HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-08-01, Page 6•• ••-•.•r• kusv-mt JAW YS itibZ belair eyibutier rued() CH LIMITED 'TM Most Value For the Farmer's Dollar" Call 19 Brussels "'". it,".• ••••••,.. • •••.• Cinder 4:11,11ittifiNYI I ft11,!t1-1,! 35"t1 =313t0444q:..*". 0)04 i1fot404)v 1960 ilVAeteor 1~i~iE let 1960 food et cy,lincle.- radio L Meteor p cylinder L95k4 Meteor Ridean 500 b 19;51 radio' 1956 Cheir. 1966 Olds Hardtop Other Older Models T Cu'oos From McGAVIN REUNION The :\I.;?Gavin reunion was held Sunday at Lions Park with 50 attending the festivities. The picnic was in charge of president Neil McGavin; secre- tary-treasurer Mrs. Neil McGav- in; the lunch committee of Mrs. A. Dennis, Mrs. G. Kerr and Mrs. M. Leeming, and the sports committee made up of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Youngblutt, Bill Dinsmore McGavin and Janet Turnbull. 0Mcers elected for next year include: Everett Storey, of Dub- lin, president; secretary-treas- urer, Jack Turnbull. of Sea- forth; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Legg; lunch committee, Mrs. J. Clark. Mrs. Bill Turnbull and Mrs, J. Leem- ing. Results of the sports activi- ties are: Children under six; Carl Bolton; boys, six to 10, John Leeming; girls, six to 10, Evelyn Storey; girls under 12, Christine Turnbull; married men's bai..kward race, John Me- Gavin; ladies walking race, Mrs. John McGavin; guessing Gordon's weight, Wilbur Turn- bull: oldest person present, Mrs, Sophia Kerr; youngest person, Paula Youngblutt, Woodstock; persons coming longest die- lance, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hab- kirk, Ingersoll; couple married longest, Mr. and Mrs. Thothas Legg, Goderich; couple Most recently married, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Youngblutt, Woodstock; couple to be married, Marion Turnbull arid Ron Uhler. Friends and relatives were present from Ingersoll, Wood- stock, Owen Sound, Goderich; Brussels, Walton and Seaforth, Huron Ladies Name Delegates At the July meeting of Hur- on County Ladies' Auxiliary, held Monday afternoon in the craftroom at Huronview, Clin- ton, Mrs, W. C. Bennett, cor- responding secretary, reported a loudspeaker had been install- ed in the chapel of the home, This was a gift to Huronview from the auxiliary. Delegates from ?heron AuX- iliary named to attend the Con- vention are. Mrs. Mary Mellis, craft instructress,; Mrs. Fred ThoMpson, past president, and. Mrs, Harvey Johnston. Mrs. Mellis reported many articles have been made by the residents since the close of the auxiliary year, such as qtiilts, Mats and several smaller items, Mr, and Mrs. Johnston re- ported they had Made for the residents five entries in the class for exhibitors from Homes for the Aged at Toronto Na- tional Exhibition, WINTHROP YPU The Winthrop Voting:, PeciPle Were hostess to the London Young People at Winthrop Park. A ball game was played and L,Onden team were the win- ners. Everyone went to the— church for hot-dogs, then back to the park to wet on the two wagons for a hay ride. There were 10 members from each group present, and drivers were Wayne Dolmage and Ron Lit- tle. After the hay ride, Win- throp girls served cake and ice cream FQ111 §ALE, Sawdust .Burners, phone 33 lVi SAL.c. 1952 Austin ..in very good' condition 2721V Brussels FOti, bALE. Uhpper Uunwine PTU, in gsJoct conditien, tulau Searle, Walton, Phone Brussels 36834 • new other used part. .71.i.11. Binder Ne.'1. ltae I:Lel/sten &hone 228N5 STOP WOliRYINCI ABOUT DEBTS --• Pay them. by giving itawleigh, Service in established routes.. iusy to start. No money required.. Write Iltwleigh's Dept. I-1452-815; 1005 ltic zclieu, Montreal. AUCTION SALE For the Estate of Miss Bye McCracken in. the Viilane of SATuliAY, AUUU4L'1: 3rd 1.30 ....c..enen Sec yr .1.1,11.GaLitat, imeturie b Love eStingmiuse' itei,rigerator n.leutiela.l. vacua= cleaner with atmenineuts • ,.Liectric Pluor i?olisher ta brush) .Auttinuitic Aushing Machine 41,..1ectric Vvlasumg /linne t, ivuom Skate, table and Ii claire piece ,uhestoertielo. Suite Lail Back 44 :ITee Cuost of Drawerii Seta Btittet 2 Reciting Chairs Sideboard tlrioutal itug 0 x.8% with pad bluer Lassos Bedroom Law 2 Dresser Lambs BoolicaSe Raymond Sewing' Machine 3 Card '.c.ables .Gateles Vahle piece Bedroora Suite, with )mattress and Springs Continental Bed with springs aud, mattress 2 .13eds with ,sprinks igc :Mattress 4 Dvessere with :Wash .Stands Sets Bedrdord Dishes Bedding, isillOwa Blankets 2 'Wardrobes Large Mirror 2 Clocks '''Kitchen stool Oval Mirror 2 Sets °Whales 14 Ironing Board lslturiber of Odd Chairs "\ Olotlies Hamper C.Ibthes Horse Wash Tubs and S tand Pictures Step Ladder Curtains and Reels Linerte ElecArio Four Silverware Lawn Mower Coal Oil Lamps Other Articles 'Ai Nuraerou 1.0 Mention • No Reserve Tering !Cash 3% Sakes Tax In Effect George Neiebitt Auctioneer Allen McCall --- rOceoutor /2 (11.1c. •• !LIU LUC: t.1 VI Kell.dic, 04. c•L•I....