HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1963-08-01, Page 4trArz,szzar 77- .470
°Mu Moat Value For the Farmer's Dollar"
Call a 99 Brussels
Osed. iasiilr ►OYS
Lnev. v.yrk..“.(er radio
Meteor Eticicad
a cylinder automatic radix
ibbi.) Ford ti
Alc:teor cylinder
Rideau 6t.10 ti cyluaner att..oalatic rivzi
1967 Chev. radio
1956 Olds H. ardtoP
Get Your --- crier Twine and Linder wine
.0,rariLLard Maple Leaf baler
rranti:ora Gold 1.,eai binder
at L'opular ierices
uppiy OU With '
Sri'or i" our Grass and Pasture
Can Oe uetivered bulk and spread,
right on your fields
Also a full -line of
Howard's Insect and Stock Sprays
When in need of feed thinlc -of
It is made fresh daily to assure you
of Fresh Feed
It is designed to give you
Most Value For Your Money
1, rotig684.4 etgiT i-14VOnfaitir
We ‘.;an
ourN #rm fteFdquarters
FOR, sALe.. —
Clipper Uetub.fte. PTA', iii good
condition. Allan Searle,
Walton, Phone Brussels 3b.S.14
Puri bALL -
-A number of Collie Pups,
weeks old bred Buchsinan
Phone Seaiorth 86011
1;152 Austin -in very good
condition Thane Brussels
'DUNI.) —
A watch, owner may nave same
by identifying it anti paying •
expenses. apply to .1•`red SuaIu5
Phone §...4
OXiter Older Motiele
tzryt.:0.17.n tyr
`The McGavin reunion Was
held Sunday at Lions Park with
50 attending the festivities.
The picnic was in charge of
president Neil McGavin, secre-
tary-treasurer Mrs. Neil McGav-
in; the lunch committee of Mrs.
A. Dennis, Mrs. G. Kerr and
Mrs. M. Learning, and the
sports committee made up of
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Youngblutt,
Bill Dinsmore, Bill McGavin
and Janet Turribtill.
Ogieers elected for next year
include; Everett Storey, of Dub -
lin. president; secretary-treas-
urer. Jack Turnbull, of Sea-
forth: sports committee, Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce McLean, Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Leg,'2.; lunch
committee, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs.
.Bill, Turnbull and Mrs. 7. Learn-
Results of the sports activi-
ties are: Childun under six,
Carl Bolton; boy,:. six to 10,
• John Leerning: six to 10.
Evelyn Storey: under 12,
Christine Turnbull; married
men's backward race, John Mc-
Gavin: ladies 1.,•hiking race.
Mrs. John McGavin; guessing
Gorrion' weight. Wilbur Turn-
bull; olde•it pen-on present. Mrs.
Sophia Kerr; youngest person,
Paula Youngblutt, Woodstoelt;
persons comma longest. dis-
tance, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hab-
kirk. Ingersoll; couple married
longest. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Legg. Goderich; couple most
recently married. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Youngblutt. 'Woodstock;
couple to be married, Marion
Turnbull and R.on Uhler.
• Friends and relatives were
present from Ingersoll, Wood-
stock, Owen Sound. Goderich,
Brussels, Walton and Seaforth.
Huron Lodes
Notre Delegates
At the July meeting of Hur-
on County Ladies' Auxiliary,
held Monday afternoon in the
craftroom at Huronview
ton, Mrs. W. C. Bennett, cor-
responding secretary, reported
a loudspeaker had been install-
ed in the chapel of the home.
This was a gift to Huronview
from the auxiliary.
Delegates from Huron Aug.'
iliary named to attend, the con-
vention are Mrs. Mary Mellis„
craft instructress; Mrs. Fred
Thompson, past president, and
Mrs. Harvey Johnston.
Mrs. Meths reported many
articles have been made by the
residents' since the close of the
auxiliary year, such as quilts,
mats and. several smaller items.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston re-
ported they had made for the ,
residents five entries in the
class for exhibitors from Homes
for the Aged at Toronto Na-
tional EXhibition.
The Winthrop Young People
Were hostess to the London
Young People at Winthrop
Park. A ball game was played
and London team v,,ere the win-
ners. Everyone went to the
church for hot-dogs, then back
to the park to wet on the two
wagons for a hay ride, There
were 10 members from each
roup present, and drivers were
Wayne Dolmage and Ron Lit-
tle, After the hay ride; Win.
throp girls served cake and
ice crearn.
For the Estate of
Miss Eva McCracken
in toe vinage or 13/:iise1s
SAT u EtkY A U CW67 srd
1..30 p.m.
