty neighbours 'end friends
enjoyed a very pleasant evening:
,IVIes. Jim Anastrong Jr., read an
address expressing good wishes
to the bride-to-be, after which
she *as presented with miacel-
lanediis gifts. IViariari replied
thanking the group for their
kindness to her.
Those assisting the hostess.
'were Mrs, Jim Armstrong Jr.,
,Mrs. Carl Hemingway and
Mgs. Peter HeMingivaer.
A former resident of Brussels
Albert L. Buller, 47, of London,
died Saturday at Victoria Hos-
Surviving are his wife, the'
former Edna, Perguson; two
dote„ titers, Mary Maegnret and
Att.' mime one son. Brian, ell at,
home; _his mother, Mire. With.
Huller, Ilidgetown: and two
brothers Earl of 'Windsor and
Clare of T3idgetown.
The funeral service was held
-at St. Barnabas Anglican Chureb.
London, on Tuesday at 2 p.m.
with burial in Mount pleasant
Thanks, very much, everyone,
who re/limbered me in any way,
during, my Illness, •
Leonard Mach e.n:
it would like to take this
opportimity to thank all you,
people who have shown me such ,
kindness. courtesy. and cansider-
etion While I was yqqr paper boy, i
1 sincerely hope thet yen wily
freat my successor. (free' *risen,
In the Mime 'kindly WO.
PP111. MetitO
Murray Gaunt Chosen
Liberal Standard Bearer
For Huron-Bruce Riding
Murray Gaunt, 0,8, the young
est member of the Ontario legis.
lature after his election last
year; *ad nominated in Wing-
' ham on Monday night to ,again
contest the Huron-Bruce riding
in. the corning provincial election.
campaign will be a repeat
of last year's e .bYelection when,
IIIi' dettet ran against Pro.
.gressive Conservathe candidate
George MicCutcheott. Mr. Mcl
'Cutcheon. has already been nom-
inated to contest the seat for
the PC's this year.
The littron-11ruce riding went
to the Liberals last year' for the
first time since 1943. by 71,61 vote
Mr, Gaunt was a. unanimous.
choice as a candidate nv about
10P persons attending the nom-
illation Meeting in the Winghtene.
Tonin Hall, George Telex. of
BelmOre, nresident of the Truron-
ranee Liberal Anseelation.- was,
chairman of the meeting:
Speaking at Monday night's
meeting Were Robert. Nixon,
Liberal MiPP for Brant, and.
'Farquhar Oliver, Liberal memb-
er for Grey-South. ,
• Mr, I/Ties was returned as
president of the association and
H. 'Edigbeffer, of Win ,ham, ,is
the new vice-president.
The Maydell 8hoppe has, been
leirehaeed by Me, mind Mrs. A.
Mrs. Mae Teryane and 'dell
Witsoe desire to thank all our
ettetomere for the happy bes-
iness associations IV() enjoyed,
It is our wien. that Mle and Mrs.
Woods wilt pithy year entelleued
zee tee/Mt:fp,
The Brussels Horticultural
Society sponsored a splendid
annual Flower Show Friday
afternoon and Saturday afternoon;
and evening, Aug. 22rd and 24th.
An increase of 4 exhibitors and,
43 entries over last year, making
it total of 28 exhibitors and 191
moles, SOMe of the special
arrangements drew very favour-
able comments from the Judges
tram Ludlam*.
Vilusic was provided through-
omit the entire show by Misses
Pauline and "Venue 1154aCuteheon,
Mrs. Wes Item Miss Ann old-
field, Mrs. Oldfield and Mtc.s.
Jutzi. Mrs, Wes Kerr gave Out
the tickets for the door prizes
end also looked after the
Guest Book, 127 signing. After,
'viewing the flowers guestsi
were invited to the tea room
where the table was set with an
antique lace cloth and an antique
him tee, service. The table 'centre
was of white gladiola. and dahlias
baclted with woods fern.,
Pouring tea were Mrs. Harold
Sceir. Mn.S. S. Baker and Mrs.
Feedes. Serving' were Mrs. Jas.
Mahe Mrs, Geo, Wheeler, Mrs.
,lag, Armstrong, Mrs. Den Dunbar,
Mrs. Isabel Adams and Miss Jessie
min, 4ritchen helpers were Mrs.
Bali, Mrs. Gudmore, mos. Steph-
ens. Mrs. Davis, Mrs, Gemmel,
Pre. ,Shaev, Mrs. Love and Mrs.
The executive committee , wish
to thank -all -who helped in any
"way to make the flower show P;
S1'0 00.5451. number of new mem,
hers joined and the. men folk are
thanked for taking part In
milking. and winning, some
:lovely arrangements. Tiabb and;
everyone is welcomed to the
meetings held hi the library
every other month, next meeting
Sept. so come to the aneeting
and learn more about flowers.
One is nearer God's heart in a
garden num anywhere else on
A complete list of the prize
winners can he seen on an in-
side Page-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman S.
J-Toever wish to announce the, •
engagement of their elder
daughter Marian Isobel. to Mr.
Donald !Stewart Eadie. son of Mr.
and Mrs. 'David Emile RA, .2...
el, Ontario,
4 * •
Mks, Elizabeth Elliott of
London IS staying with Mee Elia
Tart isisrririgo will in place
Ptim-ifir. September 21st, 1963.
In ,Tirneeele relied Clulrali,