• s.at 172-'4I.Oruy 1.11 ciar.q.je 00 4.i gnu wood Turnace, 4-piece 41 ,,00 0 th roughout, Built-in-cupboaro.), pressure system, hydro, Steel , driving Shed, large barn. Farm can be bought with or without crop. Immediate Gale to settle estate, Mrs. Aileen Chapman, Phone Brussels 338W6 SOCCER NOTES (By Barry Currie) lee games uicU i_nixraim and Ua1e..111- eau la the past two weeks were riot reported due to the suet teat these severe defeats, no matter what the circumstances,, would destroy any support which had been previously built up. w 1115 ieasuaing, setnueu a very gaud trewu the game between Bi'tisseis seen .Liodench. Tills gi.U11Q Lariiiieg excitement for all who a Ltutolod. ..1,.ccdst.li, guinea a loud anumly tee first eau wileu Carmali. pou,nuod a long snot into tee Goderich nut, was the only score in too first calf. Burly in the second half Ooderich came back to tie the game. This score held steady until Wayne Lowe edged .11, pass from Carman :nuclum over the goal line. Goderich. would lie, oc held, down as they scored the tying goal in the dying minute of the game. Tho Lima score Was a two ?all tie. This kind of game given the spectatore real enjo3rment. FOR SALE Good instil b..ok hOwle iia Brussels with complete bath, cupboards and full seller,' good terms. Good 13/5 storey house 'with 3 piece bath and basement Good 176 acre farin With gOod buildings in Brussels area. For listings on all properties see Elmer Ellacott representing B. W. .Colattlieutt, Broker at Clinton, 1.144 0 0 kt hlk k.1UKI AW1 • Ili(ahOry ti Lle4r 1)ad ill 11 ;4,rua11i —OW. AU' 1;,!J Wth.; a way aim 7C „ 1364 'it itUru W.LoUU. OA. ' yvIl more U,I.•Cla Clay UA: ULO 1 116. Weat(ulO LO WI ,• ‘',',1LLLU you were tattled away. UU YOU, who have a lather, him '.1'11.1.1. care. h. never lillUW the heartache in, you 600 the vaeort chair. .L.oviLL61y.relnembereni and never by his. faiuily.• Lieigrave Splits iLast Week's G.nies neigraNc, 5iLLL too 8antes Payed SUSI, WoCIli lUS111,6, 0-0 'GO L.Mutun. Laid \Yawing LtheatilONV. vn \‘' edheSday, July 211301- grave journeyed to tiiieton cud 11 ere defeated by the home town team c-u. L. Powell with 2 doubles and .0.. 1.41verfuore's ganie.Win- lung home-rune were the key Wovb s tar the Ca' inton team. Ivan Dow, array ShielI, Jim Coultes and Bob ,tiliggins each contributed 2, hits apiece to the heigrave Belgrave ale 2U0 000 9 3 Clinton 040 000 20X 6 7 2 J. Coultes and G. Coultes Last Saturday night Beigrave now 4-3. 10 inningS to defeat Luck- 6w 13elgrave scored the winning rue, when, with the bases loaded, an infield error allowed the fotittn. run to score. George Procter with three hits and Wayne CoUltes and Jim Cohltes with 2 hits ailece paced the 13elgrave team to a victor/ Jim Coultas connected for a home rein. G. Chisholm. and L. G011inscat led the Lucknow attack Null a hits Lucknow 010 010 100 6 d 11 4 Be Brave 002 010 000 1 4 7 1. G. Chisholm and L. Robnk Coultas and M. MielTeY The Belgrave team with 1.5 wins and 3 lesset leads the league. our Farm eauquariers Get our — Baler wine and 'Binder Twine brantrord iviapie Leaf baler 1->rantiord Gold Leah iSiacier at 1-'1opu1ar jerices 1..-an Supply You With C. 1. L. r tATILIZER for .1-our Grass and il'astuure Can be delivered bulk and spread right on your fields Also a full line of Howard's Insect and Stock Sprays When in need of feed think -of TOPNOTCH. It is roacie iresii daily to assure you ID; Fresh Feed It is designed to give you Most Value For Your Money SOKESKI= i'''‘,114 NO — A watch, owner may nave same, by ideutif.ymg it and paying expenses. apply to Pred Setting ,••••••••••••••• •A. uumlior of collie Pups, weeks old Buchanan, - Phone 6eaferth 860r4 & cylinder autoiriettie radia cylaider dttietriatli: IN