JA.11.Y41.1Q11 bet
.tlit'S14(.14by ••L/I1.1".e.Qr ,V.i.WC
S estnignonse' Refrigerator
.t.,,rectrums, vaccuini Cleaner wiLll
ieetixc viver Yonsner . k3 'brush)
Automatic Vira.ghtrtz. Machine
-ieccrie W.asuing inachine
11./autie Ituum butte, table and Ii
I elf ,airia
1 :4 piece 'Chesterfield Suite
Mali itack *tall
Cifest or Drawerg Sots;
Ballet is Rocking; Chairs
Sideboard, Oriental BAITS 9 x3%.
with pad
kloor Lamas
is Bedroom Lanais
2 Dresser Lamps .2ookcase
:Raymond Sewing- Machine
2 Card 'rabies .t.iat(r.leg Table
4 piece Bedroom. Suite, with.
linattress and springs
Continental Bed. with springs
am/ mattress
2 Beds with sprinks &. ;mattress
4 1)ressers with wash Stands
2 Sets Bedroom. Dishes,
Bedding, Pillows Dias ulfete
2 Wardrobes Large ii iirror
Oval Mirror 2 Sets of.1 Males
2 Clocks Kitchen. St ool.
Ironing Board of
Odd Chairs
PIUS& ber
Clothes ilantner 011othes, .Horse
Wash Tubs and Stand
Curtains and ROdeSt4
Linents tieetrio Van
Ira 24 "er Cpal Oil Larcips
Other Articles Teo Numercrus to
No Reserve 'Terms Cash
3% Sales Tax In Effect:
George Nesbitt Auctlo! leer
Mien McCall— !Executor ,
russe is, iuU ch.reb
I %.,./
dr IL::.
Y.."YY afiCA WQOu r urnace, 4-piece
t.,c41.1), liaf nay•Uw.i
throughout. Be nt-in•cupboare ,,,
pressure system, nyaro, steel:
etrwing -Oleo, large barn. Farm
can be bought With or Without
crop. Immediate sale to settle
Mrs. Aileen Chapman,
Phone Brussels 3:38W6
IBy Barry Currie)
jittletlb L71.L C 131 Lirop.
see 1.1..Y e,eiutrana ULM at. Cumin-
Can in use past two wiselis were
not reported due to me tact
teat these severe defeats, no
matter what the cireninFitancea,
would destroy any support which,
had been previously built up.
,I:eas0140.6 su•nrnuu
Waal. W I t.:TY 50(,1ll cttit-11.1(4
me game oetween .oi•asseis anti,
derica,. This game provided
tanning, excitement tor 411 Who
tatend,ed., ti
prusseis gamed a Lea iniawaY
the urst nail winni Carman
ban pounded a sang shot into
the Goderich net. This was the
dally score in the first had. Early
in the second nail uoderich carne
back to tic the game. '1'his score
held steady until 'Wayne Lowe rr edged a pass from Carman
arachati, over the goal lite,
-GOderich would not- he held
down as, tney -scored the tying
goal .in the dying minute of the
gable, The final score was a two
nil tie, ,This. kind, of game givea
the sPeetaters real enjoyment.
Good insul hOuse in.
13russels with complete bath,
cupboards and full seller, good
Good 11/2 StOrey hthise with 3 pieta
bath and basement.
Cood 175 acre farm with geed
buildings in Brassels area.
For listings on all properties see
Elmer Ellatott representing it. W.
C.,olgultoun, BrOket at Clinton. t
• • lb .c.;ving bieuury
a ueie „inn grautnatber,
\'; u:: L ass( ii
away cue _August:
•11.11, 1262,
1L t,, .vluavitly LIA3 1\1L11,,LC,
1,11..s inure ,.tell day
file is nut. Gat; saint; LU US,
outeu yu a •NUA.: ealiCU away.
au you who nave a ;earner,
_uu u never avow the heartache
yuu see the vacant chair.
LtAnagly remembered and neVer.
I Si b,.• ins family.
'f..ieigria.ve Splits
Last Week's (latnes
.13e1;;Ii.L\ Q. split Wu IAN U t:•.4.1ura
ayea kr l L
Win Lull and Winn t06 .' against,
on eduesday,, July 2413e1-
g-rave journeyed to Olinteu and
were defeated by the home town
team 6.•5. L. Powell with 2 doubles
anu 11. Livermore's goalie-win,
rang home-rum' were the key'
eYUNN 5 tor the Clinton. Wain.
Ivan 1.)ow, .aikurray Shield, Jiui
Coultes and Bob Iliiggins each.
contributed hits apiece to the
.t.iing,rave effort&
010 200 000 5
040 000 20X 6 7 2
J. "°unites and. G. Coulter,
Last Saturday night Belgrave
took 10 innings to defeat Luck-
now 4-3.
BeIg-rave scored the winning
run, when, with the bases loaded,
an intlelci error allowed the fourth
run to score.
George Procter with three hits
and Wayne .Coultes and Jita
Coultes with 2 hits apiece paced
the Belgrave team to it victory
Sim Coultes Connected 'tor a
home run,
Cty Chisholm and I.. 06/1ine0ii
led the Lucknow
hits apiece.
010 010 100
002 010 000 1 4 7 1
G. Chisholm Ai* L. RObeY
t. iColi.ltes Land 11L 13eilvei
The Belgrave teats with 16
:wine end 3 leases letde the
I It. Hander new othe.r
used parts off .111-H Binder No.1'.
:tae Houston /Phone ',;S'NN'5
Pity them by giving itawleiga
Service in established routes.
Easy to start. No money required.
Write Itawleigh's Dept. H-I52-515
-10u5 Richelieu, Montreal.
A '2,4S